Spelling suggestions: "subject:"irritable bowel dyndrome"" "subject:"irritable bowel 8yndrome""
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Metabolomics approach for gaining insights into pathological mechanisms of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseaseYamamoto, Mai January 2019 (has links)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are two of the most commonly diagnosed chronic digestive disorders in Western countries with increasing prevalence among Canadians. However, the etiology of IBS and IBD remain poorly understood due to a complex interplay of genetic, psychosocial and environmental factors, which hampers efforts at early detection/screening, accurate diagnosis and effective treatments notably in children. This thesis aims to reveal new biochemical insights into the pathophysiology underlying IBS and IBD when using an untargeted metabolite profiling (i.e., metabolomics) approach on urine and stool specimens based on multisegment injection-capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (MSI-CE-MS). Chapter I reviews brief history and current challenges in diagnosis and treatment, as well as current metabolomics literature of IBS and IBD. Chapter II first develops a robust method for high throughput profiling of anionic metabolites in human urine samples when using MSI-CE-MS. For the first time, we demonstrate that incidental capillary fractures are caused by irreversible aminolysis of the outer polyimide coating due to the frequent use of volatile ammonia based buffers under alkaline conditions (pH > 9) in electrospray ionization-MS. Chapter III subsequently applies this validated method to investigate differentially excreted urinary metabolites between adult IBS patients and healthy controls, which indicated significantly accelerated rates of collagen degradation and cell turn-over in IBS patients. Chapter IV later develops a novel stool extraction protocol for characterization of the fecal metabolome together with meta-genomic data for elucidating complex host-gut microflora interactions from a cohort of pediatric IBD patients, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In this pilot study, a panel of discriminating metabolites in urine is shown to allow for differential diagnosis of major pediatric IBD sub-types as an alternative to colonoscopy and histopathology that are invasive, expensive and prone to ambiguous test results. Finally, Chapter V involves a longitudinal metabolomics study that aims to identify metabolic trajectories that predict treatment responses of a cohort of pediatric Crohn’s disease patients following initiation of exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) therapy. In the end, Chapter VI highlights major outcomes of thesis and future direction of metabolomics in IBS and IBD with a specific focus on improved stool specimen collection and validation of biomarker specificity relative to other related gastrointestinal disorders. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated metabolic processes that are associated with exacerbation of symptoms or remission in subset of IBS and pediatric IBD patients. With follow up studies with larger cohort of patients, potential biomarkers identified in this thesis will contribute the development of more accurate and non-invasive decision making process for diagnosis and treatment, resulting in long-lasting remission and improved quality of life of patients suffering from chronic digestive disorders. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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Utvärdering av effekterna av probiotika vid behandling av IBS-c : En litteraturöversiktOlsson, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS, är den vanligaste funktionella tarmsjukdomen och påverkar ungefär 11 % av befolkningen. Forskningsresultat antyder att förändringar i mikroorganismernas sammansättning i tarmen, känd som dysbios, kan spela en roll i uppkomsten och patofysiologin vid IBS. Detta har ökat intresset för behandlingar som fokuserar på att återställa balansen av dessa mikroorganismer genom probiotika. Det finns dock begränsad forskning om effekten av probiotika på förstoppningsdominerad IBS (IBS-c), vilket indikerar ett behov av ytterligare studier på området. Syfte: Att utforska litteraturen angående effekten av probiotika som behandling vid IBS-c hos vuxna. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie baserad på sökning av vetenskapliga originalartiklar i Pubmeds sökmotor Medline. Datainsamlingen startade i februari 2024 med inklusionskriterierna RCT-studier om effekten av probiotika vid IBS-c hos vuxna. Sökningen resulterade i 212 artiklar, vars titlar och nyckelord först granskades efter dess relevans för syftet, d.v.s. om de studerade probiotikas effekt på symtomen vid just IBS-c eller inte, och där föll många bort då de bara verkade studera generell IBS. 35 artiklar valdes då för vidare läsning av abstrakt, och slutligen ansågs fem RCT-studier möta inklusionskriterierna för denna litteraturstudie. Resultat: Studie 1, som undersökte två probiotikakombinationer, hade bäst utfall med signifikant förbättring av samtliga IBS-symtom och med trestjärnig signifikansnivå. I studie 2 visades signifikanta förbättringar av buksmärta, uppblåsthet, avföringskonsistens och den sammansatta IBS-poängen men med enstjärnig signifikansnivå. Studie 3 visade en signifikant förbättring av den sammansatta IBS-poängen samt buksmärta men också med en enstjärnig signifikansnivå. Studie 4 visade en signifikant förbättring av buksmärta och livskvalitet med en enstjärnig signifikansnivå, och i studie 5 förbättrades endast avföringsfrekvensen blygsamt i de två olika probiotikagrupperna som testades. Diskussion: En signifikant symtomförbättring av buksmärta jämfört med placebo sågs i alla studier utom en. Bäst utfall hade studie 1 som studerade probiotikakombinationerna L. acidophilus och L. reuteri, och L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus och B. lactis mot placebo, som visade signifikant förbättring av samtliga symtom (buksmärta, uppblåsthet, gasbildning, förstoppning och negativ livskvalitet). Svårigheten att dra säkra slutsatser från de granskade studierna beror på svagheter i studierna, olika deltagarantal, låga signifikansnivåer, hög placeboeffekt och variationer i undersökta probiotikastammar. De olika utfallen i studierna ger anledning att tro att effekten av probiotika är beroende av vilken typ av probiotika som testas. Slutsats: Probiotika hade signifikant effekt på buksmärta och avföringskonsistens, men inte på uppblåsthet, gasbildning, livskvalitet eller den sammansatta upplevelsen av IBS-symtom. Variationen i studiernas probiotikaarter och doser, tillsammans med små studiepopulationer och metodologiska svagheter, gör det svårt att avgöra vilken probiotika som är mest effektiv mot IBS-c-symtom. För att kunna dra säkra slutsatser krävs fler och större studier med standardiserade metoder.
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Incremento de Linfocitos Intraepiteliales en pacientes con Síndrome de Intestino IrritableArévalo, F., Aragon, V., Montes, P., Guzmán, E., Monge, E. 11 August 2014 (has links)
Diversos trabajos reportan aumento en el número de linfocitos intraepiteliales (LIE), mastocitos y células enterocromafines en pacientes con Sindrome de Intestino Irritable (SII). Muchos de estos hallazgos se basan en el uso de inmunohistoquímica que son de poca disponibilidad en hospitales generales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los hallazgos histológicos en la biopsia de colon sólo con histoquimica en pacientes con SII comparándolos con un grupo sin SII. Fueron incluidos 25 pacientes: 16 (64%), con criterios diagnósticos de SII y 9 (36%), sin SII. Se encontró un mayor número de LIE en el grupo de SII (p=0,002). Un grupo de pacientes con criterios Roma III (41,9%) presentó LIE en el rango de Colitis Linfocitica por lo que fueron excluidos de este estudio. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el número de mastocitos, células enterocromafines y eosinofilos. / Several studies have shown increased numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), mast cells, enterochromaffin cells in colonic mucosa of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Many of these findings are based is based on immunohistochemistry results, which is not available in general hospitals. Our objective is to study the histological findings observed in colon biopsies from patients with IBS compared with a group without IBS, using only histochemistry. Twenty five (25) patients were included: 16 with IBS and 9 without IBS. We found increased numbers of IEL in patients with IBS (p=0,002). A group of patients with IBS (41.9%) who fulfilled histological criteria for lymphocytic colitis were excluded. There was no significant difference in mast cells, enterochromaffin cells or eosinophils.
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You Tube as a Source of Information for Irritable bowel Syndrome: a Critical AppraisalBalagoni, Harika, Mando, Rufaat, Reddy, Keerthy, Bansal, Apurva, Aregbe, Adegbemisola, Bajaj, Kailash, Zheng, Shimin, Dula, Mark, Kozinetz, Claudia, Cuervo-Pardo, Nathaly, Young, Mark, Reddy, Chakradhar, Gonzalez-Estrada, Alexei 11 April 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is estimated to affect 11% of the population globally with a significant female predominance. IBS appears to afflict all age groups and socioeconomic conditions, thus making it a disease that permeates a very large part of society. While often debilitating, only 30% of those with IBS will indeed visit their physician. In an era dominated by social media, it is no surprise that 40% of all consumers report that online information affects the way they deal with their health. YouTube is one of the top 5 most accessed online resources for medical information. The strong reliance on online information as well as the rising prevalence of IBS has prompted us to determine the educational quality of IBS YouTube videos. Methods: We performed a YouTube search using the keywords “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” from September 3-25, 2016. The top 297most viewed videos were included and analyzed for characteristics, source, as well as content. The source was classified as healthcare provider, alternative medicine provider, patient and/or parents, company, media, or professional society. Content was further classified as medical professional education, advertisement, personal experience, patient education, alternative treatment or increase awareness. A scoring system was designed based on current accepted guidelines from multiple professional and academic societies to evaluate quality (-10 to +25 points). Negative points were assigned for misleading information. Videos were also scored by a global quality score. Six blinded reviewers were asked to view the videos and score each video independently. Results: A total of two hundred and ninety-seven videos were analyzed, with a median of 6,671 views, 25 likes, and 2 dislikes. Females were most commonly depicted (36.4%). The most commonly depicted race was White/Caucasian (62.0%). Among video sources, alternative medicine was most represented (32.3%) with treatments that included water fasting, yoga, hypnotherapy, frequency healing, massage therapy, and essential oil therapy. The least represented source was professional societies such as hospitals (5.4%). Mean scores were statistically different from each other (pConclusion: YouTube videos on IBS are mostly produced by alternative treatment sources with often controversial treatments that did not align with Page 16 2017 Appalachian Student Research Forum current evidence based guidelines. Furthermore, videos from healthcare professionals provided better and more accurate quality of information compared to other sources.
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Aspectos nutricionais na população de pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Nutritional concerns in the population of patients with irritable bowel syndrome treated at the Hospital of the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP)Amarante, Daiana 28 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é uma doença funcional do trato gastrintestinal que afeta até 20% da população adulta. Os principais sintomas envolvem o mau funcionamento do intestino, associados com dores abdominais, manifestação de diarreia ou constipação, sem alterações estruturais e bioquímicas do intestino. A maneira mais adequada de tratar o paciente é por meio de uma abordagem ampla e integral, porém individualizada, com identificação dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou agravantes da sintomatologia, inerentes a cada paciente. Em todos os níveis de atendimento, deve-se orientar o paciente com relação à dieta. OBJETIVO: o principal objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os alimentos desencadeadores de sintomas nos pacientes com diagnóstico de SII atendidos no ambulatório especializado do Serviço de Gatroenterologia Clínica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP). Além disso, foram avaliados dados clínicos, estado nutricional, ingestão alimentar e hábito intestinal desta população. METODOLOGIA: foram avaliados 140 pacientes que preencherem o critério de Roma III. As informações foram obtidas por meio de inquérito clínico e dietético aplicado pela nutricionista no momento da consulta e pela revisão do prontuário. Os dados coletados foram: idade, sexo, grau de escolaridade, peso, altura, hábito intestinal, sintomas, aspecto das fezes, alimentos menos toleráveis e consumo alimentar. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes avaliados, 63% estavam eutróficos. Dor abdominal, flatulência/distensão, sensação de evacuação incompleta e sensação de estufamento abdominal foram mencionadas por mais de 60% dos pacientes. Houve associação significativa entre aspecto das fezes e habito intestinal. Intolerância alimentar foi mencionada por 82,8% dos pacientes. Os alimentos citados pelos pacientes como exacerbadores dos sintomas foram frituras em geral, leite, massas com molhos, feijão, chocolate, café, pizza, repolho, tortas e doces. Constataram-se correlações estatisticamente significativas entre consumo de frituras e flatulência, chocolate e pizza com sensação de estufamento abdominal, margarina com constipação, leite com presença de muco nas fezes, pão branco com pirose retroesternal, massas com molho com dor abdominal e feijão com sensação de estufamento abdominal. CONCLUSÕES: o presente estudo revelou alta prevalência de intolerância alimentar na população ambulatorial de pacientes com SII atendida no HCFMUSP. Os principais alimentos desencadeadores e exacerbadores de sintomas/sinais foram identificados, devidamente listados e servirão para nortear a abordagem dietética nesses pacientes em futuros estudos / INTRODUCTION: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the GI tract that affects about 20% of the adult population. The main symptoms involve the malfunction of the bowel, associated with abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation manifestation, without providing structural and biochemical alterations of the intestine. The most appropriate way to treat the patient is through a broad and comprehensive approach, but individualized, trying to identify the factors triggering or aggravating symptoms, inherent to each patient. At all levels of care, the patient should be guided regarding diet. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the group of foods that exacerbate or trigger symptoms/signs in IBS patients treated in the outpatient clinic of our hospital. Additionaly, we evaluated clinical characteristics and nutritional features such as nutritional status, food intake and bowel habits. METHODOLOGY: 140 patients who met were studied in the present work. Information was obtained through clinical and dietary surveys at the appointment by a nutritionist and by chart review. Data collected included age, sex, educational level, height, weight, bowel habits, symptoms, appearance of feces (Bristol Scale), food intake and food intolerance (aliments that exacerbate or trigger symptoms/signs). RESULTS: Among the patients, 63% were eutrophic. Abdominal pain, flatulence / bloating, sensation of incomplete evacuation and abdominal bloating was mentioned by over 60% of patients. There was a significant association between the appearance of the feces and bowel habits. Food intolerance was mentioned by 82.8% of patients. Foods most cited by patients as exacerbating or triggering IBS symptoms were fried foods in general, milk, beans, chocolate, coffee, cabage and pastries (i.e pasta, pizza). Statistically significant correlations were detected between consumption of fried foods and flatulence; chocolate and pizza and bloating; margarine and constipation; milk and mucus in feces; white bread and heartburn; pasta with sauce and beans and abdominal pain and bloating. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed a high prevalence of food intolerance in our outpatient population of IBS patients. The main food triggers of IBS symptoms/signs were identified, duly listed and will certainly guide the dietary approach in IBS patients in future studies
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Six studies pointing to the need for a biopsychosocial approach to treating common gastrointestinal and hepatologic disorders.Mikocka-Walus, Antonina January 2008 (has links)
Background and aims: This interdisciplinary thesis was designed to deepen understanding of the co-morbidity of anxiety and depression with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in particular. The first part of the thesis aimed to explore the prevalence of psychological problems in IBD compared to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic hepatitis C (HCV) groups. It also explored the relationship between the number of co-morbid functional gastrointestinal disorders and the severity of psychological problems in IBD and IBS. It also aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between psychological problems and the response to standard medical treatment/physical outcomes in patients with IBD, IBS and HCV. Furthermore, it aimed to explore whether disclosure of the psychological status of depressed and/or anxious IBD patients to their gastroenterologists influences doctors’ behaviour and affects patients’ responses to treatment/physical outcomes. The second part of the thesis aimed to investigate the potential role of antidepressants in IBD and to determine the feasibility of future randomised controlled trials on the role of antidepressants in IBD. Methods: Overall, a cohort of 139 outpatients (64 IBD, 41 HCV, and 34 IBS) and 18 gastroenterologists participated in the six studies comprising this thesis. A mixed methods design was applied. Two cross-sectional studies, an observational cohort prospective management study, a randomised controlled trial, a systematic review and an exploratory interview study were conducted. Differences between the groups for continuous variables were assesed with one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent samples ttests. Differences in categorical variables were assessed with contingency tables with the Chi-Square test and the Fisher’s Exact Test. Propsective analyses were conducted with repeated measures ANOVA, logistic regression and Poisson regression. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. Results: Overall, 42% of participants were anxious and 19% were depressed. Participants with HCV had higher levels of psychological impairment compared with the IBS, the IBD group and the general population (p<0.05). Those IBD participants with fewer co-morbid functional disorders had better physical quality of life than participants with a greater number of these disorders (p=0.025). Moreover, depression/anxiety at baseline did not explain medical outcomes after 12 months in this cohort of patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Doctors’ knowledge of patients’ psychological status was found to have no impact on IBD patients’ outcomes after 12 months. However, interestingly, the level of anxiety in IBD participants significantly dropped between the baseline and nine months indicating a possible benefit from participating in the study. In the literature review, insufficient evidence was found to conclude that antidepressants are efficacious for treatment of psychological co-morbidities or somatic complaints in IBD. However, the qualitative interview study indicated a potential positive impact of treatment with antidepressants on coping with disease symptoms and general wellbeing in patients with IBD. Conclusion: The thesis confirms that there is a significant burden of psychological co-morbidity in patients with chronic gastroenterological diseases. Interdisciplinary approaches to the management of these diseases are therefore warranted in Australian gastroenterology clinics. Anxiety targeted interventions and research in this setting are urgently needed, especially with respect to patients with HCV. Larger studies exploring the gastroenterologists’ role in treatment of co-morbid psychological problems in their patients are recommended. Longer prospective studies on homogenous samples of patients are also needed to clarify the nature of the relationship between psychological problems and relapse of somatic symptoms. Finally, randomised controlled trials exploring the efficacy of antidepressants in IBD are warranted. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1321006 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008
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Bajset styr mitt liv! : en litteraturstudie om människor som har problem med avföringenDahlberg, Anna-Sara, Lönnkvist, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Avföringsproblemen förstoppning, avföringsinkontinens och irritabel tarm är vanliga åkommor hos människor i det västerländska samhället. Alla tre har liknande symtom och problematik. Åkommorna påverkar hela människan inte bara den fysiska kroppen. Få studier har fokuserat på människors upplevelse av att leva med avföringsproblem. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur människor med avföringsproblem upplever sin livssituation. Metod: Studien var baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre huvudteman; upplevelsen av det egna lidandet, upplevelsen av det dagliga livet och upplevelsen av relationer med åtta underteman. Resultatet visade att människor som lider av avföringsproblemen förstoppning, irritabel tarm och avföringsinkontinens upplevde att hela deras livssituation påverkades av avföringsproblemen. Hela människan drabbades psykiskt, emotionellt, fysiskt och socialt. Människorna var tvungna att leva ett liv fullt av dagliga begränsningar. Slutsats: Att leva med avföringsproblem innebar för människorna att vara involverad i en evig kamp som de ofta var ensamma i. Resultatet indikerar på att avföringsproblem är ett dolt problem och tystnaden kring problemen gör att många människor inte får den hjälp och stöd som de behöver. / Background: Bowel movement problems as constipation, faecal incontinence and irritable bowel syndrome are common problems in the community. All three has similar symptoms and the same complex of problems. The disorders affect the whole human being not just the physical body. Few studies have been focusing on peoples experiences of living with bowel movement problems. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe how people with bowel movement problems experienced their life situation. Method: The study was based on ten scientific articles in qualitative approach. Results: The study resulted in three main themes; the experience of the own suffering, the experience of the daily life and the experience of relations with eight subthemes. The result showed that people suffering from bowel movement problems as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and faecal incontinence experienced that their whole life situation was affected by the problems. The whole human being was affected psychological, emotional, physical and social. These people had to live a life full of daily restrictions. Conclusion: A life with bowel movement problems meant being involved in an everlasting fight, which they often fought alone. The result indicates that bowel movement problems are a hidden problem in the community and because of the silence many people does not get the help and support that they need.
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Six studies pointing to the need for a biopsychosocial approach to treating common gastrointestinal and hepatologic disorders.Mikocka-Walus, Antonina January 2008 (has links)
Background and aims: This interdisciplinary thesis was designed to deepen understanding of the co-morbidity of anxiety and depression with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in particular. The first part of the thesis aimed to explore the prevalence of psychological problems in IBD compared to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic hepatitis C (HCV) groups. It also explored the relationship between the number of co-morbid functional gastrointestinal disorders and the severity of psychological problems in IBD and IBS. It also aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between psychological problems and the response to standard medical treatment/physical outcomes in patients with IBD, IBS and HCV. Furthermore, it aimed to explore whether disclosure of the psychological status of depressed and/or anxious IBD patients to their gastroenterologists influences doctors’ behaviour and affects patients’ responses to treatment/physical outcomes. The second part of the thesis aimed to investigate the potential role of antidepressants in IBD and to determine the feasibility of future randomised controlled trials on the role of antidepressants in IBD. Methods: Overall, a cohort of 139 outpatients (64 IBD, 41 HCV, and 34 IBS) and 18 gastroenterologists participated in the six studies comprising this thesis. A mixed methods design was applied. Two cross-sectional studies, an observational cohort prospective management study, a randomised controlled trial, a systematic review and an exploratory interview study were conducted. Differences between the groups for continuous variables were assesed with one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent samples ttests. Differences in categorical variables were assessed with contingency tables with the Chi-Square test and the Fisher’s Exact Test. Propsective analyses were conducted with repeated measures ANOVA, logistic regression and Poisson regression. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. Results: Overall, 42% of participants were anxious and 19% were depressed. Participants with HCV had higher levels of psychological impairment compared with the IBS, the IBD group and the general population (p<0.05). Those IBD participants with fewer co-morbid functional disorders had better physical quality of life than participants with a greater number of these disorders (p=0.025). Moreover, depression/anxiety at baseline did not explain medical outcomes after 12 months in this cohort of patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Doctors’ knowledge of patients’ psychological status was found to have no impact on IBD patients’ outcomes after 12 months. However, interestingly, the level of anxiety in IBD participants significantly dropped between the baseline and nine months indicating a possible benefit from participating in the study. In the literature review, insufficient evidence was found to conclude that antidepressants are efficacious for treatment of psychological co-morbidities or somatic complaints in IBD. However, the qualitative interview study indicated a potential positive impact of treatment with antidepressants on coping with disease symptoms and general wellbeing in patients with IBD. Conclusion: The thesis confirms that there is a significant burden of psychological co-morbidity in patients with chronic gastroenterological diseases. Interdisciplinary approaches to the management of these diseases are therefore warranted in Australian gastroenterology clinics. Anxiety targeted interventions and research in this setting are urgently needed, especially with respect to patients with HCV. Larger studies exploring the gastroenterologists’ role in treatment of co-morbid psychological problems in their patients are recommended. Longer prospective studies on homogenous samples of patients are also needed to clarify the nature of the relationship between psychological problems and relapse of somatic symptoms. Finally, randomised controlled trials exploring the efficacy of antidepressants in IBD are warranted. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1321006 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008
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Aspectos nutricionais na população de pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Nutritional concerns in the population of patients with irritable bowel syndrome treated at the Hospital of the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP)Daiana Amarante 28 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é uma doença funcional do trato gastrintestinal que afeta até 20% da população adulta. Os principais sintomas envolvem o mau funcionamento do intestino, associados com dores abdominais, manifestação de diarreia ou constipação, sem alterações estruturais e bioquímicas do intestino. A maneira mais adequada de tratar o paciente é por meio de uma abordagem ampla e integral, porém individualizada, com identificação dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou agravantes da sintomatologia, inerentes a cada paciente. Em todos os níveis de atendimento, deve-se orientar o paciente com relação à dieta. OBJETIVO: o principal objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os alimentos desencadeadores de sintomas nos pacientes com diagnóstico de SII atendidos no ambulatório especializado do Serviço de Gatroenterologia Clínica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP). Além disso, foram avaliados dados clínicos, estado nutricional, ingestão alimentar e hábito intestinal desta população. METODOLOGIA: foram avaliados 140 pacientes que preencherem o critério de Roma III. As informações foram obtidas por meio de inquérito clínico e dietético aplicado pela nutricionista no momento da consulta e pela revisão do prontuário. Os dados coletados foram: idade, sexo, grau de escolaridade, peso, altura, hábito intestinal, sintomas, aspecto das fezes, alimentos menos toleráveis e consumo alimentar. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes avaliados, 63% estavam eutróficos. Dor abdominal, flatulência/distensão, sensação de evacuação incompleta e sensação de estufamento abdominal foram mencionadas por mais de 60% dos pacientes. Houve associação significativa entre aspecto das fezes e habito intestinal. Intolerância alimentar foi mencionada por 82,8% dos pacientes. Os alimentos citados pelos pacientes como exacerbadores dos sintomas foram frituras em geral, leite, massas com molhos, feijão, chocolate, café, pizza, repolho, tortas e doces. Constataram-se correlações estatisticamente significativas entre consumo de frituras e flatulência, chocolate e pizza com sensação de estufamento abdominal, margarina com constipação, leite com presença de muco nas fezes, pão branco com pirose retroesternal, massas com molho com dor abdominal e feijão com sensação de estufamento abdominal. CONCLUSÕES: o presente estudo revelou alta prevalência de intolerância alimentar na população ambulatorial de pacientes com SII atendida no HCFMUSP. Os principais alimentos desencadeadores e exacerbadores de sintomas/sinais foram identificados, devidamente listados e servirão para nortear a abordagem dietética nesses pacientes em futuros estudos / INTRODUCTION: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the GI tract that affects about 20% of the adult population. The main symptoms involve the malfunction of the bowel, associated with abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation manifestation, without providing structural and biochemical alterations of the intestine. The most appropriate way to treat the patient is through a broad and comprehensive approach, but individualized, trying to identify the factors triggering or aggravating symptoms, inherent to each patient. At all levels of care, the patient should be guided regarding diet. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the group of foods that exacerbate or trigger symptoms/signs in IBS patients treated in the outpatient clinic of our hospital. Additionaly, we evaluated clinical characteristics and nutritional features such as nutritional status, food intake and bowel habits. METHODOLOGY: 140 patients who met were studied in the present work. Information was obtained through clinical and dietary surveys at the appointment by a nutritionist and by chart review. Data collected included age, sex, educational level, height, weight, bowel habits, symptoms, appearance of feces (Bristol Scale), food intake and food intolerance (aliments that exacerbate or trigger symptoms/signs). RESULTS: Among the patients, 63% were eutrophic. Abdominal pain, flatulence / bloating, sensation of incomplete evacuation and abdominal bloating was mentioned by over 60% of patients. There was a significant association between the appearance of the feces and bowel habits. Food intolerance was mentioned by 82.8% of patients. Foods most cited by patients as exacerbating or triggering IBS symptoms were fried foods in general, milk, beans, chocolate, coffee, cabage and pastries (i.e pasta, pizza). Statistically significant correlations were detected between consumption of fried foods and flatulence; chocolate and pizza and bloating; margarine and constipation; milk and mucus in feces; white bread and heartburn; pasta with sauce and beans and abdominal pain and bloating. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed a high prevalence of food intolerance in our outpatient population of IBS patients. The main food triggers of IBS symptoms/signs were identified, duly listed and will certainly guide the dietary approach in IBS patients in future studies
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Alterations in human visceral sensation induced by non-invasive cortical and lumbosacral magnetic stimulation in health and diseaseAlgladi, Tarig January 2012 (has links)
Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) which can be defined as chronic, relapsing visceral pain with bloating associated with change in bowel habit. It affects up to 10-15% of the adult population in the UK and is more common in females. The cost of IBS in terms of health care utilisation is substantial, exceeding £45.6 million per year in the UK alone, yet its pathophysiology is incompletely understood. Visceral pain is the main and most difficult symptom to manage in IBS and many IBS female sufferers compare it to labour pain in its severity. Modulating visceral pain in healthy volunteers and IBS patients is therefore an important research area. Non-invasive magnetic stimulation may play a crucial role in this respect. Aim:The aim of this study is to ascertain whether non-invasive repetitive magnetic stimulation applied to the motor cortex and/or lumbosacrum can modulate gastrointestinal pain originating from the anorectum. Methods:Participants: 16 healthy volunteers and 10 IBS patients aged 18 and above were included in the study.Questionnaires: Healthy volunteers and IBS patients were asked to complete anxiety and depression questionnaire and IBS patients were requested to fill in an IBS severity questionnaire.Motor measurements in healthy subjects: Single-pulse lumbosacral magnetic stimulation (LSMS) was applied to the lumbosacral area for the anal sphincter where the largest motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude response was detected. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was then performed at the pre-determined resting motor thresholds (RMT) for the anal sphincter and the hand.Sensory measurements in healthy subjects and IBS patients: Electrical stimulation was used to assess the changes in sensory and pain thresholds in the anorectal area. The subjects were asked to score the pain intensity using five-point categorical rating scales. In addition they were asked to describe the pain experienced using a shortened form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Intervention: Healthy volunteers received 6 paradigms of magnetic stimulation in a randomised order i.e. 3 repetitive LSMSs (1 Hz, 10 Hz and sham) and 3 repetitive TMSs (1 Hz, 10 Hz and sham) to investigate their modulatory effects on visceral sensitivity and to determine which of these interventions is most effective. The most effective active interventions (1 Hz rLSMS and 10 Hz rTMS) together with one sham were then trialled in a randomised fashion on IBS patients.Post intervention: Motor excitabilities were repeated at 30 min after each intervention. The assessment of sensory and pain thresholds at anal sphincter and rectum were done immediately, 30 and 60 min after each intervention. Results:Application of 1 Hz rLSMS led to alterations of anal sphincter motor excitabilities and resulted in a significant increase in the amplitude of lumbosacal-anal motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in healthy volunteers recorded at 30 min post intervention. In healthy volunteers, 1 Hz rLSMS and 10 Hz rTMS caused a significant increase in the rectal pain thresholds experienced immediately, 30 and 60 min after each intervention. 10 Hz rLSMS and 1 Hz rTMS only led to a significant rise in rectal pain thresholds immediately after their application. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in the rectal pain thresholds immediately, 30 and 60 min following 1 Hz rLSMS and 10 Hz rTMS in IBS patients. Conclusion:The application of magnetic stimulation to the cortical and lumbosacral areas to modulate visceral pain is a new concept, which reduced rectal sensitivity to painful stimuli and offers a much needed new approach in the management of abdominal pain in patients with IBS.
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