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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Out Heroding Herod : Josephus, rhetoric and the Herod narratives

Landau, Tamar January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

A study in Roman-Maccabaean relations.

Greenlees-Zollschan, Linda, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 1995 (has links)
[No Abstract]

The Shaphanites political allies to a revolutionary prophet /

Melgar, Cesar. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Northern Seminary, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 128-133).

The Shaphanites political allies to a revolutionary prophet /

Melgar, Cesar. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Northern Seminary, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 128-133).

Die Judea Harvest projek geevalueer vanuit 'n Bybels-holistiese kruiskulturele raamwerk vir evangeliesending.

Oldewage, Petrus Jeremiah 09 January 2008 (has links)
Judea Harvest is a modern cross-cultural gospel-mission outreach that started four years ago. During this short span of time it has laid claims to phenomenal success. The view has been expressed that the cross-cultural gospel-mission has a world wide crisis. This is due to goals that are set which are not in line with God’s goals for the gospel-mission. Some goals are even seen as being unfamiliar with the Bible itself. Responsibility from the church’s side calls for an investigation into the total strategy of Judea Havest regarding the mentioned crisis. This situation was researched by means of a literary study and qualitative research and certain proposals were made to Judea Harvest. We need to determine what God’s goals are. Concepts that are strange to the Bible are no longer acceptable. An example is the dichotomous view concerning man. The Bible does not uphold such a dichotomous view where man’s spiritual life is separated from the rest of his existence. The Bible upholds a holistic approach to man. Another example is the view that the gospel-mission is directed to a specific geographical area. Jesus’ ministry was centred towards man – man in his crisis and need. A geographical approach, like Judea Harvest has, results in a situation where a specific people-group and their unique needs are totally overlooked. Cross-cultural gospel-mission asks that the role of culture be reconsidered. God meets man within his cultural context, and this must be the aim of the gospel-mission. Culture is not cancelled by the Gospel, but the Gospel acknowledges the existence of culture. For far too long the gospel mission was approached with a view that the missions organisation, as is the case with Judea Harvest, determines the needs of a people, and how that need is to be met. The perception of the people-group that is to be reached, must give the direction in what the needs are and how they are to be fulfilled by the Gospel. For this to happen, in-depth research of the people-group is required. The time has come to rethink God’s goals for the gospel-mission. / Prof. W.J. Hattingh

Poselství knihy Ageus / The Message of the book of Haggai

Holý, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The Message of book of Haggai Abstract of Diploma thesis This Diploma thesis deals with message of book of Haggai, uses two original Sources: hebrew text (Tanak) and Greek text (Septuagint). Each of the original text is translated into czech in the context of exegesis research. Both exegeses are constructed verse by verse. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one focuses on the message of book of Haggai in Tanach, chapter two in Septuagint. Chapter three compares results of both exegeses. The last chapter of this thesis tracks the history of interpretations, i. e. results of selected interpreters: Jan Calvin and others from 19th, 20th and 21st century in the Europe and the USA. Commentaries of book of Haggai do not reflect everything, Author of this thesis reacts on it in last chapter (on the basis of both exegeses). This is the benefit of this thesis. God's message to his people is the most important message of book of Haggai. Most theologians of the Old Testament claim, that God's intention was new Temple in Jerusalem (i.e. Second Temple). The results of this Diploma thesis coincide with the results of Czech theologian Jiří Beneš (2006): God's word about the Temple is the metaphor, the Temple is God's people. God's intention is repented of the heart. The message of book of Haggai coincide...

Formation du livre de Ruth : pamphlet libertin au dessein caché ? / Development of the Book of Ruth : a libertine pamphlet with a hidden agenda?

Amselem, Jacques 04 September 2015 (has links)
Le livre de Ruth conte un récit qu’il situe dès son premier verset à l’époque des Juges. Sa place dans le canon biblique hébraïque, qui le positionne dans le sous-groupe des Écrits (Ketuvim), ainsi que certains traits de la langue utilisée, ont pu faire penser à une rédaction postexilique tardive. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est d’étudier la formation et l’évolution du rouleau de Ruth et ainsi, ses messages à caractère politique et les mœurs qu’il a su décrire. Le modèle qui se dégage de cette étude montre une formation et une évolution complexes, en plusieurs strates de rédactions, et avec plusieurs auteurs. Par sa taille assez courte, le livre de Ruth permet de faire cette analyse dans des conditions de laboratoire. On peut y observer des styles de langue distants entre eux de plusieurs siècles, avec des tournures caractéristiques d’une langue paléo-hébraïque jouxtant des expressions influencées par l’araméen, des incohérences logiques dans le texte, et enfin des réminiscences d’un culte polythéiste. De cette façon, ce travail nous fait faire un voyage à travers le temps qui débute par une histoire populaire, celle d’une moabite en terre de Judée, datant vraisemblablement du début de la royauté vers l’an -1000 avant notre ère. Ce voyage fait ensuite une halte vers les septième ou sixième siècles avec une première mise par écrit. Il se conclut finalement au cinquième ou quatrième siècle, après le retour de l’exil de Babylone, période où la version du livre de Ruth que nous possédons actuellement avec le texte massorétique est probablement rédigée. / According to the initial verse of the Book of Ruth, the story takes place during the period of the Judges. However, its place in the Hebrew Bible canon, where it is revealed in Writings (Ketuvim), as well as linguistic aspects of the text, has led scholars to believe that the book was composed during a late post-exilic period. The purpose of this study is to learn the development of the Book of Ruth and in particular, the political messages and customs of that precise period. Thanks to the conciseness of the story, an analysis in a laboratory-like environment is possible. The model that results from this study displays a very complex textual construction of several layers of writings and multiple authors. In turn, it enables one to observe various language styles scattered over a period of several centuries. Some of the language expressions are characteristic of Paleo-Hebrew and some are influenced by Talmudic Aramaic. There also appear to be logical inconsistencies within the narrative and reminders of a polytheistic cult. This research takes us on a journey through time that begins as a folktale of a Moabite woman in the land of Judea, probably from the turn of Royalty around the year 1000 BC. The journey halts unexpectedly during the seventh or sixth century BC, as its first writings appear during this period. It finally concludes during the fifth or fourth century BC, with the return to Zion from exile in Babylon, a period in which the Masoretic version of the Book of Ruth was likely written.

'n Kritiese evaluasie van Ed Silvoso en enkele ander evangelisasiemodelle, vanuit 'n Afrikaperspektief.

Blom, Louis 09 January 2008 (has links)
The continent of Africa shows the fastest growth of Christianity worldwide. Today more than half of the people of Africa consider themselves to be Christians. Nonetheless not much have changed for the African in terms of day-to-day circumstances. Poverty, famine, various diseases as well as civil wars plague the continent. The gospel of Jesus Christ surely does not only save a soul, but also brings the blessing of God. The people of Africa desperately needs the full impact and blessing of the gospel, that will inevitably also improve their quality of life. Evangelism models that are currently working in Africa fails at a holistic approach. In the execution of the great commandment, the teaching and discipleship aspects still need a lot of attention in Africa. Preachers and members need to work together on all levels to transform our communities with the gospel. The passion for lost people needs restoration, and a holistic evangelism strategy must be developed. In this regard the evangelism stragegy of Silvoso can make some contribution in the African context as the importance of prayer in evangelism should not be neglected. The church in Africa is also experiencing a crisis. How is Christianity really doing in Africa? Considering the culture and traditions of the African people, it is obvious that Christianity will function differently than in the Western context. The African people need a church that is culturally relevant, to be effectively reached for Christ. Co-operation between leaders from all backgrounds in South-Africa is vital to achieve this goal. South-Africa presents a wonderful opportunity for the church to bless and uplift our people. The gospel of Jesus Christ in all its dimensions and with all its blessings has the power to transform our nation. / Dr. G.J. Basson

Tracing flow and salinization processes at selected locations of Israel and the West Bank - the Judea Group Aquifer and the Shallow Aquifer of Jericho

Lange, Torsten 09 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Due to the low amount or unfavorable annual distribution of precipitation the exploration, allocation, sustainable exploitation, and protection of replenishable as well as fossile water resources are challanging tasks in semiarid and arid regions. Beside a few natural or artifcial surface water reservoirs the porous underground at the same time is the largest storage and transport medium for water and provides protection against evaporation and to a certain degree against surcficial introduction of contaminants. This situation is characteristic for the Near East and thus for the selected investigation areas, that are located in Israel and the West Bank, and that are subject of the conducted partail studies that are presented. The work focuses on three main subjects. On the one hand, it deals with the characterization of the young groundwater components of the discharge of four major springs of Wadi Qilt and Jericho, as well as of sampled deep wells of three important well fields. All of these objects discharge or abstract water from the Upper and Lower Judea Group Aquifer. With a thickness of about 750 m it is one of the most important groundwater reservoirs of the region and comprises mainly to varying degrees karstified and fractured limestones and dolomites. These formations underwent uplift during Senonian to Eocenian times forming a pair of double-plunging anticlinal structures (Hebron and Ramallah or Judea and Samaria Mountains, respectively) that are again subdivided into minor anticlines and synclines. The groundwater replenishment is restricted to the winter season between October and April, and to the crestal area of the mountains, where the otherwise covered aquifer rocks crop out. A strategy was developed to interpret the applied tracers for all locations in a similar way using a lumped parameter approach, which enables a direct comparison. On the other hand, the work investigates salinization processes in the Shallow Aquifer of Jericho and their discrimination. Potential sources for salinization are remnant brines that are activated to flow into the range of well extraction due to groundwater overexploitation, dissolution of salts, or formation waters from the Lisan formation. These layers represent the sediments of Lake Lisan, the Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea. A discrimination of the salinization mechanisms is important to develope reasonable measures to limit or lower the salt concentration in the affected wells. Consequently, the relevant measured but also potential main hydrochemical indicators and isotope tracers are identified. The large uncertainties with respect to the establishment of a well-founded water balance and to the insuffcient knowledge about the geology of the small-scale area of Jericho are discussed. Because the interpretation of the measured helium samples from the fractured and karstified aquifer of the Cretaceous Judea Group is limited, the dependencies of the He-4 accumulation in groundwater in an idealized dual-continuum aquifer are investigated with respect to the relation of the He-4 mass fluxes and the system response time to the varied parameters (groundwater head gradient, hydraulic conductivities, dispersivities, porosities) by means of a sensitivity analysis. Although the system response time is not a system variable as such it clearly turned out that knowledge about it may be an important information for the interpretation of He concentrations in groundwaters of non-stationary systems. To enhance the visual post-processing of the parameter sensitivity analysis an easily interpretable way of data presentation is introduced. / Semiaride und aride Gebiete stellen aufgrund des niedrigen oder ungünstig verteilten Niederschlagsdargebots eine besondere Herausforderung bezüglich Erkundung, Bereitstellung, nachhaltiger Nutzung und Schutz sich neu bildender, aber auch fossiler Wasserresourcen dar. Abgesehen von wenigen natürlichen oder künstlich angelegten Oberflächenreservoiren ist der poröse Untergrund dabei gleichzeitig Hauptspeicher und Transportmedium für Wasser und bietet einen Schutz gegen Verdunstung und bis zu einem gewissen Grade gegen oberflächig einwirkende Verunreinigungen. Diese Situation ist charakteristisch für den Nahen Osten und damit für die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit beschriebenen Teiluntersuchungsgebiete, die sich in Israel und der West Bank befinden. Die Arbeit behandelt drei Hauptthemen. Einerseits geht sie auf die Charakterisierung der Jungwasseranteile im Abfluß vier bedeutender Quellen des Wadi Qilts und Jerichos sowie in beprobten tiefen Brunnen dreier wichtiger Brunnenfelder ein. Alle diese Objekte entwässern bzw. entnehmen Wasser aus dem Oberen oder Unteren Judea Group Aquifer. Mit ca. 750 m Mächtigkeit stellt dieser eines der bedeutensten Grundwasserreservoire der Region dar und besteht hauptsächlich aus unterschiedlich stark verkarsteten und gestörten Kalkstein- und Dolomitformationen, welche zwischen dem Senon und Eozän in Form einer in sich weiter gegliederten, beid-seitig abtauchenden Doppelantiklinalstruktur herausgehoben wurde (Hebron und Ramallah bzw. Judea und Samaria Mountains). Die Grundwasserneubildung ist beschränkt auf die Zeit zwischen Oktober und April sowie auf die Kammlagen des Gebirges, wo die sonst bedeckten Schichten des Aquifers ausstreichen. Es wurde eine Strategie entwickelt, die eingesetzten Tracer auf ähnliche Weise mit Hilfe von Lumped Parameter-Modellen für alle Lokationen zu interpretieren und somit eine Vergleichbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Andererseits untersucht die Arbeit Versalzungsprozesse im Shallow Aquifer von Jericho und deren Abgrenzung untereinander. Mögliche Hauptquellen der Versalzung sind durch überhöhte Grundwasserentnahme verstärke Zuflüsse von Solen, die Lösung von Salzen aus der Lisan-Formation oder Formationswässer der Lisan-Formation, welche die Ablagerungen des Lisan-Sees, des Pleistozänen Vorgängers des heutigen Toten Meeres, repräsentieren. Eine Unterscheidung der Mechanismen hat dabei durchaus Bedeutung für die Festlegung geeigneter Gegenmaßnahmen. Demzufolge werden die ermittelten, aber auch weitere, potentielle hydrochemische Hauptindikatoren und Tracer benannt. Unsicherheiten sowohl hinsichtlich der Aufstellung einer Wasserbilanz, als auch einer unzureichend bekannten Geologie für das sehr kleinräumige Gebiet von Jericho werden diskutiert.

Tracing flow and salinization processes at selected locations of Israel and the West Bank - the Judea Group Aquifer and the Shallow Aquifer of Jericho

Lange, Torsten 17 October 2011 (has links)
Due to the low amount or unfavorable annual distribution of precipitation the exploration, allocation, sustainable exploitation, and protection of replenishable as well as fossile water resources are challanging tasks in semiarid and arid regions. Beside a few natural or artifcial surface water reservoirs the porous underground at the same time is the largest storage and transport medium for water and provides protection against evaporation and to a certain degree against surcficial introduction of contaminants. This situation is characteristic for the Near East and thus for the selected investigation areas, that are located in Israel and the West Bank, and that are subject of the conducted partail studies that are presented. The work focuses on three main subjects. On the one hand, it deals with the characterization of the young groundwater components of the discharge of four major springs of Wadi Qilt and Jericho, as well as of sampled deep wells of three important well fields. All of these objects discharge or abstract water from the Upper and Lower Judea Group Aquifer. With a thickness of about 750 m it is one of the most important groundwater reservoirs of the region and comprises mainly to varying degrees karstified and fractured limestones and dolomites. These formations underwent uplift during Senonian to Eocenian times forming a pair of double-plunging anticlinal structures (Hebron and Ramallah or Judea and Samaria Mountains, respectively) that are again subdivided into minor anticlines and synclines. The groundwater replenishment is restricted to the winter season between October and April, and to the crestal area of the mountains, where the otherwise covered aquifer rocks crop out. A strategy was developed to interpret the applied tracers for all locations in a similar way using a lumped parameter approach, which enables a direct comparison. On the other hand, the work investigates salinization processes in the Shallow Aquifer of Jericho and their discrimination. Potential sources for salinization are remnant brines that are activated to flow into the range of well extraction due to groundwater overexploitation, dissolution of salts, or formation waters from the Lisan formation. These layers represent the sediments of Lake Lisan, the Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea. A discrimination of the salinization mechanisms is important to develope reasonable measures to limit or lower the salt concentration in the affected wells. Consequently, the relevant measured but also potential main hydrochemical indicators and isotope tracers are identified. The large uncertainties with respect to the establishment of a well-founded water balance and to the insuffcient knowledge about the geology of the small-scale area of Jericho are discussed. Because the interpretation of the measured helium samples from the fractured and karstified aquifer of the Cretaceous Judea Group is limited, the dependencies of the He-4 accumulation in groundwater in an idealized dual-continuum aquifer are investigated with respect to the relation of the He-4 mass fluxes and the system response time to the varied parameters (groundwater head gradient, hydraulic conductivities, dispersivities, porosities) by means of a sensitivity analysis. Although the system response time is not a system variable as such it clearly turned out that knowledge about it may be an important information for the interpretation of He concentrations in groundwaters of non-stationary systems. To enhance the visual post-processing of the parameter sensitivity analysis an easily interpretable way of data presentation is introduced.:Impressum Kurzfassung Abstract List of Figures List of Tables Introduction Geology and hydrogeological background Theory and application of environmental tracers to characterize groundwater flow Methodology Results Summary Conclusions / Semiaride und aride Gebiete stellen aufgrund des niedrigen oder ungünstig verteilten Niederschlagsdargebots eine besondere Herausforderung bezüglich Erkundung, Bereitstellung, nachhaltiger Nutzung und Schutz sich neu bildender, aber auch fossiler Wasserresourcen dar. Abgesehen von wenigen natürlichen oder künstlich angelegten Oberflächenreservoiren ist der poröse Untergrund dabei gleichzeitig Hauptspeicher und Transportmedium für Wasser und bietet einen Schutz gegen Verdunstung und bis zu einem gewissen Grade gegen oberflächig einwirkende Verunreinigungen. Diese Situation ist charakteristisch für den Nahen Osten und damit für die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit beschriebenen Teiluntersuchungsgebiete, die sich in Israel und der West Bank befinden. Die Arbeit behandelt drei Hauptthemen. Einerseits geht sie auf die Charakterisierung der Jungwasseranteile im Abfluß vier bedeutender Quellen des Wadi Qilts und Jerichos sowie in beprobten tiefen Brunnen dreier wichtiger Brunnenfelder ein. Alle diese Objekte entwässern bzw. entnehmen Wasser aus dem Oberen oder Unteren Judea Group Aquifer. Mit ca. 750 m Mächtigkeit stellt dieser eines der bedeutensten Grundwasserreservoire der Region dar und besteht hauptsächlich aus unterschiedlich stark verkarsteten und gestörten Kalkstein- und Dolomitformationen, welche zwischen dem Senon und Eozän in Form einer in sich weiter gegliederten, beid-seitig abtauchenden Doppelantiklinalstruktur herausgehoben wurde (Hebron und Ramallah bzw. Judea und Samaria Mountains). Die Grundwasserneubildung ist beschränkt auf die Zeit zwischen Oktober und April sowie auf die Kammlagen des Gebirges, wo die sonst bedeckten Schichten des Aquifers ausstreichen. Es wurde eine Strategie entwickelt, die eingesetzten Tracer auf ähnliche Weise mit Hilfe von Lumped Parameter-Modellen für alle Lokationen zu interpretieren und somit eine Vergleichbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Andererseits untersucht die Arbeit Versalzungsprozesse im Shallow Aquifer von Jericho und deren Abgrenzung untereinander. Mögliche Hauptquellen der Versalzung sind durch überhöhte Grundwasserentnahme verstärke Zuflüsse von Solen, die Lösung von Salzen aus der Lisan-Formation oder Formationswässer der Lisan-Formation, welche die Ablagerungen des Lisan-Sees, des Pleistozänen Vorgängers des heutigen Toten Meeres, repräsentieren. Eine Unterscheidung der Mechanismen hat dabei durchaus Bedeutung für die Festlegung geeigneter Gegenmaßnahmen. Demzufolge werden die ermittelten, aber auch weitere, potentielle hydrochemische Hauptindikatoren und Tracer benannt. Unsicherheiten sowohl hinsichtlich der Aufstellung einer Wasserbilanz, als auch einer unzureichend bekannten Geologie für das sehr kleinräumige Gebiet von Jericho werden diskutiert.:Impressum Kurzfassung Abstract List of Figures List of Tables Introduction Geology and hydrogeological background Theory and application of environmental tracers to characterize groundwater flow Methodology Results Summary Conclusions

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