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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rural land ownership and institutional change in China

Meng, Gaofeng January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this study is the property rights theories tested in the context of Modern China’s rural areas. It is divided into three parts: Part I presents the theoretical framework, concepts. These form the analytical tools. Part II briefly describes the three big transformation of rural arable land ownership in modern China. This is a particular case in which the theoretical framework can be tested. In Part III of this study I apply the analytical framework developed in part I to understand the puzzles and problems described in part II. This is the application of theory to the history and reality. In this research, I show that the change of property rights is central to political, economic and social change in that particular society. As a formal institution, property rights provide an incentive or disincentive structure for a particular economy. The contrasting economic performance in modern China’s agriculture can be well explained by the underlying force— the property rights institutional arrangement. The stagnation and decline of Chinese economy and universal poverty is conditioned by the disincentive structure of the Commune System. While the specular economic growth and its relief of poverty is driven by the incentive structure of the Household Responsibility System (HRS). The success of the HRS is in that it is not only a government institutional arrangement but also a communal institutional arrangement in its origin. The rules created by the peasants themselves are legitimized by the central government as property rights. It really matter who creates the property rights and for whom. This research attempts to enrich our knowledge in social science. It challenges the conventional and standard political and economic theory used to explain Chinese puzzles in its economic growth and social development. In the theoretical sphere, it contributes mainly to the literature of Marx’s theory of property, Honoré’s concept of ownership and Ostrom’s theory of common-pool resources and institutional change. In the practical sphere, it contributes to our understanding of the radical and complex change in Modern China’s rural areas.

A centripetal formula for Turkey : a multiculturalist proposal for the resolution of the republic's long-running Kurdish question

Kolcak, Hakan January 2018 (has links)
Like consociationalism and territorial pluralism, centripetalism is a multiculturalist way of managing ethno-cultural diversity. Many scholars have examined how a consociational or territorial pluralist formula might help Turkey to resolve its long-running Kurdish problem. To date, no one has paid enough attention to the merits of centripetalism by scrutinising whether they might contribute to the solution of the problem. There is a general neglect of centripetal solution in the academic literature on Turkey's Kurdish question. As an interdisciplinary study, this thesis seeks to fill the centripetal research gap in the literature. The thesis argues that neither consociationalism nor territorial pluralism might be the optimal multiculturalist approach that Turkey should embrace in resolving its Kurdish issue. The thesis comes up with an original centripetal formula for the resolution of the issue. The proposed formula is constructed on the following three cornerstones: 1) a parliamentary system which is built on a 560-member legislature elected via an original version of the Alternative Vote Plus electoral system; 2) asymmetric territorial autonomy for each Kurdish-populated province; and 3) cultural autonomy for individual Kurds residing in the Turkish-dominated provinces. According to the thesis, this centripetal formula might enable Turkey to satisfy or begin to satisfy all main Kurdish demands, the fulfilment of which is regarded by almost all segments of Kurdish society as the basic requirement for the solution of the Kurdish problem. The formula might also create a multiculturalist Turkey less likely to witness some problematic political scenarios that would happen should the Republic establish a consociational or territorial pluralist model for the solution of the problem.

Modelagem de eventos raros: um estudo comparativo

Scacabarozi, Fernanda Nanci 16 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:06:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4139.pdf: 2492387 bytes, checksum: d478498a0d367106a7ad8dfe2a681cf3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-16 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In some situations, in various areas of knowledge, the response variable of interest has dichotomous distribution extremely unbalanced. In the _nancial market is the common interest in determining the probability that each customer will commit a fraudulent action, and the proportion of customers fraudsters is extremely small. In health there is interest in determining the probability that a particular person will present some epidemiological infection that a_ects only a small fraction of the population. However, there are studies that show that the usual logistic regression model, widely used in the modeling of binary data, does not produce good results when it is built using databases extremely unbalanced. In the literature, we _nd some proposals for adjusting models them that take into account this characteristic, such as KZ estimators suggested by King and Zeng (2001) for the logistic regression model applied to databases with events rare. We present this methodology and a simulation study to verify the quality of these estimators. Other proposals in the literature are limited logit model suggested by Cramer (2004) that upper limit to the probability of success and the generalized logit model suggested by Stukel (1988) which has two shape parameters and works better than the usual logit model in situations that the probability curve is not symmetrical around the point 1 2 . In this paper we present some simulations to verify the advantages of the use of these models. Palavras-chave: model logit model limited, generalized logit model, logit model with response of origin, KZ estimators, measures forecasts. / Em algumas situa_c~oes, nas mais diversas _areas do conhecimento, a vari_avel resposta de interesse possui distribui_c~ao dicot^omica extremamente desbalanceada. No mercado _nanceiro _e comum o interesse em determinar a probabilidade de que cada cliente venha a cometer uma a_c~ao fraudulenta, sendo que a propor_c~ao de clientes fraudadores _e extremamente pequena. Na _area da sa_ude existe o interesse em determinar a probabilidade de que uma determinada pessoa venha a apresentar alguma infec_c~ao epidemiol_ogica que atinge apenas uma diminuta parcela da popula_c~ao. No entanto, existem estudos que revelam que o modelo de regress~ao log__stica usual, amplamente utilizado na modelagem de dados bin_arios, n~ao produz bons resultados quando este _e constru__do utilizando bases de dados extremamente desbalanceadas. Na literatura, encontramos algumas propostas para o ajuste de modelos que levam em conta esta caracter__stica, tal como os estimadores KZ sugeridos por King e Zeng (2001) para o modelo de regress~ao log__stica aplicado em bases de dados com eventos raros. Neste trabalho apresentamos esta metodologia e um estudo de simula_c~ao para veri_car a qualidade destes estimadores. Outras propostas encontradas na literatura s~ao o modelo logito limitado sugerido por Cramer (2004) que limita superiormente a probabilidade de sucesso e o modelo logito generalizado sugerido por Stukel (1988) que apresenta dois par^ametros de forma e funciona melhor que o modelo logito usual nas situa_c~oes em que a curva de probabilidade n~ao _e sim_etrica em torno do ponto 1 2 . Neste trabalho apresentamos algumas simula_c~oes para veri_car as vantagens do usos destes modelos.

Wolfgang Benz, Theresienstadt. Eine Geschichte von Täuschung und Vernichtung: Buchbesprechungen 19.-21. Jahrhundert

Schulte, Jan Erik 14 July 2020 (has links)
Theresienstadt gehört zu den bekanntesten Haftstätten des „Dritten Reiches“. Der Name steht als Chiffre für die nationalsozialistische Segregation, Verfolgung und Ermordung der Juden. Doch hinter dem plakativ gebrauchten Terminus verschwinden vielfach die Geschichte und der historische Ort. Bis heute existiert keine den neuesten Forschungsstand rezipierende Gesamtdarstellung. Nicht zuletzt aus diesem Grund wurde 2012 die umfangreiche Arbeit von H.G. Adler aus dem Jahr 1955 noch einmal aufgelegt. Adler gehörte als ehemaliger Insasse zu den direkt Betroffenen. Von dessen Studie setzt sich Wolfgang Benz verständnisvoll, doch pointiert ab. Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Literatur gelingt ihm ein ausgewogener Blick auf die Gemeinschaft der Inhaftierten, die als „Zwangsgemeinschaft“ auch im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung Adlers gestanden hatte. Benz’ Darstellung erweist sich so auch als Zwiegespräch mit dem wirkmächtigen Vorläufer.

Zwangsarbeit jüdischer Menschen in Leipzig während des Nationalsozialismus

Hammer, Franz 20 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Bert Pampel/Mike Schmeitzner (Hg.): Konzentrationslager Sachsenburg (1933–1937)

Fritz, Ulrich 16 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Vypořádání se s násilím národního socialismu třetí a druhé generace na příkladech koncentračního tábora Neuengamme a Cap Arcony / Dealing with the violence of National Socialism three Generations onwards , illustrated by the examples of the Neuengamme concentration camp and Cap Arcona

Fehrensová, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the issues of violence in relation to the time of National Socialism of the second and third Generation of the survivors illustrated by the examples of the sinking of the Cap Arcona and the Neuengamme concentration camp. The main source are the Interviews with the families of the Czech survivors from Cap Arcona and Neuengamme Concentration Camp and an interview with the main management of Neuengamme monument. The approaches from the experts to the transgenerational transmission of trauma will be discussed in the theoretical part the and they will be also analyzed and evaluated.

Analysis of Ozone Data Trends as an Effect of Meteorology and Development of Forecasting Models for Predicting Hourly Ozone Concentrations and Exceedances for Dayton, OH, Using MM5 Real-Time Forecasts

Kalapati, Raga S. 25 August 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Doppelrezension: Neue Publikationen zu Außenlagern des KZ Flossenbürg in Dresden

Fritz, Ulrich 19 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Architecture concentrationnaire et idéologie national-socialiste / KZ-Architektur und NS-Ideologie / The architecture of nazi concentration camps and the national-socialist ideology

Penet, Eric 12 November 2012 (has links)
Ce travail part d'une interrogation : comment expliquer ce qu'est un camp de concentration nazi sans prendre en compte un de ces constituants, la pierre. Sans oublier pour cela l'Homme, la présente recherche s'est attachée à définir le camp de concentration comme espace architectural à travers l'étude de six camps : Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Auschwitz I et le camp de Natzweiler. Trois axes d'analyses furent choisis : le lieu, les formes et les matériaux employés dans le but de mettre en lumière une éventuelle continuité architecturale. A partir du constat qu'il existait bien une architecture véritable, l'auteur s'est demandé dans une dernière partie si des liens avec l'idéologie national-socialiste étaient possibles, comme cela est le cas avec l'architecture officielle du Troisième Reich. C'est ainsi qu'à partir des données collectées furent adjointes trois spécificités à l'architecture concentrationnaire : le camp de concentration nazi peut être perçu comme une cité idéale national-socialiste, une mise en place architectonique du Führerprinzip et le reflet de la Blut-und- Boden Doktrin. / This work is based on a questioning : how to explain what a nazi concentration camp is without taking into account one of its components, i.e. stone. Without overlooking the human dimension for all that, the following research aims at giving a definition of the concentration camp as an architectural space through the analysis of 6 camps : Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Auschwitz I and the Natzweiler concentration camp. Three main lines were chosen : the sites, the shapes and building materials, with a view to bringing into light a possible architectural continuity. Once the existence of an architectural structure was established, the author finally wondered whether links with the national-socialist ideology did exist as it is the case with the official architecture of the Third Reich. Thus, thanks to the collected data, three specificities of concentration camps architecture were added : the nazi concentration camp can be seen as a national-socialist perfect city, as the architectonical setting up of the Führerprinzip and as the reflection of the Blood and Soil ideology. / Die folgende Arbeit erwächst aus einer Fragestellung : Wie lässt sich ein Konzentrationslager erklären, ohne eines seiner Bestandteile - den Stein - in Betracht zu ziehen ? Ohne den Menschen außer Betracht zu lassen, hat sich die vorliegende Studie bemüht, ein Konzentrationslager als einen architektonischen Raum zu definieren. Es werden sechs Konzentrationslager analysiert : Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Auschwitz I und das KZ Natzweiler. Es werden drei Blickrichtungen gewählt : der Ort, die Formen und die verwendeten Materialien, um herauszufinden, ob es etwa eine architektonische Kontinuität gibt. Ausgehend von der Feststellung, dass tatsächlich von einer bestimmten Architektur die Rede sein konnte, hat sich der Autor in einem letzten Teil gefragt, ob Beziehungen mit der NS-Ideologie möglich waren - wie es eben der Fall bei der offiziellen Architektur des Dritten Reiches ist. Auf diese Weise wurden mit den vom Verfasser gesammelten Daten den Konzentrationslagern drei Eigenschaften zugeschrieben : das NS-Konzentrationslager kann als eine ideale NS-Stadt, als die architektonische Verwirklichung des Führerprinzips und als die Wiederspiegelung der Blut-und-Boden Doktrin betrachtet werden.

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