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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slovesné projevy nepomucenské úcty zachycené svatojanským dotazníkem Viléma Bitnara / Verbal Expressions of Reverence for St. John of Nepomuk in Vilém Bitnar's Saint-John-Questionnaire

Boukal, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Verbal Expressions of Reverence for St. John of Nepomuk in Vilém Bitnar's Saint-John- Questionnaire The goal of this thesis is a description of verbal expressions of reverence (legends, songs, prayers etc.) for St. John of Nepomuk in the Czech lands, which were collected by Výbor svatojanský in the questionnaire edited by Vilém Bitnar. This questionnaire was sent out to Czech and Moravian parishes at the occasion of the 200th anniversary of canonization of St. John of Nepomuk in 1929 and now it is deposited in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature in Bitnar's estate. The mutual points in the questionnaire are seeked as well as regional specifics. These are situated into context of trends in religious life in the Czech lands in 1920s in general and also of relationship between contemporary Czech society and the Roman Catholic Church with reverence for St. John of Nepomuk. Bitnar's questionnaire is also situated into context of other Bitnar's scientific and publication activities. Keywords Hagiography; hymnology; St. John of Nepomuk; Vilém Bitnar; religiousness; legend; religious song; First Czechoslovak Republic

Sakrální tvorba barokního malíře Jana Petra Molitora / Sacral Works of Baroque Painter Jan Petr Molitor

Sejkorová Kašparová, Věra January 2020 (has links)
Sacral Works of Baroque Painter John Peter Molitor Thesis deals with sacral work of John Peter Molitor (1702-1757) baroque painter of german origin working in Bohemia. He studied art in Germany but in Bohemia he was influenced by V. V. Reiner's work. His subject areas were portrait and sacral works were where he was excellent. We can find some portrait traits of particular persons at some Molitor's paintings of saints. His realization in the sacral sourroundings can be found in Middle Bohemia and Prague. He worked mainly for churches but he also worked for aristocrats whom he decorated the interiors of palace chapels. The fundamental part of thesis is catalog of wall paintings and altarpieces which contain a lot of extant works but also a few destroyed realizations. Thesis outlines facts about J. P. Molitor and his religious paintings realizations.

Palach Press: tisková a literární agentura. Studie o exilové agentuře a komparaci její prezentace událostí s oficiálními československými médii / Palach Press: Press and Literary Agency. The Exile Agency Study and the Comparation of the Presentation of the Affairs with the Official Mass Media in the Czechoslovakia

Poláková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
Palach Press: Press and Literary Agency. The Exile Agency Study and the Comparation of the Presentation of the Affairs with the Official Mass Media in the Czechoslovakia. Abstract This thesis is a study about literary and press agency Palach Press. The agency was established by Jan Kavan and operated in London in 1970s and 1980s. Its main purpose was to provide information on Czechoslovakia to western journalists and Czech journalist in exile. There was a communication of the alternative public sphere because of a non-functional public sphere, where should be free exchange of opinions. There was a distribution channel of altered camping cars, attached to the Palach Press agency, used to smuggle literature and other materials to Czechoslovakia. Second part of the thesis is practical and focuses on the actual production of Palach Press agency and compares it with information provided by official media in Czechoslovakia, especially with the news published by Czechoslovak press agency. Content analysis is based on the criteria of objectivity.

Ke slávě Boha i krále. Církevní politika Jana Lucemburského se zaměřením na Horní Lužici a Slezsko / For the glory of God and the King. Church policy of John of Bohemia with focus on Upper Lusatia and Silesia

Ulman, Stanislav January 2020 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the church policy of the Bohemian King John of Bohemia in relation to Upper Lusatia and the Duchy of Wrocław. The areas which thanks to John's successful territorial policy have become an integral part of the Bohemian Kingdom for several centuries. As the named countries belonged to the indivisible dominions of the Bohemian ruler, he was able to fully develop there his donor activities. The research is based on an analysis of available sources especially of a diplomatic nature and is also focused on narrative sources. The aim of this work is to analyse and interpret John's relationship to church institutions especially chapters and monasteries in defined regions. Attention is also paid to the ecclesiastical patronage of Henry of Jawor a longtime competitor of John of Bohemia in the struggle for Upper Lusatia, who ruled over Görlitz until 1329 and over part of Upper Lusatia until the end of his life († 1346). The work would like to contribute to the evaluation of John's support for church institutions, which was aimed at strengthening his position in these areas. Keywords: John of Bohemia; Henry of Jawor; Upper Lusatia; Silesia; Duchy of Wrocław; church policy; donation; confirmation

Einleitung zum Schwerpunkt: Der 9. November und die Geschichte der Juden

Ristau, Daniel 16 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Jan Štern: Život a dílo v období komunismu i po jeho pádu / Jan Štern: His life and Work In and After the Communist Era

Krejčíková, Žaneta January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis studies the life story of czech journalist Jan Štern and analyzes his articles in the magazine "Listy", which was illegal in the former Czechoslovakia until the end of 1989. The main goal is, in addition to the description of Štern's life when he went through the concentration camp, the Prague Uprising and the revolution against the communist regime, to find answers of research questions: "Do the texts encourage the reader to do something specific, if so, to what?", "What is the nature of the texts: descriptive, entertaining, contemplative, reviewing or dictating?" and "What is the focus of the texts, are they of a purely political nature?". The evaluation was based on a combined content analysis of 62 articles from the 70s and 90s of the 20th century and the results show that 74 % of the texts do not contain a direct call or persuasion, 79 % of articles can be described as a contemplation or combination of contemplation and description and every arcticle responds to a political issue. The whole work ends with a conclusion, a list of used sources, theses, a list of appendices, bibliography of used articles from the magazine "Listy" and transcription of interview with Anna Šabatová.

Čas ve filmu. Komparace koncepce Jana Mukařovského a Gillese Deleuze / Time in Film. Comparison of the Conception of Jan Mukařovský and Gilles Deleuze

Kadlecová, Vladimíra January 2012 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is a comparison of speculation about a film from two perspectives. Firstly, it deals with the approach of Jan Mukařovský, a Czech structuralist, who was one of the first in the Czech context to explore the time concept in a film. Secondly, it considers the approach of Gillese Deleuze, who was accredited with the new view on the time-image in a film, however, much later than Jan Mukařovský. The aim of the paper is to explain the way the approaches of Mukařovský and Deluze relate to other approaches of thinking about time in films, the influence of other concepts of their time that they both theoretically based their views on, as well as specifying the films that became the starting points of exploring the time in films. The method of comparison is divided into three aspects, as three comparison levels.

Zahradníčkovo Znamení moci / Zahradníček's Sign of Power

Svárovská, Nicol January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to interpret Jan Zahradnicek's spacious poem The Sign of Power. The interpretation crystallizes around the motifs of dehumanisation (connected with Nietzsche's motif of nihilism and of the last man) of a man, the loss of a word, discontinuity, the loss of time, the human face, nothingness (specific Nothingness) and the possibility of salvation, connected with an awakening of the sight. There are two semantic lines essential for enlightening these motifs: Dante's Divine Comedy and Picard's works of the late 40s. Zahradnicek wrote The Sign of Power during 1950-1951, at the time of his intense work on the translation of Dante's Divine Comedy. The purpose of the first part of this thesis is to illustrate how strongly the Divine Comedy influenced the key motifs of The Sign of Power. The purpose of the second part of the thesis is to uncover a new semantic context for the interpretation of Zahradnicek's poem; the works of Swiss essayist, philosopher and poet Max Picard, which were of great importance for Zahradnicek's poem. I see the exposition of Picard's specific grasp of the key modern phenomena, which penetrated to Zahradnicek's poem, as the further objective of the work. The thesis is guided by the fundamental question of The Sign of Power - "what happened with a man" -,...

Návraty forem a stylů ve výtvarném umění: Současný hyperrealismus jako produkt postprodukce či komentář k nástupu nových médií / Revivals of Forms and Styles in Visual Art: Current Hyperrealism as Product of Postproduction or a Commentary on the Advent of New Media

Hrnčířová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The book Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay, written by French aesthetician Nicolas Bourriaud is going to be initial text for my diploma thesis. Bourriaud claims, that contemporary art is mostly made by the principle of assemblage; art works are made by reinterpretation, reproducing or by new exhibiting of artefacts or forms of past. The assumption of the original concept in artworks of contemporary artists - semionauts (travelers in the worlds of signs) has been allready completely ineffective. Through the example of hyperrealistic paintings, which has lately reappeared in portfolios of international and czech artists, I will try to show whether its revilal is based on the emergence of new medias, that even more than in the seventies simulate reality or whether they deal with the concept of postpostprodution - the artists lend only formal, in this case, hyperrealistic, signs. This diploma thesis will be completed by the case study of paintings of czech hyperrealist painter Jan Mikulka.

Role autora v uměleckém díle podle Jana Mukařovského se zaměřením na film / The Role of an Author in a Work of Art Based on Jan Mukařovský Focused on a Film

Lavická, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
In my thesis, I focus on the role of an author in a work of art, and film in particular, based on Jan Mukařovský. Firstly, I describe Mukařovský's structuralist concept of an art work. Thus, following Ferdinand de Saussure's ideas, he views a work of art as an autonomous sign. At the same time, he uses de Saussure's terms langue and parole. In this text, I explain Mukařovský's terms of an aesthetic function, a norm and a value. I also examine the difference between an individual and a subject of art, and between intentionality and unintentionality. I compare Mukařovský's view of the author with other theorists, namely, Umberto Eco, Roland Barthes and Michael Foucault. Hence, I show historical changes within the concept of the author, and also explain Pierre Levy's cyber-cultural understanding of it. In addition, I discuss other authors, who bring together film arts and the interplay of signs. In particular, I introduce James Monaco and Jerzy Plaževski, and connect their thoughts with ideas of Mukařovský. These authors create a bridge between the concept of a film author and Mukařovský, who does not discuss this authorship in particular. The focus here is on Jaroslav Vančát's theory of a multi-layered film, examining three layers of film with different authors. Focusing on films with actual actors,...

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