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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle des sociétés de capital-investissement dans la formation d'alliances stratégiques / The role of Private Equity-firms in the formation of strategic alliances

Burkhardt, Kirsten 27 February 2014 (has links)
Ce travail analyse le rôle des sociétés de capital-investissement dans la formation d’alliances stratégiques sur le marché français du capital-investissement. Après nous être fait une idée de l’importance du phénomène à l’aide des informations nouvelles que nous avons générées par notre propre enquête, nous apportons une explication au phénomène observé. L’analyse théorique se fait sous l’angle de la création de valeur actionnariale, en recourant conjointement aux théories contractuelles et cognitives. Les théories sociologiques des réseaux viennent compléter les principaux arguments de ces deux cadres théoriques. Le modèle explicatif qui en découle est ensuite mis à l’épreuve empirique à l’aide d’une étude multi-méthodes à visée infirmationniste, combinant une analyse économétrique et une étude de cas multiples. Nos résultats permettent de conclure que les sociétés françaises de capital-investissement jouent un rôle tant intentionnel que non intentionnel dans la formation d’alliances stratégiques pour leurs participations. Ces rôles mettent en avant une intervention tant passive qu’active des sociétés françaises de capital-investissement. Bien que l’argumentation cognitive trouve, dans son ensemble, plus de support que l’argumentation contractuelle, l’analyse fait ressortir l’intérêt de recourir à une utilisation conjointe des théories contractuelles et cognitives qui se révèlent complémentaires. / This research analyses the role of Private Equity firms in the formation of strategic alliances within the field of the French Private Equity market. We start to provide evidence of its importance from new survey information, before offering an explanation of the organizational phenomenon. The study addresses the questions of how and why Private Equity firms act as relational intermediaries to help their portfolio companies form alliances. Both questions are investigated in the light of the Private Equity firms’ contribution to the value creation process that comes with alliance formation. Answers are provided by means of three jointly used theoretical frameworks: (1) mainstream theories (transaction cost theory and the positive theory of agency); (2) the knowledge based view; and 3) social network theories to complement the resulting from jointly use of the previous two theories. The theoretical construct is then tested empirically by means of a multi-method study with explanatory design, based on the pattern of joint evidence from both statistical tests and a multiple case study. Results show that French Private Equity firms do play a role in alliance formation. This role can be intentional as well as non-intentional. Furthermore, although arguments from the knowledge-based perspective finds more support in explaining this behavior than from the mainstream theories, our study highlights the benefits of the joint use of these theories and the complementary nature of them to better explaining the phenomenon as a whole.

Entwicklung alternativer Auswerteverfahren für Mikrowellendopplersignale bei der Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung im Bahnverkehr

Kakuschke, Chris 05 May 2004 (has links)
To measure the speed of a vehicle, the revolution of a wheel or a rigid axle is traditionally used. Therefore non corrigible systematic errors occur which are caused by slip, spin and by the change of wheel diameter due to fretting. Train control and traction systems require new robust as well as precise methods of speed measurement. Because of their physical properties, Doppler-radar-sensors attached to the vehicle and measuring ground speed are first choice for this range of applications. Currently used sensors cannot fulfil the high demands under all operating conditions, because they are unable to completely compensate the various interferences and systematic deviations. This is the starting point of this dissertation. Two independent diverse methods with optimised reliability and accuracy must be used to meet all requirements. Limited resources of the embedded digital signal processor system under real-time conditions have to be taken into account. According to the boundary conditions, the introductory chapters critically discuss the frequency analysis methods currently used and describe starting points for further development. This leads to the design of a new, robust, wide-band spectral analysis which combines techniques of the dyadic wavelet transformation with the fast Fourier transformation. At the same time a new frame procedure and general model for the estimation of motion parameters is developed which features short delays. The disadvantages of the block-based discrete spectral analysis applied over continuous approaches are extensively compensated. The block structure of spectral data enables the selective use of new knowledge-based spectral filters for the compensation of the remaining intense interferences which are typical of this kind of application. / Die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeitsmessung über die Drehzahl eines Rades weist in Schlupf- und Schleuderzuständen erhebliche systematische Abweichungen auf. Deshalb erfordern Zugbeeinflussungs- und Antriebssysteme neue gleichzeitig robuste und präzise Geschwindigkeitsmessmethoden. Die Mikrowellensensorik unter Nutzung des Dopplereffekts zwischen Fahrzeug und Gleisbett wird wegen ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften für dieses Einsatzgebiet favorisiert. Bisherige Sensorapplikationen erfüllen aber die hohen Ansprüche nicht in allen Betriebszuständen. Hier setzt die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Sensorentwicklung auf. Zwei getrennt hergeleitete und nach Zuverlässigkeit und Genauigkeit optimierte neue Verfahren können bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung die gestellten Anforderungen erfüllen. Dabei müssen auch die beschränkten Ressourcen des eingebetteten digitalen Signalverarbeitungssystems unter Echtzeitbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Entsprechend dieser Randbedingungen findet einleitend eine kritische Betrachtung bestehender Frequenzanalysemethoden statt und Ansätze für die Weiterentwicklung werden herausgearbeitet. Einerseits führt dies zur Konstruktion einer neuen störunempfindlichen Weitbereichsspektralzerlegung, welche Ansätze der dyadischen Wavelettransformation mit der Diskreten Fourier-Transformation verbindet. Andererseits wird ein neues Rahmenverfahren für die verzögerungsarme Schätzung der Bewegungsparameter des Fahrzeuges aufgrund seines physikalischen Bewegungsmodells hergeleitet und mit einem hochgenauen Frequenzauswerteverfahren kombiniert. Beide Verfahren basieren auf blockweisen diskreten Spektralzerlegungen, deren prinzipielle Nachteile gegenüber kontinuierlichen Ansätzen weitgehend kompensiert werden können. Durch die Blockorganisation lassen sich neuartige wissensbasierte Spektralfilter selektiv zur Unterdrückung starker bahnanwendungstypischer Störeinflüsse einsetzen.

Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung: 20. Workshop GeNeMe'17 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien: Dresden, 18.-20.10.2017

Köhler, Thomas, Schoop, Eric, Kahnwald, Nina 23 March 2018 (has links)
Die 20. Tagung der Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) stellt innovative Technologien und Prozesse zur Organisation, Kooperation und Kommunikation in virtuellen Gemeinschaften vor und bildet ein Forum zum fachlichen Austausch insbesondere in den Themenfeldern Wissensmanagement und E-Learning. Diskutiert werden nicht nur technologische oder ökonomische Gesichtspunkte der Nutzung neuer Medien, vielmehr werden auch soziologische, psychologische, personalwirtschaftliche, didaktische und rechtliche Aspekte betrachtet. Die GeNeMe richtet sich an Experten aus Forschung und Industrie und sucht den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Teilnehmern verschiedenster Fachrichtungen, Organisationen und Institutionen aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Die aktuell diskutierten digitalen Transformationsprozesse (Industrie 4.0, IoT) prägen die GeNeMe 2017. Im Fokus stehen Innovation und Forschung, Methoden und Werkzeuge zur digitalen Abbildung wissens-intensiver Zusammenarbeit in zunehmend heterogener werdenden Gemeinschaften (augmented knowledge communities). Weitere Impulse kommen aus den Themenfeldern der Wissensvisualisierung und der Wissensarchitektur. Neben den informatischen und medientechnologischen Analysen findet auch die Praxis der (organisationalen) Wissensintegration, sei es durch Wissensmanagement, Lern- oder Bildungsprozesse, Beachtung. Die GeNeMe 2017 lädt Referenten und Gäste ein, die Trends aus der Praxis in den Blick zu nehmen und zu analysieren. Insgesamt bestimmen unsere Antworten auf offene Fragen mehr denn je, wie sich professionelles und privates Handeln gestalten lässt. Die weiterhin zunehmende Mobilität moderner multimedialer Systeme wie Smartphones und Tablets erschließt auch den letzten Bereich, eine hohe Verfügbarkeit bzw. Immersion sind die Folge. [... aus der Einleitung]:Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung ... XVIII Knowledge Communities in Business, Science and Public Administration ... XXII Keynotes – eingeladene Vorträge ... 1 Keynote zur Eröffnungsveranstaltung am 18.Oktober 2017 im Stadtmuseum Dresden ... 1 E-Kompetenzen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung ... 3 Digitale Transformation – Beispiele aus der Praxis. Neue Wege zum Kunden. Neue Geschäftsmodelle. Neue Wege in Produktion und Kollaboration ... 8 Community Manager, Handlungs- und Informationsmanagement in Online Communities ... 14 Rahmenbedingungen und Anreize zur Gestaltung proaktiver Lern- und Wissenscommunities: Anforderungen an das Community Management ... 14 “With A Little Help From My (Online?) Friends” – A Comparison of Support Seeking, Receiving and Providing Support in Online and Offline Communities ... 26 How to ensure sustainability within online communities? Raising the problem from the point of view of the Erasmus Plus project “European Social Entrepreneurs” ... 39 Der MOOC „Ready for Study“: Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen in heterogenen Gruppen ... 45 Öffentliche Verwaltung: Infrastruktur und Anwendungsfelder Sozialer Gemeinschaften ... 57 Anwendung der E-Kompetenzstudie im IT-Bereich einer kommunalen Behörde ... 57 Die Katastrophe im Blick – Navigation durch die (Informations-) Flut ... 67 The link between information technology, performance management and school effectiveness: An empirical study in German schools ... 76 Online Communities und Digitale Wissensarchitektur ... 80 Entrepreneurship on the Road: Sensibilisierung für Digital Business Modeling & Marketing in mobilen Innovationslaboren ... 80 Gestaltung von Smart Learning Environments in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung ... 89 Absorptive Capacity in Startup´s – Organisationale sowie externe Determinanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Wissensakquise junger Unternehmen ... 99 Diskursanalysen und empirische Analysen und Technologien ... 108 Analyse wissenschaftlicher Konferenz-Tweets mittels Codebook und der Software Tweet Classifier ... 108 Listening to the Crowd: Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Diskursstrukturanalyse für die Partizipation in der Stadtplanung ... 118 Usability von Fragebogen auf mobilen Endgeräten ...125 Auf die Typen kommt es an. Eine empirische Analyse studentischer Spielertypen ... 137 Learning und Academic Analytics in Lernmanagementsystemen (LMS): Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder im nationalen Hochschulkontext ... 145 Customer Satisfaction in Networked Narratives – Exploring the applicability of ECT in Alternate Reality Games ... 162 Wissensbasierte online- (Zusammen-) Arbeit in Lehre und Forschung ... 172 Student Readiness for Online Learning – A case study in rural Bolivia ... 172 Measuring Knowledge in Computer Network Vocational Training by Monitoring Learning Style Preferences of Students ... 183 Vermittlung von digitalen Fähigkeiten in außerschulischen Lernorten. Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt Codemob an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung und Praxis ... 196 Digitalisierung in den Köpfen verankern – am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Unternehmens ... 201 Open Educational Resources (OER) in Sachsen Status Quo – Potentiale – Herausforderungen ... 205 Wissenshäppchen als Facebook Instant Article – ein durchaus mögliches Zukunftsszenario ... 214 Video Based Cooperation in Education ... 221 Videoportalsysteme in der Hochschule – Ergebnisse eines Systemfunktionsvergleichs für den Videocampus Sachsen ... 221 Videocampus Sachsen – Pilotplattform ... 230 Video-enhanced Reflection in Iran: Impacts of Gender and Experience ... 234 Computergestützte berufliche Weiterbildung von Sportlehrkräften ... 249 Mixed Reality Konzepte für Online Gemeinschaften ... 259 Welche Gamification motiviert? Ein Experiment zu Abzeichen, Feedback, Fortschrittsanzeige und Story ... 259 Catch them all! - Pokémon Go führt zu steigender physischer Aktivität und sozialer Zugehörigkeit ... 269 Erfahrungen zur Nutzung von Mixed und Virtual Reality im Lehralltag an der HTW Dresden ... 280 Open Work Space ... 292 Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017 ... 292 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis ... 295 / The 20th Communities in New Media (GeNeMe) Conference presents innovative technologies and processes for the organization, cooperation, and communication in virtual communities. It is a forum for professional exchange especially in the fields of knowledge management and online learning. The conference focuses not only on technological and economic aspects of the use of new media, but takes a closer look at sociological, psychological, economic, didactic, and legal facets as well. GeNeMe is geared towards experts from research and industry. It is designed to promote practical and scholarly insights among participants from various disciplines, organizations, and institutions from academia, business and administration. The currently discussed digital transformation processes (Industry 4.0, IoT) are the most prominent topics of the GeNeMe 2017. The focus lays on innovation and research, constituting pivotal methods and tools for digitally mapping knowledge-intensive cooperation in increasingly heterogeneous communities (augmented knowledge communities). The fields of knowledge visualization and knowledge-based architecture provide additional stimuli. In addition to the informal and media-technological analyses, the practice of (organizational) knowledge integration, whether through knowledge management, learning or education processes, is also considered. The GeNeMe 2017 invites speakers and guests to take a closer look at current trends. Overall, our answers to outstanding questions determine more than ever how professional and private action can be shaped. The ever-increasing mobility of modern multi-media systems such as smartphones and tablets technologizes every part of life, resulting in high availability and / or immersion. [... from the introduction]:Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung ... XVIII Knowledge Communities in Business, Science and Public Administration ... XXII Keynotes – eingeladene Vorträge ... 1 Keynote zur Eröffnungsveranstaltung am 18.Oktober 2017 im Stadtmuseum Dresden ... 1 E-Kompetenzen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung ... 3 Digitale Transformation – Beispiele aus der Praxis. Neue Wege zum Kunden. Neue Geschäftsmodelle. Neue Wege in Produktion und Kollaboration ... 8 Community Manager, Handlungs- und Informationsmanagement in Online Communities ... 14 Rahmenbedingungen und Anreize zur Gestaltung proaktiver Lern- und Wissenscommunities: Anforderungen an das Community Management ... 14 “With A Little Help From My (Online?) Friends” – A Comparison of Support Seeking, Receiving and Providing Support in Online and Offline Communities ... 26 How to ensure sustainability within online communities? Raising the problem from the point of view of the Erasmus Plus project “European Social Entrepreneurs” ... 39 Der MOOC „Ready for Study“: Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen in heterogenen Gruppen ... 45 Öffentliche Verwaltung: Infrastruktur und Anwendungsfelder Sozialer Gemeinschaften ... 57 Anwendung der E-Kompetenzstudie im IT-Bereich einer kommunalen Behörde ... 57 Die Katastrophe im Blick – Navigation durch die (Informations-) Flut ... 67 The link between information technology, performance management and school effectiveness: An empirical study in German schools ... 76 Online Communities und Digitale Wissensarchitektur ... 80 Entrepreneurship on the Road: Sensibilisierung für Digital Business Modeling & Marketing in mobilen Innovationslaboren ... 80 Gestaltung von Smart Learning Environments in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung ... 89 Absorptive Capacity in Startup´s – Organisationale sowie externe Determinanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Wissensakquise junger Unternehmen ... 99 Diskursanalysen und empirische Analysen und Technologien ... 108 Analyse wissenschaftlicher Konferenz-Tweets mittels Codebook und der Software Tweet Classifier ... 108 Listening to the Crowd: Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Diskursstrukturanalyse für die Partizipation in der Stadtplanung ... 118 Usability von Fragebogen auf mobilen Endgeräten ...125 Auf die Typen kommt es an. Eine empirische Analyse studentischer Spielertypen ... 137 Learning und Academic Analytics in Lernmanagementsystemen (LMS): Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder im nationalen Hochschulkontext ... 145 Customer Satisfaction in Networked Narratives – Exploring the applicability of ECT in Alternate Reality Games ... 162 Wissensbasierte online- (Zusammen-) Arbeit in Lehre und Forschung ... 172 Student Readiness for Online Learning – A case study in rural Bolivia ... 172 Measuring Knowledge in Computer Network Vocational Training by Monitoring Learning Style Preferences of Students ... 183 Vermittlung von digitalen Fähigkeiten in außerschulischen Lernorten. Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt Codemob an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung und Praxis ... 196 Digitalisierung in den Köpfen verankern – am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Unternehmens ... 201 Open Educational Resources (OER) in Sachsen Status Quo – Potentiale – Herausforderungen ... 205 Wissenshäppchen als Facebook Instant Article – ein durchaus mögliches Zukunftsszenario ... 214 Video Based Cooperation in Education ... 221 Videoportalsysteme in der Hochschule – Ergebnisse eines Systemfunktionsvergleichs für den Videocampus Sachsen ... 221 Videocampus Sachsen – Pilotplattform ... 230 Video-enhanced Reflection in Iran: Impacts of Gender and Experience ... 234 Computergestützte berufliche Weiterbildung von Sportlehrkräften ... 249 Mixed Reality Konzepte für Online Gemeinschaften ... 259 Welche Gamification motiviert? Ein Experiment zu Abzeichen, Feedback, Fortschrittsanzeige und Story ... 259 Catch them all! - Pokémon Go führt zu steigender physischer Aktivität und sozialer Zugehörigkeit ... 269 Erfahrungen zur Nutzung von Mixed und Virtual Reality im Lehralltag an der HTW Dresden ... 280 Open Work Space ... 292 Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017 ... 292 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis ... 295

Proceedings of the International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice": Dresden, Germany, September 06-10.2010

Konrad, Uwe, Iskhakova, Liliya January 2010 (has links)
This International Workshop is a high quality seminar providing a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements between research communities of different universities and research institutes in the area of innovation information technologies. It is a continuation of the Russian-German Workshops that have been organized by the universities in Dresden, Karlsruhe and Ufa before. The workshop was arranged in 9 sessions covering the major topics: Modern Trends in Information Technology, Knowledge Based Systems and Semantic Modelling, Software Technology and High Performance Computing, Geo-Information Systems and Virtual Reality, System and Process Engineering, Process Control and Management and Corporate Information Systems.

Expertní systémy ve vojenství / Expert systems in military

Stahl, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topic of expert systems in the military. In the first part, expert systems are described in general focusing on the theoretical aspects. The creation, types, structure, architecture, advantages, disadvantages and history of expert systems and knowledge acquisition are described. The next part of the thesis deals with the specific military and security (defence) applications of expert systems. There are descriptions of applications from Ground forces (ADRIES, ESROC, KBGIS, PRIDE, TED systems), Air forces (AIRID, LES, TATR), NAVY (systems BATTLE, SIAMES systems), Joint forces (AI-EOD, CMES, GTEX, MBEES, MCTA, SEAT SEC systems) and security areas (EPS-APES, DOC - EXPLOIT, FRIEND - FOE / FIRE DECISION systems). A more detailed description of ADRIES, BATTLE, KBGIS a FRIEND - FOE DETECTION / FIRE DECISION expert systems is included in the final part of the thesis.

Collaboration in Multi-agent Games : Synthesis of Finite-state Strategies in Games of Imperfect Information / Samarbete i multiagent-spel : Syntes av ändliga strategier i spel med ofullständig information

Lundberg, Edvin January 2017 (has links)
We study games where a team of agents needs to collaborate against an adversary to achieve a common goal. The agents make their moves simultaneously, and they have different perceptions about the system state after each move, due to different sensing capabilities. Each agent can only act based on its own experiences, since no communication is assumed during the game. However, before the game begins, the agents can agree on some strategy. A strategy is winning if it guarantees that the agents achieve their goal regardless of how the opponent acts. Identifying a winning strategy, or determining that none exists, is known as the strategy synthesis problem. In this thesis, we only consider a simple objective where the agents must force the game into a given state. Much of the literature is focused on strategies that either rely on that the agents (a) can remember everything that they have perceived or (b) can only remember the last thing that they have perceived. The strategy synthesis problem is (in the general case) undecidable in (a) and has exponential running time in (b). We are interested in the middle, where agents can have finite memory. Specifically, they should be able to keep a finite-state machine, which they update when they make new observations. In our case, the internal state of each agent represents its knowledge about the state of affairs. In other words, an agent is able to update its knowledge, and act based on it. We propose an algorithm for constructing the finite-state machine for each agent, and assigning actions to the internal states before the game begins. Not every winning strategy can be found by the algorithm, but we are convinced that the ones found are valid ones. An important building block for the algorithm is the knowledge-based subset construction (KBSC) used in the literature, which we generalise to games with multiple agents. With our construction, the game can be reduced to another game, still with uncertain state information, but with less or equal uncertainty. The construction can be applied arbitrarily many times, but it appears as if it stabilises (so that no new knowledge is gained) after only a few steps. We discuss this and other interesting properties of our algorithm in the final chapters of this thesis. / Vi studerar spel där ett lag agenter behöver samarbeta mot en motståndare för att uppnå ett mål. Agenterna agerar samtidigt, och vid varje steg av spelet så har de olika uppfattning om spelets tillstånd. De antas inte kunna kommunicera under spelets gång, så agenterna kan bara agera utifrån sina egna erfarenheter. Innan spelet börjar kan agenterna dock komma överrens om en strategi. En sådan strategi är vinnande om den garanterar att agenterna når sitt mål oavsett hur motståndaren beter sig. Att hitta en vinnande strategi är känt som syntesproblemet. I den här avhandlingen behandlar vi endast ett enkelt mål där agenterna måste tvinga in spelet i ett givet tillstånd. Mycket av litteraturen handlar om strategier där agenterna antingen antas (a) kunna minnas allt som de upplevt eller (b) bara kunna minnas det senaste de upplevt. Syntesproblemet är (i det generella fallet) oavgörbart i (a) och tar exponentiell tid i (b). Vi är intressede av fallet där agenter kan ha ändligt minne. De ska kunna ha en ändlig automat, som de kan uppdatera när de får nya observationer. I vårt fall så representerar det interna tillståndet agentens kunskap om spelets tillstånd. En agent kan då uppdatera sin kunskap och agera utifrån den. Vi föreslår en algoritm som konstruerar en ändlig automat åt varje agent, samt instruktioner för vad agenten ska göra i varje internt tillstånd. Varje vinnande strategi kan inte hittas av algoritmen, men vi är övertygade om att de som hittas är giltiga. En viktig byggsten är den kunskapsbaserade delmängskonstruktionen (KBSC), som vi generaliserar till spel med flera agenter. Med vår konstruktion kan spelet reduceras till ett annat spel som har mindre eller lika mycket osäkerhet. Detta kan göras godtyckligt många gånger, men det verkar som om att ingen ny kunskap tillkommer efter bara några gånger. Vi diskuterar detta vidare tillsammans med andra intressanta egenskaper hos algoritmen i de sista kapitlen i avhandlingen.

Transparent and Scalable Knowledge-based Geospatial Mapping Systems for Trustworthy Urban Studies

Hunsoo Song (18508821) 07 May 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation explores the integration of remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) in geospatial mapping, specifically through the development of knowledge-based mapping systems. Remote sensing has revolutionized Earth observation by providing data that far surpasses traditional in-situ measurements. Over the last decade, significant advancements in inferential capabilities have been achieved through the fusion of geospatial sciences and AI (GeoAI), particularly with the application of deep learning. Despite its benefits, the reliance on data-driven AI has introduced challenges, including unpredictable errors and biases due to imperfect labeling and the opaque nature of the processes involved.</p><p dir="ltr">The research highlights the limitations of solely using data-driven AI methods for geospatial mapping, which tend to produce spatially heterogeneous errors and lack transparency, thus compromising the trustworthiness of the outputs. In response, it proposes novel knowledge-based mapping systems that prioritize transparency and scalability. This research has developed comprehensive techniques to extract key Earth and urban features and has introduced a 3D urban land cover mapping system, including a 3D Landscape Clustering framework aimed at enhancing urban climate studies. The developed systems utilize universally applicable physical knowledge of targets, captured through remote sensing, to enhance mapping accuracy and reliability without the typical drawbacks of data-driven approaches.</p><p dir="ltr">The dissertation emphasizes the importance of moving beyond mere accuracy to consider the broader implications of error patterns in geospatial mappings. It demonstrates the value of integrating generalizable target knowledge, explicitly represented in remote sensing data, into geospatial mapping to address the trustworthiness challenges in AI mapping systems. By developing mapping systems that are open, transparent, and scalable, this work aims to mitigate the effects of spatially heterogeneous errors, thereby improving the trustworthiness of geospatial mapping and analysis across various fields. Additionally, the dissertation introduces methodologies to support urban pathway accessibility and flood management studies through dependable geospatial systems. These efforts aim to establish a robust foundation for informed urban planning, efficient resource allocation, and enriched environmental insights, contributing to the development of more sustainable, resilient, and smart cities.</p>


NEIDE DE OLIVEIRA GOMES 08 January 2015 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente os categorizadores de textos construídos por técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina têm alcançado bons resultados, tornando viável a categorização automática de textos. A proposição desse estudo foi a definição de vários modelos direcionados à categorização de pedidos de patente, no idioma português. Para esse ambiente foi proposto um comitê composto de 6 (seis) modelos, onde foram usadas várias técnicas. A base de dados foi constituída de 1157 (hum mil cento e cinquenta e sete) resumos de pedidos de patente, depositados no INPI, por depositantes nacionais, distribuídos em várias categorias. Dentre os vários modelos propostos para a etapa de processamento da categorização de textos, destacamos o desenvolvido para o Método 01, ou seja, o k-Nearest-Neighbor (k-NN), modelo também usado no ambiente de patentes, para o idioma inglês. Para os outros modelos, foram selecionados métodos que não os tradicionais para ambiente de patentes. Para quatro modelos, optou-se por algoritmos, onde as categorias são representadas por vetores centróides. Para um dos modelos, foi explorada a técnica do High Order Bit junto com o algoritmo k- NN, sendo o k todos os documentos de treinamento. Para a etapa de préprocessamento foram implementadas duas técnicas: os algoritmos de stemização de Porter; e o StemmerPortuguese; ambos com modificações do original. Foram também utilizados na etapa do pré-processamento: a retirada de stopwords; e o tratamento dos termos compostos. Para a etapa de indexação foi utilizada principalmente a técnica de pesagem dos termos intitulada: frequência de termos modificada versus frequência de documentos inversa TF -IDF . Para as medidas de similaridade ou medidas de distância destacamos: cosseno; Jaccard; DICE; Medida de Similaridade; HOB. Para a obtenção dos resultados foram usadas as técnicas de predição da relevância e do rank. Dos métodos implementados nesse trabalho, destacamos o k-NN tradicional, o qual apresentou bons resultados embora demande muito tempo computacional. / [en] Nowadays, the text s categorizers constructed based on learning techniques, had obtained good results and the automatic text categorization became viable. The purpose of this study was the definition of various models directed to text categorization of patent s application in Portuguese language. For this environment was proposed a committee composed of 6 (six) models, where were used various techniques. The text base was constituted of 1157 (one thousand one hundred fifty seven) abstracts of patent s applications, deposited in INPI, by national applicants, distributed in various categories. Among the various models proposed for the step of text categorization s processing, we emphasized the one devellopped for the 01 Method, the k-Nearest-Neighbor (k-NN), model also used in the English language patent s categorization environment. For the others models were selected methods, that are not traditional in the English language patent s environment. For four models, there were chosen for the algorithms, centroid vectors representing the categories. For one of the models, was explored the High Order Bit technique together with the k-NN algorithm, being the k all the training documents. For the pre-processing step, there were implemented two techniques: the Porter s stemization algorithm; and the StemmerPortuguese algorithm; both with modifications of the original. There were also used in the pre-processing step: the removal of the stopwards; and the treatment of the compound terms. For the indexing step there was used specially the modified documents term frequency versus documents term inverse frequency TF-IDF . For the similarity or distance measures there were used: cosine; Jaccard; DICE; Similarity Measure; HOB. For the results, there were used the relevance and the rank technique. Among the methods implemented in this work it was emphasized the traditional k-NN, which had obtained good results, although demands much computational time.

Development of an environmental decision support system for the selection and integrated assessment of process flow diagrams in wastewater treatment

Garrido Baserba, Manel 04 March 2013 (has links)
The wastewater treatment plays an important role in the maintenance of natural water resources. However, regardless of the technology used or the level of treatment required, the treatment plants of the XXI century are highly complex systems that not only need to meet technical requirements, but also environmental and economic criteria. In this context, decision support systems for environmental domains (English, Environmental Decision Support Systems or EDSS) are configured as an effective tool to support the selection and evaluation of integrated water treatment alternatives. The EDSS designed can be defined as interactive software, flexible and adaptable, which links the numerical models / algorithms, techniques and environmental ontologies, knowledge-based environment, and is capable of supporting decision making, either in choosing between different alternatives, improving potential solutions, or in the integrated assessment using methodologies ranging from environmental (Life Cycle Analysis) to economic / La depuració d’aigües residuals juga un paper fonamental en el manteniment dels recursos hídrics naturals. Tanmateix, sigui quina sigui la tecnologia emprada o el nivell de depuració requerit, les plantes de tractament del segle XXI són sistemes d’alta complexitat, que no només han de satisfer requeriments de tipus tècnic, sinó també de tipus ambiental i econòmic. En aquest context, els sistemes de suport a la decisió en dominis ambientals (en anglès, Environmental Decision Support Systems o EDSS) es configuren com una eina eficaç per donar suport a la selecció i a l’avaluació integrada de diferents alternatives de depuració d’aigües. El EDSS dissenyat pot definir-se com un programari interactiu, flexible i adaptable, que vincula els models numèrics/algoritmes amb tècniques basades en el coneixement i ontologies ambientals, i que és capaç de donar suport a la presa de decisió, ja sigui en l’elecció entre diferents alternatives, millorant una solució, o bé en l’avaluació integrada a través de metodologies ambientals (Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida) i econòmiques

Design of body assemblies with distributed tasks under the support of parametric associative design (PAD)

Tecklenburg, Gerhard January 2011 (has links)
This investigation identifies how CAD models of typical automotive body assemblies could be defined to allow a continuous optimisation of the number of iterations required for the final design and the number of variants on the basis of Parametric Associative Design (PAD) and how methodologies for the development of surfaces, parts and assemblies of the automotive body can be represented and structured for a multiple re-use in a collaborative environment of concept phase of a Product Evolution (Formation) Process (PEP). The standardisation of optimised processes and methodologies and the enhanced interaction between all parties involved in product development could lead to improve product quality and reduce development time and hence expenses. The fundamental principles of PAD, the particular methodologies used in automotive body design and the principles of methodical development and design in general are investigated. The role which automotive body engineers play throughout the activities of the PEP is also investigated. The distribution of design work in concept teams of automotive body development and important methodologies for the design of prismatic profile areas is critically analysed. To address the role and distribution of work, 25 group work projects were carried out in cooperation with the automotive industry. Large assemblies of the automotive bodies were developed. The requirements for distributed design work have been identified and improved. The results of the investigation point towards a file based, well structured administration of a concept design, with a zone based approach. The investigation was extended to the process chain of sections, which are used for development of surfaces, parts and assemblies. Important methods were developed, optimised and validated with regard to an update safe re-use of 3D zone based CAD models instead of 2D sections. The thesis presents a thorough description of the research undertaken, details the experimental results and provides a comprehensive analysis of them. Finally it proposes a unique methodology to a zone based approach with a clearly defined process chain of sections for an update-safe re-use of design models.

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