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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An IoT Solution for Urban Noise Identification in Smart Cities : Noise Measurement and Classification

Alsouda, Yasser January 2019 (has links)
Noise is defined as any undesired sound. Urban noise and its effect on citizens area significant environmental problem, and the increasing level of noise has become a critical problem in some cities. Fortunately, noise pollution can be mitigated by better planning of urban areas or controlled by administrative regulations. However, the execution of such actions requires well-established systems for noise monitoring. In this thesis, we present a solution for noise measurement and classification using a low-power and inexpensive IoT unit. To measure the noise level, we implement an algorithm for calculating the sound pressure level in dB. We achieve a measurement error of less than 1 dB. Our machine learning-based method for noise classification uses Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients for audio feature extraction and four supervised classification algorithms (that is, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors, bootstrap aggregating, and random forest). We evaluate our approach experimentally with a dataset of about 3000 sound samples grouped in eight sound classes (such as car horn, jackhammer, or street music). We explore the parameter space of the four algorithms to estimate the optimal parameter values for the classification of sound samples in the dataset under study. We achieve noise classification accuracy in the range of 88% – 94%.


MARCIO LUIZ COELHO CUNHA 11 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] À medida que a população cresce, mais alimentos precisarão ser produzidos nas próximas quatro décadas do que nos últimos 10.000 anos. No entanto, o mundo moderno ainda depende da produção de monoculturas de alto rendimento, cada vez mais ameaçada por condições climáticas incomuns, escassez de água e terra insuficiente. A fim de superar esses problemas e alimentar o mundo, é necessário um caminho prático para fornecer alimentos frescos, com qualidade e em escala, com mínima dependência do clima e com uso de água e pegada de carbono reduzidos. Uma abordagem razoável é construir fazendas verticais dentro das cidades em um ambiente fechado repleto de sensores e iluminação artificial controlada por software para uma produção e gestão eficiente do plantio de alimentos. Esta tese propõe a instanciação de um modelo, chamado Ciclo do Software dos Lugares (SoPC), que é capaz de responder a estímulos ambientais em um sistema fechado de produção de plantas com iluminação artificial que possibilite a criação de ambientes com auto-aprendizagem. Esta tese descreve o SoPC, as abordagens e processos de implementação de uma mini fábrica de plantas com iluminação artificial com base na discussão em cinco ciclos de pesquisa-ação. / [en] As the population grows, more food will need to be produced in the next four decades than has been in the past 10,000 years. However, the modern world still depends on high yield monoculture production which is increasingly threatened by unusual weather, water shortages, and insufficient land. In order to overcome these problems and feed the world, a practical path to provide quality fresh healthy food at scale with minimal weather dependency, water usage and reduced carbon footprint is necessary. One reasonable approach is to build vertical farms inside the cities in a close environment full of sensors and artificial lighting controlled by software for efficient production of food crops. This thesis proposes a model, entitled Software of Places Cycle (SoPC), that should be able to answer to environmental stimuli in a closed plant production system using artificial lighting in order to create a self-learning environment. This thesis describes the SoPC, the approaches and processes of implementing a mini Plant Factory using Artificial Lighting based on the discussion on five action-research cycles. The thesis main contribution is a conceptual model to guide the development and maintenance of a mini-PFAL (m-PFAL), a minor contribution is the deployment of the SoP, i.e., the very notion of having software dedicated to a specific place.

A secure localization framework of RAIN RFID objects for ambient assisted living / Un système sécurisé de localisation d’objets RAIN RFID pour l’assistance et l'autonomie des personnes à domicile

Khalid, Ahmad 13 November 2017 (has links)
Internet des objets (IoT) est actuellement à notre portée. De nombreux domaines ont bénéficié de cette technologie. Cela va d'une application simple, comme l'identification d'un objet jusqu'à la gestion d'un système plus complexe. L'identification par radiofréquence (RFID) est l'une des technologies a une part importante dans l’IoT aujourd'hui. C’est une technologie embarqué, pas cher et ne nécessite aucune source d'alimentation supplémentaire dans le cas de tag passif. Avec sa fonctionnalité omniprésente, cette technologie permet de positionner un objet dans une zone spécifique. L’Assistance et l'Autonomie des personnes à Domicile (AAL) est l'un des nombreux domaines qui bénéficient de l'IoT. Il vise à aider les personnes âgées dans leurs routines quotidiennes en fournissant de nouveaux services d'assistance dans les maisons intelligentes (smart home). La présence de RFID dans une maison intelligente sont d'une grande aide pour une personne âgée et/ou déficiente, par exemple, pour l’aider à trouver un objet dans son environnement quotidien. Cependant, même avec tous ces avantages d’assistance dans notre vie, il est malheureusement à double tranchant où l'avantage qu'il apporte à un objet pourrait à son tour se tourner contre lui-même. En effet, pour pouvoir aider les personnes âgées à localiser un objet, le système nécessite certaines données relatives au positionnement de l'objet, tout au moins son identification. Étant donné que la couverture de l'étiquette RFID passive est très faible, une fois sa présence détectée, il est difficile de la cacher. La capacité de cette technologie à localiser des objets donne l'occasion à une tierce personne de profiter du système. Parallèlement au besoin persistant et constant de confidentialité par les utilisateurs, l'objectif de cette thèse consiste à améliorer la confidentialité dans la localisation d'un objet grâce à un nouveau protocole basé sur la deuxième génération de RFID passive. Le protocole proposé doit pouvoir empêcher un objet d'être identifié et localisé par des parties non autorisées ou par un lecteur malveillant. La première contribution de ce travail est l'évaluation de la gestion anti-collision RFID. Elle est réalisée par la création d'un modèle OMNET++, construit sur la base de la dernière norme RFID développée par GS1 et adaptée par ISO / IEC appelé Gen2V2 (RFID classe 2 Génération 2 Version 2). Dans cette norme une étiquette RFID passive ne nécessite aucune source d'alimentation interne. Il communique en utilisant la fréquence UHF. La norme Gen2V2 propose une liste de suites cryptographiques qui peuvent être utilisées comme méthodes pour authentifier une étiquette et un lecteur. Cette nouvelle génération d'étiquettes est soutenue par une alliance de fabricants appelée RAIN (RAdio frequency IdentifatioN) qui favorise l'adoption du Gen2V2. Nous évaluons les performances globales du protocole anti-collision et nous comparons ensuite quatre de ses suites cryptographiques, à savoir PRESENT80, XOR, AES128 et cryptoGPS pour garantir l’authentification lecteur/tag. Parmi les performances évaluées dans ce modèle, nous nous sommes intéressé au nombre de collisions et à la durée requise pour interroger un groupe d'étiquettes. Nous avons intégré en fonctionnalité de localisation dans le modèle en s’appuyant sur les messages échangés avant l’authentification, ce qui peut conduire à une localisation malveillante d'un objet. Pour augmenter la confidentialité de la localisation au sein des applications AAL, nous proposons donc une deuxième contribution qui est une nouvelle méthode de localisation basée sur les échanges standard Gen2V2 en anonymisant l'identité de l'étiquette. / Internet of things (IoT) is currently on our doorsteps. Numerous domains have beneted from this technology. It ranges from a simple application such as identifying an object up to handling a more complex system. The Radio Frequency IDentication (RFID) is one of the enabling technologies that drive the IoT to its position today. It is small, cheap and does not require any additional power sources. Along with its ubiquitous functionality, this technology enables the positioning of an object within a specic area. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is one of the many domains that benet from the IoT. It aims at assisting elderly people in their daily routines by providing new assistive services in smart homes for instance. RFIDs in a smart home come as a great help to an elderly person, for example, to nd an object that they misplaced. However, even with all its benets in simplifying our lives, it is unfortunately double-edged where the advantage that it brings to an object could in turn go against itself. Indeed to be able to help the older adults to locate an object, the system requires certain data in relation to the positioning of the object and its identication. As the passive RFID tag coverage is very small, once its presence is detected, it is dicult to hide it. The ability of this technology in localizing objects gives an opportunity to a third person to take an advantage of the system. In parallel with the persistent and constant need of privacy and secrecy by the users, the objective of this thesis consists of improving the privacy in localizing an object through a new protocol based on the latest version of the RFID second generation passive tag. The proposed protocol must be able to prevent an object from being identied and located by unauthorized parties or a malicious reader. The rst contribution of this work is the assessment of the RFID anti collision management. It is performed through the creation of an OMNET++ framework, modelled and built based on the latest RFID standard developed by GS1 and incorporated by ISO/IEC called Gen2V2 (RFID class 2 Generation 2 Version 2). It is a passive RFID tag that does not require any internal power sources to operate. It communicates using the UHF frequency. The Gen2V2 standard provides a list of cryptographical suites that can be used as a method to authenticate a tag and a reader. This new generation of tags is supported by an alliance of manufacturers called RAIN (RAdio frequency IdenticatioN) that promotes the adoption of the Gen2V2. The anti collision management overall performance is then compared with its theoretical value and four of its cryptographical suites namely PRESENT80, XOR, AES128 and cryptoGPS. Among the performances evaluated within the framework is the number of collisions and the duration required to interrogate a group of tags. Note that an addition of a localization functionality within the framework reveals that exchanged messages through wireless channel prior to the authentication can lead to a malicious localization of an object. To increase the localization privacy within AAL application, we propose therefore a second contribution which is a new localization method that is based on the current Gen2V2 standard exchanges by anonymizing the tag identity.


[pt] A popularização da Internet das Coisas (IoT) abriu uma série de oportuni-dades para a geração de novas aplicações que não eram possíveis anteriormente. No cenário atual de IoT existem marketplaces que vendem soluções completas para os clientes com objetos inteligentes, gateways para a transmissão dos dados e provedores que analisam estes por uma taxa de assinatura. Partimos da visão de que no futuro deverá ocorrer uma uberização de IoT, onde cada pessoa poderá oferecer dados de sensores e acesso a atuadores para outra e que eles estarão categorizados com base no QoS dos objetos que os fornecem, similarmente como são classificadas commodities hoje. Além disso, haverá plataformas multilaterais onde essas informações poderão ser negociadas em combinação com provedores de conectividade, para transmitir os dados, e de análise. Uma plataforma que fornece esse serviço deve garantir que o fluxo de dados (e do estado) de objetos seja contínuo, sem expor para o cliente algum problema de conectividade entre eles e os provedores. Ou seja, ela deve ter mecanismos para detectá-los e rapidamente selecionar novos provedores, isso dentro de um cenário de intensa troca de dados. Este trabalho apresenta como contribuições um mecanismo de detecção contínuo de problemas de conectividade que utiliza o paradigma Publish-Subscribe para o envio de mensagens de identificação de problemas e uma solução arquitetural de uma plataforma baseada em conceitos de marketplaces para IoT, que inclui os serviços de comoditização dos provedores de serviço e o matchmaking para selecionar uma combinação destes para prestar serviços para o cliente. Um estudo de caso no domínio de marketplaces é conduzido, com a análise dos serviços da plataforma em vários cenários de testes e a avaliação do mecanismo de detecção de problemas de conectividade, com a simulação de diferentes falhas na conexão. / [en] The popularization of the Internet of Things (IoT) opened up a series of opportunities for the generation of new applications that were not previously possible. In the current scenario of IoT there are marketplaces that sell complete solutions for users with smart objects, gateways for data transmission and providers that analyze these for a subscription fee. We start from the view that in the future an uberization of IoT should occur, where each person can offer sensor data and access to actuators to another and that they will be categorized based on the QoS of the objects that provide them, similarly as commodities are classified today. In addition, there will be multilateral platforms where this information can be negotiated in combination with connectivity providers, to transmit data, and analytics. A platform that provides this service must ensure that the data (and state) flow of objects is continuous, without exposing to the user any connectivity problems between them and the providers. That is, it must have mechanisms to detect problems and quickly select new providers, all this in a scenario of intense data exchange. This work presents as contributions a continuous connectivity problem detection mechanism that uses a Publish-Subscribe paradigm to send problem identification messages and an architectural solution of a platform based on marketplaces concepts for IoT, which includes the commoditization of service providers and a matchmaking service to select a combination of these to provide services to the customer. A case study in the domain of marketplaces is conducted, with the analysis of the services of the platform with several tests scenarios and the evaluation of the mechanism of detection of connectivity problems, with the simulation of different connection failures.

Auto-configuration, supervision et contrôle d'entités physiques par l'intermédiaire de réseaux de capteurs et actionneurs / Self-configuration, monitoring and control of physical entities via sensor and actuator networks

Hu, Zheng 22 January 2014 (has links)
Les entités physiques prises en compte par les applications dites M2M dans les télécoms sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus hétérogènes. Le défi adressé par ce travail est donc l’intégration, et la configuration automatiques de toutes ces différentes variétés d’entités physiques d’une façon homogène dans les systèmes M2M, en généralisant les approches de configuration automatique déjà connues et utilisées pour les objets communicants numériques. Cette thèse présente un cadre théorique général et des mécanismes de base pour l’identification de modèles de telles entités physiques dans les systèmes d’information embarqués répartis, en englobant dans une même approche les équipements et les sous-ensembles de l’espace, faisant se rejoindre les points de vue ”internet des objets” et ”environnement interactif” dans une nouvelle vision unifiée de l’intelligence ambiante. Ce travail, motivé initialement par les applications à la gestion d’énergie domestique, cherche à intégrer au réseau local de la maison des entités physiques qui ont un impact énergétique mais ne sont dotés d’aucune connexion réseau, ce qui correspond à une extension qualitative du périmètre de l’Internet des Objets. Cette intégration se fait de manière tout à fait similaire à ce qui est fait classiquement pour des équipements numériques état de l’art, c’est-à-dire par des mécanismes de découverte et configuration spontanés. Ces mécanismes comportent les étapes suivantes : détection de la présence d’une entité physique par analyse de la coïncidence d’évènements significatifs reçus de capteurs ; sélection d’un premier modèle générique représentatif de l’entité physique détectée depuis une ontologie de référence en analysant des données reçues les capteurs ; création d’un composant logiciel représentant l’entité physique détectée, à partir du modèle sélectionné, et associant les capteurs et actionneurs utiles ; supervision et contrôle de l’entité cible par l’intermédiaire de ce composant logiciel ; mise à jour incrémentale du modèle de l’entité identifiée par analyse des données issues des capteurs associés. Ce travail est parti d’applications dans l’environnement de la maison, pour lesquelles il a été validé et mis en œuvre. Mais notre approche a vocation à être généralisée et étendue à des environnements comme les bâtiments ou la ville, en offrant suivant le même principe une infrastructure partagée pour toutes les applications M2M dans ces environnements / The physical entities which are taken into account by Machine to Machine (M2M) telecom applications are more and more heterogeneous. The challenge addressed by our research is the automatic integration and configuration of all these types of physical entities in M2M systems, with a homogeneous solution that generalizes self-configuration approaches used for networked digital devices. This thesis presents a general theoretical framework and basic mechanisms for the identification and configuration of such physical entity models in distributed embedded information systems. Our approach deals jointly with equipment and space entities encompassing the ”Internet of Things” (IoT) and ”interactive environment” viewpoints in a renewed interpretation of ambient intelligence. This work has been motivated initially by home energy management applications, trying to integrate into the Home Area Network all home entities that play a role in energy management, but do not have a networked interface of their own. This corresponds to a qualitative extension of the perimeter of the Home Area Network. This integration is achieved in a way similar to what is done for state of the art digital devices, through a spontaneous discovery and configuration mechanism, with the following stages: detection of the presence of a physical entity by analyzing the coincidence of significant events detected by sensors; selection of the first generic model corresponding to the detected physical entity from a reference ontology, on the basis of received sensors data; creation of a software component representing the detected physical entity, based on the selected model, associated with relevant sensors and actuators; provision of application interface for monitoring and control of the target entity through this intermediate software component; iterative update of the identified entity model on the basis of data from associated sensors. The proposed approach has been validated and implemented in home environments, but it is intended to be generalized and expanded to environments such as buildings or cities, offering a similarly shared infrastructure for all M2M applications in these environments

智慧家庭中以SDN結合具服務品質感知排程演算法之效能研究 / Performance study on QoS aware scheduling with SDN for smart homes

王芝吟, Wang, Chin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著物聯網這個萬物連網的概念順勢推動智慧家庭在市場裡蓬勃發展,可預期未來ISP(Internet Service Provider)業者勢必面臨大量智慧家庭中各種不同應用服務互相競爭頻寬資源的情況,甚至遇到網路滿載壅塞時造成應用服務不堪使用的情形。 為改善上述問題,本文以ISP業者管理智慧家庭中眾多的物聯網設備為情境,透過軟體定義網路 (Software Defined Network,SDN)進行頻寬排程配置,排程演算法以可兼顧公平性(fairness)、時間延遲(delay)及應用服務優先權(service priority)的A-MLWDF (Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First) [7]演算法,確保優先配置頻寬給智慧家庭中優先權較高、時效較為急迫的流量,以降低應用服務的延遲來提升智慧家庭網路之服務品質(Quality of Service,QoS)。 本研究透過OMNet++模擬器建構SDN環境與傳統環境中有眾多物聯網設備之智慧家庭。家中物聯網設備包含M2M (Machine to Machine)和非M2M(non Machine to Machine)裝置,以提供各種智慧家庭應用服務。我們透過SDN架構進行頻寬配置,達到集中式管控家中的頻寬資源,其中排程演算法包括PF、MLWDF、A-MLWDF。實驗結果顯示,以上排程演算法雖然於SDN環境下在公平性與抖動率表現並不顯著,公平性約改善1.6%及抖動率約降低1%左右,但在產能與延遲方面表現較為顯著,能有效提高產能約52%,及降低延遲約 52%。 / With the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) spread rapidly, it is the opportunity to promote smart homes in the expanding market. We can see that the future ISP (Internet Service Provider) has to face a large number of smart homes having bandwidth competition in a variety of different applications and causing application services unavailable due to network congestion.     In order to resolve the above problems, we propose that each ISP (Internet Service Provider) has to manage a large number of IoT devices in a smart home to performs bandwidth scheduling through Software Defined Network (SDN). We choose to use A-MLWDF scheduling algorithm (Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First) [7] which considers fairness, delay and service priority. A-MLWDF is able to ensure services of higher priority and emergent traffic be allocated bandwidth earlier and greatly reduce delay and thus effectively enhance Quality of Service (QoS) of smart homes.     In this research, we implement a SDN environment by using OMNet++ to simulate the bandwidth competition among smart homes with IoT devices. The IoT devices consists of M2M (Machine to Machine) and non-M2M (non Machine to Machine) devices which offer a variety of intelligent home application services. We configure the bandwidth allocation under SDN control. The scheduling algorithms include PF, MLWDF and A-MLWDF. When the network traffic is congested, SDN can significantly increase throughput and reduce latency compared to traditional network management. The experimental results show that above scheduling algorithms using SDN environment having no significant performance improvements in fairness and jitter. The fairness increases around 1.6% and the jitter reduces around 1%. However, it shows significant improvement on throughout and delay. The throughput increases around 52% and the delay reduces around 52%.

Artificial Intelligence is Getting Personal : A study on the Usage Motivations and Privacy Concerns of Intelligent Personal Assistants’ Users

Tundrea, Darius January 2017 (has links)
The present study is aiming to evaluate the Intelligent Personal Assistants usage motivations, addressing at the same time various privacy issues and concerns related to this emergent technology. To fulfil the purpose of the study I have applied two different research methods. Initially, a web survey conducted gathered 18 respondents answering 24 questions related to the presented topic. Subsequently, was organised a focus group by gathering seven respondents who shared their opinions on the subject of research. Two research questions were developed based on two hypotheses. First research question: “To what extent IPA users agree to personal data collection in order to gratify their sought needs?”; exploring the participants’ opinions when it comes to the degree of acceptance of personal information disclosure to gratify their needs. Moreover, second research question: “What are the motivating criteria that determine the usage of IPA?”. This question develops opinions and experiences on the usage of Intelligent Personal Assistants, as well as the way people perceive this new technology. The finding of this studies reveals that users of new media are concerned and aware of their personal data collection. However, as a result, they feel trapped in the network society by the peer pressure towards the usage of favourite mediums. Therefore, the denial of technology would bring unfavourable consequences from a social perspective. Further researches can be conducted on this topic, addressing in depth the Artificial Intelligence and its societal implications, possible utilities of the Intelligent Personal Assistants as a companion for children, elders and people with disabilities, Artificial Intelligence used in public administration. Consequently, many different aspects can be explored having the topic of this thesis as a starting point.

A Framework to Incorporate Industry 4.0 into SME to Enhance Resource Planning

Ganta, Sathvik January 2020 (has links)
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have grown steadily in recent years.  SMEs generate 59.7 % of value-added and 65.5 % of employment in the ‘non-financial business economy’ in Sweden. It's important for the success of SMEs to be ready to provide high product availability to customers at minimal operation costs. The challenges faced by SMEs are tougher in global competition. There is a rapid growth in the industrial revolution to deal with the challenges as well as competition. This work mainly focuses on implementing resource planning (RP) and adapting to the latest technologies of Industry 4.0 into SMEs to face the challenges. But incorporating Industry 4.0 in a major struggle in the SMEs.  The thesis provides a view of Resource Planning implementation. The authors describe the resource planning implementation techniques and define the requirements for its successful implementation. Resource Planning (RP) adoption factors have been studied quite extensively over the years. However, this master thesis tries to investigate the less explored area of resource planning. Relatively a smaller amount of research has been conducted, when it comes to implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies especially in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).  Industry 4.0 provides new paradigms for the industrial management of SMEs. Supported by a growing number of new technologies, this concept appears more flexible and less expensive than traditional enterprise information systems. This paper presents a literature review of existing applied research covering different Industry 4.0 issues about SMEs. Furthermore, the analysis is done to understand the correlation between the identified factors of Industry 4.0 technologies. The research findings indicate that the use of IoT and Cloud computing are major advantages for resource planning in an SME. The results from the analysis are presented in a framework designed for the future adaptation of these technologies. Despite the research limitations, the findings show a high advantage. Finally, the author suggests a future scope of research.


Naif S Almakhdhub (8810120) 07 May 2020 (has links)
<div><p>Internet of Things (IoT) systems running on Microcontrollers (MCUS) have become a prominent target of remote attacks. Although deployed in security and safety critical domains, such systems lack basic mitigations against control-flow hijacking attacks. Attacks against IoT systems already enabled malicious takeover of smartphones, vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and industrial control systems.</p></div><div><p> </p><div><p>The thesis introduces a systemic analysis of previous defense mitigations to secure IoT systems. Building off this systematization, we identify two main issues in IoT systems security. First, efforts to protect IoT systems are hindered by the lack of realistic benchmarks and evaluation frameworks. Second, existing solutions to protect from control-flow hijacking on the return edge are either impractical or have limited security guarantees. This thesis addresses these issues using two approaches. </p></div><div><p> </p></div><div><p>First, we present BenchIoT, a benchmark suite of five realistic IoT applications and an evaluation framework that enables automated and extensible evaluation of 14 metrics covering security, performance, memory usage, and energy. BenchIoT enables evaluating and comparing security mechanisms. Using BenchIoT, we show that even if two security mechanisms have similarly modest runtime overhead, one can have undesired consequences on security such as a large portion of privileged user execution.</p></div><div><p> </p></div><div><p>Second, we introduce Return Address Integrity (RAI), a novel security mechanism to prevent all control-flow hijacking attacks targeting return edges, without requiring special hardware. We design and implement μRAI to enforce the RAI property. Our results show μRAI has a low runtime overhead of 0.1% on average, and therefore is a</p></div><div><p>practical solution for IoT systems. </p></div><div><p> </p></div><div><p>This thesis enables measuring the security IoT systems through standardized benchmarks and metrics. Using static analysis and runtime monitors, it prevents control-flow hijacking attacks on return edges with low runtime overhead. Combined, this thesis advances the state-of-the-art of protecting IoT systems and benchmarking its security.</p></div></div>


Monil Vallabhbh Chheta (10063480) 01 March 2021 (has links)
<div><div><div><p>This project aims to develop a cloud-based platform that integrates sensors with business intelligence for real-time energy management at the plant level. It provides facility managers, an energy management platform that allows them to monitor equipment and plant-level energy consumption remotely, receive a warning, identify energy loss due to malfunction, present options with quantifiable effects for decision-making, and take actions, and assess the outcomes. The objectives consist of:</p><ol><li><p>Developing a generic platform for the monitoring energy consumption of industrial equipment using sensors</p></li><li><p>Control the connected equipment using an actuator</p></li><li><p>Integrating hardware, cloud, and application algorithms into the platform</p></li><li><p>Validating the system using an Energy Consumption Forecast scenario</p></li></ol><p>A Demo station was created for testing the system. The demo station consists of equipment such as air compressor, motor and light bulb. The current usage of these equipment is measured using current sensors. Apart from current sensors, temperature sensor, pres- sure sensor and CO2 sensor were also used. Current consumption of these equipment was measured over a couple of days. The control system was tested randomly by turning on equipment at random times. Turning on the equipment resulted in current consumption which ensured that the system is running. Thus, the system worked as expected and user could monitor and control the connected equipment remotely.</p></div></div></div>

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