Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aan"" "subject:"nan""
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Cenzor a literát Jan Nepomuk Václav Zimmermann (1788-1836) / Censor and writer Jan Nepomuk Václav Zimmermann (1788-1836)Novotná, Monika January 2018 (has links)
This work exposes, evaluates and summarises academic and professional career of Jan Nepomuk Vaclav Zimmermann (1788-1836), who worked as a scriptor and a censor. It reviews his censoring and book-examining skills across all fields of book culture. It investigates and evaluates whether contemporary critical testimonies depict Zimmermann's rather negative character rightfully and accurately or not. Zimmermann devoted his time to examining and censoring Czech books and also Hebrew books. As a scriptor at University library, he was responsible for collecting, archiving and organizing manuscripts into catalogues. These catalogues have been filed in National Library for many years. Palaeographical analysis of the catalogues will bring in new facts concerning Zimmermann's autorship. This thesis also presents a list of Zimmermann's work with its historical critical evaluation and compares it to the recent research. Keywords: Jan Zimmermann, Manuscript Catalogues, University Library, Censorship, Censoring Hebrew Literature, Censoring Czech literature, of the Cross with the Red Star, Reformation of Catholic Church under the reign of Joseph II
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Jaroslav Seifert a jeho vztah k výtvarnému umění / Jaroslav Seifert and his relationship to the visual artsHájková Paterová, Natálie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with Jaroslav Seifert's relationship to visual arts and artists, for it is apparent in both his writings and his biography that this relationship was not only deep, but it also served as a powerful source of inspiration for his work. This study focuses on the works of Jan Zrzavý, Toyen and Josef Sudek, since Seifert considered them extraordinary and maintained a lifelong friendship with them. However, I also consider other artists and works that Jaroslav Seifert related to in his writings. The selected topics are followed throughout the poet's life and work, and also set in the context of the given time period and shared culture. This study brings answers to the question of the nature of Seifert's relationship to visual arts and how it is reflected in his writing, and also aims to describe the way the dialogue between Seifert's texts and arts is developed based on comparison of specific visual and literary imagination. Key words: Jaroslav Seifert, Jan Zrzavý, Toyen, Josef Sudek, friendship, dialogue, visual arts, fine arts, photography, poetry, journalism, All the Beauties of the World, imagination, Devětsil, Czech culture of the 20th century.
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Jiné písmo. Český výtvarný experiment 60. let 20. století / Asemic Writing. Czech Art Experiment in the Sixties of the 20th CenturyDostálová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
ÚDU FF UK, 2020 Bc. Barbora Dostálová Asemic Writing. Czech Art Experiment in the Sixties of the 20th Century Abstract (in English): This thesis deals with art development in the 1960s in the Czech Republic. The work focuses on the phenomena of asemic writing as a part of the art of Lettrism and visual poetry and seeks to reveal the history of this specific tendency. The history of Czech asemic writing is demonstrated in exhibits. The next part of the text tells about the sources and inspiration of an artistic creation which was influenced by asemic writing. Keywords (in English): Czech Art, 20th Century, Modern Art, Asemic Poetry, Visual Poetry, Experiment, Asemic Writing, Jiří Kolář, Karel Trinkewitz, Zdeněk Kirchner, Ladislav Novák, Jiří Balcar, Vladimír Boudník, Jan Kotík, Jiří Valoch
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Císař a král Karel IV. v české humanistické historiografii 16. století / Emperor and King Charles IV. in the Czech humanist historiography of the 16th centuryKovařík, Tadeáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the image of Emperor and King Charles IV of Luxembourg in the Czech humanistic historiography of the 16th century. Firstly, the sources of this work and literature dedicated to the topic are introduced. The genre of the chronicle, history and historical chronicle are defined and are supported by academic literature. Following, humanism in the Czech and European environment is further discussed. The history of humanistic literature in a Czech environment and the history of humanistic historiography of this area are also presented. The main focus is dedicated to authors and their work, specifically those that are the sources of this thesis. Work such as Aeneas Silvius Bartholomeus Piccolomini (pope Pius II), his work Historia Bohemica and his three early modern history translations into the Czech language, done by Jan Húska, Mikuláš Konáč of Hodiškov and Daniel Adam of Veleslavín. Authors who have also published it in his book Kroniky dvě o založení země české. Work which also included an introduction written by him, that is further discussed in the thesis. Moreover, the thesis looks into Václav Hájek of Libočany and his Kronika česká, Prokop Lupáč of Hlaváčov and his Historia o císaři Karlovi, Martin Kuthen of Šprinsberk and his work Kronika o založení země české, which Daniel...
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Neogotická přestavba zámku Hluboká nad Vltavou / Neo-Gothic rebuilding of Castle Hluboká nad VltavouSieglová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Neo-Gothic rebuilding of chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou" first provides a brief summary of basic literary and archival sources, followed by description of terminology in the field of 19th century architecture together with the explanation used by the author. After that there is mentioned a situation in Czech architecture at the end of 18th and in the 19th century. Next point is the Gothic Revival phenomenon - its establishment, ways of its spreading and its influence in middle Europe including Czech countries. Own topic of this thesis is introduced by a general and building history of chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou. After that there are introduced prince Jan Adolf II. of Schwarzenberg and his wife, who managed the rebuilding of the chateau. There is also a description of their personal contacts with British culture and architecture. Main part of the thesis is dedicated to Neo-Gothic rebuilding of chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou. This chapter is divided into several subchapters, where are described changes in the chateau interior and exterior including the effort of document the direct influence of Gothic Revival, and also the adaptation of the close surroundings of the chateau. Keywords Neo-Gothic architecture, Great Britain, Gothic Revival, chateau Hluboká nad Vltavou, prince Jan Adolf II....
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Vliv Tomáše a Jana Antonína Bati na rozvoj města Otrokovice / Influence of Thomas and Jan Atonín Bata on the town Otrokovice developmentMalotová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Theme that I dealt in my dissertation with, concerns of my hometown Otrokovice and also to the region in which the city is located. Describes the development and building of this place,and especially of city districtsBaťov,which took place here in the 20th and 30 the last century. Under the leadership of brothers Tomas and Jan Antonín Bata here arose ideal industrial town, the only of its kind in the country. This is not qustion just about new town plan, but also a new type of labor and social relations. In my work I deal with not only the sociological impact of this process on indigenous peoples but also a new way of educating young people, the concept of discipline and the phenomenon of collective consciousness. I also asked myself about the sustainable development of Down Otrokovice to the environmental and economic, and their possible future. There is also a comparison with the nearby Zlin, where Bata began the process of transforming. Mentioned town is still the center of the region and tradition bearers of this system.
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Explorations of the painted real : technological mediation in the work of four artistsHeyer, Gina Margareta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an investigation into the relationship between photorealistic painting and specific
devices used to aid the artist in mediating the real. The term 'reality' is negotiated and a hybrid
theoretical approach to photorealism, including mimesis and semiotics, is suggested. Through
careful analysis of Vermeer's suspected use of the camera obscura, I argue that camera vision
already started in the 17th century, thus signalling the dramatic shift from the classical Cartesian
perspective scopic regime to the model of vision offered by the camera long before the advent of
photography. I suggest that contemporary photorealist painters do not just merely and
objectively copy, but use photographic source material with a sophisticated awareness in
response to a rapidly changing world. Through an examination of the way in which the camera
obscura and photographic camera are used in the works of four artists, I suggest that a symbiotic
relationship of subtle tensions between painting and photographic technology emerges. This
results in visions of the painted real that may be meaningful to contemporary society and have
the ability to emotionally affect the viewer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die verhouding tussen fotorealistiese skilderkuns en die spesifieke
metodes wat die kunstenaar se vertolking van die werklikheid vergemaklik. Die term, 'realiteit'
word krities oorweeg te midde van 'n saamgestelde teoretiese aanslag tot fotorealisme wat
mimesis en semiotiek insluit. Deur 'n noukeurige analise van Vermeer se oënskynlike gebruik van
die camera obscura, hou ek voor dat fotografiese sig reeds sedert die 17e eeu teenwoordig is.
Hierdie gewaarwording dui op 'n dramatiese skuif vanaf 'n klassieke, Kartesiaanse perspektief en
skopiese regime tot die model van visie gebied deur die kamera, lank voor die ontwikkeling van
fotografie. Ek stel voor dat kontemporêre fotorealistiese skilders nie bloot objektief kopieër nie,
maar fotografiese verwysings met 'n gesofistikeerde bewussyn in reaksie tot 'n vinnigveranderende
wêreld gebruik. Deur 'n ondersoek na die wyse waarop die camera obscura en
fotografiese kamera in die werke van vier kunstenaars gebruik word, stel ek voor dat 'n
simbiotiese verhouding die subtiele spanning tussen skilderkuns en fotografiese tegnologie
meemaak. Dit lei tot visionêre weergawes van 'n geskilderde realiteit wat 'n betekenisvolle
posisie in die kontemporêre samelewing beklee en die moontlikheid besit om die toeskouer op 'n
emosionele vlak te affekteer.
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A historical case study analysis of the establishment of charismatic leadership in a Protestant Reformation cultic group and its role in the recourse to violenceHofmann, David C. 07 1900 (has links)
La recherche sur les questions touchant aux leaders de groupes sectaires et à la violence sectaire a mené à l’étude du rôle joué par l’autorité charismatique, tel que défini par Weber (1922) et repris par Dawson (2010). À ce sujet, d’éminents spécialistes des études sur les sectes sont d’avis qu’un vide important dans la recherche sur l’autorité charismatique dans le contexte de groupes sectaires et de nouveaux mouvements religieux reste à combler (ajouter les références ‘d’éminents spécialistes’). Ce mémoire vise à contribuer à l’étude cet aspect négligé, le rôle de l’autorité charismatique dans le recours è la violence dans les groupes sectaires, par une étude de cas historique d’un groupe de la Réformation protestante du XVIe siècle, le Royaume anabaptiste de Münster (AKA), sous l’influence d’un leader charismatique, Jan van Leiden. Cette recherche s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux divers moyens utilisés par Jan van Leiden, pour asseoir son autorité charismatique et à ceux qui ont exercé une influence sur le recours à des actes de violence. L’étude de cas est basé sur le matériel provenant de deux comptes-rendus des faits relatés par des participants aux événements qui se sont déroulés à pendant le règne de Leiden à la tête du AKA. L’analyse du matériel recueilli a été réalisé à la lumière de trois concepts théoriques actuels concernant le comportement cultuel et le recours à la violence.. L’application de ces concepts théoriques a mené à l’identification de quatre principales stratégies utilisées par Jan van Leiden pour établir son autorité charismatique auprès de ses disciples, soit : 1) la menace du millénarisme, 2) l’exploitation d’une relation bilatérale parasitique avec ses disciples, 3) l’utilisation de l’extase religieuse et de la prophétie, 4) l’utilisation du désir de voir survenir des changements sociaux et religieux. En plus de ces quatre stratégies, trois autres dimensions ont été retenues comme signes que le recours à la violence dans le Royaume anabaptiste de Münster résultait de l’établissement de l’autorité charismatique de son leader, soit : 1) la violence liée au millénarisme, 2) la notion d’identité et de violence partagée, 3) des facteurs systémiques, physiques et culturels menant à la violence. / Research surrounding questions regarding cultic behaviors, leadership and issues of sectarian violence has lead to the study of charismatic leadership. Prominent cultic scholars have identified that there remains a rather large void in research when analyzing charismatic leadership within the context of sectarian groups and new religious movements. This thesis will attempt to bridge that gap through a historical case study analysis of a 16th century protestant reformation group, the Anabaptist Kingdom of Münster (AKM), under the influence of a charismatic leader, Jan van Leiden. More specifically, this research will focus on the various means utilized by the group’s leader, to establish charismatic leadership and how this affected the group’s recourse to acts of violence. The case material was obtained through two primary source accounts from participants in the events that unfolded in Münster during Leiden’s reign. The analysis of this material was made using three current theoretical concepts on cultic behavior and violence, that is Casoni (2000), Robbins (2002) and Dawson (2010). It appears that four major strategies were utilized by Jan van Leiden to establish his charismatic leadership over his followers: (1) the threat of millenarianism, (2) the exploitation of a bilateral parasitic relationship with his followers, (3) the use of religious ecstasy and prophecy, and (4) the use of their desire for social and religious change. By contrasting the results of the analyses undertaken in chapters three and four, three factors that have played a crucial role in Leiden’s charismatic leadership, as it relates to the recourse to violence in the AKM, will be identified. These are: (1) millennial violence, (2) shared identity, and (3) macro-level dimensions.
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Jan Masaryk jako rozhlasový komentátor ve válečném vysílání BBC / Jan Masaryk as radio commentator in wartime BBCDvořáková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Czechoslovak radio broadcasting on BBC from September 1939 (when the separate Czech program started there) to the end of World War II in which there were participating political representatives of Czechoslovakia after partial recognition of Czechoslovak government in the exile by the British government in summer of 1940. Main theme of the thesis are the radio speeches of Jan Masaryk, the former (longtime) Czechoslovak ambassador in London and future Minister of Foreign Affairs of the exile government. He launched the Czech Programme of BBC for listeners in the Protectorate on 8th September 1939 and began to appear on the waves regularly once a week in February 1940. The thesis analyzes how he tried (in his speeches and comments) to encourage self-confidence of the nation, how he tried to nullify germanization endeavors of occupiers and quislings to reinterpret Czech historical narrative and by usage of what ideological weapons he was creating the image of small, but internally strong and mature Czechoslovak nation, morally exceeding its inherent German enemy. He used this story as a rhetorical shield against the Nazi interpretation of the Czech tribe, who returned to the womb of the modern Holy Roman Empire, where it belongs as natural part - by the words of the Nazi propaganda.
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Estetické postoje Rafaela Kubelíka ve světle mnichovských pramenů / Rafael Kubelík's aesthetic preferences in the light of the Munich sourcesKraftová, Nikol January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the aesthetic opinions of conductor Rafael Kubelík as evidenced in the materials available in archives and cultural institutions in Munich as well as in the recollections of Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra members from the time of Kubelík's direction of that ensemble. The study includes an overview with commentary of the repertoire performed by Kubelík in subscription concerts by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, which along with Kubelík's comments and in comparison with the programme of other guest conductors indicates Kubelík's programming activities and probably his musical preferences. This study also discusses Kubelík's interest in opera and his ideas on its staging and production. Other chapters deal with Kubelík's qualities as a conductor and the specific demands he made on his performers. It also includes a curriculum vitae of Rafael Kubelík and a number of recollections by people who knew him, all of which serve to fill out the overall picture of Kubelík's personality.
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