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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work Centrality: A Meta-Analysis of the Nomological Network

Kostek, John A. 11 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Lean management pilosophy and its impact on employee attitudes and perfomance : the critical role of first line supervisors.

Roberts, Joanne January 2014 (has links)
Abstract : Using a quantitative research design and survey data from 83 supervisor - employee dyads working in North American facilities of a large multinational healthcare organization, this study explores the critical role of first line supervisors in a lean environment. Many organizations have adopted the Toyota Production System (TPS, also known as lean management or the Toyota Way) in an effort to improve organizational effectiveness. Implementation success has been surprisingly limited. The predominantly negative effects documented in the scientific literature are attributable to the introduction of lean as a series of tools and techniques for cost cutting. In environments that truly manage according to the TPS, all share the belief that the development and participation of all employees is essential to maintain competitiveness. Increased emphasis on teamwork and worker involvement in a lean environment places rising demands on the first - line supervisor. The supervisor role in a lean environment is considered critical and becomes one of encouraging more participation, and creating an environment of continuous improvement. Given that leadership is a complex construct, the current paper uses a multi - domain approach proposed by Graen and Uhl - Bien (1995) to study the effect of empowering leadership behaviours (leader domain), leader - member exchange (relational domain) and psychological empowerment (follower domain) on individual performance (measured as in - role performance and organizational citizenship behaviours) through the mediating variable of job involvement in the work setting. Findings indicate that the role of the first line supervisor in a lean environment is critical. The follower (psychological empowerment) and relational (leader - member exchange) domains of leadership are significant in predicting variations of job involvement in the work setting, and job involvement mediates the relationship between the relation domain variable of leader - member exchange and individual performance (organizational citizenship behaviours targeted at the individual). Empowering leadership behaviours are significantly related and directly related to in - role performance. Development of first line supervisors should emphasize building high quality relationships, facilitating employee psychological empowerment, and demonstrating empowering leadership behaviours in order to enhance involvement in a team setting and individual performance. // Résumé : En utilisant une méthode de recherche quantitative ainsi que les résultats de sondages auprès de 83 dyades superviseur-employé travaillant dans des établissements nord-américains d’une grande organisation multinationale du domaine de la santé, cette étude explore le rôle clé des superviseurs de premier niveau dans un environnement de production « lean ». Plusieurs organisations ont adopté le Système de production Toyota (SPT, aussi connu sous les vocables de « lean management » ou de « méthode Toyota ») dans le but d’améliorer l’efficacité organisationnelle. De façon surprenante, le succès de l’implantation de cette méthode de production s’est montré limité. L’effet négatif prédominant documenté dans la littérature scientifique est attribuable à l’introduction du « lean » comme une série d’outils et de techniques pour réduire les coûts. Dans les environnements véritablement gérés selon le SPT, on partage la croyance que le développement et la participation de tous les employés est essentielle pour maintenir la compétitivité. L’accent sur le travail d’équipe et sur l’implication des travailleurs dans un environnement « lean » place des attentes élevées sur les superviseurs de premier niveau. Le rôle du superviseur dans ce type d’environnement est considéré comme critique et consiste à encourager la participation et la création d’un environnement d’amélioration continue. Étant donné que le leadership est un construit complexe, la présente étude utilise une approche multi-domaines proposée par Graen and Uhl-Bien (1995) pour étudier l’effet des comportements de leadership habilitant (empowering leadership; domaine du leader), de l’échange leader-membre (leader-member exchange; domaine de la relation) et de l’habilitation psychologique (psychological empowerment; domaine de l’employé) sur la performance individuelle (performance dans le rôle et comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle) via la variable médiatrice de l’implication au travail, et plus spécifiquement dans l’environnement de travail (job involvement in the work setting). Les résultats indiquent que le rôle du superviseur est crucial. Les domaines de leadership de l’employé (c.-à-d. l’habilitation psychologique) et de la relation (c.-à-d. l’échange leader-membre) sont significatifs lorsqu’il s’agit de prévoir les variations de l’implication au travail, et l’implication au travail agit comme médiateur entre les variables des domaines de leadership et la performance individuelle (comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle). Le développement des superviseurs de premier niveau devrait mettre l’accent sur la formation de relations superviseur-supervisés de grande qualité et faciliter l’habilitation psychologique des employés afin d’encourager l’implication dans le travail d’équipe, et par le fait même, la performance individuelle.


黃麗米 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討國民中學校長轉型領導、交易領導與教師工作投入之間的關係。採問卷調查方式,以台北市、台北縣及桃園縣三縣市之公立國民中學之教師為調查對象,隨機各抽取若干所學校為樣本;再以簡單隨機抽樣的方式每校抽取10位教師,共抽取1070位教師為樣本。本研究問卷回收640份,剔除收回樣本資料填答不全者,合計有效樣本為593份,回收率為59.81﹪,可用率為55.42﹪。 一、 本研究結果有以下之結論: (一)國民中學校長經常交互運用轉型和交易領導行為,且運用轉型領導行為多於交易領導行為。 (二)在不同年齡、男性教師、兼任行政職務的背景變項方面,國民中學教師所知覺校長轉型領導、交易領導行為有顯著差異。 (三)國民中學教師工作投入情況良好。以「工作專注」向度得分最高,「工作準備」向度次之,最後為「工作樂趣」向度。 (四)在不同年齡、已婚國中教師、兼任行政職務教師、學歷、年資等背景變項方面,國民中學教師工作投入有顯著差異。 (五)國民中學校長轉型領導行為級交易領導行為與教師工作投 入均呈現正相關。 (六)在國中教師整體工作投入之預測上,轉型領導之「啟發智 能」及個人背景變項之「年齡」、「性別」、「專任教師職務」等四個變項達到顯著水準。其聯合預測力或解釋國中教師整體工作投入的總變異量為24.0﹪,其中以「啟發智能」之預測力最佳。 二、 本研究建議如下: (一)對教育行政機關的建議: 1.定期舉辦校長領導專業知能研習課程,增進國民中學校長對領導理論的瞭解及領導技巧的運用。 2.建立健全之國民中小學校長培訓制度,以培植優秀領導人才 3.制定完善的國民中學行政人員任用制度,以激勵教師工作投入 (二)對國民中學校長的建議 1.國中校長應綜合運用轉型領導與交易領導,以提高教師之工作投入。 2.鼓勵教師擔任行政職務、教學領導者,以促進教師工作參與感。 3.宜協助與關照資淺、年輕及未婚教師,以促進其工作投入 (三)對未來研究的建議 1.在研究對象方面,本研究有關校長轉型領導、交易領導係由教師的觀點來知覺校長領導行為,因此研究對象僅限於教師,未來的研究若能加入校長自評,使兩者可以相互參照驗證,將使研究內容更為豐富。 2.研究變項方面,建議後續研究者,就就工作投入而言,可就工作價值觀、工作意義、工作滿足、組織承諾等方面來探討。進一步求得較完整地全面性的瞭解。 3.研究工具方面,未來研究者可參考國內外量表自行修訂完善之研究工具,可考慮設計開放性題目,以更深入了解研究對象,讓研究結果更有價值。 4.增加研究方法,本研究因限於人力、時間的限制,故僅採問卷調查法,僅就數據分析結果,初步證實校長領導和教師工作投入之間相關具預測力,但未包含與人接觸的質化研究方法,建議後續研究者,利用深度訪談、參與觀察、個案研究、行動研究等方式,深入瞭解影響教師工作投入關鍵所在,找出更多、更有利的影響因素。 / This research mainly discusses the relation between the transformational leadership and transactional leadership of junior high school principals and the job involvement of junior high school teachers. Survey study is adapted and randomly selects numbers of samples in a pool of public junior high schools in Taipei city, Taipei county, and Tao Yuan county. Randomly simple selected selection in advance, 10 teachers in each sample school; totally 1070 teachers received questionnaires. 640 survey questionnaires were returned back and to be evaluated – rejecting those incomplete filling up and ending up with 593 valuable ones. Returning ratio was 59.81%; valuable ratio was 55.42%. First, the result of the research comes to the following onclusions: 1.Junior high school principals often mutually utilize transformational and transactional leadership behaviors and utilize transformational leadership more often than transactional leadership. 2.From the background variable aspect, including the disparity in age, male teachers and concurrently taking a part in administration, there is an obvious difference in the perception of the teachers to the transformational and transactional leadership of their principals. 3.The job involvements of junior high school teachers are good. The phase of job dedication values the highest; the phase of job preparation values the next; the phase of job pleasure values the last. 4.From the background variable aspect, including the disparity in age, married teachers, concurrently taking a part in administration, educational background, and the years of teaching service, there is an obvious difference in the job involvement of junior high school teachers. 5.The transformational leadership behaviors of junior high school principals have positive correlation with the job involvement of the teachers and so do the transactional leadership behaviors. 6.In the prediction of the junior high school teachers’ whole job involvement, four variables, which are the inspiring intelligence of transformational leadership and age, sex, and exclusive teachers of personal background variables, reach the certain standard. To synthesize prediction or explain the whole job involvement of junior high school teachers, its total variation is 24.0% and especially, the prediction of inspiring intelligence is the best. Second, this research suggests the followings: (A) The suggestions to the educational governmental institutions: 1. To enhance the understanding of leadership theory and the utilization of leadership skills, the seminars specializing in the knowledge of leaderships to principals are held constantly. 2. To train excellent leaders, it is suggested to establish a complete training system to junior high school principals and elementary school principals. 3. To motivate the job involvement of teachers, it is suggested to set an engaging system for junior high school administrative personnel. (B) The suggestions to junior high school principals: 1. To raise the job involvement of teachers, junior high school principals should mutually utilize transformational leadership and transactional leadership. 2. To press forward the job participation of teachers, the principals should encourage teachers to take a part in administration or to be teaching leaders. 3. Principals can help and look after those teachers who have fewer years in teaching service and are young, unmarried to promote their job involvement. (C) The suggestions to further researches: 1. In the objects of the study, this research is limited to the teachers only. For the further study, it is good if the principals’ self-evaluations are considered to get reference in mutual verification. This will enrich the research content. 2. In the phase of the research variables, it is suggested to the following-up researchers; in speaking to the job involvement, they can take job values, job significance, and job satisfaction into discussions to get more entire, complete understanding. 3. In the phase of the research tool, it can be considered to design opening questions so that deeply understanding to the research objects is revealed which the result of the research more valuable. 4. It is suggested to the following-up researchers to enhance the research methods, such as, depth interview, participation and observation, case study, action study. For which, the pivotal point of effecting teachers’ job involvement can be deeply understood to discover more and advantageous influencing factors.

The relationship between job insecurity, job satisfaction and organisational commitment in a mining organisation / by Moleko Victor Rannona

Rannona, Moleko Victor January 2003 (has links)
Companies throughout the world are faced with continual changes in order to remain competitive and survive. These changes are caused by economic uncertainty, globalisation, mergers and acquisitions. The results are unemployment or transfer of workers to the different areas of the organisation. These changes have unprecedented effect on workers, especially the survivors of retrenchments or downsizing, resulting in a feeling of job insecurity. lnsecurity is concerned with the continued existence of jobs for the employees in the organisation. It is characterised by feelings of powerlessness, uncertainty and fear. Consequently, job insecurity has emerged as an important stressor in modern organisations. Studies indicate that job insecurity leads to physical and psychological health problems. Further employees who experience feelings of job insecurity are more likely to display undesirable organisational outcomes such as withdrawal behaviours, job dissatisfaction and low organisational commitment. The empirical objective of this study was to determine the possible relationship between job insecurity, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Also, whether job insecurity can predict job satisfaction and organisational commitment. A survey design was used to realise the research objectives. The study population consisted of 121 employees in a mining organisation. The Job Insecurity Questionnaire, the Revised Short-version of the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire and the Organisational Commitment Questionnaires were used as measuring instruments. Reliability and construct validity of all three questionnaires were found to be acceptable. It was found that respondents experienced below average levels of job insecurity. They further showed above average levels of job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The findings indicate that a relationship exists between job insecurity, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Practically significant differences of medium to large effect were established for race, respondents having qualifications of less than Std 10, semiskilled, grade C3, 4 and 5 and E, DL and DU, and who are affiliated to NUMSA, which means that they experience more job insecurity compared to other groups. Through regression analysis, it was established that job insecurity predicts 44% of total variance of job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Limitations were identified and recommendations with regard to future research and recommendations for the organisation were made. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2004.

The relationship between job insecurity, job satisfaction and organisational commitment in a mining organisation / by Moleko Victor Rannona

Rannona, Moleko Victor January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2004.

The Relationships among High Performance Human Resource Practices, Employee's Well-Being, Attitudes, and Behaviors

Hsieh, Meng-jung 07 February 2012 (has links)
In the recent years, companies began emphasize the employees¡¦ cognition on happiness and well-being to recruit and retain the talents and human resources. This study is to explore the factors influencing the employee¡¦s well-being cognition and the impacts of attitudes and behaviors from the employees¡¦ well-being. This study adopted the high-performance human resource practice (HPHRP) in organization level as the independent variable and the organizational identification, job involvement and job searching behavior in individual level as dependent variables. The employee¡¦s well-being was a mediator between the independent and dependent variables to examine the mediating effects. This research employed the questionnaire suvey to collect the data. To avoid the common method variance, the questionnaire is divided into two parts, one for the HR professionals, and another on for the general employees. The data was collected from fifty companies. Valid questionnaires from fifty HR professionals and 461 employees are included. The Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was used in the main hypotheses tests to examine the relationships among the variables. The results showed that the HPHRP of company has significant positive influences on employee¡¦s well-being, organizational identification, and job involvement, and has significant negative influence on job search behavior. Employee¡¦s well-being has positive influences on organizational identification and job involvement. Employee¡¦s well-being is also a mediator between the relationships HPHRP and organizational identification and job involvement of employee. Based on the results, this study proposed some empirical and practical suggestions.

A Study on Relationship between Organization Change and Job Insecurity of Professionals in Chinese Petroleum Corporation

Chen, Yun-Chin 08 June 2004 (has links)
Many companies of Taiwan have been moved to Mainland China due to Mainland China have greatly promoted in economic. Many companies have been closed or downsized in Taiwan due to politic-insecurity in Taiwan recently. The economic of Taiwan regressed more drastic. Many people are out of employment increasingly. Many companies belong to government having been changed to private enterprise. It makes employees fell threatened under organization change context, so that they breed job insecurity and their working attitude will be affected. After referring to the relative data, the thesis considers that under organization change context makes employees have job insecurity, which affects their job involvement. In addition, personality of internal-external control, employee self-efficiency and specific skill interfere with affection toward job insecurity under organization change context. Based on above inferences, the thesis' target people who are professionals in Chinese Petroleum Corporation to make an investigation framework and construct hypothesizes. It leads to the following points: (1) CPC professionals score higher in the matter of job insecurity toward job's characteristic change, job reshuffle and overall insecurity. (2) These professionals perceive job insecurity, insecurity of job reshuffle and overall insecurity more when organization change context is more drastic. (3) If these professionals score higher in job insecurity of job reshuffle, they will have less job involvement. (4) If these professionals score higher in perceive job insecurity, and overall insecurity they will have more job involvement. (5) If these professionals score higher in employee self-efficiency they will have more job insecurity. (6) If these professionals score higher in specific skill interfere they will have more perceive job insecurity, and overall insecurity. (7) Personality of internal-external control interferes with affection toward job insecurity of job reshuffles insecurity under organization structure and business change factor of organization change context.

The Outcome of Organizational Politics and The Tactics of Management

Mei-Hui, Wu 03 September 2004 (has links)
This investigation uses the model proposed by Ferris et al.¡]1989¡^to study the relationships among the perceptions of organizational politics with job satisfaction, job stress, job involvement, work performance, turnover intention, organization citizenship behavior, organizational commitment. Understanding and perceived of control as moderators to influence perceptions of organizational politics & outcome variables were examined. The sample consisted of 2559 employees selected from 35 diverse organizations. The data were analyzed by applying statistical methods, including factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation, regression and hierarchical regression analysis. The major results of this study are as follows. The perceptions of organizational politics have been reduced to three factors--general political behavior, going along to get ahead and the difference of policies & practices. Behavior of general politics were found have negative relationship with work performance and job involvement and positive relationship with job stress. The difference of policies & practice were found have negative relationship with job satisfaction, job involvement, organization citizenship behavior and organizational commitment and positive relationship with job stress, work performance and turnover intention. Understanding serves as moderators of the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics sub-dimension and job satisfaction, job stress, work performance, turnover intention, organization citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment. Perceived of control serves as a moderator of the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics sub-dimension and job stress, work performance, turnover intention, and organizational commitment.

Relationships among Downsizing, Survivor Behaviors and Attitudes and Organizational Performance

Liu, Fang-Chun 20 June 2003 (has links)
¡@¡@After the year of 2000, the unemployment rate is growing up every year. Until March of 2001, the rate of unemployment had already climbed to 7.5% and the main reason for this situation was establishment closed or business shrunk. Because of facing hard competitive environment, many enterprises progressed the downsizing to solve the problem of bankruptcy or in order to restructure business. Even though downsizing always be viewed as an effective method to lower operation cost and increase organizational performance; however, some past researches showed that after downsizing many company not only did not achieve expected objectives but also give all workers a very big shock. This happened all the time especially when survivors felt unfair or uncomfortable to the process of downsizing, and usually accompanied with morale¡¦s decline and distrust managers. Finally workers maybe show unsteady performance spontaneously and affect company¡¦s competitiveness. For some successful downsizing enterprises, they considered downsizing as a strategic plan, and at the same time devote themselves to rebuild business culture or progress other human resource system to ease survivor pressure while executing downsizing In this research, we investigate employees who experienced downsizing before, and hope to understand how downsizing influence their work attitudes and behaviors. Besides, it wants to be approved if business could develop other human resource activities to lower downside actions of survivors. After analyzing the data, the results are stated as below: I. Difference of survivor attitudes and behaviors due to employee identification of downsizing plan. 1.There are obviously differences on job involvement due to different level of employee identification of downsizing reason. 2.Comprising with direct layoffs, when using the way of retire to progress downsizing, survivor organizational identification will get higher records. II. Relationships between downsizing and survivor attitudes and behaviors. 1.When employees felt that their company practiced downsizing for the reason of merge or acquisition, they would have positive organizational identification and job involvement but have negative relation with turnover. 2.When employees felt good and comfortable in downsizing process, they would have positive organizational identification but have negative relation with turnover. 3.When employees felt the way of downsizing was direct layoffs, they would get negative influence and make them to have higher turnover. Instead, when employees felt the way of downsizing was gentle retirement, they would have better feeling to company and higher organizational identification. III. All situational items have the moderating effects on the relationship between downsizing plan and survivor attitudes and behaviors. 1.Most growth need strength have the moderating effects on the relationship between downsizing plan and survivor attitudes and behaviors. When employee felt that the reason of downsizing was imitate other organization behaviors, then the workers who were high GNS would have lower organizational identification than low GNS. However, if survivor cognized that company was fair in downsizing process and let employees participate in the plan, then the workers who were high GNS would have higher organizational identification than low GNS. 2.Employees¡¦ cognitions to the change of human resource system would have moderating effects on the relationship between organizational process and survivor attitudes and behaviors. IV. The influence on organizational performance by survivor attitudes and behavior The results showed that this part could not get exactly demonstration from analysis records.

Outcomes of organizational Politics preceptions¡Gthe experiences of Taiwan

Juang, Jihng-Yi 12 August 2003 (has links)
Many free enterprises in the world, regardless the size of these businesses, have encountering the globally affected financial crises in the twenty-first century. Especially the enterprises in Taiwan, they are affected not only by international incidents but also by natural plagues such as 921 earthquake and SARS. Therefore, some members in these enterprises, for pursuing their own personal goals, acquiring self-advantages or authorities, meditate the ¡§political action¡¨ that may interfere other member¡¦s working attitude as well as their job performance. The purpose of this project was to assemble the documents about ¡§perceptions of organizational politics¡¨ from several scholars and professors. To accomplish the purpose, a review of collected information from the thirty selected organizations such as both public and private hospitals, government offices, banks, high-tech industry, manufactures was conducted. Additionally, Kacmar¡¦s (1992) 31 Assessment Sheet and Carlson (1997) 15 Assessment Sheet were applied to understand and study the connection among the employee¡¦s ¡§organizational politics perceptions¡¨, job satisfaction, job involvement, the pressure from work, the intention of demission, organizational commitment, and organization citizenship behavior in the enterprises. The result of the research are as followings: Three subscales were obtained from the ¡§Organizational Politics perceptions Sheet¡¨: 1.Political behavior between supervisors and co-workers 2.Go along to get ahead 3.The interval between policy and practice The affect of the outcomes of organizational politics perceptions. 1.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences job satisfaction. 2.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences job involvement. 3.Existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences work pressure. 4.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences demission intention. 5.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences organizational commitment. 6.Partially existence: dimensionality of organizational politics perceptions influences organization citizenship behavior. Key words: perceptions of organizational politics, job satisfaction, job involvement, pressure from work, intention of demission, organizational commitment, organization citizenship behavior

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