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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbanizing Agriculture; Vertical Farming as a Potential Solution to Food Security Issues

Quinn, Harley January 2017 (has links)
Sustainable Built Environments Senior Capstone Project / As countries around the world continue to deplete natural resources and as the world’s population continues to grow, many industries, as well as people, have begun to suffer from the strain on dwindling natural resources. Agriculture and food distribution industries send goods from all around the world to stock grocery stores, restaurants, and other retail centers. The high costs of the distribution format causes people to be unable to afford food even though the amount of production is more than sufficient. “Enough food is produced worldwide to feed all the people in the world (Leathers and Foster, 2009). However, despite this alarming truth, nearly one billion people are suffering from chronic hunger today. There are a wide range of factors that contribute to this problem, however, the most significant is poor food distribution.” (Mission: Feeding the World, 2014) In an attempt to diminish these issues, organizations such as the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) have focused their research on various ways to grow within smaller regions and lower transportation distances to limit costs. They focus on these attempts largely to reach their Urban Food and Supply goals of providing efficiency in distribution to stabilize supplies of low-cost food to provide for everyone rather than only those who can afford it. (FAO, 2000) Additionally, work has been done to decrease waste at points along the supply chain. The challenge and goal, however, should not be to limit the scope of travel by a small fraction, but completely eradicate it. Focusing on agricultural techniques that occur within urban areas could allow the growth of most agricultural products within the confines of a city. Practicing locally grown agricultural techniques could diminish food distribution costs as the distance of travel would become within a quick drive or walk. The inhabitants of the city could purchase food out of their own neighborhoods at a much lower cost. Restaurants and grocery stores could limit their supplies so that very little went to waste. Additionally, farms would be close by, meaning there would be no issues getting food in enough time as well as allowing a greater awareness of the product’s growing conditions. Residents would immediately have a much greater understanding of their food supply chain and could participate in the growing of those products. Classical agricultural techniques do not work in this setting. In typical agriculture techniques, the growing population will outgrow the amount of land we have to grow crops. (Biello, 2009) Already today, over 80% of the land that is suitable for raising crops is in use (FAO and NASA). Historically, some 15% of that has been laid waste by poor management practices (Despommier, 2011). To simply account for the population growth predicted, food production will have to increase by 70% according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (2011). As the same percentage of people move towards urban living, the question is, should the food production industries follow suit? Unfortunately, space is both limited and at a premium in an urban environment. Vertical farming could be a solution to agriculture needs with population growth. Vertical farming allows skyscrapers to be filled with floor upon floor of orchards and fields, producing crops all year round (Technology Quarterly, 2010). The benefits of successful vertical farming are exceptional as it could reduce transport costs and carbon emissions, free up land, reduce spoilage, and finally, limit the water usage as compared to classic agriculture techniques. Unfortunately, there are limited examples of vertical farming and it remains mostly untested; however, some examples have begun to show up around the world. In the US, no vertical farms have been constructed, although the materials and technology exists. In the 2015 World’s Fair in Milan, this technology was showcased by Biber Architects in their project “Farm Walls”, a hydroponic technology that allows the plants to grow without soil and vertically (ZipGrow, 2017). Knowing the potential benefits of this type of system, the question remains of should agriculture transfer to this arrangement? What are the potential costs of these systems and technologies? Do the benefits outweigh the costs? Finally, what potential downfalls could result for farmers in non-urban environments? This capstone intends to analyze the costs and benefits of vertical farming technology as well as explore case studies of existing vertical farms to determine if it is an appropriate strategy for cities to adapt to address food insecurity.

TORN I SKOG / Towers Among Trees

Forsblom, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
This project focuses on sustainable production. The monocultural large-scale agriculture and forestry contributes with great strain on nature in the form of deforestation and eutrophication. At the same time, production is a central part of rural supply, and inthe extension also for all residents of the country. Unlike the city where demand drives land prices to such an extent that it pays to build vertically, the typology of the countryside is rather characterized by the opposite. Still, the relatively low land value in the countryside is so important for the ecological and economic sustainability of the whole country. What would happen if we priced the ecological values in evaluation of rural land prices, could it also be possible to build vertically even there? With this as a starting point, I have designed a vertical aquaponic cultivation tower, which produces both vegetables and crops, but also fish and energy. The tower is clad with both solar cells and solar panels, which ensures a sustainable self-sufficient energy supply, while excess energy can also supply surrounding buildings and businesses. In this project, I have replaced a 110 ha large cultivation area with vertical cultivation towers corresponding to the same production capacity in crops but which to the surface only occupy 1.1 ha. My idea with the saved land is to allow it to return to nature, primeval forest in the long run. In addition to the obvious ecological benefits, a changed use of land can enable a place for recreation in the middle of this “tower forest”, something that the classic arable farming rarely allows to any great extent. / I detta tredje och avslutande projekt här i Alberga har jag tagit avstamp i en av demest centrala utmaningarna för landsbygden. Detta handlar om hållbar produktion.Av Sveriges totala landyta brukas idag 8 % av marken för jordbruk, att jämföramed den bebyggda ytan på 3 %. Ytterligare ca 62 % nyttjas för skogsbruk. (SCB,Markanvändningen i Sverige). Det monokulturella storskaliga jord och skogsbruketbidrar med stora påfrestningar för naturen i form av avskogning och övergödning.Samtidigt är produktionen en central del av landsbygdens försörjning, och iförlängningen även för alla landets invånare. Till skillnad från i staden där efterfrågan driver markpriser i en sådan grad att detlönar sig att bygga på höjden är landsbygdens typologi snarare kännetecknad av detmotsatta. Ändå är den relativt lågt värderade marken på landsbygden så viktig förden ekologiska och ekonomiska hållbarheten för hela landet. Vad skulle hända om viprisade in de ekologiska värdena i landsbygdens markpriser, skulle det då kunna lönasig att även där bygga på höjden? Med detta som utgångspunkt har jag utformat ett vertikalt aquaponiskt odlingstorn, som både producerar grönsaker och grödor, men även fisk och energi. Tornet är klätt med både solceller och solpaneler vilket säkerställer en hållbar självförsörjande energitillgång, samtidigt som överskott av energi även kan förse omkringliggande bebyggelse och verksamheter. I detta projekt har jag ersatt ett 110 ha stort odlingsareal med vertikala odlingstorn motsvarande samma produktionskapacitet i grödor men som till ytan bara upptar 1,1 ha. Min tanke med den bespararade marken är att tillåta den återgå till skog, urskog på lång sikt.Förutom de uppenbara ekologiska fördelarna så kan även den ändrade markanvändingenmöjliggöra en plats för rekreation mitt i odlingstornsskogen, något som det klassiskaåkerjordbruket sällan tillåter i någon större utsträckning.


Troilo, Angeline M 01 January 2019 (has links)
MOTIVATION: The value of family mealtime has been well documented by decades of academic research. Children from families, (regardless of race, class or income), that routinely sit down to a meal together, suffer less depression, obesity and substance abuse. They also stay healthier and do better in school (Benefits 2018). There are nutrition, health, social, and mental benefits to eating with others. Research has shown that people eat more fruits and vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods when they share a meal with others. They also drink less soda and eat less fried foods (Benefits 2018). Eating meals together teaches children better communication skills and the opportunity to learn more words (Benefits 2018). PROBLEM: In environments that have limited fresh fruits and vegetables, yet numerous sweet and salty snack food, food insufficiency, and infrequent family meals have been found to be associated with poor dietary intake and/or obesity. (Mason 2014). People and families may make decisions based on their environment or community. For example, a person may choose not to walk or bike to the store or to work because of a lack of sidewalks or safe bike trails. Community, home, child care, school, health care, and workplace settings can all influence people’s daily behaviors. Therefore, it is important to create environments in these locations that make it easier to engage in physical activity and eat a healthy diet (Adult 2018). If we know that eating nutritious meals together at home equals can reduce stress, obesity, and depression, and lead to a happier life, why do people still make other choices? Lack of food education? Resources? Time? METHODS: Direct observational and objective data was collected through a survey to better understand the choices that people make. Research through articles, books, and documentaries will support my findings on the benefits of community kitchens and gardens. Precedents include Shalom Farms, Feed More, and other community kitchens in the country RESULTS: Despite intense nationwide efforts to improve healthy eating, progress has plateaued, and health biases remain (Berge 2017). Community kitchens have been associated with enhanced food skills, improved community food security, and improved social interactions (Iacovou 2013). Studies of community kitchen-based nutrition and cooking instruction program for parents and children suggests increased enjoyment of cooking and decreased consumption of meals away from home (Iacovou 2013). REFLECTIONS & CONCLUSIONS: How might a community cooking school, garden, and table where members share knowledge, resources, and labor to prepare, cook, and consume food improve the member’s health? A kitchen-based nutrition and cooking instruction program for parents and children would bring food freedom, or the right to food, implying that sufficient food is available, that people have the means to access it, and that it adequately meets the individual’s dietary needs and an environment to learn basic cooking techniques and food gardening. This community cooking school and garden will highlight healthful eating, incorporating young children into growing their own produce, cooking, and emphasizing the emotional and social benefits of family meal time. In this space, a variety of programs for all experience and income levels would be available year round. Every class would end with a meal around the table, because eating together is as important as what’s on the plate.

Gemüseanbau im Hochhaus

Schröder, Fritz-Gerald, Domurath, Nico 19 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Wissenschaftler sind weltweit bereits seit geraumer Zeit darum bemüht, Lösungen für die praktikable Umsetzung einer urbanen Produktion frischer Gemüse zu erarbeiten. Die hydroponischer Anbauverfahren haben ein überdurchschnittlich hohes Potential, wenn es um die Einsparung von Produktionsmitteln geht. So können im Pflanzenbau gegenüber dem Freilandanbau bis zu 90 Prozent des eingesetzten Wassers durch geschlossene Kreisläufe eingespart werden. Diese Kreisläufe vermeiden zudem den Eintrag von Düngemittel in die Umwelt. Der geschützte Anbau in Hochhäusern sorgt für ein optimales Pflanzenwachstum ohne ungünstige Witterungseinflüsse. So ist nicht nur eine sichere marktnahe Produktion gewährleistet, es kann auch das ganze Jahr hindurch produziert werden. Transporte von Produkten aus weit entfernten Gegenden anderer Länder können somit vermieden werden. Hinzu kommt die Flächenersparnis und die damit hohe Flächenproduktivität führen. Dennoch zeigen erste Umsetzungsversuche auf, dass es noch einen hohen Grad an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit bedarf bis eine profitable Lösung für den Markt bereit steht. Insbesondere der hohe technische Aufwand und Energiebedarf erster Testanlagen sind hier als besondere Herausforderung anzusehen. In dem umfassend angelegten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben mit dem Namen BrickBorn Farming – Nahrungsmittelproduktion in Gebäuden städtischer Gebiete sollen verschiedenste Aspekte weiterentwickelt und miteinander verknüpft werden.


Abukhader, Rami, Kakoore, Samer January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of access to food and the need for local and circular food supply chains in urban environments. Nowadays, Indoor Vertical Farming has been increased in large cities and started deploying Artificial Intelligence to control vegetations remotely. This thesis aims to monitor and control the vertical farm by scheduling the farming activities by solving a newly proposed Job-shop scheduling problem to enhance food productivity. The Job-shop scheduling problem is one of the best-known optimization problems as the execution of an operation may depend on the completion of another operation running at the same time. This paper presents an efficient method based on genetic algorithms developed to solve the proposed scheduling problem. To efficiently solve the problem, a determination of the assignment of operations to the processors and the order of each operation so that the execution time is minimized. An adaptive penalty function is designed so that the algorithm can search in both feasible and infeasible regions of the solution space. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and how it can be applied for monitoring the farm remotely. / <p>The presentation was held in zoom</p>

Gemüseanbau im Hochhaus: Das Projekt Brick Born Farming beschäftigt sich mit innovativen Anbaukonzepten

Schröder, Fritz-Gerald, Domurath, Nico 19 March 2015 (has links)
Wissenschaftler sind weltweit bereits seit geraumer Zeit darum bemüht, Lösungen für die praktikable Umsetzung einer urbanen Produktion frischer Gemüse zu erarbeiten. Die hydroponischer Anbauverfahren haben ein überdurchschnittlich hohes Potential, wenn es um die Einsparung von Produktionsmitteln geht. So können im Pflanzenbau gegenüber dem Freilandanbau bis zu 90 Prozent des eingesetzten Wassers durch geschlossene Kreisläufe eingespart werden. Diese Kreisläufe vermeiden zudem den Eintrag von Düngemittel in die Umwelt. Der geschützte Anbau in Hochhäusern sorgt für ein optimales Pflanzenwachstum ohne ungünstige Witterungseinflüsse. So ist nicht nur eine sichere marktnahe Produktion gewährleistet, es kann auch das ganze Jahr hindurch produziert werden. Transporte von Produkten aus weit entfernten Gegenden anderer Länder können somit vermieden werden. Hinzu kommt die Flächenersparnis und die damit hohe Flächenproduktivität führen. Dennoch zeigen erste Umsetzungsversuche auf, dass es noch einen hohen Grad an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit bedarf bis eine profitable Lösung für den Markt bereit steht. Insbesondere der hohe technische Aufwand und Energiebedarf erster Testanlagen sind hier als besondere Herausforderung anzusehen. In dem umfassend angelegten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben mit dem Namen BrickBorn Farming – Nahrungsmittelproduktion in Gebäuden städtischer Gebiete sollen verschiedenste Aspekte weiterentwickelt und miteinander verknüpft werden.

Urban Agricultural Independence

Wenker, Trent 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Optimizing light quality for growth, nutritional quality, and food safety of lettuce in vertical farming

Yuyao Kong (15355009) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>With the rapid growth in population and urbanization, an increased supply of fresh, nutritious, and safe food in urban areas is required. Relying solely on conventional agriculture for food production can be risky due to climate change and decreasing natural resources (i.e., water, and arable land). Vertical farming (VF) involves growing food crops (primarily leafy greens and small-statured fruits) at multiple levels in controlled environments with less land and water inputs. However, high operational costs have resulted in low-profit margins in VF, which are challenging the economic sustainability of the VF industry. With the present VF technology, it may be difficult to significantly reduce the operational costs. Therefore, maximizing the wholesale value of produce, which is determined by the total yield and sale price per unit quantity (or crop value), is critical for increasing profits in VF. In this research, the overall goal is to increase lettuce growth, nutritional quality, and food safety by optimizing the light quality of light-emitting diodes (LED) in VF to increase the whole value of produce and thus increase the VF profits. The objectives of the research were to (i) study the independent and interactive effects of monochromatic wavebands of light from UV-A (365 nm) to far-red (750 nm) on lettuce growth and nutritional quality; (ii) identify the effects of substituting moderate proportions of UV-A and a high proportion of UV-A coupled with far-red light in growth lighting on lettuce growth and nutritional quality; (iii) study the effects of lettuce cultivars and UV LED light on the survival of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 on lettuce in VF production.</p> <p>In the first study, we investigated the effects of different wavebands of light ranging from UV-A (370 nm) to far-red (733 nm), both independently and in combination with commercial growth lighting on lettuce growth, incident light-use efficiency (LUEinc), and levels of phytochemicals. Results showed that the monochromatic wavebands 389 and 733 nm had positive interactions with the growth lighting on lettuce. In addition, results also indicated that UV-A light at a peak wavelength of 389 nm could potentially increase phytochemical concentrations. In the second study, the effects of 40% UV-A (UV 389 nm) and 60% UV-A (UV 389 nm) plus 10% far-red (FR 733 nm) light for growth light during the plant stationary growth stage on lettuce biomass and biosynthesis of phytochemicals were examined. Results showed that substituting UV-A for 40% growth lighting during the plant stationary growth stage for seven days resulted in significantly increased levels of beta-carotene and phylloquinone in lettuce while slightly lowering lettuce growth. And the addition of far-red light to UV-A did not result in the expected increase in vegetative growth, while the levels of phytochemicals were not affected. In the third study, we first investigated the effects of four lettuce cultivars, including oakleaf, romaine, butterhead, and leaf lettuce on the survival of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+. Results showed that leaf lettuce had the lowest while oakleaf and romaine had the highest concentrations of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+ when sampled on days 2 and 7 after the inoculation, and on day 7 after harvest and storage at 4 °C. Then we examined the feasibility of supplementing UV-A, UV A+B, and UV A+C during plant growth stages to reduce <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+ contamination on lettuce. Our results indicated that only the UV A+C light at an intensity of 54.4 μmol·m-2·s-1 for 15 minutes per day after inoculation reduced <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 gfp+ contamination by 0.33 log CFU·g-1 without affecting plant growth and levels of phytochemicals.</p> <p>The outcomes from our research suggested that the interactive effects of monochromatic wavebands should be considered in developing light recipes. In addition, VF growers who are interested in improving the nutritional phytochemical levels such as beta-carotene and phylloquinone in lettuce while maintaining growth should consider adding a moderate proportion (< 40%) of near-blue UV-A (i.e., 389 nm) radiation during the plant stationary growth phase to growth lighting. However, shorter wavelengths of UV-A radiation are not recommended due to their negative effects on plant growth and high economic cost. For growers who are at high risk of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 contamination, it is suggested that growing leaf lettuce and supplementation of UV A+C LED light during the plant-growth period should be considered to reduce the <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 contamination levels.</p>

INTERWEAVE - Food production interweaving with cultural programs, housing, and public places in Slakthusområdet, Stockholm.

Ratin, Md January 2023 (has links)
Slakthusområdet, a historically significant slaughterhouse district in Stockholm, stands as a testament to the dynamic nature of urban landscapes, characterized by the relentless tide of rapid urban change. Over the years, this district has undergone multiple transformations, mirroring the shifting needs and aspirations of the city. Currently, Slakthusområdet finds itself on the cusp of yet another metamorphosis, as a proposal takes shape to rejuvenate the area into a vibrant hub that seamlessly integrates housing, workplaces, commerce, services, and green spaces.Traditionally, Slakthusområdet served as a focal point for the slaughter and meat packaging industry, bearing witness to the relentless rhythm of production. However, the winds of change blow through the district once again, igniting a collective imagination that envisions its potential to become a sustainable and culturally diverse urban food production system. This transformative project seeks to explore new frontiers in food production, harnessing the possibilities offered by emerging technologies and innovative practices.Among the innovative modes of food production to be integrated into the fabric of Slakthusområdet are insect farming, vertical farming, and lab-based food production. By embracing these cutting-edge approaches, the project aims to revolutionize the way food is grown, cultivated, and distributed within the urban context. The district's existing buildings, with their deep-rooted historical significance, will be preserved and thoughtfully integrated with new construction, forming a dynamic juxtaposition of the old and the new. This fusion of heritage and modernity will serve as a powerful metaphor, embodying the district's journey of transformation and adaptation.Drawing inspiration from Slakthusområdet's rich history, the project seeks to unlock its hidden potential by interweaving food production with other essential elements of urban life. Housing, cultural organizations, and public spaces will converge harmoniously, creating a tapestry of activity and fostering a sense of community. By embracing a holistic approach to urban planning, the project aspires to create a new identity for Slakthusområdet that transcends the boundaries of a traditional urban district. By blending the realms of food production, sustainable living, and cultural vibrancy, Slakthusområdet can become a beacon of inspiration and a model for resilient, inclusive urban environments. The integration of emerging food production methods within an urban fabric is a novel endeavor with the potential to reshape our cities, fostering self-sufficiency, reducing environmental impacts, and promoting social cohesion.In conclusion, the proposed redevelopment of Slakthusområdet signifies a pivotal moment in the district's storied history. By embracing a vision that interweaves sustainable food production, housing, cultural organizations, and public spaces, the project strives to carve a new path forward. Through this transformation, Slakthusområdet can emerge as a shining example of urban regeneration, one that transcends its historical legacy and embraces the challenges and opportunities of the future. As the project sets in motion, its impact on urban design and planning practices will reverberate far beyond the boundaries of Stockholm, inspiring the cities of tomorrow to cultivate resilience, foster inclusivity, and nurture sustainable urban ecosystems.


Fatemeh Sheibani (16649382) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Vertical farming (VF) as a newer sector of controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) is proliferating as demand for year-round, local, fresh produce is rising. However, there are concerns regarding the high capital expenses and significant operational expenses that contribute to fragile profitability of the VF industry. Enhancing resource-use efficiency is a strategy to improve profitability of the VF industry, and different approaches are proposed in the three chapters of this dissertation. LEDs are used for sole-source lighting in VF, and although they recently have significantly improved electrical efficiency and photon efficacy, the Lambertian design of the illumination pattern leads to significant loss of obliquely emitted photons beyond cropping areas. In chapter 1, close-canopy lighting (CCL) is proposed as one effective energy-saving strategy, through which unique physical properties of LEDs were leveraged, and two CCL strategies (energy efficiency and yield enhancement) were characterized at four different separation distances between light-emitting and light-absorbing surfaces. Dimming to the same light intensity at all separation distances resulted in the same biomass production while significant energy savings occurred at closer distances. Significantly higher light intensity and yield were achieved under closer separation distances in the yield-enhancement strategy for the same energy input. The energy-utilization efficiency (g fresh/dry biomass per kWh of energy) was doubled in both scenarios when the separation distance between LED emitting surface and crop surface was reduced maximally. At reduced separation distances, the chance of photon escape from growth areas is less, and canopy photon capture efficiency is improved.</p><p>Optimizing environmental conditions for indoor plant production also helps improve resource-use efficiency for the nascent vertical-farming industry. Although significant technical advancements of LEDs have been made, use of efficient far-red (FR) LEDs has yet to be exploited. As a recent proposed extension to traditional photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm), FR radiation (700-750 nm) contributes to photosynthesis as well as photomorphogenesis when added to shorter wavelengths of traditional PAR. However, the interaction of FR with other environmental parameters such as CO2 is less studied. In chapter 2, the interaction effect of four FR fluxes (as substitution for red) in combination with three different CO2 concentrations were investigated at three distinctive stages of young-lettuce production. The highest biomass achieved at all stages occurred at 800 mmol mol-1 CO2 compared to 400 and 1600 mmol mol-1. A photomorphogenic effect of FR to promote leaf length was pronounced at the earliest stages of development, at which FR did not contribute to higher biomass accumulation. At more developed stages, 20 mmol m-2 s-1 of FR substituting for red contributed to biomass accumulation similar to shorter wavelengths of traditional PAR, whereas higher fluxes of FR in the light recipe resulted in undesirable quality attributes such as longer leaves.</p><p>Optimizing environmental conditions for indoor production with emphasis on light intensity and CO2 concentration at four distinctive stages of lettuce production was investigated in chapter 3. Utilizing the Minitron III gas-exchange system, light and CO2 dose-response profiles were characterized at four distinctive crop-development stages through instantaneous gas-exchange measurements at crop level. At all developmental stages, as CO2 concentration increased, photosynthesis increased up to 500 mmol mol-1, above which the incremental rate of photosynthesis was reduced. Light-dose response profiles were characterized at 400 or 800 mmol mol-1 CO2, and as light intensity increased, photosynthesis increased up to 650 mmol m-2 s-1. However, when instantaneous power (Watts) consumed for lighting was taken into consideration, power-use efficiency as the ratio of output photosynthesis increment to input power increment (to increase light intensity), decreased at higher light intensities. Vertical farming as a nascent and growing industry is facing limitations including marginal and even elusive profitability. Optimizing environmental conditions for indoor plant production such as these will help improve resource-use efficiency and profitability of the vertical farming industry.</p>

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