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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Semiotic remediation and resemiotisation as discourse practice in Isidingo: a multi-semiotic analysis

Marthinus, Leilani January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The problem explored relates to the dearth in studies exploring semiotic resources other than language in the study of mediated discourses in the media; public broadcasting in particular. Gilje (2010) laments that although manipulation of different genres and modalities has accelerated in the production of movies, documentaries and soapies due to developments in media technologies, there have been very few studies on the subject. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the Isidingo producers use new technologies and editing tools to merge and/or manipulate different semiotic material in the production of Isidingo. I investigated how different stories and narratives are infused into the storylines and how the producers are re-figuring socio-cultural-histories as semiotic resources in the production of Isidingo. This involved a determination of how storylines and other semiotic resources are transformed in Isidingo for aesthetic and communicative effect. The idea was to explore the socio-historical trajectory as semiotic material in time and space. In addition, I explored how the producers draw on and manipulate different genres (e.g. politics, advertisements, legal drama) which are often infused in the storylines in the production of the soap opera. The focus here was on the blurring of generic boundaries as Isidingo producers’ use of multiple genres within the soap opera for aesthetic and communicative effect. I also explored how local and international topical issues are re-contextualised, intertextualised and resemiotised in the local Isidingo storylines. The idea was to do a multi-semiotic analysis of Isidingo as a soap opera, focusing on the reproduction of semiotic material. This entailed an ethnographic approach to data collection and analysis, which included nine randomly selected aired episodes of the soap opera. I found that this soap opera heavily depends on societal discourses such as sociocultural- histories, language-in-use and popular culture as its resource for composing believable plotlines. These everyday discourses are strategically used by the producers to recreate reality into the fictional world by demonstrating semiotic remediation and resemiotisation as discourse practices. I conclude that the producers recycle issues from the real world and recontextualise them into the fictional world in order to evoke viewer involvement (transparent immediacy) and to infuse multiple media (hypermediacy) for extended meanings. In addition to this, technology such as gadgetry, social networks and software are reconstructed in order to subliminally advertise these products to the viewers. I also conclude that the producers of Isidingo treat language in the soap opera as social practice. This makes it possible for the producers to create characters with multiple identities to depict different social roles and voices. By bringing in real life aspects, the soap opera serves as both fiction and reality.

"Soap operas as a platform for disseminating health information regarding ART and the use of 'reel' versus 'real' role models"

Deiner, Catherine Anne January 2015 (has links)
The media, through development communication and edutainment, plays a critical role in the transformation of societies. In line with this, this thesis discusses the extent to which commercially driven prosocial soap operas can provide a platform for public health messaging, in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa, for antiretroviral treatment (ART) and for encouraging ART adherence to foster national development. Furthermore, this thesis examined the potential of celebrities as HIV/AIDS ambassadors and the potential of both fictional characters and ‘real-life’ celebrities to disseminate these health messages. Although the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa is stabilising, this is not the time to relax the communication around the disease, particularly regarding adherence to ARVs, considering that South Africa has the largest ARV rollout in the world. The qualitative methodological approach taken for this thesis is a three-step approach examining the intended message, the text and the appropriated message by viewers. Firstly, a thematic content analysis of an episode of Isidingo, that illustrated Nandipha as HIV-positive and the side-effects that came with her ART adherence, and the 3Talk interview with Lesego Motsepe, where she announced that she was weaning herself off ART, was done in order to understand the intended health messaging in the soap opera and the health message disseminated by an HIV-positive actress with regards to ART. Thereafter interview responses by the production team as well as by HIV-positive viewers, using ARVs, were thematised. In addition media texts which provided commentary on the use of a celebrity as a HIV-positive role model were examined. In doing this, this thesis has offered up the meanings of how HIV-positive women taking ARVs and living in Makana experience and understand the media, particularly health messaging relating to ARVs. The findings of this study suggest that commercial soap operas are the perfect platform to address HIV/AIDS and that prosocial health messaging regarding ARV adherence is still necessary in this country. Soap operas have the potential to have an educational angle. Although, HIV-positive individuals serve as better role models as they are authentic; given human nature, fictional characters, such as Nandipha Matabane in Isidingo, may be more sustainable role models as their message can be scientifically-based and well-researched. Realistic characters serve as role models whose behaviour is to be emulated. Soap operas appeal to a wide audience and so storylines can be tailor-made according to the times and the needs in terms of health issues and messaging. Thus, soap operas are not a single platform but rather one which can be exploited to maximum advantage for public health messaging.

An exploratory study of both the causes of exclusion of persons with physical disabilities from employment and mechanisms to promote their inclusion / Verkenningstudie oor die oorsake van indiensneminguitsluiting van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede, sowel as maniere om hul insluiting / Ucwaningo lokulinga kokubili izimbangela zokukhishwa inyumbazane kwabantu abakhubazekile ekuqashweni kanye nezindlela zokuqhubela phambili ukubandakanywa kwabo

Nel-Venter, Cecile Jacqueline 01 1900 (has links)
English, Afrikaans and Zulu summaries / Orientation: The study researched physical disability apropos of employment. The attitudes of able-bodied persons towards persons with disabilities (PWD) culminate in the exclusion of the latter from the workplace. Aspects of this topic have been addressed by researchers abroad and in Africa using samples of limited size. Research aim: The general aim of the research was twofold. Firstly, it set out to uncover the causes of exclusion of persons with physical disabilities from employment in the South African open labour market, and secondly, to identify interventions that could assuage this situation. Research methodology: A convergent mixed methods research strategy was adopted, with responses of employers forming the quantitative strand and those of persons with physical disabilities (PWPD) forming the qualitative strand. A customer survey questionnaire was developed and validated for the sample of 342 employers, while interview schedules were used for 312 PWPD. Statistical procedures included factor analysis, chi-square tests and structural equation modelling. Main findings: Meta-inferences were formulated relating to the mixed methods research. The overarching message conveyed discord in respect of several dimensions, between the perceptions of employers, those of persons with physical disabilities and the theory. Employers are receptive to employing persons with disabilities but conflicted about their management, competence and accommodation. They are reportedly unfamiliar with disability matters, and cannot locate qualified candidates, while disability policies are not commonplace. Key national interventions encompass incentives for employers to hire PWD, tax concessions and amendment of the BBBEE scorecard points system. Important interventions at organisational level entail training in disability matters across the board, as well as disability-related policies. At individual level, PWPD need training in job-seeking techniques, effective avenues to secure work, accommodation and assistive technology, and skills. To extend the mixed methods research, industrial sectors were compared and latent constructs sought in separate analyses. Main contributions: Different perspectives gleaned from employers in various sectors, PWPD, disability advocacy organisations and associated groups; expansion of the literature on disability employment; structural equation modelling that produced latent constructs which underlie the causes of exclusion of PWPD from employment and enhance understanding of those aspects with a direct bearing on employers’ receptivity to hiring PWPD. The findings could catalyse national and organisational policy frameworks to promote inclusion in the workplace. Public policy makers could utilise the findings to devise strategies that would motivate employers to hire PWPD. Organisational policies, with practical guidelines, should be formulated relating to recruitment of PWPD and disability training for staff. The different types of disabilities and job categories in which employers would be willing to appoint PWD were ascertained. / Oriëntering: Die studie het ondersoek ingestel na liggaamlike ongeskiktheid ten opsigte van indiensneming. Die houdings van nie-gestremde persone teenoor persone met gestremdhede veroorsaak dat laasgenoemde van die werksplek uitgesluit word. Fasette van hierdie onderwerp is deur navorsers oorsee en in Afrika ondersoek met behulp van steekproewe van beperkte grootte. Navorsingsdoelwit: Die algemene doelwit van die navorsing was tweeledig. Dit het eerstens ten doel gehad om die oorsake van indiensnemingsuitsluiting van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmark te bepaal, en tweedens, om ingrypings te identifiseer wat hierdie situasie kan verbeter. Navorsingsmetodologie: ’n Konvergerende gemengdemetode-navorsingstrategie is ingespan, met werkgewers se response as die kwantitatiewe been en dié van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede, as die kwalitatiewe been. ʼn Kliëntetevredenheidsvraelys is vir die steekproef van 342 werkgewers ontwikkel en geldig verklaar, terwyl onderhoudskedules vir 312 persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede gebruik is. Statistiese prosedures het faktorontleding, chi-kwadraattoetse en strukturele-vergelyking-modellering ingesluit. Belangrikste bevindinge: Meta-inferensies met betrekking tot die gemengdemetode-navorsing is geformuleer. Die oorkoepelende boodskap was een van verdeeldheid oor verskeie dimensies; tussen werkgewers se persepsies, dié van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede en die teorie. Werkgewers is ontvanklik vir indiensneming van persone met gestremdhede, maar het verskil oor die bestuur, bevoegdheid en akkommodering van sulke persone. Hulle is blykbaar nie bekend met ongeskiktheidsaangeleenthede nie en kan nie gekwalifiseerde kandidate vind terwyl ongeskiktheidsbeleide nie alledaags is nie. Deurslaggewende nasionale ingrypings behels aansporings vir werkgewers om persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede in diens te neem, belastingvergunnings en aanpassing van die BGSEB-telkaartpuntestelsel. Belangrike ingrypings op organisasievlak behels algemene opleiding in ongeskiktheidsake, sowel as beleide oor ongeskiktheidskwessies. Op individuele vlak benodig persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede opleiding in werksoektegnieke, doeltreffende metodes om werk te verseker, akkommodasie en ondersteunende tegnologie, en vaardighede. Om die gemengdemetodes-navorsing uit te brei, is nywerheidsektore vergelyk en latente konsepte in afsonderlike ontledings gesoek. Hoofbydraes: Verskillende perspektiewe wat van werkgewers in verskeie sektore verkry is, persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede, gestremdheidvoorspraakorganisasies en verwante groepe; uitbreiding van die literatuur oor ongeskiktheidsindiensneming; strukturele-vergelyking-modellering wat aanleiding gegee het tot latente konsepte onderliggend tot die oorsake van indiensneminguitsluiting van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede en bevorderlik vir begrip van daardie aspekte wat ʼn direkte invloed op werkgewers se ontvanklikheid rakende indiensneming van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede het. Die bevindinge kan nasionale en organisasiebeleidsraamwerke kataliseer om insluiting in die werksplek te bevorder. Openbarebeleidbepalers kan die navorsingsresultate gebruik om strategieë te beraam wat werkgewers sal motiveer om persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede aan te stel. Organisasiebeleide, met praktiese riglyne, moet geformuleer word ten opsigte van werwing van persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede en ongeskiktheidsopleiding vir personeel. Die verskillende soorte gestremdhede en werkskategorieë waar werknemers bereid sal wees om persone met liggaamlike gestremdhede in diens te neem, is vasgestel. / Isimo nokuqondiswe kukho (orientation) Ucwaningo lucwaninge ngokukhubazeka ngomzimba maqondana nokuhambisana nokuqashwa Imibono yabantu abangakhubazekile maqondana nabantu abakhubazekile ngokubizwa ngokuthi yi-persons with disabilities (PWD) ibangela ukuthi abantu abakhubazekile bakhishelwe eceleni maqondana nemisebenzi. Izingxenye zalesi sihloko kubhekwane nazo ngabanye abacwaningi baphesheya kanye nase-Afrka ngokusebenzisa amasampuli amancane. Inhloso yocwaningo: Inhloso enabile yocwaningo ikabili. Okokuqala, ukuthola izimbangela zokukhishelwa eceleni kwabantu abakhubazekile ekuqashweni eNingizimu Afrika nasemakethe evulekile yezemisebenzi, kanti eyesibili, ukuphawula ngezinto ezingabawusizo ukululamisa lesi simo. Imetodoloji (indlela) yocwaningo: Kusetshenziswe isu elihlangene lezindlela zocwaningo okuyi-mixed methods research, kanti izimpendulo zabaqashi zibumbe ingxenye ye-quantitative strand, kanti ezalabo bantu abakhubazekile ngomzimba (PWPD) zona zibumbe ingxenye ye-qualitative strand. Kwenziwe i-survey yamakhastama yase iqinisekiswa ukwenzela isampuli yaqabashi abangu 342, kanti isheduli yama-interview yenziwe kubantu abakhubazekile ngomzimba (PWPD) abangu 312). Inqubo yamastatistiki ibandakanye uhlaziyo lwe-factor analysis, i-chi-square tests kanye ne-structural equation modelling. Okukhulu okutholakele: Isiphetho ngokujulile i-meta-inferences yenziwe maqondana nezindlela ezixubene zocwaningo. Umlayezo omkhulu owaboniswa ukubhimba maqondana nezinto ezehlukene, phakathi kwemibono yabaqashi, kanye nabantu abakhubazekile ngemizimba kanye nethiyori. Abaqashi bazimisele ukuqasha abantu abakhubazekile kodwa banemibono engqubuzanayo ngokuphathwa kwabo, amakhono kanye nokubabonelela. Abanalwazi ngezinto eziphathelene nokukhubazeka, kanti abakwazi ukuthola amakhandideyiti afundele imisebenzi, kanti imigomo ngokukhubazeka ayikho kahle. Okukhulu okumele kwenziwe ukungenela kwizwe lonke kubandakanya izikhuthazi kubaqashi ukuqasha abantu abakhubazekile, izibonelelo ngentela, kanye nokuchitshiyelwa kwenqubo yamaphoyinti e-BBBEE. Ukungenela okubalulekile ezinhlanganweni kubandakanya uqeqesho ngezinto eziphathelene nobukhubazeki kuyo yonke imikhakha kanye nemigomo ehambelana nokukhubazeka. Kumkhakha wabantu ziqu, abantu abakhubazekile ngemizimba badinga uqeqesho ngamathekniki okufuna imisebenzi, imikhakha efanele yokuthola imisebenzi, izibonelelo, kanye namatheknoloji osizo kanye namakhono. Ukunweba izindlela ezehlukene zocwaningo, kwaqhathaniswa amasektha ezimboni, kwasekufunwa ama-latent construct ngohlaziyo olwehlukene. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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