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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomní učení anglickému jazyku v kontextu české střední odborné školy / Learner Autonomy in English classes at a Czech Secondary Technical School

Minakova, Irina January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the efficacy of the learner autonomy (LA) principles implemented in secondary technical school EFL classes through project-based units incorporated into the conventional four-year language curriculum (2011-2015). This integrated approach remains uncommon in a Czech secondary technical school, even though it suggests a teaching model that enhances ELA and increases communicative competence and motivation among learners. A mixed-method design based on longitudinal four-cycle action research and quasi-experiment approaches was selected (1) to examine the changes in self-regulation and academic achievement development over time; (2) to investigate the efficacy of autonomous projects systematically applied within the assigned treatment group (TG), and (3) to compare the results of the treatment and control groups as to their self-regulation and academic achievement development. For the quantitative strand, a structured Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) and a series of academic tests were administered which were consequently analysed through null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST). The instruments employed within the quasi-experiment were focused on the following two major questions: (1) whether there was correlation between self- regulation and academic achievement...

Didactique professionnelle du design : situations d’apprentissage, activités de conception et représentations : le cas de l’alternance / Professional pedagogy of design : learning situations, representations and design activities : the case of work-linked training

Moineau, Christophe 24 November 2016 (has links)
La finalité de ce travail exploratoire, inscrit dans le cadre d’une didactique professionnelle du design naissante, est de comprendre l’incidence de l’alternance sur les apprentissages d’étudiants en design. Dans ce but, les connaissances ou savoirs impliqués et les représentations que les prescriptions proposent sont extraits puis mis en regard des représentations que les étudiants construisent de l’activité de conception en tant qu’objet social ou en jeu dans les activités d’apprentissage. Pour aborder ces représentations décrites ou construites, puis leur incidence sur l’activité de conception et sur les apprentissages, il est fait appel à un champ théorique multidisciplinaire et à un cadre méthodologique dialectique s’appuyant sur une analyse curriculaire et sur une analyse de l’activité des étudiants-apprentis. Les résultats mettent en lumière des représentations, parfois antagonistes, de l’activité de conception et de la profession de designer. Ils montrent que l’alternance des temps et des lieux d’apprentissage est un révélateur, pour les étudiants, des spécificités de l’activité de conception au sein de chacun des environnements. Ainsi, les environnements « organisants » et « capacitants » du curriculum réel, impensés dans le prescrit, modifient et régulent l’activité et le développement des compétences. Enfin, la production de connaissances, prescrite par le curriculum dans la cadre d’un « mémoire de recherche », permet aux apprentis-designers-chercheurs de développer des formes d’expertises qui interrogent sur les interactions entre savoirs pour agir et métaconnaissances pour concevoir et semblent redéfinir la représentation de la compétence de conception. / The purpose of this exploratory work, grounded on an emerging professional pedagogy of design, is to understand the impact of work-linked training in design on the learning of the design activity by students. To that end, the knowledge involved is extracted, juxtaposed with the representations that the requirement offers, and then set against the representations that students build of design activity as a social object as well as those involved in learning activities. Therefore, the theoretical field which is used is multidisciplinary. It induces a dialectical methodologic framework based both on a curricular analysis, necessary to understand the observed teaching situations, and on an analysis of the students’ activities. The outcomes shed light on these (sometimes conflicting) representations of creative design activity and of the designer’s profession. Outcomes also show the alternating times and places of learning situations reveal to the students the specificity of both designing situation. Thus, the “organizing environments” of the real curriculum and untaught within the required one, modify and regulate the system of interactions and the development of the students’ design skills. Moreover, the exchange device induces a timeline and “enabling” working and learning environments. Finally, the production of knowledge, required by the curriculum through the “research thesis”, allows the “apprentices-designers-researchers” to develop forms of expertise that question the interactions between knowledge to act and meta-knowledge to design and seems to redefine the representation of the design skill.

Transférabilité des savoirs et des compétences dans la formation et la mobilité professionnelle des éducateurs spécialisés dans l’espace européen. Étude comparative entre l’Italie et la France / Transferability of knowledge and skills in the training and professional mobility of educators specializing in the European area. Comparative study between Italy and France / La trasferibilità delle conoscenze et delle competenze nella formazione e la mobilità professionale degli educatori nello spazio europeo. Studio comparativo tra Italia e Francia

Romano, Luciano 27 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre plus large d’une cotutelle de thèse en Sciences de l’Éducation entre les Universités de Nice et de Turin. Nous sommes partis du constat que l’organisation de l’éducation spécialisée en Europe est loin d’être homogène. Ainsi, en Italie, contrairement à la France, la formation en travail social est confiée aux universités. Depuis l’inscription de la formation française dans le cadre européen en 1989, la réorganisation des contenus de formation et la mise en conformité avec le reste de l’Europe a provoqué une révision profonde du modèle pédagogique de référence et de la conception même de la profession. À partir de cette étude comparative, notre thèse étudie l’impact de ce nouveau modèle de transmission et de reconnaissance des savoirs sur la professionnalisation des travailleurs sociaux, afin d’envisager comment le cadre européen agit à travers ses deux postulats : la transférabilité des savoirs et des compétences professionnelles. En partant d’un secteur spécifique comme celui de l’éducation spécialisée, notre thèse explore le double aspect de la formation – transférabilité des savoirs- et de la professionnalisation – transférabilité des compétences –afin de vérifier s’il est judicieux de parler d’une véritable "Europe des métiers du social". / This research is incorporated within the wider framework of a thesis in Educational Studies which was co-tutored by the University of Nice in France and the University of Turin in Italy. We started by observing that the organisation of specialised education in Europe is far from being homogeneous. Consequently, Social Work Education in Italy is entrusted to Universities, yet not in France. Since French education was incorporated within the European Framework in 1989, the re-organisation of the educational content and its compliance with the rest of Europe has led to a deep reviewing of both the pedagogical model of reference and the conception of the profession itself. Moving from this comparative study, our thesis analyses the impact of this new model of transmission and recognition of knowledge on the professionalization of social workers in order to understand how the European framework acts through the two following postulates : the transferability of knowledge and the transferability of professional expertises. Starting from the specific field of specialised education, our study explores the double aspect of education – knowledge transferability – and professionalization – expertises transferability – in order to verify whether it is wise to talk about a common “European approach to social work”. / Questa tesi in Scienze dell’Educazione ha visto la luce nell’ambito di una co-tutela tra l'Università di Nizza e l’Università di Torino. La premessa è che la professione dell’educatore in Europa è tutt’altro che omogenea. In Italia, sin dagli anni Novanta, la formazione degli educatori è affidata alle università e conserva una base disciplinare. In Francia, invece, essa é delegata alle scuole regionali ed é declinata in competenze. Inoltre, nel 2010 é stata attuata una profonda revisione del modello pedagogico in nome dell’adesione alle norme che regolano lo Spazio Europeo dell'Istruzione Superiore (SEIS). In questo quadro si colloca il nuovo modello di trasmissione e di riconoscimento dei saperi proposto dall’Europa, basato su due postulati : la trasferibilità delle conoscenze e delle competenze professionali. Partendo da un settore specifico come quello dell’educazione professionale, la ricerca si è proposta di esplorare il doppio aspetto della comparazione dei sistemi di formazione – trasferibilità delle conoscenze – e professionali – trasferibilità delle competenze – al fine di verificare se è possibile parlare di una "Europa dei mestieri del sociale".

GRUPPARBETE INOM HEM- OCH KONSUMENTKUNSKAP : En kvalitativ intervjustudie utifrån lärares perspektiv / GROUP WORK IN HOME AND CONSUMER STUDIES : A qualitative interview studyfrom teachers’ perspective

Erlandsson Tordsjänta, Marie, Boode Nylander, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund Elevers grupparbeten utgör en betydande del av HKK-undervisningen. Tidigare forskning kring elevers grupparbeten i allmänhet är omfattande, men forskning gällande elevers grupparbeten inom HKK är ytterst begränsad. Som utpräglat processämne är det av största vikt att eleverna ges möjlighet att träna på praktiska moment inom hem- och konsumentkunskap (HKK), för att eleverna ska kunna utveckla kunskap i handling vilket sedermera ska bedömas av undervisande lärare. Syfte Syftet med studien var att utforska lärares uppfattningar, upplevelser och erfarenheter av grupparbete i HKK. Metod Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med tio HKK-lärare runtom i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med stöd av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Det mest framträdande resultatet i studien var att arbetsformen grupparbete var dominerande i såväl praktiskt som teoretiskt arbete inom HKK. Ramfaktorer påverkade, styrde och begränsade undervisningen. Samarbete, kamratlärande, trygghet och praktisk träning var främsta syften med grupparbeten inom HKK. Det sociala klimatet, elevernaskunskapsnivå och särskilda behov var de faktorer som främst togs i beaktning vid sammansättning av elevgrupper. Lärarnas arbete kring elevgruppernas varaktighet skilde sig åt. Observationer var den vanligaste bedömningsformen när elever arbetade i grupp. Bedömning av elever som arbetade i grupp upplevdes vara svårt och utmanande bland lärarna i studien. Slutsats Grupparbete som undervisningsmetod framstår som rådande kutym inom ämnet. Studien påvisade brister med denna undervisningsmetod, främst utifrån bedömningsaspekten. Med mer noggrant uttänkta strategier för varför, hur och när det vore lämpligt att använda grupparbete som undervisningsmetod anser vi att HKK-läraren har möjlighet att höja kvaliteten på såväl undervisning som bedömning. / ABSTRACT  Background Students' group work constitutes a significant part of the teaching in Home and Consumer Studies (HCS). Previous research on students 'group work in general is extensive, but research on students' group work within HCS is extremely limited. As a distinct process subject, it is of the utmost importance that students are given the opportunity to practice practical elements in HCS, so that students can develop ”knowledge in action”, which will be assessed by the teacher.  Objective The aim of the study was to explore the teachers’ perceptions and experiences regarding group work in HCS.  Method Qualitative interviews were conducted with ten teachers in HCS within Sweden. The interviews were analyzed on the basis of content analysis.  Results The most prominent result in the study was that group work was dominant in both practical and theoretical work within HCS. Framework factors influenced, controlled and limited teaching. Cooperation, peer learning, safety and practical training were the main purposes of group work within HCS. The social climate, the students' level of knowledge and special needs were the factors that were mainly taken into account when composing student groups. The teachers' work on the duration of the student groups differed. Observations were the most common form of assessment when students worked in groups. Assessment of students who worked in groups was perceived as difficult and challenging among the teachers in the study.  Conclusion Group work as a teaching method appears to be the prevailing custom within the subject. The study demonstrated shortcomings with this teaching method, mainly based on the assessment aspect. With more carefully thought out strategies for why, how and when it would be appropriate to use group work as a teaching method, we believe that the HCS teacher has the opportunity to raise the quality of both teaching and assessment.

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