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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Survey of companies internal security / En undersökning om företags interna säkerhet

Elina, Lundberg, Cecilia, Malmrud January 2017 (has links)
This survey aimed to examine and analyze six companies' internal security. Six interviews were held with different sized companies, where the size of the office ranged from under ten to around 800 employees. The interviews contained questions regarding their information security, their perimeter security as well as the employees' personal security. The larger companies had more policies and security procedures than the smaller companies. Virus protection, banning USB flash drives from outside the company, security education and a well functioning report system are vital for a satisfying internal security. Interviewees from the smaller companies saw internal security principles as a necessity but also as an obstacle. The larger companies saw the same principles as something that would improve their security. These companies also had implemented more safety measures both in software, such as remote controls and guidelines for employees. Targeting problem areas with special educational campaigns helps employees defend themselves against social engineering. All companies that participated either develops software or are consultant companies in IT. They deliver IT solutions in one way or another and their internal security should reflect the same high standard and IT maturity. The smaller companies did not perform any risk analyses on which threats their company faces and did not have any safeguards in place if their employees do not conduct themselves correctly on their networks. Our opinion is that this should not be limited by the size of a company and all companies should perform risk analyses to be able to improve their internal security in the future.

One country, One system? : -En kvalitativ fallstudie om konflikten mellan Hongkong och Kina / One country, One system? : -A qualitative casestudie about the conflict between Hong Kong and China

Knöös, Thilda January 2020 (has links)
The tensions between China and the special administrative region of Hong Kong have increased rapidly during the last decade. Freedomhouse have concluded that Hong Kong is going through a development that is characterized with less freedom, and less democratic reforms and towards a more authoritarian path. This study aims to understand and explain the conflict between Hong Kong and the mainland China from a national- and internal securityconcept. The results indicates that China prioritize its national security first and therefore it wants to preserve the states values. When the citizens of Hong Kong in several ways have protested against the restrictions imposed on them or when the​ one country, two systems-f​ ramework have been perceived as disrespected, Beijing have responded in a maximalistic way. China have defined internal threats to its system and against the party CCP but it have cost the people of Hong Kong's legitimacy towards them, a development of a own national identity and can lead to even more negative economic consequences for the special administrative region of Hong Kong.

EU och Terrorism : - En analys av EU:s åtgärder och dess säkerhets-, utrikes- och försvarspolitik

Carlsson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
The EU has experienced several terrorist attacks by Islamic fundamentalists since 2004 on its territory. Terrorism is threatening the fundamental rights that EU is based upon and has become not only a question of security but also a question of internal and external border security. This study seeks to examine the measures taken to fight terrorism by the EU and to see how terrorism has affected the security-, foreign-, and defence policies. The study is a theory consuming qualitative case study with both a descriptive and explanatory approach. The theoretical framework that the study is based on are theories about normative power, soft power and hard power but also the discussion about the external and internal security problem. The EU have taken several measures and policies in the fight against terrorism. The measures and policies are all influenced by the three theories in some way. The result of the study shows that EU has went from using only soft instruments and normative ways in the fight against terrorism towards harder instruments even if they still are using soft instruments in a harder way.

L'immigration illégale et la sécurité intérieure en France et au Qatar / Illegal immigration and internal security in France and Qatar

Saadi, Mohammed Al 22 October 2018 (has links)
Le sujet de la thèse que nous traitons depuis deux ans porte sur «l'immigration illégale et la sécurité intérieure en France et au Qatar». Notre ambition est de faire une étude comparative analytique et critique de l'état actuel de l'immigration clandestine dans deux pays nantis : la France un pays européen appliquant des mesures juridiques et administratives européennes du Schengen et le Qatar, un pays du golfe, agissant à son tour dans le cadre d'accords juridiques et administratifs signés avec ses voisins du golfe. Notre champ d’exploration nous semble prometteur et intéressant car nous porterons aujourd'hui notre attention sur les aspects et les impacts actuels de l'immigration clandestine dans les deux pays. Ainsi, nous énonçons comme suit la question générale qui nous permettra de contextualiser notre thème de recherche et de circonscrire notre problématique. Quelles solutions et dispositifs juridiquement irréprochables et défendables mais pragmatiques réalistes et applicables concernant l'immigration clandestine peut-on envisager et mettre en train aujourd'hui et dans un avenir proche ? Le plan de notre thèse est divisé en deux parties : Dans la première partie, intitulée «l'immigration illégale et l'organisation du système de la sécurité intérieure en France et Qatar», nous avons passé en revue l'historique de l'immigration dans les deux pays afin de délimiter les nuances historiques propres à chacun des deux pays. Cette analyse historique, en effet, nous a aidé à mieux cerner l'état actuel de l’immigration illégale en France et du Qatar. Ensuite, nous avons mené une recherche approfondie pour démontrer la spécifié de l'immigration illégale dans chacun des deux pays. Dans la deuxième partie, intitulée «les impacts de l'immigration illégale sur la sécurité intérieure en France et du Qatar, et la diversité des instruments de lutte contre ce phénomène», nous avons analysé les conséquences engendrées par l'immigration légale et illégale en France et du Qatar. L'intérêt de notre recherche, c'est de montrer que le paramètre sécuritaire est aujourd'hui prioritaire dans toute réflexion ou remède concernant le phénomène de l'immigration clandestine. Ainsi le lien entre immigration clandestine et terrorisme nous semble aujourd'hui pertinent. Les derniers attentats en France, en Belgique et en Tunisie ont montré que Daech embrigade aujourd'hui aussi bien des immigrés clandestins venant de Lybie et de Syrie, des terroristes infiltrés lors des dernières vagues migratoire syrienne en Europe, que des jeunes immigrés en Europe et en situation régulière issus de la seconde génération. Notre propos est de montrer comment les pratiques juridiques et les systèmes de sécurité en France et au Qatar doivent s'adapter à la nouvelle situation géopolitique susmentionnée à l'échelle régionale et internationale. [...] / The subject of the thesis we have been dealing with for two years is "Illegal immigration and internal security in France and Qatar". Our ambition is to make a comparative and critical comparative study of the current state of illegal immigration in two rich countries : France a European country applying European legal and administrative measures of Schengen and Qatar, a country of the Gulf, acting in turn in the framework of legal and administrative agreements signed with its neighbors in the Gulf. Our field of exploration seems promising and interesting because today we will focus on the current aspects and impacts of illegal immigration in both countries. Thus, we state as follows the general question that will enable us to contextualise our research theme and circumscribe our problematic : What legal and irreproachable and defensible but pragmatic and feasible solutions and arrangements for illegal immigration can be considered and put into action now and in the near future ? The plan of our thesis is divided into two parts : ln the first part, entitled "Illegal immigration and the organization of the system of internal security in France and Qatar", we reviewed the history of immigration in both countries to delineate the historical nuances of each country. This historical analysis has, in fact, helped us to better understand the current state of illegal immigration in France and Qatar. Then we conducted a thorough research to demonstrate the specified illegal immigration in each of the two countries. ln the second part, entitled "the impacts of illegal immigration on internal security in France and Qatar, and the diversity of instruments to combat this phenomenon", we analyzed the consequences of legal and illegal immigration in France and Qatar.

La sécurité intérieure européenne. Les rapports entretenus entre le droit et la politique publique / European internal security. The relationship between law and public policy

Berthelet, Pierre 28 November 2016 (has links)
Le droit joue un rôle majeur dans l’élaboration d’une nouvelle politique de l’Union européenne : la sécurité intérieure. Il lui confère toute sa substance, mais surtout il est, au regard du principe de légalité, la condition et la limite de l’édification de cette politique intervenant dans un domaine sensible pour les États. En retour, le droit subit des fluctuations, conséquences des rapports interinstitutionnels. L’opérationnalité, comme forme de normativité spécifique, est une caractéristique essentielle de cette politique de nature très étatique. Intimement liée au succès de la nouvelle gouvernance dans la construction européenne, elle est la manifestation de nouvelles formes de régulations atypiques qui tendent à pénétrer le droit européen. La méthode communautaire ne disparaît pas pour autant, mais elle est repensée, tout comme le droit de l’Union dit « classique ». Sa rationalité change au fil de son évolution en direction d’un « droit néo-moderne » (C.-A. De Morand). / Law plays a major role in the development of a new policy of the European Union, named the internal security policy. It gives it all its substance, but, in the light of the legality principle, it is the condition and the limit to building this policy in a sensitive area for States. In return, law undergoes fluctuations, consequences of the interinstitutional relations. The operationality, as a form of « light » normativity, is an essential characteristic of this very nature of this state policy. Intimately linked to the success of the new governance in the European construction, the operationality is the manifestation of new forms of atypical regulations that tend to penetrate the European law. The Community method does not disappear, but it is redesigned, as well as the EU « classical » law. Rationality changes throughout its evolution towards a « neo-modern right » (C.-A. De Morand).

The factors influencing the employment of the Australian Defence Organisation in homeland security roles since 11 September 2001

Smith, Andrew, Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis makes an assessment of the factors influencing the involvement of the Australian Defence Organisation (ADO) in homeland security roles since 11 September 2001 (9/11). This is approached on a largely empirical basis, using document analysis and case studies supported with interviews with key individuals and experts. The thesis commences with an Introduction that provides brief context for the thesis and specifies its central question as ???what factors have shaped the role of the ADO in Australia's response to the homeland security environment that has emerged since 11 September 2001.??? Chapter One provides an historical and theoretical context for the key concepts of homeland security and the challenges confronting Western governments in the homeland security arena. Chapter Two explores the implications of those challenges for Australia, before outlining the research method and providing a literature review. Chapter Three is an historical exposition of homeland security in Australia from British settlement in 1788 until 2001. The Chapter examines events in increasing detail in the 30 years immediately prior to 2001, including a detailed case study of ADO support to the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games, before drawing some broad conclusions on the Australian experience of the involvement of its Defence Organisation in homeland security pre-9/11. Chapter Four establishes the pre-9/11 status quo in relation to the ADO???s involvement in homeland security role before analysing the general pattern of those roles. Chapter Five analyses and draws conclusions about the reasons for the ADO???s pre-9/11 involvement in homeland security roles, introducing an hypothetical construct to explain causal factors. Chapter Six examines the ADO???s involvement in homeland security roles post-9/11, including cases studies of ADO support to the conduct of the 2002 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. Chapter Seven analyses and identifies the factors led to the ADO???s pattern of involvement in homeland security post-9/11, further developing the hypothetical construct introduced in Chapter 5. Chapter Seven also contains supporting case studies on the ADO???s contribution to Australia???s national chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear response capability and on the state of New South Wales??? homeland security capabilities. Chapter Eight draws overall conclusions, including recommendations for Australian policy development and areas for further research. The essential conclusion reached is that the ADO???s involvement in homeland security roles, both before and since 9/11, has been shaped mostly by pragmatic political and managerial considerations of governments. Developments have normally occurred in an episodic and incremental fashion in response to ???trigger events,??? although 9/11 altered this pattern somewhat by acting as a ???threshold??? event that re-calibrated demands and expectations for ADO involvement. Supporting Appendices provide detail on the Australian Government???s strategic guidance on ADO involvement in homeland security since 1973; on Australia???s policy for Defence Assistance to the Civilian Community and Defence Force Aid to the Civil Authorities; and on the involvement of former Department of Defence employees in non-Defence homeland-security related roles. A Bibliography provides details of sources used.

The origins of state security screening in Canada

Hannant, Larry 05 1900 (has links)
Describing Canada's security intelligence practice, historians have identified 1945as a watershed. In September of that year Igor Gouzenko defected from the embassy of the Soviet Union in Ottawa, carrying with him evidence that the Soviets operated an espionage ring in this country. According to historical canon, Gouzenko's defection and the investigations which resulted from it forced the Canadian government to initiate a security screening program for civil servants and armed forces personnel. This program was an attempt to discern the political opinions, behaviour and trustworthiness of people in positions of trust both inside the state and outside. This thesis rewrites the conventional history of state security screening in Canada. By reexamining existing evidence and making use of records uncovered through the Access to Information Act, this work demonstrates that security screening of civil servants, military personnel and naturalization applicants began in the years between the First and Second World Wars. Revising the point at which security screening began also forces a reevaluation of the motivation for security screening. Security screening was not launched to detect and neutralize foreign espionage agents. Rather, it was borne out of a deep fear of communists among the Canadian people. Concern about internal dissent, not about foreign spying, was responsible for this new security intelligence development. This work also reexamines the Canadian government's supervision of its primary security intelligence agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Contrary to the widely held view that the Canadian cabinet initiated and supervised the screening system, this thesis shows that the RCMP operated a program for at least fifteen years without political authorization and guidance. In doing so, it committed acts which can only be regarded as civil liberties violations. Nevertheless, abuses were relatively minor. One reason why they were was the dubious legality of the program. Carrying out a program which lacked political approval, the RCMP kept a tight rein on the security screening system, fearing a controversy which could be embarrassing and damaging to its own security intelligence capacity.

The factors influencing the employment of the Australian Defence Organisation in homeland security roles since 11 September 2001

Smith, Andrew, Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis makes an assessment of the factors influencing the involvement of the Australian Defence Organisation (ADO) in homeland security roles since 11 September 2001 (9/11). This is approached on a largely empirical basis, using document analysis and case studies supported with interviews with key individuals and experts. The thesis commences with an Introduction that provides brief context for the thesis and specifies its central question as ???what factors have shaped the role of the ADO in Australia's response to the homeland security environment that has emerged since 11 September 2001.??? Chapter One provides an historical and theoretical context for the key concepts of homeland security and the challenges confronting Western governments in the homeland security arena. Chapter Two explores the implications of those challenges for Australia, before outlining the research method and providing a literature review. Chapter Three is an historical exposition of homeland security in Australia from British settlement in 1788 until 2001. The Chapter examines events in increasing detail in the 30 years immediately prior to 2001, including a detailed case study of ADO support to the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games, before drawing some broad conclusions on the Australian experience of the involvement of its Defence Organisation in homeland security pre-9/11. Chapter Four establishes the pre-9/11 status quo in relation to the ADO???s involvement in homeland security role before analysing the general pattern of those roles. Chapter Five analyses and draws conclusions about the reasons for the ADO???s pre-9/11 involvement in homeland security roles, introducing an hypothetical construct to explain causal factors. Chapter Six examines the ADO???s involvement in homeland security roles post-9/11, including cases studies of ADO support to the conduct of the 2002 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. Chapter Seven analyses and identifies the factors led to the ADO???s pattern of involvement in homeland security post-9/11, further developing the hypothetical construct introduced in Chapter 5. Chapter Seven also contains supporting case studies on the ADO???s contribution to Australia???s national chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear response capability and on the state of New South Wales??? homeland security capabilities. Chapter Eight draws overall conclusions, including recommendations for Australian policy development and areas for further research. The essential conclusion reached is that the ADO???s involvement in homeland security roles, both before and since 9/11, has been shaped mostly by pragmatic political and managerial considerations of governments. Developments have normally occurred in an episodic and incremental fashion in response to ???trigger events,??? although 9/11 altered this pattern somewhat by acting as a ???threshold??? event that re-calibrated demands and expectations for ADO involvement. Supporting Appendices provide detail on the Australian Government???s strategic guidance on ADO involvement in homeland security since 1973; on Australia???s policy for Defence Assistance to the Civilian Community and Defence Force Aid to the Civil Authorities; and on the involvement of former Department of Defence employees in non-Defence homeland-security related roles. A Bibliography provides details of sources used.

Losing the population the impact of Coalition policy and tactics on the population and the Iraqi insurgency /

Haugh, Timothy D. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Information Operations)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2005. / Title from title screen (viewed Jan. 30, 2006). "September 2005." Includes bibliographical references (p.105-114). Also issued in paper format.

'n Veiligheidsanalise van plaasaanvalle in die RSA, 1997 tot 2003

Watermeyer, Louis Hendrik. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M (Security studies))-University of Pretoria, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references.

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