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Stability limits and combustion measurements in low calorific value gas flamesSauba, Rooktabir Nandan January 1987 (has links)
A Hilton combustor was substantially modified to a suitable symmetrical configuration for research purposes. Provisions for swirl, preheat and injection of LCV gases were incorporated with appropriate burner management systems for safe operation. Instrumentation for temperature, velocity and concentration measurements was developed and fully automated by interfacing to a microprocessor for rapid data acquisition. Flame stability limits were determined over a wide range of operating conditions by varying swirl, secondary air temperature and excess air levels while maintaining the burner momentum constant. Addition of swirl up to a limit of O~ 69 generally improved stability. Preheating secondary air alone was beneficial only if the temperature was raised to at least 250 oC. A combination of intermediate swirl and moderate preheat of the secondary air resulted in satisfactory flame stability over a wide range of calorific values of the fuel. Thus, existing concentric pipe burner systems may be easily modified at low cost to burn LCV gases of variable compositions. With LCV gas flames the excess air factor (EAF) had a major influence on values of temperature, species concentration and velocity. Unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC) and CO not surprisingly increased in concentration close to the blow-off limits under the majority of operating conditions. This indicated incomplete combustion probably resulting from the lowered flame temperatures and partial flame lift-off. On the other hand, burnout efficiencies at the exhaust were reasonably high for most operating conditions involving LCV gases. The combustion data were analysed to extract the characteristic mixing and chemical reaction times the ratio of which gave the parameter epsilon, originally proposed for unconfined flames. Close to the blow-off limit epsilon took the value 4.9 compared with 6.2 for fully stable flames. This finding showed that the criterion was also valid for confined flames, supporting the extinction mechanism proposed by Peters and Williams, and providing an important basis for predicting stability limits and burner design parameters.
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How to determine the fuel consumption for a hydrogen light commercial vehicle project to be competitive? / Hur kan man fastställa bränsleförbrukningen för att ett projekt för lätta kommersiella vätgasfordon ska vara konkurrenskraftigt?Hissler, Clément January 2022 (has links)
The automotive industry and the whole transport sector are currently facing the need to act against climate change. In fact, over the globe the passenger road vehicles emitted 3.6 Gt of CO2 in 2018 and the road freight vehicles emitted 2.4 Gt of CO2 [1]. These road and freight emissions represents 11% and 7% of the total CO2 emissions that year respectively [2]. One solution that has been chosen to limit and reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from road transportation is to shift from internal combustion engine (ICE)-based vehicles to electric vehicles which will emit no GHG during operation. There are mainly two types of electric vehicles suitable for this purpose. The first one is the battery electric vehicles (BEVs) which is already commercially and industrially mature and already on the road (11.3 million in 2020 [3]). It uses large Li-ion batteries to store the energy on-board to then power the electric motors. The second one is the fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) which is still being researched and whose number on the road is quite limited (34.8 thousand in 2020 [4]). Yet, this technology is suitable for many applications and especially the light commercial vehicles (LCVs). The stakes of this technology have been studied regarding the current market of LCVs in France and by comparing it to BEVs in terms of cost and mass. To better frame the development of new hydrogen LCVs, a tool has also been developed to calculate the range of such vehicles throughout the life of the project and the evolution of its specifications. The analysis of the market and the comparison between FCEVs and BEVs is not exhaustive and only some specific points have been dealt with, enough to give an overview of the main stakes of hydrogen LCVs. The tool developed is limited to simple input data as it aims to be used with little information at an early stage of the project. / Fordonsindustrin och hela transportsektorn står för närvarande inför behovet av att agera mot klimatförändringarna. I själva verket släppte personbilar över hela världen ut 3,6 Gt CO2 under 2018 och godstransportfordon släppte ut 2,4 Gt CO2 [1]. Dessa väg- och fraktutsläpp utgör 11 % respektive 7 % av de totala koldioxidutsläppen det året [2]. En lösning som har valts för att begränsa och minska växthusgasutsläppen från vägtransporter är att övergå från förbränningsmotor (ICE)-baserade fordon till elfordon som inte släpper ut några växthusgaser under drift. Det finns huvudsakligen två typer av elfordon som lämpar sig för detta ändamål. Den första är batteridrivna elfordon (BEV) som redan är kommersiellt och industriellt mogna och redan finns på vägarna (11,3 miljoner år 2020 [3]). Den använder stora litiumjon-batterier för att lagra energin ombord för att sedan driva elmotorerna. Den andra är bränslecellsdrivna fordon (FCEV) som fortfarande är föremål för forskning och vars antal på vägarna är ganska begränsat (34 800 år 2020 [4]). Denna teknik lämpar sig dock för många tillämpningar, särskilt för lätta fordon. Man har undersökt vad som står på spel för denna teknik med hänsyn till den nuvarande marknaden för lätta fordon i Frankrike och genom att jämföra den med BEV-fordon när det gäller kostnad och massa. För att bättre kunna hantera utvecklingen av nya vätgasdrivna lätta fordon har ett verktyg utvecklats för att beräkna räckvidden för sådana fordon under projektets hela livslängd och utvecklingen av dess specifikationer. Marknadsanalysen och jämförelsen mellan FCEV och BEV är inte uttömmande och endast vissa specifika punkter har behandlats, vilket räcker för att ge en översikt över de viktigaste insatserna för vätgasdrivna lätta fordon. Det utvecklade verktyget är begränsat till enkla indata eftersom det är avsett att användas med lite information i ett tidigt skede av projektet.
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Effect of Conicity and Ply Steer on Long Combination Vehicle Yaw Plane MotionPatterson, James J. 02 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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An Evaluation of Two Presumptive Blood Tests and Three Methods to Visualise BloodAndersson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to validate the two presumptive blood tests LMG, LCV and the three visualising blood methods Bluestar Forensics, Lumiscene and the Ruhoff method. The methods’ sensitivity, durability, matrices effects, false positive results and the methods effect on subsequent DNA analysis were studied. DNA analyses were also performed to assess the detection limit of the forensic DNA analysis. Drops of diluted blood were applied on different absorptive matrices and the sensitivity was investigated. The solutions were also placed under different conditions to investigate the durability of the solutions. The solutions were applied upon panels using different chemicals and materials and the false positive results were studied. The DNA analyses were performed by diluting the blood with Bluestar Forensics, the hydrogen peroxide method, the Ruhoff method and deionised water. The study showed that the LMG with a 3 % H2O2 concentration performs the best and it is suited for practical casework. The positive results of LMG was easier to interpret than those of LCV, this is probably due to the fixative agent of the used LCV solution. Bluestar Forensics and Lumiscene did perform similar on the different matrices tested, but the Lumiscene solution had a slightly higher durability. The results strongly indicate that the Ruhoff method can be used without luminol, hence only as a hydrogen peroxide solution (the hydrogen peroxide method). All three visualising blood methods decreases chances of retrieving a positive DNA profile, however the visualising blood methods could be used if the blood cannot be found in any other way. A DNA profile was obtained from the one blood sample analysed at dilution of 1:256 in deionized water.
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Distribuição modal rodo-ferroviária em uma rede de exportação de açúcar a granel para o Porto de Santos / Railroad distribution at a bulk sugar exportation network to the port of SantosSilva, Vitor Borges da 26 April 2005 (has links)
Atualmente, o Brasil é o maior produtor de açúcar do mundo, com uma produção anual de 16,7 milhões de toneladas, onde a metade deste montante destina-se ao mercado externo. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem o objetivo principal de investigar as principais alternativas de transporte existentes para o açúcar a granel de exportação, e propor estratégias que orientem os agentes envolvidos neste mercado a racionalizar seus custos de distribuição. São criados três grupos de cenários que representam as principais alternativas de transporte neste setor: o rodoviário porta-a-porta; o rodo-ferroviário com restrição de capacidade de embarque de açúcar; e um cenário de longo prazo de transporte rodo-ferroviário sem restrição de capacidade de embarque de açúcar. Em cada um desses grupos existe a opção de se transportar nos trechos rodoviários, tanto no porta-a-porta como nas pontas de acesso à ferrovia, com frota própria ou terceirizada. As tecnologias para frotas próprias investigadas nesse trabalho são as CVCs 2S3 e 3S3, geralmente utilizadas para o transporte do açúcar a granel, e as 3S2B2 e 3S3B3, as quais tem participações incipientes nesse mercado de transportes. A modelagem do problema leva em consideração os custos econômicos para a operação das frotas próprias e os valores de fretes cobrados para o setor tanto no modo rodoviário, como no ferroviário. Esses modelos agregados são simulados com auxílio de um sistema de informação geográfica e de planilhas eletrônicas. Ao final, conclui-se que no transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta, embora existam vantagens econômicas na operação das novas CVCs, nenhuma alternativa de frota própria mostra-se mais viável que a contratação de frota terceirizada no mercado. As análises no modo rodo-ferroviário mostram que este é mais atraente do que o rodoviário porta-a-porta para o mercado de exportação de açúcar, mesmo quando a operação tem restrições de capacidade. Numa operação hipotética sem restrições de capacidade, os ganhos econômicos gerados são da ordem 5,3% sobre a alternativa rodo-ferroviária com restrição da ferrovia para embarque de açúcar. Sugere-se a realização de uma investigação dos custos de investimento na infra-estrutura e material rodante necessários para eliminar as restrições de capacidade para este mercado. / Brazil is today the largest sugar producer of the world, with an annual production of 16,7 milion tons, where half of this amount is directed to be export market. In this context, the study has the main objective to investigate the transport alternatives for bulk sugar export and to propose strategies to the market agents involved in rationalizing the distribution costs. Three groups of scenarios are created to represent the main transportation alternatives in this sector: the door-to-door road transport; the constrained capacity road-railroad intermodal transport; and a long-term unconstrained capacity road-railroad intermodal scenario. For each of these scenarios the option of the road transport, either in the door-to-door operation or in the accesses to the railroad, with proprietary or third party fleets is investigated. The technologies for proprietary fleets considered in this investigation are the 2S3 and 3S3 combinations, generally used at present for the bulk sugar transportation, as well as the 3S2B2 and 3S3B3 LCVs, which have an incipient participation in this transportation market. The modeling considers the economic costs for the proprietary fleet operations and current freight values charged for road and rail in the bulk sugar transport sector in the region selected for the case study for the third party operation. The aggregate cost models are simulated with the support of a geographic information system and electronic spreadsheets. It is concluded that in the door-to-door road transport, even considering the economic advantages of the new LCVs technologies, none of the proprietary fleet alternatives are more cost effective than contracting third party fleets in the market. The railroad alternatives show that this alternative is more attractive than the door-to-door road transport, even considering the constraints in operating capacity. An hypothetical operation with unconstrained capacity is presented, showing that the economic gains of this alternative are in the order of 5,3% better than the best constrained capacity alternative. A suggestion to conduct an investigation on the investment costs necessary to eliminate infrastructure and rolling stock capacity constrains on the railroad network is presented.
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Um modelo para análise da compatibilidade de tráfego entre um caminhão ou uma combinação de veículos de carga e um trecho de rodovia / A model to analyze the traffic compatibility of trucks or cargo combination vehicles with road segmentsSouza, Leandro Pugliesi de 28 August 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa avalia a aplicabilidade de modelos matemáticos para analisar a compatibilidade de tráfego de caminhões e combinações de veículos de carga com trechos de rodovias. Os modelos avaliados permitiram a elaboração de um simulador de tráfego de veículos rodoviários de carga em trechos de rodovias, permitindo determinar o perfil de velocidades com base nas características mecânicas do veículo e o perfil da rodovia. O método permite ainda obter os valores de aceleração, potência utilizada, e consumo de combustível. Os resultados obtidos mostraram-se consistentes com observações de campo e recomendações de manuais de projeto de rodovias. Outros fatores associados à compatibilidade entre veículos e rodovias, como capacidade de frenagem motora, capacidade de frenagem de emergência, requisitos de sobrelargura, estabilidade veicular, influência do comportamento do condutor sobre as simulações, consumo de combustíveis e emissões de poluentes são discutidos. Conclui-se que o simulador tem utilidade tanto como ferramenta de análise da compatibilidade de tráfego de veículos de carga em trechos de rodovias, como para identificar deficiências de projeto geométrico de rodovias para autorizar o tráfego de determinadas configurações veiculares. / This research evaluates the applicability of mathematical models to analyze the traffic compatibility of trucks or cargo combination vehicles with road segments. The evaluated models led to a cargo vehicle locomotion simulator along a road segment, that calculates the speed profile of the vehicle as a function of its mechanical characteristics and the road profile. The method also calculates values of acceleration, used power, and fuel consumption. The results obtained are consistent with field observations and recommendations of road design manuals. Others factors associated with the traffic compatibility of cargo vehicles with geometric characteristics of a road segment like engine braking capability, emergency braking capability, overwidht requirements, vehicle stability, conductor influence, fuel consumption, and emissions rates are also discussed. The conclusion is that the simulator can be used as a tool for traffic compatibility analysis of cargo vehicles with road sections or to identify road design deficiencies to certify traffic of certain vehicle configurations.
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Alternativas de transporte rodo-marítimo na distribuição de cargas frigoríficas no Brasil / Road-waterway transportation alternatives in the distribution of reefer cargo in BrazilRorato, Rafael José 22 August 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga alternativas de transporte de cargas frigoríficas entre fábricas e centros de distribuição, avaliando as possíveis vantagens econômicas que resultariam do transporte intermodal rodo-hidroviário de contêineres ISO e do uso da CVC (Combinação de Veículo Carga) do tipo 3S3B3 - cavalo mecânico de três eixos mais dois semi-reboques de três eixos unidos por uma conexão do tipo B com PBTC de 74t, em relação ao cenário atual de transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta com a CVC do tipo 2S3 cavalo mecânico de dois eixos com um semi-reboque de três eixos de 41,5t de PBTC. Com o auxílio de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (TransCAD) dimensiona-se a frota e elabora-se um modelo de custos de transporte na rede de rotas para diversos cenários alternativos. As tarifas de pedágios das principais concessionárias de rodovias brasileiras e as tarifas portuárias dos portos considerados no modelo serviram como fonte de informações para a criação de mapas temáticos, rotas de caminho mínimo e a obtenção do custo por tonelada transportada. Conclui-se, através da análise dos resultados obtidos, que existem potenciais ganhos econômicos da alternativa de transporte intermodal rodo-marítimo, associado a CVC 3S3B3 bitrem com implemento porta-contêineres, no acesso aos portos e no trajeto do porto ao centro de distribuição em relação à tecnologia de transporte utilizada atualmente, de transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta com a CVC 2S3 semi-reboque com implemento rodoviário baú frigorífico e capacidade de carga de 26 paletes padrão PBR. Conclui-se também que a tecnologia do tipo 3S3B3 com baú frigorífico e capacidade de carga de 40 paletes oferece aos transportadores uma alternativa que, na grande maioria das rotas estudadas, é mais competitiva que a integração modal rodo-hidroviária. / This research investigates transportation alternatives between industries and distribution centers by evaluating the possible advantages of the road-waterway intermodal transport of ISO containers and the use of a LCV-Long Combination Vehicle of the 3S3B3 type a tractor plus two semi-trailers linked by a B-train connection and 74t of GVW, in relation to the present roadway house-to-house operating scenario using a five axles semi-trailer of the 2S3 type and 41,5t of GVW. Using a Geographic Information System (TransCAD) the fleet size and the operating costs of the transportation network are calculated. For different alternative scenarios tolls charged by the brasilian private road administration partnership and current port rates are used in the model, and served as the basis to elaborate the thematic maps, minimum cost routes and costs per transported ton. From the analysis of the results it is concluded that the intermodal road-waterway alternative, associated to the transport of containers to the ports and from the ports to the distribution centers using the 3S3B3 with two container flatbeds, offers potencial economic gains in relation to the present technology using the house-to-house road transport with the 2S3 and a reefer trailer for 26 PBR pallets. It is also concluded that the 3S3B3 technology with 2 reefer units and capacity of 40 PBR pallets offers an alternative to the transportation industry that outperforms the road-waterway intermodal integration on most studied routes.
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Estudo do desempenho na frenagem de um bi-trem com suspensão em \"tandem\" e com ABS / Braking performance of a bi-trem with tandem axle and ABSPolito, Rafael Ferreira 16 September 2005 (has links)
O bi-trem é um veículo cada vez mais comum no trânsito brasileiro. Por ser um veículo de grande porte, é capaz de se envolver em acidentes catastróficos caso o sistema de freio não esteja projetado de maneira adequada. Neste contexto é necessário um estudo que permita prever e otimizar o desempenho do sistema de freios para qualquer condição operacional. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma planilha de cálculos para estudar o desempenho da frenagem de um bi-trem. A planilha calcula a aderência que cada eixo utiliza, a desaceleração máxima desenvolvida pelo veículo, o espaço e o tempo de parada, a força de frenagem (e sua porcentagem) em cada eixo, a temperatura final do tambor, a eficiência do sistema de freios, as forças normais ao pavimento, a distribuição real e ideal das forças de frenagem e verifica se o cavalo mecânico e os semi-reboques se enquadram, respectivamente, nos diagramas 3 e 4 do anexo 10 da ECE-R13. Tais cálculos podem ser feitos com o veículo utilizando ou não ABS e com válvula sensível a carga nos semi-reboques e no \"tandem\" do cavalo mecânico. A planilha de cálculo foi aplicada em um veículo exemplo e os resultados são apresentados nesta dissertação. O sistema de freios desse veículo foi otimizado com a utilização da planilha, mostrando como ela pode ser de grande auxílio ao projetista. / The bi-trem (a vehicle similar to a twin trailler truck) is more and more common in the brazilians highways. Because it\'s a large and heavy vehicle it can cause catastrophics accidents if the brakes are not well developed. In this context it is necessary a study that allows to foresee and to optimize the performance of the brakes system for any operational condition. In this work an electronic spread sheet was developed in order to study the braking performance of a bi-trem. The spread sheet calcs the adhesion in each axle, the maximum deceleration, the braking space and the braking time, the braking force (and its percentage) in each axle, the final temperature of the drum, the brake system\'s efficiency, the normal forces, the actual and ideal brake force distribution, and verifies if the tractor and the semi trailers are fitted in the annex 10 of EGE-R13. The reckoning can be made for a vehicle equipped or not with ABS and with the load sensing valve in the semi trailers and in the tandem axle of the tractor. The spread sheet was applied in a example vehicle and the results are presented in this dissertation. The brakes system of this vehicle was optimized with the use of the spread sheet, showing as it can be of great assists the designer.
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Um modelo para análise da compatibilidade de tráfego entre um caminhão ou uma combinação de veículos de carga e um trecho de rodovia / A model to analyze the traffic compatibility of trucks or cargo combination vehicles with road segmentsLeandro Pugliesi de Souza 28 August 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa avalia a aplicabilidade de modelos matemáticos para analisar a compatibilidade de tráfego de caminhões e combinações de veículos de carga com trechos de rodovias. Os modelos avaliados permitiram a elaboração de um simulador de tráfego de veículos rodoviários de carga em trechos de rodovias, permitindo determinar o perfil de velocidades com base nas características mecânicas do veículo e o perfil da rodovia. O método permite ainda obter os valores de aceleração, potência utilizada, e consumo de combustível. Os resultados obtidos mostraram-se consistentes com observações de campo e recomendações de manuais de projeto de rodovias. Outros fatores associados à compatibilidade entre veículos e rodovias, como capacidade de frenagem motora, capacidade de frenagem de emergência, requisitos de sobrelargura, estabilidade veicular, influência do comportamento do condutor sobre as simulações, consumo de combustíveis e emissões de poluentes são discutidos. Conclui-se que o simulador tem utilidade tanto como ferramenta de análise da compatibilidade de tráfego de veículos de carga em trechos de rodovias, como para identificar deficiências de projeto geométrico de rodovias para autorizar o tráfego de determinadas configurações veiculares. / This research evaluates the applicability of mathematical models to analyze the traffic compatibility of trucks or cargo combination vehicles with road segments. The evaluated models led to a cargo vehicle locomotion simulator along a road segment, that calculates the speed profile of the vehicle as a function of its mechanical characteristics and the road profile. The method also calculates values of acceleration, used power, and fuel consumption. The results obtained are consistent with field observations and recommendations of road design manuals. Others factors associated with the traffic compatibility of cargo vehicles with geometric characteristics of a road segment like engine braking capability, emergency braking capability, overwidht requirements, vehicle stability, conductor influence, fuel consumption, and emissions rates are also discussed. The conclusion is that the simulator can be used as a tool for traffic compatibility analysis of cargo vehicles with road sections or to identify road design deficiencies to certify traffic of certain vehicle configurations.
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Alternativas de transporte rodo-marítimo na distribuição de cargas frigoríficas no Brasil / Road-waterway transportation alternatives in the distribution of reefer cargo in BrazilRafael José Rorato 22 August 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga alternativas de transporte de cargas frigoríficas entre fábricas e centros de distribuição, avaliando as possíveis vantagens econômicas que resultariam do transporte intermodal rodo-hidroviário de contêineres ISO e do uso da CVC (Combinação de Veículo Carga) do tipo 3S3B3 - cavalo mecânico de três eixos mais dois semi-reboques de três eixos unidos por uma conexão do tipo B com PBTC de 74t, em relação ao cenário atual de transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta com a CVC do tipo 2S3 cavalo mecânico de dois eixos com um semi-reboque de três eixos de 41,5t de PBTC. Com o auxílio de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (TransCAD) dimensiona-se a frota e elabora-se um modelo de custos de transporte na rede de rotas para diversos cenários alternativos. As tarifas de pedágios das principais concessionárias de rodovias brasileiras e as tarifas portuárias dos portos considerados no modelo serviram como fonte de informações para a criação de mapas temáticos, rotas de caminho mínimo e a obtenção do custo por tonelada transportada. Conclui-se, através da análise dos resultados obtidos, que existem potenciais ganhos econômicos da alternativa de transporte intermodal rodo-marítimo, associado a CVC 3S3B3 bitrem com implemento porta-contêineres, no acesso aos portos e no trajeto do porto ao centro de distribuição em relação à tecnologia de transporte utilizada atualmente, de transporte rodoviário porta-a-porta com a CVC 2S3 semi-reboque com implemento rodoviário baú frigorífico e capacidade de carga de 26 paletes padrão PBR. Conclui-se também que a tecnologia do tipo 3S3B3 com baú frigorífico e capacidade de carga de 40 paletes oferece aos transportadores uma alternativa que, na grande maioria das rotas estudadas, é mais competitiva que a integração modal rodo-hidroviária. / This research investigates transportation alternatives between industries and distribution centers by evaluating the possible advantages of the road-waterway intermodal transport of ISO containers and the use of a LCV-Long Combination Vehicle of the 3S3B3 type a tractor plus two semi-trailers linked by a B-train connection and 74t of GVW, in relation to the present roadway house-to-house operating scenario using a five axles semi-trailer of the 2S3 type and 41,5t of GVW. Using a Geographic Information System (TransCAD) the fleet size and the operating costs of the transportation network are calculated. For different alternative scenarios tolls charged by the brasilian private road administration partnership and current port rates are used in the model, and served as the basis to elaborate the thematic maps, minimum cost routes and costs per transported ton. From the analysis of the results it is concluded that the intermodal road-waterway alternative, associated to the transport of containers to the ports and from the ports to the distribution centers using the 3S3B3 with two container flatbeds, offers potencial economic gains in relation to the present technology using the house-to-house road transport with the 2S3 and a reefer trailer for 26 PBR pallets. It is also concluded that the 3S3B3 technology with 2 reefer units and capacity of 40 PBR pallets offers an alternative to the transportation industry that outperforms the road-waterway intermodal integration on most studied routes.
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