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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stress, Symptom, Symptom Distress, and Symptom Self-Management in Localized Prostate Cancer

Hsiao, Chao-Pin January 2008 (has links)
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and second leading cause of death in American men. Patients with localized prostate cancer may experience unique and multidimensional symptoms that are distressful from treatment and thereafter. This cross-sectional correlational study aimed to investigate the relationships among stress, symptoms, symptom distress, and symptom self-management and identify the effective strategies of symptom self-management in men with localized prostate cancer following prostatectomy or radiation therapy.Eight saliva samples and 3 questionnaires (Perceived Stress Scale, Symptom Indexes, and Strategy and Effectiveness of Symptom Self-Management) were obtained from each participant between 1 and 3 months following their first prostate cancer treatment. The sample consisted of 53 men with localized prostate cancer. Mean salivary cortisol concentrations for the entire sample ranged from 0.3 to 0.08 ug/dL. Cortisol was secreted in a circadian rhythm with heightened activity in the early morning and lowered activity late in the day. The circadian pattern of cortisol secretion was similar in both the prostatectomy and radiation therapy groups, although the values were slightly different. Two areas Under the Curve (AUC) of salivary cortisol were calculated. Three cortisol circadian rhythms were identified, but the majority of the sample had a typical negative consistent circadian rhythm.Patients with localized prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy had low perceived stress. Perceived stress was positively correlated with AUCg, noon salivary cortisol concentrations, and afternoon salivary cortisol concentrations. Subjects reported a moderate degree of symptoms and symptom distress on urinary, bowel, and sexual dysfunction 1-3 months following treatments. The most effective strategies of urinary symptom management were pad and kegel exercise; the most effective strategy of bowel symptom management was rest or endure; the most effective strategies of sexual dysfunction management included express their feelings or find alternative ways to express their affection. The symptom self-management strategies were significantly and positively correlated with symptom self-management effectiveness.Symptom distress and AUCg were significant and strong predictors of symptom self-management. Findings can help health care providers develop effective strategies for symptom self-management that enhance health related quality of life among men with localized prostate cancer.

Krankheitsfrüherkennung bei Kälbern anhand automatisch erfasster Daten

Mayer, Jan. January 2005 (has links)
Nürtingen, FH, Diplomarb., 2004. / Betreuer: Thomas Richter.

District nurses' experience of providing palliative care for the patient with cancer and his family

Dunne, Kathleen January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Fysisk aktivitet, psykiska och fysiska symptom - En treårs uppföljning på en grupp högstadieelever i Halland

Andreasson, Erika, Jönsson, Sofia, Olsson, Rebecca January 2007 (has links)
<p>Ungdomars hälsa och välbefinnande har under senare år hamnat allt mer i fokus och det är viktigt att lära ut grundläggande hälsovanor. Handslagets mål med skolsamverkan är att öka samarbetet mellan skola och idrottsföreningar. Syftet med studien var att studera vilka effekter Handslaget haft beträffande fysisk aktivitet och psykiska samt fysiska symptom bland en grupp skolungdomar. En totalundersökning med enkäter genomfördes 2003 i årskurs sex, på en skola i Halland, samt en uppföljning 2006 i årskurs åtta. Resultatet visade att flickor var mer ute på rasterna men att de blev mindre svettiga och andfådda under skoltid 2006. Dessutom hade fler flickor fått ont i ryggen samt att både pojkar och flickor sov mindre nu än vid första mättilfället.</p>

Fysisk aktivitet, psykiska och fysiska symptom - En treårs uppföljning på en grupp högstadieelever i Halland

Andreasson, Erika, Jönsson, Sofia, Olsson, Rebecca January 2007 (has links)
Ungdomars hälsa och välbefinnande har under senare år hamnat allt mer i fokus och det är viktigt att lära ut grundläggande hälsovanor. Handslagets mål med skolsamverkan är att öka samarbetet mellan skola och idrottsföreningar. Syftet med studien var att studera vilka effekter Handslaget haft beträffande fysisk aktivitet och psykiska samt fysiska symptom bland en grupp skolungdomar. En totalundersökning med enkäter genomfördes 2003 i årskurs sex, på en skola i Halland, samt en uppföljning 2006 i årskurs åtta. Resultatet visade att flickor var mer ute på rasterna men att de blev mindre svettiga och andfådda under skoltid 2006. Dessutom hade fler flickor fått ont i ryggen samt att både pojkar och flickor sov mindre nu än vid första mättilfället.

Stress En kunskapsöversikt

Jonsson, Evelina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med min studie var att ta reda på hur kunskapsläget ser ut när det gäller ämnet stress, med hjälp av frågeställningen; Hur beskrivs och diskuteras ämnet stress av forskare i utvalda delar av forskningslitteraturen? För att ta reda på detta använde jag mig av kvalitativ metod en selektiv kunskapsöversikt. Resultat och analys redovisades i tre teman tillsammans med teorierna coping och KASAM.   Slutsatsen med studien är att största bidragande orsak till uppkomsten av stress symptom handlar om arbetsrelaterad stress med fokus på arbetsmiljön. Med hjälp av hög grad av KASAM kan individer utveckla användbara copingstrategier för att möta och hantera den skadliga stressen. / The aim of my study was to find out how the state of knowledge looks like regarding the subject of stress, using the research question; how is the topic of stress described and discussed by researchers in selected parts of the research literature? To find this out, I used qualitative method a selective research overview. Results and analysis were presented in three themes together with theories of coping and Sense of Coherence.   The main conclusion of this study is that the largest contributing factor to the occurrence of stress symptoms is about work – related stress, focusing on the work environment. By using a high level of Sense of Coherence individuals can develop useful coping – strategies for facing and dealing with the damaging stress.

Symptom burden among people with chronic disease

Eckerblad, Jeanette January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Chronic diseases tend to increase with old age. Older people with chronic disease are commonly suffering from conditions which produce a multiplicity of symptoms and a decreased health-related quality of life. Nurses have a responsibility to prevent, ease or delay a negative outcome through symptom management, or assist in achieving an acceptable level of symptom relief. Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to describe different aspects of symptom burden from the perspective of community-dwelling people with chronic disease. Methods: This thesis is based upon four papers that used both quantitative and qualitative data to describe different aspects of symptom burden, experienced by people with chronic diseases. Paper (I) is a cross-sectional study with 91 participants diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Papers (II and IV) are based upon secondary outcome data from a randomized controlled trial with 382 community-dwelling older people with multimorbidity. Paper (II) is a cross-sectional study and Paper (IV) has a descriptive and an explorative design reporting on the trajectory of symptom prevalence and symptom burden. Paper (III) is a qualitative study with participants from the AGe-FIT. Results: Among people diagnosed with COPD the most prevalent symptoms with the highest symptom burden scores were shortness of breath, dry mouth, cough, sleep problems, and lack of energy, with just a few differences between participants with moderate and severe airflow limitation (I). For older people with multimorbidity, pain was the symptom with the highest prevalence and burden. Other highly prevalent symptoms were lack of energy and a dry mouth. Poor vision, likelihood of depression, and diagnoses of the digestive system were independently related to the total symptom burden score (II). The symptoms experienced by the older people were persistent and the symptom burden remained high over time (IV). The experience of living with a high symptom burden was described as an endless struggle. The analysis revealed an overall theme, “To adjust and endure” and three sub-themes, “to feel inadequate and limited”, “to feel dependent”, and “to feel dejected” (III). Conclusions: The results of this thesis indicate the importance of early symptom identification. People with chronic diseases have an unmet need for optimized treatment that focuses on the total symptom burden, and not only disease specific symptoms. A large proportion of older people with multimorbidity suffer a high and persistent symptom burden, and the prevalence and trajectory of pain are high. Older people sometimes think their high age is the reason they experience a diversity of symptoms, and they do not always communicate these to their health-care provider.

"Det här är Hilda, hon är Uppsalas bästa tjej"- En fallstudie om vårdhundens roll i socialt arbete

Eklund, Anna, Johansson, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Vårdhundar har börjat användas allt mer inom vård och omsorg runt om i världen och i Sverige de senaste åren. Vårdhundar används främst inom äldrevården men tidigare forskning pekar mot att en vårdhundsinsats även har flera positiva effekter på symptombilden vid schizofreni. Schizofreni är en psykossjukdom som omfattas av två typer av symptom, positiva och negativa symptom. Det sistnämnda är relaterade till en stor funktionsnedsättning i personens sociala liv och är både medicinskt och terapeutiskt mycket svårbehandlade. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att genom en fallstudie undersöka om och i så fall hur en vårdhundsinsats kan fungera som resurs för en person med schizofreni i Uppsala kommun och hur vårdhunden kan bidra till en symptomförändring. Med hjälp av intervjuer med brukare, hundförare och enhetschef vid brukarens gruppboende och två observationer under brukarens vårdhundssessioner undersöks hans upplevelse av vårdhundsinsatsen och hundförarens samt enhetschefens upplevelser av hur insatsen har fungerat för brukaren. Resultaten pekar mot att vårdhundsinsatsen har varit effektiv och bidragit till att både brukarens positiva och negativa symptom har minskat. Vidare verkar vårdhundsinsatsen ha betydelse för brukarens motivation och förmåga till att ta social kontakt, sänka ångest- och orosnivån samt motivation att sköta vardagssysslor.

Stressorer, symptom och copingstrategier hos manliga gymnasieelever som läser på gymnasiet : En jämförelse mellan de som läser, respektive inte läser specialidrott / Stressors, symptoms and coping strategies for male students at upper secondary school : A comparison between those who study the nationally approved sports programmes and those who don’t

Nordin, Jens, Karlsson, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och beskriva eventuella skillnader respektive likheter i graden av fysisk aktivitet, stressorer, symptom och copingstrategier hos manliga elever som läser respektive inte läser specialidrott (benämns i fortsättningen som SI) på gymnasiet.(1)I vilken grad är eleverna fysiskt aktiva? (2)I vilken grad upplever och/eller känner eleverna stressorer? (3)I vilken grad upplever och/eller känner eleverna symptom vid stress? (4)I vilken grad använder sig eleverna av copingstrategier? Metod Metoden är av explorativ kvantitativ karaktär, som med enkät som verktyg, undersöker och kartlägger fysisk aktivitet, stressorer, symptom och copingstrategier hos manliga elever som läser på gymnasiet. Populationen består av två grupper elever (n=25 á). De läser i samma utbildningsprogram men det som särskiljer grupperna är att de läser respektive inte läser SI. Enkäten distribuerades som en gruppenkät, vilket innebar att enkäterna delades ut, besvarades och samlades in i ett sammanhang. Inga interna eller externa bortfall påverkade undersökningen. Svarsalternativen var slutna där respondenterna fick kryssa i en likert-skala, med sex olika alternativ, för vilket svarsalternativ som stämde bäst och några frågor lämnade utrymme för fritt och öppet svarande. Vid analys av deskriptiv rådata användes SPSS (22.0) samt Excel. Eventuella skillnader mellan grupperna har analyserats med hjälp av Pearsons chi2-test. Signifikansnivån sattes till (p &lt;0,05). Resultat De elever som läser SI är signifikant mer fysiskt aktiva än de som inte läser SI. De har både större volym (antal tillfällen och tid) av fysiskt aktivitet och högre aktivitetsnivå.Vad gäller stressorer var det bara ”krav från lärare” som visade på en signifkant skillnad mellan grupperna. Elever som läser SI upplever kraven från lärare, i betydligt lägre grad än de som inte läser SI. Vidare är tidsbrist, skoluppgifter, egna krav och betyg stressorer som minst 60 procent i båda grupperna, upplever som stressande i hög eller mycket hög grad.Ingen signifikant skillnad hittades mellan grupperna vad det gäller symptom. Minst hälften av alla elever i båda grupperna upplever dock irritation och trötthet i hög eller mycket hög grad. Resultaten visar också på en trend, där nästan dubbelt så många elever som inte läser SI upplever oro och ångest i hög eller mycket hög grad.Vad gäller copingstrategier uppgav 40 procent av eleverna som läser SI att de inte alls använder sig av studier som coping där motsvarande siffra är 8 procent hos elever som inte läser SI, vilket visade på en signifikant skillnad. Fysisk aktivitet som coping visar också på en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna, där 88 procent av eleverna som läser SI uppger att de använder sig av fysisk aktivitet som coping medan motsvarande siffra är 28 procent för de elever som inte läser SI. Slutsats Eftersom denna studie enbart är en explorativ studie som kartlägger möjliga stressorer, symptom och copingstrategier så går det inte att dra några generella slutsatser om eleverna upplever sig stressade, om de upplever sig ha symptom som orsakar ohälsa eller om de har tillräckliga verktyg för att hantera stress. Däremot har studien fångat upp specifika stressrelaterade problem som man inte bör ignorera och normalisera. Detta kan leda till att eleverna inte får den hjälp som de eventuellt är i behov av. / Aim The aim of this study is to explore and describe any differences or similarities in the degree of physical activity, stress factors, symptoms and coping strategies between students who study the nationally approved sports programmes (NASP) and those who don’t, at upper secondary school. (1)To which degree are students physically active? (2)To which degree do students experiencing stressors? (3)To which degree do students experiencing symptoms of stress? (4)To which degree do students make use of coping strategies? Method The method is explorative and quantitative in nature, with a questionnaire as the survey tool. The questionnaire examine physical activity, stress factors, symptoms and coping strategies among male students. The population consists of two groups of students (n=25 á). The students studying the same basis educational programmes, but what distinguishes the students in to different groups is whether they studying NASP or not. The questionnaire was distributed to a group questionnaire, which means that the questionnaires were handed out, answered and collected simultaneously. No internal or external fallin-of affected the survey. The questions had mostly closed response options and structured with a six degree likert scale. Some questions left room for free and open responses. SPSS (22.0) and Excel where used at the analysis of descriptive data. Any differences between the groups were analyzed using Pearson's chi2 test. The level of significance where (p &lt;0.05). Results Students who are studying SI is significance more physical active than those students who don’t studying SI. They have both higher volume (number of occasions and time) of physical activity and higher level of activity (intensity).When it comes to stressors it was only ”demands from teachers” that showed a significant difference between the groups. Students who are studying SI experience demands from teachers in a much lower degree than students who are not studying SI. Futher more 60 procent of all students experience the stressors lack of time, school assignments, self demands and grades as stressful at a high or very high degree.No significant difference was found between the groups in terms of symptom. But at least half of all students in both groups experience irritation tiredness in high or very high degree. The result also show a trend where almost twice as many students who are not studying SI experience concern and anxiety in a high or very high degree.When it comes to copingstrategies 40 procent of the students who are studying SI stated that they don’t use studies as coping at all, when the corresponding figure for students who are not studying SI are 8 procent, wich showed a significant difference. Physical activity as coping also showed a significant difference between the groups, where 88 procent of the students who are studying SI stated that they use physical activity as a coping, when the corresponding figure for students who are not studying SI are 28 procent. Conclusions Because this study is an exploratory study that map potential stressors, symptom and copingstrategies it is not possible to draw any general conclusions about whether students feel stressed, if they feel that they have symptoms that cause ill health or if they have enough tools to handle stress. However, the study has picked up specific stress related problems that we should not ignore or normalise. If we do, there is a risk that students do not get the help that they are in need of.

Personality Factors and Trust in Placebo Medical Trials

Baker, Brandon Wade Roger 08 1900 (has links)
Prior research has reported that individual differences influence both placebo and nocebo responses. The present study examined how individual personality, as well as trust, influence placebo/nocebo belief and symptom reporting after receiving an inert capsule that for some was described as an active “cognitively-enhancing” trial medication. Individuals (N = 104) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: condition A participants were told they’d received the medication, condition B participants were told they’d received a placebo, and condition C participants were told, via random assignment, each would receive either the medication or placebo (after the experiment this condition listed the group – medication or placebo - each believed s/he was in). The study was completed in the UNT Student Health and Wellness Center to provide context in a medical setting. Of the 104 participants, 46 (44.2%) were either placed by experimental design or self-report in the medication group. Participants with a belief in medication ingestion, regardless of condition (i.e., A or C), reported significantly more symptoms (M = 16.65, SD = 3.178), than participants who believed they had ingested a placebo (M = 14.21, SD = 2.58), t (102) = 4.32, p = .001. Aspects of Neuroticism and Extroversion, as well as trust were correlated with symptom reporting and/or placebo/nocebo responses. It appears that that personality is part of a combination including trust, context and expectations. It is recommended that future research on personality and placebo effects consider the role of individual factors, context and communication of expectations.

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