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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Living with a military base : a study of the relationship between a US military base and Kin Town, Okinawa, Japan /

Yoshikawa, Hideki. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Oregon State University, 1997. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-146). Also available on the World Wide Web.

Vliv bionomických faktorů a kooperativnosti na rozlišování sourozenců u tří druhů hrabošů a na dobu separace nutnou k jeho vymizení / The influence of life history and cooperativeness on sibling discrimination in three species of voles and time of separation necessary for its disappearance

BRIXOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is composed of two parts. In the first one, sibling discrimination in juveniles of three vole species (Microtus arvalis, M.guentheri, and M.brandti) was compared in order to assess which of the hypotheses proposed for the occurrence of kin discrimination best fits the observed differences in vole behaviour. The second part uses the same three vole species to assess which of them has the most developed capacity to remember its siblings after a period of time spent in separation and whether this capacity can be explained by some of the proposed hypotheses.

I skuggan av den våldsutsatta : Om anhörigas erfarenheter av att vara stöd åt en kvinna som blir utsatt för partnervåld / In the Shadow of the Abused : About Next of Kin’s Experiences of Supporting a Woman Who is Subjected to Partner Violence

Cederlöf, Julieta January 2024 (has links)
In an era where mens violence against women is increasingly recognized as a growing societal issue, this study focuses on the role of next of kins. These next of kins, often overshadowed by the victims of violence, face daily challenges arising from the violence. The study aims to explore the challenges adult next of kins experience in supporting their abused loved ones, the strain on their well-being, and their experiences and needs for support. Using qualitative interviews with ten adult next of kins and an abductive approach, results were analyzed alongside previous research and theories of secondary and vicarious traumatization, codependency, and social exchange theory. The empirical data yielded three main themes: the next of kins care, external support, and the silent burden, further developed into four analytical themes: conditional support, loss of a relationship, involuntary impact on well-being, and in the shadow of the abused.  The findings reveal significant challenges next of kins face in supporting the abused, especially in adapting support to the victims' wishes. The adaptation by next of kins is examined through codependency theory, highlighting strategies used to manage the situation. The study also indicates the psychological and physical impact on next of kins, with symptoms like anxiety, worry, and sleeplessness. Although some symptoms align with secondary traumatization, they more closely fit vicarious traumatization, emphasizing the personal internal change of helping a traumatized loved one. Furthermore, the study underscores the need for increased societal awareness of violence in intimate relationships and its impact on next of kins. Many relatives do not prioritize seeking help for themselves, focusing instead on the victim, and those who seek support often find it lacking due to misunderstanding or lack of knowledge.          This study aims to deepen the understanding of the challenges next of kins face in supporting their loved ones and how they perceive their own support needs. By doing so, it contributes to a relatively new field of knowledge by providing deeper insights into the experiences of next of kin’s and suggesting areas for improvement. / I en tid där mäns våld mot kvinnor alltmer uppmärksammas som ett växande samhällsproblem, fokuserar denna studie på de anhörigas roll. Dessa anhöriga, som ofta är i skuggan av de våldsutsatta, hanterar dagligen den belastande situationen som uppstår av våldet. Studiens syfte är att utforska vilka utmaningar vuxna anhöriga upplever av att stötta sin våldsutsatta närstående, vilka påfrestningar på måendet anhöriga upplever, samt deras erfarenheter och behov av stöd. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio vuxna anhöriga och en abduktiv forskningsansats har resultaten analyserats tillsammans med tidigare forskning och teorierna sekundär och vikarierande traumatisering, medberoende och sociala utbytesteorin. Studiens empiriska data resulterade i tre huvudteman; den anhöriges omsorg, det utomstående stödet och den tysta bördan, vilka ytterligare utvecklades till fyra analytiska teman; det villkorande stödet, förlusten av en relation, den ofrivilliga påverkan på måendet och i skuggan av den våldsutsatta. Resultaten påvisar att anhöriga ställs inför betydande utmaningar i sitt stöd till de våldsutsatta, särskilt när det gäller att anpassa stödet efter de våldsutsattas önskemål. Anhörigas anpassning till situationen undersöks genom medberoendeteorin, som belyser de strategier anhöriga använder för att hantera situationen. Studien visar också hur anhörigrollen innebär en psykisk och fysisk påverkan, med symptom som ångest, oro och sömnlöshet. Även om anhörigas symtom delvis överensstämmer med sekundär traumatisering, matchar de i större utsträckning kriterierna för vikarierande traumatisering, vilket betonar den inre personliga förändringen av att hjälpa en närstående som upplevt trauma. Vidare framhåller studien vikten av en ökad samhällelig kunskap om våld i nära relationer och dess påverkan på anhöriga. Många anhöriga prioriterar inte att söka hjälp för sig själva, då fokus oftast ligger på den våldsutsatta och de som söker stöd upplever generellt ett bristande stöd i form av oförståelse eller okunskap.  Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen om de utmaningar anhöriga möter när de stöttar sina närstående, samt hur de själva upplever behovet av stöd. Med detta bidrar studien till ett relativt nytt kunskapsområde genom att ge en djupare inblick i anhörigas erfarenheter och förslag till förbättringsområden.

Närståendes behov av stöd då de vårdar eller stödjer en person med långvarig psykisk sjukdom / Relatives need of support when caring for or supporting a person suffering from mental illness

Ax Hansson, Anna, Derdziak, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Aim: To illuminate relatives need of support when caring for or supporting a person suffering from mental illness Background: Relatives of a person suffering from mental illness have different needs. It has for the past few years merely been little improvements in the relative's situation. Methods: Focus group interviews with fourteen relatives. Data were analyzed through manifest content analysis. Findings: Three categories were found: Functioning contact channels to the psychiatric health care organization, Need of an active support from the psychiatric health care organization and Need of support from community resources. Conclusion: The relatives need more attention and understanding for their situation. The support of relatives must be designed and monitored individually. A collaboration or a well-functioning relation with the psychiatric nurses, other professionals working in the health care organisation and social services gives a mutual respect and trust which in turn leads to that the relative is confirmed as an important resource in the care of the mentally ill person. The relatives need an increased support and understanding from the community.

Social and Basking Behaviors in Juvenile, Captive-Raised Northern Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin)

Rife, Alexis January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Eric Strauss / Thesis advisor: Peter Auger / Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) hatchlings from the Great Marsh of Barnstable, Massachusetts on Cape Cod were studied as part of a headstarting program at Boston College. Although headstarting programs are relatively common methods to revive wild turtle populations, concern exists over the ability of headstarted terrapins to exhibit normal behavior when released into the wild. Observations of terrapins in the wild and in the laboratory suggest that terrapins are highly social and that these social interactions are modulated by kinship relations. This study investigated the social behavior of juvenile terrapins while they were basking on a restricted site. Groups of familiar kin and nonkin, and unfamiliar kin and nonkin were tested. Familiar kin were found to bask in larger groups and showed a willingness to share the limited basking site. Unfamiliar nonkin also interacted, but were more aggressive. Unfamiliar kin and familiar nonkin were not distinguishable in their behaviors. These results suggest that terrapins form social groups based on both familiarity and relatedness. Learning how captive headstarted terrapins form social groups and share resources may provide key information for their survival and recovery efforts in Massachusetts. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Biology. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

Anhöriggruppens påverkan på anhörigas känsla av sammanhang

Axlund, Anna, Wennberg, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstrakt</p><p>När någon i familjen drabbas av sjukdom, står oftast de närmast anhöriga för den vårdande omsorgen, vilket kan vara påfrestande för hälsan. Det senaste decenniet har det offentliga stödet till anhöriga uppmärksammats i Sverige, vilket har inneburit en satsning på 300 miljoner kronor, Anhörig 300. Vars avsikt var att stödja och underlätta de anhörigas livssituation. Då kan en stödjande verksamhet som anhöriggrupp, vara ett viktigt komplement för reflektion och utveckling med andra. Tillvaron är full av påfrestningar, vad är det som gör att vissa klarar av dessa, medan andra inte gör det? Antonovsky (1991) svar på detta är känslan av sammanhang (KASAM). Syftet med studie var att studera om och i så fall hur interventionen i en anhöriggrupp kan påverka de anhörigas KASAM. Arbetet inleddes med en genomgång av både litteratur och forskning, för att öka kunskap inom problemområdet. Datainsamlingsmetoden som användes var ett ”Livsfrågeformulär”. Urvalet bestod av anhöriga till person över 20 år som drabbats av sjukdom och/eller funktionshinder. Studien genomfördes som en för- och eftermätning av interventionen i en anhöriggrupp. Resultatet visade att KASAM förändrades, men inte endast i positiv riktning, vilket var författarnas hypotes. Detta behöver inte ses som något negativt enligt Antonovsky (1991), utan det är mycket vanligt att en utveckling föregås av ett tillstånd av obalans, vilket kan påverka KASAM tillfälligt. Vad som orsakade detta kan vara svårt att fastställa. De slutsatser som gjordes var att trots fördelar med stöd i grupp, så kan det vara svårt att påvisa att det var just det stödet som påverkade KASAM, däremot kan det ses som en resurs, enligt forskning, i omsorgsarbetet för de anhöriga.</p>

Anhöriggruppens påverkan på anhörigas känsla av sammanhang

Axlund, Anna, Wennberg, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Abstrakt När någon i familjen drabbas av sjukdom, står oftast de närmast anhöriga för den vårdande omsorgen, vilket kan vara påfrestande för hälsan. Det senaste decenniet har det offentliga stödet till anhöriga uppmärksammats i Sverige, vilket har inneburit en satsning på 300 miljoner kronor, Anhörig 300. Vars avsikt var att stödja och underlätta de anhörigas livssituation. Då kan en stödjande verksamhet som anhöriggrupp, vara ett viktigt komplement för reflektion och utveckling med andra. Tillvaron är full av påfrestningar, vad är det som gör att vissa klarar av dessa, medan andra inte gör det? Antonovsky (1991) svar på detta är känslan av sammanhang (KASAM). Syftet med studie var att studera om och i så fall hur interventionen i en anhöriggrupp kan påverka de anhörigas KASAM. Arbetet inleddes med en genomgång av både litteratur och forskning, för att öka kunskap inom problemområdet. Datainsamlingsmetoden som användes var ett ”Livsfrågeformulär”. Urvalet bestod av anhöriga till person över 20 år som drabbats av sjukdom och/eller funktionshinder. Studien genomfördes som en för- och eftermätning av interventionen i en anhöriggrupp. Resultatet visade att KASAM förändrades, men inte endast i positiv riktning, vilket var författarnas hypotes. Detta behöver inte ses som något negativt enligt Antonovsky (1991), utan det är mycket vanligt att en utveckling föregås av ett tillstånd av obalans, vilket kan påverka KASAM tillfälligt. Vad som orsakade detta kan vara svårt att fastställa. De slutsatser som gjordes var att trots fördelar med stöd i grupp, så kan det vara svårt att påvisa att det var just det stödet som påverkade KASAM, däremot kan det ses som en resurs, enligt forskning, i omsorgsarbetet för de anhöriga.

Anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda sin partner med demens / Experiences from caring for a demented partner

Karlsson, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease has increasing effects on the Swedish population. Now, about 90 000 swedes have been diagnosed with the disease. Many of these persons are cared for by someone close to them. The aim of this study is to increase understanding for the situation and experiences of the persons caring for their affected partner and to examine which support they are given by the public sector. It is a qualitative case study where four persons have been interviewed. Previous research concerning experiences, coping strategies and the need for aid is used for reference. The theories chosen for the aim of the study is coping strategies, role theory, social interaction, informal care and informal aid. The results show that the participants have had different experiences of caring for their partners of which stress, anxiety and seeing it as a burden was common. The participants had different coping abilities to master their different situations and over all had good coping strategies. Their need for aid was different but all participants stressed that there is need for support and that this need to be developed. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study. The experiences are different depending on the individual case. It is important for those active within the line of social care to have knowledge about coping strategies in order to give support to those providing care for their kin. All participants experienced a lack of cooperation and information. / Alzheimers sjukdom drabbar Sveriges befolkning i allt större utsträckning. Ungefär 90 000 personer i Sverige har diagnosen. Många av dessa personer vårdas av någon i sin omgivning. Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för partners som vårdar sin respektive som har Alzheimers sjukdom och vilka upplevelser som förekommer samt att undersöka hur stödet från samhället ser ut. Det är en kvalitativ fallstudie där intervjuer har gjorts med fyra personer. Tidigare forskning har tagits fram som berör upplevelser, olika copingstrategier och behov av stöd. De teorier som valdes för studiens ändamål är copingstrategier, rollteori, social integration, informell omsorg och informell hjälp. Resultatet visar att deltagarna hade olika upplevelser av att vårda varav stress, oro och börda var vanligt. Deltagarna hade olika copingförmågor för att bemästra de olika situationerna och det förekom överlag goda copingstrategier. Behovet av stöd såg olika ut, men deltagarna belyste att det fanns ett behov av stöd samt att stödet behöver utvecklas. Följande slutsatser kan dras av studien. Alla individer har olika upplevelser. Det är viktigt att få kunskap om olika copingstrategier, vilket medför att socialt arbete kan hjälpa dem att hantera olika situationer. Samtliga deltagare upplevde att det saknades samarbete och information.

Alzheimers sjukdom : Närståendes upplevelser i samband med vården - En studie av självbiografier

Karlsson, Sandra, Meholli, Melihate January 2013 (has links)
Background: Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare. Aim: The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease. Method : The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies. Five biographies were analyzed in accordance with Dahlborg-Lyckhage Results : Four categories and eleven subcategories emerged which were based on what the next of kin had experienced. The experiences were reflected in four categories: powerlessness, joy in caring, grief and lack of trust. This result shows gaps in knowledge and treatment of relatives. To make it easier for the next of kin caregivers should for example provide information on the course of the disease, get individual support and caregivers should take next of kin seriously. Conclusion : Alzheimer's disease affects the entire family. It is important that nurses take their responsibility by providing information and support to the next of kin so that they can better deal with the situation. The next of kin are an important part of the sufferer's life and have influence for the development of the disease.

Grooming Behavior of Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis) at Mt. Longevity, Taiwan

Lin, Tai-jung 06 February 2009 (has links)
I have investigated the social grooming in kinship, rank, age and seasonal change among adult female Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis) that inhabit Mt. Longevity, Kaohsiung. The major study groups were C and Cd groups. Field observations were conducted from August 2000 to February 2003 covering three mating seasons and two non-mating seasons. The observations covered a total of 188 work days including 1248.8 hours. I actually had recorded C group for 660.6 hours, and Cd group for 244.5 hours. During my study, C group consisted of 8-13 adult males and 14-15 adult females, while group Cd had 1-3 adult males and 2-4 adult females. In order to analyze grooming data, I divided 15 adult females into sub-groups such as dominant/ submissive groups, old (>13) /young age (5-12), relative higher/lower ranking and related/unrelated. I have also divided adult males into troop-males and periphery males. Adult female allo-grooming activities accounted for 37.62% ¡Ó 13.59 (n = 15) of the behaviors in the daytime. I also found that adult females grooming infants and juveniles were greater than received from them (p < 0.001). The social grooming among adult females occurred mainly during non-mating seasons and its frequency was 2.12 times of mating seasons. Regardless of mating or non-mating seasons, the frequency of grooming among related females was significantly higher than among unrelated females (both p < 0.001). In addition, kinship affected the grooming frequency among female macaques with relative lower or higher ranking females during mating seasons (p < 0.05), while the dominant rank did not have the effect. However, the highest grooming frequency occurred in the high-ranking females who groomed relative lower ranking females within relatives (0.38 ¡Ó 0.40 bouts / 100 scans, n = 7). During non-mating seasons, kinship affected the grooming frequency among female macaques with relative lower ranking females (p < 0.05); the highest grooming frequency occurred in the old females who groomed relative lower ranking females within relatives (1.57 ¡Ó 1.74 bouts / 100 scans, n = 8). Moreover, seasons (mating or non-mating) and kinship relationship had significant effects on grooming frequencies among female macaques (both giving and receiving p < 0.01), as well as on the grooming frequency of females groomed with relative lower ranking females (p < 0.01). The highest grooming frequency occurred on females groomed with relative lower ranking females within relatives during non-mating seasons (1.25 ¡Ó 1.48 bouts / 100 scans, n = 11). Without kinship relationship, low-ranking females groomed relative higher ranking females more frequent than high-ranking females did (p < 0.05). Within adult females, 65% of social grooming was among relatives. However, 40% of adult females groomed equally with related and unrelated females, while 20% disproportionately groomed more with unrelated females than with related females. The grooming was kin-biased for 40%. About 8.68% of social grooming among unrelated females was being reciprocated. On the other hand, the ratio of related grooming female partners to the total number of available related females was higher than that with unrelated females (p < 0.05). It also indicated that the ratio of each female received grooming from high-ranking grooming partners was higher than that from low-ranking females (p < 0.01).On the other hand, the ratio of the number of old or young grooming partners of adult females had similar values. The grooming frequency of adult females gave or received from adult males during mating seasons was higher than non-mating seasons (both p < 0.05) while high-rank females groomed adult males more than low-rank females did. The socionomic sex ratios of these two social groups were similar during mating seasons (AM:AF = 1:1.8). Both troop and periphery males had significantly higher frequency of social grooming with adult females in mating seasons than in non-mating seasons. The types of males and social groups had significant effects on the allogrooming frequency among adult males in mating seasons (p < 0.05) but not in non-mating seasons (p > 0.1). Moreover, troop males had higher grooming partners than periphery males. Major grooming partners of troop males were adult females regardless of the seasons. Subordinate males were mostly the receivers in the grooming dyads with dominant males in the mating seasons, but the relationships changed during non-mating seasons. Agonistic interactions occurred mainly during mating seasons and its frequency among periphery males was 1.8 times of troop males (p < 0.05). The preference grooming sites between allo-grooming and auto-grooming of C and Cd groups had varied significantly (p < 0.001). The back region was the preferred grooming site in allo-grooming of C and Cd group and the ano-genital region was the least groomed site. In auto-grooming, monkeys paid much attention to the legs ignoring the back and face. The result indicated that when the adult individuals groomed the head, back and face which showed significant difference in the frequency among AM and AF (p < 0.05). The related female adults groomed head more frequently than unrelated female adults (p < 0.05), but dominance rank and age-class did not apparently affect the corresponding values for the frequency of grooming sites among adult females (both p > 0.1). The results indicated that social grooming among adult females took place more often during non-mating seasons, and more often in kin-related females than unrelated females. Moreover, the dominant females were likely to groom related females. Therefore social grooming among kin-related females may reinforce relationships while reciprocal grooming of unrelated females may serve to form alliance or ranking promotion in the social group. On the other hand, social grooming between adult male and female macaques more frequent in mating seasons than in non-mating seasons. This showed that adult male Formosan macaques employed complex strategies to achieve reproductive success. Nonetheless, the periphery males had more male grooming partners than troop males did which seemingly to enhance male coalitions.

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