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非營利組織之社會行銷個案研究-以財團法人董氏基金會為例 / Social marketing for non-profit organization ---John Tung Foundation

姚慕蘭, Yao, Mulan Unknown Date (has links)
世界衛生組織(WHO)於2003年5月第56屆世界衛生大會通過國際「菸草控制框架公約」 (Framework Convention of Tobacco Control, 簡稱FCTC),在「禁止菸品廣告、促銷及贊助行為」、「跨國合作管制非法走私菸品貿易」、「管制銷售菸品予未成年人及對弱勢族群的保護」、「研議並追究菸商之法律責任」等各方面皆訂有突破性規範。目前全世界已有超過150國家或簽署、或批准遞交世界衛生組織「菸草控制框架公約」。顯見「菸害防制」議題已經是不分國界、不分種族,21世紀全球一致最重要的公共衛生政策之一。 社會行銷在國外行之有年,強調:「以行銷之概念及技巧,來達到某種特定行為之改變,並改善社會」,而運用於健康議題之社會行銷,則是:「將行銷觀念及技巧系統化,以達到促進健康及減少傷害之行為改變目的」。「菸害防制」之推動,即為運用社會行銷所常見之議題及案例。在台灣,董氏基金會為國內最早推動菸害防制宣導的非營利組織,致力於國內菸害防制工作規劃、教育宣導,並促成相關政策法案制訂及監督執法。1997年推動「菸害防制法」立法(歷經十年);2000年推動菸品開徵「健康福利捐」、執行「衛生署國民健康局菸害申訴服務中心」、舉辦國際「Quit and Win戒菸就贏」比賽等…董氏基金會推動菸害防制二十餘年,因著社會脈動調整推動策略,其寶貴之實務經驗在在與社會行銷理論相結合。 本研究即希望能收集國內外推動健康議題之社會行銷文獻,以社會行銷之概念,配合個案訪談,分析董氏基金會在推動菸害防制議題上之成效,歸納出活動成果及成功因素,以作為相關組織經營及發展策略之參考方向。 / World Health Organization has adopted the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) in the 56th World Health Assembly in May, 2003. The provisions have breakthrough progress on the fields such as “ban on tobacco advising, promotion and sponsorship”, “cross-country control over tobacco smuggling”, “ban on selling of tobacco to minors”, and “legal liability of the tobacco industry”. Up to date, over 150 countries already signed or ratified the FCTC. This shows that tobacco control is already such an important health policy in 21th century beyond country and race. Social marketing has been popular in other countries for years. The idea is “To change a certain collective behavior and improve the society with the concept and techniques of marketing.” To apply “social marketing” to health issues is to “To change behaviors that promote health and eliminate harm with systematized concept and techniques of marketing.” The promotion of tobacco control is a common topic and case that utilize social marketing theory. In Taiwan, John Tung Foundation (JTF) is the first NGO that advocates tobacco control movement. It has been dedicated to the planning, education and promotion of tobacco control in order to enhance police and legislation and the supervision of law enforcement. In 1997, after ten years of efforts, the Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act was finally passed. In 2000, JTF advocated and successfully lead to the levy of the tobacco health and welfare surcharge, executed the “tobacco complaint center sponsored by Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of health” and sponsored the international Quit & Win cessation campaign. In more than two decades, JTF always modifies its tobacco control strategies with the trend of society. Its invaluable experience is again and again accords with the theory of social marketing. The study aims to collect the literature regarding social marketing of health issues. The author uses the concept of social marketing and case interview to analyze the effects of JTF’s advocacy of tobacco control issues. The performance of its campaign and success factors may be a new guideline for the relevant organizations for their operation and strategy development.


林育生 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣民主的多元深化,各種公共政策議題的倡議也愈趨複雜細膩,而利益團體及非營利組織在政策制訂過程的地位也愈趨重要,但實務上,台灣的非營利組織在政策制訂過程中的地位仍屬模糊,特別是在立法過程中的角色扮演與策略選擇,不僅在理論層次的研究中缺少關懷,在實務操作層次上也未獲一般的非營利組織重視,而使得非營利組織在政策立法過程中的未能適切的發揮其應有的功能。因此,本文希望透過非營利組織理論和議題倡導策略分析的結合,建構一個非營利組織在我國立法運作中倡導議題的基本框架,並作為未來相關非營利組織在立法過程中策略選擇的參考依據。 以非營利組織相關理論和公共政策類型區分,可知相關的組織角色和政策類型種類繁多,但本文限於研究範圍,主要將關注於「價值維護者」非營利組織對於「管制性政策」在立法過程中的倡導策略,並選擇以董氏基金會推動「菸害防制法」修訂作為主要的研究個案。本文並以立法過程作為時間的縱面,切割為程序委員會及院會一讀的「立法形成期」、委員會審查的「法案角力期」和黨團協商及院會二三讀的「折衝妥協期」等三個階段,分別分析董氏基金會在不同階段推動「菸害防制法」修訂所採取的各種議題倡導策略,並透過深度訪談等方式蒐集資料,對其所運用的議題倡導策略的利弊得失進行審視評估。 本文研究發現,董氏基金會在歷時兩年半的菸害防制法修法過程中所採取的議題倡導策略,主要有「道德化『困窘策略』的策略主軸」、「結合媒體訴求的行動策略模式」、「單一而執著的直線操作」等幾項特點,而可能忽略了立法院妥協的議事文化、並對於立法院議事技巧不夠熟悉,從而造成菸害防制法修訂的延宕與議題倡導的挫敗。從董氏基金會推動菸害防制法的案例中,本研究認為,有關國內非營利組織進行議題倡導及立法遊說時,最為缺乏而急迫需要的,就是議題倡導及立法遊說的專業化訓練,因此建議我國非營利組織應該加強對於在立法過程中議題倡導策略的專業訓練,使其能夠更為順暢地完成其議題倡導的使命。 關鍵字:非營利組織、議題倡導、立法過程、董氏基金會、菸害防制法 / As the democracy in Taiwan became more intensely diversified, the promotion of various types of bills on public policies turned more complex and more delicate. In addition, the status of both profit-bearing and non-profit organizations in the process of policy establishment also became rather important. However, practically, the status of Taiwan’s non-profit organizations in the process of policy establishment is still blurred especially in the role-play and the strategy selection in the process of the theories of non-profit organizations, bill promotion and strategy analysis, and to use the research findings as a reference for the relevant non-profit organizations in strategy selections in future legislation processes. It is evident that there are various types of relevant organization roles and policies if the categorization is divided into the relevant theories for non-profit organization and the types of public policies. Due to the limitations on the scope of research, this paper mainly focuses on the promotion strategies of the “value guardian”, the non-profit organizations on “control policies” in the legislation processes. Furthermore, the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” promoted by John Tung Foundation, is selected as the main case study for the research. This paper then takes the period of legislation process as the timeline and divides the time into 3 stages: the “legislation formation period” for the Procedural Committee and where the 1st Reading is passed by the Legislation Session; the “bill wresting period” where the bills are examined by the Committees; and the “negotiation period” where negotiations take place between the parties and the organizations and the 2nd and 3rd Readings are passed by the Legislation Session. The 3 different stages are used to analyze the various types of bill promotion strategies employed by John Tung Foundation in the promotion for the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” in the different stages, where information are collected through in-depth interviews and other methods to undergo examinations and evaluations on the pros and cons in the bill promotion strategies used. It is found in this research that a number of characteristics including the “strategy focus of a moralized ‘impoverished strategy’”, the “mobile strategy model that combines media appeals”, and the “single and persistent linear operation” are the main bill promotion strategies taken by John Tung Foundation in the promotion for the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” that took 2.5 years to get through. The bill discussion culture and the compromise of the Legislative Yuan may have been neglected and the unfamiliarity with bill discussion techniques in the Legislative Yuan may have caused the delay and the failure of the bill promotion in the establishment of the Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act. This research feels that from the example of John Tung Foundation’s promotion of the Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act, the most lacking and the most urgently required for local non-profit organizations in bill promotion and legislation persuasion would be the professional training for bill promotion and legislation persuasion. It is therefore recommended that the local non-profit organizations should strengthen their professional training for bill promotion strategies in the legislation processes in order for them to smoothly complete the mission in bill promotion. Keywords: Non-profit Organizations, Bill Promotion, Legislation Processes, John Tung Foundation, Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act.

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