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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Which side of the line? : a study of the characterisation of non-Jewish characters in the Gospel of John

Danna, Elizabeth January 1997 (has links)
The theme of kpiσιϛ which runs through the gospel has been taken account of in studying the characterisation of "the Jews," but never yet of non-Jewish characters. The method set out covers all the important aspects of characterisation, including both anthropological and rhetorical interests. This method is then applied to the gospel's non-Jewish characters. The Samaritan woman's faith is tentative and hesitating at best; she sees Jesus only as a prophet. Her faith is ambiguous, but not ineffective. The ambiguity in her faith is resolved by the townspeople's. The title Saviour of the World indicates that Jesus has transcended expectations as he inaugurates a new worship which transcends all the old racial and geographical barriers. The pericope of the Greeks is brief, but important, for their arrival signals the coming of Jesus' "hour". At the moment when Jewish rejection of Jesus is becoming complete, a group of Gentiles ask to become part of the redefined people of God. The pericope is, significantly, brief and open-ended. The Johannine Pilate wants to avoid taking a stand for Jesus, and so is forced to take a stand against him. He has the authority simply to drop the charges against Jesus. But he is too afraid of the Jewish leaders to drop the charges, and not sufficiently perceptive or clever to get around the Jewish leaders by more oblique means. More than that, his indecisiveness and fear lead him to become a theomachos. "The Jews" force Pilate to give in by appealing to his patron-client relationship with Caesar. He is outmanoeuvred and shamed by "the Jews", and his actions after the trial are an attempt to salvage some gain from the affair, and revenge his humiliation. While political considerations are not absent from these passages, what is in the forefront is not Roman-Jewish relations but Pilate's reaction to Jesus; where he will take his stand in the kpiσιϛ. Here again the theme of kpiσιϛ appears -1 argue that the theme is relevant to the characterisation of non-Jewish as well as Jewish characters.

Fédéralisme et identité européenne : contribution à une étude politique du phénomène Europe / Federalism and european identity : contribution to a political study of Europe phenomenon

Le Beller, Pierre 19 January 2013 (has links)
Depuis les débuts de l'ère moderne, la formule fédérale s'est imposée de par le monde comme un moyen institutionnel de gestion de la diversité sociale et politique. Le système fédéral figure comme modèle idoine de constitution d'un ordre juridique composé. En tant que doctrine politique, le fédéralisme pose la question des appartenances collectives dans des termes différents des modèles identitaires classiques. Il offre une vision ouverte et inclusive du phénomène identitaire et ouvre sur une coexistence d'identités complémentaires dans un cadre institutionnel équilibré.La construction européenne déroge depuis ses débuts avec les principes fondamentaux du fédéralisme mais constitue une expérience nouvelle de communauté composée à fort potentiel intégrateur du point de vue politique et identitaire.L'analyse parallèle et complémentaire du phénomène Europe dans ses manifestations historiques les plus notables et du système fédéral dans ses fondements éthiques et moraux permet de mettre au jour une homologie saisissante entre l'idée d'Europe et le modèle fédératif, révélant dans le même temps les rigidités des forma mentis contemporaines restreignant le processus de constitution concrète d'un ordre politique fédéral européen. / Since the beginning of the Modern Era, the federal formula has been advocated worldwide as the adequate institutional tool to deal with politic and social diversity. It appears as a suitable model for the constitution of a compound legal order. As a political doctrine, federalism raises the question of collective membership in rather divergent terms compared to the classical identity models. Federalism offers an open and inclusive vision of identity phenomenons and guides towards a balanced institutional framework guaranteeing the coexistence of complementary identities.From its start, the European construction derogates with the core principles of federalism, constituting nevertheless a new experience of a compound community endowed with a strong political and identity integration potential.The parallel and comprehensive analysis of the Europe phenomenon in its most remarkable historical manifestations and the ethic and moral basis of the federal system reveals a strong homology between the idea of Europe and the federative model, as well as the rigidities of contemporary forma mentis restraining the process for the constitution of an actual European federal order.

The effect of the financial crisis on credit scoring in the retail credit market in South Africa / van der Walt, J.

Van der Walt, Andries Jacobus January 2011 (has links)
This study follows a three–pronged approach to investigate the effects of the global financial crisis on the South African retail credit market (using Woolworths as subject). These three prongs, or areas, include a literature study, step–by–step credit scoring guide and an application of this guide in an empirical study. To achieve this goal, credit scoring was selected as the quantitative tool to illustrate these effects. Two different periods were chosen to supply a snapshot of the retail credit industry, namely the retail credit situation before and during the global financial crisis. To correctly define and understand the mechanics affecting South Africa's retail credit industry, a literature review was conducted to investigate the global financial crisis, the South African retail credit market and credit scoring itself. The literature investigation explains the global financial crisis and identifies some of the primary drivers behind it. These drivers included the US housing bubble, the introduction of subprime loans and the securitisation of these loans (mortgage backed securities). The study found that these drivers, especially the securitisation of subprime loans, were the vehicle used to enable the crisis to spread globally. The ultimate goal of the study was to provide the individual, and companies, with an understanding of the global financial crisis' effects on the consumer specifically through their credit worthiness and retail credit behaviour. Through the use of credit scoring, the study found that at least one retailer (Woolworths) in the retail industry was affected. Woolworths placed a stronger emphasis on reducing their credit exposure whilst consumers were steadily increasing their facility utilisation. / Thesis (M.Com. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

The effect of the financial crisis on credit scoring in the retail credit market in South Africa / van der Walt, J.

Van der Walt, Andries Jacobus January 2011 (has links)
This study follows a three–pronged approach to investigate the effects of the global financial crisis on the South African retail credit market (using Woolworths as subject). These three prongs, or areas, include a literature study, step–by–step credit scoring guide and an application of this guide in an empirical study. To achieve this goal, credit scoring was selected as the quantitative tool to illustrate these effects. Two different periods were chosen to supply a snapshot of the retail credit industry, namely the retail credit situation before and during the global financial crisis. To correctly define and understand the mechanics affecting South Africa's retail credit industry, a literature review was conducted to investigate the global financial crisis, the South African retail credit market and credit scoring itself. The literature investigation explains the global financial crisis and identifies some of the primary drivers behind it. These drivers included the US housing bubble, the introduction of subprime loans and the securitisation of these loans (mortgage backed securities). The study found that these drivers, especially the securitisation of subprime loans, were the vehicle used to enable the crisis to spread globally. The ultimate goal of the study was to provide the individual, and companies, with an understanding of the global financial crisis' effects on the consumer specifically through their credit worthiness and retail credit behaviour. Through the use of credit scoring, the study found that at least one retailer (Woolworths) in the retail industry was affected. Woolworths placed a stronger emphasis on reducing their credit exposure whilst consumers were steadily increasing their facility utilisation. / Thesis (M.Com. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

De l'individuation à la philosophie politique : autour de Jan Patočka / From individual to political philosophy : around Jan Patočka

Soulard Tossah, Christine 16 January 2018 (has links)
Autour de la genèse de l’histoire tchèque, un grand moment de philosophie politique est advenu durant la première moitié du XX° siècle : un État tchécoslovaque peut affirmer son existence, et cela est l’aboutissement d’une confrontation sans concession avec un destin indéfiniment tourmenté, celui d’une longue marche pour s’émanciper de la tutelle de l’Empire austro-hongrois ; persécutions religieuses suivies d’une guerre de trente ans et enfin une expérience intime de l’exil, qui est une brisure de son être. Enfin, le XIX° siècle a ouvert des négociations pour obtenir un statut respectueux des Tchèques avec le parlement autrichien.Cette ouverture a été acquise par un peuple toujours sur la brèche selon Hannah Arendt. La philosophe tchèque lui donne le nom de crise ou Krisis. Il s’éprouve dans son être comme un rapport d’être, scission en son être qui est toujours un questionnement sur soi et sur le monde et aspiration à la perfection et au soin de l’âme. C’est une expérience à haut risque du regard sur la vérité du monde pour l’énonciation d’un sens et d’un jugement, Jan Patocka retrouve là « la solidarité des ébranlés » pour une « vie dans la vérité ». Nous regarderons d’abord et principalement les grandes figures de pensée qui ont fait l’avènement de L’État tchécoslovaque ; ce sont leurs philosophes qui sollicitent sans fin cette pulsion de vie expérience de sa révolte, et principalement Jan Patocka. Ils débordent le convenu, bouscule l’ordre figé pour dévoiler un instant de vérité pour une donation de sens. Ensuite, nous verrons comment les philosophes rois de ce pays, Tomas Garrigue Masaryk et Vaclav Havel sont des guides précieux pour le peuple tchèque en ces années de plomb. Leurs maîtres de philosophie ne sont jamais très loin. / With the genesis of the Czech history, during the first half of the twentieth century, a great moment of political philosophy is born: a Czechoslovakian State can declare its existence as a result of an uncompromising conflict with an extremely tormented lot. The long walk to emancipation from the Austro-Hungarian empire and the religious persecutions were followed by a thirty-year-long war and eventually ended in a private experience of exile resulting in personal breakdown. Finally, negotiations with the Austrian parliament started in the ninetieth century so the Czech could gain a status of respect. This awareness was gained by a people constantly on the move according to Hannah Arendt. The Czech philosopher called it crisis or Krisis. It can be felt within your own being, just like a [relationship of being], a scission within your being always questioning about one self and the world as well as searching for perfection and spiritual well-being. Considering the truth of the world in order to outline a meaning and a judgment is a high-risk experience. Jan Patocka traces there "the solidarity of the shaken" for a "life in truth".We will first look into the main eminent thinkers that have made the Czechoslovakian State come to life, thanks to its philosophers, mainly Jan Patocka, who after a life of protests, endlessly felt an urge for existence. They trespassed the rules, disrupted the rigid order to unveil a moment of truth and give it a meaning. We will then see how philosopher-kings of this country, Tomas Garrigue Masaryk and Vaclav Havel became precious guides to the Czech people during the country’s dark years. Their philosophy mentors are never too far.

Die ‘laaste oordeel’ volgens die eskatologie van Jürgen Moltmann. 'n Kritiese evaluering

Van Wyk, Marius January 2014 (has links)
Jürgen Moltmann se panenteïstiese ontologie en sy oortuiging dat die Drieënige God met die skepping in ‘n dinamiese perichoretiese verhouding is, lei sy logika tot die gevolgtrekking dat tydens die laaste oordeel God alles en almal universeel gaan red. Gegewe egter die huidige ekologiese krisis, is daar nog genoeg tyd oor vir hierdie evolusionêre proses om in die konsummasie van die wêreld te kulmineer? Maar al sou die uiteindelike redding van alle wesens tog wel so realiseer, maak dit enigsins sin dat organismes wat lewe bedreig, ook gered word? Moltmann se dialektiese ontologie blyk in die afwesigheid van ‘n God-wêreld dualisme nie lewensvatbaar te wees nie. As gevolg van God se alomteenwoordigheid is ‘n terrein buite Hom nie moontlik nie. Belangrike hermeneutiese kwessies inaggenome, is die Bybelse getuienis van God se oordeel met ‘n dubbele uitkoms tog sterk. Die enkele tekste wat voorgehou word om universele redding te attesteer, is nie noodwendig in konflik met die ander, oorweldigende oorvloed van teksgedeeltes wat wel op ‘n Laaste Oordeel-leer dui nie. Hoewel Moltmann die vryheid van die mens erken, glo hy dat die mens nie ‘n keuse vir of teen God kan maak nie. Die moontlikheid van die mens se keuse teen God, verhoed dat God tydens die konsummasie van die skepping sy eie "nie-syn" transendeer. Tog word die liefde van God vir die mens verklaar en bevestig juis deur sy/haar Godgegewe vryheid om self te kies. Deur God se liefde vir die mens word Hy kwesbaar, en deur die mens se “nee” vir God, word die dialektiek in God nooit opgehef nie. God is immers aan Homself getrou en respekteer daarom die mens se vryheid. Hoewel Hy uiteindelik tydens die kosmiese Sabbat vervul word deur die wat aan Hom behoort, treur Hy ook oor diegene wat hulle aan die buitekant van sy eskatologiese koninkryk bevind. Daarom word gekonkludeer dat Moltmann se postulaat ‘n non sequitur is. God gaan die mensdom weliswaar oordeel en die gevolge daarvan is ‘n onafwendbare dualisme – hemel en hel. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted

The role of securitisation and credit default swaps in the credit crisis : a South African perspective / White W.

White, Johannes Petrus Lodewikus January 2011 (has links)
The financial crisis that struck financial markets in 2008 was devastating for the global economy. The impact continues to be felt in the market - most recently in sovereign defaults. 1 There are many questions as to the origin of the crisis and how the same events may be prevented in the future. This dissertation explores two financial instruments: securitisation and credit default swaps (CDSs) and attempts to establish the role they played in the financial crisis. To fully understand the events that unfolded before and during the crisis, a sound theoretical understanding of these instruments is required. This understanding is important to discern the future of stable financial markets and to gain insight into some of the potential risks faced by financial markets. The South African perspective regarding securitisation, CDSs and the global financial crisis is an important field of study. The impact of the crisis on South Africa will be explored in this dissertation, as well as, the effect of the crisis on South Africa's securitisation market (which has proved healthy and robust over the first part of the new millennium despite the global slowdown of these instruments) and the CDS market. A key goal of this work is to establish whether or not CDSs have been used in South Africa to hedge the credit risk component of bonds linked to asset–backed securities (ABSs). This will provide an indication of the maturity of the South African credit risk transfer (CRT) market and how South Africa compares to more developed financial markets regarding complexity, regulation, sophistication and market sentiment. Through the exploration and understanding of these concepts, the efficacy of emerging economies to adapt to globalisation, and how welcome financial innovation has proved to be in emerging markets will be addressed. / Thesis (M.Com. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

The role of securitisation and credit default swaps in the credit crisis : a South African perspective / White W.

White, Johannes Petrus Lodewikus January 2011 (has links)
The financial crisis that struck financial markets in 2008 was devastating for the global economy. The impact continues to be felt in the market - most recently in sovereign defaults. 1 There are many questions as to the origin of the crisis and how the same events may be prevented in the future. This dissertation explores two financial instruments: securitisation and credit default swaps (CDSs) and attempts to establish the role they played in the financial crisis. To fully understand the events that unfolded before and during the crisis, a sound theoretical understanding of these instruments is required. This understanding is important to discern the future of stable financial markets and to gain insight into some of the potential risks faced by financial markets. The South African perspective regarding securitisation, CDSs and the global financial crisis is an important field of study. The impact of the crisis on South Africa will be explored in this dissertation, as well as, the effect of the crisis on South Africa's securitisation market (which has proved healthy and robust over the first part of the new millennium despite the global slowdown of these instruments) and the CDS market. A key goal of this work is to establish whether or not CDSs have been used in South Africa to hedge the credit risk component of bonds linked to asset–backed securities (ABSs). This will provide an indication of the maturity of the South African credit risk transfer (CRT) market and how South Africa compares to more developed financial markets regarding complexity, regulation, sophistication and market sentiment. Through the exploration and understanding of these concepts, the efficacy of emerging economies to adapt to globalisation, and how welcome financial innovation has proved to be in emerging markets will be addressed. / Thesis (M.Com. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Le problème de l'histoire dans la Krisis de Husserl

Leduc Berryman, Alexandre 17 December 2019 (has links)
La phénoménologie française contemporaine se caractérise par ce que nous nommons une paradoxale référence au fondateur de cette discipline, E. Husserl. Malgré la revendication de l’une de ses idées directrices, le plus fréquemment inspirée du « principe des principes », l’on juge le plus souvent qu’il faut se départir de son cadre idéaliste transcendantal et de ses réquisits, comme la théorie de la constitution et l’exigence de scientificité. Son ouvrage posthume, la Krisis, où figure sa tentative de rendre compte philosophiquement de l’histoire et de l’historicité, a été vu par de nombreux critiques, notamment P. Ricœur et J. Derrida, comme le lieu où la phénoménologie husserlienne et son idéalisme sont mis le plus clairement en échec. Ce mémoire se propose de montrer que l’interrogation idéaliste transcendantale du phénomène de l’histoire ne fait pas bon marché du principe des principes découvert par la phénoménologie, souvent revendiqué comme moyen pour rendre compte de la finitude de l’existence humaine. L’étude de trois aspects négligés de la phénoménologie proposée dans la Krisis permettra de soutenir cette thèse : (1) à côté de l’historicité positive du savoir qui présente son progrès constant à travers l’histoire, l’œuvre posthume de Husserl donne à voir ce que nous nommons une historicité tragique, marquée par les crises et la possibilité irréductible de la perte du sens au cours de sa transmission ; (2) l’idéalisme husserlien, loin d’être par principe indifférent à la question de l’histoire, permet de penser ce que les Méditations cartésiennes nomment une histoire de l’ego, et qui correspond à une histoire de la constitution de l’expérience de la conscience ; (3) enfin, le concept d’autoresponsabilité dans la philosophie husserlienne permet de montrer que cette dernière place en son cœur le constat indépassable de la finitude de la rationalité. En dernière analyse, la seule façon de soutenir un progrès constant du savoir et de surmonter l’historicité tragique réside dans « l’autoresponsabilisation » de l’ego philosophant, qui doit se rendre maître de l’exigence d’autoréflexivité qui lui est imposée par l’essence même de la rationalité philosophique.

Lessons learnt from the deficiencies of the Basel Accords as they apply to Solvency II / Johann Rénier Gabriël Jacobs

Jacobs, Johann Rénier Gabriël January 2013 (has links)
Solvency II is the new European Union (EU) legislation which will replace the capital adequacy regime for the insurance industry. Considering that the banking sector has experienced a similar change through the different Basel Accords (Basel), there is an opportunity for the insurance industry before The results indicate similar distortions between developing countries while the major driver behind the cost of capital for developing countries is equity market volatility, and not credit risk as might have been expected. Finally, the fourth research problem relates to another objective of financial regulations: to reflect the risks that financial institutions face. The risk sensitivities of economic and regulatory capital for credit risk are investigated empirically using a dynamic optimisation model in one of the first studies of its kind. Results show that economic capital is a superior risk measure to regulatory capital from a systemic- and institution-specific risk perspective. This, along with calls to strengthen Pillar 2 disciplines following the financial crisis, leads to a suggestion that economic capital could be considered as a Pillar 1 capital requirement, replacing the current forms of Pillar 1 regulatory capital. the implementation of Solvency II to learn from the weaknesses and shortcomings in Basel to ensure that the design of Solvency II will, as far as possible, compensate for these. The financial crisis of 2007 to 2010 highlighted certain weaknesses and shortcomings of Basel and there is accordingly an opportunity for the insurance industry to learn from these deficiencies and to strengthen Solvency II to help prevent similar events in the insurance industry. This thesis investigates these weaknesses in Basel in an attempt to determine the extent to which these are inherently included in Solvency II. The first research problem of this thesis examines these weaknesses in Basel and relates them back to Solvency II to determine which, and to what extent, some of them may have been included in Solvency II. The second research problem leads from the first and critically explores an objective of financial regulations, namely to provide financial institutions with equal competitive conditions (the so-called ‘level playing field’) from a regulatory perspective. To achieve this objective, there is an implicit assumption that the cost of capital between countries is equal. Investigation into the cost of capital between both developed and developing countries using a modified weighted average cost of capital model indicates that the cost of capital between developed and developing countries differs and that regulations based on capital requirements tend to favour developed countries. This means that current financial regulations cannot achieve this objective as intended. The third research problem investigates the cost of capital between various developing countries to determine firstly whether similar competitive distortions exist among such countries, while secondly exploring the drivers behind the cost of capital in such countries through linear regression analyses. / PhD (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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