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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'analyse psychanalytique de la symbolique du Zarathoustra de Nietzsche

Picard, Claude. 12 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse veut réactualiser les Séminaires dirigés par C. G. Jung de 1935 à 1939 sur la lecture de l'œuvre maîtresse de Nietzsche, Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra. Nous présentons, comme élément préalable d'investigation, un examen des méthodes des deux auteurs concernés. Le lecteur sera à même de saisir à quel point il est opportun de prolonger dans la psychologie analytique de Jung le projet initié par Nietzsche, ce dernier admettant lui-même être guidé par l'investigation psychologique, si ce n'est avoir écrit le Zarathoustra sous la pression des archétypes. Notre recherche nous amène à réévaluer le projet réformateur de Nietzsche à la lumière de ce qui se présente au départ comme une projection de l'homme/Nietzsche dans la figure du dieu/Zarathoustra. Nous établissons dans quelle mesure le concept de spiritualisation devient plus fondamental que celui d'esthétique lorsqu'il s'agit d'interpréter le fond de l'intention philosophique de Nietzsche; puis nous voyons comment s'associe l'ensemble du système nietzschéen à la perspective jungienne du quaternion, ce qui révélera le rôle essentiel que joue le corps dans un ensemble qui veut dépasser une tradition philosophique dominée par l'idée chrétienne de trinité. Cette réflexion éclairera ce qu'il convient d'appeler la pensée la plus abyssale de Nietzsche, soit l'Éternel retour, dans la dynamique des manifestations de l'inconscient. Nous résumons l'essentiel des volumineux Séminaires et présentons, en annexe, un lexique des concepts philosophiques importants qui s'y trouvent ainsi qu'une description contextuelle des symboles utilisés par Nietzsche, travail essentiel d'investigation de Jung qui se laisse porter par cette "rivière de figures" qu'est le Zarathoustra. À travers la lecture de Nietzsche, nous découvrons certaines motivations obscures que peut cacher l'intention philosophique. Nous verrons en quoi l'essentiel du processus d'identification entre Nietzsche, Zarathoustra et le Surhomme fait état de la présence irrépressible de la figure du Vieil homme sage; et comment la recherche du "sens de la Terre", chez Nietzsche, intègre une dimension "numineuse" caractéristique qui rend si complexe l'idée de "dépassement de la métaphysique" et la tenue d'un discours moralisateur, entendu l'ambivalence de la psyché humaine, notamment en situation de crise.

Personal transformation : a study of the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius and of Carl Jung's lectures on them

Hayes, Florence Perrella. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

El inconsciente colectivo en la pintura moderna. La exaltación del "objeto" y la animalidad : aportes desde la psicología de Jung

Silva Maldonado, Brian 28 May 2013 (has links)
¿Cómo se expresa el inconsciente colectivo en la pintura moderna? Esta pregunta surge al término de mi último proceso creativo. Intenté comprender y conocer los elementos y dinámicas que podrían haber estado presentes en dicho proceso. Intuí que los planteamientos de Jung (1995) en torno a la simbología del inconsciente colectivo podrían enlazarse con las formaciones zoomorfas de la serie de obras que concluí (conformada por tres dibujos y seis pinturas). Más aun, como intento mostrar en este estudio, los arquetipos, los sueños, el primitivismo y los símbolos —conceptos claves de Jung— parecieron particularmente pertinentes para comprender el proceso creativo. Las ideas sobre el inconsciente colectivo son fructíferas y esclarecedoras con relación a la pintura moderna, en especial, el surrealismo y la pintura automática. Por tal razón, en este trabajo se revisará desde la perspectiva de Jung las obras plásticas de Giorgio di Chirico, Marc Chagall, Paul Klee, Jean Arp, Joan Miró y Max Ernst.

El concepto proyección en el marco de la colaboración entre Freud y Jung

Fodale Vargas, Luis Ernesto 06 February 2017 (has links)
El presente trabajo explora el desarrollo del concepto freudiano “proyección” en el marco de la mutua colaboración entre Sigmund Freud y Carl Jung. La investigación se inscribe en la línea conceptual histórica y de determinantes inconscientes en el desarrollo de conceptos. En ella, se pretende dar cuenta de diferencias teóricas y metodológicas entre Freud y Jung desde sus inicios que puedan ayudar a dar sentido a la colaboración mutua en el desarrollo del concepto proyección. Para este fin, se revisó críticamente la correspondencia entre ambos, así como las obras de cada uno en las que se pueda evidenciar el trabajo con el concepto / The following work explores the development of the freudian concept “projection” in the framework of the mutual collaboration between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. This research is framed in the line of historical-conceptual research and unconscious determinants in the concept’s development. We intend to explain, the theoretical and methodological differences between Freud and Jung from the beginning that make sense on the mutual collaboration in the development of that concept. With this purpose, we reviewed critically the correspondence between both authors, as well as each one’s works referred to the concept

Dream of a thousand heroes: the archetypal hero in contemporary mythology, with reference to The sandman by Neil Gaiman

Landman, Mario 30 June 2006 (has links)
Twentieth century American fiction assimilates archetypes of traditional mythologies, in particular the hero archetype, to create a contemporary mythology which relays social issues relevant to its age. This is first approached by creating a theoretical framework, which primarily consists of both Jungian theories of the collective unconscious and the model on which Joseph Campbell based his conception of the archetype in what is known as myth criticism. The theoretical framework also introduces and describes the graphic novel and its use of characterisation distinctive to post-modern fiction. The Sandman, which is the subject of this study, is then contextualised against the backdrop of the evolution of the American comic book, with its influence of folklore, mythology and visual presentation. Through an overview and analysis of The Sandman series as a whole, as well as a reading of its pivotal narrative, The Kindly Ones, this thesis explores the way in which The Sandman fulfils its purpose of integrating an archetypal hero into contemporary mythology. This is achieved by validating claims proposing the existence of a contemporary mythology through an analysis of Morpheus, The Sandman's protagonist and his unique heroic journey. The conclusion reached is that The Sandman indeed represents a contemporary mythology that contains a new form of social commentary, incorporating archetypes from traditional mythology and re-evaluating the role of the hero in this day and age. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M. A. (Theory of Literature)

The self in the thought of Kierkegaard, Sartre and Jung

Jonker, Christine January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The problem explored in this study concerns authenticity, and can be formulated as the question: 'How does one become oneself? In order to answer this query, related issues must be addressed, for example: the nature of consciousness/ self-awareness; the individual's relationship to society; the meaning of existence, and so forth. The reply's of three thinkers, Kierkegaard, Sartre and Jung, will be discussed in this investigation. They have been selected for several reasons: Each of their respective theories addresses issues that are generally pertinent in contemporary society, such as: the alienation and dissociation of individuals from each other and themselves through mass-mindedness and the impersonal nature of state and religious institutions; the anxiety that many experience due to, firstly, a lack of confidence in the abovementioned institutions and, secondly, a loss of trust in existing (political, religious, moral, social) life-strategies, because these often fail to give a convincing sense of meaning and purpose to life. Each of the three thinkers places the 'self at the center of their philosophy, and addresses many similar themes which share between them a family resemblance that admits of comparison. The theories are presented in an order that · allows for a dialectical approach to the problem of self: Kierkegaard's fundamentally Christian theory is presented as thesis, and Sartre's atheistic position as anti-thesis. Jung's theory of the psyche is presented as synthesis, because it is antimetaphysical, but nevertheless claims to prove empirically that a convincing religious/ spiritual experience is the key ingredient for authenticity. The outcome of the enquiry will show that the three thinkers point from different directions towards the same basic conceptualization of the 'self: The self is both a project and a goal or, to put it differently, a journey and a destination, the goal/destination being the synthesis of the various disparate and conflicting elements that influence or make up the personality. The study as a whole echoes the three individual approaches in describing the condition of modem man as a malady or sickness, which is the lack of authenticity, of which the symptoms are falsehood, anxiety, alienation, crippled relationships, lack of responsibility and adaptibility, and perhaps, on a larger scale, issues such as social/ political injustice and conflict. The cure for this malady is an enhancement of consciousness/ awareness that is known as 'the self. The self is seen as a 'becoming' and a choice, a dynamic synthesis, something which is not given and cannot be taken for granted, but must be actively striven for. The study outlines and explores the nature and value of such a project towards the self. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskou die probleem van outentisiteit, wat as die vraag, 'Hoe word ek myself?', gestel kan word. Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord, moet verdere kwessies, soos byvoorbeeld die aard van (self)bewussyn, die verhouding waarin die indivudu tot die samelewing staan, en die betekenis van 'bestaan' ( eksistensie ), ook aangespreek word. Die voorstelle van drie denkers, Kierkegaard, Sartre and Jung, word bespreek in hierdie tesis. Die drie is vir verskeie redes uitgesoek: Elkeen van hulle spreek pertinente kwessies rondom die modeme samelewing aan, byvoorbeeld: individue se vervreemding en verwydering van hulself en ander weens die massa-mentaliteit en onpersoonlike aard van staats- en godsdienstige instellings; die angs en spanning wat baie ervaar as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan vertroue in bogenoemde instellings, asook 'n gebrekkige geloof in bestaande (politiese, godsdienstige, more le, so si ale) lewensstrategiee wat nie meer daarin slaag om sin of rede aan die lewe te gee nie. Elkeen van die drie denkers plaas die 'self sentraal tot hulle filosofie, en spreek temas aan wat onderling familie-ooreenkomste vertoon, en daarom onderlinge vergelyking toelaat. Die teoriee word aangebied in 'n volgorde wat 'n dialekti~se aanslag tot die probleem moontlik maak: Kierkegaard se Christelike teorie word as tese aangebied, en Sartre se ateistiese posisie as anti-tese. Jung se teorie van die psige word as sintese voorgehou, want, alhoewel dit geen metafisiese aansprake maak nie, beskou dit 'n oortuigende religieuse/ geestelike ervaring as die hoofbestandeel vir outentisiteit. Die gevolgtrekking van die ondersoek sal wys dat die drie denkers vanuit verskillende rigtings na dieselfde konsepsie van die 'self wys: Die self is sowel 'n projek as 'n doel, of, anders gestel, 'n reis en 'n bestemming. Die doel/ bestemming is 'n sintese van die verskillende, onderling botsend~ elemente waaruit die self bestaan en waardeur dit beinvloed word. Die studie in geheel volg die voorbeeld van die drie denkers deur die modeme mens se 'toestand' as 'n soort siekte te beskryf. Die simptome van hierdie siekte, of gebrek aan outentisiteit, is valsheid, angs, vervreemding, gebrekkige verhoudings, die afwesigheid van persoonlike verantwoordelikheid en aanpasbaarheid, en ook miskien kwessies soos sosiale en politiese onreg en konflik. Die remedie vir so 'n siekte is die 'self: 'n verheldering en intensifisering van bewussyn, wat gesien kan word as 'n 'wording' en 'n keuse, 'n dinamiese sintese, iets wat nie as voor-die-hand-liggend beskou kan word nie, maar wat aktief nagestreef moet word. Hierdie studie ondersoek die aard en waarde van so 'n projek gerig op die self

Intellectuals and National Socialism: The Cases of Jung, Heidegger, and Fischer

Stewart, Richard M. (Richard Matthew) 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis discusses three intellectuals, each from a distinct academic background, and their relationship with National Socialism. Persons covered are Carl Gustav Jung, Martin Heidegger, and Eugen Fischer. This thesis aims at discovering something common and fundamental about the intellectuals' relationship to politics as such. The relationship each had with National Socialism is evaluated with an eye to their distinct academic backgrounds. The conclusion of this thesis is that intellectuals succumb all too easily to political and cultural extremism; none of these three scholars saw themselves as National Socialists, yet each through his anti-Semitism and willingness to cooperate assisted the regime.

Dream of a thousand heroes: the archetypal hero in contemporary mythology, with reference to The sandman by Neil Gaiman

Landman, Mario 30 June 2006 (has links)
Twentieth century American fiction assimilates archetypes of traditional mythologies, in particular the hero archetype, to create a contemporary mythology which relays social issues relevant to its age. This is first approached by creating a theoretical framework, which primarily consists of both Jungian theories of the collective unconscious and the model on which Joseph Campbell based his conception of the archetype in what is known as myth criticism. The theoretical framework also introduces and describes the graphic novel and its use of characterisation distinctive to post-modern fiction. The Sandman, which is the subject of this study, is then contextualised against the backdrop of the evolution of the American comic book, with its influence of folklore, mythology and visual presentation. Through an overview and analysis of The Sandman series as a whole, as well as a reading of its pivotal narrative, The Kindly Ones, this thesis explores the way in which The Sandman fulfils its purpose of integrating an archetypal hero into contemporary mythology. This is achieved by validating claims proposing the existence of a contemporary mythology through an analysis of Morpheus, The Sandman's protagonist and his unique heroic journey. The conclusion reached is that The Sandman indeed represents a contemporary mythology that contains a new form of social commentary, incorporating archetypes from traditional mythology and re-evaluating the role of the hero in this day and age. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M. A. (Theory of Literature)

O delírio paranóico nos sistemas de Freud e Jung: contribuições mútuas e contrastes

JESUINO, Filipe de Menezes January 2008 (has links)
JESUINO, Filipe de Menezes. O delírio paranóico nos sistemas de Freud e Jung: contribuições mútuas e contrastes. 2008. 177 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2008. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2012-01-09T13:23:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_dis_FDMJesuino.PDF: 1435919 bytes, checksum: c6da8727bd49d90b97e333a11de701ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-01-12T13:39:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_dis_FDMJesuino.PDF: 1435919 bytes, checksum: c6da8727bd49d90b97e333a11de701ec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-01-12T13:39:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_dis_FDMJesuino.PDF: 1435919 bytes, checksum: c6da8727bd49d90b97e333a11de701ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-10 / This thesis was made on the purpose of demonstrate the fundamental contributions and contrasts between Freud’s and Jung’s theories on the problem of the paranoiac delusions. To persecute this goal we have chosen to discuss the developments of both theories individually and, in doing so, demonstrate the primary conceits that were associated with them and then, finally, distinguish the main contributions between the two psychological systems. Afterwards we have shown how those influences were made possible and by which means they came to be. The main contributions verified were the inspiration of Freud’s theory of libido to Jung’s own, the importance of Jung’s complexes theory to Freud and their mutual interest in the archaic inheritances verified in the delusions of the paranoiac patients. We have found that the differences in the context, and the inevitable presuppositions did not cripple a dialogue and some significant contributions between them. Notwithstanding, these contributions were made possible only by a recreation of the ideas according to the internal context of the system which, of course, is modified in the process. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo demonstrar as contribuições mútuas e contrastes fundamentais entre as teorias de Freud e Jung quanto ao delírio paranóico. Para alcançar esse objetivo, decidimos abordar individualmente as teorias e, por essa via, demonstrar os principais conceitos associados a elas para, apenas então, distinguir as principais contribuições entre os dois sistemas psicológicos a respeito do delírio. Em seguida, elucidamos como essas influências foram possíveis e de que maneira elas se originaram. As principais contribuições verificadas foram: a influência da noção freudiana de libido para a teoria de Jung, a importância da teoria junguiana dos complexos para a Psicanálise freudiana e seu interesse mútuo sobre as heranças arcaicas verificadas nos delírios. Constatamos que as diferenças no contexto e os inevitáveis pressupostos não impediram o diálogo e algumas contribuições importantes entre os dois pontos de vista. Os aportes, entretanto, somente foram possíveis com a recriação das noções de acordo com o contexto interno de cada sistema que, decerto, também se modifica no processo em sentido amplo.

L'espoir est dans les arbres : suivi de Le mythème de l'illumination : lumière dans les ténèbres

Larocque, Ronald 17 April 2018 (has links)
La première partie de cette thèse est constituée d'un récit intitulé L'espoir est dans les arbres. Le protagoniste de ce récit se remémore peu à peu qu'il a été agressé alors qu'il était enfant. C'est le récit de la réappropriation de sa mémoire ainsi que des fantasmes que cette mémoire peut générer. Le héros est profondément ébranlé dans sa vie personnelle et professionnelle et commence, pour lui-même, une quête de la vérité. Il entre dans un monde symbolique à la suite d'une renaissance et déchiffre des signes qui lui sont adressés dans son univers quotidien. Son équilibre mental est menacé. À la rencontre de sa mère sur le chemin de Valleyfield, il expérimente une illumination et le secret de l'agression qu'il a vécu lui est révélé par étapes initiatiques en retournant sur les lieux de l'agression où il crie sa douleur dans les arbres. Ce récit est celui de sa quête, de ses douleurs, de ses peurs et de l'émergence de la partie de lui-même qui se terrait dans son inconscient. Il découvrira que le plus important est son présent. L'espoir est donc permis. La deuxième partie de la thèse, intitulée Le mythème de l'illumination : lumière dans les ténèbres, est articulée en trois chapitres. Le premier, "Sources sacrées du mythème de l'illumination", s'intéresse aux différentes conceptions de l'illumination dans plusieurs religions et, particulièrement, par une analyse symbolique, au mythème biblique de l'illumination de saint Paul. Le deuxième chapitre, "Les illuminations québécoises", fort de cette recherche préalable, s'intéresse à la présence d'éléments du mythème de l'Illumination dans des textes de trois auteurs québécois : Jacques Ferron, Anne Hébert et Victor-Lévy Beaulieu. Le troisième chapitre, plus personnel, "Le mythème de l'Illumination à l'oeuvre", étudie a posteriori la corrélation entre le processus d'individuation de Cari Gustav Jung avec la structuration du récit L'espoir est dans les arbres, tout en retraçant le cheminement de son écriture. La conclusion met en relief la nature profondément eschatologique de la leçon du mythème littéraire de l'Illumination.

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