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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finanční analýza Hasičské vzájemné pojišťovny / The financial analysis of Hasičská vzájemná pojišťovna

Vaňková, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is financial analysis of Fire Mutual Insurance Company from the year 2004 to 2008. The thesis consists of two parts- theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part describes acceptable methods of financial analysis of commercial insurance company. On the basis of specific activities of insurance companies are selected the typical indicators for insurance company. The practical part of the thesis is focused on the application of selected methods of financial analysis for the Fire Mutual Insurance Company.

Инвестиционные сервисы на рынке розничных инвестиций : магистерская диссертация / Investment services in the retail investment market

Мефодовский, В. А., Mefodovsky, V. A. January 2021 (has links)
Актуальность темы определяется существующей экономической ситуацией как в России, так и за рубежом. Предметом исследования являются экономические отношения, возникающие в процессе принятия инвестиционного решения частными инвесторами, в процессе розничного инвестирования. Объектом исследования является деятельность частных инвесторов при принятии инвестиционных решений. Первая глава посвящена анализу понятий «инвестиции», «инвестиционная деятельность», которые имеются в экономической науке, а также анализу имеющихся в законодательстве легальных дефиниций и подходам к определению в трудах ученых-правоведов. Вторая глава содержит анализ состояния рынка биржевых индексных фондов и ETF, а также рассматриваются предпосылки возникновения и развития основных инструментов краудэкономики в России – краудфандинг, краудинвестинг, краудлендинг, криптовалюты. В третьей главе предлагается авторский вариант совершенствования традиционного подхода к принятию инвестиционных решений, проанализированного в предыдущей главе. / The relevance of the topic is determined by the existing economic situation both in Russia and abroad. The subject of the research is the economic relations arising in the process of making investment decisions by private investors, in the process of retail investment. The object of the research is the activity of private investors when making investment decisions. The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of the concepts of "investment", "investment activity", which are available in economic science, as well as the analysis of legal definitions and approaches to the definition in the works of legal scholars. The second chapter contains an analysis of the state of the market for exchange-traded funds and ETFs, and also examines the prerequisites for the emergence and development of the main tools of the crowd economy in Russia - crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdlending, cryptocurrencies. The third chapter proposes the author's version of improving the traditional approach to making investment decisions, analyzed in the previous chapter.

財務限制下公司財務及非財務資源配置之於策略性企業社會責任 / Firms’ Financial and Non-financial Resources Allocation on Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility under Financial Constraints

林泰鈺 Unknown Date (has links)
既有文獻指出企業從事社會責任活動能帶來諸多經濟效益,然而企業也必須承擔相關的成本來進行社會責任活動。本研究探討公司在成本考量上,如何配置財務及非財務資源來進行企業社會責任活動。我們進一步討論當企業面對財務限制時,策略性的資源配置如何對企業社會責任之績效產生影響。本研究使用公司層面的企業社會績效和財報資料,資料期間為1991至2015年。藉由迴歸分析並且控制產業及修正群聚效果下,實證結果發現:研發活動對於企業社會責任績效有顯著正向的關聯,而公司的併購支出顯著地負向影響企業之正面及負面企業社會績效,資本支出則對負面企業社會責任績效有顯著的負向關係。就內部流動性資源運用的結果我們發現:現金對企業社會責任之績效表現並無顯著的關聯,此結果隱含公司在資金運用上傾向於配置少部份現金資源以資助企業社會責任活動;然而淨營運資金與企業社會績效呈現顯著負向關聯,意味著公司會使用淨營運資金來資助企業社會責任活動。最後透過對公司個體財務限制的衡量,實證結果顯示當公司面對財務寬鬆時,投入研發活動成本有助於加強研發成本與企業社會績效表現之正向關係,結果更意味著當公司面臨財務寬鬆時,較容易將社會績效納入考量。 / While the existing is fully aware of the diverse economic benefits that are brought about when firms engage in corporate social responsible (CSR), it also warns about the associated costs of all kinds. Using panel data obtained from MSCI ESG and Compustat for 4,160 U.S. public-listed firms from 1991 to 2015, we investigate what impacts the firms’ allocation of financial and non-financial resources would have on the implementation of their CSR, when knowing that CSR can be costly. Our main empirical findings are threefold. First, we find that firms’ R&D intensity is positively related to their corporate social performance (CSP). Capital expenditure is significantly negatively related to CSP concerns; and firms’ involvement in acquisitions is negatively related to both their CSP strengths and concerns. Second, firms’ implementation of CSR activities is found to be seldom cash-intensive, in fact, we document firms’ moderate usage of cash and short-term investments on the implementation of CSR relative to other investments activities. However, the noncash networking capital show significantly negative effects with CSP, revealing that firms use noncash networking capital to implement CSR activities. Third, the positive relationship between R&D intensity and CSP is further enhanced when firms are free without financial constraints, and we argue that firms take more concern on social issue/performance when facing financial slack.

NIC 7 Estado de flujos de efectivo y su impacto en la gestión financiera, en las empresas industriales de pinturas en Lima, año 2018 / IAS 7 Statement of cash flows and their impact on financial management, in industrial paint companies in Lima, year 2018

Torres Zarate, Ana Maria, Blas Pérez, Vanessa Giuliana 07 June 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación de tesis tiene como objetivo determinar si la no aplicación de la NIC 7 Estados de flujos de efectivo impacta en la gestión financiera y toma de decisiones de las empresas industriales de pinturas en Lima del año 2018. La metodología de esta investigación cuenta con un enfoque cualitativo (entrevista en profundidad) y cuantitativo (conteo de encuestas) donde se evalúo una muestra 13 empresas que pertenecen al sector industrial de pinturas en Lima. En el primer capítulo se desarrolló el marco teórico en base a información de diversas fuentes relacionadas, el tema del impacto que genera la aplicación o no de la NIC 7 Estados de flujos de efectivo en las empresas en la lectura de los Estados financieros de las empresas, enfocándonos en empresas industriales de pinturas en Lima, año 2018. En el segundo capítulo se propone el desarrollo de la problemática, los objetivos y la hipótesis que serán evaluadas con las entrevistas y encuestas realizadas, Finalmente el objetivo general es evaluar si la aplicación de la NIC 7 Estado de flujos de efectivo impacta en la gestión financiera y toma de decisiones de las empresas industriales de pinturas. En el tercer capítulo, definimos el tipo de investigación a utilizar, así como las variables para la investigación, explicando la metodología que se realizó para contrastar la hipótesis, mediante investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa y la identificación de la población y también la selección de la muestra a estudiar, las herramientas de recolección de datos fueron la entrevista en profundidad y encuesta. En el cuarto capítulo, trabajamos el desarrollo de la investigación a través de las entrevistas de profundidad, encuestas y el caso práctico. En el quinto capítulo, se realiza el análisis de los resultados obtenidos y comprobamos en conjunto a la hipótesis y los objetivos determinados. Así mismo se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de trabajo de investigación Finalmente, tras el análisis de datos, hemos concluido que la NIC 7 impacta en la gestión financiera y en la toma de decisiones e interpretación de los estados financieros de las empresas industriales de pinturas en Lima, año 2018. / The industrial paint companies in Lima in 2018 and their impact on financial management due to the non-application of a cash flow statement (IAS 7) and their limitation in decision-making and interpretation in the financial statements The purpose of this thesis investigation is to determine whether the non-application of IAS 7 Cash Flow Statements impacts the financial management and decision-making of the industrial paint companies in Lima in 2018. The methodology of this research has a qualitative (in-depth interview) and quantitative (survey count) approach where a sample of 13 companies that belong to the industrial paint sector in Lima was evaluated. In the first chapter the theoretical framework was developed based on information from various related sources, the issue of the impact generated by the application or not of IAS 7 Statements of cash flows in companies when reading the financial statements of companies, focusing on industrial paint companies in Lima, 2018. In the second chapter the development of the problem, the objectives and the hypothesis that will be evaluated with the interviews and surveys carried out is proposed. Finally, the general objective is to evaluate whether the application of IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows impacts the financial management and decision-making of industrial paint companies. In the third chapter, we define the type of research to be used, as well as the variables for the research, explaining the methodology that was carried out to test the hypothesis, through qualitative and quantitative research and the identification of the population and also the selection of the sample To study, the data collection tools were the in-depth interview and survey. In the fourth chapter, we work on the development of the investigation through in-depth interviews, surveys and the practical case. In the fifth chapter, the analysis of the results obtained is carried out and we check together the hypothesis and the determined objectives. Likewise, the conclusions and recommendations of the research work are presented Finally, after analyzing the data, we have concluded that IAS 7 impacts the financial management of the industrial paint companies in Lima, 2018. / Tesis

Инвестиционная деятельность как фактор развития предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Investment activity as a factor in the development of enterprise

Котова, Е. С., Kotova, E. S. January 2019 (has links)
В настоящее время одним из основных факторов развития предприятия и сохранения (или же улучшения) позиций на рынке является его конкурентоспособность. Важно определить, в какое направление деятельности предприятия целесообразно инвестировать, определить предполагаемый результат инвестиционной деятельности, оказывающий влияние на показатели развития предприятия. Целью магистерской диссертации является выявление влияния инвестиционной деятельности на развитие предприятия. В качестве источников информации использовались учебно-методическая и научно-исследовательская литература, нормативно-правовые акты и данные о деятельности рассматриваемых предприятий. В ходе написания магистерской диссертации был разработан и апробирован алгоритм предпроектного анализа инвестиционной деятельности предприятия. Разработанный алгоритм предпроектного анализа содержит ряд последовательно выполняемых операций, которые позволяют всесторонне оценить деятельность предприятия, влияющих на неё факторов, и в результате правильно определить направление инвестиционной деятельности предприятия. В результате апробации разработанного алгоритма были предложены практические рекомендации для выбора направления инвестирования предприятия, нацеленного на развитие предприятия. / Currently, one of the main factors for the development of an enterprise and the preservation (or improvement) of its position in the market is its competitiveness. It is important to determine in which direction of the enterprise it is advisable to invest, to determine the expected result of the investment activity, which influences the indicators of the development of the enterprise. The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify the impact of investment activities on the development of the enterprise. The sources of information were educational materials and research literature, normative legal acts and data on the activities of the enterprises in question. In the course of writing the master's thesis, an algorithm for pre-project analysis of the enterprise’s investment activity was developed and tested. The developed algorithm of the pre-project analysis contains a number of sequentially performed operations that allow a comprehensive assessment of the activities of the enterprise, factors affecting it, and as a result correctly determine the direction of the investment activity of the enterprise. As a result of approbation of the developed algorithm, practical recommendations were proposed for choosing the direction of investment of an enterprise aimed at the development of an enterprise.

Posouzení investičního projektu / Assessment of investment project

Zmeškal, Jakub January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of financial stability and investment activities in the municipality. It characterizes investments and feasibility study and describes the grant policy of the European Union and the Czech Republic. The diploma thesis also deals with the indicators of financial analysis, describes a specific municipality and assesses its financial stability. It also presents investment projects in the municipality, assesses their effectiveness and proposes further development of the municipality.

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