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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application of geometry independent field approximation (GIFT) in the study of plate vibrations

Contreras Rojas, Felipe Ignacio January 2018 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Mecánico / Los fenómenos físicos, presentes en las ciencias y en las diferentes áreas de la ingeniería, a menudo son modelados por Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales (EDP). Los problemas de valor de frontera resultantes en muchos casos carecen de soluciones analíticas. Para resolver tales problemas, uno puede hacer suposiciones que simplifiquen el problema, o usar métodos numéricos para aproximar la solución. Dentro de los métodos numéricos actualmente existentes, el más popular es el Método de Elementos Finitos (FEM), que es la base de diferentes programas comerciales, como ADINA o ANSYS, entre muchos otros. La desventaja de este método es la gran cantidad de recursos computacionales y los tiempos de iteración requeridos para obtener una solución precisa del problema. Dada esta desventaja, Hughes desarrolló el Análisis IsoGeométrico (IGA). Este método permite integrar el modelo CAD con el Análisis de Elementos Finitos (FEA), por lo tanto, reduce los tiempos y los recursos necesarios para obtener una solución precisa. Pero a su vez, el IGA no tiene flexibilidad para obtener soluciones de ciertos problemas, ya que usa las mismas funciones bases para parametrizar tanto la geometría como el campo de solución. Debido a esto último, surge el Análisis IsoGeométrico Generalizado (GIFT) como una generalización del IGA, este método utiliza diferentes funciones bases para parametrizar la geometría del objeto y el campo de solución, permitiendo la selección de funciones que se adapten mejor al problema estudiado. En trabajos anteriores, el GIFT ha sido aplicado a problemas de la Ecuación de Laplace y de Elasticidad Lineal. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar el rendimiento del GIFT para problemas de flexión y de vibraciones de placas delgadas. El estudio consiste en implementar el GIFT para 3 placas diferentes y comparar los resultados numéricos con lo predicho por la Teoría de Placas de Kirchhoff-Love (KLPT). Se consideran una placa de geometría circular simple, una placa de geometría circular de dos parches y una placa cuadrada con un agujero de forma compleja, modelada por 8 parches. Las placas están parametrizadas por NURBS, mientras que las soluciones se aproximan por un parche usando NURBS o B-Splines. Los resultados se muestran en términos de curvas de convergencia, modos de vibración y frecuencias naturales. Los resultados numéricos se comparan con las soluciones analíticas para problemas con geometría simple y con la solución FEM para el problema de una placa más compleja. El análisis realizado indica que, para la misma parametrización de geometría (uniforme), (a) la solución se puede aproximar mediante un parche NURBS o B-Splines, manteniendo inalterada la geometría original, (b) los resultados obtenidos con las aproximaciones de campo NURBS y B-Splines son idénticas, (c) la tasa de convergencia depende del grado de aproximación de la solución. Para parametrizaciones geométricas no uniformes, el método no produce una tasa de convergencia óptima o resultados suficientemente precisos, al igual que el IGA tradicional.
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Le puits à retournement temporel dans le domaine audible : un outil de focalisation et d'imagerie à haute résolution de sources sonores et vibratoires

Bavu, Éric January 2008 (has links)
Le développement de techniques de focalisation et d'imagerie à haute résolution pour les sources acoustiques et vibratoires à basse fréquence est l'un des enjeux de la recherche actuelle en acoustique, notamment pour exciter localement et analyser des structures vibroacoustiques complexes tout en conservant des propriétés de haute résolution. Ces propriétés sont nécessaires lorsque la taille des objets étudiés est plus petite que la longueur d'onde mise en jeu. Nous désirons une méthode flexible, rapide, précise, non invasive, et unifiée d'excitation et d'analyse. Celle-ci doit être applicable tant dans le domaine des vibrations dans les structures que dans le domaine des ondes acoustiques tridimensionnelles. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur la technique du puits à retournement temporel, qui n'a, à ce jour, été mise en oeuvre que pour la focalisation d'ondes de Lamb dans une cavité ergodique ou avec des ondes électromagnétiques. Aucune technique d'imagerie n'a, avant cette thèse, été dérivée du puits à retournement temporel. La méthode du puits à retournement temporel est adaptée pour la focalisation à basse fréquence. Elle permet d'exciter localement une structure avec une grande intensité, et possède des capacités de super-résolution. Malgré tout, nous démontrons que cette méthode est difficilement applicable en situation pratique, puisqu'elle fait perdre le caractère non invasif nécessaire à la plupart des applications. En revanche, nous présentons dans ce manuscrit une technique nouvelle d'imagerie de sources vibratoires et acoustiques, basée sur le puits à retournement temporel. Cette technique non invasive d'imagerie, utilisant des dispositifs de mesure similaires aux techniques de formations de voies ou d'holographie en champ proche, permet d'obtenir une image des sources vibratoires ou acoustiques à très haute résolution de manière rapide. L'approche de cette nouvelle méthode d'imagerie est décrite. Des applications à l'imagerie de sources d'impact sur une plaque encastrée, ainsi qu'à l'imagerie de sources acoustiques en champ libre et en milieu sous-marin profond sont proposées. Une application à l'imagerie de sources acoustiques à basse fréquence sur une guitare est développée. Ces résultats représentent les premières applications de l'imagerie par puits à retournement temporel numérique. Les limites, la théorie, et la mise en oeuvre de cette technique d'imagerie à haute résolution sont étudiées et détaillées. II est démontré que cet outil possède des performances et des limites similaires à l'holographie en champ proche, tout en dépassant les capacités à basse fréquence des techniques classiques de localisation limitées en résolution couramment utilisées, comme le beamforming ou le retournement temporel.
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Spline-based methods with adaptive refinement for problems of acoustics and fracture mechanics of thin plates

Videla Marió, Javier Andrés January 2018 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Mecánica / Both the CAD software and FEM software have a significant impact on engineering nowadays. Even though both are powerful tools for design and analysis, the main drawback is that CAD geometries and Finite Element models do not entirely match, which results in the necessity to re-parameterize the geometry many times during the solution cycle in FEM. Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) was proposed to fulfill this gap and create the direct link between the CAD design and FEM analysis. The main idea of IGA is to substitute the shape functions used in FEM by the shape functions used in the CAD software. In particular, one of the main drawbacks of NURBS basis functions, and therefore of IGA, is the lack of local refinement, which makes them computationally highly expensive in applications that demands a non-uniform refinement of the geometry. Polynomial splines over Hierarchical T-meshes (PHT-splines) were introduced by Deng et al. as a type of spline that allows local refinement and adaptability by means of a polynomial basis capable of parameterizing the geometry. In this work, we demonstrate the application of PHT-splines for two type of problems: time-harmonic acoustic problems, modeled by the Helmholtz equation, and fracture mechanics of thin plate problems, modeled by the Kirchhoff-Love theory. Solutions of the Helmholtz equation have two features: global oscillations associated with the wave number and local gradients caused by geometrical irregularities. The results show that after a sufficient number of degrees of freedom is used to approximate global oscillations, adaptive refinement can capture local features of the solution. The residual-based and recovery-based error estimators are compared and the performance of $p$-refinement is investigated. Moreover, an eXtended Geometry Independent Field approximaTion (XGIFT) formulation based on Polynomials Splines Over Hierarchical T-meshes (PHT-splines) for modeling both static and dynamic fracture mechanic problems for plates described by the Kirchhoff-Love theory is presented. Adaptive refinement is employed using a recovery-based error estimator. Results show that adaptive refinement can capture local features of the solution around the crack tip, improving results in both static and dynamic examples. In both cases, the simulations are done in the context of recently introduced Geometry Independent Field approximaTion (GIFT), where PHT-splines are only used to approximate the solution, while the computational domain is parameterized with NURBS. This approach builds on the natural adaptation ability of PHT-splines and avoids the re-parameterization of the NURBS geometry during the solution refinement process.
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An Investigation into Isogeometric Blended Shells

Willoughby, David Scott 01 October 2017 (has links)
Improvements to isogeometric blended shells are introduced which blend traditional Reissner-Mindlin shells, and Kirchhoff-Love shells, with an exact interpolation of the shell director increment. A gradient extraction operator is introduced which allows derivatives of basis functions to be exactly expressed as a linear combination of the basis functions themselves. Several benchmarks are investigated and the new blended shell is compared with different shell elements in ABAQUS and NASTRAN. In addition, the effect of different quadrature schemes is included in the comparisons. The new isogeometric blended shell performs comparably in some benchmarks, and even outperforms commercial shell finite elements in some benchmarks. Future improvements to the formulation are discussed.

Finite Element Methods for Thin Structures with Applications in Solid Mechanics

Larsson, Karl January 2013 (has links)
Thin and slender structures are widely occurring both in nature and in human creations. Clever geometries of thin structures can produce strong constructions while requiring a minimal amount of material. Computer modeling and analysis of thin and slender structures have their own set of problems, stemming from assumptions made when deriving the governing equations. This thesis deals with the derivation of numerical methods suitable for approximating solutions to problems on thin geometries. It consists of an introduction and four papers. In the first paper we introduce a thread model for use in interactive simulation. Based on a three-dimensional beam model, a corotational approach is used for interactive simulation speeds in combination with adaptive mesh resolution to maintain accuracy. In the second paper we present a family of continuous piecewise linear finite elements for thin plate problems. Patchwise reconstruction of a discontinuous piecewise quadratic deflection field allows us touse a discontinuous Galerkin method for the plate problem. Assuming a criterion on the reconstructions is fulfilled we prove a priori error estimates in energy norm and L2-norm and provide numerical results to support our findings. The third paper deals with the biharmonic equation on a surface embedded in R3. We extend theory and formalism, developed for the approximation of solutions to the Laplace-Beltrami problem on an implicitly defined surface, to also cover the biharmonic problem. A priori error estimates for a continuous/discontinuous Galerkin method is proven in energy norm and L2-norm, and we support the theoretical results by numerical convergence studies for problems on a sphere and on a torus. In the fourth paper we consider finite element modeling of curved beams in R3. We let the geometry of the beam be implicitly defined by a vector distance function. Starting from the three-dimensional equations of linear elasticity, we derive a weak formulation for a linear curved beam expressed in global coordinates. Numerical results from a finite element implementation based on these equations are compared with classical results.
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Cálculo simbólico de modos vibratórios no modelo de Kirchhoff-Love para placas. / Symbolic calculating of vibration modes in the Kirchhoff-love model for plates

Chiwiacowsky, Leonardo Dagnino January 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise vibratória livre de placas retangulares bem como resultados analíticos precisos e abrangentes, baseando-se na equação biharmônica, obtida a partir das hipóteses de Kirchhoff-Love. São fixadas as condições de duas bordas opostas como simplesmente apoiadas e outras seis combinações possíveis, para as demais bordas, de acordo com as condições engastada (fixa), simplesmente apoiada (apoiada) e livre. São apresentadas as seis equações características exatas. Os modos são determinados simbolicamente através de uma formulação matricial genérica a qual permite o uso de uma base espectral clássica ou de uma base dinâmica. Este procedimento amplia a metodologia introduzida por Navier e por Levy, obtendo-se uma equação matricial singular. Parâmetros de frequência precisos, assim como os modos, são apresentados para uma faixa de razões de aspecto (a/b = 2/5, 2/3, 1, 3/2 e 3/5) para cada caso avaliado. Observa-se que para materiais isotrópicos as frequências naturais são influenciadas significativamente pela razão de Poisson (v). Devido à simetria geométrica existente em relação ao eixo y, os modos podem ser separados em uma parte simétrica e outra anti-simétrica, permitindo diminuir a complexidade computacional. / This work has, as its main objective, the free vibration analysis of rectangular plates as well as comprehensive and accurate analytical results, based on the biharmonic equation, obtained from Kirchho -Love assumptions. We set the boundary conditions of two opposite edges as simply-supported and other six possible combinations, for the other two edges, of clamped, simply-supported, and free conditions. The six characteristic equations are given. The mode shapes are simbolically determined through general matrix formulation which allows the use of the classic espectral base or the dynamic base. These procedure enlarge the Navier and L evy methodology, producing a singular matrix equation. Accurate frequency parameters, as well as the mode shapes, are presented for a range of aspect ratios (a=b = 2=5, 2=3, 1, 3=2 e 3=5) for each case. It has been noticed that for isotropic materials, the natural frequencys were signi cantly in uenced by the Poisson's ratio ( ). Because of the geometric symmetry which exists about the y axis, vibration modes can be separated into a y-symmetric part and a y- antisymmetric part, allowing to decrease the computational e orts.
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Cálculo simbólico de modos vibratórios no modelo de Kirchhoff-Love para placas. / Symbolic calculating of vibration modes in the Kirchhoff-love model for plates

Chiwiacowsky, Leonardo Dagnino January 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise vibratória livre de placas retangulares bem como resultados analíticos precisos e abrangentes, baseando-se na equação biharmônica, obtida a partir das hipóteses de Kirchhoff-Love. São fixadas as condições de duas bordas opostas como simplesmente apoiadas e outras seis combinações possíveis, para as demais bordas, de acordo com as condições engastada (fixa), simplesmente apoiada (apoiada) e livre. São apresentadas as seis equações características exatas. Os modos são determinados simbolicamente através de uma formulação matricial genérica a qual permite o uso de uma base espectral clássica ou de uma base dinâmica. Este procedimento amplia a metodologia introduzida por Navier e por Levy, obtendo-se uma equação matricial singular. Parâmetros de frequência precisos, assim como os modos, são apresentados para uma faixa de razões de aspecto (a/b = 2/5, 2/3, 1, 3/2 e 3/5) para cada caso avaliado. Observa-se que para materiais isotrópicos as frequências naturais são influenciadas significativamente pela razão de Poisson (v). Devido à simetria geométrica existente em relação ao eixo y, os modos podem ser separados em uma parte simétrica e outra anti-simétrica, permitindo diminuir a complexidade computacional. / This work has, as its main objective, the free vibration analysis of rectangular plates as well as comprehensive and accurate analytical results, based on the biharmonic equation, obtained from Kirchho -Love assumptions. We set the boundary conditions of two opposite edges as simply-supported and other six possible combinations, for the other two edges, of clamped, simply-supported, and free conditions. The six characteristic equations are given. The mode shapes are simbolically determined through general matrix formulation which allows the use of the classic espectral base or the dynamic base. These procedure enlarge the Navier and L evy methodology, producing a singular matrix equation. Accurate frequency parameters, as well as the mode shapes, are presented for a range of aspect ratios (a=b = 2=5, 2=3, 1, 3=2 e 3=5) for each case. It has been noticed that for isotropic materials, the natural frequencys were signi cantly in uenced by the Poisson's ratio ( ). Because of the geometric symmetry which exists about the y axis, vibration modes can be separated into a y-symmetric part and a y- antisymmetric part, allowing to decrease the computational e orts.
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Cálculo simbólico de modos vibratórios no modelo de Kirchhoff-Love para placas. / Symbolic calculating of vibration modes in the Kirchhoff-love model for plates

Chiwiacowsky, Leonardo Dagnino January 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise vibratória livre de placas retangulares bem como resultados analíticos precisos e abrangentes, baseando-se na equação biharmônica, obtida a partir das hipóteses de Kirchhoff-Love. São fixadas as condições de duas bordas opostas como simplesmente apoiadas e outras seis combinações possíveis, para as demais bordas, de acordo com as condições engastada (fixa), simplesmente apoiada (apoiada) e livre. São apresentadas as seis equações características exatas. Os modos são determinados simbolicamente através de uma formulação matricial genérica a qual permite o uso de uma base espectral clássica ou de uma base dinâmica. Este procedimento amplia a metodologia introduzida por Navier e por Levy, obtendo-se uma equação matricial singular. Parâmetros de frequência precisos, assim como os modos, são apresentados para uma faixa de razões de aspecto (a/b = 2/5, 2/3, 1, 3/2 e 3/5) para cada caso avaliado. Observa-se que para materiais isotrópicos as frequências naturais são influenciadas significativamente pela razão de Poisson (v). Devido à simetria geométrica existente em relação ao eixo y, os modos podem ser separados em uma parte simétrica e outra anti-simétrica, permitindo diminuir a complexidade computacional. / This work has, as its main objective, the free vibration analysis of rectangular plates as well as comprehensive and accurate analytical results, based on the biharmonic equation, obtained from Kirchho -Love assumptions. We set the boundary conditions of two opposite edges as simply-supported and other six possible combinations, for the other two edges, of clamped, simply-supported, and free conditions. The six characteristic equations are given. The mode shapes are simbolically determined through general matrix formulation which allows the use of the classic espectral base or the dynamic base. These procedure enlarge the Navier and L evy methodology, producing a singular matrix equation. Accurate frequency parameters, as well as the mode shapes, are presented for a range of aspect ratios (a=b = 2=5, 2=3, 1, 3=2 e 3=5) for each case. It has been noticed that for isotropic materials, the natural frequencys were signi cantly in uenced by the Poisson's ratio ( ). Because of the geometric symmetry which exists about the y axis, vibration modes can be separated into a y-symmetric part and a y- antisymmetric part, allowing to decrease the computational e orts.
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Isogeometric Bezier Dual Mortaring and Applications

Miao, Di 01 August 2019 (has links)
Isogeometric analysis is aimed to mitigate the gap between Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and analysis by using a unified geometric representation. Thanks to the exact geometry representation and high smoothness of adopted basis functions, isogeometric analysis demonstrated excellent mathematical properties and successfully addressed a variety of problems. In particular, it allows to solve higher order Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) directly omitting the usage of mixed approaches. Unfortunately, complex CAD geometries are often constituted by multiple Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) patches and cannot be directly applied for finite element analysis.parIn this work, we presents a dual mortaring framework to couple adjacent patches for higher order PDEs. The development of this formulation is initiated over the simplest 4th order problem-biharmonic problem. In order to speed up the construction and preserve the sparsity of the coupled problem, we derive a dual mortar compatible C1 constraint and utilize the Bezier dual basis to discretize the Lagrange multipler spaces. We prove that this approach leads to a well-posed discrete problem and specify requirements to achieve optimal convergence. After identifying the cause of sub-optimality of Bezier dual basis, we develop an enrichment procedure to endow Bezier dual basis with adequate polynomial reproduction ability. The enrichment process is quadrature-free and independent of the mesh size. Hence, there is no need to take care of the conditioning. In addition, the built-in vertex modification yields compatible basis functions for multi-patch coupling.To extend the dual mortar approach to couple Kirchhoff-Love shell, we develop a dual mortar compatible constraint for Kirchhoff-Love shell based on the Rodrigues' rotation formula. This constraint provides a unified formulation for both smooth couplings and kinks. The enriched Bezier dual basis preserves the sparsity of the coupled Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation and yields accurate results for several benchmark problems.Like the dual mortaring formulation, locking problem can also be derived from the mixed formulation. Hence, we explore the potential of Bezier dual basis in alleviating transverse shear locking in Timoshenko beams and volumetric locking in nearly compressible linear elasticity. Interpreting the well-known B projection in two different ways we develop two formulations for locking problems in beams and nearly incompressible elastic solids. One formulation leads to a sparse symmetric symmetric system and the other leads to a sparse non-symmetric system.
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Modélisation numérique de la guitare acoustique.

Derveaux, Grégoire 04 June 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Le propos de cette étude est la modélisation numérique de la guitare acoustique dans le domaine temporel. La méthode consiste en l'élaboration d'un modèle qui s'attache à décrire les phénomènes vibratoires et acoustiques mis en jeu depuis le pincer de corde jusqu'au rayonnement 3D du son. La corde est modélisée par une équation des ondes amortie 1D. Elle est couplée à la table d'harmonie via le chevalet. Le mouvement de la table est régi par le modèle de plaque mince amortie de Kirchhoff--Love pour un matériau orthotrope et hétérogène, percée d'un trou et encastrée sur son bord externe. Le reste du corps de la guitare (fond, bords, manche...) est supposé rigide. La table rayonne à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de la cavité. La modélisation complète du champ acoustique rayonné est une approche originale comparativement aux études antérieures portant sur la guitare. On obtient un système d'équations aux dérivées partielles que l'on résout numériquement dans le domaine temporel. On utilise une méthode spectrale spécifique pour la résolution de l'équation de plaque dynamique de Kirchhoff-Love. Pour l'équation de corde et l'équation des ondes acoustiques, on utilise une méthode mixte standard pour l'approximation spatiale et des différences finies centrées en temps. Le problème d'interaction fluide-structure est résolu par une méthode de domaines fictifs qui permet d'approcher finement la géométrie de la guitare tout en utilisant un maillage cubique régulier pour le calcul du champ sonore 3D. L'originalité du schéma de résolution du modèle est un couplage stable entre une méthode de résolution exacte en temps et une méthode discrète. Un nombre important de simulations numériques est réalisées, montrant la validité de la méthode et les très riches potentialités d'une telle approche.
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