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Känslomässig instabilitet och dess påverkan på arbetssökande beteende i en svensk population / Neuroticism and its Affect on Job Search Behavior in a Swedish PopulationFerhatovic, Denis, Andersson, Marit January 2012 (has links)
Sambandet mellan personlighet och arbetssökande beteende har mestadels undersökts bland studenter tidigare. Denna studie undersökte om känslomässig instabilitet påverkade sättet att söka arbete hos 123 arbetssökande icke-studenter mellan 20-65 år. Enkäten som användes bestod av Personality Questionnaire (Bäccman & Carlstedt, 2010), som mäter personligheten utifrån femfaktorsmodellen, samt Job Search Behavior (Blau, 1994), som mäter förberedande och aktiva arbetssökande beteenden. Det fanns ett samband mellan känslomässig instabilitet och båda arbetssökande beteenden. Känslomässig instabilitet kunde dock inte ensam predicera vilket arbetssökande beteende individer väljer, men tillsammans med ålder kunde känslomässig instabilitet predicera förberedande arbetssökande, och ålder kunde även ensamt predicera förberedande arbetssökande. Ålder kan vara en bättre prediktor än känslomässig instabilitet för arbetssökande beteende i en svensk population. / The relationship between personality and job search behavior has mostly been investigated among students before. This study investigated if neuroticism affected job search behaviors for 123 unemployed non-students between 20-65 years. The survey used consisted of Personality Questionnaire (Bäccman & Carlstedt, 2010), measuring personality based on the five-factor model, and Job Search Behavior (Blau, 1994), measuring preparatory and active job search behaviors. There was a relationship between neuroticism and both job search behaviors. Neuroticism alone could, however, not predict which job search behavior individuals choose, but along with age neuroticism could predict preparatory job search, and age could even solely predict preparatory job search. Age may be a better predictor than neuroticism for job search behavior in a Swedish population.
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A Study of Impact of Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Justice on Employee¡¦s Behavior- A case study of officers of correction institutionChang, Chia-ching 15 July 2010 (has links)
Title: A Study of Impact of Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Justice on Employee¡¦s Behavior- A case study of officers of correction institution
Affiliation: Institute of Human Resource Management of National Sun Yat-sen University
Student: Chia Ching Chang
Advisor: Jin Feng Uen
Jail management in Taiwan has changed into correctional education from punishment-oriented system with the development of human rights and humanistic education since last century. This year (2010), Chairperson of Department of Correction, Xian-Zhange Wu, conveyed his vision of ¡§building and shaping prison culture to open gate of new hope and set examples of correction work¡¨ having been active in cultivating correction officers of all levels in an attempt to ¡§manage prison with a human face¡¨ on the basis of respect and care. Correction offices, in addition to monitoring, are expected show love and respect because they are in the front line of managing inmates. In such a unique working environment, they are expected to not only fulfill social expectation but re-educate the inmates. Their increased responsibility and hostile but caring role are worthy of investigation.
Different leadership styles give rise to various team and workplace climates which result in distinct team performances. With growing responsibility, maintaining positive relationship with colleagues encourages officers to carry out duties more faithfully and improves organizational citizenship behavior as well. Besides, inmates¡¦ emotion, the priority of correction institution, will be relatively stable. This virtuous cycle, based on love and the vision of humanistic prison, will be realized.
This study investigated the impact of leader-member exchange theory on organizational justice and employees¡¦ behavior. Subjects were drawn from 12 correction institutions. Pre-test was conducted in 6 institutions to examine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. 1281 copies were delivered and 951 retrieved with valid 716 copies. The valid response rate was 75%.
We used SPSS to test proposed hypotheses. Results are as follow: leader-member exchange is positive to organizational justice and to citizenship behavior; organizational justice in correction institution has partial influence on citizenship behavior; organizational justice has only intervening effect on leader-member exchange and on citizenship behavior. Recommendations and management implication of the study hopefully will benefit the intended institution.
Keyword: Leader-member Exchange Theory, Organizational Justice, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job Search Behavior
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The Relationship of Work Life Integration Policy and Supportive Supervisor Behavior to Happiness and Job Search BehaviorHsu, Ching-chih 12 July 2012 (has links)
Work-life issues have been concerned by employees and employers from decades ago. The family structure has been transformed for the work style and most practices have been changed with human resource policy. However, the organizational climate of work and life is not clear and few of organizations implement comprehensive evaluation for the work-life culture. This research proceeds the cross-level analysis by using the hierarchical linear model which provides more precise outcomes.
Besides, supervisor support has been recognized one of social supportive and informal organizational supportive resources, included by the work-life culture. Because of the unclear conception of informal organizational support, this research talks about the relationship of supportive supervisor behavior and organizational work-life policy.
Furthermore, supervisor support comes up with employees¡¦ subjective well-being. Many scholars recognize employees who have supervisor support experience can reduce work-family conflict and turnover rate. Reasonably, job search behavior is the priority of voluntary quitting and job choosing, which helps to understand the process of employees¡¦ mind changing.
To sum up, this research emphasizes on the influence among supportive supervisor behavior to work-life integration policy, subjective well-being and job search behavior. There are three dimensions for individuals, departments and organizations, combing employees¡¦ subjective well-being and objective job research behavior, excluding individual segmentation preference and segmentation support of workplace so as to strengthen the casual relationship and impersonal evaluation.
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The Effects of Corporate Reputation on Work Attitudes and BehaviorsHuang, Hsin-Po 14 June 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of corporate reputation on work attitudes and behaviors. We used the benchmark company surveyed result of CommonWealth Magazine and developed a qestionnaire to survey those benchmark companies¡¦ employees. Finally, we obtained an effective sample of 50 companies with 1222 employees. And the response rate was 83% for companies and 68% for employees. The result of this study showed that external corporate reputation has positively influential effect on employee corporate reputation, employee corporate reputation has positively influential effect on work attitudes and behaviors, external corporate reputation has partially positively influential effect on work attitudes and behaviors, and employee corporate reputation will partially mediate the positively influential effect of external corporate reputation on work attitudes and behaviors. Based on above findings, the practical implications, research limitation and suggestions for future study are addressed.
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Vad lockar Generation Y och Z till arbetet? : En kvalitativ studie om valet av arbetsgivare / What makes Generations Y and Z to seek employment? : A qualitative studyÖstlund, Emilia, Sjöberg, Filippa January 2023 (has links)
Mot bakgrund av de generationsskillnader som finns på arbetsmarknaden var syftet med studien att undersöka hur Generation Y söker arbete som anställd i en kommunal förvaltning i jämförelse med Generation Z. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ fallstudie och riktade in sig på en utvald svensk kommun. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes och ett bekvämlighetsurval (N=14) tillämpades i studien. Respondenterna bestod av fem män och nio kvinnor, födda mellan 2000 och 1982. En tematisk analys genomfördes på det insamlade materialet vilket resulterade i fyra teman (Arbetslivsbalans, En trygg arbetsgivare, Motivationsfaktorer och Kommunens arbetsgivarvarumärke). Studiens resultat visade fler likheter än skillnader. Likheterna var att de två generationerna uppskattade flexibilitet, en trygg arbetsgivare och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Båda generationerna använde sociala medier och LinkedIn vid sökande efter arbete samt var överens om att kommunens rykte måste förbättras. De främsta skillnaderna var Work-Life Balance och lön. En generationsanpassad Employer Branding strategi i kommunen behöver inte bedrivas då resultatet visade fler likheter än skillnader mellan de studerade generationerna.
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The Relationships among High Performance Human Resource Practices, Employee's Well-Being, Attitudes, and BehaviorsHsieh, Meng-jung 07 February 2012 (has links)
In the recent years, companies began emphasize the employees¡¦ cognition on happiness and well-being to recruit and retain the talents and human resources. This study is to explore the factors influencing the employee¡¦s well-being cognition and the impacts of attitudes and behaviors from the employees¡¦ well-being.
This study adopted the high-performance human resource practice (HPHRP) in organization level as the independent variable and the organizational identification, job involvement and job searching behavior in individual level as dependent variables. The employee¡¦s well-being was a mediator between the independent and dependent variables to examine the mediating effects.
This research employed the questionnaire suvey to collect the data. To avoid the common method variance, the questionnaire is divided into two parts, one for the HR professionals, and another on for the general employees. The data was collected from fifty companies. Valid questionnaires from fifty HR professionals and 461 employees are included. The Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was used in the main hypotheses tests to examine the relationships among the variables.
The results showed that the HPHRP of company has significant positive influences on employee¡¦s well-being, organizational identification, and job involvement, and has significant negative influence on job search behavior. Employee¡¦s well-being has positive influences on organizational identification and job involvement. Employee¡¦s well-being is also a mediator between the relationships HPHRP and organizational identification and job involvement of employee. Based on the results, this study proposed some empirical and practical suggestions.
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Empirical essays on job search behavior, active labor market policies, and propensity score balancing methodsSchmidl, Ricarda January 2014 (has links)
In Chapter 1 of the dissertation, the role of social networks is analyzed as an important determinant in the search behavior of the unemployed. Based on the hypothesis that the unemployed generate information on vacancies through their social network, search theory predicts that individuals with large social networks should experience an increased productivity of informal search, and reduce their search in formal channels. Due to the higher productivity of search, unemployed with a larger network are also expected to have a higher reservation wage than unemployed with a small network. The model-theoretic predictions are tested and confirmed empirically. It is found that the search behavior of unemployed is significantly affected by the presence of social contacts, with larger networks implying a stronger substitution away from formal search channels towards informal channels. The substitution is particularly pronounced for passive formal search methods, i.e., search methods that generate rather non-specific types of job offer information at low relative cost. We also find small but significant positive effects of an increase of the network size on the reservation wage. These results have important implications on the analysis of the job search monitoring or counseling measures that are usually targeted at formal search only.
Chapter 2 of the dissertation addresses the labor market effects of vacancy information during the early stages of unemployment. The outcomes considered are the speed of exit from unemployment, the effects on the quality of employment and the short-and medium-term effects on active labor market program (ALMP) participation. It is found that vacancy information significantly increases the speed of entry into employment; at the same time the probability to participate in ALMP is significantly reduced. Whereas the long-term reduction in the ALMP arises in consequence of the earlier exit from unemployment, we also observe a short-run decrease for some labor market groups which suggest that caseworker use high and low intensity activation measures interchangeably which is clearly questionable from an efficiency point of view. For unemployed who find a job through vacancy information we observe a small negative effect on the weekly number of hours worked.
In Chapter 3, the long-term effects of participation in ALMP are assessed for unemployed youth under 25 years of age. Complementary to the analysis in Chapter 2, the effects of participation in time- and cost-intensive measures of active labor market policies are examined. In particular we study the effects of job creation schemes, wage subsidies, short-and long-term training measures and measures to promote the participation in vocational training. The outcome variables of interest are the probability to be in regular employment, and participation in further education during the 60 months following program entry. The analysis shows that all programs, except job creation schemes have positive and long-term effects on the employment probability of youth. In the short-run only short-term training measures generate positive effects, as long-term training programs and wage subsidies exhibit significant locking-in'' effects. Measures to promote vocational training are found to increase the probability of attending education and training significantly, whereas all other programs have either no or a negative effect on training participation. Effect heterogeneity with respect to the pre-treatment level education shows that young people with higher pre-treatment educational levels benefit more from participation most programs. However, for longer-term wage subsidies we also find strong positive effects for young people with low initial education levels. The relative benefit of training measures is higher in West than in East Germany.
In the evaluation studies of Chapters 2 and 3 semi-parametric balancing methods of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) are used to eliminate the effects of counfounding factors that influence both the treatment participation as well as the outcome variable of interest, and to establish a causal relation between program participation and outcome differences. While PSM and IPW are intuitive and methodologically attractive as they do not require parametric assumptions, the practical implementation may become quite challenging due to their sensitivity to various data features. Given the importance of these methods in the evaluation literature, and the vast number of recent methodological contributions in this field, Chapter 4 aims to reduce the knowledge gap between the methodological and applied literature by summarizing new findings of the empirical and statistical literature and practical guidelines for future applied research. In contrast to previous publications this study does not only focus on the estimation of causal effects, but stresses that the balancing challenge can and should be discussed independent of question of causal identification of treatment effects on most empirical applications. Following a brief outline of the practical implementation steps required for PSM and IPW, these steps are presented in detail chronologically, outlining practical advice for each step. Subsequently, the topics of effect estimation, inference, sensitivity analysis and the combination with parametric estimation methods are discussed. Finally, new extensions of the methodology and avenues for future research are presented. / In Kapitel 1 der Dissertation wird die Rolle von sozialen Netzwerken als Determinante im Suchverhalten von Arbeitslosen analysiert. Basierend auf der Hypothese, dass Arbeitslose durch ihr soziales Netzwerk Informationen über Stellenangebote generieren, sollten Personen mit großen sozialen Netzwerken eine erhöhte Produktivität ihrer informellen Suche erfahren, und ihre Suche in formellen Kanälen reduzieren. Durch die höhere Produktivität der Suche sollte für diese Personen zudem der Reservationslohn steigen. Die modelltheoretischen Vorhersagen werden empirisch getestet, wobei die Netzwerkinformationen durch die Anzahl guter Freunde, sowie Kontakthäufigkeit zu früheren Kollegen approximiert wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Suchverhalten der Arbeitslosen durch das Vorhandensein sozialer Kontakte signifikant beeinflusst wird. Insbesondere sinkt mit der Netzwerkgröße formelle Arbeitssuche - die Substitution ist besonders ausgeprägt für passive formelle Suchmethoden, d.h. Informationsquellen die eher unspezifische Arten von Jobangeboten bei niedrigen relativen Kosten erzeugen. Im Einklang mit den Vorhersagen des theoretischen Modells finden sich auch deutlich positive Auswirkungen einer Erhöhung der Netzwerkgröße auf den Reservationslohn.
Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit den Arbeitsmarkteffekten von Vermittlungsangeboten (VI) in der frühzeitigen Aktivierungsphase von Arbeitslosen. Die Nutzung von VI könnte dabei eine „doppelte Dividende“ versprechen. Zum einen reduziert die frühe Aktivierung die Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit, und somit auch die Notwendigkeit späterer Teilnahme in Arbeitsmarktprogrammen (ALMP). Zum anderen ist die Aktivierung durch Information mit geringeren locking-in‘‘ Effekten verbunden als die Teilnahme in ALMP. Ziel der Analyse ist es, die Effekte von frühen VI auf die Eingliederungsgeschwindigkeit, sowie die Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeit in ALMP zu messen. Zudem werden mögliche Effekte auf die Qualität der Beschäftigung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass VI die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit signifikant erhöhen, und dass gleichzeitig die Wahrscheinlichkeit in ALMP teilzunehmen signifikant reduziert wird. Für die meisten betrachteten Subgruppen ergibt sich die langfristige Reduktion der ALMP Teilnahme als Konsequenz der schnelleren Eingliederung. Für einzelne Arbeitsmarktgruppen ergibt sich zudem eine frühe und temporare Reduktion, was darauf hinweist, dass Maßnahmen mit hohen und geringen „locking-in“ Effekten aus Sicht der Sachbearbeiter austauschbar sind, was aus Effizienzgesichtspunkten fragwürdig ist. Es wird ein geringer negativer Effekt auf die wöchentliche Stundenanzahl in der ersten abhängigen Beschäftigung nach Arbeitslosigkeit beobachtet.
In Kapitel 3 werden die Langzeiteffekte von ALMP für arbeitslose Jugendliche unter 25 Jahren ermittelt. Die untersuchten ALMP sind ABM-Maßnahmen, Lohnsubventionen, kurz-und langfristige Maßnahmen der beruflichen Bildung sowie Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Teilnahme an Berufsausbildung. Ab Eintritt in die Maßnahme werden Teilnehmer und Nicht-Teilnehmer für einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren beobachtet. Als Zielvariable wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit regulärer Beschäftigung, sowie die Teilnahme in Ausbildung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass alle Programme, bis auf ABM, positive und langfristige Effekte auf die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit von Jugendlichen haben. Kurzfristig finden wir jedoch nur für kurze Trainingsmaßnahmen positive Effekte, da lange Trainingsmaßnahmen und Lohnzuschüsse mit signifikanten locking-in‘‘ Effekten verbunden sind. Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Teilnahme an einer Ausbildung, während alle anderen Programme keinen oder einen negativen Effekt auf die Ausbildungsteilnahme haben. Jugendliche mit höherem Ausbildungsniveau profitieren stärker von der Programmteilnahme. Jedoch zeigen sich für längerfristige Lohnsubventionen ebenfalls starke positive Effekte für Jugendliche mit geringer Vorbildung. Der relative Nutzen von Trainingsmaßnahmen ist höher in West- als in Ostdeutschland.
In den Evaluationsstudien der Kapitel 2 und 3 werden die semi-parametrischen Gewichtungsverfahren Propensity Score Matching (PSM) und Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) verwendet, um den Einfluss verzerrender Faktoren, die sowohl die Maßnahmenteilnahme als auch die Zielvariablen beeinflussen zu beseitigen, und kausale Effekte der Programmteilahme zu ermitteln. Während PSM and IPW intuitiv und methodisch sehr attraktiv sind, stellt die Implementierung der Methoden in der Praxis jedoch oft eine große Herausforderung dar. Das Ziel von Kapitel 4 ist es daher, praktische Hinweise zur Implementierung dieser Methoden zu geben. Zu diesem Zweck werden neue Erkenntnisse der empirischen und statistischen Literatur zusammengefasst und praxisbezogene Richtlinien für die angewandte Forschung abgeleitet. Basierend auf einer theoretischen Motivation und einer Skizzierung der praktischen Implementierungsschritte von PSM und IPW werden diese Schritte chronologisch dargestellt, wobei auch auf praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse aus der methodischen Forschung eingegangen wird. Im Anschluss werden die Themen Effektschätzung, Inferenz, Sensitivitätsanalyse und die Kombination von IPW und PSM mit anderen statistischen Methoden diskutiert. Abschließend werden neue Erweiterungen der Methodik aufgeführt.
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