Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aan"" "subject:"nan""
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S’una sol lagrima di pentimentoZelenka, Jan Dismas 25 October 2022 (has links)
Das Passionsoratorium „Gesù al Calvario“ („Der Leidensweg Jesu“), ZWV 62, komponierte Zelenka für die Aufführung am Karfreitag, dem 8. April 1735. Noch immer existiert keine vollständige moderne, kritische Notenedition dieses Werkes. Von der vorliegenden Ausgabe soll daher eine Anregung für die Herausgabe und die Aufführung weiterer Teile oder des gesamten Werkes ausgehen.
Die Altarie des Gesù „S'una sol lagrima“ ist ein typisches Beispiel für Zelenkas Dresdner Kirchenstil zwischen 1721 und 1745, der offensichtlich auch Johann Sebastian Bach so beeindruckt hat, dass er in seiner h-Moll-Messe, die ausdrücklich für den Dresdner Hof komponiert wurde, diesen Stil Zelenkas anklingen lässt. Wie in allen kirchenmusikalischen Werken ist die adäquate Ausdeutung des geistlichen Textes für Zelenka von großer Bedeutung. Die Worte des Textdichters Michelangelo Boccardi beschreiben eindrücklich die inneren Qualen Jesu Christi. In Verbindung mit der einfühlsamen Interpretation des Textes durch Zelenka entstand so eine Arie, die auch für eine Aufführung außerhalb des Gesamtwerkes 'Gesù al Calvario', z.B. für eine geistliche Musik am Karfreitag, geeignet ist.
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Wider die »Tyrannei des Taktes« – Gedanken zur Metrik in Robert Schumanns »Träumerei« op. 15 Nr. 7Sprau, Kilian 17 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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»metra et numeri antiquorum«: Zur Umsetzung sprachlicher Akzentmuster in Vertonungen lateinischer DichtungSprau, Kilian 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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"Diss ist der Mann, der helfen kann"* : Swedish protection-selling in German illustrated broadsheets, 1630-1633. / *English Title: This is the man that can helpBertilsson, Kristoffer January 2023 (has links)
This study examines German illustrated broadsheets that were manufactured and published in the Holy Roman Empire between 1630-1633. They were part of a pro-Swedish media campaign launched soon after the arrival of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf and the Swedish army in the Holy Roman Empire in June 1630 with the intention to legitimate the Swedish king’s presence in the Holy Roman Empire. Inspired by Jan Glete’s notion about the early fiscal-military states as protection-selling enterprises, this study uses pro-Swedish illustrated broadsheets as a source material in order to examine how they were used to encourage German Protestants to buy Swedish protection. By looking for protection-selling arguments, this study wants to find out how Swedish protection was portrayed in the illustrated broadsheets. This study also makes a distinction between confessional and non-confessional protection-selling arguments, making it possible to distinguish which aspects of the protection-selling arguments that had a more religious character and vice versa. After the analysis of the source material, the protection-selling arguments are organised into various categories of representation, which enables the study to establish how Sweden and Gustav II Adolf were portrayed, and what they were claimed to represent in terms of protection. The study concludes that the illustrated broadsheets portrayed Sweden and Gustav II Adolf as competent seller of protection who had the ability to protect its allies and co-religionists against aggression, religious oppression, plundering, murdering, destruction, the Devil and his collaborators, and consequences of the Edict of Restitution. Gustav II Adolf represents the Swedish state, and the illustrated broadsheets highlight his courage, competence as a political and military leader, and his Protestant devotion. Their enemies are portrayed as dissident aggressors who represented religious oppression, plundering, murdering, destruction, heresy, devil-worshiping, and witchcraft. They were said to possess the negative qualities of hypocrisy and mortal sin, as well as an incapable military leadership.
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The impact of the automotive trade agreement between Canada and the United StatesArnold, Samuel January 1969 (has links)
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Obraz Jana Husa v české raněnovověké literatuře / The Image of Jan Hus in the Early Modern Czech LiteratureHejdová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The work The Image of Jan Hus in the Early Modern Czech Literature tries to map different ways of description of this Czech preacher in selected literary texts from 15th to 18th century, to capture the changes which his image underwent. The chosen authors come from different countries and use different languages, represent different environments, social classes and opinion groups, they also have different education and religion. Individual literary works were assessedby means of comparing the key episodes that are either repeated in the texts, or the author intentionally did not use them. To understand the image of Jan Hus as a whole, also contemporary iconography was taken into account , which in some cases has been taken from other literary texts than those which were compared, so that the image of Hus whereas complete as possible. The comparison of the texts and iconography showed, how accurate the observation of the described scheme was and how the image of Jan Hus was gradually changing. The combination of written and iconographic material from specific time intervals allowed us to observe the gradual change of conceptions of the personality of Jan Hus and events connected with him, because the authors represent the opinion of their ethnic group and time. The image of Jan Hus is therefore very...
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Básnický prožitek Vysočiny / Poetic experience of VysočinaVeselá, Anna January 2016 (has links)
A number of renown poets and writers were born in the Czech Vysocina area and continued to return there throughout their lives. This thesis aims to compare the works of four Czech poets which feature reflections of the Vysocina region. In his collection of poems "Greetings to the sun", Jan Zahradnicek focuses on the sun as it shines upon the region and assists local inhabitants in their work. In his lyrical prose "I shall return there..." Frantisek Halas reveals incredible nature scenery as he introduces seasonal changes in the region. In Bohuslav Reynek's collection of works named "The sawing of loneliness" the region becomes the setting of the poet's conversation with God. In his collection of works titled "Springs opening" Miloslav Bures portrayed the annual tradition which every year renewed man's relationship with life giving nature.
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Rudolf Slánský (1901 - 1952) Vzestup a pád stranického funkcionáře / Rudolf Slánský (1901 - 1952) The Rise and Fall of a Party OfficialChadima, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation is about Rudolf Slánský, an important figure in the history of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The first part of the text is based on a reconstruction of Slánský's political activities. It looks at his leaning towards left-wing ideas when he became interested in social democracy at the beginning of the 1920s and subsequently became a member of the Czechoslovak Communist Party where he was involved in the internal struggles of that time. An important part of the text consists of Slánský's activities as regional secretary in Moravská Ostrava. Two basic camps clashed in the Ostrava region (although the disputes were more of a personal nature than ideological) and in Slánský's subsequent rise (he became regional secretary) the efforts of the Prague Communist Party leadership to calm the situation and to put a "compromise" candidate in charge (or one that was not personally involved in either of the camps) can partly be seen. By transferring him, the aim of the Prague leadership was to "calm down/bring into line" the young radical, but also eventually to give him the opportunity (in an important region) to show his abilities (especially his organisational abilities). Upon his return from Ostrava, Rudolf Slánský began to get involved in the power struggles within the Communist...
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Étude de peacocks sous l'hypothèse de monotonie conditionnelle et de positivité totale / A study of Peacocks under the assumptions of conditional monotonicity and total positivityBogso, Antoine Marie 23 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les processus croissants pour l'ordre convexe que nous désignons sous le nom de peacocks. Un résultat remarquable dû à Kellerer stipule qu'un processus stochastique à valeurs réelles est un peacock si et seulement s'il possède les mêmes marginales unidimensionnelles qu'une martingale. Une telle martingale est dite associée à ce processus. Mais dans son article, Kellerer ne donne ni d'exemple de peacock, ni d'idée précise sur la construction d'une martingale associée pour un peacock donné. Ainsi, comme d'autres travaux sur les peacocks, notre étude vise deux objectifs. Il s'agit d'exhiber de nouvelles familles de peacocks et de construire des martingales associées pour certains peacocks. Dans les trois premiers chapitres, nous exhibons diverses classes de peacocks en utilisant successivement les notions de monotonie conditionnelle, de peacock très fort et de positivité totale d'ordre 2. En particulier, nous fournissons plusieurs extensions du résultat de Carr-Ewald-Xiao selon lequel la moyenne arithmétique du mouvement brownien géométrique, encore appelée "option asiatique" est un peacock. L'objet du dernier chapitre est de construire des martingales associées pour une classe de peacocks. Pour cela, nous utilisons les plongements d'Azéma-Yor et de Bertoin-Le Jan. L'originalité de ce chapitre est l'utilisation de la positivité totale d'ordre 2 dans l'étude du plongement d'Azéma-Yor / This thesis deals with real valued stochastic processes which increase in the convex order. We call them peacocks. A remarkable result due to Kellerer states that a real valued process is a peacock if and only if it has the same one-dimensional marginals as a martingale. Such a martingale is said to be associated to this process. But in his article, Kellerer provides neither an example of peacock nor a concrete idea to construct an associated martingale to a given peacock. Hence, as other investigations on peacocks, our study has two purposes. We first exhibit new families of peacocks and then, we contruct associated martingales to certain of them. In the first three chapters, we exhibit several classes of peacocks using successively the notions of conditional monotonicity, very strong peacock and total positivity of order 2. In particular, we provide many extensions of Carr-Ewald-Xiao result which states that the arithmetic mean of geometric Brownian motion, also called "Asian option" is a peacock. The purpose of the last chapter is to construct associated martingales to certain peacocks. To this end, we use Azéma-Yor and Bertoin-Le Jan embedding algorithms. The originality of this chapter is the use of total positivity of order 2 in the study of Azéma-Yor embedding algorithm
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České překlady románu Zauberberg od Thomase Manna / Thomas Mann and his novel The Magic Mountain in Czech translationsVůchová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the novel Der Zauberberg by the German writer Thomas Mann and its existing Czech translations and reeditions of translations from 1930, 1935/1936, 1958, 1975 and 2016. The work is based on the following translatological bases: contemporary norms and conventions, paratexes and metatexts, and translation of the title of the work. The following part is devoted to the personality of the author and his work, the novel Der Zauberberg presents itself in the cultural and historical context of the time of creation and does not neglect the reception in the German environment. The benefit of this diploma thesis is to describe the reception of this novel in the Czech environment, where we will focus on the macrotexual (paratexty) and microtextual analysis of selected parts of the original and all Czech translations. The main methodological tool for microtextual analysis of selected passages of Mann's novel represents the typology of expression changes and shifts in the translation of Anton Popovič (1975, 1983).
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