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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livscykelanalys av det vertikala odlingssystemet Freja : En fallstudie i samarbete med Swegreen med fokus på att finna miljöpåverkans- hotspots

Brandel, Andrea, Borgström, Nora January 2024 (has links)
Livsmedelsindustrin är en bidragande faktor till klimatförändringarna, där innovativalösningar, såsom vertikal odling, kan appliceras för att främja en hållbar livsmedelsproduktion. Vertikala odlingssystem möjliggör urban inomhusodling,vertikalt i hyllplan, i kontrollerade miljöer med odlingskammare, belysningssystem samt vanligtvis jordfri odlingsmetod (t.ex. hydroponik), som är essentiella delar avsystemet. Temperatur, relativ fuktighet och artificiellt ljus regleras efter grödornas behov. Vid hydroponisk odling används odlingssubstrat såsom stenull istället för jord och växternas rötter är i konstant kontakt med det återcirkulerande vattnet i systemet, som förser växterna med näring. Tidigare livscykelanalyser av vertikala odlingssystem, om än ett begränsat antal, belyser elförbrukningen som den största bidragande faktorn till miljöpåverkan, samt att utbyte av olika material kan generera en lägre total miljöpåverkan. Examensarbetet syftar till att utföra en livscykelanalys på Swegreens vertikala odlingssystemet Freja, på ICA Maxi i Solna. Vidare syftar livscykelanalysen till att identifiera de faser och flöden som står för betydande miljöpåverkan, samt några förbättringsförslag. Det vertikala odlingssystemet antar perspektivet ‘vagga till användning’ under 30 år, exkluderande monterings- och sluthanteringsfasen. Användningsfasen innefattar sallatens livscykel från ‘vagga till grav’, exkluderande förtäringsfasen. Den funktionella enheten är 1 kg producerad ekbladssallat tillgänglig för konsumenter av klass 1. Data har inhämtats från både Swegreens digitaliserade data och från en tidigare studie utförd på Swegreens odlingssystem Saga. För bearbetning har programvaran SimaPro och databasen Ecoinvent 3.8 använts. Resultaten analyseras utifrån miljöpåverkanskategorierna ekotoxicitet (sötvatten), fossil resursanvändning, försurning, klimatförändringar, markanvändning, resursanvändning (mineraler och metaller), vattenanvändning och övergödning (sötvatten). Odlingsfasen för sallaten (innehållande elanvändning) är systemets främsta hotspot, följt av råmaterialsfasen för sallat, som orsakar störst miljöpåverkan för samtliga miljöpåverkanskategorier, förutom för resursanvändning (mineraler och metaller). Resultaten kan ej generaliseras eftersom de beror på val av funktionell enhet, systemgränser samt typ av data. Resultaten från känslighetsanalysen för energiproduktion och sluthantering tyder på att olika scenarion genererar lägst miljöpåverkan, beroende på vilka miljöpåverkanskategorier som anses mest relevanta. / The food industry is a contributing factor to climate change, where innovative solutions, such as vertical farming, can be applied to promote sustainable food production. Vertical farming systems enable urban indoor farming, vertically on shelves, in controlled environments with cultivation chambers, lighting systems and usually soil-free cultivation methods (e.g. hydroponics), that are essential parts of the system. Temperature, relative humidity and artificial light are regulated to satisfy the crops needs. Hydroponic cultivation utilizes growing mediums such as rock wool instead of soil and the roots of the plants are in constant contact with the recirculating water in the system, which provides the plants with nutrients. Previous life cycle assessments of vertical farming systems, although limited in numbers,highlight the electricity consumption as the largest contributing factor to the environmental impact, as well as replacing different materials for a lower environmental impact. This study aims to assess the environmental impacts and hot spots, through the use of life cycle assessment, on Swegreen's vertical farming system Freja, at ICA Maxi Solna. Furthermore the life cycle assessment aims to identify the phases and flows that accounts for significant environmental impact, as well as some suggestions for improvement. The vertical farming system applies the perspective of ‘cradle to use’for 30 years, not including the assembly or waste disposal phase. The use phase includes the life cycle of lettuce, from ‘cradle to grave’, not including the consumption phase. The functional unit is 1 kg of produced oak leaf lettuce, class 1,available to consumers. Data has been obtained from both Swegreen's digitized data and from a previous study conducted on Swegreen's farming system Saga. To process the data, the software SimaPro and the Ecoinvent 3.8 database was applied. Results are analyzed with regards to the environmental impact categories ecotoxicity (freshwater), fossil resource use, acidification, climate change, land use,resource use (minerals and metals), water use and eutrophication (freshwater).Results indicate that the lettuce cultivation phase (containing electricity use) is the main hotspot of the system, followed by the raw material phase for the lettuce. Aphase that also dominates in all environmental impact categories, except for resource use (minerals and metals). Results cannot be generalized since they dependon the choice of functional unit, system boundaries and type of data. The sensitivity analysis regarding the energy production and waste disposal suggests that different alternatives cause the lowest environmental impact, depending on which environmental impact categories are considered the most important.


MARCIO LUIZ COELHO CUNHA 11 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] À medida que a população cresce, mais alimentos precisarão ser produzidos nas próximas quatro décadas do que nos últimos 10.000 anos. No entanto, o mundo moderno ainda depende da produção de monoculturas de alto rendimento, cada vez mais ameaçada por condições climáticas incomuns, escassez de água e terra insuficiente. A fim de superar esses problemas e alimentar o mundo, é necessário um caminho prático para fornecer alimentos frescos, com qualidade e em escala, com mínima dependência do clima e com uso de água e pegada de carbono reduzidos. Uma abordagem razoável é construir fazendas verticais dentro das cidades em um ambiente fechado repleto de sensores e iluminação artificial controlada por software para uma produção e gestão eficiente do plantio de alimentos. Esta tese propõe a instanciação de um modelo, chamado Ciclo do Software dos Lugares (SoPC), que é capaz de responder a estímulos ambientais em um sistema fechado de produção de plantas com iluminação artificial que possibilite a criação de ambientes com auto-aprendizagem. Esta tese descreve o SoPC, as abordagens e processos de implementação de uma mini fábrica de plantas com iluminação artificial com base na discussão em cinco ciclos de pesquisa-ação. / [en] As the population grows, more food will need to be produced in the next four decades than has been in the past 10,000 years. However, the modern world still depends on high yield monoculture production which is increasingly threatened by unusual weather, water shortages, and insufficient land. In order to overcome these problems and feed the world, a practical path to provide quality fresh healthy food at scale with minimal weather dependency, water usage and reduced carbon footprint is necessary. One reasonable approach is to build vertical farms inside the cities in a close environment full of sensors and artificial lighting controlled by software for efficient production of food crops. This thesis proposes a model, entitled Software of Places Cycle (SoPC), that should be able to answer to environmental stimuli in a closed plant production system using artificial lighting in order to create a self-learning environment. This thesis describes the SoPC, the approaches and processes of implementing a mini Plant Factory using Artificial Lighting based on the discussion on five action-research cycles. The thesis main contribution is a conceptual model to guide the development and maintenance of a mini-PFAL (m-PFAL), a minor contribution is the deployment of the SoP, i.e., the very notion of having software dedicated to a specific place.

Analyzing the environmental sustainability of an urban vertical hydroponic system / Utvärdering av den miljömässiga hållbarheten av en urban vertikal hydroponisk odling

Barge, Unni January 2020 (has links)
Food systems are considered one of the most important anthropogenic activities contributing to climate change. On the other hand, climate change influences the conditions for growth with more frequent droughts and heatwaves. This contradiction poses a significant challenge to future food systems, which need not only become more sustainable, but also increase its production to feed a growing population, as stated in both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the Swedish action plan on food. This has given rise to alternative ways of producing food, such as urban farming and, in particular vertical hydroponic farming, where food is grown indoors in a controlled environment with artificial lighting and with a minimum use of water and without pesticides. In this study, a vertical hydroponic farm located in Stockholm, Sweden, is examined using life cycle assessment in terms of environmental sustainability. The farm, located in a basement space, works together with the building in a symbiotic network, where the farm provides the building with excess heat from the lighting, and in turn obtains carbon dioxide from an office floor. The findings from the study show that electricity is a major contributor to the environmental performance of the farm, along with the infrastructure employed. The impacts of water use in the farm, is very low, along with the impacts associated with the delivery of the crops; illustrating the advantages of producing food locally. By substituting the synthetic fertilizers employed to biofertilizers, and by substituting the plastic bag material to renewable material, reductions in greenhouse gases are possible. The symbiotic development between the farm and the building is shown very beneficial to the farm, highlighting the importance of synergies between actors in urban areas. / Livsmedelsindustrin anses vara en av de största antropogena drivkrafterna bakom klimatförändringarna. Å andra sidan så förändrar klimatförändringar i sig förutsättningarna för hållbar odling, med mer frekventa torrperioder, extrem värme och extrem nederbörd. Denna konträra situation ställer stora krav på framtidens livsmedelsindustri, som dessutom måste producera mer mat för att mätta en ökande befolkning; ett åtagande som står angivet både i FN:s globala mål och i den svenska Livsmedelsstrategin. Många forskare menar att dagens livsmedelsindustri inte kommer klara denna omställning, och att alternativa metoder för att producera mat behövs. Urban odling har föreslagits som en del av lösningen, och i synnerhet vertikal hydroponisk odling där grödor växer inomhus i en kontrollerad miljö med artificiell belysning, låg vattenanvändning och utan bekämpningsmedel. Den här studien undersökte en vertikal hydroponisk odling i Stockholm, och bedömde dess miljömässiga hållbarhet med hjälp av en livscykelanalys. Odlingen, som sker i en källarlokal, samarbetar med den omslutande byggnaden i en urban symbios, där odlingen förser byggnaden med spillvärme från belysningen, och får i sin tur koldioxid från en kontorslokal. Enligt resultat från studien bidrar elektriciteten till den största miljöpåverkan, men även infrastruktur har stor påverkan. Vattenanvändningen i odlingen är däremot väldigt låg, och miljöpåverkan från leveransen av varorna är mycket låg, vilket belyser fördelarna med att odla mat lokalt. Odlingen kan bland annat minska sin miljöpåverkan genom att byta ut det nuvarande konstgödslet till biogödsel och genom att byta ut plastpåsarnas material till förnybar plast. Symbiosen mellan odlingen och byggnaden visade sig vara väldigt gynnsam, vilket vidare belyser vikten av samspel mellan olika aktörer i den urbana miljön.

Simulation as an Enabler for ProductionSystem Development within the Indoor Vertical Farming Industry

Abbas, Anwar, Faruk Acar, Ömer January 2023 (has links)
With the increase in food consumption, new ideas, and technologies began to be developed. Inaddition, the developments generated by Industry 4.0 technologies have started to be applied tothe entire manufacturing sector and the indoor farming industry, which is currently trending.Many studies and articles have been prepared on this subject, and the main goal of each study isto produce quality products and to ensure continuity in production to cover the nonendingincrease in demand. This paper discusses how simulation technology, which is one of the industry 4.0 technologies,can be used in the production system development of the indoor farming industry. According tomany researchers, the biggest obstacle for the vertical farming industry is start-up cost, andsimulation technologies can be the solution for this since it allows future production systems tobe analyzed without any investment. To have a clear vision of how these technologies can beadapted in the indoor farming industry, this paper will find the answers to these questions, RQ1:How can simulation facilitate production system development and Industry 4.0 projects withinthe indoor farming industry? RQ2: What are the benefits and challenges when using simulationas a tool for production system development within the indoor farming industry? To reach thegoal of this paper, the case study method was used, and an indoor farming company was selectedto get more realistic data about the vertical farming system. BlueRedGold AB is a start-upcompany in the indoor farming industry, and it has a huge growth potential since they aim totransform its current production lines to be fully automated. Many articles and studies were usedto approach the solution of the research questions from a more technical and academic point ofview, and the analysis of these articles was carried out with the structured literature review method. After conducting this research, answers have been obtained for the research questions. Theauthors' solution to the layout issue, one of the case company's main challenges as indicated inthis study, was developed after extensive simulation model testing. As highlighted in this paper,it has been stated by many researchers, there are several simulation approaches to follow.However, the authors have developed a simulation modeling approach to be followed in theindoor vertical farming industry to overcome the complexity of these systems as well as thesimulation program complexity. In addition, several challenges and benefits have beenhighlighted in this paper such as the lack of ready models of the equipment used in indoorfarming which requires a knowledge of a programing language to overcome. Finally, despitechallenges, simulation technology can provide an applicable solution for production systemproblems of vertical farming companies/organizations to obtain continuous improvementphilosophy which is the main principle of Lean thinking. The generated simulation model in thisthesis project was successfully implemented, demonstrating how this technology might be aneffective solution for complex production systems as in the indoor farming sector.

Implementering av hydroponisk odling i en livsmedelsbutik : En fallstudie av en aktör inom Stockholmsområdet / Implementation of hydroponic cultivation in a grocery store : A case study of an actor in the Stockholm area

Korssell, Caroline, Rudert, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar en fallstudie i ett kandidatexamensarbete som utförts tillsammans med en livsmedelsbutik i Stockholmsområdet och som grundar sig i intervjuer, platsbesök och vetenskapliga artiklar. Där livsmedelsbutiken har ett intresse av att implementera en odling i form av ett hydroponiskt system direkt i sin butik.  I fallstudien har det undersökts hur implementering av odling i butik genom ett samarbete med ett odlingsföretag skulle fungera och se ut för butiken. Studien har begränsats till två olika odlingsföretag i Sverige, som har varsitt koncept på hur odlingen kan implementeras, gemensamt för dem är att de använder vertikal odling i form av hydroponiska system. Där det ena företaget erbjuder vertikal odling i en odlingscontainer och det andra vertikal odling inne i ett växthus. Båda företagens olika odlingskoncept har redan implementerats i två andra livsmedelsbutiker inom samma koncern som livsmedelsbutiken i Stockholm befinner sig i.  Fallstudien har genomförts genom att först skapa en bred bakgrund genom litteratursökningar i olika databaser kring relevanta nyckelord för att sedan genomföra intervjuer med båda odlingsföretagen och livsmedelsbutikerna. Därefter har kunskap och svar från respondenterna i intervjuerna sammanställts och ett förslag har tagits fram om vilket odlingsföretag som lämpar sig bäst för livsmedelsbutikens ändamål.  Resultatet visar att möjligheterna och fördelarna vid en implementering av hydroponisk odling för livsmedelsbutiken i Stockholmsområdet att implementera hydroponisk odling är flera och överväger till största del de möjliga utmaningarna. Dessutom gynnas flera av hållbarhetsmålen till livsmedelsbutikens koncern genom implementering av en hydroponisk odling i butiken. Vidare gynnas även några av de Förenta Nationernas Globala mål och även livsmedelsbutikens egna hållbarhetsmål. / This report is the result and outcome of a bachelor's thesis project conducted during the spring of 2021. The report presents the performed case study of a grocery store, in the area of Stockholm, where the company is aiming to implement a hydroponic self-cultivation inside their grocery store. The work is based on conducting interviews and reviewing established scientific articles in the field.  In the case study, it has been investigated how a potential collaboration between the grocery store and a cultivation company can be established. The study was limited to investigating two cultivation companies active on the Swedish market. These two cultivation companies have different solutions of how the cultivation can be implemented on the store area, but both offer vertical hydroponic solutions. Further, both systems of the individual cultivation companies’ have been implemented in other grocery stores that can be used as reference for validation of data.  The literature review of existing publications were conducted by searching in different databases by using the keywords of this work, for the researcher to increase knowledge to create guides for the interviews and for creating the theoretical frame of reference. Thereafter, literature findings and answers from the interviewees were compiled, analyzed and discussed to make a proposition of which cultivation company is best suited for a potential collaboration, with regard to the grocery stores’ wishes of implementing a hydroponic solution.  The results show that several of the grocery stores’ sustainability goals would benefit from a potential implementation of a self-cultivation. Also, implementing a hydroponic farm on the store area would increase the grocery store’s contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Assessing the adaptive capacity of Sweden's environmental governance

Tomas, Cusicanqui January 2016 (has links)
Different challenges arising from increasingly uncertain and unpredictable environmental and economicconditions have been shifting the focus of public governance and socio-economic development. Morerecently, empirical studies have demonstrated a transitional epoch in which humanity is currently in: TheAnthropocene, as well as its harmful effects that degrade the biosphere, and thus our economic, political,social well-being. The casual dynamics of climate change and its impacts on life-supporting ecosystemshas increasingly been recognized by a resilient approach which incorporates adaptive processes andschemes, allowing public governance to embrace the changes rather than control uncertainty. Thisresearch introduces the interwoven concepts of adaptive capacity, adaptive governance, and resiliencewithin a social and environmental framework. It provides a review of how these concepts support aparadigm shift to mitigating current and future challenges—understood through a multidisciplinaryapproach, and how scholars have sought to develop a blueprint to improve the need to foster and mobilizeadaptive capacity within the governance of the commons. In Sweden, key governmental and businessleaders have shown the ability to foster environmental governance that is capable of developing analternative form of planning, implementing, and managing public policy. Moreover, Sweden’s concertedmultilevel governance and public policy efforts have promoted an all-encompassing generational, mainlythrough: coordinated environmental policies and private, public, and civil society partnerships. Theseinitiatives have led to innovative technologies and projects (e.g. urban vertical farming technology) as wellas cross collaboration and integration of companies and industries in order to achieve economic, social,and environmentally symbiosis.

Sustainable urban agriculture and forestation : the edible connected city

Durant, Valerie A. 12 July 2013 (has links)
Current global agricultural practices are recognized as unsustainable. The increase in overall human population as well as the global trend of rural to urban migration, partially as a result of historically and continual unsustainable agricultural practices, exacerbates the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger in developing countries. Furthermore, cities and regions in developed countries practice unsustainable food production, distribution and consumption patterns, and as a result, exceed their global ecological footprint (Rees 2009). Consequently, the world is facing a global food (FAO 2009) and water crisis (UN Sick Water 2010). Cities and Regions must learn to feed themselves to address local food insecurity as well as protect from the climate effects of increased urbanization, including the Urban Heat Island effect (UHIe) by optimizing and fully integrating the local ecosystem services of food, water and forest within a tightly woven compact urban form through the implementation of strategic urban and regional food system planning. Cities can mitigate climate change and reduce the UHIe, by implementing sustainable intensive urban agriculture approaches through policy and zoning interventions that include concepts such as intensively productive urban agriculture that includes green roofs, vertical farming and greenways as continuously productive and edible urban landscapes, referred to in this paper as continuously productive urban agriculture and forestation (CPUAF) in the private and public realm. A highly participative, adaptive systems approach is explored as the key to sustainability within an economic world order that included corporate social responsibility and social enterprise as the foundation for the integration of multiple synergies. An increasing body of evidence often links urban forestation with urban greenery initiatives, as a carbon sink to reduce UHI effects, to reduce GHG emissions and as a tool for urban beautification and place making (ISDR: 2009,109). Urban agriculture, through the production of local food is increasingly recognized as a means to reduce fossil fuel emissions by reducing transportation and production outputs, to provide a secure local food source, enhance biodiversity and educate the public regarding food source while fostering a sense of community, environmental awareness and stewardship. This thesis explores the links between intensive urban agriculture and forestation, and the relationship between climate change, and the UHI’s as an adaptation and mitigation process in global cities, implemented as a interconnected, integrated, holistic urban management approach that has a further benefit of providing food security and a sustainable and local urban food source. / Dissertation (MTRP)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Town and Regional Planning / unrestricted

Empowering Smallholder Farmers to Achieve Food Sovereignty Through Soil-Less Agriculture

Balasubramanya, Abhijith Nag, Shaafiu, Fathimath Zainy January 2022 (has links)
This study explores the question of how soil-less agriculture through hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics can empower smallholder farmers to achieve food sovereignty as portrayed in documentaries. It addresses the power imbalance between large corporations and smallholder farmers in the traditional agriculture industry. Documentary research approach is used to understand the various applications and research aspects of soil-less agriculture from around the world. Real-life examples from different countries where these methods have been successfully implemented in the agriculture industry, ranging from large industrial settings to smallholder farmers in disadvantaged communities, are analyzed. Further, content analysis is done on these documents by constructing a matrix that combines the process of empowerment and the six pillars of food sovereignty to analyze the different forms of empowerment. The study also investigates how the use of soil-less agriculture can build capabilities through enhanced “well-being freedom” and “agency freedom” and empower smallholder farmers to achieve food sovereignty.

Co-simulation for controlled environment agriculture

Archambault, Pascal 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse produite en partenariat avec la Ferme d'hiver, centre de recherche industrielle pour l'agriculture en environnement contrôlé. / L’agriculture en environnement contrôlé (AEC) est une pratique agricole de haute technologie où la culture de plantes et son environnement sont soumis à une certaine forme de contrôle afin d’obtenir des rendements plus élevés et une efficacité de production accrue. L’AEC est essentielle en raison de son impact sur la disponibilité des terres arables, l’utilisation de l’eau et l’efficacité énergétique face à l’augmentation de l’insécurité alimentaire mondiale. Les systèmes de AEC sont contrôlés par le biais d’indicateurs de performance clés (IPC) complexes que les experts de plusieurs domaines, dont les ingénieurs et les agronomes, doivent optimiser. L’optimisation des IPC nécessite l’exploration de l’immense espace d’états du système d’AEC. Étant donné que ces systèmes sont complexes et hétérogènes, ils nécessitent une approche de modélisation et de co-simulation multi-paradigme dans laquelle les modèles utilisent les formalismes et les niveaux d’abstraction les plus appropriés. Nous proposons une architecture de co-simulation de AEC capable de capturer la dynamique des entités qui composent notre système à plusieurs niveaux d’abstraction. Nous présentons nos résultats démontrant la validité de notre approche / Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is a high-tech agricultural practice where the crop and its environment are subject to some form of control to achieve higher yields and produc- tion efficiency. CEA is critical for its impacts on arable land availability, water usage, and energy efficiency amid the rise of global food insecurity. CEA systems are controlled through complex key performance indicators (KPI) that experts of multiple domains, including engi- neers and agronomists, must optimize. The optimization of KPI requires exploring the vast state space of the CEA system. As such systems are complex and heterogeneous, they re- quire a multi-paradigm modeling and co-simulation approach in which models use the most appropriate formalisms and levels of abstraction. We provide a co-simulation architecture for CEA to capture the dynamics of the entities that comprise our system at multiple levels of abstraction and present our results showing the validity of our approach.

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