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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'intensification en anglais : entre grammatical et lexical / Intensification in English : between grammar and lexis

Bordet, Lucile 14 November 2014 (has links)
L’expression de l’« intensification » en anglais a peu été abordée par la communauté linguistique. Les études qui ont été menées se limitent aux adverbes intensifieurs et classent ces derniers parmi les procédés morphosyntaxiques. Il semble toutefois que les adverbes intensifieurs se situent à l’interface du lexical et du grammatical et sont soumis à un renouvellement constant. Ce travail se propose dans un premier temps d’établir une nouvelle typologie des procédés d’intensification en tenant compte des zones de chevauchement qui existent entre les divers procédés. Dans un second temps, le cas particulier des adverbes intensifieurs est abordé à l’aune de la grammaticalisation et de la lexicalisation. Finalement, ce travail conclut par une étude de l’évolution diachronique des adverbes intensifieurs afin de mettre au jour les mécanismes du processus de renouvellement langagier. / The expression of intensification has hardly been tackled by the linguistic community over the years. The research that has been conducted so far is usually restricted to intensifying adverbs, which are generally considered as morphosyntactic processes. Intensifying adverbs, also referred to as “intensifiers”, are submitted to constant renewal. However, intensifiers appear to be at the junction of grammar and lexis. First, a new typology of the processes used to express intensification will be put forward. The fact that the various processes often overlap will be taken into account. The specific case of intensifiers will then be dealt with in the light of grammaticalization and lexicalization, two processes which seem to be at work in the evolution of intensifiers. Lastly, a corpus-based study will look into the diachronic evolution of intensifiers in order to unveil the mechanisms of renewal and language change.

Conception d'une filière intensifiée par membrane pour le dessalement autonome d'eau de mer : étude du prétraitement et de son effet sur le biocolmatage / Design of a membrane-based intensified process for autonomous seawater desalination in remote areas : study of the pretreatment and its effect on biofouling

Monnot, Mathias 14 December 2015 (has links)
Le dessalement d’eau de mer par osmose inverse (OI) constitue l’une des solutions majeures pour pallier le manque d’eau douce dans les zones côtières. Afin de rendre plus fiable et plus durable cette technologie, la réduction du biocolmatage de membranes d’OI reste un enjeu majeur. L’intérêt est d’autant plus important sur de petites unités de dessalement d’eau de mer destinées à l’alimentation en eau des lieux isolés. Dans ce contexte, ces travaux visent à concevoir une filière intensifiée par membrane destinée à de telles installations autonomes et mobiles. Cette filière a été constituée d’une filtration sur charbon actif en grain (CAG) suivie par ultrafiltration (UF) en tant que prétraitements avant OI pour la réduction de son biocolmatage. D’abord à l’échelle laboratoire, la réalisation des cinétiques et isothermes d’adsorption de différents CAG a permis de sélectionner un CAG présentant les meilleures performances d’adsorption du carbone organique dissous (COD) présent dans l’eau de mer afin de réduire la quantité de nutriments pour les microorganismes. La mise en œuvre d’un pilote de lit fixe de CAG avec le CAG choisi a démontré sur le court terme que la concentration en COD d’eaux de mer réelles était grandement réduite et que toutes les fractions du COD étaient adsorbées. L’UF de l’eau après filtre CAG à l’échelle laboratoire a révélé que l’UF était moins sujette au colmatage qu’avec de l’eau brute. Ce couplage de procédés a ensuite été mis en place sur un prototype de dessalement par OI containerisé. La filtration sur CAG a permis l’élimination du COD par adsorption puis biodégradation. L’UF a ensuite éliminé particules et microorganismes. Les performances de l’OI sur le long terme ont été stables en matière de taux de rejet, flux de perméat et pertes de charge. De tels résultats ont été attribués à l’efficacité du prétraitement à réduire le potentiel de biocolmatage de l’eau de mer. Un taux de conversion de plus de 50% a aussi été fixé réduisant considérablement la consommation énergétique de l’installation. / Seawater reverse osmosis (RO) desalination appears to be one of the solutions to fresh water scarcity in coastal regions. In order to make the process more efficient, more reliable and more sustainable, the reduction of RO membrane biofouling remains a major scientific issue. The interest to solve this issue is especially important for small-scale seawater desalination plants powered by photovoltaic energy aimed at supplying water to remote regions. In this context, this work aimed at designing a membrane-based intensified process for these small stand-alone and mobile installations. This process was composed by a granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration followed by ultrafiltration (UF) as a pretreatment to RO for the reduction of its biofouling. First at lab-scale, adsorption kinetics and isotherms of six different GAC enabled to select the GAC with the best marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) adsorption performance. This reduced the quantity of nutrients available for microorganisms. A semi-industrial fixed-bed GAC filter operated with the selected GAC showed on short-term that DOC concentration in real seawater was highly reduced and that all DOC fractions were adsorbed. The UF of GAC-pretreated seawater at lab-scale revealed that UF was less subject to fouling than with raw seawater. This combination of processes was then set up on a containerized RO desalination prototype. The RO performance obtained over several weeks were stable in terms of rejection rate, permeate flux and pressure drop. Such results were attributed to the efficiency of the pretreatments to reduce the biofouling potential of seawater. In addition, a recovery rate of over 50% has been fixed which significantly reduced the energy consumption of the installation.

Les "produits résiduaires organiques" pour une intensification écologique de l'agriculture : ressources, déchets ou produits ? : sociologie des formats de valorisation agricole / "Residual organic product" for ecological intensification of agriculture : resource, waste or product? : sociology of agricultural valorization formats

Joncoux, Steve 21 November 2013 (has links)
Les "déchets" organiques sont utilisés pour fertiliser les terres agricoles depuis l’avènement de l’agriculture. Longtemps considérés comme des ressources, les résidus organiques urbains ne deviennent des déchets qu’au début du 20ème siècle. Ils sont alors délaissés par le monde agricole et entassés dans des décharges. Aujourd’hui leur valorisation s’impose comme un des axes majeurs des politiques de gestion des déchets. En parallèle, l’agriculture cherche les voies d’une augmentation de la production qui soit respectueuse de l’environnement. A la croisée de ces deux problématiques, le programme de recherche ANR "ISARD", qui constitue à la fois le cadre et l’objet de cette étude, vise à une "Intensification écologique des Systèmes Agricoles par le Recyclage des Déchets". Différents "produits résiduaires organiques" sont ainsi appelés à devenir de véritables intrants agricoles, sûrs et efficaces, participant à l’intensification de l’agriculture. Leur intégration dans des dispositifs industriels de normalisation, leur conférant le statut de produit commercial, apparaît comme le moyen le plus adapté pour répondre à ces attentes. En suivant les enseignements des sociologies pragmatistes prenant en compte le rôle des objets dans l’action, c’est à la description des différentes formes sociotechniques de la valorisation agricole (ressource, déchet, produit) que se consacre ce travail. La prise en compte d’une pluralité de formes de valorisation permet d’insister sur les déplacements induits par une logique "produit" et les reconfigurations qu’elle provoque, notamment par rapport à la pluralité des mondes agricoles. / Organic "waste" has been used to fertilize agricultural land since the very beginning of agriculture. Urban organic residue, which has been considered a resource for a long time, only became a real "waste" at the beginning of 20th century, being then abandoned by farmers and packed into dumps. Today, after its reduction, its valorisation is becoming a major goal of waste management public policies. At the same time, the agricultural world is trying to reach an increased production with less environmental impact. Poised between these two issues, the ISARD research program, which is both the subject and the framework of this study, aims at an "ecological intensification of agricultural production systems through waste recycling". As a consequence, various "residual" organic matters are destined to become safe and efficient agricultural inputs, taking part of the agricultural intensification by strengthening the fertilization ecosystem services naturally provided by soils. Their integration in normalized industrial systems, making them real commercial products, seems to be the best way to come up to these expectations. This work devotes itself to describe the various socio-technical forms of agricultural valorisation (resource, waste, product), following the teachings of pragmatist sociologists by taking the role of objects in action into account. The plurality of valorisation forms allows this study to lay stress on the changes brought by a "product" approach and the related social reconfiguration possibly conflicting with a number of agricultural worlds.

Intensification des procédés de synthèse des produits de contraste et application à leur fabrication industrielle en continu / Process intensification of contrast media synthesis and application to continuous industrial production

Dobrosavljevic, Ivana 01 July 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de croissance des diagnostics préventifs, la demande en produits de contraste augmente, tandis que leur prix de revient industriel doit être revu à la baisse pour des raisons de compétitivité. La voie de synthèse d’un produit de contraste à rayons X, molécule iodée aux branchements hydrophiles, comporte plusieurs réactions : certaines sont limitées par le transfert de matière (milieu réactionnel polyphasique) ou par le transfert de chaleur (réaction exothermique) tandis que d’autres sont limitées cinétiquement. Les performances des équipements continus intensifiés permettent de favoriser les phénomènes de transfert de matière et de chaleur, tout en garantissant une bonne sélectivité et reproductibilité. La chaine de synthèse globale est repensée en vue d’un passage en mode continu intensifié et les réactions à étudier en intensification locale sont classées par ordre de priorité selon leur potentiel d’intensification. A partir d’une approche combinée alliant résultats expérimentaux et simulation, des modèles réactionnels peuvent être construits pour orienter les essais, afin de converger rapidement vers des conditions opératoires menant aux performances souhaitées. La nouvelle voie de synthèse proposée mettra ainsi en jeu une alternance entre étapes continues et discontinues, ce qui induit des difficultés en termes de gestion de procédé. Une voie de synthèse entièrement soluble permettrait de contourner les limitations d’intensification dues à la présence de solides et d’envisager la chaine de synthèse globale en continu / Preventing diagnostics are increasing and so is the demand for contrast media while its industrial cost needs to be decreased for competitiveness reasons. The synthesis route for a contrast media used in X-ray medical imaging, an iodinated molecule with hydrophilic functional groups, is made of several reactions: some of them are limited by heat transfer (exothermic reactions) or/and mass transfer (multiple-phase media) while others are kinetically limited. The use of continuous intensified equipment leads to enhanced heat and mass transfer performances while keeping good selectivity and reproducibility. The synthesis route is globally modified in the first place in order to shift from batch to continuous intensified and the reactions are classified for local intensification studies. A combined approach based on experimental measurements and simulation enables the building of reaction models which can be used as a guideline for the experiments towards finding the operating conditions that lead to the desired performances at laboratory scale. The new synthesis route production is based on an alternation between continuous and discontinuous steps, which leads to difficult production management. New prospects are created with a new hydrophilic synthesis route, where the limitations for shifting from batch to continuous due to the presence of solids are solved and the whole synthesis route can be transferred from batch to continuous mode

Réacteur d'électrosynthèse microstructuré : conception, étude et développement appliqués à l'oxydation du 4-méthylanisole / Electrochemical microreactor : design, study and development applied to 4-methylanisole oxidation

Attour, Anis 27 April 2007 (has links)
L’étude traite la réalisation et la validation d’un microréacteur destiné à l’électrosynthèse organique. Le système électrochimique modèle est l’oxydation du 4-méthylanisole en 4-méthoxy-benzaldéhyde-diméthylacétal. La simulation du comportement théorique d’un réacteur électrochimique travaillant à haute conversion pour l’oxydation du 4-méthylanisole a permis de déterminer les conditions pour lesquelles le réacteur apporte un meilleur rendement. Les essais expérimentaux effectués sur un microréacteur travaillant en continu et à haute conversion ont montré l’influence de la concentration de l’électrolyte support KF sur le rendement de la réaction. Pour un débit optimal de 0,2 ml min-1, une concentration initiale en réactif de 0,1 M et en appliquant un courant égal à 85% du courant théorique nécessaire à convertir totalement le réactif en une seule passe dans la cellule, la sélectivité atteint 86% (pour une conversion de 95%), alors qu’elle n’est que de 68% dans le procédé BASF. / This work concerns the realization and the validation of a microstructured reactor for organic electrosynthesis. The electrochemical reaction is the oxidation of 4-methylanisole to 4-methoxy-benzaldehyde-dimethylacetal. Theoretical behaviour simulations of high conversion thin-gap flow cell of the 4-methylanisole show conditions for which the reactor has best productivity. The experimental tests carried out on high conversion thin-gap flow reactor showed the influence of the supporting electrolyte (KF) concentration on the reaction yield. For an optimal flow rate of 0.2 ml min-1, an initial reagent concentration of 0.1 M and a current equal to 85% of the theoretical current necessary to convert all reagent, it is possible to reach selectivity of 86% with single pass high conversion (95%) , whereas selectivity on BASF process doesn’t exceed 68%.

A Multi-Agent based Optimization Method for Combinatorial Optimization Problems / Une méthode d’optimisation à base de système multi-agents pour l’optimisation combinatoire

Sghir, Inès 29 April 2016 (has links)
Nous élaborons une approche multi-agents pour la résolution des problèmes d’optimisation combinatoire nommée MAOM-COP. Elle combine des métaheuristiques, les systèmes multi-agents et l’apprentissage par renforcement. Les heuristiques manquent d’une vue d’ensemble sur l’évolution de la recherche. Notre objectif consiste à utiliser les systèmes multi-agents pour créer des méthodes de recherche coopératives. Ces méthodes explorent plusieurs métaheuristiques. MAOM-COP est composée de plusieurs agents qui sont l’agent décideur, les agents intensificateurs et les agents diversificateurs (agents croisement et agent perturbation). A l’aide de l’apprentissage, l’agent décideur décide dynamiquement quel agent à activer entre les agents intensificateurs et les agents croisement. Si les agents intensificateurs sont activés, ils appliquent des algorithmes de recherche locale. Durant leurs recherches, ils peuvent s’échanger des informations, comme ils peuvent déclencher l’agent perturbation. Si les agents croisement sont activés, ils exécutent des opérateurs de recombinaison. Nous avons appliqué MAOM-COP sur les problèmes suivants : l’affectation quadratique, la coloration des graphes, la détermination des gagnants et le sac à dos multidimensionnel. MAOM-COP possède des performances compétitives par rapport aux algorithmes de l’état de l’art. / We elaborate a multi-agent based optimization method for combinatorial optimization problems named MAOM-COP. It combines metaheuristics, multiagent systems and reinforcement learning. Although the existing heuristics contain several techniques to escape local optimum, they do not have an entire vision of the evolution of optimization search. Our main objective consists in using the multi-agent system to create intelligent cooperative methods of search. These methods explore several existing metaheuristics. MAOMCOP is composed of the following agents: the decisionmaker agent, the intensification agents and the diversification agents which are composed of the perturbation agent and the crossover agents. Based on learning techniques, the decision-maker agent decides dynamically which agent to activate between intensification agents and crossover agents. If the intensifications agents are activated, they apply local search algorithms. During their searches, they can exchange information, as they can trigger the perturbation agent. If the crossover agents are activated, they perform recombination operations. We applied MAOMCOP to the following problems: quadratic assignment, graph coloring, winner determination and multidimensional knapsack. MAOM-COP shows competitive performances compared with the approaches of the literature

Valorisation du biogaz par purification et par reformage / Biogas valorization by purification and reforming

Wedraogo, Tarsida Nicolas 04 December 2014 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse et présentés dans ce document ont permis d'étudier plusieurs voies de valorisation pour le biogaz issu du procédé de digestion anaérobie. Deux procédés innovants ont été testés pour obtenir du bio-méthane. Le premier est l'absorption dans une émulsion, où certaines phases organiques permettent l'amélioration des conditions de transfert. L'octanol et le toluène se montrent efficaces pour l'absorption du dioxyde de carbone même si le coefficient de transfert de matière côté liquide ne présente pas de variation importante. Les expériences réalisées permettent de montrer que selon les conditions interfaciales du système, la phase dispersée peut se répandre sur les bulles de gaz et participer directement à l'absorption. Le second procédé testé est un dispositif micro-structuré d'absorption qui présente de très bonnes capacités de transfert. Le micro-mélangeur Caterpillar (IMM) s'avère être un absorbeur performant, montrant des coefficients volumiques de transfert de matière côté liquide allant jusqu'à 0,5 s-1. La seconde option est la production de gaz de synthèse par reformage direct du biogaz. Le procédé de reformage au CO2 du méthane permet de convertir deux gaz à effet de serre en produits intéressants pour l'industrie chimique. Un réacteur en forme de canal carré de 1 mm de côté a été développé pour tester la réaction. Les résultats ont montré qu'une conversion totale des réactifs pouvait être obtenue pour une température supérieure à 700°C et un débit volumique de réactifs inférieur ou égal à 45 mL/min / The present work is focused on biogas valorization. Two innovative processes were investigated in order to obtain bio-methane. The first one is CO2 absorption into an emulsion where some organic phases are responsible for an improvement of the mass transfer. Among the product tested, octanol and toluene proved to be efficient for carbon dioxide absorption even if the liquid side volumetric mass transfer coefficient did not show important variations. Experiments showed that according to the interfacial properties of the system, the dispersed phase can spread over the gas bubbles and be involved in the transfer directly. The second process considered is a micro-structured device displaying excellent mass transfer characteristics. Initially designed for the mixing of fluids, the IMM Caterpillar micro-mixer, proved to be an efficient absorption device with liquid side volumetric mass transfer coefficients up to 0.5 s-1The second option is the production of syngas by direct reforming of the biogas. The dry methane reforming was extensively studied during the past few years since it can convert two greenhouse gases into valuable products for the chemical industries. A 1 mm side square channel reactor was designed in order to investigate the reaction. Results showed that a total reactant conversion could be achieved with a minimum temperature of 700°C and a maximum volumetric flowrate of 45 mL/min. The influence of feed composition was also assessed: a stoichiometric ratio is ideal for the reaction

The ecology of freshwater communities of stock water races on the Canterbury Plains

Sinton, Amber January 2008 (has links)
Agricultural intensification on the Canterbury Plains in New Zealand has lead to the degradation of natural streams and rivers through lowering of water quality and significant reduction of surface flows from the use of ground and surface water resources. However, this same agricultural expansion has led to the development of a network of permanently flowing open water races to supply stock water to farms across the Canterbury Plains. Stock water races form an extensive network, with approximately 6,500 km of races. Initially I surveyed 62 water races and compared habitat characteristics, water quality, benthic invertebrate and fish communities with nearby natural streams. Races are characterised physically by straight, narrow and shallow channels, and small, uniform substrate. Water races are more turbid than natural streams, and can have high summer temperatures. The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of water races contained a range of taxa, including some not found in natural streams, but communities were less diverse than communities in natural streams, and tended to be dominated by a limited set of generalist taxa. A longitudinal study of three water races showed gradients in physical characteristics of races, including a downstream decrease in channel width, water depth, current velocity and substrate size. However, few strong longitudinal changes to community structure were found, as the generalist taxa commonly occurring in water races were able to tolerate conditions throughout the race network. To test if macroinvertebrate communities were limited by the homogeneous habitat of water races, I conducted a substrate manipulation experiment, where large cobbles and small boulders were added to reaches in five water races. Despite an increase in substrate and current heterogeneity, there were few significant changes to the macroinvertebrate communities over the four months of the manipulation. This outcome does not eliminate low habitat heterogeneity as a limiting factor for water race communities. Rather, the benthic invertebrate community throughout the water race network is a product of the homogeneous habitat, which limits the availability of colonists of taxa that would benefit from increased habitat diversity. A survey of the fish assemblages of water races found races had a depauperate fish community. Only two species were commonly found in water races, and the average species richness of races was 1.5. By contrast natural streams had a higher diversity of fish species (mean 4 three species), and contained representatives of a greater number of species that are typical of streams and rivers on the Canterbury Plains. My research has shown that stock water races provide an important source of aquatic biodiversity on the plains, both in addition to natural streams and in their own right. However, the biodiversity value of stock water races could be improved with enhancement of in-stream habitat.

Upper Paleolithic foraging decisions and early economic intensification at Vale Boi, southwestern Portugal

Manne, Tiina January 2010 (has links)
The Upper Paleolithic site of Vale Boi in coastal, southwestern Portugal currently represents the earliest known case of grease-rendering in Eurasia, with initial occupation occurring during the early Gravettian at ~ 27,000 BP. Long-term exploitation of marine resources is indicated by marine shellfish remains, mainly in the form of limpets (<italic>Patella</italic>), recovered from all three cultural periods (Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian). High-level exploitation of rabbits (<italic>Oryctolagus</italic>) began with initial use of the site and continued throughout the occupations, with a possible increase in intensity at the onset of the Solutrean. Grease-rendering of red deer (<italic>Cervus elaphus</italic>), horse (<italic>Equus caballus</italic>), European ass (<italic>Equus hydruntinus</italic>) and aurochs (<italic>Bos primigenius</italic>) bones was identified through multi-dimensional taphonomic and zooarchaeological analyses. Ungulate remains demonstrated extensive fragmentation and abundant evidence of impact features such as cone fractures, crushing, denting and cracking. The intensity of fragmentation and impact damage to red deer remains is significantly correlated with quantities of marrow and bone grease within these portions. Lack of density-mediated attrition of either the leporid remains or the cranial bone of red deer and horse, demonstrates that the loss of low-density, grease-rich post-cranial skeletal portions is due to human subsistence activities. Balanced body-part representation of ungulates indicates that density-mediated attrition of post-cranial elements is not related to differential transport of carcass portions. Comparison of element portion frequencies to food utility indices further demonstrates that humans were systematically harvesting marrow and bone grease throughout the Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian culture periods. The co-occurrence of fire-cracked rock, stone anvils and hammerstones corroborates this suggestion. Although grease rendering at Vale Boi pre-dates other known sites in Eurasia by several thousand years, faunal assemblages in southeastern Spain indicate that resource diversification and intensification appeared there coevally with Vale Boi. The persistence and continued intensification of subsistence practices throughout the Upper Paleolithic suggests a sustained depression of large game in relation to human populations. This was likely due to patchy, spatially-restricted resources, resulting in territorial circumscription. Only through technological innovation and novel approaches to resource harvesting, were foragers able to maintain and ultimately expand their populations in southern Iberia.

Use of multispectral data to identify farm intensification levels by applying emergent computing techniques

Marquez, Astrid January 2012 (has links)
Concern about feeding an ever increasing population has long been one of humankind’s most pressing problems. This has been addressed throughout history by introducing into farming systems changes allowing them to produce more per unit of land area. However, these changes have also been linked to negative effects on the socio economic and environmental sphere, that have created the need for an integral understanding of this phenomenon. This thesis describes the application of learning machine methods to induct a relationship between the spectral response of farms’ land cover and their intensification levels from a sample of farming of Urdaneta municipality, Aragua state of Venezuela. Data collection like this is a necessary first steep to implement cost-effective methods that can help policymakers to conduct succesful planing tasks, especially in countries such as Venezuela where, in spite of there being areas capable of agricultural production, nearly 50% of the internal food requirements of recent years have been satisfied by importations. In this work, farm intensification levels are investigated through a sample of farms of Urdaneta Municipality, Aragua state of Venezuela. This area is characterised by a wide diversity of farming systems ranging from crop to crop-livestock systems and an increasing population density in regions capable of livestock and arable farming, making it a representative case of the main tropical rural zones. The methodology applied can be divided into two main phases. First an unsupervised classification was performed by applying principal component analysis and agglomerative cluster methods to a set of land use and land management indicators, with the aim to segregate farms into homogeneous groups from the intensification point of view. This procedure resulted in three clusters which were named extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. The land use indicators included the percentage area within each farm devoted to annual crops, orchard and pasture, while the land management indicators were percentage of cultivated land under irrigation, stocking rate, machinery and equipment index and permanent and temporary staff ratio, all of them built from data held on the 1996- 1997 venezuelan agricultural census. The previous clusters reached were compared to the ones obtained by applying the learning machine method known as self-organizing map, which is also an unsupervised classification technique, as a way to confirm the groups’ existence. In the second stage, the learning machine known as kernel adatron algorithm was implemented seeking to identify the intensification level of Urdaneta farms from a landsat image, which consisted of two sequential steps: namely training and validation. In the training step, a predetermined number of instances randomly selected from the data set were analysed looking for a pattern to establish a relationship between the label and the spectral response in an iterative process which was concluded when the machine found a linear function capable of separating the two classes with a maximum margin. The supervised classification finishes with the validation in which the kernel adatron classifies the unseen samples by using a generalisation of the relationships learned while training. Results suggest that farm intensification levels can be effectively derived from multi-spectral data by adopting a machine learning approach like the one described.

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