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The heavy rainfall, gentle to severe topography with high proportion of bare spots, and weed patches emphasize the need of variable rate split (VRS) fertilization in wild blueberry. Two commercial fields were selected in central Nova Scotia to evaluate the impact of VRS fertilization on ammonia volatilization, subsurface water quality, and crop productivity. Management zones were delineated based on slope variability, and different fertilizer rates were applied using global positioning system (GPS) guided prescription map. Ammonia huts were used to quantify the ammonia volatilization losses, while the lysimeters were installed in the fields to evaluate the impact of different fertilizer treatments on subsurface water quality. The VRS treatment significantly decreased the ammonia volatilization losses and nutrients leaching losses as compared to uniform treatment. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that VRS fertilization in wild blueberry fields could reduce environmental contamination and improve crop productivity.
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Biogenų n ir p išplova Lietuvos žemumų dirvožemiuose / Leaching of biogens n and p from soils of Lithuania‘ lowlandsBučienė, Angelija 05 March 2009 (has links)
Habilitacijos procedūrai teikiamoje apžvalgoje apibendrinti po disertacijos apgynimo (1984 m.) atliktų mokslinių tyrimų darbų rezultatai. Šiame darbe remiamasi autorės atliktų ir vadovautų maisto medžiagų migracijos tyrimų Lietuvos žemdirbystės institute Dotnuvoje 1992-1995 m., taip pat kartu su bendraautoriais vykdytų tyrimų 1992-2003 m. LŽI bazėje rezultatais bei 1995-1999 m. tyrimų rezultatais, gautais R.Liutkevičiaus ūkyje, vykdant tarptautinį BEAROP (Baltijos jūros aplinkosaugos nuo žemės ūkio nuotėkio taršos) projektą. Šios apžvalgos tikslas ir uždaviniai – išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti biogenų N ir P drenažo išplovos Pajūrio ir Vidurio žemumų agroekosistemų dirvožemiuose tyrimų rezultatus, paaiškinti nustatytas tendencijas, palyginti išplovos rezultatus, gautus nedidelėje drenažo aikštelėje ir didelėje ūkyje esančioje drenažo sistemoje, apskaičiuoti ir prognozuoti išplovas mišrių tradicinių ir ekologinių ūkių sąlygomis bei numatyti užduotis tolesniems tyrimams. Šioje apžvalgoje apibendrinama tyrimų medžiaga apima 19 mokslinių straipsnių, vieną monografiją ir tarptautinio projekto ataskaitą, kurie buvo paskelbti 1995-2008 m. Dauguma straipsnių parengta kartu su kitais bendraautoriais (vienuolikoje iš jų autorė buvo pirmoji). Publikuotos medžiagos pagrindu buvo daryti pranešimai daugiau kaip 19 mokslo renginių (konferencijose, seminaruose, simpoziume) tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienyje. / The results of scientific research conducted since acquisition of the Ph.D. in 1984 are reviewed in this survey for habilitation procedure. The nutrient migration research was conducted and supervised by author and performed at Lithuanian institute of Agriculture (LIA) in Dotnuva in 1992-1995, together with other researchers was conducted in the base of LIA in 1995-2003, and in the farm of R.Liutkevičius in 1995-1999, according to the tasks of international BEAROP project (Baltic Environment and Agricultural Runnof Project). The aim and tasks of this survey – to analyse and summarise the results of nutrients N and P leaching from soils of agroecosystems of Seashore and Middle Lithuania lowlands, to explain the trends, to compare the leaching results from small and big drainage system (at the farm), to estimate and forecast the leaching of nutrients under conditions of conventional and ecological farms and to foresee the tasks for the future research. The review material covers 1995-2008 and 19 scientific papers, 1 monograph and 1 international raport published during that period. The most of papers were prepared together with co-authors, but in 11 of them the author was the first. On the base of material obtained, more than 19 presentations were made at different scientific events (conferences, seminars, symposium) in Lithuania as well as in other countries.
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Characterizing Agricultural Residue Nutrient Properties and Removal Variation in OntarioKendall, Katie 18 May 2012 (has links)
Due to recent climate change and energy consumption concerns, several markets have emerged for agricultural biomass in the province of Ontario, Canada. Understanding variation of residue nutrient concentrations across the province and the causal factors is crucial for determining the feasibility of crop residue use in Ontario. The purpose of this study was to survey variation of Ontario winter wheat, soybean and corn residue nutrient concentrations and removals, as well as to determine the effect of altering cutting height and delaying harvest on the nutrient concentrations and removals of these residues. It was found that across-site nutrient concentration and removal variation were greater than within-site concentration and removal variation, and that site-scale climatological events, such as precipitation, are largely responsible. Concentration and removals differed significantly by year. Variation of nutrient concentration and removal did not correlate with crop grain yield, or soil characteristics such as organic matter, pH or texture. A leaching treatment significantly reduced residue nutrient concentrations and removals, but had no significant effect on the variation among residue samples. Finally, concentrations and removals differed significantly with cutting height and harvested corn component, highlighting the importance of harvest method in the system nutrient balances. / Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, University of Guelph
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Determining the capability of a vegetation cover to limit effluent leaching from a waste impoundment.Morgan, Gary Duwayne. January 2009 (has links)
A final cover on a waste impoundment is the main physical barrier between the waste impoundment and the environment designed to protect against physical, chemical and biological factors isolating the waste from the atmospheric environment. Since the early 1990‟s regulators in the United States have started accepting vegetation covers in lieu of the prescriptive covers. Currently in South Africa, data that provide field performance comparisons of alternative vegetation covers are few or non-existent; hence a research program was undertaken by an industrial corporation in South Africa to determine the potential use of vegetation covers. In proposing a practical way forward, the Company (AECI Limited) reached an understanding with the Regulators that a vegetated evapotranspiration (ET) cover, would be acceptable provided that its performance in limiting surface water infiltration (and subsequent leaching) could be quantitatively demonstrated.
The overall object of this research was to determine the capability of vegetation cover to limit effluent leaching from a waste impoundment. Analysis of the following sub-objectives were required to address and give answers to this study (1) determine, as accurately as possible a climatic water balance on the vegetation covers, (2) determine the geohydrological properties of the material of the waste impoundment, (3) determine the fate of the water i.e. proportion reused via evapotranspiration as opposed to the proportion infiltrating the waste body beneath the root zone and (4) determine the leaching potential below the waste.
The study identifies and evaluates the climatic (above ground) and geohydrological (sub-surface) parameters used to estimate the water balance of the materials for a waste impoundment. The study then utilizes these parameters at the respective sites in a finite-element model, called the HYDRUS-2D model, to simulate the water balance of the material. The simulated water balance results were then compared against collected field data, which provide the evidence of the efficiency of a vegetation cover to limit effluent from the impoundment. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.
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Evaluation of leaching mechanisms and long-term leachability of metallic contaminants solidified/stabilized by cement matricesHung, Chien-ho 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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FIELD-SCALE WATER AND SOLUTE TRANSPORTYang, Yang 01 January 2014 (has links)
Spatial variability of soil properties complicates the understanding of water and solute transport at the field scale. This study evaluated the impact of land use, soil surface roughness, and rainfall characteristics on water transport and Br- leaching under field conditions by means of a new experimental design employing scale-dependent treatment distribution. On a transect with two land use systems, i.e., cropland and grassland, rainfall intensity and the time delay between Br- application and subsequent rainfall were arranged in a periodically repetitive pattern at two different scales. Both scales were distinct from the scale of surface roughness as described by elevation variance. Nests of tensiometers and suction probes were installed at 1-m intervals along the transect to monitor matric potentials and Br- concentrations at different depths, respectively. After rainfall simulation, soil samples were collected at every 0.5 m horizontal distance in 10 cm vertical increments down to 1 m depth for Br- analysis. Soil Br- concentration was more evenly distributed with soil depth and leached deeper in grassland than cropland, owing to vertically continuous macropores that supported preferential flow. Frequency-domain analysis and autoregressive state-space approach revealed that the dominant factors controlling Br- leaching varied with depth. In shallow layers, land use was the main driving force for Br- distribution. Beyond that, the spatial pattern of Br- was mostly affected by rainfall characteristics. Below 40 cm, the horizontal distribution of Br- was dominated by soil texture and to a smaller extent by rainfall intensity. Bromide concentrations obtained from soil solution samples that were collected through suction probes showed similar results with respect to the influence of rainfall intensity. The spatial variation scale of temporal matric potential change varied with both time and depth, corresponding to different boundary condition scales. Matric potential change in some cases, reflected the impact of soil properties other than the boundary conditions investigated, such as hydraulic conductivity, contributing to the scale-variant behavior of Br- leaching. These findings suggest the applicability of scale-dependent treatment distribution in designing field experiments and also hold important implications for agricultural management and hydrological modelling.
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Rapid and deep transport of solutes in soils can potentially pollute groundwater resources. Field estimates of solute leaching depth based on randomized sampling provide extremely variable field average estimates that confound the treatment effects of the leaching study with the high spatial variation of soil hydraulic properties. The purpose of this study was to investigate the spatial scale of variation of solute (Bromide) leaching depth, and apply this scale of variation to study the leaching depth of Bromide as a function of a sinusoidal application of transport causing factors, i.e., rainfall amount, intensity and application time delay. Solute leaching depth varied over different spatial scales. The deepest leaching was observed on plots where the Br center of mass ranged from 19-30 cm depth. Deep leaching occurred with large quantities of low intensity precipitations (5.5 to 6 cm/day) and short time delays (≤ 17 hours), respectively. The hydraulic gradient presented cyclic variation at 8 m wavelength across the 10-30cm depth compartment. Spectral analysis indicated that spatial variation of the leaching depth was mainly affected by precipitation amount and intensity and only a small portion of the leaching depth variation was caused by time delay. Cross-spectral analysis identified common cyclic variation between the Br leaching depth and precipitation amount, intensity and time delay over 32, 32 and 8 m wavelengths, respectively. Simulated Br concentration over depth and horizontal distance and soil water matric potential ψm were in good agreement with experimental observations, the latter revealing a satisfactory Br and water mass balance.
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Nyttiggörande av stabiliserade/solidifierade muddermassor ovan vattenytan : En studie av sediment från hamnarna i Köping och Västerås / Utilization of stabilized/solidified dredged sediments above the water surface : A study of sediments from the ports in Köping and VästeråsÖborn, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Muddringsprojekt är en global företeelse och görs av flera olika anledningar, till exempel för miljömässiga aspekter och för breddning av farleder. För att få en hållbar utveckling är det viktigt att finna bra lösningar på frågan hur förorenade sediment skall hanteras . I Mälaren kommer olika muddringsprojekt att genomföras för att bredda farleden från slussen i Södertälje till hamnarna i Köping och Västerås. Muddringsprojekten skall genomföras av Sjöfartsverket, Köpings kommun och Västerås stad. En metod för att omhänderta muddermassorna är att stabilisera/solidifiera dem genom att blanda i ett bindemedel bestående av en blandning av cement, masugnsslagg och aktivt kol och låta dem härda. Detta görs för att förbättra materialets geotekniska egenskaper samt för att immobilisera föroreningar. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om det går att använda krossade stabiliserade/solidifierade muddermassor ovan vattenytan till exempel i vägkonstruktioner alternativt som fyllnadsmaterial. Möjligheten för användandet av de stabiliserade/solidifierade materialet utvärderades genom att materialets geotekniska och miljömässiga egenskaper undersöktes. Den miljöpåverkan som de stabiliserade/solidifierade materialet skulle kunna ha på den omgivning där de används har undersökts genom analyser av totala föroreningshalter samtkoncentrationer vid lakning. Detta gjordes dels genom egna skakförsök och dels genom utvärdering av resultat från undersökningar som Statens geotekniska instituts (SGI)miljölaboratorium gjort. När det gäller materialets geotekniska egenskaper utvärderades resultat från undersökningar genomförda av SGIs geotekniska laboratorium. Stabiliseringen/solidifiering gjorde att de undersökta metallerna som förekommer som katjoner immobiliserades, vilket ledde till att lakningen minskade. Däremot fungerade imobiliseringen inte för anjoner; om det skulle ha förekommit höga halter av toxiska anjoner som till exemple arsenik, vanadin och molybden skulle dessa ha lakats ut. Ur ett miljömässigt perspektiv skulle det gå bra att använda det undersökta materialet då koncentrationen i lakvätskan låg under de båda gränsvärden som används; gränsvärden för inert avfall och gränsvärden för mindre än ringa risk vid användning av avfall för anläggningsändamål. När det gäller hållfasthet uppfyllde materialet efter 28 dagars härdning inte kraven som ställs för användning i vägkonstruktion. Däremot hade materialets geotekniska egenskaper förbättrats jämfört med de obehandlade sedimenten. / Dredging is a global phenomenon carried out for several different reasons, e.g. environmental remediation and expansion of shipping lanes. A sustainable solution to the problem of how contaminated sediment should be handled is thus important to achieve a more sustainable development. Several dredging projects will be implemented in the lake Mälaren to widen the shipping lane from the lock in Södertälje to the ports of Köping and Västerås. The dredging will be carried out as a joint effort by the Swedish Maritime Administration, the City of Västerås and Köping municipality. One method used for treating dredged sediments is stabilization/solidification. This is carried out to improve the geotechnical properties of the material and to immobilize contaminants. The method works as follows: Sediments are dragged form the lake, mixed with a binding agent consisting of cement, granulated blastfurnace slag and active carbon and then left to harden. The objective of this master thesis was to investigate the feasibility of using the stabilized/solidified material on land above the water surface. Examples of applications for the crushed material are in road construction or as fillers for vegetation surfaces. The stabilized/solidified material was evaluated with respect to environmental factors and geotechnical properties to determine if it was appropriate to use for these applications. To investigate the potential impact of the stabilized/solidified material on the surrounding environment, analysis of total contamination content and leaching tests were evaluated. In this thesis, batch-leaching tests for metals were performed as well as evaluation of lab results from surveys conducted in the environmental laboratory at the Swedish Geotechnical Institute. The geotechnical properties of the material were evaluated based on results from experimentsconducted by the geotechnical laboratory at the Swedish Geotechnical Institute. The results from the treatment with stabilization/solidification showed that most of the studied metals were immobilized, and the leaching of these metals decreased. From an environmental perspective it would be feasible to use the material, as the results of the leaching test were below the limit values used in the assessment; limits for inert waste and limits for less than small risk (‘mindre än ringa risk’) in use of waste for construction purposes. In terms of the geotechnical features, after 28 days of hardening the material did not meet the requirements for use in road construction. However, the material's geotechnical properties such as strength had improved compared to the untreated sediments.
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The leaching behaviour of a Ni-Cu-Co sulphide ore in an oxidative pressure-acid medium / Danie Strydom SmitSmit, Danie Strydom January 2001 (has links)
Hydrometallurgical processing of sulphide concentrates is an attractive method for the
selective extraction of valuable metals. The dissolution of minerals in a leaching process
involves several electrochemical parameters that need to be investigated• to ensure the
development and growth of the base metal industry in South Africa.
A study has been carried out to elucidate the leaching mechanism of a nickel-coppercobalt
sulphide concentrate in an oxidative pressure-acid medium. The sulphide
concentrate studied in this research, comprises mainly of the minerals pyrrhotite,
(Fe1_xS) with x = 0 to 0.2, pentlandite, (Ni,Fe)9S8 and chalcopyrite, (CuFeS2). The
leaching behaviour of these minerals was successfully studied by means of Atomic
Absorption (AA) measurements, Scanning '•Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Moss bauer
spectroscopy, after leaching took place in an oxidative pressure-acid medium.
The dissolution of the valuable metals was achieved effectively with recoveries of well
over 90% for nickel, copper and cobalt under the specific conditions studied.
Mechanical activation by means of ultra fine milling improved metal extraction with an
average of approximately 40%, after a leaching period of 150 minutes.
The most suitable conditions for the oxidative pressure-acid leaching of the mechanically
treated nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide concentrate in a dilute sulphuric acid medium were
found to be: particle size 80% - 10J.Lm; temperature l10°C; oxygen partial pressure 10
bar; sulphuric acid concentration 30 kg/ton; solids content 15% by mass and an impeller
agitation rate of 800 r/min. The values of the apparent activation energies of nickel,
copper and cobalt, extracted from the sulphide concentrate, were found to be 20.6 (± 4.4)
kJ/mol K, 33.6 (± 4.2) kJ/mol K and 17.4 (± 3.5) kJ/mol K respectively. / Thesis (MIng (Chemical Engineering))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001
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The leaching behaviour of a Ni-Cu-Co sulphide ore in an oxidative pressure-acid medium / Danie Strydom SmitSmit, Danie Strydom January 2001 (has links)
Hydrometallurgical processing of sulphide concentrates is an attractive method for the
selective extraction of valuable metals. The dissolution of minerals in a leaching process
involves several electrochemical parameters that need to be investigated• to ensure the
development and growth of the base metal industry in South Africa.
A study has been carried out to elucidate the leaching mechanism of a nickel-coppercobalt
sulphide concentrate in an oxidative pressure-acid medium. The sulphide
concentrate studied in this research, comprises mainly of the minerals pyrrhotite,
(Fe1_xS) with x = 0 to 0.2, pentlandite, (Ni,Fe)9S8 and chalcopyrite, (CuFeS2). The
leaching behaviour of these minerals was successfully studied by means of Atomic
Absorption (AA) measurements, Scanning '•Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Moss bauer
spectroscopy, after leaching took place in an oxidative pressure-acid medium.
The dissolution of the valuable metals was achieved effectively with recoveries of well
over 90% for nickel, copper and cobalt under the specific conditions studied.
Mechanical activation by means of ultra fine milling improved metal extraction with an
average of approximately 40%, after a leaching period of 150 minutes.
The most suitable conditions for the oxidative pressure-acid leaching of the mechanically
treated nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide concentrate in a dilute sulphuric acid medium were
found to be: particle size 80% - 10J.Lm; temperature l10°C; oxygen partial pressure 10
bar; sulphuric acid concentration 30 kg/ton; solids content 15% by mass and an impeller
agitation rate of 800 r/min. The values of the apparent activation energies of nickel,
copper and cobalt, extracted from the sulphide concentrate, were found to be 20.6 (± 4.4)
kJ/mol K, 33.6 (± 4.2) kJ/mol K and 17.4 (± 3.5) kJ/mol K respectively. / Thesis (MIng (Chemical Engineering))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001
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