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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Choosing covariates in the analysis of cluster randomised trials

Wright, Neil D. January 2015 (has links)
Covariate adjustment is common in the analysis of randomised trials, and can increase statistical power without increasing sample size. Published research on covariate adjustment, and guidance for choosing covariates, focusses on trials where individuals are randomised to treatments. In cluster randomised trials (CRTs) clusters of individuals are randomised. Valid analyses of CRTs account for the structure imposed by cluster randomisation. There is limited published research on the e ects of covariate adjustment, or guidance for choosing covariates, in analyses of CRTs. I summarise existing guidance for choosing covariates in individually randomised trials and CRTs, and review the methods used to investigate the e ects of covariate adjustment. I review the use of adjusted analyses in published CRTs. I use simulation, analytic methods, and analyses of trial data to investigate the e ects of covariate adjustment in mixed models. I use these results to form guidance for choosing covariates in analyses of CRTs. Guidance to choose covariates a priori and adjust for covariates used to stratify randomisation is also applicable to CRTs. I provide guidance speci c to CRTs using linear and logistic mixed models. Cluster size, the intra-cluster correlations (ICCs) of the outcome and covariate, and the strength of the relationship between the outcome and covariate in uence the power of adjusted analyses and the precision of treatment e ect estimates. An a priori estimate of the product of cluster size and the ICC of the outcome can be used to assist choosing covariates. When this product is close to one, adjusting for a cluster level covariate or a covariate with a negligible ICC provide similar increases in power. For smaller values of this product, adjusting for a cluster level covariate gives minimal increases in power. The use of separate withincluster and contextual covariate e ect parameters may increase power further in some circumstances.

A Cluster-based TDMA System for Inter-Vehicle Communications on VANET

Lin, Yu-Hung 27 August 2010 (has links)
In this Thesis, we propose a Cluster-based TDMA (CBT) scheme for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET). In the CBT, the collision problems can be solved when packets are transmitted at the same time. In the Intra-cluster communications, the VANET Coordinator (VC) is determined by randomly choosing a number of zero or one. Other VANET Nodes (VNs) then randomly select different time slots to transmit their Bandwidth Requests (BRs). If more than two VNs choose the same slots for BRs, collision will occur. The failed VNs will continue to issue BRs in the next TDMA frames. After the time slots are scheduled by VC, all VNs can use the designated time slots to send data. In the Inter-cluster communications, when two clusters are approaching to each other, two VCs must exchange Slot Allocation MAP (SAM) using the random zero-or-one scheme. The VCs successfully receive SAM must reschedule the time slots. For the purpose of performance evaluation, we calculate the average time slots of selecting VC and the average time slots required for successful BRs. We also compute the average time slots required for successfully transmitting SAM and the average time slots required for broadcasting SAM to all VNs. Finally, we calculate the average time slots required for waiting before data transmission. To validate the mathematical results, we perform a simulation written in C++. When comparing the mathematical results to the simulation results, we observe that in the average time slots required for BR, the former is larger than the latter. This is because in the mathematical equations it is difficult to specify which time slots are used by VNs to transmit BRs. However, the rest of performance comparisons, the two results are very close.


Shameerpet, Tanuja 01 June 2021 (has links)
The primary goal of this thesis is to implement peer to peer technology in vehicular communication. The emerging concept of Vehicular Communication including road side infrastructure is a promising solution to avoid accidents and providing live traffic data. There is a high demand for the technologies which ensure low latency communication. Modern vehicles equipped with computing, communication and storage and sensing capabilities eased the transmission of data. To achieve deterministic bounds on data delivery, ability to be established anywhere quickly, and efficiency of data query we have chosen to implement a structured peer to peer overlay model in a cluster of vehicles. The vehicles in the cluster exchange information with the cluster head. The cluster head acts as a leader of the cluster, it fetches the data from the Road-side unit and other cluster heads. We have implemented Pyramid Tree Model in structured peer to peer models. A pyramid tree is group of clusters organized in a structured format with the data links between the clusters. The core concepts behind the pyramid tree model is clustering the nodes based on interest.

Network, clusters and innovations : 3 essays / Réseaux, clusters et innovations : 3 essais

Behfar, Stefan kambiz 03 April 2017 (has links)
[...] Mes travaux portent sur les clusters structurant le réseau et l'innovation car 1) le cluster impacte collectivement plutôt qu’individuellement la sortie du réseau, 2) les couplages intra et inter-cluster représentent la structure même des clusters mais ils influencent différemment l'innovation ou la croissance du cluster, 3) un certain compromis reste à définir entre la structure dense et éparse des différents réseaux. Un cluster est de façon générale défini comme un groupe de choses similaires ou de personnes qui travaillent sur des sujets analogues. Selon le domaine auquel il s’applique, même si l’idée reste la même, la définition s’affine. En sciences des organisations, un cluster représente un regroupement d’entreprises et d’institutions qui interagissent entre-elles par le biais de contrats, d’opérations formelles ou informelles et de réunions occasionnelles afin de contribuer collectivement à un résultat innovant. [...] La thèse est structurée comme suit. Dans l'introduction générale, nous passons en revue la littérature des connaissances existantes qui sert de base pour le cadre conceptuel des documents. Nous définissons ensuite certains concepts utilisés dans les trois articles présentés tels que la structure de réseau complexe (utilisée dans le premier article), l'innovation et les liens de réseau (utilisés principalement dans le deuxième article), et la gestion des connaissances utilisées (dans le troisième article). Dans le premier article, nous discutons les différents mécanismes de formation de liens dictés par les réseaux dirigés permettant de distinguer la distribution des degrés. Dans le deuxième article, nous abordons l'impact de la dynamique de groupe sur l'innovation du groupe de projet OSS. Dans le troisième article, nous nous attachons à l'impact du transfert des connaissances à l'intérieur des groupes sur le transfert des connaissances entre les groupes. L'annexe A permettra de discuter la modélisation analytique de la croissance des réseaux sociaux en utilisant la projection de réseaux multicouches ; l'annexe B sera l’occasion de présenter statistiquement le lien entre les relations intragroupe et les relations intergroupe. / [...] However, there is a gap in the literature with regard to the analysis of cluster or group structure as an input and cluster or group innovation as an output, e.g. “impact of network cluster structure on cluster innovation and growth”, i.e. how intra- and inter-cluster coupling, structural holes and tie strength impact cluster innovation and growth; and how intra-cluster density affects inter-cluster coupling; that I address in my thesis.Therefore, I focus on the cluster (or group of individuals) rather than the individual to analyze both network structure and innovation, because 1) clusters represent collective impact on network output rather than individuals’ impact, 2) intra and inter cluster couplings both represent cluster structure but have different impacts on cluster innovation and growth, 3) trade-offs among dense and sparse network cluster structures are different from those associated with networks of individuals. [...] The thesis is structured as follows. In the general introduction, I review the literature of existing knowledge in the field, which serves as a basis for the conceptual framework for the papers. I then define certain concepts used in the papers, such as complex network structure used in the first paper, innovation and network ties mainly used in the second paper, and knowledge management used in the third paper. In the first paper I discuss directed networks’ different link formation mechanisms causing degree distribution distinction. In the second paper, I discuss the impact of group dynamics on OSS project group innovation. In the third paper, I discuss impact of knowledge transfer inside groups onto knowledge transfer between groups. In appendix A, I discuss analytical modeling of social network growth using multilayer network projection; and in appendix B, I discuss statistically how intragroup ties and intergroup ties are related.

具有額外或不足變異的群集類別資料之研究 / A Study of Modelling Categorical Data with Overdispersion or Underdispersion

蘇聖珠, Su, Sheng-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
進行調查時,最後的抽樣單位常是從不同的群集取得的,而同一群集內的樣本對象,因背景類似而對於某些問題常會傾向相同或類似的反應,研究者若忽略這種群內相關性,仍以獨立性樣本進行分析時,因其共變異數矩陣通常會與多項模式的共變異數矩陣相差懸殊,而造成所謂的額外變異或不足變異的現象。本文在不同的情況下,提出了Dirichlet-Multinomial模式(簡稱DM模式)、擴展的DM模式、以及兩種平均數-共變異數矩陣模式,以適當的彙整所有的群集資料。並討論DM與EDM模式中相關之參數及格機率之最大概似估計法,且分別對此兩種平均數-共變異數矩陣模式,提出求導廣義最小平方估計的程序。此外,也針對幾種特殊的二維表及三維表結構,探討對應的參數及格機率之估計方法。並提出計算簡易的Score統計檢定量以判斷群內相關(intra-cluster correlation)之存在性,及判斷資料集具有額外或不足變異,而對於不同母體的群內相關同質性檢定亦提出討論。 / This paper presents a modelling method of analyzing categorical data with overdispersion or underdispersion. In many studies, data are collected from differ clusters, and members within the same cluster behave similary. Thus, the responses of members within the same cluster are not independent and the multinomial distribution is not the correct distribution for the observed counts. Therefore, the covariance matrix of the sample proportion vector tends to be much different from that of the multinomial model. We discuss four different models to fit counts data with overdispersion or underdispersion feature, witch include Dirichlet-Multinomial model (DM model), extended DM model (EDM model), and two mean-covariance models. Method of maximum-likelihood estimation is discussed for DM and EDM models. Procedures to derive generalized least squares estimates are proposed for the two mean-covariance models respectively. As to the cell probabilities, we also discuss how to estimate them under several special structures of two-way and three-way tables. More easily evaluated Score test statistics are derived for the DM and EDM models to test the existence of the intra-cluster correlation. And the test of homogeneity of intra-cluster correlation among several populations is also derived.

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