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Optimisation of microstructure and fatigue properties of Inconel 718 for extrusion die applications / Optimisation de la microstructure et des proprietés en fatigue de l’Inconel 718 pour l’application de filière d’extrusionTaina, Fabio 18 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail est une contribution à une étude de recherche et développent, proposée par Hydro Aluminium, dans le domaine des mécanismes d'endommagement de filières d'extrusion et. L'originalité du travail de thèse est basée sur le développement d'un alliage Inconel 718 optimisé pour l'application spécifique de filière d’extrusion, ce qui représente un saut technologique dans l'emploi de ce superalliage dans le domaine des outils. L'impact des paramètres du procédé d'extrusion, appelés paramètres extrinsèques, - tels que la vitesse d'extrusion, la longueur de billette, le chargement thermo-mécanique - sur le comportement mécanique du matériau a été analysé. Les cycles traction-compression sont simulés à l'aide d’essais isothermes de fatigue oligocyclique (LCF) qui donnent des informations sur les différents mécanismes d'endommagement survenant dans la filière. Du point de vue scientifique, la sollicitation de fatigue oligocyclique isotherme (LCF) est considérée comme la plus représentative des conditions thermomécaniques agissant sur l'outil. Les résultats montrent que la vitesse de déformation et de temps de maintien ont un impact significatif sur la durés de vie en fatigue. Le développent du matériau, enfin, a été atteint en modifiant les paramètres intrinsèques au matériau - tels que la taille des grains et la morphologie des précipités intermétalliques. Des traitements thermiques alternatifs, permettant d'adapter le matériau aux conditions spécifiques imposées par le procédé d'extrusion, ont été formulés. Des essais de fatigue LCF supplémentaires, ont permit de comparer la réponse cyclique de ces nouvelles nuances à celle du traitement original. Un de ces traitement, élaboré au travers d’une approche pluridisciplinaire incluant les aspects métallurgie, chimie et mécanique, a été retenu comme la nouvelle procédure standard pour le traitement des matrices d'extrusion en Inconel 718. / This present work is a contribution to an extensive development study, promoted by Hydro Aluminium, in the field of the damage mechanisms of extrusion dies. The originality of the present work is based on the development of an optimized Inconel 718 alloy as bulk material for extrusion die., which corresponds to a new application of this alloy in the field of tools: The investigation of the impact of the so called “Material Extrinsic Parameters”, such as extrusion speed, billet length and thermo-mechanical loading on the mechanical behaviour of the material is proposed. The cyclic tensile and compressive stresses, acting on the die, are simulated by isothermal Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) tests. Results show that strain rate and holding time have a significant impact on fatigue life. These considerations represent the “Input Data” for the design of an optimized Inconel 718 in order to adapt the material to the specific conditions imposed by the extrusion process. This objective is achieved by modifying the “Material Intrinsic Parameters” such as grain size or precipitates morphology through the formulation of alternative thermal treatments. Additional LCF tests, are carried out to compare the cyclic response of the alternative Inconel 718 grades. One of this treatment, elaborated by a multidisciplinary approach including metallurgical, chemical and mechanical experiments that has been implemented in the industrial production practice as the new standard procedure for the thermal treatment of the Inconel 718 extrusion dies.
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Sulfur Speciation in Urban Soils Studied by X-Ray Spectroscopy and MicroscopyMathes, Mareike 14 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Implementation methodology for using concurrent and collaborative approaches for theorem provers, with case studies of SAT and LCF style proversG, Sriipriya January 2013 (has links)
Theorem provers are faced with the challenges of size and complexity, fueled by the increasing range of applications. The use of concurrent/ distributed programming paradigms to engineer better theorem provers merits serious investigation, as it provides: more processing power and opportunities for implementing novel approaches to address theorem proving tasks hitherto infeasible in a sequential setting. Investigation of these opportunities for two diverse theorem prover settings with an emphasis on desirable implementation criteria is the core focus of this thesis. Concurrent programming is notoriously error prone, hard to debug and evaluate. Thus, implementation approaches which promote easy prototyping, portability, incremental development and effective isolation of design and implementation can greatly aid the enterprise of experimentation with the application of concurrent techniques to address specific theorem proving tasks. In this thesis, we have explored one such approach by using Alice ML, a functional programming language with support for concurrency and distribution, to implement the prototypes and have used programming abstractions to encapsulate the implementations of the concurrent techniques used. The utility of this approach is illustrated via proof-of-concept prototypes of concurrent systems for two diverse case studies of theorem proving: the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) and LCF style (first-order) theorem proving, addressing some previously unexplored parallelisation opportunities for each, as follows:. SAT: We have developed a novel hybrid approach for SAT and implemented a prototype for the same: DPLL-Stalmarck. It uses two complementary algorithms for SAT, DPLL and Stalmarck’s. The two solvers run asynchronously and dynamic information exchange is used for co-operative solving. Interaction of the solvers has been encapsulated as a programming abstraction. Compared to the standalone DPLL solver, DPLL-Stalmarck shows significant performance gains for two of the three problem classes considered and comparable behaviour otherwise. As an exploratory research effort, we have developed a novel algorithm, Concurrent Stalmarck, by applying concurrent techniques to the Stalmarck algorithm. A proof-of-concept prototype for the same has been implemented. Implementation of the saturation technique of the Stalmarck algorithm in a parallel setting, as implemented in Concurrent Stalmarck, has been encapsulated as a programming abstraction. LCF: Provision of programmable concurrent primitives enables customisation of concurrent techniques to specific theorem proving scenarios. In this case study, we have developed a multilayered approach to support programmable, sound extensions for an LCF prover: use programming abstractions to implement the concurrent techniques; use these to develop novel tacticals (control structures to apply tactics), incorporating concurrent techniques; and use these to develop novel proof search procedures. This approach has been implemented in a prototypical LCF style first-order prover, using Alice ML. New tacticals developed are: fastest-first; distributed composition; crossTalk: a novel tactic which uses dynamic, collaborative information exchange to handle unification across multiple sub-goals, with shared meta-variables; a new tactic, performing simultaneous proof-refutation attempts on propositional (sub- )goals, by invoking an external SAT solver (SAT case study), as a counter-example finder. Examples of concrete theorem proving scenarios are provided, demonstrating the utility of these extensions. Synthesis of a variety of automatic proof search procedures has been demonstrated, illustrating the scope of programmability and customisation, enabled by our multilayered approach.
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Machine assisted proofs of recursion implementationCohn, Avra Jean January 1979 (has links)
Three studies in the machine assisted proof of recursion implementation are described. The verification system used is Edinburgh LCF (Logic for Computable Functions). Proofs are generated, in LCF, in a goal-oriented fashion by the application of strategies reflecting informal proof plans. LCF is introduced in Chapter 1. We present three case studies in which proof strategies are developed and (except in the third) tested in LCF. Chapter 2 contains an account of the machine generated proofs of three program transformations (from recursive to iterative function schemata). Two of the examples are taken from Manna and Waldinger. In each case, the recursion is implemented by the introduction of a new data type, e.g., a stack or counter. Some progress is made towards the development of a general strategy for producing the equivalence proofs of recursive and iterative function schemata by machine. Chapter 3 is concerned with the machine generated proof of the correctness of a compiling algorithm. The formulation, borrowed from Russell, includes a simple imperative language with a while and conditional construct, and a low level language of labelled statements, including jumps. We have, in LCF, formalised his denotational descriptions of the two languages and performed a proof of the preservation of the semantics under compilation. In Chapter 4, we express and informally prove the correctness of a compiling algorithm for a language containing declarations and calls of recursive procedures. We present a low level language whose semantics model a standard activation stack implementation. Certain theoretical difficulties (connected with recursively defined relations) are discussed, and a proposed proof in LCF is outlined. The emphasis in this work is less on proving original theorems, or even automatically finding proofs of known theorems, than on (i) exhibiting and analysing the underlying structure of proofs, and of machine proof attempts, and (ii) investigating the nature of the interaction (between a user and a computer system) required to generate proofs mechanically; that is, the transition from informal proof plans to behaviours which cause formal proofs to be performed.
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Thermomechanical Fatigue Life Prediction Of Notched 304 Stainless SteelKarl, Justin 01 January 2013 (has links)
The behavior of materials as they are subjected to combined thermal and mechanical fatigue loads is an area of research that carries great significance in a number of engineering applications. Power generation, petrochemical, and aerospace industries operate machinery with expensive components that undergo repeated applications of force while simultaneously being exposed to variable temperature working fluids. A case of considerable importance is found in steam turbines, which subject blades to cyclic loads from rotation as well as the passing of heated gases. The complex strain and temperature histories from this type of operation, combined with the geometric profile of the blades, make accurate prediction of service life for such components challenging. Development of a deterministic life prediction model backed by physical data would allow design and operation of turbines with higher efficiency and greater regard for reliability. The majority of thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) life prediction modeling research attempts to correlate basic material property data with simplistic strain and thermal histories. With the exception of very limited cases, these types of efforts have been insufficient and imprecise in their capabilities. Early researchers did not account for the multiple damage mechanisms that operate and interact within a material during TMF loads, and did not adequately address the extent of the relationship between smooth and notched parts. More recent research that adequately recognizes the multivariate nature of TMF develops models that handle life reduction through summation of constitutive damage terms. It is feasible that a modification to the damage-based approach can sufficiently include cases that involve complex geometry. The focus of this research is to construct an experimentally-backed extension of the damage-based approach that improves handling of geometric discontinuities. Smooth and notched specimens of Type 304 stainless steel were subjected to several types of idealized fatigue conditions to iv assemble a clear picture of the types of damage occurring in a steam turbine and similarly-loaded mechanical systems. These results were compared with a number of idealized TMF experiments, and supplemented by numerical simulation and microscopic observation. A nonuniform damage-summation constitutive model was developed primarily based on physical observations. An additional simplistic model was developed based on phenomenological effect. Findings from this study will be applicable to life prediction efforts in other similar material and load cases.
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Fatigue life analysis of weld ends : Comparison between testing and FEM-calculationsGöransson, Andréas January 2014 (has links)
The thesis examines the fatigue life of weld ends, where very little usable research previously has been conducted, and often the weld ends are the critical parts of the weld. It is essential knowing the fatigue life of welds to be able to use them most efficiently.The report is divided into two parts; in the first the different calculation methods used today at Toyota Material Handling are examined and compared. Based on the results from the analysis and what is used mostly today, the effective notch approach is the method used in part two.To validate the calculation methods and models used, fatigue testing of the welded test specimens was conducted together with a stress test. New modelling methods of the weld ends that coincide with the test results were made in the finite element software Abaqus. A new way of modelling the weld ends for the effective notch method is also proposed. By using a notch radius of 0.2 mm and rounded weld ends the calculated fatigue life better matches the life of the real weld ends.
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Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger AluminiumlegierungenHockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.
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Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger AluminiumlegierungenHockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.
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Tensile And Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior Of A Ni-Base SuperalloyGopinath, K 04 1900 (has links)
Background and Objective: Nickel-base superalloys, strengthened by a high volume fraction of Ni3Al precipitates, have been the undisputed choice for turbine discs in gas turbines as they exhibit the best available combination of elevated temperature tensile strength and resistance to low cycle fatigue (LCF), which are essential for a disc alloy. Alloy 720LI is a wrought nickel-base superalloy developed for disc application and exhibit superior elevated temperature tensile strength and LCF properties. It is distinct from contemporary disc alloys because of its chemistry, (especially Ti, Al and interstitial (C and B) contents), processing and heat treatment. However, literature available in open domain to develop an understanding of these properties in alloy 720LI is rather limited. This study was taken up in this background with an objective of assessing the tensile and LCF properties exhibited by alloy 720LI within a temperature regime of interest and understand the structure-property correlations behind it.
Tensile Behavior: The effect of temperature and strain rate on monotonic tensile properties were assessed at different temperature in the range of 25 – 750°C (0.67 Tm) at a strain rate of 10-4 s-1 and strain rate effects were explored in detail at 25, 400, 650 and 750°C at different strain rates between 10-5 s-1 and 10-1 s-1. Yield and ultimate tensile strength of the alloy remains unaffected by temperature till about 600°C (0.58Tm) and 500°C (0.51Tm), respectively, beyond which both decreased drastically. Negligible strain rate sensitivity exhibited by the alloy at 25 and 400°C indicated that flow stress is a strong function of strain hardening rather than strain rate hardening. However at 650 and 750°C, especially at low strain rates, strain rate sensitivity is relatively high. TEM studies revealed that heterogeneous planar slip involving shearing of precipitates by dislocation pairs was prevalent under strain rate insensitive conditions and more homogeneous slip was evident when flow stresses were strain rate sensitive. The planarity of slip is also considered responsible for the deviation in experimental data from the Ludwick–Hollomon power-law at low plastic strains in regimes insensitive to strain rate. Irrespective of strain rate sensitivity and degree of homogeneity of slip, fracture mode remained ductile at almost all the conditions studied.
Dynamic Strain Ageing: Alloy 720LI exhibits jerky flow in monotonic tension at intermediate temperatures ranging from 250-475°C. After considering all known causes for serrated flow in materials, the instability in flow (Portevin-LeChatelier (PLC) effect) is considered attributable to dynamic strain ageing (DSA), arising from interactions between diffusing solute atoms and mobile dislocations during plastic flow. As the temperature range of DSA coincided with typical bore and web temperatures of turbine discs, its possible influence on tensile properties is considered in detail. No significant change in tensile strength, ductility, or work hardening is observed, due to DSA, with increase in temperature from smooth to serrated flow regime. However strain rate sensitivity, which is positive in smooth flow regime turned negative in the serrated flow regime. Analysis of serrated flow on the basis of critical plastic strain for onset of serrations revealed that in most of the temperature-strain rate regimes studied, alloy 720LI exhibits ‘inverse’ PLC effect which is a phenomenon that has not been fully understood in contrast to ‘normal’ PLC effect observed widely in dilute solid solutions. Other characteristics of serrated flow viz., stress decrement and strain increment between serrations are also analyzed to understand the mechanism of DSA. Though the activation energy determined using stress decrements suggest that carbon atoms could be responsible for locking of dislocations, based on its influence on mechanical properties and also on its temperature regime of existence, weak pinning of dislocations by substitutional solute atoms are considered responsible for DSA in alloy 720LI.
LCF Behavior: LCF studies were carried out under fully reversed constant strain amplitude conditions at 25, 400 and 650°C with strain amplitudes ranging from 0.4-1.2%. Different cyclic stress responses observed depending on the imposed conditions are correlated to the substructures that evolved. Low level of dislocation activity and interactions observed in TEM is considered the reason behind stable cyclic stress response at low strain amplitudes at all temperatures. TEM studies also show that secondary γ’ precipitates that are degraded through repeated shearing are responsible for the continuous softening, observed after a short initial hardening phase, at higher strain amplitudes. Studies at 400°C show manifestation of DSA on LCF behavior at 400°C in the form increased cyclic hardening which tends to offset softening effects at higher strain amplitudes. Plastic strain dependence of fatigue lives exhibited bilinearity in Coffin-Manson plots at all temperatures. TEM substructures revealed that planar slip with deformation concentrated on slip bands is the major deformation mode under all the conditions examined. However, homogeneity of deformation increases with increase in strain and temperature. At 25°C, with increasing strain, increased homogeneity manifested in the form of increased number of slip bands. At 650°C, with increase in strain, increased dislocation activity in the inter-slip band regions lead to increased homogeneity. It is also seen that fine deformation twins that form at 650°C and low strain amplitudes play a role in aiding homogenization of deformation. Unlike other alloy systems where an environmental effect or a change in deformation mechanism leads to bilinearity in Coffin – Manson (CM) plots, our study shows that differences in distribution of slip is the reason behind bilinear CM plots.
While the properties and behavior of alloy 720LI under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions over a range of temperatures could be rationalized on the basis of deformation substructures, the thesis opens up the door for further in-depth studies on deformation mechanisms in 720LI as well as other disc alloys of similar microstructure.
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Berechnungsansatz für Strukturbauteile aus Holzfurnierlagenverbundwerkstoff – WVC / Calculation approach of structures made from Wood Veneer Composite – WVCEichhorn, Sven 15 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Es wird ein einfacher Berechnungsansatz für ein Baukastensystem aus Kastenprofilen verschiedener Querschnittsabmessungen erarbeitet. Diese Profile bestehen aus WVC (Wood Veneer Composites, Holzfurnierlagenverbundwerkstoffen). Der Ansatz bildet den statischen Lastfall und das Ermüdungsverhalten unter schwellende Dreipunktbiegung ab. Am Beispiel eines ausgewählten Strukturbauteils aus handelsüblichen Birkensperrholz wird der Berechnungsansatz konkretisiert und durch Versuche evaluiert. Aufbauend auf dem Kraft-Verformungsverhalten der analysierten Einzelbauteile und der kapillarporösen Struktur des Holzes wird bei dem Berechnungsansatz auf eine Analyse der Spannungen verzichtet. Stattdessen wird als Berechnungskriterium die kritische Normaldehnung in der Randfaser der Strukturbauteile genutzt. Weiterhin wird eine Methode vorgestellt um mittels niederzyklischen Ermüdungsversuchs (LCF, ca. 1e+03 Lastwechsel) den „Knickpunkt“ der Zeitfestigkeitslinie eines einstufigen Ermüdungsversuchs bei hohen Lastspielzahlen (HCF, 1e+06 bis 1e+07 Lastwechsel) für diese Strukturbauteile zu bestimmen. / It was developed a simple approach for the calculation of a modular construction system for box sections (profile structures) of different cross-sectional dimensions. These profile structures consists of WVC (Wood Veneer Composites). The approach maps the static load case and the fatigue behavior under pulsating three-point bending. By using a structural component made from commercial birch plywood, the calculation approach is specified and verified. Based on the force-deformation behavior of the analyzed single components in connection with the capillary-porous structure of the wood, the calculation approach dispense on an analysis of the tensions. Instead, a criterion, which calculates the critical normal strain in the outer fibers of the structural components, is used. Furthermore, a method of a low-cycle fatigue test (LCF, abbr. 1e+03 cycles) is presented. This method detects the “knee point" of the fatigue limit line for the profiles. That point is usually determined by the use of a high-cycle fatigue tests (HCF, 1e+06 until 1e+07 cycles).
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