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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of pregnancy and lactation on the nutritional status of women living in rural Kenya

Keverenge-Ettyang, Grace Adisa. January 1900 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit Maastricht. / Met lit. opg. - Met een samenvatting in het Nederlands.

In the shadow of neocolonialism : a study of Meja Mwangi's novels 1973-1990 /

Johansson, Lars, January 1992 (has links)
Academic dissertation--Doctoral examination--Umeå, 1992.

"When they talk people listen" : Perception of power among Luo women in Kenya

Eriksson, Ottilia January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines perceptions of political power among Luo women in Kenya. The research was conducted in the autumn of 2015 and founded by a MFS-scholarship from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The research examines the hypotheses that there are three factors that affect women’s chances to get political power, namely: education, economy and social capital. Through qualitative methods 20 respondents were interviewed. The results show that all three factors were recognized as important. To get power the respondents experienced that you have to take part in a reciprocal pattern. You have to give money, help or knowledge, and with higher education, good economy or a lot of social capital, you will have easier to offer those things.

Socio-economic factors that influence farmer participation in agroforestry in Ainabkoi and Moiben Divisions, Kenya

Kurgat, Alfred Kipchumba 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kenya's economy depends largely on agriculture for growth and development and yet only 20% of the total land area lies in high potential farming areas that support 80% of the total population and 50% of the total livestock in the country. Intensified cropping as a result of the high population concentration on high potential areas has put pressure on land and other resources to an extent that potential productivity of these areas has been degraded. Loss of soil nutrients through soil erosion has caused decreased food production, deterioration of croplands and, siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Over reliance on forest resources by the communities in the study area has led to deforestation as well as the general disturbance of watershed areas and its functions. There is need therefore to find alternative ways of retaining and/or restoring lost fertility through community participation so as to increase food production. The aim of this study was to investigate the socio-economic factors that influence farmer participation in agroforestry activities in Moiben and Ainabkoi Divisions of Uasin-Gishu District. Data was collected using participatory methods. One set of data was collected using a questionnaire that had both open and closed ended questions. Through random sampling, a total of 300 farmers were interviewed. Additionally, key informants from various government departments were interviewed. The other set' of data was obtained through resource assessment in a forest adjacent to the communities in the study area. This study found that the majority of the farmers had not practised agroforestry despite many being aware of it. Socio-economic problems that hindered them from adopting and practising agroforestry technologies included lack of forest extension services as a reliable source of information about suitable tree species, and how to plant and best locate them within the farm, gender-related issues hindered vulnerable groups, particularly women and children and lack of secure land tenure was a disincentive to those farmers who live on trust land and the married sons who have not been allocated land by their parents. Farm labour during peak farming period was found to scarce due to farmer prioritisation of farm activities. Farmers mentioned that trees occupy land that is already becoming scarce and only give returns in the long term yet farmers need immediate benefits. Forest extension services were ineffective due to scarcity of resources that would enable officers to discharge their duties efficiently. Resources within the gazetted forests were being over exploited since that was the only source with cheaply available wood and non-wood products. It was also found in this study that the majority of the farmers faced environmental problems that included soil erosion, decreased crop yields as well as shortage of wood products. In the future, affordable extension techniques need to be employed in order to reach the farmers. The current regulations that govern private land ownership should be streamlined so as to enable all family members participate in decision-making on utilisation of land. There is need to incorporate agroforestry adult literacy classes as well as in local school curricula. Being multi disciplinary, agroforestry can be spread to the farmers by involving stakeholders at every stage. The current crop of extension agents should be re-trained or should be attending in-service courses regularly. This could transform them into facilitators. Further research should be done on farmers' attitude towards trees, cheaper techniques of disseminating information on agroforestry should be investigated while the current extension techniques should be evaluated for their strengths and weaknesses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kenia se ekonomie is grootliks afhanklik van landbou vir groei en vooruitgang. Slegs 20% van die totale beskikbare landbougrond in hoe-potensiele landbou areas ondersteun 80% van die totale bevolking en 50% van die totale lewende hawe. Hoë bevolkingsdigtheid vereis intensiewe oesverbouing wat weer hoë druk op landbougrond en ander bronne plaas. Dit het tot gevolg dat die moontlike produktiwiteit van hierdie areas agteruit gaan. Die verlies van voedingstowwe as gevolg van gronderosie het verlaagde voedselproduksie, agteruitgang van landbougrond en toeslikking van waterbronne tot gevolg. Die algehele afhanklikheid van gemeenskappe op bosprodukte het tot ontbossing en algemene versteuring van opvanggebiede gelei. Dit is dus noodsaaklik om alternatiewe maniere te kry om die grondvrugbaarheid te behou en/of te herstel deur gemeenskapsamewerking en om sodoende voedselverbouing te verhoog. Die doel van die studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die sosio-ekonomiese faktor wat die landbouer se samewerking in Moiben en Ainabkoi gebiede van Uasin-Gishu distrik beïnvloed. Die inligting is ingesamel deur deelnemende metodes te gebruik. 'n Vraelys met keuse- en ander soortige vrae is gebruik om die inligting in te samel. 'n Totaal van 300 landbouers is deur toevallige keuring ondervra asook segsmanne van verskeie regeringsdepartemente is vir inligting genader. Nog inligting is verkry deur hulpbronopnames in die gebied aangrensend tot die gemeenskappe van die studiegebied. Hierdie studie het gewys dat die meerderheid van die landbouers nie agrobosbou toepas nie alhoewel hulle wel daarvan bewus is. Sosio-ekonomiese faktore wat hulle verhinder om agrobosbou toe te pas sluit die gebrek aan lanboudienste as betroubare bron van inligting oor geskikte boomspesies en boomaanplantingmetodes in. Ook het geslagverwante probleme, kwesbare groepe veral vroue en kinders, gehinder. 'n Tekort aan gewaarborgde grondbesit vir landbouers wat op trustgrond werk en die getroude seuns aan wie nog nie grond deur hulle ouers toegeken is nie, was terughoudende faktore. Plaasarbeid was ook nie standhoudend nie. Landbouers het ook gevoel dat bome waardevolle en skaars grond gebruik en slegs voordele op die lange duur gee terwyl die landbouers die voordele dringend moet kan benut. Landbouvoorligtingsdienste was nie effektief nie as gevolg van die skaarsheid van hulpbronne wat personeel kan help in hulle verpligtinge. Voedsel- en ander bronne uit die bosreservate word uitgeput aangesien dit die enigste goedkoop bron is. Die studie het ook bevind dat die meerderheid landbouers omgewingsverwante probleme soos erosie en swak oeste asook 'n tekort aan houtprodukte ondervind. Voortaan behoort bekostigbare landbouvoorligtingstegnieke gebruik te word om landbouers te bereik. Die huidige bepalings wat privaatbesit reguleer behoort vereenvoudig te word sodat al die lede van een gesin 'n aandeel kan hê in die besluitnemingsproses oor die gebruik van die grond. Daar is ook 'n behoefte aan volwasse-geletterdheidsonderrig vir landbouers as deel van die skoolprogram. Aangesien agrobosbou verskeie gebiede raak, kan landbouers in enige stadium betrek word. Die huidige groep personeel behoort heropgelei te word of behoort gereeld indiensopleiding te ontvang. Dit kan hulle tot fasiliteerders bevorder. Verdere navorsing is nodig om landbouers se houding teenoor bome te verander en om goedkoper landbouvoorligtingstegnieke vir agrobosbou te vind. Huidige landbouvoorligtingstegnieke behoort ook ondersoek te word om die sterk - en swakpunte te bepaal.

Relationships among six north-eastern Bantu languages

Slavíková, Magdalena January 1975 (has links)
Six north-eastern Bantu languages spoken in Kenya are the subject of this thesis. They are Dawida, Saghala, Giryama, Kikuyu, Mvita and Unguja, Saghala, Giryama and Mvita lack substantial primary documentation, Dawida lacks any, and Kikuyu and Unguja are adequately documented. A study of the kind of relationships these languages display with each other has not been undertaken before, and consequently their place in existing classifications has not been free from ambiguities. Chapter 1is a general introduction to the subject of the study, its aims and scope, and the procedures employed. The comparative approach adopted here is M. Guthrie's methodology as it is presented in his Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistic and -prehistory of the Bantu languages (4 volumes, The Gregg Press Ltd., Farnborough, Hants, 1967-1971 ). It is based on the examination of lexicons of particular languages and on relating items with a common meaning and regular sound- correspondence s. Results of such examination may or may not be interpreted diachronically. Since this study seeks to establish how close the relationships are between the six selected languages against their common Bantu background, the second chapter contains description of the processes by means of which Common Bantu cognates were identified in each language. It also contains notes on the tendencies, as far as they were found to exist, among sound- correspondences of items which are not perfect cognates of Common Bantu. Items which have been identified as perfect cognates of Common Bantu are then treated statistically (chapter 3) and several indices are obtained for degrees of closeness of relationships between each two pairs. The resulting degrees of closeness are then ordered hierarchically and, in conclusion (chapter 4), languages are grouped according to the degree of closeness of relationship between each other, and a tentative diachronic statement is made regarding their likely genealogy.

Donor conditionalities and democratisation in Kenya, 1991-1997

Muriuki, Irene January 2000 (has links)
The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union has encouraged democratisation in most parts of Africa. At the same time, Western donors' attitudes towards r~cipients of foreign aid have changed. This has resulted in a new practice, which attempts to force Third World states to move toward liberal democracy by conditioning lending on the holding of mUlti-party elections. In Africa this has resulted to the holding of multi-party elections. This study attempts to examine donor conditionalities and democratisation in Kenya by examining the results of 1992 and 1997 multi-party elections. Kenya attained independence from the British and ushered in a multi-party democracy in 1963. Since then, the country has undergone a full circle of political development, starting with a multi-party democracy at independence, through a one party dictatorship between 1982 and 1992 and back to a multi-party democracy in 1993. The need to satisfy foreign donors forced the leadership to amend Section 2(A) of Kenya' s constitution that had legalised single-party rule in 1982 thus allowing plural politics. The externally pressured transition to multi-party democracy though has resulted in increased corruption, state-sponsored ethnic violence, continued political authoritarianism and disastrous economic mismanagement of what was once considered a model for the continent. This study urges that Western donors should focus less on elections and more on the fostering of democratic institutions through breaking patterns of neo-patrimonial rule that have inforn1ed and continue to inform politics in Kenya. Political reforms have been resisted by the incumbency in the fear tha! they may curtail the power of the political leadership whose main objective has been to cling to power.

Teaching history for nation-building : locally responsive pedagogy and preparation for global participation

Odhiambo, Angela Merici 02 November 2012 (has links)
D.Phil. / Being Kenyan means belonging to a number of levels, the national, the local, one’s tribe or ethnic group and supra-state. It means living in a world beyond the Kenyan nation in which absolutism, whether of the ethnic or national civic state, is no longer operative. While encouraging Kenyans to regionalize and globalize, the state in Kenya has also simultaneously sought to construct a nation and develop among Kenyans a sense of national identity. State pronouncements point out that Kenyans need to strengthen their self-identity in the midst of growing globalization and regionalization. They suggest that Kenya needs to teach History in schools to produce a new breed of citizens, imbued with a new vision, characterized by the Kenyan personality, that is individuals who are driven by a deep sense of patriotism and nationalism that transcends ethnic and traditional ties. To achieve this purpose, History teachers must enable students to apply historical knowledge to the analysis of contemporary issues and to deploy the appropriate skills of critical thinking. They teachers need to develop a critical pedagogy in which knowledge, habits, and skills of critical citizenship are taught and learnt. The study adopted a basic interpretive qualitative research design to understand the strategies that the teachers used to develop the attitudes and skills of critical thinking that enable learners to transcend their ethnic and national ties when thinking about issues that are Kenyan. Classroom observations and interviews were employed. The study involved seven provincial secondary schools situated in the Nairobi Province, Kenya. The finding is that to learn history, learners should not be simply inducted into an already existing identity. They have to be assisted to engage in open-ended debates over the nature of this identity as a way of introducing them to historical thinking that links the teaching and learning of history with its disciplined inquiry and core values and make it possible for them to understand their national identity part of a Kenyan culture that is interconnected with others at regional and global levels.

Perception of occlusal appearance in 11 to 12 year-old school children in Nairobi, Kenya

Psiwa, Nathan Kitio January 2004 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / A public orthodontic system generally is designed to prioritize patients so that those who have the greatest need receive treatment. The aim of this study was to compare the subjective perceptions of the occlusal appearance of 11 to 12 year-old schoolchildren of Nairobi with the modified Aesthetic Component (AC) scale of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). The objectives were to assess the children’s perception of their occlusal appearance, categorise the occlusal appearance using the AC scale, by both the children and researcher; and to compare the children’s’ perception and the AC of the IOTN. / South Africa

The development of a successful antidumping regime in Kenya

Murigi, Wanja Catherine January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Political party institutionalization : a case study of Kenya

Mutizwa-Mangiza, Shingai Price January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the nature and extent of political party institutionalization in Kenya. More specifically, it focuses on the four dimensions of party institutionalization, namely organizational systemness, value-infusion, decisional autonomy and reification. The study itself is largely located within the historical-institutionalist school of thought, with particular emphasis on the path dependency strand of this theoretical framework. However, the study also employs a political economy approach. It recognizes that the development trajectory of party politics in Kenya did not evolve in a vacuum but within a particular historical-institutional and political-economic context. The thesis advances the notion that those current low levels of party institutionalization that are evident in almost all parties, and the relatively peripheral role that they have in Kenya's governance can be traced to Kenya's colonial and post-colonial political history, the resource poor environment and the onset of globalization.

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