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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Příběhy Nerudových lásek v povědomí školy a veřejnosti / Stories of Neruda's love affairs in awareness of school and public

Kubandová, Jindřiška January 2012 (has links)
The main focus of this disertation are relationships of Jan Neruda. They are explained from two different points of view: historical and didactic. The historical part is about the facts, for which the evidence can be found. Those that don't have any evidence in the historical sources are separated. In this part there were also discussed some novels, which portray Jan Neruda. The didactic part contains of the analysis of the textbooks, there was studied, how the information about Neruda's relationships were explained to the students. The last chapter is about websites, where the information about this topic can be found. This topic was there also assessed from the historical and didactic point of view.

Čeští translátoři při českém guberniu v Praze v 18. století / The Czech translators at the local government in Prague in 18th century

PSOTKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This M.A. thesis deals with the office of the Czech translator at the local government in Prague, which was established in 1749 as a part of the Repräsentation und Kammer. The first aim of our work is to describe and explain the agenda of this department, assess its activities within the contemporary context and justify its establishment. In doing so, we contribute to the historical research by describing the situation of the officials at the time of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and furthermore we contribute also to the linguistical research by studying the role of Czech in the administration in 18th century. The introduction describes the situation of Czech language in the 18. century and analyzes the state of research. The further text is divided into three chapters. The first one shows the development of Bohemian local government in Prague where Czech translators were working. The most important part of the work is the second chapter, which expounds the history of the translator's office and provides biographies of individual translators. The third chapter presents the Apology of Czech written by the first known translator Matěj Rudolf Blažej which is interesting for us as an example of texts produced by the office in the 18th century and as a contribution to the Czech National Revival.

Prostor Ostravy v současné české literatuře / The Space of the City of Ostrava in Contemporary Czech Prose Fiction

Janáková, Bára January 2018 (has links)
We have been examinining the image of Ostrava on prose of six authors after 1989. Our aim was to find the function of such space in narrative - it can only play role of a scenery (Slawińsky term), sometimes more functions are added, which empasizes the importance of region in literature according to Urbanová: each region can become a theme or be transposed into author ́s aesthetic sense, influence creative method and become an inspiration in various ways. We have also evaluated how much the protagonists identify themselves with the urban space of Ostrava. This has been based on phenomenological approach of Norberg- Schultz Genius loci. In conclusion we have tried to summarize which themes regarding Ostrava become common for examined authors, whether they create a coherent literary utterance about Ostrava, which has similarities with Todorov ́s petersburg text of russian literature.

"Ce qui fait symptôme..." Contribution au renouvellement de l'analyse du théâtre / “When comes the symptom…” A Contribution to the Renewal of Theatre Analysis

Thulard, Adeline 12 November 2015 (has links)
À travers l’analyse d’œuvres de Tadeusz Kantor, Pina Bausch, Jan Lauwers, Pippo Delbono et Emma Dante, cette étude propose une ouverture des outils traditionnels des études théâtrales aux concepts de la psychanalyse et aux méthodes des études visuelles pour rendre compte de l’expérience émotionnelle intense que les créations de ces artistes induisent. La notion de symptôme, théorisée par Freud et reprise dans le champ de l’histoire de l’art par Georges Didi-Huberman, permet de dépasser une vision de la scène comme « système de signes » « à lire » – sous l’influence de la sémiologie et du structuralisme – et de penser au contraire ce qui, dans les images proposées, ne se laisse pas saisir immédiatement. Après avoir montré les limites des outils dramaturgiques, il est possible de mettre en évidence les moments d’irruption du geste-symptôme dans les œuvres, en adoptant une attitude plus phénoménologique. Le paradigme du rêve, comme modèle analogique d’une organisation-désorganisation, peut nous permettre de comprendre l’agencement des éléments scéniques. Ce qui touche le spectateur ne se situe plus au niveau de la représentation, mise en branle par la présence du symptôme, mais sous celle-ci et entre les éléments. Le rapport au réel qui s’instaure pour le spectateur relève alors plus de l’imaginable que d’une forme de mimèsis : les images ouvrent le regard et modifient la position du spectateur touché corporellement et émotionnellement. Le sujet théâtral diffracté porté par le corps de l’acteur amène le spectateur à faire l’épreuve de l’Autre en scène. Les œuvres à l’étude proposent ainsi une expérience de subjectivation et de symbolisation qui réactive les processus de la construction psychique de l’individu mise en crise dans la société contemporaine. Dans le corps-à-corps qui s’installe entre la scène et la salle, c’est à sa position de sujet face aux autres, à lui-même et au monde, que le spectateur accède. / Through an analysis of works by Tadeusz Kantor, Pina Bausch, Jan Lauwers, Pippo Delbono and Emma Dante, this thesis attempts to open up the traditional analytical tools that tend to be privileged by the discipline of theatre studies to concepts stemming from psychoanalysis or visual arts, which are more appropriate for rendering the intense emotional experience that these works induce. The notion of symptom, theorised by Freud and reappropriated by art history thanks to the work of Georges Didi-Huberman, can allow us to see the stage as more than a “system of signs”, “to be read”, under the influence of semiology and structuralism, but also to go beyond the image, towards something that is not immediately evident. Having shown the limitations of dramaturgical tools, it is possible to highlight the specific moments when a symptomatic gesture irrupts within these works by relying on a more phenomenological analysis. Dream patterns, which have the similar quality of being models of an order-disorder, are essential to our understanding of the organization of stage elements and processes. Whatever moves the spectator, is no longer strictly conditioned by representation, which is itself disrupted by the symptom, but is situated beyond it, under it, between the different scenic elements. The audience’s perception of reality becomes more reliant on imaginable rather than on some form of mimesis: images open up the gaze and alter the spectator’s stance, touching him physically and emotionally. The diffracted theatrical subject contained in the actor’s body helps the public witness Otherness onstage. The works studied here involve an experience of subjectivation and symbolisation, which activates the constitutive elements of the individual’s psyche, in crisis in contemporary society. Within the very physical relationship that is built between stage and audience, the spectator experiences his own position as a subject facing others, himself and the world.

Spor o povahu dramatického textu / Controversy over the Nature of Dramatic Text

Vašáková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Controversy over the Nature of Dramatic Text This thesis will attempt to identify the nature of dramatic text in the context of two art forms: literature and theatre. It will investigate the changes which dramatic text undergoes when staged while also thematizing the relationship between the textual and other aspects of works of drama. The thesis will be primarily based around Czech theatre aesthetics of the twentieth century and will attempt to map and reflect on the theoretic discussion on this subject. At the same time it shall observe how these theoretic attitudes are reflected in dramatic texts themselves and in scenic practice of Czech theatre of the twentieth century.

Poslední lucemburská princezna. Životní osudy Elišky Zhořelecké v letech 1390 - 1425. / The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life of Elizabeth of Görlitz in the period between years 1390 - 1425.The Last Princess of Luxembourg.

Bolerazká, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Title: The Last Princess of Luxembourg. The Life Elizabeth of Görlitz in the Period between Years 1390 - 1425. Abstract: The thesis aims to describe the life of the last princess of the House of Luxembourg, Elisabeth of Görlitz. Based on an analysis of narrative and diplomatic material spanning between 1390 - 1425 it describes her life from birth until the moment she ultimately became a widow. Elisabeth of Görlitz (1390 - 1451) was the granddaughter of the emperor Charles the IV. and the Swedish king Albrecht I. During a significant period she used to be the only heir of the House of Luxembourg and therefore since her childhood she was an important woman from the political point of view. She married Anthony Duke of Brabant after several unsuccessful engagements. This marriage led Elizabeth to the Western Europe, where she spent the rest of her life. Thanks to this marriage, Luxembourg became the property of the newly married couple. After few years Anthony died in one of the most famous battles of Hundred Years' War - The battle of Agincourt. Soon after that, Elizabeth got married for the second time. Her second husband was John III the Pitiless, the former Prince-Bishop of Liège, which was during this time most known for his efforts of acquiring Holland and Zeeland. However, John died a few years after the...

Druhý život cisterciáckého kláštera v Plasích (1623 - 1785): proboštství v Mariánské Týnici a kaple Jména Panny Marie v Mladoticích v projevech řádových testivit / The Second Life of the Cistercian Monastery at Plasy (1623 - 1785): Provostry at Mariánská Týnice and Chapel of the Name of Mary at Mladotice in Manifestation of the Order Festivities

Beneš, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis focuses at analysing the development of the Cistercian monastery in Plasy during the Baroque period, as well the monastery festivities, which belonged among important events of the monastery's everyday life, being an inseparable part of routine within the renewed monastery structure and new sacral foundations. The thesis is structured into five chapters, each analysing a particular part of the present topic. The first chapter maps the spiritual and social development of the Cistercian Order and its activities in the Czech Lands, and describes the specifics of the Order liturgy. The adoration of Our Lady has been an inseparable part of the Cistercian devotion and, as such, has become the topic of one of the chapters of the present thesis. Plasy monastery's abbots, the elected superiors of the order, were closely tied to the renewal of the monastery, applying their artistic ambitions to the reconstruction. The major focus of the whole thesis is set on the linkage of primary sources to the individual aspects of life of the Order, such as the Order liturgy, the issue of the foundation stones, or the apotheosis of the newly built structures by Giovanni Battista Santini-Aichel. The concluding chapter summarizes and evaluates the outcomes of the thesis. The present theses could not have...

Sovětská epocha v denících Jana Zábrany. Komentovaný ruský překlad vybraných částí z : ZÁBRANA, Jan. Celý život 1, 2. Praha: Nakladatelství Torst, 1992. / Soviet epoch in Jan Zabrana's diaries. Commented Russian translation of selected parts from : ZÁBRANA, Jan. Celý život 1, 2. Praha: Nakladatelství Torst, 1992.

Shyianok, Krystsina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is a Russian translation of selected excerpts from Jan Zábrana's diaries Celý život. The second part is a commentary on the translation, which includes three chapters: translation analysis of the source text, description of the overall approach to the translation and the translation strategy, a typology of the particular translation problems and ways of solving them.

Jana Štroblová jako překladatelka a vykladačka Mariny Cvetajevové / Jana Štroblová as a Translator and Exegete of Marina Tsvetaeva

Krausová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is devoted to Jana Stroblova, the Czech poet, novelist and translator from Russian language. The thesis is aimed at several goals: 1) to summarize and unite the known facts about life of this author and try to capture her personality, 2) to describe the relationship of Jana Stroblova to the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva, as the vast part of Stroblova's translations is dedicated to her, 3) to establish the similarities between the personalities of Stroblova and Tsvetaeva as well as to find the parallels in their poems, and, afterwards, to clarify the reasons that led Stroblova to decision to translate Tsvetaeva, 4) to summarize the reflections of Stroblova's translations while emphasizing the translations of Tsvetaeva's work and to use these reflections to define Stroblova's translation methodology, 5) to confront the findings of the thesis with opinions of Jana Stroblova during an interview with her. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Graduály z dílny Jana Táborského z Klokotské Hory / Graduals from the Workshop of Jan Táborský of Klokotská Hora

Součková, Ema January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the decoration of 16th century choral manuscripts. The first part is devoted to the person of Jan Táborský of Klokotská Hora (1499-1572) who was a scribe and an owner of a scribe manufactory, and to the most significant illuminators of the the 16th century who contributed to the decoration of songbooks in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. Attention is given not only to the illuminators to whom Jan Táborský of Klokotská Hora assigned the work and whose contribution can be inferred from the documents or stylistic analysis of their illuminations, but also to their contemporaries. Besides the frequently mentioned Fabián Puléř, we can assume that Jan Taborský also collaborated with Matouš Ornys of Lindperk, Matyáš Hutský of Křivoklát, Ambrož Ledecký and, presumably, others. In this context, one part of the thesis is focused on engravings by Martin Schongauer, Albrecht Dürer, Bernard Salomon and on the domestic prints by George Melantrich the Elder, as these engravings, mostly woodcuts, served as patterns and inspiration for almost every Bohemian illuminator. Themes found in this type of manuscript are mostly based on Biblical stories, corresponding to the feasts of the liturgical year. In addition to these themes, the graduals contain many miniatures associated with various...

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