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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploitation d'un entrepôt de données guidée par des ontologies : application au management hospitalier / An ontology-driven approach for a personalized data warehouse exploitation : case study, healthcare management.

El Sarraj, Lama 10 July 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le domaine de la personnalisation d'Entrepôt de Données (ED) et concerne l'aide à l'exploitation d'un ED. Nous intéressons à l'assistance à apporter à un utilisateur lors d'une analyse en ligne, dans son utilisation de ressources d'exploitation existantes. Le domaine d'application concerné est la gestion hospitalière, dans le cadre de la nouvelle gouvernance, et en se limitant au périmètre du Programme de Médicalisation des Systèmes d'Information (PMSI). Cette recherche a été supportée par l'Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM). L'approche retenue pour développer une telle assistance à l'utilisateur d'ED est sémantique et guidée par l'usage d'ontologies. Le système d'assistance mettant en oeuvre cette approche, nommé Ontologies-based Personalization System (OPS), s'appuie sur une Base de Connaissances (BC) exploitée par un moteur de personnalisation. La BC est composée des trois ontologies : de domaine, de l'ED et des ressources. Le moteur de personnalisation permet d'une part une recherche personnalisée de ressources d'exploitation de l'ED en s'appuyant sur le profil de l'utilisateur, et d'autre part pour une ressource particulière, une recommandation de ressources complémentaires selon trois stratégies possibles. Afin de valider nos propositions, un prototype du système OPS a été développé avec un moteur de personnalisation a été implémenté en Java et exploitant une base de connaissance constituée des trois ontologies en OWL interconnectées. Nous illustrons le fonctionnement de notre système sur trois scenarii d'expérimentation liés au PMSI et définis avec des experts métiers de l'APHM. / This research is situated in the domain of Data Warehouses (DW) personalization and concerns DW assistance. Specifically, we are interested in assisting a user during an online analysis processes to use existing operational resources. The application of this research concerns hospital management, for hospitals governance, and is limited to the scope of the Program of Medicalization of Information Systems (PMSI). This research was supported by the Public Hospitals of Marseille (APHM). Our proposal is a semantic approach based on ontologies. The support system implementing this approach, called Ontology-based Personalization System (OPS), is based on a knowledge base operated by a personalization engine. The knowledge base is composed of three ontologies: a domain ontology, an ontology of the DW structure, and an ontology of resources. The personalization engine allows firstly, a personalized search of resources of the DW based on users profile, and secondly for a particular resource, an expansion of the research by recommending new resources based on the context of the resource. To recommend new resources, we have proposed three possible strategies. To validate our proposal, a prototype of the OPS system was developed, a personalization engine has been implemented in Java. This engine exploit an OWL knowledge composed of three interconnected OWL ontologies. We illustrate three experimental scenarios related to PMSI and defined with APHM domain experts.

Représentation et simulation de projets de construction entachés d’incertitudes en utilisant des modèles relationnels probabilistes / Representation and simulation of construction projects tainted with uncertainties by using probabilistic relational models

Tran, Thi Thuy Phuong 14 February 2018 (has links)
La gestion des risques est un enjeu majeur, mais difficile pour les projets de construction. La difficulté à gérer les risques dans les projets de construction vient de leur complexité. Ils sont composés de nombreuses entités (activités, acteurs, contrats, ressources, etc.) dont le comportement collectif influencent les comportements individuels. Afin de mieux appréhender et comprendre la complexité du système dans son ensemble, il est nécessaire de capitaliser et structurer la connaissance dans le but de proposer un modèle capable de décrire et simuler le comportement du système étudié. Cependant, la formalisation de tels modèles se confronte à de nombreuses difficultés : présence de facteurs humains, raretés de modèles, connaissances souvent expertes et qualitatives difficiles à formaliser, méconnaissance des mécanismes régissant certains processus, données parcellaires, hétérogènes et souvent imparfaites, échelles multiples, etc. L’objectif est de proposer des approches conceptuelles permettant d’assembler des morceaux de connaissances hétérogènes multi-sources et multi-échelles dans le but de proposer un modèle capable de réduire les incertitudes liées au fonctionnement, au devenir, à la conception et au pilotage des projets de construction.Différentes approches et outils ont été proposés pour modéliser et simuler les projets de construction : structure de répartition des risques, réseaux bayésiens, théorie des réseaux, simulation de Monte Carlo, réseau analytique, etc. Ces outils et méthodes sont utilisés pour simuler le comportement de systèmes, mais inadéquats pour représenter des systèmes complexes dynamiques à grandes échelles. Ils sont pour la plupart parcellaires et ne présentent pas ou peu de généricités. Dans ce contexte, les modèles relationnels probabilistes (MRPs) fourniront un formalisme mathématique pratique permettant de représenter et de simuler des systèmes dynamiques complexes entachés d’incertitudes. Les MRPs étendent le formalisme des réseaux bayésiens en ajoutant la notion de paradigme objet où l'incertitude attachée au système est alors prise en compte en quantifiant la dépendance probabiliste entre les propriétés des objets.Pour ce faire, une ontologie du domaine a été développée pour (a) fournir un vocabulaire commun capable de représenter les connaissances sur les projets de construction, (b) identifier les interconnections entre les différentes entités techniques, humaines, économiques à différents niveaux de description. Guidé par cette ontologie unMRP a été élaboré et utilisé pour simuler le comportement des projets de construction tout en prenant en compte les incertitudes. On montrera comment il peut être utilisé pour prédire la réponse incertaine du système ainsi que pour étudier comment la réponse globale du système est sensible aux valeurs ou hypothèses locales. Enfin, le MRP sera utilisé pour deux études de cas (la construction de routes et de ponts à Hue-Vietnam et d’un bâtiment en France). Les résultats montrent que le formalisme des MRPs permet (1) d’instancier tout type de projets de construction, (2) de prendre en compte l'incertitude, (3) de simuler et prédire le comportement du système et (4) d’extraire de la connaissance à partir d’informations partielles. / The difficulty to manage risks in construction projects comes from their complexity. They are composed of many entities (activities, actors, contracts, resources, etc.) among which interactions exist at many levels and influence the system response. In turn, this response can influence the behaviour of some entities. In order to capture the complexity of the system, it is necessary to structure, model and share cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge flows in a common and unifying framework. Because of this high complexity, the system response may appear as unpredictable. Uncertainties at all scales are source of risk for the construction project itself. Tackling this complexity could improve our grasp of the whole system, in order to provide more robust and efficient decision alternatives in risk management. It is then essential to propose conceptual approaches able to represent the behaviour and the interactions of system entities over the time.Different approaches and tools have been proposed to model and simulate risk of construction project as Risk Breakdown Structure, Bayesian networks, Network Theory, Monte Carlo Simulation, Analytical Network Process, etc. These tools and methods can be used to simulate the behaviour of the system, but they are inadequate for representing large and complex dynamical system because they are based on case-dependant model (i.e. a specific model has to be built for each studied construction project), the fragmented representation of knowledge, the lack of common vocabulary, the lack of generic character. Hence, an ontology paradigm is developed in order (a) to provide a common vocabulary able to represent the knowledge about construction projects and its risks, (b) to shape the structure (interrelations) between those identified database and (c) to represent construction project integrating as well technical, human, sustainability dimensions at different detailed levels of uncertainty.In this context, by coupling the advantages of ontology and Bayesian network, the framework of probabilistic relational model (PRM) will provide a practical mathematical formalism allowing to represent and simulate complex stochastic dynamical systems. PRMs extend the formalism of Bayesian networks by adding the notion of object paradigm where uncertainty attached to the system is then taken into account by quantifying probabilistic dependence between the properties of objects and other properties of related objects. To the best of our knowledge, this thesis report will be the first application in which PRM have been proposed to model and simulate construction project while accounting uncertainties.Therefore PRM is used to simulate the propagation of uncertainties existing in this complexdynamic and multi-scale system, which lead to construction project risk. A prototypal software framework has been developed to check the consistency and the viability of the concept. It will be shown how it can be used in order to predict the uncertain response of the system as well as to study how the overall response of the system is sensitive to local values or assumptions. Lastly, PRM will be applied for two case-studies (a road and bridge construction in Hue-Vietnam and another building project in France). Results show that the formalism of PRMs allows to (1) implement any kind of construction project, (2) to take uncertainty into account, (3) to simulate and predict the behaviour of system and (4) to derive information from partial knowledge.

Approches hybrides pour la recherche sémantique de l'information : intégration des bases de connaissances et des ressources semi-structurées / Hybrid Approaches for Semantic Information Retrieval : Towards the Integration of Knowledge Bases and Semistructured Resources

Mrabet, Yassine 12 July 2012 (has links)
La recherche sémantique de l'information a connu un nouvel essor avec les nouvelles technologies du Web sémantique. Des langages standards permettent aujourd'hui aux logiciels de communiquer par le biais de données écrites dans le vocabulaire d'ontologies de domaine décrivant une sémantique explicite. Cet accès ``sémantique'' à l'information requiert la disponibilité de bases de connaissances décrivant les instances des ontologies de domaine. Cependant, ces bases de connaissances, bien que de plus en plus riches, contiennent relativement peu d'information par comparaison au volume des informations contenu dans les documents du Web.La recherche sémantique de l'information atteint ainsi certaines limites par comparaison à la recherche classique de l'information qui exploite plus largement ces documents. Ces limites se traduisent explicitement par l'absence d'instances de concepts et de relations dans les bases de connaissances construites à partir des documents du Web. Dans cette thèse nous étudions deux directions de recherche différentes afin de permettre de répondre à des requêtes sémantiques dans de tels cas. Notre première étude porte sur la reformulation des requêtes sémantiques des utilisateurs afin d'atteindre des parties de document pertinentes à la place des faits recherchés et manquants dans les bases de connaissances. La deuxième problématique que nous étudions est celle de l'enrichissement des bases de connaissances par des instances de relations.Nous proposons deux solutions pour ces problématiques en exploitant des documents semi-structurés annotés par des concepts ou des instances de concepts. Un des points clés de ces solutions est qu'elles permettent de découvrir des instances de relations sémantiques sans s'appuyer sur des régularités lexico-syntaxiques ou structurelles dans les documents. Nous situons ces deux approches dans la littérature et nous les évaluons avec plusieurs corpus réels extraits du Web. Les résultats obtenus sur des corpus de citations bibliographiques, des corpus d'appels à communication et des corpus géographiques montrent que ces solutions permettent effectivement de retrouver de nouvelles instances relations à partir de documents hétérogènes tout en contrôlant efficacement leur précision. / Semantic information retrieval has known a rapid development with the new Semantic Web technologies. With these technologies, software can exchange and use data that are written according to domain ontologies describing explicit semantics. This ``semantic'' information access requires the availability of knowledge bases describing both domain ontologies and their instances. The most often, these knowledge bases are constructed automatically by annotating document corpora. However, while these knowledge bases are getting bigger, they still contain much less information when comparing them with the HTML documents available on the surface Web.Thus, semantic information retrieval reaches some limits with respect to ``classic'' information retrieval which exploits these documents at a bigger scale. In practice, these limits consist in the lack of concept and relation instances in the knowledge bases constructed from the same Web documents. In this thesis, we study two research directions in order to answer semantic queries in such cases. The first direction consists in reformulating semantic user queries in order to reach relevant document parts instead of the required (and missing) facts. The second direction that we study is the automatic enrichment of knowledge bases with relation instances.We propose two novel solutions for each of these research directions by exploiting semi-structured documents annotated with concept instances. A key point of these solutions is that they don't require lexico-syntactic or structure regularities in the documents. We position these approaches with respect to the state of the art and experiment them on several real corpora extracted from the Web. The results obtained from bibliographic citations, call-for-papers and geographic corpora show that these solutions allow to retrieve new answers/relation instances from heterogeneous documents and rank them efficiently according to their precision.

Proposta de uma base de conhecimento multilíngue on-line de expressões cromáticas da fauna e da flora / Proposal of a multilingual on-line knowledge base of chromatic phrases of fauna and flora

Martins, Sabrina de Cássia [UNESP] 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sabrina de Cassia Martins null (sabrismartins@gmail.com) on 2017-02-08T15:06:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese-Sabrina Martins_VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 4892311 bytes, checksum: ded93001eeec82424d2a73ec7626a3d8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-13T18:13:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_sc_dr_sjrp.pdf: 4892311 bytes, checksum: ded93001eeec82424d2a73ec7626a3d8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-13T18:13:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_sc_dr_sjrp.pdf: 4892311 bytes, checksum: ded93001eeec82424d2a73ec7626a3d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo a terminologia da Fauna e da Flora cuja formação envolve o uso do vocabulário das cores. Nosso estudo abrange dois temas gerais: por um lado, a contribuição dos nomes de cores para a variação denominativa em terminologia a partir de uma perspectiva interlinguística; por outro, a descrição de tais variantes em uma obra lexicográfica especializada e multilíngue. A fim de delimitar a nossa pesquisa, concentramo-nos na análise de dois subdomínios da Biologia: a Botânica, especificamente as Angiospermas (monocotiledôneas e eudicotiledôneas), e a Zoologia, exclusivamente os Vertebrados (peixes, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos). Dessa forma, visamos, em primeiro lugar, ampliar o Dicionário Onomasiológico de Expressões Cromáticas da Fauna e Flora por meio da inserção em sua microestrutura dos correspondentes das palavras-entrada em línguas inglesa e italiana. Seguindo a metodologia proposta em nosso Mestrado (MARTINS, 2013), utilizamos o Corpus Web para a busca e validação dos correspondentes. Em segundo, uma vez verificada a existência de correspondentes para cada entrada, realizamos sua análise estrutural, observando o papel desses itens para a divulgação dos conceitos da Fauna e da Flora em outras culturas. Em terceiro, examinamos as possíveis causas que atuam na formação de tais unidades e que propiciam ou não a escolha do item cor nas línguas em estudo, isto é, português, inglês e italiano. Por último, ainda em relação à obra lexicográfica, propomos formular a metodologia mais adequada para a implementação de uma plataforma on-line que contribuirá para minimizar as divergências terminológicas nessa área, para a normatização de conceitos e para o estabelecimento da comunicação entre culturas. Enfatizamos que o nosso interesse é motivado pelo papel ativo dos nomes de cores na expansão do léxico e a investigação dessa fatia lexical é uma forma de evidenciar o uso dos nomes de cores para a difusão da terminologia da Fauna e da Flora. Finalmente, visamos contribuir qualitativamente, tanto no aspecto teórico (por meio das reflexões apresentadas) quanto no metodológico, para o âmbito das pesquisas que se limitam ao estudo do léxico, bem como para o conjunto das obras lexicográficas produzidas no Brasil. / The present thesis has as its object of study the terminology of Fauna and Flora composed by color names. Hence, it deals with two major themes: on one hand, the contribution of color names to the denominative variation in Terminology from a interlinguistic perspective; on the other, the description of such variants in a multilingual and specialized lexicographical work. In order to delimit our research, we concentrate our analysis on two subdomains of Biology: Botany, specifically the Angiosperms (monocotyledons and dicotyledons), and Zoology, specifically the Vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). In this manner, it aims, firstly, to extend the Onomasiological Dictionary of Chromatic Phrases of Fauna and Flora by inserting in the microstructure the equivalents of the entries in English and Italian languages. Following the methodology proposed in a prior research (MARTINS, 2013), we use the Corpus Web to collect and validate the equivalents. Secondly, once checked the existence of equivalents for each entry, it intends to realize their structural analysis, observing the role of these denominative variants to the propagation of Fauna and Flora concepts in other cultures. Thirdly, examining the probable causes that actuate in the formation of such units and that propitiate or not the choice of the color name in the languages in study, i.e., Portuguese, English and Italian. Finally, still regarding the lexicographical work, we propose to formulate an appropriate methodology for the implementation of an on-line platform that will contribute to minimize terminological variances in this area, to concepts normalization, as well as to the communication among cultures. We would like to emphasize that our interest is motivated by the active role of color names in the expansion of the lexicon and the study of this vocabulary demonstrates the importance of color names to the diffusion of Fauna and Flora terminology. To sum up, we expect to contribute qualitatively, as in the theoretical aspect (by means of the reflections presented in the following pages) as in the methodological aspect, to the range of the lexical studies, as well as to the set of lexicographical works produced in Brazil. / FAPESP: 2013/09232-1

Uma base de conhecimentos para o ensino de taxa de variação na Educação Básica

Silva, Edson Rodrigues da 17 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-01-23T11:30:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Rodrigues da Silva.pdf: 3496477 bytes, checksum: 345c415e59b188dddb4a253bf2dffd17 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-23T11:30:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Rodrigues da Silva.pdf: 3496477 bytes, checksum: 345c415e59b188dddb4a253bf2dffd17 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present research aims to build a knowledge base for the teaching of rate of change in Basic Education. For this, and in order to guide our research, we have established the following research question: What knowledge base is required for the teaching of rate of change in Basic Education? To answer this question, we used a bibliographical study as a methodological contribution, in which the sources of investigation consisted of researches that deal with the processes of teaching and learning of the rate of change in Basic Education, of the official documents that guide and organize the teaching of Mathematics in Brazil and in most Brazilian states, of the didactic materials used in different periods in Basic Education and scientific articles. The theoretical framework was based on the Knowledge Base Theory for Teaching, specifically in the conceptions of Shulman, Mishra and Koehler, Lima and Silva and Ball, Thames and Phelps and in the Anthropological Theory of Didactics of Chevallard. These theories helped us to compose a scenario that evidences the know that, when studied, conditions the construction of the necessary knowledge for the teaching of rate of change in Basic Education. There are four categories of teaching knowledge of fundamental and for the teaching of rate of change in Basic Education mediated by technologies: content knowledge, didactic knowledge, technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, in which their different interactions meet the conception of knowledge as a network of meanings and that, for us, constitute a knowledge base for the teaching of rate of change in this level of schooling. The construction of an Epistemological Model of Reference for the teaching of rate of change in Basic Education evidenced a Mathematical Organization that includes the know that, when studied, condition the construction of content knowledge for this teaching. The didactic knowledge for the teaching of rate of change includes the range of knowledge concerning the Theory of Didactical Situations, the Theory of Registers of Semiotic Representation, the Theory of Conceptual Fields, the Anthropological Theory of the Didactics, Didactic Engineering, the notion of Didactic Contract And the notion of Obstacle. The technological knowledge for the teaching of rate of change comprises the knowledge about the interface, functionality and characteristics of dynamic mathematical software that can be used in favor of the teaching and learning of this notion. The pedagogical knowledge for rate of change teaching comprises the range of knowledge that the teacher needs to mobilize to prepare, structure and assess tasks, to motivate and support student autonomy, to organize the different materials available, to manage the classroom, to deal with subjectivity and heterogeneity in the classroom, with the cognitive time of each student, with diverse groups, etc / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo construir uma base de conhecimentos para o ensino de taxa de variação na Educação Básica. Para isso, e de modo a guiar nossa investigação, estabelecemos a seguinte questão de pesquisa: Qual base de conhecimentos é necessária para o ensino de taxa de variação na Educação Básica? Para responder essa questão recorremos a um estudo bibliográfico como aporte metodológico, em que as fontes de investigação constituíram-se de pesquisas que versam a respeito dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem de taxa de variação na Educação Básica, dos documentos oficiais que direcionam e organizam o ensino de Matemática no Brasil e na maioria dos estados brasileiros, de materiais didáticos utilizados em diferentes períodos na Educação Básica e de artigos científicos. O referencial teórico baseou-se na Teoria da Base de Conhecimentos para o Ensino, especificamente nas concepções de Shulman, Mishra e Koehler, Lima e Silva e Ball, Thames e Phelps e na Teoria Antropológica do Didático de Chevallard. Essas teorias nos auxiliaram a compor um cenário que evidenciasse os saberes que, quando estudados, condicionam a construção dos conhecimentos necessários para o ensino de taxa de variação na Educação Básica. São quatro categorias de conhecimentos docentes fundamentais e necessárias para o ensino de taxa de variação na Educação Básica mediado por tecnologias: conhecimento do conteúdo, conhecimento didático, conhecimento tecnológico e conhecimento pedagógico, em que suas diferentes interações vão ao encontro da concepção de conhecimento como uma rede de significados e que, para nós, constituem uma base de conhecimentos para o ensino de taxa de variação nesse nível de escolaridade. A construção de um Modelo Epistemológico de Referência para o ensino de taxa de variação na Educação Básica evidenciou uma Organização Matemática que compreende os saberes que, quando estudados, condicionam a construção dos conhecimentos do conteúdo para este ensino. Os conhecimentos didáticos para o ensino de taxa de variação compreendem a gama de conhecimentos referentes a Teoria das Situações Didáticas, a Teoria de Registros de Representação Semiótica, a Teoria dos Campos Conceituais, a Teoria Antropológica do Didático, a Engenharia Didática, a noção de Contrato Didático e a noção de Obstáculo. O conhecimento tecnológico para o ensino de taxa de variação compreende os conhecimentos acerca da interface, funcionalidade e características de softwares dinâmicos de Matemática que podem ser usados em favor dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem dessa noção. O conhecimento pedagógico para o ensino de taxa de variação compreende a gama de conhecimentos que o professor precisa mobilizar para preparar, estruturar e avaliar tarefas, motivar e apoiar a autonomia dos estudantes, organizar os diferentes materiais disponíveis, gerenciar a sala de aula, lidar com a subjetividade e a heterogeneidade em sala de aula, com o tempo cognitivo de cada aluno, com grupos diversificados, etc

An Intelligent Fuzzy Object-oriented Database Framework For Video Database Applications

Ozgur, Nezihe Burcu 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Video database applications call for flexible and powerful modeling and querying facilities, which require an integration or interaction between database and knowledge base technologies. It is also necessary for many real life video database applications to incorporate uncertainty, which naturally occurs due to the complex and subjective semantic content of video data. In this thesis study, firstly, a fuzzy conceptual data model is introduced to represent the semantic content of video data. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is utilized and extended to represent uncertain information along with video specific properties at the conceptual level. Secondly, an intelligent fuzzy object-oriented database framework is presented for video database applications. The introduced fuzzy conceptual model is mapped to the presented framework, which is an adaptation of the previously proposed IFOOD architecture. The framework provides modeling and querying of complex and rich semantic content and knowledge of video data including uncertainty. Moreover, it allows (fuzzy) semantic, temporal, (fuzzy) spatial, hierarchical, regional and trajectory queries, based on the video data model. We think that the presented conceptual data model and framework can be adapted to any application domain related to video databases.

Situation-oriented integration of humans and automation for the operation of regenerative life support systems

Drayer, Gregorio E. 13 January 2014 (has links)
The objective of the proposed research is to study the integration of humans and automation for the operation of regenerative life support systems (RLSS). RLSS combine physico-chemical and biological processes with the purpose of increasing the autonomy of space habitats and the life quality of their living organisms by properly reusing byproducts and regenerating consumable resources. However, these processes require energy and time to transform chemical compounds and organic wastes into nutrients, consumables, and edible products. Consequently, the maintenance of RLSS imposes a considerable workload on human operators. In addition, the uncertainties introduced by unintended chemical reactions promoted by material loop closure may create unexpected situations that, if unattended, could translate into performance deterioration, human errors, and failures. The availability of novel chemical and biological sensors together with computational resources enable the development of monitoring and automation systems to alleviate human workload, help avoid human error, and increase the overall reliability of these systems. This research aggregates sensor data and human-expert situation assessments to create a representation of their situation knowledge base (\gloss{skb}). The representation is used in a switched control approach to the automation of RLSS, for decision support, and human-automation coordination. The aggregation method consists of an optimization process based on particle swarms. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the methodological development of situation-oriented and user-centered design approaches to human-automation systems. Experiments and simulations are supported on the process of respiration in an aquatic habitat acting as a RLSS.

A Fuzzy Petri Net Model For Intelligent Databases

Bostan, Burcin 01 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge intensive applications require an intelligent environment, which can perform deductions in response to user queries or events that occur inside or outside of the applications. For that, we propose a Fuzzy Petri Net (FPN) model to represent the knowledge and the behavior in an intelligent object-oriented database environment, which integrates fuzzy, active and deductive rules with database objects. By gaining intelligent behaviour, the system maintains objects to perceive dynamic occurences and user queries. Thus, objects can produce new knowledge or keep themselves in a consistent, stable, and upto-date state. The behavior of a system can be unpredictable due to the rules triggering or untriggering each other (non-termination). Intermediate and final database states may also differ according to the order of rule executions (non-confluence). In order to foresee and solve problematic behavior patterns, we employ static rule analysis on the FPN structure that provides easy checking of the termination property without requiring any extra construct. In addition, with our proposed inference algorithm, we guarantee confluent rule executions. The techniques and solutions provided in this study can be utilized in various complex systems, such as weather forecasting applications, environmental information systems, defense applications, video database applications, etc. We implement a prototype of the model for the weather forecasting of the Central Anatolia Region

An approach to facilitating the training of mobile agent programmers and encouraging the progression to an agent-oriented paradigm

Schoeman, Martha Anna 31 December 2005 (has links)
Mobile agents hold significant benefits for the rapid expansion of Internet applications and current trends in computing. Despite continued interest, the promised deployment has not taken place, indicating a need for a programming model to introduce novice mobile agent programmers to this environment/paradigm. Accordingly the research question asked was, ”Since novice mobile agent programmers1 require a paradigm shift to construct successful systems, how can they be equipped to grasp the contextual issues and gain the necessary skills within reasonable time limits?” To answer the question, a complete reference providing contextual information and knowledge of mobile agent system development was compiled. Simultaneously novices are introduced to agent orientation. A generic mobile agent system architectural model, incorporating guidelines for programming mobile agents, further provides a framework that can be used to design a mobile agent system. These two structures are presented in a knowledge base that serves as a referencing tool to unlock concepts and knowledge units to novices while developing mobile agent systems. / Computing / (M.Sc. (Computer Science))

Formação inicial e base de conhecimento para o ensino de matemática na perspectiva de professores iniciantes da educação básica

Leite, Eliana Alves Pereira 30 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Izabel Franco (izabel-franco@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-11T13:09:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseEAPL.pdf: 2910502 bytes, checksum: 2202d96e49ad03527d04e6cee64646dd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-21T12:08:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseEAPL.pdf: 2910502 bytes, checksum: 2202d96e49ad03527d04e6cee64646dd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-21T12:08:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseEAPL.pdf: 2910502 bytes, checksum: 2202d96e49ad03527d04e6cee64646dd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-21T12:08:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseEAPL.pdf: 2910502 bytes, checksum: 2202d96e49ad03527d04e6cee64646dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-30 / Não recebi financiamento / This research aimed to investigate the construction of the repertoire of knowledge for the initial teacher education degree in Mathematics from the perspective of mathematics teachers beginning their careers. Thus, the focus of the investigation was the initial training of mathematics teachers, and the necessary milestones for the establishment of a teaching knowledge base for mathematics teachers professional and personal lives. As a theoretical framework, we based our study on authors who do research in teacher education, initial teacher training and the beginning of the teaching career in the area of Education as well as in Mathematics-specific Education. As for methodology, our research has a qualitative approach, with the participation of five mathematics teachers who are beginning their careers in public schools in Ji-Paraná, Rondônia State, Brazil. The teachers are graduates from the Federal University of Rondônia, Ji-Paraná Campus. In the field research, we used questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as strategies for obtaining data. The interpretation and analysis of data occurred through three thematic axes entitled: Knowledge built for teaching during initial teacher training, recognized by beginner mathematics teachers; Gaps in teacher education identified by the beginner mathematics teachers regarding construction of a knowledge base for teaching; Learning to teach and the knowledge of how to teach on the perspective of beginner mathematics teachers. As for the knowledge necessary for teaching, we chose Shulman’s interpretative and analytical categorization in delimiting the discussions on specific content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and general pedagogical knowledge that comprise what the author calls knowledge base for teaching. In summary, from the results obtained, we can stress that beginner mathematics teachers recognize and highlight the contribution of the initial teacher education degree in mathematics course in building knowledge that integrates the knowledge of the specific content, pedagogical content and general teaching content. Teachers also revealed a variety of gaps in the initial teacher education provided to them, highlighting the difficulties faced by them in their early career practices owing to these gaps, and the limitations and inadequacies of continuing education. They showed to have the understanding that learning to teach is an ongoing process and therefore are receptive to the idea that they are part of this learning process. Among the areas recognized as contributing to this training process the initial teacher training, general education and professional experience were highlighted as of importance. Thus, although we consider the knowledge base for teaching is not static or immutable, and therefore is the result of a formative context, and considering the randomness and the limitations of continuing education as well as beginner teacher working conditions, we defend in this work the thesis that initial teacher education training is the institutional space that meets specific conditions for providing a wide repertoire of knowledge, in order to ensure training and professional milestones for the establishment and maintenance of a teaching knowledge base that may be expanded throughout the teaching career in a solid way that is consistent with today’s teaching profession requirements. / Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo principal investigar sobre a construção do repertório de conhecimentos para o ensino no curso de Licenciatura em Matemática na perspectiva de professores de matemática em início de carreira. Sendo assim, o foco da investigação foi a formação inicial do professor de matemática, considerada como espaço de construção de marcos de referência e de sustentação na constituição de uma base de conhecimento para o ensino durante a trajetória de vida e profissional do professor. Como aportes teóricos, buscouse fundamentar o estudo em autores que pesquisam sobre a formação de professores, a formação inicial e o início da carreira docente, tanto da área da Educação quanto do campo da Educação Matemática. Metodologicamente a pesquisa é de abordagem qualitativa, tendo participado do estudo cinco professores de matemática em início de carreira, atuantes em escolas públicas de Ji-Paraná/RO. Os professores são egressos da Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Campus de Ji-Paraná. Na pesquisa de campo, recorreu-se ao questionário e à entrevista semi-estruturada como estratégias para produção de dados. A interpretação e análise dos dados ocorreu por meio de três eixos temáticos, intitulados de: conhecimentos construídos para o ensino na formação inicial, reconhecidos por professores de matemática iniciantes; lacunas da formação inicial identificadas pelos professores de matemática em início de carreira na construção dos conhecimentos para o ensino; e aprendendo a ensinar e os conhecimentos de como ensinar na perspectiva dos professores de matemática em início de carreira. Como conhecimentos necessários ao ensino, optou-se, no fazer interpretativo e analítico, em delimitar as discussões quanto ao conhecimento do conteúdo específico, conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo e o conhecimento pedagógico geral, categorizados por Shulman e que integram, dentre outros conhecimentos, o que o autor denomina de base de conhecimento para o ensino. Em síntese, dos resultados obtidos, destaca-se que os professores de matemática em início de carreira reconhecem e evidenciam a contribuição do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática na construção de alguns conhecimentos que integram os conhecimentos do conteúdo específico, pedagógico do conteúdo e pedagógico geral. Os professores também revelaram uma variedade de lacunas decorrentes da formação oportunizada no curso de graduação, destacando dificuldades que enfrentaram no início da carreira em razão destas lacunas, e as limitações e inadequações da formação continuada. Evidenciaram ter a compreensão de que aprender a ensinar é um processo contínuo e que portanto eles se mostram receptíveis à ideia de que estão inseridos nesse processo de aprendizagem, sendo que, dentre os espaços explicitados como contributivos nesse processo de formação, foram destacadas a formação inicial, a formação escolar e a experiência profissional. Assim, embora se considere a impossibilidade de que a base de conhecimento para o ensino seja fixa e imutável, e que portanto seja fruto de apenas um contexto formativo, e considerando a aleatoriedade e as limitações da formação continuada e das condições de trabalho do professor iniciante, defende-se nessa pesquisa a tese de que a formação inicial é o espaço institucional que reúne condições específicas para oportunizar um repertório amplo de conhecimentos, de modo a se garantir marcos referenciais formativos e profissionais para a constituição e sustentação de uma base de conhecimento para o ensino a ser expandida ao longo da carreira docente, de forma sólida e coerente com as exigências da profissão de professor na atualidade.

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