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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die interpersoonlikestylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders

Koortzen, Pieter, 1966- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The goal with the research is firstly is to study and theoretically describe the interpersonal style repertoire of middle level managers according to the interpersonal approach and more specifically the 1982 Interpersonal Circle. Secondly the interpersonal development interventions and the development process for middle level managers were discussed from this approach. The third theoretical goal involved compiling a interpersonal development programme for middle level managers. The empirical goals of the research involved the evaluation of the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers by means of self and fellow manager evaluations in an attempt to get an indication of the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Furthermore the empirical investigation involved an analysis of the influence of the interpersonal development programme in expanding the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers. The results of the self evaluations suggest that the warm-friendly, deferent-trusting, assureddominant and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the primary styles of the 263 middle managers in the sample. Their evaluations by the 82 fellow managers seem to indicate that the warmfriendly, assured-dominant, deferent-trusting, and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Although these results seem to correspond to the teoretically applicable style repertoires of middle level managers the scores were all below average. XIV With the interpersonal development programme an attempt was made to make the group of 32 managers aware of their own interpersonal style repertoires and to provide them with the opportunity to study the way in which these are used in interpersonal transactions during a experiential learning experience. The development interventions, process and the influence of the development programme are also discussed. / Die doel met hierdie navorsmg is eerstens om die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders aan die hand van die interpersoonlike benadering en meer spesifiek 1982 Interpersoonlike Sirkel, te bestudeer en teoreties te beskryf. Tweedens is die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsintervensies en -ontwikkelingsproses vir middelvlakbestuurders vanuit die benadering beskryf. Die derde teoretiese doelstelling het die samestelling van 'n interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram vir middelvlakbestuurders behels. Wat die empiriese doelstellings in die navorsing betref, is die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders deur middel van self- en medebestuurderevaluasies geevalueer om sodoende 'n aanduiding van die mees prominente interpersoonlike style van middelvlakbestuuders te kry. Verder het die empiriese ondersoek ook 'n ontleding van die invloed van die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram op die uitbreiding van middelvlakbestuurders se interpersoonlike style ingesluit. Die resultate van hulle selfevaluasies suggereer <lat die warm-vriendelik, geleidend-vertrouend, versekerd-dominant en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style die primere interpersoonlike style van die steekproef van 263 middelvlakbestuurders is. Wat die resultate van die evaluasies van die 82 medebestuurders betref, blyk dit dat die warm-vriendelik, versekerd-dominant, geleidendvertrouend en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style as die mees prominente style is. XVI Alhoewel hierdie resultate in 'n groot mate met die teoereties-toepaslike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders ooreenstem, was al die tellings ondergemiddeld. Met die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram is daar gepoog om 'n bewustheid by 'n groep van 32 bestuurders van hulle eie interpersoonlike stylrepertoire te kweek, en om hulle die geleentheid te bied om die interpersoonlike transakies waarin die style na vore tree, tydens 'n eksperimentele leerondervinding te bestudeer. Die gedragsontwikkelingsintervensies, die gedragsontwikkelingsproses en die invloed van die ontwikkelingsprogram word ook bespreek / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com (Bedryfsielkunde)

Die interpersoonlikestylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders

Koortzen, Pieter, 1966- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The goal with the research is firstly is to study and theoretically describe the interpersonal style repertoire of middle level managers according to the interpersonal approach and more specifically the 1982 Interpersonal Circle. Secondly the interpersonal development interventions and the development process for middle level managers were discussed from this approach. The third theoretical goal involved compiling a interpersonal development programme for middle level managers. The empirical goals of the research involved the evaluation of the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers by means of self and fellow manager evaluations in an attempt to get an indication of the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Furthermore the empirical investigation involved an analysis of the influence of the interpersonal development programme in expanding the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers. The results of the self evaluations suggest that the warm-friendly, deferent-trusting, assureddominant and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the primary styles of the 263 middle managers in the sample. Their evaluations by the 82 fellow managers seem to indicate that the warmfriendly, assured-dominant, deferent-trusting, and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Although these results seem to correspond to the teoretically applicable style repertoires of middle level managers the scores were all below average. XIV With the interpersonal development programme an attempt was made to make the group of 32 managers aware of their own interpersonal style repertoires and to provide them with the opportunity to study the way in which these are used in interpersonal transactions during a experiential learning experience. The development interventions, process and the influence of the development programme are also discussed. / Die doel met hierdie navorsmg is eerstens om die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders aan die hand van die interpersoonlike benadering en meer spesifiek 1982 Interpersoonlike Sirkel, te bestudeer en teoreties te beskryf. Tweedens is die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsintervensies en -ontwikkelingsproses vir middelvlakbestuurders vanuit die benadering beskryf. Die derde teoretiese doelstelling het die samestelling van 'n interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram vir middelvlakbestuurders behels. Wat die empiriese doelstellings in die navorsing betref, is die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders deur middel van self- en medebestuurderevaluasies geevalueer om sodoende 'n aanduiding van die mees prominente interpersoonlike style van middelvlakbestuuders te kry. Verder het die empiriese ondersoek ook 'n ontleding van die invloed van die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram op die uitbreiding van middelvlakbestuurders se interpersoonlike style ingesluit. Die resultate van hulle selfevaluasies suggereer <lat die warm-vriendelik, geleidend-vertrouend, versekerd-dominant en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style die primere interpersoonlike style van die steekproef van 263 middelvlakbestuurders is. Wat die resultate van die evaluasies van die 82 medebestuurders betref, blyk dit dat die warm-vriendelik, versekerd-dominant, geleidendvertrouend en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style as die mees prominente style is. XVI Alhoewel hierdie resultate in 'n groot mate met die teoereties-toepaslike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders ooreenstem, was al die tellings ondergemiddeld. Met die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram is daar gepoog om 'n bewustheid by 'n groep van 32 bestuurders van hulle eie interpersoonlike stylrepertoire te kweek, en om hulle die geleentheid te bied om die interpersoonlike transakies waarin die style na vore tree, tydens 'n eksperimentele leerondervinding te bestudeer. Die gedragsontwikkelingsintervensies, die gedragsontwikkelingsproses en die invloed van die ontwikkelingsprogram word ook bespreek / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com (Bedryfsielkunde)

Verband tussen prestasiemotivering en interpersoonlike style

Wilden, Marna 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Hierdie navorsing handel oar die verwantskap tussen prestasiemotivering en interpersoonlike style. Die konsepte wat in die navorsing beskryf word, is prestasiemotivering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk} en selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese raamwerk). Die gekose meetinstrumenter naamlik, die Bestuursmotiefvraelys vir prestasiemotivering en die lnterpersoonlike Verhoudingsvraelys vir interpersoonlike style, is op 'n steekproef van 155 middelvlakbestuurders wat die senior takseersentrum binne 'n semi-staatsdiens organisasie deurloop het, afgeneem. Die resultate is verwerk deur middel van korrelasie en regressie (enkelvoudig en meervoudig) tegnieke. Die korrelasie.:.analise het getoon dat daar 'n statisties betekenisvolle korrelasie bestaan tussen prestasiemotivering en selfgelding. Die enkelvoudige regressie-analise het getoon dat selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n invloed op prestasiemotivering uitoefen. Die korrelasie- en regressie-analise dui daarop dat responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n negatiewe invloed uitoefen op prestasiemotivering. 'n Moontlike voorspellingsmodel vir prestasiemotivering is nie ontwikkel nie, aangesien die integriteit van die resultate betwyfelword. / Hierdie navorsing handel oar die verwantskap tussen prestasiemotivering en interpersoonlike style. Die konsepte wat in die navorsing beskryf word, is prestasiemotivering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk} en selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese raamwerk). Die gekose meetinstrumenter naamlik, die Bestuursmotiefvraelys vir prestasiemotivering en die lnterpersoonlike Verhoudingsvraelys vir interpersoonlike style, is op 'n steekproef van 155 middelvlakbestuurders wat die senior takseersentrum binne 'n semi-staatsdiens organisasie deurloop het, afgeneem. Die resultate is verwerk deur middel van korrelasie en regressie (enkelvoudig en meervoudig) tegnieke. Die korrelasie.:.analise het getoon dat daar 'n statisties betekenisvolle korrelasie bestaan tussen prestasiemotivering en selfgelding. Die enkelvoudige regressie-analise het getoon dat selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n invloed op prestasiemotivering uitoefen. Die korrelasie- en regressie-analise dui daarop dat responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n negatiewe invloed uitoefen op prestasiemotivering. 'n Moontlike voorspellingsmodel vir prestasiemotivering is nie ontwikkel nie, aangesien die integriteit van die resultate betwyfelword. / This research deals with the relationship between achievement motivation and interpersonal styles. The concepts achievement motivation (from a humanistic point of view} and assertiveness, responsiveness and versatility {from a behavioristic point of view), have been described in this research. The chosen measuring instruments, namely the Management Motive questionnaire for achievement motivation and the Interpersonal Relations questionnaire for interpersonal styles, were administered by means of sampling a group of 155 from middle management who participated in the senior assessment centre in a semi-government organisation. The results were processed by using correlation and regression (simple and multiple) techniques. The correlation analysis showed significant statistical correlation between achievement motivation and assertiveness. The single regression analysis indicated that assertiveness, responsiveness and versatility have an influence on achievement motivation. The correlation and regression analysis showed that responsiveness and versatility impact negatively on achievement · motivation. The possible prediction model for achievement motivation has not been developed due to the integrity of the results being doubtful!. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Bedryfsielkunde)

Exploring the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility / Erika du Plessis

Du Plessis, Erika January 2013 (has links)
The social environment has been recognised as one of the key aspects in determining the quality of life throughout the human lifespan. Human behaviour, thoughts, feelings and attitudes are socially constructed and can only be understood when viewed from the perspective of social interaction. Older individuals, who live in residential facilities experience a diminished quality of life due to factors such as loss of independence, reduced social networks, functional dependence, and contextual changes. Depression, loneliness and social isolation are an integral part of these individuals’ lives. People develop specific styles of relating, also referred to as interpersonal styles. The systems theory is used to explain the circular processes of the interaction between people. In particular the Self-Interactional Group Theory (SIGT) is proposed as theoretical framework to explore the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility. SIGT views the interaction between people on three levels, namely the intra-personal level, the interpersonal level and the group level, which operate interdependently in the interaction between people. The interpersonal level of analysis consists of the definition of the relationship, relational qualities, motivation to engage with people to address needs and needs satisfaction as well as the circular processes of which the interaction consists of. The interactions between people always take place in an interpersonal context, embedded in broader environments. A qualitative and exploratory research design was selected to explore the relational qualities in interactions between older individuals living in a residential care facility. This study is based on data collected during a primary research study at a residential care facility for older individuals in 2013. The purpose of study was to explore the quality of life of older individuals residing in a residential care facility in Gauteng, South Africa. The data-gathering process in the primary research study involved the Mmogo-Method, a visual projective data-gathering method, the World Café method and person-centred interviews to gain insight into the participants’ life experiences at the residential care facility. For the purpose of this research, only the person-centred interviews were used for the secondary analysis of the data. Twelve purposely-selected individuals (aged 80 to 95; 3 men and 9 women) from the residential care facility participated voluntarily in the person-centered interviews, which were audio recorded. The collected data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to two different methods of analyses. First, data were analysed thematically by adopting an inductive approach. The themes identified in this first phase were next subjected to a deductive content analysis. The themes were categorised according to the relational variables in accordance with the Interactional Pattern Analysis (IPA), thereby contributing to the trustworthiness of the findings. The findings revealed that the interactions between older individuals take place in a broader environment that advocate the active participation of people. Active participation takes place both in and outside the facility and older people reported that this contributed to their quality of life. The relational qualities that could be described as enhancing interpersonal connectivity and satisfying older people’s needs for confirmation were identified as empathy, unconditional acceptance of others, confirmation and interpersonal flexibility. This research, however, highlighted relational qualities that restrained quality of life of older people, namely confusing self-presentation, ineffective expression on needs and withdrawal due to physical immobility. Needs were expressed in a very unspecific, blaming or manipulative manner, and consequently needs were not satisfied, but provoked, instead, feelings of frustration, pain and guilt. This research highlighted the predicament that older people find themselves in. Their decreased physical abilities and limited emotional repertoire to move towards others and the environment also limit their needs satisfaction. The presenting problem of social isolation can be explained by the combination of limited physical mobility and relational qualities that restrain quality of life for older people. This research study thus holds important implications for relationship-focused approaches in residential facilities for older individuals in order to empower and enable them to enhance their quality of life. Specific recommendations include interventions to assist older people to express their needs more effectively and to use opportunities in interaction to confirm them as autonomous functioning older people. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Exploring the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility / Erika du Plessis

Du Plessis, Erika January 2013 (has links)
The social environment has been recognised as one of the key aspects in determining the quality of life throughout the human lifespan. Human behaviour, thoughts, feelings and attitudes are socially constructed and can only be understood when viewed from the perspective of social interaction. Older individuals, who live in residential facilities experience a diminished quality of life due to factors such as loss of independence, reduced social networks, functional dependence, and contextual changes. Depression, loneliness and social isolation are an integral part of these individuals’ lives. People develop specific styles of relating, also referred to as interpersonal styles. The systems theory is used to explain the circular processes of the interaction between people. In particular the Self-Interactional Group Theory (SIGT) is proposed as theoretical framework to explore the relational qualities of older people in a residential care facility. SIGT views the interaction between people on three levels, namely the intra-personal level, the interpersonal level and the group level, which operate interdependently in the interaction between people. The interpersonal level of analysis consists of the definition of the relationship, relational qualities, motivation to engage with people to address needs and needs satisfaction as well as the circular processes of which the interaction consists of. The interactions between people always take place in an interpersonal context, embedded in broader environments. A qualitative and exploratory research design was selected to explore the relational qualities in interactions between older individuals living in a residential care facility. This study is based on data collected during a primary research study at a residential care facility for older individuals in 2013. The purpose of study was to explore the quality of life of older individuals residing in a residential care facility in Gauteng, South Africa. The data-gathering process in the primary research study involved the Mmogo-Method, a visual projective data-gathering method, the World Café method and person-centred interviews to gain insight into the participants’ life experiences at the residential care facility. For the purpose of this research, only the person-centred interviews were used for the secondary analysis of the data. Twelve purposely-selected individuals (aged 80 to 95; 3 men and 9 women) from the residential care facility participated voluntarily in the person-centered interviews, which were audio recorded. The collected data were transcribed verbatim and subjected to two different methods of analyses. First, data were analysed thematically by adopting an inductive approach. The themes identified in this first phase were next subjected to a deductive content analysis. The themes were categorised according to the relational variables in accordance with the Interactional Pattern Analysis (IPA), thereby contributing to the trustworthiness of the findings. The findings revealed that the interactions between older individuals take place in a broader environment that advocate the active participation of people. Active participation takes place both in and outside the facility and older people reported that this contributed to their quality of life. The relational qualities that could be described as enhancing interpersonal connectivity and satisfying older people’s needs for confirmation were identified as empathy, unconditional acceptance of others, confirmation and interpersonal flexibility. This research, however, highlighted relational qualities that restrained quality of life of older people, namely confusing self-presentation, ineffective expression on needs and withdrawal due to physical immobility. Needs were expressed in a very unspecific, blaming or manipulative manner, and consequently needs were not satisfied, but provoked, instead, feelings of frustration, pain and guilt. This research highlighted the predicament that older people find themselves in. Their decreased physical abilities and limited emotional repertoire to move towards others and the environment also limit their needs satisfaction. The presenting problem of social isolation can be explained by the combination of limited physical mobility and relational qualities that restrain quality of life for older people. This research study thus holds important implications for relationship-focused approaches in residential facilities for older individuals in order to empower and enable them to enhance their quality of life. Specific recommendations include interventions to assist older people to express their needs more effectively and to use opportunities in interaction to confirm them as autonomous functioning older people. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Verband tussen prestasiemotivering en interpersoonlike style

Wilden, Marna 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Hierdie navorsing handel oar die verwantskap tussen prestasiemotivering en interpersoonlike style. Die konsepte wat in die navorsing beskryf word, is prestasiemotivering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk} en selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese raamwerk). Die gekose meetinstrumenter naamlik, die Bestuursmotiefvraelys vir prestasiemotivering en die lnterpersoonlike Verhoudingsvraelys vir interpersoonlike style, is op 'n steekproef van 155 middelvlakbestuurders wat die senior takseersentrum binne 'n semi-staatsdiens organisasie deurloop het, afgeneem. Die resultate is verwerk deur middel van korrelasie en regressie (enkelvoudig en meervoudig) tegnieke. Die korrelasie.:.analise het getoon dat daar 'n statisties betekenisvolle korrelasie bestaan tussen prestasiemotivering en selfgelding. Die enkelvoudige regressie-analise het getoon dat selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n invloed op prestasiemotivering uitoefen. Die korrelasie- en regressie-analise dui daarop dat responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n negatiewe invloed uitoefen op prestasiemotivering. 'n Moontlike voorspellingsmodel vir prestasiemotivering is nie ontwikkel nie, aangesien die integriteit van die resultate betwyfelword. / Hierdie navorsing handel oar die verwantskap tussen prestasiemotivering en interpersoonlike style. Die konsepte wat in die navorsing beskryf word, is prestasiemotivering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk} en selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese raamwerk). Die gekose meetinstrumenter naamlik, die Bestuursmotiefvraelys vir prestasiemotivering en die lnterpersoonlike Verhoudingsvraelys vir interpersoonlike style, is op 'n steekproef van 155 middelvlakbestuurders wat die senior takseersentrum binne 'n semi-staatsdiens organisasie deurloop het, afgeneem. Die resultate is verwerk deur middel van korrelasie en regressie (enkelvoudig en meervoudig) tegnieke. Die korrelasie.:.analise het getoon dat daar 'n statisties betekenisvolle korrelasie bestaan tussen prestasiemotivering en selfgelding. Die enkelvoudige regressie-analise het getoon dat selfgelding, responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n invloed op prestasiemotivering uitoefen. Die korrelasie- en regressie-analise dui daarop dat responsiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid 'n negatiewe invloed uitoefen op prestasiemotivering. 'n Moontlike voorspellingsmodel vir prestasiemotivering is nie ontwikkel nie, aangesien die integriteit van die resultate betwyfelword. / This research deals with the relationship between achievement motivation and interpersonal styles. The concepts achievement motivation (from a humanistic point of view} and assertiveness, responsiveness and versatility {from a behavioristic point of view), have been described in this research. The chosen measuring instruments, namely the Management Motive questionnaire for achievement motivation and the Interpersonal Relations questionnaire for interpersonal styles, were administered by means of sampling a group of 155 from middle management who participated in the senior assessment centre in a semi-government organisation. The results were processed by using correlation and regression (simple and multiple) techniques. The correlation analysis showed significant statistical correlation between achievement motivation and assertiveness. The single regression analysis indicated that assertiveness, responsiveness and versatility have an influence on achievement motivation. The correlation and regression analysis showed that responsiveness and versatility impact negatively on achievement · motivation. The possible prediction model for achievement motivation has not been developed due to the integrity of the results being doubtful!. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Bedryfsielkunde)

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