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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh implementace systému managementu kvality v lékárně Bubeneč / The proposal of implementation of management quality system in Bubeneč pharmacy

Hesslerová, Barbora January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work deal with development and description of management quality, interpretation of requirements of ISO 9001:2008, evaluation of present situation of monitored organization and it's preparation for certification the Management quality system according to ISO 9001:2008.

Plnění požadavků normy ISO 9001ve vybrané firmě / Fulfilment of requirements in accordance with International Standards ISO 9001 in chosen company

Mikóczyová, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
Graduation Theses describes analysis of fulfilment of requirements in accordance with International Standards ISO 9001 in company KAMPI OFFICE. The objective of this Graduation Theses is comparison of requirements in accordance with International Standards ISO 9001 with the present status in company KAMPI OFFICE, determining the fulfilment of these requirements and recommendations to change some nonconforming activities.

Vliv managementu kvality na podnikovou sféru České republiky / Influence of Quality Management on the czech business domain

Procházková, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to map out the situation with recent experience of czech firms with implementation of quality management system in the form of international standard ISO 9001 and confirm or disprove the hypothesis that the implementation of quality management has a positive impact for the company's economy and improves it's effectiveness. The theoretical part is devoted to the definition of quality management system and to the reason why companies implement this system and what benefits this system has. The practical part of this dissertation is devoted to the realization of questionnaire's survey between chosen companies which have implemented ISO 9001. This survey should discover benefits and costs of certification and the change of performance index of the firms.

Framgångsfaktorer vid övergång till ISO 9001:2015 / Important factors for a successful transition to ISO 9001:2015

Yusuf, Maryan, Sege, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att identifiera de viktigaste områdena mindre företag bör fokusera på vid övergång till ISO 9001:2015. Examensarbetet har utförts på det tillverkande företaget FIG Metall. Den nya utgåvan av standarden har en mer tolkningsbaserad struktur i jämförelse med tidigare vilket har bidragit till en svårighet för företag att förstå kraven i den nya utgåvan. Forskningsmetodiken som tillämpats är av kvalitativ karaktär. Vid genomförande av studien gjordes observation, intervjuer och dokumentstudier hos FIG Metall för att få en inblick i hur verksamheten fungerade samt identifiera deras gap mot ISO 9001:2015. Andra intervjuer som gjordes var med organisationerna Qvalify och SIS för att få reda på de största skillnaderna i den nya utgåvan av standarden samt vanligaste svårigheterna företag har vid övergången. De kvalitativa intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade vilket innebär att intervjupersonerna haft stor frihet att tolka frågorna som ställts samt att intervjuaren inte kan förutspå respondentens svar. I analyskapitlet jämfördes empirin från studiens olika metoder med hjälp av triangulering, se figur 10. Där kopplades resultaten även till relevanta teorier. I intervju med Qvalify och SIS framkom samstämmighet om vilka områden som behövde uppfyllas för en övergång till ISO 9001:2015. Resultatet av studien visar de viktigaste områdena mindre företag bör fokusera på för övergången. Istället för att gå igenom standarden krav för krav ska företag fokusera på ledarskap, organisationens förutsättningar, riskbaserat tänkande samt processinriktning. Studien visar även på att ISO 9001:2015 har en nära koppling till TQM, verksamhetsutveckling och organisationspsykologi och kan därmed användas som komplement till standarden. / The purpose with this study aims to identify the most important and critical factors for small-sized companies to make way for a successful transition to ISO 9001:2015. Because of the new structure, it is difficult for companies to interpret the standard and what is required to achieve a certification. This study has therefore been carried out at the manufacturing company FIG Metall in Gnosjö.  The study is based on qualitative research. Observation, interviews and document views were made at FIG Metall. Interviews were also carried out with the auditing company Qvalify and the Swedish Standards Institute to receive their views on which the important factors are as well as the general difficulties for companies when transitioning.  The interviews were semi-structured which resulted in an open discussion where the respondents were free to answer based on how they perceived the questions. The results of the empirical data were the basis of the analysis and the conclusion. The different methods used in the report can be seen in figure 10 which shows the triangular approach of the study. Qvalify and SIS agreed upon the same areas companies need to focus on when transitioning to ISO 9001:2015. The result of this study shows that the most important areas smaller companies need to focus on when transitioning are Leadership, Context of the organization, Risk based thinking and Process approach. The study concluded that ISO 9001:2015 is closely related to total quality management (TQM), organizational development and organizational psychology and can be used as complementary tools to the standard.

Implementace systému managementu kvality podle normy ISO 9001:2015 / Implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015

Čížková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of my thesis is to show the process of transitioning the current quality management system (in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2008) into the new quality management system in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015 in Sipral a.s. company. The thesis analyses current state in the company concerning requirements of the norm and suggests changes necessary for implementation of the new quality management system in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015. The first section introduces the field of quality management system in theoretical perspective. Main approaches to quality management system, key terms and short historical review are presented. The norm ISO 9001: 2015 is analysed in detail, especially in relation to its previous version from 2008. Above all, I focus on the changes which the current norm brings and which are necessary to implement to functioning of the company. The second section of the thesis is dedicated to introduction of Sipral a.s. company, analysis of the current state, suggestions for changes and realization of them, which are brought about with implementation of the new norm. Attention is paid especially to areas undergoing essential changes: organizational structure, process model, labour risk and context of the organization. These areas are analysed from the view of the current norm, as well as from the view of the new norm. Transition in accordance with the norm ISO 9001: 2015, which I participated in, is described.

Praktická aplikace normy ISO 9001 v nevýrobním podniku / Applying the ISO 9001 Standard at a Company Providing Services

Pospíšilová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of ISO 9001:2008 requirements on documentation in an international company providing services. First, it approaches the importance of the ISO 9001 and shows documentation requirements introduced in the standard. The analytic part presents how the standard was applied in the quality documentation of Germanischer Lloyd. Special emphasis is laid on a project which focused on a complete revision of the quality documentation in the company. The greatest changes include a new structure of documentation, an update of the majority of the documents and increasing the user friendliness of the documents' organisation.

Quality Management in Museum Information Systems: A Case Study of ISO 9001-2000 as an Evaluative Technique

Karr, Fred H. 05 1900 (has links)
Museums are service-oriented information systems that provide access to information bearing materials contained in the museum's collections. Within museum environments, the primary vehicle for quality assurance and public accountability is the accreditation process of the American Association of Museums (AAM). Norbert Wiener founded the field of cybernetics, employing concepts of information feedback as a mechanism for system modification and control. W. Edwards Deming applied Wiener's principles to management theory, initiating the wave of change in manufacturing industries from production-driven to quality-driven systems. Today, the principles are embodied in the ISO 9000 International Standards for quality management systems (QMS), a globally-recognized set of standards, widely employed as a vehicle of quality management in manufacturing and service industries. The International Organization for Standardization defined a process for QMS registration against ISO 9001 that is similar in purpose to accreditation. This study's goals were to determine the degree of correspondence between elements of ISO 9001 and quality-related activities within museum environments, and to ascertain the relevance of ISO 9001-2000 as a technique of museum evaluation, parallel to accreditation. A content analysis compared museum activities to requirements specified in the ISO 9001-2000 International Standard. The study examined museum environment surrogates which consisted of (a) web sites of nine museum studies programs in the United States and (b) web sites of two museum professional associations, the AAM and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Data items consisted of terms and phrases from the web sites and the associated context of each item. Affinity grouping of the data produced high degrees of correspondence to the categories and functional subcategories of ISO 9001. Many quality-related activities were found at the operational levels of museum environments, although not integrated as a QMS. If activities were unified as a QMS, the ISO 9001 Standard has potential for application as an evaluative technique in museum environments.

Propuesta de desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de calidad para una empresa metalmecánica pequeña, basado en la Norma ISO 9001:2015

Duarte Farías, Pamela Francisca January 2019 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniera Civil / El carácter dinámico e impredecible que caracteriza al mercado actual, junto con la globalización, han obligado a las empresas a adoptar nuevos métodos y políticas de trabajo para ganar reconocimiento y prestigio. Una de las medidas que ha tomado fuerza las últimas décadas es la implementación de gestión de calidad para asegurar la calidad y lograr la excelencia. En este contexto se plantea el estudio de la influencia que tiene incorporar, parcialmente, los principios y requisitos que establece la norma ISO 9001:2015 en una empresa metalmecánica pequeña, evaluando la diferencia en el desempeño antes y después de la implementación. Para lograrlo, en primer lugar, se estudió la situación y funcionamiento actual de la empresa, además de su relación con los conceptos relacionados a la gestión de calidad. Una vez levantada esta información, se definió la política y objetivos de calidad que establecen los lineamientos para el desarrollo del sistema y, posteriormente, se identificaron los procesos críticos para el funcionamiento de la empresa y la gestión de la calidad. Y, cuando se tuvo claro qué procesos considerar, se determinó el flujo de actividades y una estructura organizacional definida a partir de la clasificación de responsabilidades y funciones. Luego, teniendo caracterizado el sistema, se definió la estructura documental y se elaboraron los documentos que definen, formalmente, al sistema de gestión de calidad y a la organización, además de procedimientos, registros e instructivos necesarios para la panificación, ejecución, verificación y mejora de los procesos considerados. Por su parte, la implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad propuesto no se llevará a cabo, debido a que la situación financiera y directiva de la empresa se encuentran en un estado de crisis. Sin embargo, se propone un plan de implementación que involucra los hitos de esta, junto con sus respectivos objetivos, actividades y resultados esperados. Finalmente, se concluye que el contexto de una empresa puede influir en la posibilidad de implementar la gestión de calidad, ya que no todas las empresas están en condiciones de incorporar los cambios que esto involucra.

ISO 9001: 2015 Quality System Manual Development and Implementation for Business and Commerce with Expanded Emphasis on Risk Management

Mostafa, Mahmoud Hesham Ahmad Shawky January 2019 (has links)
ISO 9001: 2015 is the latest edition of the Quality Management System from the International Standard Organization. One of the most noticeable changes about the new edition is the emphasis on risk-based thinking. This study introduces a template for developing a Quality Manual and a systematic approach to Risk Assessment using a risk-based decision-making framework embedded in the Quality Management System. An extensive discussion on decision-making, risk and opportunity analysis is provided with the aim of developing a seamless integration between QMS, risk analysis, and decision-making. This study proposes a decision-making framework that aligns ISO 9001 requirements with the decision-making process. The proposed decision-making methodology is aimed specifically at product and service selection. A case study is used to demonstrate the methodology.

Training for quality services

Manrique Quevedo, Arley Antonio, Martínez, Julissa 05 1900 (has links)
TESIS PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE MAGÍSTER EN ADMINISTRACIÓN / Manrique Quevedo, Arley Antonio, [Parte I], Martínez, Julissa, [Parte II] / plan de negocios denominado Training for Quality Services fue diseñado con el objetivo de crear un Centro de Capacitación y Certificación en Normas Técnicas Internacionales. Dicha entidad, pretende suplir la necesidad de educación complementaria que tienen las personas interesadas en mejorar los procesos y la gestión de calidad dentro de sus organizaciones. En Panamá, el crecimiento sostenido de 5.4% en el PIB 2017 contrasta con la falta de mano de obra técnica calificada; más aún, mostrando una carencia significativa de personal con conocimiento en Normas Técnicas Internacionales. Según información del Ministerio de Comercio e Industria de Panamá, en el 2006 solo existían un total de 92 empresas que habían logrado obtener la certificación ISO 9001, (MICI Panamá, 2006) lo cual representa una evidente oportunidad de implementación de buenas prácticas con estándares internacionales en las diferentes industrias del país. TQS se perfila como una de las instituciones de mayor recordación en Panamá, Centro América y el Caribe, gracias a la calidad de las capacitaciones y su alcance regional a través de la oferta virtual de sus entrenamientos. TQS innova al ser la primera institución 100% panameña que ofrece Capacitaciones de Normas Técnicas Internacionales online, en vivo y tutorías en tiempo real incluidas en la metodología b-learning. TQS estima ingresos a cinco años por un valor de B/.495.000.00, un aporte inicial de B/.63.240.00 (40% recursos propios y 60% inversionista), un VAN de B/. 144,810.58, una TIR de 42%, considerando una tasa de descuento de 14.42% a través de un escalamiento progresivo.

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