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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kalendorinių švenčių tradicijos sampratų kaita Lietuvoje XX-XXI a. pr / Transformations of understanding traditions of calendar feasts in XX and the begining of XXI century Lithuania

Dusevičiūtė, Gintarė 25 June 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama kalendorinių švenčių tradicijos kaitos procesai pradedant tarpukariu ir baigiant nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu. Darbe nagrinėjama kaip skirtingais laikotarpiais vienos jų toliau tebešvenčiamos, kitos naujai atsiradusios išnyksta ar sėkmingai prigyja. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į kaitos procesą įtakojančias priežastis. Darbo objektas – teorinė tradicijos samprata ir kalendorinių švenčių tradicijos suvokimo kaita tarpukario, sovietmečio ir nepriklausomybės laikotarpiais. Darbe siekta apžvelgti teorinę tradicijos sąvokos traktuotę filosofiniame, istoriniame kontekstuose bei atlikti kalendorinių švenčių kaitos proceso analizę periodiniuose leidiniuose, remiantis trimis istoriniais laikotarpiais: tarpukariu, sovietmečiu, nepriklausomybe. Nuo XVIII a. iki XX a. šimtmečio tradicija laikyta barjeru, slopinančiu individualaus žmogaus vystymąsi ir kūrybą. Susiformavusi opozicija, galutinai atskyrė „gėrį“ nuo „blogio“, t.y. tradiciją nuo modernybės. Atraminė tradicijos sąvoka daugelio mokslininkų apribojama XVIII-XIX a. Tokie požiūriai į tradiciją, kaip parodė atlikta analizė, nėra išnykęs iki šiol. Kalendorinių švenčių aktualumas nemaža dalimi priklauso ne tik nuo žmonių poreikio, tačiau kartu ir nuo valstybės politinės, ekonominės situacijos. Svarbiausiomis šventėmis laikytos Kūčios, Kalėdos ir Velykos, atkartojančios religines ir etninės kultūros tradicijas, išliko mažiausiai pakitusios, nors religinis turinys stipriai sumenkęs. Toks elgesys „iš tradicijos“ gali... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work analyses the changes of calendar feasts traditions beginning with interwar period and leading to independent period. This work deals with a question of how some feasts are still being celebrated in different eras, when at the same time new one disappear or flourish, circumstances of such a processes are considered. Main topic of work is theoretical understanding of tradition and calendar feasts traditions during periods of interwar, soviet and independence. Work is focused upon theoretical understanding of tradition in philosophical and historical context, as well as trying to accomplish analysis of the changes of calendar feasts in periodical publications by invoking three historical eras: interwar, soviet occupation and independence. Starting from 18th century up until 20th century tradition was thought as barrier suppressing human development and creativity. Such an attitude conclusively distinguished ’’good’’ and ’’evil’’, tradition and modernity. By many scientists, notion of tradition is restricted from 18th century to 19th century. Analysis shows, that suchlike positions are still alive. The importance of calendar feasts depends not only on needs of human beings but just as well on political and economical situation of particular State. Least changes are seen on those feasts which were considered to be the most important, Christmas Eve, Christmas and Easter, although religious content is much weaker. Such behaviour ’’from tradition’’ might be conditioned... [to full text]

Choro vaidmuo formuojant mokinių etnokultūrines nuostatas / The Role of Choir in Formation of Ethno-Cultural Attitude of Students

Rusecka, Alicija 25 May 2005 (has links)
The subject of this Master‘s Thesis - „The Role of Choir in Formation of Ethno-Cultural Attitude of Students“.Globalisation is associated with the positive and the negative at the same time. It manifests itself in danger for traditional culture of people, its variety and, especially, the spiritual component of culture, including traditional humanistic virtues. As the activity of choir makes great influence on the formation of ethno-cultural attitude of students, strengthening of ethno-cultural attitude in the activity of mixed choir and choir of schoolchildren from the 1st to the 4th grades is an urgent pedagogical problem. The purpose of this study is to investigate possibilities of formation of ethno-cultural attitude of students sustaining and developing national traditions in the choir of schoolchildren from the 1st to the 4th grades and mixed choir. The object of the study is the attitude of choir members and other students to ethno-culture.Having analysed studies on the influence of the processes of globalisation on the national consciousness and having studied pedagogical and psychological literature associated with the subject of the research, threat for survival of national traditions and, furthermore, importance of national education of young generation can be clearly observed.With the help of questionnaire survey, ethno-cultural attitudes of students were determined and conclusions were made. Conditions as good as possible for expression of various forms of... [to full text]

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