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Risk Talk : On Communicating Benefits and Harms in Health CareHoffmann, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
One of the most critical elements in empowering the patient, and ensuring concordance, is communication of the possible benefits and harms of different actions in health care. Risk assessment is a complex task due both to the different interpretations of the concept of risk, and the common lack of hard facts. Hormone, or hormone replacement, therapy (HT) is used by many women in, and after, the menopause. The benefits and possible harms associated with short and long term treatment with HT have been extensively discussed the last decade and the use of HT has decreased dramatically internationally the last few years. The aims of this thesis were to study the interaction between patient and physician when discussing risks and benefits of different treatment alternatives, and to suggest strategies to improve risk communication in clinical practice. The studies have focused on how risks and benefits with HT were communicated between women and physicians during firsttime consultations in 1999- 2000 on this subject (20 women, 5 gynaecologists), and through questionnaires how attitudes towards HT have changed between 1999 (n=1,760) and 2003 (n=1,733) among women entering the menopause (53-54 years). Through a qualitative analysis of the risk communication in the consultations a system was constructed to classify how risk is communicated in relation to benefits. This was used to assess and present differences in risk communication in the consultations. Different rhetorical strategies by the physicians were identified and the dominating tendency was a move from the woman’s current problems to the long-term effects of HT. The questionnaires showed a marked difference in attitudes towards HT between the years. In 2003 women perceived HT to be associated with higher risk and less benefits than in 1999. This correlated to a drastic reduction in the use of HT over the same period. Media was the most frequent source of information about HT during the last twelve months before the questionnaire in 2003. Possible explanations for the different attitudes towards HT between women entering the menopause and gynaecologist; how this difference might have influenced the results; and how they may have implications for future communication strategies are discussed. This thesis illustrates the importance of a deeper understanding in health care of the concept of risk in order to achieve an adequate communication of risk. This is important both in consultations and in campaigns to educate and inform the public. / Reprinted figure 1 on page 32 with permission from Science Ref # 05-17260-Revised. Copyright 2006 AAAS.
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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Psychiatry : Some aspects of utility in clinical practice and researchChermá Yeste, Maria Dolores January 2009 (has links)
Background and objectives: Several new psychoactive drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders have been introduced onto the market since the late 1980s. Basic aspects of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (PK) are investigated before approval for general prescription. Thus, a limited number of subjects are exposed to the drug before it is marketed and only sparse measurements of drug concentration are performed during phases II and III of drug development. The objective of this thesis was to provide further descriptive PK and linked patients data in naturalistic clinical settings. The PK of psychoactive drugs was also studied in the elderly and the young, major risk groups that are exposed in normal everyday clinical practice but that are underrepresented in the phases of drug development. The PK-data were to be assessed by samples sent to the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) laboratory service. In a subset of individuals, the genotypes of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes were described. Results: Serum concentration of the parent compound and its metabolites was provided from TDM-data on antidepressant escitalopram (Paper I) and antipsychotic ziprasidone (Paper II). A large interindividual PK variability was found. The daily dose of the drug was higher than the defined daily dose (DDD) for both escitalopram and ziprasidone (median dose 20 mg and 120 mg, respectively). The median number of drugs per patient, apart from the studied drug, was 4 and 3, respectively (range 1-18). If repeated eligible TDM-data were available, change in treatment strategies could be seen between the first and second sample for the patient, and the metabolite/parent compound (M/P) ratio had lower intraindividual than interindividual variation in the escitalopram study but opposite results were found in the ziprasidone study. The prescription of antidepressant drugs (ADs) in the nursing homes studied was 38 % (Paper III). The concentration of the ADs was higher, or much higher, than could be expected from the dose administered in 73 %. The majority of the elderly people were treated with citalopram. No clear time schedule for how long the drug treatment should continue was found in the patients’ current medical record. The median number of drugs per patient apart from the AD was 11 (range 4-19), no monotherapy was found in these patients. The genetically impaired metabolic activity of CYP enzymes correlated to higher drug concentration as expected, in patients medicated with an AD that is substrate for the CYP enzyme genotype. The concentrations of ADs were as expected from the dose administered in 63 % of the children/adolescents evaluated (Paper IV). The majority of TDM samples requested sertraline. PK outcome of sertraline was similar to the results in adult populations. Monotherapy was documented in 49 % (median number of drugs apart from AD was 1 per patient, range 1-7). Changes in treatment strategies were also shown, if repeated TDM-samples were available. The median variation of the M/P ratio for sertraline between the first and the last samples within the same patient was 20 % (the interindividual variation was 37 %). The poor metabolizers (PM) for CYP2D6 medicated with a CYP2D6 substrate had a lower dose than did non-PM for the same drug. Conclusion: These studies provide reference data for the evaluation of the therapeutic response, i.e. a reference range of what is to be expected in a normal clinical setting, as well as the toxicological information concerning the psychoactive drugs studied. When available, the M/P ratio between two patients’ samples may assess patient compliance, as well as drug-drug interactions. Thus, the use of TDM can be beneficial for individual dose optimisation and drug safety, above all in the studied populations, elderly people and children/adolescents, when the selection of doses requires a consideration of PK parameters. TDM may be a tool for research, increasing knowledge of the psychoactive drug in TDM service, as well as toxicology. A more frequent clinical use of TDM and pharmacogenetic testing in clinical practice would contribute to a better quality when treating with psychoactive drugs.
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<p>Gilbert’s syndrome (GS) occurs in approximately 10% of the European population. The most common cause is homozygosity for UGT1A1*28, which is a TA repeat expansion in the promoter of UGT1A1. It is characterised by intermittent hyperbilirubinemia due to reduced hepatic activity of the enzyme UDP-glucuronosyl-transferase 1A1(UGT1A1). GS also alteres the pharmacokinetics of some drugs and increases the risk of drug toxicity. Irinotecan (Camptosar®, Campto®) is used in metastatic colorectal cancer and the active metabolite is inactivated by UGT1A1. Studies have shown that GS can be a risk factor for toxicity during irinotecan therapy.</p><p>Three different methods for genotyping of UGT1A1*28 have been tested.</p><p>PCR with electrophoresis used for size separation, melting temperature analysis and fluorescent PCR followed by fragment analysis on a capillary sequencer.</p><p>The last method was found to be superior. This method was used for genotyping of patients with colorectal cancer treated with irinotecan and 5-fluorouracil in the Nordic VI study. A significant association between UGT1A1 genotype and plasma bilirubin level before the start of irinotecan treatment was seen (ANOVA p<0.0001). Patients with GS had an overall increased risk of adverse drug reactions (Fishers Exact test p=0.02).</p><p>Gilbert’s syndrome can be diagnosed by genotyping UGT1A1*28 with a fragment analysis method. Genotyping of UGT1A1*28 can be used to identify patients with an increased risk of adverse reactions to irinotecan.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p> / <p>Gilberts syndrom (GS) drabbar upp till 10% av befolkningen i Västeuropa. GS beror på nedsatt aktivitet av enzymet UDP-glukuronosyltransferas 1A1 (UGT1A1) i levern. Den vanligaste orsaken är att individen är homozygot för en insertion av två baser i promotorn för genen UGT1A1. Denna genvariant kallas (TA)7TAA eller UGT1A1*28. GS leder till intermittent stegring av bilirubin vid infektioner, men bilirubinstegring kan förekomma även utan utlösande agens. GS kan också leda till bilirubinstegring vid viss läkemedelsbehandling. Irinotekan (Campto®) används vid metastaserande colorektal cancer och dess aktiva metabolit inaktiveras av UGT1A1. Det finns rapporter om att GS ger ökad risk för toxiska biverkningar av irinotekan.</p><p>Tre metoder för att bestämma UGT1A1 har jämförts: PCR med elfores, PCR med smältpunktsanalys och PCR med fragmentanalys på sekvensator. Den sista metoden var bäst och användes för att genotypa UGT1A1 hos patienter med colorektal cancer från Nordic VI-studien. De behandlades med irinotekan i kombination med bolusinjektion eller infusion av 5-fluorouracil. Vi fann att patienter med GS hade signifikant högre S-bilirubin före behandling jämfört med övriga patienter. De hade även ökad frekvens biverkningar av irinotekan (Fishers exakta test p=0,02).</p><p>Genotypning av UGT1A1 kan således användas för att diagnostisera Gilberts syndrom hos patienter med oförklarad bilirubinstegring. Det kan även användas för att identifiera patienter med ökad risk för biverkningar av irinotekan.</p>
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Pharmacogenetic Studies of Paclitaxel in Ovarian Cancer : focus on interindividual differences in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokineticsGreen, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common female cancer diseases in the world today and in Sweden more than 800 new cases are diagnosed every year. The standard treatment consists of chemotherapy with paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin after initial cytoreductive surgery. The response to treatment and the severity of adverse drug reactions after chemotherapy varies greatly among individuals, and one of the most important factors responsible for these differences is now recognized to be the genetic variability. One of the major obstacles to successful treatment is drug resistance. Several potential mechanisms have been suggested for the resistance to paclitaxel, such as mutations in the target protein β-tubulin, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene ABCB1, which encodes the transport protein P-glycoprotein. P-glycoprotein can mediate efflux of various drugs from cancer cells as well as from the circulation into the intestinal lumen, and overexpression and/or high activity leads to drug resistance and/or increased elimination. Another reason might be the high interindividual variability of paclitaxel plasma concentrations, which has been suggested to be influenced by variability in metabolic enzymes, such as CYP2C8 and CYP3A4, and transport proteins e.g. P-glycoprotein. In the studies constituting this thesis we have investigated the possibilities of predicting the pharmacokinetics of paclitaxel as well as the tumor response and adverse drug reactions after chemotherapy in the preparation of personalized chemotherapy. We studied the correlation between the response and the presence of mutations in the dominant β-tubulin gene and SNPs in ABCB1. DNA from 40 ovarian tumors was screened for sequence variations in the β-tubulin gene without finding any, showing that β-tubulin mutations are rare and unlikely to be a clinically relevant resistance mechanism for paclitaxel. The SNPs G2677T/A and C3435T in the ABCB1 gene were determined in 53 ovarian cancer tumors from patients with poor (progressive disease or relapse within one year) or good (disease-free survival of more than one year) response to paclitaxel-carboplatin chemotherapy. Patients homozygously mutated for G2677T/A had a higher probability of responding to chemotherapy. There was also a dose-dependent influence of the number of mutated alleles on the response to paclitaxel treatment. No correlation was found for the C3435T variant. By using a newly developed quantitative LC/MS method for the simultaneous determination of paclitaxel and its hydroxymetabolites in human plasma we assessed the individual elimination of paclitaxel in 33 ovarian cancer patients. The patients were genotyped for SNPs in the ABCB1, CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 genes and their in vivo CYP3A4 enzyme activity, tumor response and toxicity, especially the neurotoxicity, were determined. Patients heterozygous for G/A in position 2677 in ABCB1 had a significantly higher clearance of paclitaxel than patients with the wild type or homozygously mutated, but not compared to patients carrying the G/T alleles. A lower clearance of paclitaxel was also found for patients heterozygous for CYP2C8*3 when stratified according to the ABCB1 G2677T/A genotype. The CYP3A4 enzyme activity in vivo affected the relative influence of CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 on the metabolism, but not the total clearance of paclitaxel. The exposure to paclitaxel was correlated to the neurotoxicity, but not to the treatment response. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the SNP G2677T/A in the ABCB1 gene, but not β-tubulin mutations, might be a predictor for paclitaxel response and that the interindividual variability in paclitaxel pharmacokinetics might be predicted by ABCB1 and CYP2C8 genotypes and provide useful information for individualized chemotherapy. / Ovarialcancer (äggstockscancer) är en av de vanligaste cancerformerna hos kvinnor i Sverige idag. Behandlingen består vanligen av tumörreducerande kirurgi följd av kemoterapi med paklitaxel och karboplatin. Målsättningen med detta avhandlingsarbete har varit att förbättra cytostatikabehandlingen (cellgiftsbehandlingen) med framförallt paklitaxel vid ovarialcancer genom att lägga grunden för individualisering av doser och förutsäga tumörsvaret vid behandlingen. Ett problem med dagens cancerbehandling är att många cancerceller så småningom blir resistenta mot olika cytostatika. För att angripa den mest resistenta cellen innan den induceras att öka uttrycket av, eller utveckla, fler resistensmekanismer vore det en fördel om vi före behandlingen kunde prediktera vilken dos av cytostatika som är bäst lämpad för individen samt om tumören kommer att reagera på behandlingen eller ej. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för skillnader i behandlingseffekt tros vara genetiska variationer mellan olika individer. I våra studier har vi använt genetiska metoder för att studera om vi kan prediktera tumörsvaret vid behandlingen genom att bestämma mutationer i genen för paklitaxels målprotein, β-tubulin, samt bestämma genetiska variationer i ABCB1-genen, kodande för transportproteinet P-glykoprotein. Tanken är att ett förändrat målprotein eller en förändrad förmåga hos cancercellerna eller kroppen att transportera ut paklitaxel skulle leda till en skillnad i påverkan på tumören. DNA från 40 ovarialtumörer analyserades utan att en enda sekvensvariation hittades i genen för β-tubulin, vilket tyder på att genetiska förändringar i genen för β-tubulin sannolikt inte är en klinisk relevant resistensmekanism. De normalt förekommande genetiska variationerna G2677T/A och C3435T i ABCB1-genen bestämdes i DNA från 53 ovarialtumörer där behandlingen endera givit en bra (tumörfri minst ett år) eller dålig (progression av tumören eller tumörfri mindre än ett år) anti-tumöreffekt. Patienter som var dubbelmuterade i position 2677 dvs hade endera T/T eller T/A (A/A hittades inte i materialet) i denna position hade en högre sannolikhet att få ett bra anti-tumörsvar vid behandlingen. Även antalet muterade baser påverkade utfallet, ju fler muterade baser i position 2677, desto högre sannolikhet att få ett bra svar på behandlingen. Andelen T eller A var också högre i den grupp av patienter som fått en lyckad behandling. För att kunna prediktera patientens individuella förmåga att bryta ner paklitaxel studerade vi inverkan av sekvensvariationer i generna för de nedbrytande enzymerna, CYP2C8 och CYP3A4, och transportproteinet P-glykoprotein (genen ABCB1) på eliminationen av läkemedlet i kroppen. Vi utvecklade en metod för att mäta paklitaxelkoncentrationerna i blodet och använde den för att studera hur snabbt 33 ovarialcancer patienter eliminerade cytostatikat från blodbanan. Hos dessa patienter bestämde vi förekomsten av kända genetiska variationer i generna ABCB1, CYP2C8 och CYP3A4 samt deras CYP3A4 enzymaktivitet i kroppen. Biverkningarna och tumörsvaret vid behandlingen utvärderades också. Eliminationen av paklitaxel hos dessa patienter var beroende av vilken bas som fanns i position 2677 i ABCB1-genen och förekomsten av den genetiska varianten CYP2C8*3. Enzymaktiviteten hos CYP3A4 kunde inte påvisas påverka eliminationen av paklitaxel utan snarare vilket enzym, CYP2C8 eller CYP3A4, som var relativt dominant i respektive patient. Exponeringen av paklitaxel korrelerade till den neurologiska påverkan som patienten orsakades av cytostatikat, men kunde inte korreleras till tumörsvaret vid slutet av cytostatikabehandlingen. Sammanfattningsvis ger patientens genetiska variationer i ABCB1, men inte β-tubulin, information om behandlingsutfallet. Genetiska variationer i CYP2C8 och ABCB1 påverkar patientens förmåga att eliminera paklitaxel och kan förhoppningsvis användas för att individualisera doserna. Vår förhoppning är att resultaten i denna avhandling skall kunna användas för att individualisera och ytterligare förbättra cytostatikabehandlingen vid ovarialcancer.
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Integrating Efficacy and Toxicity in Preclinical Anticancer Drug Development : Methods and ApplicationsHaglund, Caroline January 2011 (has links)
Preclinical testing is an important part of cancer drug development. The aim of this thesis was to establish and evaluate preclinical in vitro methods useful in the development of new anticancer drugs. In paper I, the development of non-clonogenic assays (FMCA-GM) using CD34+ stem cells for assessment of haematological toxicity was described. A high correlation was seen when comparing the 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) from FMCA-GM with the IC50 from the established clonogenic assay (CFU-GM). In paper II, FMCA-GM was complemented with additional cell models, establishing a normal cell panel. In vitro toxicity towards the five normal cell types was compared with known clinical adverse event profiles. The normal cell panel roughly reflected the tissue specific toxicities but was most useful in the prediction of therapeutic index. In paper III the use of peripheral blood lymphocytes from human, dog, rat and mouse to detect species differences in cellular drug sensitivity was described. Good agreement between our method and the established CFU-GM assay was observed. In paper II the benefit of using primary tumour cells from patients to predict cancer diagnosis-specific activity was studied. The in vitro activity of fourteen anticancer drugs was tested in tumour samples of both haematological and solid tumour origin. In general, clinical activity was well reflected. In paper IV, the efficacy and toxicity models were applied for experimental follow-up of a novel inhibitor of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, CB3 (Phosphoric acid, 2,3-dihydro-1,1-dioxido-3-thienyl diphenyl ester). In the preliminary characterization of CB3, antitumour activity and a favourable toxicity profile were displayed, although the exact mechanism of action remains to be elucidated. CB3 will therefore be further investigated. In conclusion, the work presented here contributes to different parts of the preclinical drug development and the methods may aid in the characterization of anticancer compounds
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Drug-related morbidity and mortality : Pharmacoepidemiological aspectsJönsson, Anna K. January 2007 (has links)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) constitute a significant health problem with consequences for the patient as well as for society. Suspected ADRs have been reported to occur in about 2-14% of hospitalised patients. In about 5% of deceased hospitalised patients suspected ADRs may have caused or contributed to the fatal outcome. When a pharmaceutical drug is approved for marketing, the drug has been tested only on a limited number of patients (often <6000) for a limited time period in a controlled environment. Hence mostly common ADRs are detected in these trials. Moreover, certain patient groups, for example patients with co-morbidities, elderly patients, children and pregnant women are often not included in these studies. Thus, it is important to closely monitor the use of drugs after marketing to observe new effects and detect new ADRs. The aim of this thesis is to describe the pattern of pharmaceutical substance use related to morbidity and mortality and to investigate two serious ADRs. We have studied the incidence of fatal ADRs, fatal intoxications, cerebral haemorrhage related to warfarin treatment and venous thromboembolism (VTE) related to treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Observational studies form the basis for this thesis. Data from the Swedish Cause of Death Register, medical case records, the Swedish database on ADRs, the forensic pathology and forensic toxicology databases, and Swedish and Danish hospital discharge registers, Danish prescription registers, and civil registry systems were used. In Paper I we found that 3% of all fatalities in a Swedish population were related to a suspected ADR. Of the deceased hospitalised patients, 6% were related to a suspected ADR. Haemorrhage was the most commonly observed fatal suspected ADR, accounting for almost two-thirds of the events and anticoagulantia was the most common drug group associated with fatal suspected ADRs (almost 50%). A suspected intoxication could have contributed to the fatal outcome in 0.6% of the deceased. Among the fatal intoxications in Swedish medico-legal autopsies studied in Paper II, on average four substances were detected per case. The five most commonly detected substances in individuals with a fatal intoxication were ethanol, propoxyphene, paracetamol, diazepam and flunitrazepam. Among patients diagnosed with cerebral haemorrhage, 10% (59 cases) were treated with warfarin at onset of symptoms (Paper III). Of these, 7 cases (12%) were considered to have been possibly avoidable since the patients were treated with concomitant drugs that have the potential to enhance warfarin effects. The results from Paper IV and Paper V in combination with the published literature suggest that patients treated with antipsychotic drugs have an increased risk for VTE. Compared with non-users, an adjusted odds ratio for VTE of 2.0 was found for users of any antipsychotic drugs in a Danish population. In a medico-legal autopsy series, an adjusted odds ratio for fatal pulmonary embolism of 2.4 and 6.9 was found for users of first-generation low-potency antipsychotics and second-generation antipsychotics, respectively. In summary, drug-related morbidity and mortality is a significant problem and suspected ADRs contribute to a substantial number of deaths. Fatal intoxications are relatively common and it is important to observe changes in patterns of substances associated with fatal intoxications to be able to discover new trends and monitor effects of preventive work. A significant proportion of warfarin-related cerebral haemorrhage was caused by drug-drug interactions and was considered possible to avoid. Users of antipsychotic drugs may increase the risk of VTE. / Idag finns det säkra och effektiva behandlingar mot många sjukdomar. Läkemedel är den vanligaste behandlingsformen i sjukvården och under 2006 hämtade sex miljoner svenskar (68%) ut ett eller fler recept på ett apotek i Sverige. Även om läkemedelsbehandling har många positiva effekter kan även oönskade och skadliga effekter vid läkemedelsbehandling uppkomma, dvs. läkemedelsbiverkningar. Innan ett läkemedel kommer ut för försäljning har man studerat effekter och biverkningar på ett begränsat antal individer (ofta <6000) under en begränsad tidsperiod där patienterna övervakas noga. Dessutom är det i regel enbart patienter med få andra sjukdomar och läkemedel som ingår i dessa studier. Därför är oftast enbart de vanligaste biverkningarna kända när ett läkemedel börjar säljas till allmänheten. När ett läkemedel blir tillgängligt för ett stort antal patienter är det därför viktigt att man med olika metoder fortsätter att följa läkemedlets effekter och biverkningar. Tidigare har man visat att ungefär 2-14% av inläggningar på sjukhus beror på läkemedelsbiverkningar. Dessutom kan biverkningar ha bidragit eller orsakat dödsfallet i ungefär 5% av de som avlider på sjukhus. Biverkningar orsakar mycket lidande för patienten och kostar samhället både tid och pengar. Om det skulle vara möjligt att förhindra några av dessa sjukhusinläggningar eller dödsfall skulle man vinna mycket. Det är svårt att uppskatta hur många biverkningar som kan förhindras. Genom att studera faktorer som kan öka risken för en oönskad effekt kan man bättre anpassa behandlingen till den enskilde patienten och därmed förhindra biverkningar. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att beskriva mönster av läkemedelsrelaterade sjukdomar och dödsfall, och att undersöka risken för två allvarliga läkemedelsbiverkningar. Förekomsten av misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningar, vilka faktorer som kan öka risken för att få en läkemedelsbiverkan, samt vilka läkemedel och biverkningar som förekommer har studerats. Detta gjordes utifrån uppgifter hämtade från dödsorsaksregistret, svenska biverkningsregistret, journaler, rättsmedicinska register, slutenvårdsregister och receptregister. Genom att utnyttja sådan information har vi i närmare detalj studerat förekomsten av dödsfall där ett eller flera läkemedel kan ha haft betydelse för dödsfallet, förgiftningsdödsfall, blödningar i samband med blodförtunnande medicinering och blodproppar i samband med antipsykotisk medicinering. I de arbeten som ingår i avhandlingen har vi funnit att en läkemedelsbiverkan misstänks ha bidragit eller orsakat dödsfallet i ungefär 3% av de som avlidit i en svensk population (Arbete I). Blödningar står för nästan två tredjedelar av dessa biverkningar och blodförtunnande medel misstänks vara inblandade i nästan hälften av de misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningarna. I den här svenska populationen avled 0,6% till följd av misstänkt läkemedelsförgiftning. Bland rättsmedicinskt undersökta förgiftningsdödsfall påvisades i genomsnitt fyra substanser per fall (Arbete II). De fem vanligaste påvisade substanserna i studien var alkohol, dextropropoxifen, paracetamol, diazepam och flunitrazepam. Bland patienter som får hjärnblödning behandlades 10% vid blödningstillfället med ett blodförtunnande medel, warfarin (Arbete III). I 7 fall (12%) skulle hjärnblödningen möjligen kunna ha förhindrats då patienterna samtidigt behandlades med andra läkemedel som kan ha ökat blödningsrisken. Den sammantagna bilden av den litteratur som finns publicerad och resultatet av Arbete IV och Arbete V, tyder på att patienter som behandlas med antipsykotiska preparat har en ökad risk för att få blodpropp. Flera faktorer har föreslagits som kan förklara den ökade risken för blodpropp bland patienter som behandlas med antipsykotika som har med sjukdomen att göra och/eller behandlingen med antipsykotiska läkemedel. Sammanfattningsvis visar detta avhandlingsprojekt att läkemedelsbiverkningar är ett väsentligt sjukvårdsproblem som bidrar till ett betydande antal dödsfall. Förgiftningsdödsfall med läkemedel är också relativt vanliga och det är viktigt att bevaka effekter av preventiva åtgärder och se om de substanser som används ändras över tid. En del läkemedelsrelaterade biverkningar skulle kunna förhindras då t.ex. en betydande andel av warfarinrelaterade hjärnblödningar beror på läkemedelsinteraktioner. Förekomsten av venösa blodproppar verkar vara förhöjd bland patienter som behandlas med antipsykotiska läkemedel, men fler studier behövs för att avgöra detta och vad det i så fall beror på.
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