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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos de primeiros princípios da adsorção de água e de etanol sobre ligas de superfície de metais de transição sob efeitos de deformação expansiva e compressiva / First principles studies of water and ethanol adsorption on transition metal alloys surface under expansive and compressive strain effects

Freire, Rafael Luiz Heleno 20 October 2016 (has links)
Diversos estudos experimentais e teóricos têm sugerido que a formação de ligas de superfície ou a deposição de monocamadas de metal de transição (TM) tensionadas sobre suportes de TM pode ser considerada como uma via para a produção de novos catalisadores. Assim, um entendimento mais profundo das propriedades energéticas, geométricas e catalíticas dessas superfícies, bem como seus efeitos sobre as propriedades de adsorção de moléculas como água e etanol se tornam muito interessantes e importantes para futuras aplicações. Nesse trabalho relatamos uma extensa investigação de primeiros princípios baseada na teoria funcional da densidade desde os processos de adsorção de adátomos de TM (Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt) sobre as superfícies Cu(111) e Au(111) considerando recobrimentos que variam de 1/9, 2/9 até 1 monocamada (ML), até a adsorção de monômeros das moléculas de água e de etanol sobre diferentes ambientes proporcionados pelas diferentes superfícies estudadas, bem como uma análise das interações de van de Waals (vdW), de grande relevância na descrição desses sistemas. Estudamos aspectos de formação e estabilidade de diferentes superfícies com diferentes recobrimentos de adátomos. Em baixos recobrimentos, apesar dos diferentes raios atômicos dos ádatomos e átomos do substrato, sítios incorporados na camada mais externa do substrato são mais favoráveis energeticamente do que sítios sobre a superfície do mesmo. Nos sistemas TM/Au(111), essa tendência segue até o limite em que todos os átomos do substrato fiquem expostos à região de vácuo, com uma camada adjacente de adátomos; válido também para os sistemas Rh/Cu(111). A adsorção de Pd, Ir e Pt em Cu(111), segue a mesma tendência até recobrimentos de 4/9, 8/9, 6/9 ML, ficando os adátomos expostos à região de vácuo para maiores recobrimentos. Para sistemas TM/Au(111), temos uma deformação expansiva, devido à mistura de adátomos, com raios menores que o Au, na primeira camada do substrato, enquanto para sistemas TM/Cu(111) ela é compressiva, em particular para altos recobrimentos de Pd, Ir, Pt, favorecendo sua adsorção sobre a superfície do substrato. Essas alterações nas propriedades das superfícies deslocam o centro da banda dos estados d ocupados, possibilitando \"ajustá-las\" para determinados adsorbatos. Logo, utilizamos algumas dessas superfícies para avaliar quais os efeitos sobre as propriedades de adsorção das moléculas de água e de etanol. Em todos os sistemas, as moléculas adsorvem ligam através do átomo de oxigênio, O, sobre um sítio de coordenação 1 (on-top). Esse cenário se altera conforme induzimos deformações na superfície, pois a molécula se desloca lateralmente rumo a sítios de maior coordenação; ou adicionamos correções de vdW, aumentando a interação molécula-substrato, e podendo até mesmo rearranjar a molécula sobre a superfície. Para a molécula de água, efeitos geométricos são menos pronunciados, enquanto para o etanol podem alterar drasticamente a conformação da molécula e sua orientação em relação à superfície. Assim como as correções de vdW, as deformações induzidas também afetam energia de adsorção, pois alteram a estrutura eletrônica dos substratos, tal que observamos um aumento linear das energias de adsorção em função do centro da banda dos estados d ocupados dos substratos, ainda que se observem desvios. Finalmente, pudemos contribuir para um melhor entendimento das propriedades de superfícies de metais de transição sob efeitos de deformações expansiva e compressiva, demonstrando a possibilidade de alterar suas propriedades tanto pelos diferentes recobrimentos quanto pelo tipo de deformação induzida. Além disso, comprovamos os efeitos dessas alterações sobre as propriedades de adsorção de moléculas de água e de etanol, incluindo ainda uma análise do comportamento de algumas correções de van der Waals para esses sistemas. / Many experimental and theoretical studies have been suggesting that the superficial alloys formation or a deposition of transition metal (TM) monolayers under strain over transition metal supports (substrates) can be considered as a route to produce new catalysts. Thus, a deeper understading about geometric, energetic and electronic properties of these surfaces, as well as, their effects over the molecules adsorption becomes very important for future applications. We report an extensive first principles investigation based on density functional theory, covering subjects from TM (Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt) adsorption processes on Cu(111) and Au(111) surfaces to different TM coverages (1/9, 2/9 up to 1 monolayer (ML)), up to the adsorption of water and ethanol monomers on different surface environments. Additionally, we will use van derWaals corrections, which are important to the description of these systems. We have studied formation and stability features of different surfaces with different adatoms coverage. At low coverages, despite of different atomic radius of adatoms and host atoms, incorporated sites in the topmost substrate layer are more energetically favorable than sites on the surface (overlayer). For TM/Au(111) systems, this trend follows adatom by adatom up to the limit where every atom from the substrate get exposed to the vacuum region, and has an underlying layer comprised of adatoms; it holds also for Rh/Cu(111) systems. The adsorption of Pd, Ir and Pt on Cu(111) follows the same trend until 4/9, 8/9, 6/9 ML coverages, and the adatoms get exposed to the vacuum region for higher coverages. For TM/Au(111) systems, we have an expansive strain, because of the mixture of adatoms, whose atomic radii are smaller than Au, in the topmost substrate layer, while for TM/Cu(111) systems it is compressive, in particular, for higher Pd, Ir, Pt coverages, which favors their adsorption on the overlayer. Such changes in the surface properties shift the center of gravity of the occupied d-band states, which gives the possibility to tune them to specific adsorbates. Thus, we have employed some of those surfaces to evaluate what are the effects over the adsorption properties of water and ethanol molecules. For all systems, the molecules adsorb by the oxygen atom, O, on an one-fold site (on-top). This scenario changes as we induce deformations over the surface, because the molecule has a lateral shift towards to higher coordinated sites; or when we add vdW corrections, increasing the molecule-substrate interaction, it being possible even to rearrange the molecule on the surface. For water molecule, geometric effects are less pronounced, while for ethanol they can drastically change the molecule conformation and orientation in relation to the surface. As the vdW corrections, the induced strain can also affect the adsorption energy, since they change the substrate electronic structure, and we observed a linear adsorption energy increasing against the center of gravity of the occupied d-band states of substrates, even there are some deviations. Finally, we could contribute to a better understanding about the transition metal surfaces properties over expansive and compressive strain effects, showing the possibility to change their properties either by different adatoms coverage or by induced strain. Furthermore, we prove these effects over the properties of water and ethanol molecules adsorption, also including an analysis to the van der Waals behavior for these systems.

Vers un laser germanium dopé N et contraint en tension / Towards a tensile strained, N doped germanium laser

Kersauson, Malo de 26 June 2013 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié différentes approches qui devraient permettre d’obtenir l’effet laser dans le germanium. Nous avons pu montrer expérimentalement l’influence du dopage et de la déformation sur la structure de bande du germanium, et l’adéquation avec les modèles concluants à l’existence de gain. Nous avons exploré les possibilités offertes par l’hétéro-épitaxie sur III-V pour obtenir une déformation en tension du germanium. Nous avons évalué la déformation résultante par des mesures croisées de rayons X, de diffusion Raman et de photoluminescence, et étudié l’évolution de la qualité des couches épitaxiées en fonction de la déformation et de l’épaisseur. Une nouvelle méthode de déformation du germanium, s’appuyant sur le dépôt par plasma de couches contraintes de nitrure, a été introduite et étudiée. L’effet laser a été recherché par la conception de guides ridges et microdisques déformés par ces dépôts. Plusieurs voies d’application de la déformation dans ces cavités ont été explorées à travers des simulations par éléments finis et la conception de structures de test. Cette optimisation préalable nous a permis d’observer sur les microdisques une déformation biaxiale de 1.11%. En uniaxial, nous avons pu appliquer au germanium une déformation de 1.07% et montrer expérimentalement l’importance de la direction de la déformation dans l’augmentation de la luminescence. Nous avons pu observer et mesurer un gain optique net de 80 cm⁻¹ dans des structures déformées uniaxialement à 0.8%. / In this PhD work, we studied different approaches that should lead to a germanium laser. We have experimentally shown the influence of strain and doping on the germanium band structure, and the adequacy of the existing models. We explored the possibilities offered by heteroepitaxy on III-V compounds to apply stress. We investigated the resulting strain by cross-checking X-rays, Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence measurements, and analysed the quality of the grown layers depending on strain and thickness. A new method to apply strain to the germanium, by means of plasma deposited stressed nitride layers, was introduced and studied. Lasing has been pursued by conceiving ridges and microdisks strained by this method. An optimization of the geometry was performed through finite element modeling and the production of test structures. This optimization allowed to achieve a maximum biaxial strain of 1.1%. For uniaxial strains, we observed a maximum of 1.07% and showed experimentally the importance of the crystalline orientation in the enhancement of the emission. We demonstrated a modal gain value of 80 cm⁻¹ in ridges uniaxially strained at 0.8%.

Alternative plate deformation phenomenon for squeeze film levitation

Almurshedi, Ahmed January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with a theoretical and an experimental exploration of squeeze film levitation (SFL) of light objects. The investigations aimed to find the important design parameters controlling this levitation mechanism and also to suggest an alternative way to implement SFL. The study, through computer modelling and experimental validation, focused on Poisson's contraction effect for generating SFL. A finite element model (ANSYS) was verified by experimental testing of five different plate designs. Each plate was subjected to a uniaxial plain stress by an arrangement of two hard piezoelectric actuators (PZT) bonded to the bottom of the plate and driven with DC or AC voltages. It was observed that pulsation of a dimple or crest shaped elastic deformation along the longitudinal axis in the central area of the plate was created because of Poisson's contraction. This Poisson's effect generated the squeeze-film between the plate and the levitated object. The separation distance between a floating lightweight object and the plate was analysed using computational fluid dynamics (ANSYS CFX) through creation of a modelling model for the air-film entrapped between the two interacting surfaces - a typical three-dimensional fluid-solid interaction system (FSI). Additionally, the levitation distance has been experimentally measured by a Laser Sensor. A satisfactory agreement has been found between model predictions and experimental results. Two levitation systems, one based on a horn transducer (Langevin type) and the other one in the form of a plain rectangular plate made of Aluminium and firmly fastened at both ends with a surface-mounted piezoelectric actuator, were compared in this thesis. Both devices were based on SFL mechanism. Evidently, the performances of both designs were greatly influenced by the design structure and in particular by the driving plate characteristics such as plate size and geometry as well as the driving boundary conditions. To this end, physical experiments were carried out and it was found that the device utilising horn-type transducer yields better levitation performance. Ultimately, the research explained the confusion between three approaches to non-contact levitation through literature review and also pointed out some essential parameters like piezoelectric actuators location, material of the driving structure, coupled-field between the actuators and the driving structure and the fluid-solid interface that was existed between the excited plate and the levitated object.

Production and applications of graphene and its composites

Aranga Raju, Arun Prakash January 2017 (has links)
Graphene, a single layer of graphite, owing to its excellent mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, has evolved as an exceptional nanomaterial in the past decade. It holds great promise in developing various novel applications from biomedical to structural composites. However, several challenges remain in realising the great potential of this material; one being the bulk scale production of graphene. This thesis has been concerned with production of pristine few-layer graphene (FLG) using liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) of graphite in various solvent media and exploring the applications of graphene-based composite coatings as optical Raman-strain sensors. LPE of natural graphite using bath sonication was used to produce highly stable pristine FLG in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). Atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to analyse the exfoliation efficiency and lateral dimensions, while Raman spectroscopy provided an insight about the quality of the graphene flakes. Moreover, the potential for dynamic light scattering (DLS) as an efficient in situ characterisation technique for estimating the lateral dimensions of graphene flakes in dispersions was demonstrated. LPE was also employed to explore various routes to produce pristine graphene in aqueous media which can be used for toxicity studies. Aqueous dispersions were prepared by a solvent exchange method of graphene originally in organic solvents (NMP and DMF) using dialysis, achieving 0.1 v/v% organic solvent levels. Pristine aqueous graphene dispersions were also prepared by directly exfoliating graphite in biocompatible surfactant (TDOC- Sodium taurodeoxycholate) and biomolecules (Phosphatidylcholine and human serum albumin) solutions. Cell culture studies by collaborators revealed that solvent-exchanged and TDOC-exfoliated pristine FLG displayed minimal toxicity and albumin-exfoliated FLG hardly any cytotoxicity, whereas phosphatidylcholine-exfoliated FLG was cytotoxic. Raman spectroscopy is a well-established technique used to study the local deformation of carbon-based composites by following the shift rates of the Raman 2D band with strain. Raman active strain coatings were produced from epoxy composites made with the FLG produced by LPE in organic solvents and by electrochemical exfoliation method. The deformation experiments on these coatings revealed little or no strain sensitivity, due to several factors such as length of flakes, processing history, graphene loading, defects in graphene and alignment of flakes within the composites. As an alternative, composite coatings made from chemical vapour deposition (CVD) graphene were investigated. Excellent strain sensitivity was observed upon various cyclic deformational sequences and Raman mapping over 100 × 100 µm area. In comparison to the commercially available wide area strain sensors, CVD graphene composite coatings with a calculated absolute accuracy of ~ ± 0.01 % strain and absolute resolution of ~ 27 microstrains show promise for wide area Raman-based strains sensors.

Investigating fast flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Young, Tun Jan January 2018 (has links)
The dynamic response of a faster-flowing Greenland Ice Sheet to climate change is modulated by feedbacks between ice flow and surface meltwater delivery to the basal environment. While supraglacial melt processes have been thoroughly examined and are well constrained, the response of the englacial and subglacial environment to these seasonal perturbations still represent the least-studied, understood, and parameterised processes of glacier dynamics due to a paucity of direct observation. To better understand these processes in the wake of a changing climate, novel in-situ geophysical experiments were undertaken on Store Glacier in west Greenland to quantify rates of englacial deformation and basal melting. The records produced from these experiments yield new insights into the thermodynamic setting of a major outlet glacier, and the physical mechanisms underlying and resulting from fast glacier motion. The deployment of autonomous phase-sensitive radio-echo sounders (ApRES) $\SI{30}{\kilo\metre}$ from the calving terminus of Store Glacier between 2014 and 2016 revealed high rates of both englacial deformation and basal melting, driven primarily by the dynamic response of the basal hydrological system to seasonal surface meltwater influxes. Thermodynamic modelling of this process revealed a convergence of large-scale basal hydrological pathways that aggregated large amounts of water towards the field site. The warm, turbulent water routed from surface melt contained and dissipated enough energy at the ice-bed interface to explain the observed high melt rates. Simultaneously, changes in the local strain field, involving seasonal variations in the morphology of internal layers, were found to be the result of far-field perturbations in downstream ice flow which propagated tens of kilometres upglacier through longitudinal stress coupling. When observed in multiple dimensions, the layer structure revealed complex internal reflection geometries, demonstrating ApRES as not just a monitor of depth changes in ice thickness, but also as an imaging instrument capable of characterising the subsurface environment within and beneath ice sheets. Altogether, the observations and analyses comprising this thesis provide new and significant insight and understanding into the structural, thermal, and mechanical processes tied to Store Glacier and its fast, complex, and dynamic ice flow.

Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) in single edge notched bend (SEN(B))

Khor, WeeLiam January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the quantity Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) as a means to assess fracture toughness when measured in the Single Edge Notched Bend (SENB) specimen setup. A particular objective is to assess the effectiveness of the test when used for high strain-hardening materials (e.g. stainless steels). This has been an increasing concern as the current available methods were generally designed for lower strain hardening structural steel. Experimental work on CTOD tests included silicone casting of the crack, and constant displacement tests were also performed. The silicone castings enable physical measurement of the crack under an optical microscope. Results from a series of Finite Element (FE) models were validated from the experiments. δ5 surface measurements were obtained using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) as a courtesy of TWI, which were compared to surface CTOD measurements from the silicone castings. In addition to the experiments and Finite Element modelling, archived test data from TWI was processed, showing analytical differences between current Standard CTOD equations. CTOD calculations from BS 7448, ISO 12135, ASTM E1820 and WES 1108 were compared to the experimental and FE modelling results. For high strain hardening material, CTOD predicted by Standard equations (apart from those in BS 7448 and single point CTOD from ISO 12135) were lower than the values determined from silicone measurements and modelling. This potentially leads to over conservative values to be used in Engineering Critical Assessments (ECA) or material approval. Based on a series of different strain hardening property models, a relationship between strain hardening and the specimen rotational factor, rp was established. An improved equation for the calculation of CTOD is proposed, which gave good estimation of the experimental and Finite Element modelling results. The improved equation will be proposed for future amendments of the ISO 12135 standard. The results of this research enable the accurate fracture characterisation of a range of engineering alloys, with both low and high strain hardening behaviour in both the brittle and ductile fracture regime.

Investigation of residual stresses in X65 narrow-gap pipe girth welds

Ren, Yao January 2018 (has links)
This research investigated the residual stresses in narrow-gap API 5L X65 pipe girth welds in as-welded and after post weld heat treatment (PWHT) conditions. The PWHT included global furnace and local practices. Non-destructive neutron diffraction (ND) strain scanning was carried out on selected pipe spools and strainfree reference samples for the determination of the lattice spacing before and after PWHT. The as-welded and post-heat treatment residual stresses measured in the pipe spools were examined and compared. Experimental work also included full residual stress mapping in the weldment and through-thickness measurement at weld centre and close to the external and internal pipe surfaces. The measured profiles were compared with the recommendations given in British flaw assessment procedure BS 7910 "Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures" and the UK nuclear industry's R6 procedure. The design, preparation and experimental neutron diffraction measurement procedures for the determination of the strain-free lattice parameter in various configurations of reference samples and in the required directions were discussed. The variability of the lattice spacing in the reference samples was found depended on the specimen manufacture methods and thermal process. Welding residual stresses were also simulated using finite element analysis (FEA) modelling approach. The simulated thermal cycles and transient strains at specific locations were compared with the experimental readings. The residual stress profiles derived from finite element model were compared with the measurements from neutron diffraction. It was found, the measured and simulated, as-welded - residual stress profiles showed good consistency in terms of stress distribution and magnitude to reasonable extent. Measurement results also indicated that local PWHT was effective in reducing the residual stresses in the pipes to a level similar to that achieved by a global approach.

Rupture dynamique de membranes élastomères : étude expérimentale par mesure de champs / Dynamic fracture of elastomer membranes : experimental study from full-field measurments

Corre, Thomas 03 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la propagation dynamique de fissure dans les membranes élastomères du point de vue expérimental. Elle a pour but d’identifier les paramètres qui gouvernent la cinématique de ces fissures se propageant à grande vitesse, afin d’en prédire la trajectoire. Fondé sur l’utilisation conjointe d’une caméra à haute résolution et d’une caméra rapide, le dispositif expérimental permet de mesurer des champs à partir de la corrélation d’images au cours de la propagation de la fissure. Mis en pratique sur un polyuréthane, ce dispositif permet de retrouver la configuration de référence de l’éprouvette pendant la propagation de fissure, préalable indispensable à l’étude mécanique du problème. En plus des champs cinématiques, la densité d’énergie élastique et les contraintes sont évaluées grâce à une loi de comportement hypérélastique Les résultats de ces essais constituent une large base de données sur la rupture dynamique de membranes élastomères. La méthode permet de réaliser une analyse cinématique et énergétique de la propagation stationnaire et instationnaire, toujours dans la configuration de référence. La propagation supersonique est observée pour les hauts niveaux de déformation de la membrane. Enfin,ces observations permettent une discussion sur l’utilisation de l’approche énergétique de la rupture dynamique et de la pertinence des mesures de champs actuelles pour caractériser ce type de propagation de fissure. / This PhD thesis tackles the issue of dynamic fracture of elastomer membranes from an experimental point of view. It aims at providing some insight to predict the trajectories of high speed cracks under large strain. An experimental procedure involving high resolution and high speed cameras is developed in order to perform full-field measurements based on digital image correlation during crack propagation. Tested with a highly stretchable elastomer (polyurethane), this set-up permits to retrieve the material configurations of the sample all along crack growth, which is a crucial step toward a complete mechanical analysis of the problem. In addition to the kinematic fields,both strain energy density and stress fields are estimated thanks to a hyperelastic model, which is issued from mechanical characterisation of the material. Results of these experiments provide a comprehensive database on dynamic fracture of membranes. The method is designed to perform kinematic and energetic analyses of both steady and unsteady crack propagation in the reference configuration. Supersonic crack growth is observed for large prescribed deformation of the membranes. Finally, these observations lead to a discussion on the energetic approach in dynamic crack growth and the current applicability of full-field measurements to characterise dynamic crack growth in elastomers.

Avaliação da deformação do intermediário e região perimplantar de próteses implanto-suportada unitárias parafusada: estudo através da extensometria / Evaluation of abutment and perimplantar region deformation of implant-supported screwed prostheses: an study using strain gauges

Moretti Neto, Rafael Tobias 05 August 2010 (has links)
O implante dental depende do osso de suporte para sua estabilidade e ongevidade funcional. O comportamento mecânico e a estrutura trabecular do osso afetam a interface com o implante. Tal conhecimento pode fornecer uma base para melhoramentos na função e desenho dos implantes atuais minimizando a reabsorção da crista óssea e falha na junção osso-implante. Desta forma a correta quantificação das forças que atuam sobre o sistema de implante e principalmente no osso de suporte ao qual ele está inserido é importante para o entendimento da biomecânica possibilitando que intervenções possam ser realizadas pelos profissionais visando assim à longevidade das próteses implanto-suportadas bem como dos implantes que as sustentam. Por essa razão, a proposta deste trabalho foi avaliar, com auxílio de extensômetros elétricos, se o processo laboratorial de confecção de coroas metalocerâmicas resulta em alterações das tensões no osso ao redor dos implantes. Para isto foi utilizado um modelo de poliuretano em forma de U simulando o osso mandibular com dois implantes de hexágono externo de 3,75mm de diâmetro por 13 mm de comprimento, nos quais foram fixados intermediários multi-unit. Os corpos de prova foram confeccionados com dois tipos de ligas odontológicas - Cobalto-Cromo e Paládio-Prata - e três tipos de cilindros protéticos calcinável, usinado de Cobalto-Cromo e usinado de Ouro. As leituras de deformação foram realizadas em dois momentos: 1- após a fundição das infra-estruturas e 2 após estas infra-estruturas terem recebido cobertura cerâmica. Os testes foram realizados parafusando os corpos de prova sobre os intermediários utilizando-se para isto um dispositivo eletrônico de torque com força máxima de 10 Ncm. Os resultados mostraram que, após a aplicação da cobertura cerâmica, ocorreu piora da condição de assentamento aos intermediários. O mesmo não foi detectado quando se avaliou a deformação do osso simulado, já que os valores de deformação não ndicaram diferenças antes e após a aplicação da cerâmica. / The dental implant depends on the supporting bone for its stability and functional longevity. Mechanical behavior and trabecular bone structure affect the interface with the implant. Such knowledge may provide a basis for improvements in the current implant function and design, decreasing bone crest resorption and failure at bone-implant junction. Adequate quantification of forces that act upon the implant system and mainly on the supporting bone is important for understanding the biomechanics, allowing the intervention by professionals with the purpose of achieving the longevity of implant-supported prostheses. Therefore, this work aims at evaluating, with the aid of strain gauges, whether the laboratorial process of metal ceramic crown fabrication results in changes of the tensions around the implants. A U-shaped polyurethane model simulating the mandibular bone with two 3.75-mm diameter and 13-mm length external hexagon implants were used with fixed multi-unit abutments. Specimens were prepared with two types of dental alloys - cobalt-chromium and silver-palladium - and three types of prosthetic cylinder castable plastic, prefabricated in cobalt-chromium or gold. The deformation readings were performed in two moments: 1- after framework casting and 2- after ceramic layering of the framework. The tests were performed with the framework screwed onto the abutments at 10Ncm using an electronic torque device. The results showed that the ceramic layering worsened the fit between the crowns and the abutments. The same was not detected when bone deformation was evaluated since the values were not statistically different.

Approche méthodologique pour l’évaluation des performances et de la durabilité des systèmes de mesure répartie de déformation : application à un câble à fibre optique noyé dans le béton / Methodological approach for performance and durability assessment of distributed fiber optic sensors : application to a specific fiber optic cable embedded in concrete

Henault, Jean-Marie 18 November 2013 (has links)
La surveillance des structures de génie civil, afin d'en estimer l'état de santé, est un enjeu majeur pour les maîtres d'ouvrages. Les systèmes de mesures réparties par fibre optique, composés d'un interrogateur connecté à une fibre optique intégrée dans un câble, permettent de mesurer le profil de déformation avec un pas de mesure centimétrique et une portée kilométrique. Ils sont donc adaptés aux structures présentant de grands linéaires ou de grandes surfaces. Mais, avant tout déploiement industriel, il est nécessaire d'en évaluer leurs performances. Du fait de la déformation par cisaillement du revêtement du câble, le profil de déformation mesuré le long de la fibre optique n'est pas strictement identique à celui du matériau environnant. Une méthode, basée sur la mise en œuvre d'essais et de simulations numériques, a été développée afin de caractériser les mécanismes de transfert d'effort du milieu hôte à la fibre optique à travers le revêtement du câble. Cette méthode a été appliquée pour déterminer la réponse mécanique d'un câble particulier noyé dans le béton. Les performances métrologiques d'un système de mesure donné ont été évaluées sur la base d'une analyse d'essais « du laboratoire au terrain ». Cette étude a permis de quantifier les différentes composantes d'incertitude et d'estimer les performances du système de mesure complet. Enfin, le câble, noyé dans le béton, ne peut être remplacé. La connaissance de l'impact du vieillissement sur la réponse mécanique du câble est donc primordiale. Une étude spécifique est menée dont le but est d'estimer la durabilité du câble face aux sollicitations chimique, thermique et mécanique correspondant à une application donnée / Structural Health Monitoring is a key factor in life-cycle management of civil structures. Truly distributed fiber optic sensors, composed by an optoelectronic device paired with an optical fiber in a cable, provide strain profiles over several kilometers with a centimeter resolution. They are thus able to provide relevant information on large structures. However, a preliminary performance assessment is required prior to any industrial application. Due to shear deformation of the cable's protective coating, strain measurements provided by the measuring system may differ from actual strains in the embedding medium. A methodology, based on mechanical tests and modelling, was thus developed to determine the relationship between measured/actual strains. It was applied to determine the mechanical response of a specific cable embedded in concrete. Performance assessment method was applied to a specific measuring system. Tests were carried out under laboratory conditions on the fiber optic cable, out of the concrete medium in a first stage, and then embedded in concrete structures. It enabled to evaluate its components and standard uncertainties. The cable could not be replaced after being embedded in concrete. It is necessary to evaluate the ageing effects on its mechanical properties to use it for a long term period. A specific study was carried out to determine the cable durability under chemical, thermal and mechanical solicitations

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