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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Templatgeleitete Strukturbildung kollagenartiger Peptide

Röber, Matthias 06 July 2020 (has links)
Die Nachahmung natürlichen Kollagens stellt aufgrund dessen einzigartiger Struktur erhöhte Anforderungen an die chemische und biochemische Synthese artifizieller kollagenartiger Peptide. In dieser Arbeit wurden Cystein-Knoten und Organo-Template als Konzepte zur Vororganisation vorgestellt, um Peptideinzelstränge in die Anordnung kollagenartiger Dreifachhelices (CTH) zu dirigieren. Zusätzlich wurden diese mit einem schaltbaren DEPSI Struktursegment zur Steuerung der Helixstruktur kombiniert. Die templatbasierte Strategie beruht auf einem dreiarmigen Gerüstmolekül, an welches drei Peptideinzelstränge mittels nativer chemischer Ligation geknüpft werden. Für das Cystein-Knoten-Konzept wurden kollagen-mimetische Peptide entwickelt. Diese bestehen aus einer Cystein-reichen Domäne (wc2-Domäne) und einem Abschnitt, der eine kollagenartige Sequenz von [Gly-Pro-Pro]x aufweist. Die Vororganisation, als auch der Schalterdefekt zeigten maßgebliche Auswirkungen bezüglich der Adaption der Peptide in kollagenartige Dreifachhelices. Abhängig von der Position modulieren die Schalterdefekte die wc2-Organisation, die Nukleierung und den CTH-Faltungsprozess. Die Cystein-Organisationsdomäne wies den Vorteil auf, dass derartige Sequenzen ohne chemische Modifikation direkt im biotechnologischen Prozess in Unimere eingebracht werden konnten. Eine E. coli-basierte Produktionsstrategie ermöglichte den Zugang zu [GPP]50-Konstrukten, die ebenfalls die wc2-Domäne trugen. Weitere Untersuchungen wiesen zudem eine redox-reaktive Schaltbarkeit der Peptide nach. Um die Verwendbarkeit der synthetischen Kollagene als Biomaterial zu testen, wurde die Kompatibilität in zweidimensionalen Adhäsions- und Zytotoxizitätstests überprüft. / Due to its unique structure, the imitation of natural collagen increased the demands on the chemical and biochemical synthesis of artificial collagen mimetic peptides (CMPs). In this thesis, concepts of cysteine knots and organo-templates were presented for the reorganization of peptide single strands into the arrangement of collagenous triple helices (CTHs). These techniques were additionally combined with a switchable DEPSI structure segment to further control the helix structure. The template-based strategy relies on a three-armed scaffold to which three peptide strands are attached by native chemical ligation. For the cysteine-knot concept, collagen mimetic peptides consisting of a cysteine-rich domain (wc2-domain) and a domain with a collagen-like sequence of [Gly-Pro-Pro]x were developed. The preorganization, as well as the switch defect, showed significant effects on the adaptation of the peptides in collagenous triple helices. Depending on the position, the switch defects modulate wc2-organization, nucleation and the CTH folding process. This cysteine organization domain had the advantage that such sequences could be introduced into unimers directly in the biotechnological process without chemical modification. An E. coli-based production strategy allowed access to [GPP]50 constructs, which also carried the wc2-domain. Further investigations also showed a redox-reactive switchability of the peptides. To examine the utility of the synthetic collagen as a biomaterial, compatibility was tested in two-dimensional adhesion and cytotoxicity tests.

Vergleichende lichtmikroskopische Untersuchung von gesundem und erkranktem parodontalem Ligament (PDL) des Menschen / Light microscopic study of human periodontal ligament (PDL) by comparing healthy and disseased tissue

Schories, Hauke 16 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Nidogen-2 in der Pathogenese Kollagen IV-assoziierter Nephropathien bei zusätzlicher Podocin-Mutation / Nidogen-2 in the pathogenesis of collagen IV-related nephropathies with additional podocin mutation

Prinz, Carolin Susanne 16 November 2016 (has links)
Kollagen IV assoziierte Nephropathien sind hereditäre Erkrankungen, die die glomeruläre Basalmembran betreffen. Homozygote Aberrationen des COL4A3- oder des COL4A4-Gens zeigen wie X-chromosomal dominant vererbte Mutationen des COL4A5-Gens das klinische Bild des Alport-Syndroms mit frühzeitigem terminalem Nierenversagen. Heterozygote COL4A3-Mutationen sind ursächlich für die benigne familiäre Hämaturie. Ein zusätzlicher Polymorphismus in Nphs2, welches das Schlitzmembranprotein Podocin kodiert, könnte hierbei zu einem aggravierten Krankheitsverlauf führen. Um diese These zu überprüfen, ist eine Analyse des glomerulären Filters, bestehend aus glomerulärer Basalmembran, der zwischen den Podozytenfüßen liegenden Schlitzmembran und Kapillarendothel notwendig. Nidogen-2 ist als Verbindungsprotein essenzieller Bestandteil der glomerulären Basalmembran. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen des Proteins in der Basalmembran COL4A3 heterozygoter Mäuse mit zusätzlichem Podocin-Polymorphismus wichen stark von denen bei einfach COL4A3 heterozygoten Tieren ab. Es ergeben sich daher anhand von Nidogen-2 Hinweise, dass eine Mutation in Nphs2 den Krankheitsverlauf Kollagen IV assoziierter Erkrankungen modifizieren könnte.

Analyzing Interactions Between Cells And Extracellular Matrix By Atomic Force Microscopy

Friedrichs, Jens 10 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) have important roles in various physiological and pathological processes, including tissue morphogenesis during embryonic development, wound healing and tumor invasion. Although most of the proteins involved in cell-ECM interactions have been identified, the underlying mechanisms and involved signaling pathways are incompletely understood. Here, atomic force microscope-based imaging and single-cell force measurements were used to characterize the interactions of different cell types with ECM proteins. The interplay between cells and ECM is complex. However, two interaction types, protein-protein and protein-carbohydrate, predominate. Integrins, adhesion receptors for ECM, mediate the former, galectins, a family of animal lectins, the latter. In the second chapter of this thesis, the contributions of both receptor families to the interactions of epithelial MDCK cells with ECM proteins are presented. It was found that galectins-3 and 9 are highly expressed in MDCK cells and required for optimal long-term adhesion (90 minutes) to ECM proteins collagen-I and laminin-111. Interestingly, early adhesion (< 2 minutes) to laminin-111, was integrin-independent and instead mediated by carbohydrate interactions and galectins. In contrast, early adhesion to collagen-I was exclusively mediated by integrins. Moreover, cells frequently entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Although adhesion was mediated by integrins, adhesion enhancement was especially observed in cells depleted for galectin-3. It was proposed that galectin-3 influences integrin-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering. To control their attachment to ECM proteins, cells regulate integrin receptors. One regulatory process is integrin crosstalk, where the binding of one type of integrin influences the activity of another type. In the third chapter, the implementation of a single-cell force spectroscopy assay to identify such crosstalks and gain insight into their mechanisms is described. In this assay the interactions of integrin receptors being specifically attached to one ligand are characterized in dependence of another ligand-bond receptor pair. With this assay a crosstalk between collagen-binding integrin α1β1 and fibronectin-binding integrin α5β1 was identified in HeLa cells. This crosstalk was directional from integrin α1β1 to integrin α5β1 and appeared to regulate integrin α5β1 by inducing its endocytosis. In the fourth and final chapter, mechanisms of matrix-induced cell alignment were studied by imaging cells on two-dimensional matrices assembled of highly aligned collagen fibrils. Integrin α2β1 was identified as the predominant receptor mediating cell polarization. Time-lapse AFM demonstrated that during alignment cells deform the matrix by reorienting individual collagen fibrils. Cells deformed the collagen matrix asymmetrically, revealing an anisotropy in matrix rigidity. When matrix rigidity was rendered uniform by chemical cross-linking or when the matrix was formed from collagen fibrils of reduced tensile strength, cell polarization did not occur. This suggested that both the high tensile strength and pliability of collagen fibrils contribute to the anisotropic rigidity of the matrix and lead to directional cellular traction and cell polarization. During alignment, cellular protrusions contacted the collagen matrix from below and above. This complex entanglement of cellular protrusions and collagen fibrils may further promote cell alignment by maximizing cellular traction. The work presented here adds to the understanding of cell-ECM interactions. Atomic force microscopy imaging allowed characterizing the behavior of cells on nanopatterned collagen matrices whereas single-cell force spectroscopy revealed insights into the regulation of cell adhesion by galectins. Furthermore, methodological advances in the single-cell force spectroscopy assay allowed the intracellular regulation of receptor molecules to be studied. The work demonstrates that atomic force microscopy is a versatile tool to study cell-ECM interactions.

Biological Matter in Microfluidic Environment - from Single Molecules to Self-Assembly / Biomaterie in mikrofluidischer Umgebung - vom Einzelmolekül zur Selbstorganisation

Köster, Sarah Friederike 13 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Synergistic Effect of Titanium Alloy and Collagen Type I on Cell Adhesion, Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblast-Like Cells

Röhlecke, Cora, Witt, Martin, Kasper, Michael, Schulze, E., Wolf, C., Hofer, A., Funk, Richard H. W. 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A number of studies have demonstrated the pivotal role of collagen in modulating cell growth and differentiation. In bone, where the extracellular matrix is composed of approximately 85% type I collagen, cellular interaction with matrix components has been shown to be important in the regulation of the osteoblast phenotype. Preservation or enhancement of normal osteoblast function and appositional bone formation after implant placement represents a strategy that can be useful for the purpose of improving osseointegration. In order to further improve biocompatibility, we combined two known favorable compounds, namely the titanium alloy, Ti6A14V, with type I collagen. We assessed the in vitro behavior of primary osteoblasts grown on both fibrillar collagen-coated and tropocollagen-coated Ti6A14V in comparison with uncoated titanium alloy, using an improved adsorption procedure. As parameters of biocompatibility, a variety of processes, including cell attachment, spreading, cytoskeletal organization, focal contact formation, proliferation and expression of a differentiated phenotype, were investigated. Our results demonstrated for the first time that in comparison to uncoated titanium alloy, collagen-coated alloy enhanced spreading and resulted in a more rapid formation of focal adhesions and their associated stress fibers. Growing on collagen-coated Ti6A14V, osteoblasts had a higher proliferative capacity and the intracellular expression of osteopontin was upregulated compared to uncoated titanium alloy. Type I collagen-coated titanium alloy exhibits favorable effects on the initial adhesion and growth activities of osteoblasts, which is encouraging for its potential use as bone graft material. Moreover, collagen type I may serve as an excellent biocompatible carrier for osteotropic factors such as cell adhesion molecules (e.g. fibronectin) or bone-specific growth factors. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Synergistic Effect of Titanium Alloy and Collagen Type I on Cell Adhesion, Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblast-Like Cells

Röhlecke, Cora, Witt, Martin, Kasper, Michael, Schulze, E., Wolf, C., Hofer, A., Funk, Richard H. W. January 2001 (has links)
A number of studies have demonstrated the pivotal role of collagen in modulating cell growth and differentiation. In bone, where the extracellular matrix is composed of approximately 85% type I collagen, cellular interaction with matrix components has been shown to be important in the regulation of the osteoblast phenotype. Preservation or enhancement of normal osteoblast function and appositional bone formation after implant placement represents a strategy that can be useful for the purpose of improving osseointegration. In order to further improve biocompatibility, we combined two known favorable compounds, namely the titanium alloy, Ti6A14V, with type I collagen. We assessed the in vitro behavior of primary osteoblasts grown on both fibrillar collagen-coated and tropocollagen-coated Ti6A14V in comparison with uncoated titanium alloy, using an improved adsorption procedure. As parameters of biocompatibility, a variety of processes, including cell attachment, spreading, cytoskeletal organization, focal contact formation, proliferation and expression of a differentiated phenotype, were investigated. Our results demonstrated for the first time that in comparison to uncoated titanium alloy, collagen-coated alloy enhanced spreading and resulted in a more rapid formation of focal adhesions and their associated stress fibers. Growing on collagen-coated Ti6A14V, osteoblasts had a higher proliferative capacity and the intracellular expression of osteopontin was upregulated compared to uncoated titanium alloy. Type I collagen-coated titanium alloy exhibits favorable effects on the initial adhesion and growth activities of osteoblasts, which is encouraging for its potential use as bone graft material. Moreover, collagen type I may serve as an excellent biocompatible carrier for osteotropic factors such as cell adhesion molecules (e.g. fibronectin) or bone-specific growth factors. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Analyzing Interactions Between Cells And Extracellular Matrix By Atomic Force Microscopy

Friedrichs, Jens 11 November 2009 (has links)
Interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) have important roles in various physiological and pathological processes, including tissue morphogenesis during embryonic development, wound healing and tumor invasion. Although most of the proteins involved in cell-ECM interactions have been identified, the underlying mechanisms and involved signaling pathways are incompletely understood. Here, atomic force microscope-based imaging and single-cell force measurements were used to characterize the interactions of different cell types with ECM proteins. The interplay between cells and ECM is complex. However, two interaction types, protein-protein and protein-carbohydrate, predominate. Integrins, adhesion receptors for ECM, mediate the former, galectins, a family of animal lectins, the latter. In the second chapter of this thesis, the contributions of both receptor families to the interactions of epithelial MDCK cells with ECM proteins are presented. It was found that galectins-3 and 9 are highly expressed in MDCK cells and required for optimal long-term adhesion (90 minutes) to ECM proteins collagen-I and laminin-111. Interestingly, early adhesion (< 2 minutes) to laminin-111, was integrin-independent and instead mediated by carbohydrate interactions and galectins. In contrast, early adhesion to collagen-I was exclusively mediated by integrins. Moreover, cells frequently entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Although adhesion was mediated by integrins, adhesion enhancement was especially observed in cells depleted for galectin-3. It was proposed that galectin-3 influences integrin-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering. To control their attachment to ECM proteins, cells regulate integrin receptors. One regulatory process is integrin crosstalk, where the binding of one type of integrin influences the activity of another type. In the third chapter, the implementation of a single-cell force spectroscopy assay to identify such crosstalks and gain insight into their mechanisms is described. In this assay the interactions of integrin receptors being specifically attached to one ligand are characterized in dependence of another ligand-bond receptor pair. With this assay a crosstalk between collagen-binding integrin α1β1 and fibronectin-binding integrin α5β1 was identified in HeLa cells. This crosstalk was directional from integrin α1β1 to integrin α5β1 and appeared to regulate integrin α5β1 by inducing its endocytosis. In the fourth and final chapter, mechanisms of matrix-induced cell alignment were studied by imaging cells on two-dimensional matrices assembled of highly aligned collagen fibrils. Integrin α2β1 was identified as the predominant receptor mediating cell polarization. Time-lapse AFM demonstrated that during alignment cells deform the matrix by reorienting individual collagen fibrils. Cells deformed the collagen matrix asymmetrically, revealing an anisotropy in matrix rigidity. When matrix rigidity was rendered uniform by chemical cross-linking or when the matrix was formed from collagen fibrils of reduced tensile strength, cell polarization did not occur. This suggested that both the high tensile strength and pliability of collagen fibrils contribute to the anisotropic rigidity of the matrix and lead to directional cellular traction and cell polarization. During alignment, cellular protrusions contacted the collagen matrix from below and above. This complex entanglement of cellular protrusions and collagen fibrils may further promote cell alignment by maximizing cellular traction. The work presented here adds to the understanding of cell-ECM interactions. Atomic force microscopy imaging allowed characterizing the behavior of cells on nanopatterned collagen matrices whereas single-cell force spectroscopy revealed insights into the regulation of cell adhesion by galectins. Furthermore, methodological advances in the single-cell force spectroscopy assay allowed the intracellular regulation of receptor molecules to be studied. The work demonstrates that atomic force microscopy is a versatile tool to study cell-ECM interactions.

Aligned Fibrillar Collagen Matrices for Tissue Engineering

Lanfer, Babette 21 April 2010 (has links)
The desire for repair of tissue defects and injury is the major need prompting research into tissue engineering. Engineering of anisotropic tissues requires production of ordered substrates that orient cells preferentially and support cell viability and differentiation. Towards this goal, this thesis investigated methodologies to align extracellular matrix structures in vitro to guide stem/progenitor cell behaviour for tissue regeneration. Aligned collagen fibrils were deposited on planar substrates from collagen solutions streaming through a microfluidic channel system. Collagen solution concentration, degree of gelation, shear rate and pre-coating of the substrate were demonstrated to determine the orientation and density of the immobilized fibrils. The degree of collagen fibril orientation increased with increasing flow rates of the solution while the matrix density increased at higher collagen solution concentrations and on hydrophobic polymer pre-coatings. Additionally, the length of the immobilized collagen fibrils increased with increasing solution concentration and gelation time. Aligned collagen matrices were refined by incorporating the glycosaminoglycan heparin to study multiple extracellular matrix components in a single system. Multilineage (osteogenic/adipogenic/chondrogenic) differentiation of mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells was maintained by the aligned structures. Most noticeable was the observation that during osteogenesis, aligned collagen substrates choreographed ordered matrix mineralization. Likewise, myotube assembly of C2C12 cells was profoundly influenced by aligned topographic features resulting in enhanced myotube organization and length. Neurites from neural stem cells were highly oriented in the direction of the underlying fibrils. Neurite outgrowth was enhanced on aligned collagen compared to non-aligned collagen or poly-D-lysine substrates, while neural differentiation and cell survival were not influenced by the type of substrate. Using the new method to align collagen type I, the interior walls of cellulose hollow fiber membranes were coated with longitudinally aligned collagen fibrils to fabricate an advanced guidance conduit for nerve regeneration. First cell culture experiments showed that the tubes coated with aligned collagen supported viability and adherence of spinal cord-derived neurospheres. Together, these results demonstrate the feasibility of aligned collagen matrices as a versatile platform to control cell behaviour towards tissue regeneration. Ultimately, the new method to align collagen fibrils and to coat hollow membranes may become an integral component of tissue engineering, working synergistically with other emerging techniques to promote functional tissue replacements.

Light-Sheet Imaging of Collagen in Renal Tissue in Aqueous and Anhydrous Conditions / "Light sheet"-mikroskopi av kollagen i njurvävnad i vattenhaltiga och vattenfria förhållanden

Näsman, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease is a progressive kidney disease that affects approximately one tenth of the world population. In almost all cases of progressive, end-stage kidney disease, fibrosis is seen. Renal fibrosis is a condition of the kidneys in which collagens and other proteins accumulate in the extracellular matrix of the kidneys. The aim of the project was to explore the use of Fast Green to visualize collagen in renal tissue using light-sheet microscopy. A healthy sample and a diseased sample of renal tissue was imaged in aqueous and anhydrous conditions and a comparison of the difference in staining pattern between the conditions was performed. There was a clear difference in staining pattern between the two conditions, where the samples prepared in anhydrous conditions showed a higher staining specificity to collagen as described previously for other types of tissue. An evaluation of the differences in collagen expression between the healthy and the diseased sample was performed as well. There was a visible difference between them where a higher expression of collagen was observed in numerous tubuli, indicative of pathological scarring. / Kronisk njursjukdom är en progressiv njursjukdom som påverkar approximativt en tiondel av världens befolkning. I alla progressiva njursjukdomar ses så kallad njurfibros. Njurfibros är ett tillstånd då kollagen och andra proteiner ansamlas i njurarnas extracellulära matris. Målet med projektet var att utforska användningen av Fast Green för att visualisera kollagen i njurvävnad med ”Light sheet”-mikroskopi. Vävnadsproverfrån frisk vävnad och sjuk vävnad avbildades i vattenhaltiga och vattenfria förhållanden och en jämförelse av inmärkningen mellan förhållandena utfördes. Det var en tydlig skillnad i inmärkningen mellan de två förhållandena, där det i de vattenfria proven observerades att Fast Green märkte in kollagen med högre specificitet. En jämförelse av skillnaderna i kollagenuttryck mellan det friska och det sjuka provet utfördes. Det var tydliga skillnader mellan proven, där ett stort antalkollagen-påverkade tubuli kunde observeras i det sjuka provet.

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