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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Steuerung Alt Entfernen / Re-boot Science

Becker, Claudia January 2013 (has links)
Wissen, Wissenssammlungen und Wissensordnungen haben sich im Laufe der Jahre verändert, ebenso wie die Wissensproduktion, die Schaffung neuen Wissens, die Wissenschaft selbst. Der Baum des Wissens, arbor porphyriana oder auch arbor scientiae war seit der Antike eine gültige Metapher und das Klassifikationsschema für die Struktur des Wissens, die epistemologische Ordnung. So lehnte auch Denis Diderot die Ordnung seiner berühmten Enzyklopädie an die Baumstruktur des Wissens von Francis Bacon an. (...)

Semantic Labeling of Large Geographic Areas Using Multi-Date and Multi-View Satellite Images and Noisy OpenStreetMap Labels

Bharath Kumar Comandur Jagannathan Raghunathan (9187466) 31 July 2020 (has links)
<div>This dissertation addresses the problem of how to design a convolutional neural network (CNN) for giving semantic labels to the points on the ground given the satellite image coverage over the area and, for the ground truth, given the noisy labels in OpenStreetMap (OSM). This problem is made challenging by the fact that -- (1) Most of the images are likely to have been recorded from off-nadir viewpoints for the area of interest on the ground; (2) The user-supplied labels in OSM are frequently inaccurate and, not uncommonly, entirely missing; and (3) The size of the area covered on the ground must be large enough to possess any engineering utility. As this dissertation demonstrates, solving this problem requires that we first construct a DSM (Digital Surface Model) from a stereo fusion of the available images, and subsequently use the DSM to map the individual pixels in the satellite images to points on the ground. That creates an association between the pixels in the images and the noisy labels in OSM. The CNN-based solution we present yields a 4-8% improvement in the per-class segmentation IoU (Intersection over Union) scores compared to the traditional approaches that use the views independently of one another. The system we present is end-to-end automated, which facilitates comparing the classifiers trained directly on true orthophotos vis-`a-vis first training them on the off-nadir images and subsequently translating the predicted labels to geographical coordinates. This work also presents, for arguably the first time, an in-depth discussion of large-area image alignment and DSM construction using tens of true multi-date and multi-view WorldView-3 satellite images on a distributed OpenStack cloud computing platform.</div>


Salar Safarkhani (9165011) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<div><div><div><p>The process of acquiring the large-scale complex systems is usually characterized with cost and schedule overruns. To investigate the causes of this problem, we may view the acquisition of a complex system in several different time scales. At finer time scales, one may study different stages of the acquisition process from the intricate details of the entire systems engineering process to communication between design teams to how individual designers solve problems. At the largest time scale one may consider the acquisition process as series of actions which are, request for bids, bidding and auctioning, contracting, and finally building and deploying the system, without resolving the fine details that occur within each step. In this work, we study the acquisition processes in multiple scales. First, we develop a game-theoretic model for engineering of the systems in the building and deploying stage. We model the interactions among the systems and subsystem engineers as a principal-agent problem. We develop a one-shot shallow systems engineering process and obtain the optimum transfer functions that best incentivize the subsystem engineers to maximize the expected system-level utility. The core of the principal-agent model is the quality function which maps the effort of the agent to the performance (quality) of the system. Therefore, we build the stochastic quality function by modeling the design process as a sequential decision-making problem. Second, we develop and evaluate a model of the acquisition process that accounts for the strategic behavior of different parties. We cast our model in terms of government-funded projects and assume the following steps. First, the government publishes a request for bids. Then, private firms offer their proposals in a bidding process and the winner bidder enters in a con- tract with the government. The contract describes the system requirements and the corresponding monetary transfers for meeting them. The winner firm devotes effort to deliver a system that fulfills the requirements. This can be assumed as a game that the government plays with the bidder firms. We study how different parameters in the acquisition procedure affect the bidders’ behaviors and therefore, the utility of the government. Using reinforcement learning, we seek to learn the optimal policies of involved actors in this game. In particular, we study how the requirements, contract types such as cost-plus and incentive-based contracts, number of bidders, problem complexity, etc., affect the acquisition procedure. Furthermore, we study the bidding strategy of the private firms and how the contract types affect their strategic behavior.</p></div></div></div>

An Intelligent UAV Platform For Multi-Agent Systems

Taashi Kapoor (12437445) 21 April 2022 (has links)
<p> This thesis presents work and simulations containing the use of Artificial Intelligence for real-time perception and real-time anomaly detection using the computer and sensors onboard an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. One goal of this research is to develop a highly accurate, high-performance computer vision system that can then be used as a framework for object detection, obstacle avoidance, motion estimation, 3D reconstruction, and vision-based GPS denied path planning. The method developed and presented in this paper integrates software and hardware techniques to reach optimal performance for real-time operations. </p> <p>This thesis also presents a solution to real-time anomaly detection using neural networks to further the safety and reliability of operations for the UAV. Real-time telemetry data from different sensors are used to predict failures before they occur. Both these systems together form the framework behind the Intelligent UAV platform, which can be rapidly adopted for different varieties of use cases because of its modular nature and on-board suite of sensors. </p>

Statistical Design of Sequential Decision Making Algorithms

Chi-hua Wang (12469251) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Sequential decision-making is a fundamental class of problem that motivates algorithm designs of online machine learning and reinforcement learning. Arguably, the resulting online algorithms have supported modern online service industries for their data-driven real-time automated decision making. The applications span across different industries, including dynamic pricing (Marketing), recommendation (Advertising), and dosage finding (Clinical Trial). In this dissertation, we contribute fundamental statistical design advances for sequential decision-making algorithms, leaping progress in theory and application of online learning and sequential decision making under uncertainty including online sparse learning, finite-armed bandits, and high-dimensional online decision making. Our work locates at the intersection of decision-making algorithm designs, online statistical machine learning, and operations research, contributing new algorithms, theory, and insights to diverse fields including optimization, statistics, and machine learning.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In part I, we contribute a theoretical framework of continuous risk monitoring for regularized online statistical learning. Such theoretical framework is desirable for modern online service industries on monitoring deployed model's performance of online machine learning task. In the first project (Chapter 1), we develop continuous risk monitoring for the online Lasso procedure and provide an always-valid algorithm for high-dimensional dynamic pricing problems. In the second project (Chapter 2), we develop continuous risk monitoring for online matrix regression and provide new algorithms for rank-constrained online matrix completion problems. Such theoretical advances are due to our elegant interplay between non-asymptotic martingale concentration theory and regularized online statistical machine learning.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In part II, we contribute a bootstrap-based methodology for finite-armed bandit problems, termed Residual Bootstrap exploration. Such a method opens a possibility to design model-agnostic bandit algorithms without problem-adaptive optimism-engineering and instance-specific prior-tuning. In the first project (Chapter 3), we develop residual bootstrap exploration for multi-armed bandit algorithms and shows its easy generalizability to bandit problems with complex or ambiguous reward structure. In the second project (Chapter 4), we develop a theoretical framework for residual bootstrap exploration in linear bandit with fixed action set. Such methodology advances are due to our development of non-asymptotic theory for the bootstrap procedure.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In part III, we contribute application-driven insights on the exploration-exploitation dilemma for high-dimensional online decision-making problems. Such insights help practitioners to implement effective high-dimensional statistics methods to solve online decisionmaking problems. In the first project (Chapter 5), we develop a bandit sampling scheme for online batch high-dimensional decision making, a practical scenario in interactive marketing, and sequential clinical trials. In the second project (Chapter 6), we develop a bandit sampling scheme for federated online high-dimensional decision-making to maintain data decentralization and perform collaborated decisions. These new insights are due to our new bandit sampling design to address application-driven exploration-exploitation trade-offs effectively. </p>

On Higher Order Graph Representation Learning

Balasubramaniam Srinivasan (12463038) 26 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Research on graph representation learning (GRL) has made major strides over the past decade, with widespread applications in domains such as e-commerce, personalization, fraud & abuse, life sciences, and social network analysis. Despite its widespread success, fundamental questions on practices employed in modern day GRL have remained unanswered. Unraveling and advancing two such fundamental questions on the practices in modern day GRL forms the overarching theme of my thesis.</p> <p>The first part of my thesis deals with the mathematical foundations of GRL. GRL is used to solve tasks such as node classification, link prediction, clustering, graph classification, and so on, albeit with seemingly different frameworks (e.g. Graph neural networks for node/graph classification, (implicit) matrix factorization for link prediction/ clustering, etc.). The existence of very distinct frameworks for different graph tasks has puzzled researchers and practitioners alike. In my thesis, using group theory, I provide a theoretical blueprint that connects these seemingly different frameworks, bridging methods like matrix factorization and graph neural networks. With this renewed understanding, I then provide guidelines to better realize the full capabilities of these methods in a multitude of tasks.</p> <p>The second part of my thesis deals with cases where modeling real-world objects as a graph is an oversimplified description of the underlying data. Specifically, I look at two such objects (i) modeling hypergraphs (where edges encompass two or more vertices) and (ii) using GRL for predicting protein properties. Towards (i) hypergraphs, I develop a hypergraph neural network which takes advantage of the inherent sparsity of real world hypergraphs, without unduly sacrificing on its ability to distinguish non isomorphic hypergraphs. The designed hypergraph neural network is then leveraged to learn expressive representations of hyperedges for two tasks, namely hyperedge classification and hyperedge expansion. Experiments show that using our network results in improved performance over the current approach of converting the hypergraph into a dyadic graph and using (dyadic) GRL frameworks. Towards (ii) proteins, I introduce the concept of conditional invariances and leverage it to model the inherent flexibility present in proteins. Using conditional invariances, I provide a new framework for GRL which can capture protein-dependent conformations and ensures that all viable conformers of a protein obtain the same representation. Experiments show that endowing existing GRL models with my framework shows noticeable improvements on multiple different protein datasets and tasks.</p>

Multimodal Data Management in Open-world Environment

K M A Solaiman (16678431) 02 August 2023 (has links)
<p>The availability of abundant multimodal data, including textual, visual, and sensor-based information, holds the potential to improve decision-making in diverse domains. Extracting data-driven decision-making information from heterogeneous and changing datasets in real-world data-centric applications requires achieving complementary functionalities of multimodal data integration, knowledge extraction and mining, situationally-aware data recommendation to different users, and uncertainty management in the open-world setting. To achieve a system that encompasses all of these functionalities, several challenges need to be effectively addressed: (1) How to represent and analyze heterogeneous source contents and application context for multimodal data recommendation? (2) How to predict and fulfill current and future needs as new information streams in without user intervention? (3) How to integrate disconnected data sources and learn relevant information to specific mission needs? (4) How to scale from processing petabytes of data to exabytes? (5) How to deal with uncertainties in open-world that stem from changes in data sources and user requirements?</p> <p><br></p> <p>This dissertation tackles these challenges by proposing novel frameworks, learning-based data integration and retrieval models, and algorithms to empower decision-makers to extract valuable insights from diverse multimodal data sources. The contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as follows: (1) We developed SKOD, a novel multimodal knowledge querying framework that overcomes the data representation, scalability, and data completeness issues while utilizing streaming brokers and RDBMS capabilities with entity-centric semantic features as an effective representation of content and context. Additionally, as part of the framework, a novel text attribute recognition model called HART was developed, which leveraged language models and syntactic properties of large unstructured texts. (2) In the SKOD framework, we incrementally proposed three different approaches for data integration of the disconnected sources from their semantic features to build a common knowledge base with the user information need: (i) EARS: A mediator approach using schema mapping of the semantic features and SQL joins was proposed to address scalability challenges in data integration; (ii) FemmIR: A data integration approach for more susceptible and flexible applications, that utilizes neural network-based graph matching techniques to learn coordinated graph representations of the data. It introduces a novel graph creation approach from the features and a novel similarity metric among data sources; (iii) WeSJem: This approach allows zero-shot similarity matching and data discovery by using contrastive learning<br> to embed data samples and query examples in a high-dimensional space using features as a novel source of supervision instead of relevance labels. (3) Finally, to manage uncertainties in multimodal data management for open-world environments, we characterized novelties in multimodal information retrieval based on data drift. Moreover, we proposed a novelty detection and adaptation technique as an augmentation to WeSJem.<br> </p> <p>The effectiveness of the proposed frameworks, models, and algorithms was demonstrated<br> through real-world system prototypes that solved open problems requiring large-scale human<br> endeavors and computational resources. Specifically, these prototypes assisted law enforcement officers in automating investigations and finding missing persons.<br> </p>


Frank Lin (16553082) 18 July 2023 (has links)
<p>The swift emergence and wide-ranging utilization of machine learning (ML) across various industries, including healthcare, transportation, and robotics, have underscored the escalating need for efficient, scalable, and privacy-preserving solutions. Recognizing this, we present an integrated examination of three novel frameworks, each addressing different aspects of distributed learning and privacy issues: Two Timescale Hybrid Federated Learning (TT-HF), Delay-Aware Federated Learning (DFL), and Differential Privacy Hierarchical Federated Learning (DP-HFL). TT-HF introduces a semi-decentralized architecture that combines device-to-server and device-to-device (D2D) communications. Devices execute multiple stochastic gradient descent iterations on their datasets and sporadically synchronize model parameters via D2D communications. A unique adaptive control algorithm optimizes step size, D2D communication rounds, and global aggregation period to minimize network resource utilization and achieve a sublinear convergence rate. TT-HF outperforms conventional FL approaches in terms of model accuracy, energy consumption, and resilience against outages. DFL focuses on enhancing distributed ML training efficiency by accounting for communication delays between edge and cloud. It also uses multiple stochastic gradient descent iterations and periodically consolidates model parameters via edge servers. The adaptive control algorithm for DFL mitigates energy consumption and edge-to-cloud latency, resulting in faster global model convergence, reduced resource consumption, and robustness against delays. Lastly, DP-HFL is introduced to combat privacy vulnerabilities in FL. Merging the benefits of FL and Hierarchical Differential Privacy (HDP), DP-HFL significantly reduces the need for differential privacy noise while maintaining model performance, exhibiting an optimal privacy-performance trade-off. Theoretical analysis under both convex and nonconvex loss functions confirms DP-HFL’s effectiveness regarding convergence speed, privacy performance trade-off, and potential performance enhancement with appropriate network configuration. In sum, the study thoroughly explores TT-HF, DFL, and DP-HFL, and their unique solutions to distributed learning challenges such as efficiency, latency, and privacy concerns. These advanced FL frameworks have considerable potential to further enable effective, efficient, and secure distributed learning.</p>


Ashley S Dale (8771429) 03 September 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) successfully perform object detection tasks, and the Con- volutional Neural Network (CNN) backbone is a commonly used feature extractor before secondary tasks such as detection, classification, or segmentation. In a DNN model, the relationship between the features learned by the model from the training data and the features leveraged by the model during test and deployment has motivated the area of feature interpretability studies. The work presented here applies equally to white-box and black-box models and to any DNN architecture. The metrics developed do not require any information beyond the feature vector generated by the feature extraction backbone. These methods are therefore the first methods capable of estimating black-box model robustness in terms of latent space complexity and the first methods capable of examining feature representations in the latent space of black box models.</p><p dir="ltr">This work contributes the following four novel methodologies and results. First, a method for quantifying the invariance and/or equivariance of a model using the training data shows that the representation of a feature in the model impacts model performance. Second, a method for quantifying an observed domain gap in a dataset using the latent feature vectors of an object detection model is paired with pixel-level augmentation techniques to close the gap between real and synthetic data. This results in an improvement in the model’s F1 score on a test set of outliers from 0.5 to 0.9. Third, a method for visualizing and quantifying similarities of the latent manifolds of two black-box models is used to correlate similar feature representation with increase success in the transferability of gradient-based attacks. Finally, a method for examining the global complexity of decision boundaries in black-box models is presented, where more complex decision boundaries are shown to correlate with increased model robustness to gradient-based and random attacks.</p>


Laraib Fatima (19204162) 28 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), a disease that due to its complexity and rarity, presents challenges in diagnosis. With a focus on integrating expert knowledge into an intelligent diagnostic system, the research explores the intricate nature of axSpA, emphasizing the challenges associated with its diverse clinical presentation. By leveraging a comprehensive knowledge base curated by domain experts, encompassing insights into pathophysiology, genetic factors, and evolving diagnostic criteria of axSpA, the expert system strives to provide a nuanced understanding of the disease. The methodology employs a hybrid reasoning approach, combining both forward and backward chaining techniques. Forward chaining iteratively processes clinical data and available evidence, applying logical rules to infer potential diagnoses and refine hypotheses, while backward chaining starts with the desired diagnostic goal and works backward through the knowledge base to validate or refute hypotheses. Additionally, certainty theory is incorporated to manage uncertainty in the diagnostic process, assigning confidence levels to conclusions based on the strength of evidence and expert knowledge. By integrating knowledge base, forward and backward chaining, and certainty theory, the research aims to enhance diagnostic precision for this less common yet impactful inflammatory rheumatic condition, emphasizing the importance of early and accurate identification for effective management and improved patient outcomes. The results indicate a significant improvement in diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity compared to traditional methods. The system's potential to enhance early diagnosis and treatment outcomes is discussed, along with suggestions for future research to further refine and expand the system.</p>

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