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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsmiljö och ledarskap - En studie av skolledares förebyggande arbete mot stress och utbrändhet

Ernstson, Marie January 2020 (has links)
Sjukskrivningar till följd av stress och utbrändhet ökar bland arbetstagare. Ökningen är störst bland lärare. För att tydliggöra arbetsgivares ansvar gällande psykosocial arbetsmiljö trädde den 31/3 2016 en ny arbetsmiljöföreskrift, AFS 2015:4 i kraft. Trots detta fortsätter sjukskrivningar till följd av stress och utbrändhet bland lärare öka. Givet ovanstående är studiens syfte att undersöka vilka förutsättningar skolledare som arbetar i svenska grund- och gymnasieskolor upplever att de har för att arbeta förebyggande mot stress och utbrändhet. Vidare är syftet att undersöka huruvida skolledarna upplever att det föreligger någon skillnad i hur de arbetar förebyggande nu jämfört med hur de arbetade innan AFS 2015:4 trädde i kraft. Ovanstående analyseras för att, om möjligt hitta en förklaring till varför sjukskrivningar bland lärare fortsätter öka trots att AFS 2015:4 trätt i kraft och varit gällande i fyra år.Syftet uppfylls genom en intervjustudie där skolledare i grund- och gymnasieskolor intervjuas om vilka förutsättningar de upplever att de har för att bedriva förebyggande arbete, samt huruvida de upplever att skillnader i arbetssätt mellan ”nu och då” föreligger. En innehållsanalys görs av intervjuerna utifrån ett analysverktyg bestående av implementeringsteori i form av Lundquists (2001) förstå, kunna, vilja samt Job Demand-resourses-theory (Bakker & Demerouti 2017).Studiens slutsats är att skolledare visar god förståelse kring hur förebyggande arbete ska bedrivas, samt vilja att utföra det samma. Dock upplever skolledarna att de saknar tillräckliga ekonomiska resurser för att kunna bedriva ett fullgott förebyggande arbete mot stress och utbrändhet. Vidare framgår att skolledarna upplever att inga större skillnader föreligger i hur de arbetar nu kontra innan AFS 2015:4 trädde i kraft. En möjlig förklaring till att sjukskrivningar bland lärare ökar är att skolledarna saknar vissa ekonomiska resurser för att kunna arbeta förebyggande. Ytterligare en möjlig förklaring är att AFS 2015:4 inte är tillräcklig för att skapa förutsättningar för att ett fullgott förebyggande arbete ska kunna bedrivas. / Sick leave due to stress and burnout is increasing among workers. The increase is greatest among teachers. To clarify employers' responsibilities regarding the psychosocial work environment, on 31 March 2016, a new work environment regulation, AFS 2015: 4, came into force. Despite this, sick leave due to stress and burnout among teachers continues to increase. Given the above, the purpose of this study is to investigate how school leaders who work in Swedish primary and secondary schools describes the conditions to work preventively against stress and burnout. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate if the school leaders interviewed feel that there is any difference in how they work preventively now compared to how they worked before AFS 2015: 4 came into force. The above is analyzed to, if possible, find an explanation for why sick leave among teachers continues to increase even though AFS 2015: 4 came into force and has been valid for four years.The purpose is fulfilled through an interview study where school leaders in primary and secondary schools are interviewed about what conditions they feel they have to conduct preventive work, and whether they feel that there are differences in working methods between "now and then". The interviews are analyzed based on an analysis tool consisting of implementation theory in the form of Lundquist's (2001) förstå, kunna, vilja (understanding, ability, will) and Job Demand resources theory (Bakker & Demerouti 2017) which are combined.The study concludes that school leaders show a good understanding of how preventive work should be conducted, as well as a willingness to perform the same. However, school leaders feel that they lack sufficient financial resources to be able to conduct adequate prevention work against stress and burnout. Furthermore, it appears that school leaders feel that there are no major differences in how they work now versus before AFS 2015: 4 came into force. One possible explanation for the increase in sick leave among teachers is that school leaders lack certain financial resources to be able to work preventively. Another possible explanation is that AFS 2015: 4 is not sufficient to create the conditions for full preventive work to be carried out.

An evaluation of job crafting as an intervention aimed at improving work engagement

Thomas, Emmarentia Carol January 2018 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom (IPS) / The construction industry plays a crucial role in the South African economy. In this high-risk industry, a lack of engagement by employees can have serious and costly health and safety consequences. Because construction companies work under conditions of tight deadlines and stringent requirements, executives and managers are often unable to reduce the demands on their employees. Hence, if employees are to increase their own levels of work engagement (and so improve health, promote safety, and guard against burnout), they need to exert personal agency by recrafting their own jobs. The term job crafting refers to proactive employee behaviours that seek to optimise the work environment, frequently by addressing the balance between job demands and job resource. Previous literature suggests that employees who use job crafting behaviours show higher work engagement, lower disengagement, more positive emotions, and better adaptive performance.

A human resource practitioner framework to support the engagement of academics in research ethics

Uys, Marie 02 1900 (has links)
This study explored academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics at an OpenDistance Learning (ODL) institution in South Africa (SA), with the intention of discovering the way in which human resource management (HRM) practitioners, employed at the same institution, can support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics. The study’s purpose was to develop a conceptual framework for HRM practitioners to support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics, at an ODL institution in SA.For this qualitative study, an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach was followed. Data were collected from 13 purposively selected academic researchers, employed at an ODL institution, by means of semi-structured individual interviews, naive sketches and fieldnotes. The IPA approach offers an analysis method that was accordingly employed. Thereafter, the findings were interpreted with the Job-Demands Resource (JD-R) theory.These interpretations were used to construct the conceptual framework according to the organising principles of Dickhoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968) Academic researchers have some resources to support engagement in research ethics, but also face several job demands, which has a negative influence on their ability to engage in research ethics. HRM practitioners have a critical role to fulfil to support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics, by facilitating a work environment where job resources are readily available. In addition, the ODL institution must be well-balanced, successful, and endorse a culture of ethics within its organisational culture, for academic researchers to engage in research ethics. HRM practitioners have an essential role to endorse a culture of ethics within the ODL institution. The findings will benefit both academic researchers and the ODL institution. The support that HRM practitioners provide, should include, inter alia, a) enabling an engaging leadership style, b) ensuring that ethical values are embedded in the recruitment strategy, and c) revising the performance agreements and performance appraisals of academic employees to include research ethics. This study forms part of a limited pool of qualitative studies to investigate WE, using the JD-R theory as a theoretical framework. This study is furthermore a forerunner in exploring the role that HRM practitioners can play in supporting academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics. It is the first study to use the IPA approach in the field of Management Sciences to investigate WE with the JD-R theory as a theory of engagement. By using the organising principles of Dickoff et al. (1968), for conceptual framework development to explain WE according to the JD-R theory, a seminal contribution was made. / Hierdie studie ondersoek akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek by ’n oopafstandleerinstelling (ODL institution) in Suid-Afrika met die voorneme om ’n manier te vind waarop nslikehulpbronbestuurspraktisyns (MHB-praktisyns) wat by dieselfde instelling werksaam is, akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek kan ondersteun. Die studie se oogmerk was om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir MHB-praktisyns te ontwikkel om akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek by ’n pafstandleerinstelling te ondersteun. Vir hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is ’n Interpreterende Fenomenologiese Ontledingsbenadering (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis [IPA] approach) gevolg. Data is by 13 doelbewusgeselekteerde akademiese navorsers, werksaam by ’n oopafstandleerinstelling, ingesamel deur middel van migestruktureerde- individuele onderhoude, naïewe sketse en veldnotas. Die Interpreterende Fenomenologiese Ontledingsbenadering bied ’n ntledingsmetode wat dienooreenkomstig gebruik is. Hierna is die bevindings met die werk- vereistes-hulpbronneteorie (job-demands resource [JD-R] theory) geïnterpreteer. Hierdie interpretasies is gebruik om die konseptuele raamwerk te ontwikkel volgens die organiseringsbeginsels van Dickhoff, James en Wiedenbach (1968). Akademiese navorsers beskik oor ’n paar hulpbronne wat ’n verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek ondersteun, maar word ook met verskeie werkseise gekonfronteer wat ’n negatiewe invloed op hulle vermoë om hul tot navorsingsetiek te verbind, kan hê. MHB-praktisyns speel ’n kritiese rol om akademiese navorsers te ondersteun ten opsigte van hul verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek deur ’n werksomgewing te fasiliteer waar werkshulpbronne geredelik beskikbaar is. Verder moet die oopafstandleerinstelling ‘n gebalanseerde etiese organisasiekultuur onderskryf om akademiese navorsers te help om hulle te verbind tot etiese navorsing. MHB-praktisyns speel ’n noodsaaklike rol om ’n etiese kultuur binne die ODL- instelling te ondersteun. Akademiese navorsers, sowel as die oopafstandleerinstelling, sal baat vind by die bevindinge. Die ondersteuning wat MHB-praktisyns bied, behoort onder meer die volgende in te sluit: a) om ’n werksbegeesterde leierskapstyl moontlik te maak; b) om te verseker dat etiese waardes by die werwingstrategie ingesluit is; en c) om die prestasie-ooreenkomste en prestasiebeoordelings van akademiese personeel te hersien om navorsingsetiek in te sluit. / Lolu cwaningo lwacubungula ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo esikhungweni seMfundo-buqama Evulelekile (ODL), phecelezi, i-Open Distance Learning institution eNingizimu Afrika (SA), ngenhloso yokuthola indlela engasetshenziswa ngabasebenzi abangongoti bezokuphathwa kwabasebenzi (HRM), abaqashwe esikhungweni leso, ukweseka ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukwakha okuthuthukisa uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda olwenzelwe abasebenzi be-HRM ekusekeleni abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ukuze bakwazi ukulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo esikhungweni esiyi-ODL eNingizimu Afrika. Kulolu cwaningo olwabe luwucwaningo olugxile ekuxoxisaneni okunzulu futhi okunohlonze nababambiqhaza bocwaningo bakhethiweyo abayingcosana (qualitative research) kwalandelwa indlela-kuhlaziya egxile kwisimo-kuqonda sombambiqhaza ocwaningo, phecelezi i-Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Imininingo yocwaningo yaqoqwa kubacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme abayi-13 abakhethwe ngenhloso, kusetshenziswa indlela-kuxoxisana engagcini nje kuphela ohlwini lwemibuzo ehlelekile, kepha elandelisa nangeminye imibuzo evulekile, phecelezi ama-semi-structured individual interviews, nemidwebo elula kanye namanothi athathwe endaweni okwenzelwa kuyona ucwaningo. Indlela-kuhlaziya i-IPA ihlinzeka ngendlela yokuhlaziya okuyiyona eyasetshenziswa ocwaningweni. Emuva kwalokho imiphumela eyatholakala ocwaningweni yahunyushwa kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-Job-Demands Resource (JD-R) theory. Ngokusho kuka-Dickhoff, James no-Wiedenbach (1968) lezi zihumusho zabe sezisetshenziselwa ukwakha uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda. Abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme banazo izinsiza-kusebenza zokulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo, kodwa-ke zikhona futhi nezingcindezi-zidingo zomsebenzi eziningana ezinomthelela ongemuhle emandleni abo okulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Abasebenzi be-HRM banendima esemqoka kakhulu okumele bayidlale ekwesekeni abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ekulandeleni nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo, ngokuthi bakhe isimo sokusebenzela lapho ziyinala futhi zitholakala kalula izinsiza-kusebenza. Ngaphezu kwalokho isikhungo esiyi-ODL kumele kube ngesizinzile nesihleleke kahle, esiphumelelayo futhi eseseka usiko-mpilo lwenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ngaphakathi kusiko-mpilo lwaso njengenhlangano, ukuze abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme bakwazi ukulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Abasebenzi be-HRM banendima esemqoka okumele bayidlale ekwesekeni usikompilo lwenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ngaphakathi esikhungweni esiyi-ODL. Imiphumela etholakale ocwaningweni izohlomulila abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme iphinde futhi ihlomulise nezikhungo eziyi-ODL. Ukwesekwa okuhlinzekwa ngabasebenzi be-HRM kumele kubandakanye, phakathi kokunye, a) ukwakhiwa kwesitayela sobuholi senzebenziswano, ubambiswano nokubonisana b) kuqinisekisa ukuthi izimo-mpilo zenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ziyisisekelo seqhingasu lokuqashwa kwabasebenzi, kanye c) nokubuyekezwa kwezivumelwano zensebenzo kanye nokuhlolwa nokubuyekezwa komsebenzi wabasebenzi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ukuze kubandakanywe inkambiso enhle nelungileyo. Lolu cwaningo luyingxenye yeqoqwana elincane lomsebenzi osuwenziwe kuze kube manje wocwaningo olugxile ekuxoxisaneni okunzulu futhi okunohlonze nababambiqhaza bocwaningo abakhethiweyo abayingcosana okuhloswe ngalo ukuphenya nokucwaninga i-WE, kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-JD-R njengohlaka lwethiyori yocwaningo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo luyivulandlela ekucubunguleni indima engadlalwa ngabasebenzi be-HRM ekwesekeni ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Lolu wucwaningo lokuqala olusebenzisa indlela-kuhlaziya i-IPA emkhakheni wamaSayensi Ezokuphatha ngenhloso yokuphenya nokuhlola i-WE kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-JD-R njengethiyori yokucubungula umsebenzi wocwaningo. Kwaba negalelo elikhulukazi impela ukusetshenziswa kwemigomo yokuhlela ka- Dickoff nabanye (1968), ekwakheni nokuthuthukisa uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda ngenhloso yokuchaza i-WE ngokuhambisana nethiyori i-JD-R / Human Resource Management / D. Phil. (Human Resource Management)

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