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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personality and production in dairy cows

Hedlund, Louise January 2013 (has links)
Variation in animal personality, in other words, behavioural responses consistent within individuals over time and/or across contexts, is predicted to be related to life-history traits, such as growth rate and investment in reproduction. How this translates into relationships between personality and milk production in dairy cows is however scarcely investigated and previous studies are showing contradicting results. To further investigate this relationship, individual consistencies in behaviour were related to milk production in two breeds of dairy cows (Swedish red and white cattle, SRB, and Holstein). Variation was found among the breeds in consistency of behaviours and both SRB and Holstein cows were highly consistent over time in stepping behaviour during milking and frequency of performed abnormal behaviours in home pen. Overall were Holstein cows consistent in more observed behaviours than SRB. Variation in neophobia and responses to social separation were more flexible, both among breeds and over time. Nevertheless, behaviour showed limited relationship with milk production. To conclude, the tests here carried out are useful in describing personality in cows; however, personality showed no relationship with milk production, encouraging future studies to explore this expected relationship further in other breeds and species.

Sparkanalys i Taekwondo : Fotarbetets betydelse för sparkhastighet

Engström, Kalle, Skaneby, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar  1. Finns det ett samband mellan tiden mellan fotisättningarna (främre respektive bakre fot) och sparkhastigheten?  2. Hur påverkar bakre fotens kontakttid sparkhastigheten?  3. Hur påverkar den vertikala kraften på främre respektive bakre fot sparkhastigheten?  4. Hur påverkar tiden till uppnådd maximal vertikalkraft på främre respektive bakre fot sparkhastigheten?  Syftet med studien var att inom testgruppen undersöka hur kontakttid och belastningskaraktär påverkar sparkhastigheten i en rundspark som föregås av ett step.    Metod  Studien innefattar analys av en rundsparkteknik med föregående horisontell förflyttning i lateral riktning från utgångsposition. Rörelsen benämns i studien som step. Testgruppen utgjordes av 5 Svenska elit Taekwondoutövare, men pga tekniska problem begränsades gruppen till 3 personer (2 män 1 kvinna). Rörelseförloppet fasindelades i 3 huvudfaser och 2 underfaser (1-stepfas, 2.1-kontaktfas 1, 2.2-kontaktfas 2 och 3-sparkfas). Tid och sträcka i fas 1 och 3 genomfördes med hjälp av höghastighetskamera (Casio Exilim High speed, Casio computer Co. Ltd, Japan.). Vertikalkraft och tid på höger respektive vänster fot mättes med kraftplattor (DBA dual-forceplate systems, Sverige).  Resultat  Resultatet visade att det inom testgruppen inte fanns något samband mellan sparkhastighet och tid mellan fotisättningarna. Däremot fanns en tendens till att bakre fotens kontakttid påverkar sparkhastigheten (kort tid = hög sparkhastighet). Det fanns också tendenser till samband mellan hög sparkhastighet och hög maximal vertikalkraft samt tid till denna (time to peak force) på stödjefoten. Dessa tendenser sågs inte på sparkfoten.  Slutsats  Resultaten indikerar att det finns tendenser till att kort kontakttid på sparkfoten samt förmågan att under kort tid generera hög vertikalkraft på stödjefoten är av betydelse för optimering av sparkhastighet. Resultaten bör dock ses som mycket preliminära och behöver konfirmeras med studier på ett större material.

Links oder rechts; das ist hier die Frage

Berger, Roger, Hammer, Rupert 22 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der Elfmeterschuss steht stellvertretend für eine ganze Kategorie sozialer Interaktionen - den Nullsummenspielen. Diese sind insofern von besonderem Interesse, als sich hier Akteure mit exakt gegenläufigen Interessen gegenüber stehen, die weder kommunizieren wollen noch können, dennoch interagieren und dabei eine stabile und vorhersagbare Form von sozialer Ordnung entstehen lassen. Und dies obschon beide Akteure gerade kein Interesse an der Entstehung oder Aufrechterhaltung einer solchen Ordnung haben. Die Fragestellung des Artikels: Verhalten sich Bundesligaspieler (Schützen und Torhüter) beim Elfmeterschuss gemäß den Vorhersagen der Spieltheorie? Die Analyse wird folgendermaßen gegliedert. Im nächsten Abschnitt werden erst die fußballerischen Grundlagen des Problems gelegt. Dann wird das Entscheidungsproblem spieltheoretisch analysiert und daraus ein entsprechendes LÄosungskonzept in Hypothesenform deduziert. Darauf folgt eine Darstellung des Stands der Forschung. Die empirische Überprüfung der Hypothesen mittels eines Datensatzes aus der ersten Bundesliga erfolgt in Abschnitt 4. Im letzen Abschnitt werden die Ergebnisse diskutiert und dabei insbesondere die Fragen in den Vordergrund gerückt, welche theoretischen Implikationen sich aus der Analyse für den RC-Ansatz im allgemeinen und die Spieltheorie im speziellen ergeben und was daraus aus methodischer Sicht zur Überprüfung von spieltheoretischen Hypothesen geschlossen werden kann.

Aquatic invertebrate fauna of Matapouri, Northland.

Pohe, Stephen Robert January 2008 (has links)
A study of the aquatic invertebrate communities from two locations (Location 1 and Location 2) within the Matapouri catchment in Northland, New Zealand, was conducted to assess community structure in differing local-scale habitats. Four data collection methods were utilised generating 33,058 adult or larval invertebrates. The sampling methods comprised benthic kick-sampling, sticky trapping, light trapping, and emergence trapping. For the sticky trapping and light trapping, sampling was carried out at three different sites (Sites 1–3) within each location. The sites were situated within three habitat types; native forest, native forest-fringe, and raupo wetland. Emergence trapping also commenced within the three sites, at both locations, but was discontinued after two months, due to the equipment being destroyed by consecutive flooding events (method described in Appendix 1). Benthic sampling was carried out within the Forest and Forest-fringe habitats. Benthic sampling, sticky trapping, and light trapping were carried out following a monthly schedule between June and November 2005. Conductivity, pH, and water temperature measurements were taken concurrently with benthic sampling on a monthly basis, while water velocity and substrate measurements were taken once to assist in habitat characterisation. Overall, 71 taxa were recorded by benthic sampling over the six month period, with a mean of approximately 30 taxa per site per month. In comparison with similar studies elsewhere in New Zealand, a figure of around 30 taxa per sample was high. The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna at all sites was dominated by Trichoptera (19 taxa), Diptera (16 taxa) and Ephemeroptera (10 taxa). This pattern of diversity is similar to that reported in other New Zealand studies. However, in contrast to previous studies, the leptophlebiid mayfly genus Deleatidium was not numerically dominant over the rest of the community, and other leptophlebiid genera (Acanthophlebia, Atalophlebioides, Mauiulus and Zephlebia) were equally represented, possibly reflecting niche partitioning between the groups. The genus Nesameletus was not recorded at any site, despite being one of the core mayfly species in New Zealand streams. The rare mayfly Isothraulus abditus was recorded at one of the forest locations. There are no published records of this species from Northland. Although acknowledged as another of the core New Zealand benthic taxa, the hydropsychid caddisfly Aoteapsyche was not recorded during the study. However, another hydropsychid, Orthopsyche, was commonly recorded, and these may be filling a similar niche to the Aoteapsyche genus. In contrast to the Trichoptera, Diptera, and Ephemeroptera, the Plecoptera fauna was relatively depauperate, probably reflecting the warmer climate of the region and lack of temperature-buffered spring-fed streams. Surprisingly, Zelandobius, a core New Zealand genus, was absent but is regularly recorded in Northland. A species of conservation interest, Spaniocercoides watti, currently recognised as a Northland endemic, was recorded in low numbers. There were no apparent trends in diversity or abundance of benthic invertebrates over time. Also, there were no significant differences in species diversity between the two locations. However, in many cases, taxa were more abundant at Location 2. This may have been due to steeper gradients at Location 2, and the consequent effects on substrate size and streambed stability, as all other physical factors appeared similar between locations. Although several significant differences of individual benthic taxa were recorded, no broad effect of habitat (sites) on species diversity was observable. However, at Location 2, abundances were significantly higher at Site 3 (Forest) compared to Site 2 (Forest-fringe). The reasons were uncertain, but may be attributed to higher retention of allochthonous organic materials, trapped by in-stream cover and larger substrates. Investigations of adult stages by sticky traps supported benthic results recording community compositions and abundances dominated by Trichoptera and Diptera. Plecoptera were poorly represented. Location 2 recorded higher abundances of taxa, particularly Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Investigations of adult stages by light traps however did not produce any statistically significant differences in abundances between sites, between locations, or between sites across locations, and it is believed to be due to limited sampling replication combined with some biases of light trapping. This study indicates that the aquatic invertebrate community at Matapouri is diverse but also reasonably representative. Several rare or uncommon insects inhabit the catchment. It is therefore important that Iwi and the local Landcare Group, who invited and supported this research, together with the Department of Conservation, continue their efforts in protecting these areas. The resident fauna have the capacity to restock areas downstream, which are intended to be improved and restored through sediment control and riparian management.

Aquatic invertebrate fauna of Matapouri, Northland.

Pohe, Stephen Robert January 2008 (has links)
A study of the aquatic invertebrate communities from two locations (Location 1 and Location 2) within the Matapouri catchment in Northland, New Zealand, was conducted to assess community structure in differing local-scale habitats. Four data collection methods were utilised generating 33,058 adult or larval invertebrates. The sampling methods comprised benthic kick-sampling, sticky trapping, light trapping, and emergence trapping. For the sticky trapping and light trapping, sampling was carried out at three different sites (Sites 1–3) within each location. The sites were situated within three habitat types; native forest, native forest-fringe, and raupo wetland. Emergence trapping also commenced within the three sites, at both locations, but was discontinued after two months, due to the equipment being destroyed by consecutive flooding events (method described in Appendix 1). Benthic sampling was carried out within the Forest and Forest-fringe habitats. Benthic sampling, sticky trapping, and light trapping were carried out following a monthly schedule between June and November 2005. Conductivity, pH, and water temperature measurements were taken concurrently with benthic sampling on a monthly basis, while water velocity and substrate measurements were taken once to assist in habitat characterisation. Overall, 71 taxa were recorded by benthic sampling over the six month period, with a mean of approximately 30 taxa per site per month. In comparison with similar studies elsewhere in New Zealand, a figure of around 30 taxa per sample was high. The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna at all sites was dominated by Trichoptera (19 taxa), Diptera (16 taxa) and Ephemeroptera (10 taxa). This pattern of diversity is similar to that reported in other New Zealand studies. However, in contrast to previous studies, the leptophlebiid mayfly genus Deleatidium was not numerically dominant over the rest of the community, and other leptophlebiid genera (Acanthophlebia, Atalophlebioides, Mauiulus and Zephlebia) were equally represented, possibly reflecting niche partitioning between the groups. The genus Nesameletus was not recorded at any site, despite being one of the core mayfly species in New Zealand streams. The rare mayfly Isothraulus abditus was recorded at one of the forest locations. There are no published records of this species from Northland. Although acknowledged as another of the core New Zealand benthic taxa, the hydropsychid caddisfly Aoteapsyche was not recorded during the study. However, another hydropsychid, Orthopsyche, was commonly recorded, and these may be filling a similar niche to the Aoteapsyche genus. In contrast to the Trichoptera, Diptera, and Ephemeroptera, the Plecoptera fauna was relatively depauperate, probably reflecting the warmer climate of the region and lack of temperature-buffered spring-fed streams. Surprisingly, Zelandobius, a core New Zealand genus, was absent but is regularly recorded in Northland. A species of conservation interest, Spaniocercoides watti, currently recognised as a Northland endemic, was recorded in low numbers. There were no apparent trends in diversity or abundance of benthic invertebrates over time. Also, there were no significant differences in species diversity between the two locations. However, in many cases, taxa were more abundant at Location 2. This may have been due to steeper gradients at Location 2, and the consequent effects on substrate size and streambed stability, as all other physical factors appeared similar between locations. Although several significant differences of individual benthic taxa were recorded, no broad effect of habitat (sites) on species diversity was observable. However, at Location 2, abundances were significantly higher at Site 3 (Forest) compared to Site 2 (Forest-fringe). The reasons were uncertain, but may be attributed to higher retention of allochthonous organic materials, trapped by in-stream cover and larger substrates. Investigations of adult stages by sticky traps supported benthic results recording community compositions and abundances dominated by Trichoptera and Diptera. Plecoptera were poorly represented. Location 2 recorded higher abundances of taxa, particularly Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Investigations of adult stages by light traps however did not produce any statistically significant differences in abundances between sites, between locations, or between sites across locations, and it is believed to be due to limited sampling replication combined with some biases of light trapping. This study indicates that the aquatic invertebrate community at Matapouri is diverse but also reasonably representative. Several rare or uncommon insects inhabit the catchment. It is therefore important that Iwi and the local Landcare Group, who invited and supported this research, together with the Department of Conservation, continue their efforts in protecting these areas. The resident fauna have the capacity to restock areas downstream, which are intended to be improved and restored through sediment control and riparian management.

Dica visual e desempenho do chute no futsal: efeito do tempo para tomada de decisão e da fadiga / Visual tip and kicking performance in futsal: effect of the time for decision making and fatigue

Baptista, André Macari 20 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by André Macari Baptista null (107020962@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-02-19T20:27:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO FINAL.pdf: 1588513 bytes, checksum: a4d84154097adafc763c41d7449ed06a (MD5) / Rejected by Maria Marlene Zaniboni null (zaniboni@bauru.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 1) Falta Ata de Defesa - Incluir após a ficha catalográfica. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-02-20T11:43:32Z (GMT) / Submitted by André Macari Baptista null (107020962@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-02-20T14:25:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO FINAL.pdf: 1588513 bytes, checksum: a4d84154097adafc763c41d7449ed06a (MD5) / Rejected by Maria Marlene Zaniboni null (zaniboni@bauru.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 1 - FALTA ATA DE DEFESA. Obs. Solicitamos inserir a Ata de Defesa no arquivo submetido no repositório. Colocar após a ficha catalográfica. Caso tenha dúvida, favor entrar em contato - bbarepositoria@bauru.unesp.br. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-02-21T11:56:11Z (GMT) / Submitted by André Macari Baptista null (107020962@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-02-22T19:27:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO FINAL com ata de defesa.pdf: 1764823 bytes, checksum: 65213e676e8c7c8e27312e71e2fa5ecd (MD5) / Submitted by André Macari Baptista null (107020962@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-02-22T19:46:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO FINAL com ata de defesa.pdf: 1764823 bytes, checksum: 65213e676e8c7c8e27312e71e2fa5ecd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Marlene Zaniboni null (zaniboni@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-02-23T11:59:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 baptista_am_me_bauru.pdf: 1764823 bytes, checksum: 65213e676e8c7c8e27312e71e2fa5ecd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-23T11:59:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 baptista_am_me_bauru.pdf: 1764823 bytes, checksum: 65213e676e8c7c8e27312e71e2fa5ecd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O futsal é um esporte de alta intensidade e intermitente que tem como principal ação na tentativa de fazer gol o chute, porém não se sabe como ocorre a interação entre o goleiro e o batedor. Portanto, entender o mecanismo de percepção-ação sob efeito da fadiga durante o chute utilizando a estratégia de goleiro-dependente é de grande relevância para o esporte. Assim os objetivos do estudo são: a) verificar a influência de diferentes momentos de inserção da dica visual durante a corrida de aproximação no comportamento motor e do olhar no desempenho do chute com a bola parada no futsal; b) investigar o efeito da fadiga no comportamento do olhar e na precisão durante o chute com a bola parada no futsal de acordo com a manipulação da dica visual. Do estudo 1, participaram 17 atletas amadores que realizaram 18 chutes com bola parada em 3 condições (dica visual a 1,6 e 0,8 metros da corrida de aproximação pra bola e sem dica visual). Para verificar os parâmetros motores, visuais e desempenho foram utilizados sistemas de câmeras infravermelho (OptiTrack 17W) e de rastreamento do olho (EyeTracking Mobile System). As condições foram comparadas por meio de ANOVA one way e análise de magnitude de efeito. Houve somente diminuição na velocidade do último passo na condição de dica visual a 0,8 metros comparado com a 1,6 metros (p = 0,042). A análise de magnitude de efeito revelou pequenos possíveis aumento na atenção e diminuição na velocidade do movimento na condição sem dica visual e dica visual a 0,8 metros comparado a dica visual a 1,6 metros. Conclui-se que a manipulação da dica visual em diferentes momentos da corrida de aproximação não altera os parâmetros visuais, motores e de desempenho durante o chute com bola parada no futsal. Do estudo 2, participaram outros 10 atletas amadores que realizaram os chutes nas condições do Estudo 1, pré e pós protocolos de indução a fadiga (Hoff adaptado para o Futsal incremental e Repeated-sprints ability), porém com diminuição no número de tentativas em cada condição para diminuir as chances de recuperação do estado de fadiga. As mesmas variáveis dependentes e equipamentos do estudo 1 foram utilizadas. As condições (dica visual) e momentos (fadiga) foram comparados por meio da ANOVA two way. Não houve efeito para condição, porém a fadiga altera o comportamento do olhar somente nos momentos próximos ao chute, em específico para o olhar na bola (F2,18 = 4,229; p = 0,031) e outra (F2,18 = 6,556; p = 0,007). Conclui-se que a fadiga causa aumento na dependência visual na bola e outras. / The Futsal is a high-intensity and intermittent sport that has as main action in the attempt to make goal kick, but it isn’t known how the interaction between the goalkeeper ante the bater occurs. Therefore, to understand the mechanism of perception-action under the effect of fatigue during the kick using the goalkeeper-dependent strategy is of great relevance for the sport. Thus the aims of the study are: a) To verify the influence of different moments of insertion of the visual tip during the approach run in the motor behavior and visual control in the performance of the kick with stationary ball in futsal; b) To investigate the effect of fatigue in the visual behavior and the precision during the kick with stationary ball in futsal according to the manipulation of the visual tip. From Study 1, 17 amateur athletes participated in 18 kicks stationary ball in 3 conditions (visual tip at 1.6 a 0.8 meters from the approach run to the ball and without visual tip). To verify the motor, visual and performance parameters were used infrared camera systems (OptiTrack 17W) and eye tracking (EyeTracking Mobile System). The conditions was compared using ANOVA one way and effect magnitude analysis. There was only a decrease in velocity of the last step in the visual tip condition at 0.8 meters compared to 1.6 meters (p = 0.042). The analysis of magnitude of effect revealed small possible increase in attention and decrease in movement speed in the condition without visual tip and visual tip at 0.8 meters compared to visual tip at 1.6 meters. It’s concluded that the manipulation of the visual tip at different moments of the approach run does not alter the visual, motor and performance parameters during the kick with stationary ball in futsal. From Study 2, another 10 amateur athletes participated in the kicks under the conditions of Study 1, pre and post fatigue induction protocols (Hoff adapted to the Futsal incremental and Repeated-sprints ability), but with a decrease in the number of attempts in each condition to decrease the chances of recovering the fatigue state. The same dependent variables and equipment of Study 1 were used. The conditions (visual tip) and moments (fatigue) were compared through two way ANOVA. There wasn’t effect for condition, but fatigue altered the behavior of the eye only at the moments close to the kick, specific for the look on the ball (F2,18 = 4,229; p = 0,031) and another (F2,18 = 6,556; p = 0.007). It’s concluded that fatigue causes an increase in visual dependence on the ball and others. / CNPq: 134413/2015-6

Análise de parâmetros cinemáticos no desempenho do chute giro dorsal no karatê / Analysis of the kinematic parameters during the execution of the back kick in karate

Ferreira, Luciana 05 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana Ferreira.pdf: 1271227 bytes, checksum: bf632a34ecbabc7859d9f2515a2c5c33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to analyze the kinematic parameters during the execution of the back kick in Karate. Twelve athletes attended adults karate, male, high-yield, black belts for at least five years, affiliated to Martial Arts Association Shubu-Do. Samples were collected at Instrumentation Laboratory, CEFID-UDESC using instruments: instrumented target, contact carpet and a system of central inertial MVN Studio. To verify the normality of the data, we used the Shapiro Wilk. Proven normality we used descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation (CV%) to describe the anthropometric variables, kinetics and kinematics. To determine the contribution of kinematic variables on the performance of the kick we used simple linear regression. The confidence level adopted in all cases was 95%. The results showed that: the athletes present values of height, leg length and body mass close to the average found in the literature. The average value of momentum was 78.06±19.84N.s and for momentum normalized by the mass of athletes the mean value was 0.98±0.18N.s.kg-1, compared to the total execution time turning the kick back found an average 0.32±0.03s, to the foot speed (m/s) during execution of the turning effort has been found dorsal an average of 10.72±1.21 m/s for the velocity of the foot at the moment of impact was observed an average of 4.13±1.44 m/s; minimum values of the angles of the knee joint during the execution of the kick were 55.214.11°, when the average impact angle of the knee joint was 79.0812.05°, relative amplitude of the knee joint was found an average 21.965.90°, of with respect to the contributions of the kinematic variables on the performance of the kick back spin, it was found that: the amplitude of the knee joint from the minimum angle has a strong correlation with the impetus to examine the individual athletes, and a moderate correlation to analyze all the athletes in sets (adjusted R2 = 0.682). Regarding the runtime kick all athletes found a moderate correlation (adjusted R2 = 120.658) with the lowest angle of the knee joint, however when analyzing the individual athletes found a strong correlation in all cases. In conclusion, the variables more related with the performance of the kick turning back were the highest amplitude of the knee joint as it relates to the impulse, and the smallest angle of the knee joint when checked the relationship with the runtime. So for better performance of the kick, the athlete should emphasize the sequential pattern of movement, rotating the trunk and hip, flexing the knee joint and ending with greater knee extension toward the target. / Este estudo objetivou analisar os parâmetros cinemáticos durante a execução do chute giro dorsal no Karatê. Participaram doze atletas adultos de karatê, sexo masculino, de alto rendimento, faixa preta há pelo menos cinco anos, filiados a Associação de Artes Marciais Shubu-Dô. As coletas foram realizadas no Laboratório de Instrumentação, CEFID-UDESC, utilizando os instrumentos: alvo instrumentado, tapete de contato e um sistema de centrais inerciais MVN Studio. Para verificar a normalidade dos dados, utilizou-se o teste de Shapiro Wilk. Comprovada a normalidade utilizou-se a estatística descritiva: média, desvio padrão e o coeficiente de variação (CV%) para descrever as variáveis antropométricas, cinética e cinemáticas. Para determinar a contribuição das variáveis cinemáticas sobre o desempenho do chute utilizou-se regressão linear simples. O nível de confiabilidade adotado em todos os casos foi de 95%. Os resultados evidenciaram que: os atletas apresentam valores de estatura, comprimento de membro inferior e massa corporal próximos à média encontrada na literatura. O valor médio obtido de impulso foi de 78,06±19,84N.s e para o impulso normalizado pela massa dos atletas o valor médio encontrado foi de 0,98±0,18 N.s.kg-1; em relação ao tempo de execução total do chute giro dorsal foi encontrado uma média 0,32±0,03s; para a velocidade máxima do pé (m/s) durante a execução do chute giro dorsal foi encontrado uma média de 10,72±1,21m/s, para a velocidade do pé no instante do impacto foi verificado uma média de 4,13±1,44m/s; os valores dos ângulos mínimos da articulação do joelho durante a execução do chute foram de 55,2714,11°; no momento do impacto a média do ângulo da articulação do joelho foi de 79,0812,05°; em relação a amplitude da articulação do joelho foi encontrado uma média de 21,965,90°. No que diz respeito às contribuições das variáveis cinemáticas sobre o desempenho do chute giro dorsal, verificou-se que: a amplitude da articulação do joelho a partir do ângulo mínimo tem uma forte correlação com o impulso ao analisar os atletas individualmente, e uma moderada correlação ao analisar todos os atletas em conjuntos (R2 ajustado = 0,682). Em relação ao tempo de execução do chute de todos os atletas encontrou-se uma moderada correlação (R2 ajustado=0,658) com o menor ângulo da articulação do joelho, entretanto ao analisar os atletas individualmente foi encontrada uma forte correlação em todos os casos. Concluindo, as variáveis com maior relação com o desempenho do chute giro dorsal foram a maior amplitude da articulação do joelho quando relacionado com o impulso, e o menor ângulo da articulação do joelho quando verificada a relação com o tempo de execução. Portanto para um melhor desempenho do chute, o atleta deverá enfatizar o padrão seqüencial de movimento, girando o tronco e quadril, flexionando a articulação do joelho e finalizando com uma maior extensão do joelho em direção ao alvo.

Modelagem do controle de poços por diferenças finitas / Well control modeling : a finite difference approach

Avelar, Carolina Silva 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Roberto Ribeiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T16:33:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Avelar_CarolinaSilva_M.pdf: 15432162 bytes, checksum: cbaa0b149cf8200fccff3cea6905b066 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: As explorações de campos de petróleo têm abrangido diferentes cenários, incluindo perfuração de poços profundos com elevadas pressões e temperaturas em águas profundas e ultraprofundas. O estudo do controle de poços nestes cenários exige um simulador capaz de prever o comportamento das pressões do poço durante uma situação de kick de forma confiável e eficiente. Considerando estes aspectos, foi implementado um simulador de kicks baseado em um modelo matemático que resolve um conjunto de três equações diferenciais de conservação utilizando o método diferenças finitas. Os cálculos das perdas de carga por fricção, do deslizamento entre as fases e da expansão do gás foram incorporados ao modelo. O modelo é capaz de simular um kick em poços verticais ou horizontais, em poços terrestres ou marítimos, utilizando fluido de perfuração com base de água. Os resultados do simulador foram comparados com dados experimentais e um estudo sobre o efeito de algumas variáveis do controle de poços foi realizado. / Abstract: The oil field industry has been drilling in different scenarios, subjected to high pressures and high temperatures in deep wells located in deep and ultradeep waters. The well control study in these scenarios demands a kick simulator capable to do precise predictions of the pressure behavior inside the wellbore during a kick situation. Regarding this scenario, a kick simulator has been implemented. The simulator is based in a mathematical model that solves a set of three conservation equations using the finite difference approach. The effects of the frictional pressure losses, the gas slip and expansion have been incorporated to the model. The model is capable of simulating a single kick in a vertical or horizontal hole, onshore or offshore, with water-based drilling fluid. The simulator results have been compared with experimental data and the effect of some important parameters in well control has been studied. / Mestrado / Explotação / Mestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo

Estudo do controle de poços em operações de perfuração em aguas profundas e ultra profundas

Nunes, João Otavio Leite 22 January 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Roberto Ribeiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica e Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T18:14:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nunes_JoaoOtavioLeite_M.pdf: 4170180 bytes, checksum: 7c2064f4ba67fccb4f1c209b60bf69c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002 / Resumo: O controle de poço sempre foi um assunto muito importante na exploração e explotação de óleo e gás, pois envolve aspectos econômicos, de segurança de pessoas e questões ambientais. O avanço das explorações offshore, particularmente em águas profundas e ultra-profundas, tem aumentado cada vez mais a relevância do controle de kicks e prevenção de blowouts. Práticas de perfuração largamente utilizadas têm sido otimizadas e reavaliadas, então novas tecnologias têm sido desenvolvidas para tratar problemas relacionados a operações de perfuração em águas profundas, tal como uma prática de controle de poço confiável e eficiente. Este esforço é de grande importância em paises como o Brasil, que tem a maior parte da produção de óleo e gás em campos offshore, sendo que a maioria dos campos localiza-se em águas profundas e ultra-profundas. Considerando-se tal cenário, um modelo matemático foi desenvolvido para simular um kick de gás e prever a variação de pressão na linha do choke e no espaço anular de um poço, durante uma situação de controle de poço em águas profundas. Considerações sobre o efeito da geometria do poço, perdas de carga por fricção, expansão do influxo e modelagem bifásica foram implementadas. O efeito de algumas variáveis no controle de poço, tais como o pit gain, lâmina d'água, densidade e reologia do fluido de perfuração e vazão de bombeio foram estudadas / Abstract: Well control has always been a very important issue in the oi! and gas exploitation business, since it involves money savings, people safety and environment threatening. The advancement of the exploration frontiers from onshore to offshore fields, particularly, deep and ultra-deep waters, has increased even more the relevance of kick control and blowout prevention during drilling operations. Widely used drilling practices have been optimized and re-evaluated, so have new technologies been developed to handle specific issues related to deepwater drilling operations, such as reliable and efficient well control practices. This effort has great importance to some countries like Brazil, which have most part of their oil and gas production concentrated on offshore wells, about of those reserves are located in deepwaters. Regarding such scenario, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate a gas kick and predict the pressure variation in the choke line and the annular space of the well during well control situation in deepwater scenarios. Considerations regarding the effects of wellbore geometry, frictional pressure losses, influx expansion, and two-phase flow aspects have been implemented in the present model. The effects of some variables in well control, such as the pit gain, water depth, mud weight and rheology and pump flow rate have been studied. / Mestrado / Geociencias / Mestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo

Návrh konstrukce elektrické koloběžky / Suggestion of electric scooter

Lasák, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this master’s thesis is a construction design of an electric kick bike with the motor builded in the axle of the rear wheel. The thesis consists of theoretical part, which is describing electric kick bikes used today and the possibility of motorization. The next part is a construction design with necessary calculations and formulas.

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