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A computational investigation of verbs during aging with and without Alzheimer’s disease / Uma investigação computacional do uso de verbos no envelhecimento com e sem doença de AlzheimerSantos, Anderson Roberto Santos dos January 2011 (has links)
A doença de Alzheimer produz alterações nas funções cognitivas, entre eles, de processos que são responsáveis pela linguagem e memória. Com o intuito de termos uma melhor compreensão das alterações da linguagem, este trabalho investigou características presentes em redes semânticas de pacientes com diagnóstico de provável Alzheimer, com foco nos verbos. Os resultados das comparações entre as redes de indivíduos saudáveis e pacientes com Alzheimer indicam diferenças topológicas entre eles. Neste trabalho, também foram construídos classificadores que poderiam captar as diferenças entre os vários perfis de indivíduos, e que podem ser utilizados para classificar novos indivíduos de acordo com o perfil mais próximo. Esse esforço se deu com o intuito de ajudar no diagnóstico de doenças que afetam a linguagem, como a doença de Alzheimer. / Alzheimer’s disease produces alterations of cognitive functions and of processes that are responsible for language and memory. In order to have a better understanding of language changes, we investigate the characteristics of the semantic networks of patients diagnosed with probable Alzheimer, focusing on verbs. The results of comparisons with networks of healthy individuals and patients with Alzheimer disease highlight some topological differences among them. We also constructed classifiers that could capture the differences between the various profiles of speakers, and that can be used to classify unknown speakers according to the closest profile. We made this effort in order to help the diagnosis of diseases that affect language, such as the Alzheimer’s disease.
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Modelling Phone-Level Pronunciation in Discourse ContextJande, Per-Anders January 2006 (has links)
Analytic knowledge about the systematic variation in a language has an important place in the description of the language. Such knowledge is interesting e.g. in the language teaching domain, as a background for various types of linguistic studies, and in the development of more dynamic speech technology applications. In previous studies, the effects of single variables or relatively small groups of related variables on the pronunciation of words have been studied separately. The work described in this thesis takes a holistic perspective on pronunciation variation and focuses on a method for creating general descriptions of phone-level pronunciation in discourse context. The discourse context is defined by a large set of linguistic attributes ranging from high-level variables such as speaking style, down to the articulatory feature level. Models of phone-level pronunciation in the context of a discourse have been created for the central standard Swedish language variety. The models are represented in the form of decision trees, which are readable for both machines and humans. A data-driven approach was taken for the pronunciation modelling task, and the work involved the annotation of recorded speech with linguistic and related information. The decision tree models were induced from the annotation. An important part of the work on pronunciation modelling was also the development of a pronunciation lexicon for Swedish. In a cross-validation experiment, several sets of pronunciation models were created with access to different parts of the attributes in the annotation. The prediction accuracy of pronunciation models could be improved by 42.2% by making information from layers above the phoneme level accessible during model training. Optimal models were obtained when attributes from all layers of annotation were used. The goal for the models was to produce pronunciation representations representative for the language variety and not necessarily for the individual speakers, on whose speech the models were trained. In the cross-validation experiment, model-produced phone strings were compared to key phonetic transcripts of actual speech, and the phone error rate was defined as the share of discrepancies between the respective phone strings. Thus, the phone error rate is the sum of actual errors and discrepancies resulting from desired adaptations from a speaker-specific pronunciation to a pronunciation reflecting general traits of the language variety. The optimal models gave an average phone error rate of 8.2%. / QC 20100901
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O conhecimento de mundos desconhecidos: palavras e coisas do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos / The knowledge of unknown worlds: words and things of the Portuguese language in the literature of the Italian travelersSchultz, Benilde Socreppa 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo registrar os empréstimos da língua portuguesa na literatura dos viajantes italianos que tiveram contato com os portugueses. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) e DAgostino (1994) consideram que o léxico dos viajantes italianos é uma fonte de empréstimos casuals, ou seja, neologismos que não tiveram a oportunidade momentânea de fazer parte da língua italiana ou o foram introduzidos mais tarde. Muitos casuals são utilizados para descrever as coisas novas que os viajantes encontravam e que não existiam ainda na língua italiana. Podemos comparar os casuais aos cometas, que permanecem nos céus por um curto período de tempo, iluminando e imprimindo a sua beleza, mas que logo em seguida desaparecem. A língua portuguesa tem um importante papel na constituição desse conjunto de empréstimos ocasionais, pois, ao registrar os novos elementos encontrados, os viajantes o faziam através da língua portuguesa, em fenômenos de interferência linguística, caracterizando uma aquisição inconsciente ou outras vezes, conscientemente. Para compor os corpora desta pesquisa escolhemos treze viajantes, dos séculos XVI e XVII, que estiveram em colônias e cidades existentes nas possessões ultramarinas. A seguir, selecionamos as ocorrências dos empréstimos e as analisamos à luz das teorias de Alves e Klajn. Portanto, esta pesquisa de doutorado tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento do registro do léxico casual do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos e examinar como esse léxico servia muitas vezes para dar uma cor local (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) ao texto, subjugando a imaginação do leitor e expressando o desejo do viajante de tornar a sua obra imorredoura, eterna. / This research aims to record the loans of the Portuguese language in the literature of Italian travelers who had contact with the Portuguese. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) and D\'Agostino (1994) consider that the lexicon of Italian travelers is a source of loans called casuals. Or: Neologisms that have not had the opportunity to be part of the Italian language, but are used to describe the new things that travelers find - and still do not exist in their own language. We can compare the casuals to comets, which remain in the heavens for a short time, lighting up and printing-up its beauty in the skies and then disappearing. So these loans appear momentarily, but do not vanish: get eternally printed, fulfilling their function: to illuminate and give color to the text. The researchs corpora will comprise the Italian travelers, especially those of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who were in colonies and overseas possessions. Soon after, we selected occurrences of loans and analyzed in the light of theories of Alves and Klajn. Therefore, this PhD research aims to survey the record of the casual lexicon of Portuguese literature by Italian travelers and examine how this lexicon often served to give a local color (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) to the text, overwhelming the reader\'s imagination and expressing the desire of the traveler make his work undying, and eternal.
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"Geliebter Leser!" - Anmerkungen zur Carl Cünther LudoviciSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 19 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Es muß eine Begegnung des Leipziger Philosophieprofessors Ludovici ( 1707-1778) mit dem fast gleichaltrigen Verleger Johann Heinrich Zedler (1706-1751) gegeben haben, vermutlich im Jahre 1737. Für Zedler war diese Begegnung ein Moment in der Beilegung einer Krise, in welche ihn das Mammutuntemehmen seines Großen vollständigen Universal-Lexicon gebracht hatte. Zedler konnte Ludovici als Redakteur seines Lexikons gewinnen. Ludovicis Herausgeberscbaft war für Zedler ein Gewinn und sicherte das geordnete Erscheinen der restlichen fast 50 Bände bis zum Ende des Alphabets 1750 und darüberhinaus bis zum Ende der Supplementbände 1754. Was aber bedeutete die Herausgebertätigkeit für Ludovici? Was konnte einen philosophischen Freund von Leibniz und Wolff an der Tätigkeit eines Lexikographen reizen?
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Construire la compétence lexicale : quelle place en didactique pour le cotexte ? / Building lexical competence : what place in didactic for the co-text ?Sardier, Anne 03 July 2015 (has links)
Nous cherchons dans ce travail à mieux saisir la construction de la compétence lexicale chez de jeunes collégiens. Notre propos prend appui sur des recherches en sémantique lexicale et en didactique du lexique qui prônent l'étude du rôle de la dimension syntagmatique du lexique dans l'analyse lexicale. Nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'un enseignement du lexique axé sur l'étude explicite de la structure du co-texte des unités lexicales peut favoriser la construction de la compétence lexicale. Nous proposons une réflexion didactique basée sur les approches intégratives de la lexicologie contemporaine. Nous revenons sur le concept de compétence pour proposer notre propre définition de la compétence lexicale, objet de notre recherche. Nous délimitons le co-texte qui est pour nous constitué des co-occurrents fréquents, employés dans la même phrase que l'unité lexicale étudiée. Dans une perspective didactique, nous proposons ensuite une structuration grammaticale du co-texte.À partir de ce cadre, notre protocole consiste à tester un dispositif didactique envisageant l'enseignement organisé et systématique du lexique. Nous testons ce dispositif dans deux classes de 6ème (11-12 ans). Dans une classe l'enseignement explicite de la structure du co-texte est proposée, tandis que dans l'autre sont pratiqués divers exercices extraits de manuels scolaires. Nous évaluons au terme d'une année scolaire en classe de 5ème l'impact de cet enseignement sur le développement de la compétence lexicale. L'analyse montre que les sujets qui ont bénéficié d'un enseignement explicite de la structure du co-texte ont eu tendance à s'appuyer davantage que les autres sur le co-texte pour leur calcul du sens. Les résultats obtenus au terme d'une année suggèrent que l'étude explicite de la structure du co-texte entraine des effets à un double niveau. D'une part, les élèves s'approprient une nouvelle stratégie d'interprétation des unités lexicales, cet exercice de métacognition leur permet ainsi de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du système pour contrôler l'inférence, et de développer par là leur compétence lexicale. D'autre part, l'enseignant approfondit aussi sa connaissance de l'organisation du lexique, ce qui favorise l'intégration des structures sémantiques, morphologiques et syntagmatiques en didactique du lexique. Au regard de ces résultats et dans le cadre de la formation d'enseignants, nous présentons alors des pistes didactiques concrètes d'enseignement du lexique. / We seek in this research to better understand the construction of the lexical competency in young pupils. Our purpose is based on research in lexical semantics and in didactic that advocates the study of the role of the syntagmatic dimension of the lexicon in lexical analysis. We assume that vocabulary teaching focusing on the explicit study of the structure of the co-text of lexical units can encourage the construction of the lexical competency. We propose a didactic reflection based on integrative approaches of contemporary lexicology. We study the concept of competency in order to propose our own definition of the lexical competency, the subject of our research. We describe the co-text that is done, for us, of the frequent co-occurrence used in the same sentence as the unit studied. In a didactic perspective, we then propose a grammatical structuration of the co-text.From this framework, our protocol our protocol consists in testing a didactic device considering an organized and systematic teaching of the lexicon. We test this device in two 6th grade classes (11-12 years). In one class, the explicit teaching of the co-text structure is proposed, while in the other class various exercises taken from textbooks are practiced. We evaluate at the end of a school year, in the 5th grade class, the impact of this teaching on the development of the lexical competency. The analysis shows the subjects who received explicit instruction of the co-text's structure tended to rely on the co-text more than the others in their search of sense. The results obtained after a year lead us to consider that the explicit study of the co-text structure causes effects on two levels. On the one hand, the pupils use a new strategy for interpreting the lexical units, this exercise of metacognition allows them to better understand the functioning of the system in order to control the inference, and thus develop their lexical competency. On the other hand, the teacher also deepened his knowledge of the organization of the lexicon, which promotes the integration of the semantic, morphological and syntagmatic structures. In view of these results, and as part of teacher training, we present consequently concrete didactic courses of teaching lexicon.
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Uma análise do verbo poder do português brasileiro à luz da HPSG e do léxico gerativoMarruche, Vanessa de Sales 29 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study presents an analysis both syntactic and semantic of the verb poder in Brazilian Portuguese. To achieve this goal, we started with a literature review, which consisted of works dedicated to the study of auxiliarity and modality in order to determine what these issues imply and what is usually considered for classifying the verb under investigation as an auxiliary and/or modal verb. As foundations of this study, we used two theories, namely, HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Gramática de Estruturas Sintagmáticas Orientadas pelo Núcleo), a model of surface oriented generative grammar, which consists of a phonological, a syntactic and a semantic component, and GL (The Generative Lexicon O Léxico Gerativo), a lexicalist model of semantic interpretation of natural language, which is proposed to deal with problems such as compositionality, semantic creativity, and logical polysemy. Because these models are unable to handle the verb poder of the Brazilian Portuguese as they were originally proposed, it was necessary to use the GL to make some modifications in HPSG, in order to semantically enrich this model of grammar, so that it can cope with the logical polysemy of the verb poder, its behavior as a raising and a control verb, the saturation of its internal argument, as well as to identify when it is an auxiliary verb. The analysis showed that: (a) poder has four meanings inherent to it, namely, CAPACITY, ABILITY, POSSIBILITY and PERMISSION; (b) to saturate the internal argument of poder, the phrase candidate to saturate that argument must be of type [proposition] and the core of that phrase must be of type [event]. In case those types are not identical, the type coercion is applied in order to recover the requested type for that verb; (c) poder is a raising verb when it means POSSIBILITY, in such case it selects no external argument. That is, it accepts as its subject whatever the subject of its VP-complement is; (d) poder is a control verb when it means CAPACITY, ABILITY and/or PERMISSION and in this case it requires that the saturator of its internal argument be of type [entity] when poder means CAPACITY, or of type [animal] when it means ABILITY and/or PERMISSION; (e) poder is an auxiliary verb only when it is a raising verb, because only in this situation it does not impose any selectional restrictions on the external argument and (f ) poder is considered a modal verb because it can express an epistemic notion possibility and at least three non-epistemic notions of modality capacity, ability and permission. / Este trabalho apresenta uma análise tanto sintática quanto semântica do verbo poder do português brasileiro. Para alcançar esse objetivo, partiu-se de uma revisão de literatura, a qual compreendeu trabalhos dedicados ao estudo da auxiliaridade e da modalidade, a fim de verificar o que essas questões implicam e o que geralmente é levado em consideração para classificar o verbo investigado como auxiliar e/ou modal. Como alicerces deste trabalho, foram utilizadas duas teorias, quais sejam, a HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Gramática de Estruturas Sintagmáticas Orientadas pelo Núcleo), um modelo de gramática gerativa orientada pela superfície, a qual é constituída de um componente fonológico, um sintático e um semântico, e o GL (The Generative Lexicon O Léxico Gerativo), um modelo lexicalista de interpretação semântica de língua natural, que se propõe a lidar com problemas como a composicionalidade, a criatividade semântica e a polissemia lógica. Devido ao fato de esses modelos não conseguirem lidar com o verbo poder do português brasileiro como eles foram propostos originalmente, foi necessário utilizar o GL para fazer algumas modificações na HPSG, a fim de enriquecer semanticamente esse modelo de gramática, de modo que ele consiga dar conta da polissemia lógica do verbo poder, de seu comportamento como verbo de alçamento e de controle, da saturação de seu argumento interno, além de identificar quando ele é um verbo auxiliar. A análise mostrou que: (a) quatro são os significados inerentes ao verbo poder, quais sejam, CAPACIDADE, HABILIDADE, PERMISSÃO e POSSIBILIDADE; (b) para saturar o argumento interno do verbo poder, o sintagma candidato a saturador deve ser do tipo [proposição], e o núcleo desse sintagma deve ser do tipo [evento] e, não havendo essa identidade de tipos, recorre-se à aplicação da construção de coerção de tipo para recuperar o tipo solicitado por aquele verbo; (c) poder é verbo de alçamento quando significa POSSIBILIDADE e, nesse caso, não seleciona argumento externo. Ou seja, aceita como sujeito qualquer que seja o sujeito de seu VP-complemento; (d) poder é verbo de controle quando significa CAPACIDADE, HABILIDADE e/ou PERMISSÃO e, nesse caso, requer que o sintagma saturador de seu argumento interno seja ou do tipo [entidade], quando significa CAPACIDADE, ou do tipo [animal], quando significa HABILIDADE e/ou PERMISSÃO; (e) poder só é verbo auxiliar quando é um verbo de alçamento, pois só nessa situação não impõe restrições selecionais quanto ao argumento externo; e (f) poder é considerado um verbo modal porque pode expressar uma noção epistêmica possibilidade e pelo menos três noções não epistêmicas de modalidade capacidade, habilidade e permissão.
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O conhecimento de mundos desconhecidos: palavras e coisas do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos / The knowledge of unknown worlds: words and things of the Portuguese language in the literature of the Italian travelersBenilde Socreppa Schultz 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo registrar os empréstimos da língua portuguesa na literatura dos viajantes italianos que tiveram contato com os portugueses. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) e DAgostino (1994) consideram que o léxico dos viajantes italianos é uma fonte de empréstimos casuals, ou seja, neologismos que não tiveram a oportunidade momentânea de fazer parte da língua italiana ou o foram introduzidos mais tarde. Muitos casuals são utilizados para descrever as coisas novas que os viajantes encontravam e que não existiam ainda na língua italiana. Podemos comparar os casuais aos cometas, que permanecem nos céus por um curto período de tempo, iluminando e imprimindo a sua beleza, mas que logo em seguida desaparecem. A língua portuguesa tem um importante papel na constituição desse conjunto de empréstimos ocasionais, pois, ao registrar os novos elementos encontrados, os viajantes o faziam através da língua portuguesa, em fenômenos de interferência linguística, caracterizando uma aquisição inconsciente ou outras vezes, conscientemente. Para compor os corpora desta pesquisa escolhemos treze viajantes, dos séculos XVI e XVII, que estiveram em colônias e cidades existentes nas possessões ultramarinas. A seguir, selecionamos as ocorrências dos empréstimos e as analisamos à luz das teorias de Alves e Klajn. Portanto, esta pesquisa de doutorado tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento do registro do léxico casual do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos e examinar como esse léxico servia muitas vezes para dar uma cor local (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) ao texto, subjugando a imaginação do leitor e expressando o desejo do viajante de tornar a sua obra imorredoura, eterna. / This research aims to record the loans of the Portuguese language in the literature of Italian travelers who had contact with the Portuguese. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) and D\'Agostino (1994) consider that the lexicon of Italian travelers is a source of loans called casuals. Or: Neologisms that have not had the opportunity to be part of the Italian language, but are used to describe the new things that travelers find - and still do not exist in their own language. We can compare the casuals to comets, which remain in the heavens for a short time, lighting up and printing-up its beauty in the skies and then disappearing. So these loans appear momentarily, but do not vanish: get eternally printed, fulfilling their function: to illuminate and give color to the text. The researchs corpora will comprise the Italian travelers, especially those of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who were in colonies and overseas possessions. Soon after, we selected occurrences of loans and analyzed in the light of theories of Alves and Klajn. Therefore, this PhD research aims to survey the record of the casual lexicon of Portuguese literature by Italian travelers and examine how this lexicon often served to give a local color (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) to the text, overwhelming the reader\'s imagination and expressing the desire of the traveler make his work undying, and eternal.
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[pt] Neste trabalho estudam-se os nomes com a estrutura NdeN que
podem ser
descritos como nomes compostos por justaposição. São
observadas 1.500
seqüências de palavras, com o objetivo de contribuir na
descrição formal do
léxico do português do Brasil e de definir os critérios de
identificação de um nome
composto com essa estrutura. O critério geral está baseado
no conceito da nãocomposicionalidade
semântica. Os testes são feitos a partir das propriedades
sintáticas e semânticas que há na relação entre os
elementos que constituem o
grupo nominal, mostrando as distinções entre um grupo
nominal livre e um grupo
nominal composto. Entre as propriedades, podem ser
destacadas: o bloqueio
distribucional, a inseparabilidade, a inserção lexical, o
apagamento de N2, a
substituição de N2 e as variações em gênero e número. Essa
descrição mostra-se
útil na medida em que um conjunto de regras e critérios de
delimitação de
unidades lexicais foi definido, constituindo uma base para
a incorporação de
novos itens ao léxico. Por fim, as propriedades das
entradas incorporadas
receberam uma representação formal, resultando na criação
de um dicionário
eletrônico utilizável em processos eletrônicos. / [en] This paper is a study of the NofN structure nouns, which
may be described
as compound nouns by juxtaposition. 1500 word sequences are
observed, aiming
at contributing to the formal description of the Brazilian
Portuguese lexicon, and
defining the identification criteria of a compound noun
with such a structure. The
general criterion is based on the concept of semantic non-
compositionality. The
tests are made from the syntactic and semantic properties
existing in the
relationship between the elements that constitute the
nominal group, showing the
differences between a free nominal group and a compound
nominal group.
Among such properties, the following can be pointed out:
distributional blockage,
inseparability, lexical insertion, N2 erasing, N2
substitution, and gender and
number variations. Such description proves to be useful in
the sense that a set of
lexical units delimitation rules and criteria has been
defined, constituting a basis
for the incorporation of new items to the lexicon. Finally,
the incorporated entries`
properties received a formal representation, which resulted
in the creation of an
electronic dictionary that can be used in electronic
processes. / [fr] On étudie dans ce travail les noms formés par la structure
NdeN qui
caractérise un nom composé par juxtaposition. On a observé
1.500 séquences de
mots, pour définir les critères d`identification d`un nom
composé par cette
structure. Le critère general est fondé sur le concept de
la non compositionalité
sémantique. Les tests ont été faits à partir des propriétés
syntaxiques et
sémantiques qu`il y a dans la relation existante entre les
éléments qui constituent
le groupe nominal, en démontrant les distinctions entre un
groupe nominal libre et
un groupe nominal composé. Parmi ces propriétés, on peut
remarquer le
bloquement distributionnel, l`inséparabilité, l`insertion
lexical, l`effacement de
N2, le remplacement de N2 et les variations en genre et en
nombre. En examinant
ces propriétés, on a pu observer qu`il y a des
irrégularités dans la formation de ce
procès. Cette description devient utile dans la mesure que
cette reconnaissance
peut être formulée et qu`un ensemble de règles et de
critères de délimitation
d`unités lexicales peut être defini, et que, par là, on
peut aboutir à l`incorporation
de nouveaux items lexicaux. Au bout, en tenant compte de la
possibilité de
formalisation, les mots composés peuvent être processés
automatiquement dans
les diccionnaires électroniques.
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Die Konstruktion des allgemeinen Wissens in Zedlers 'Universal-LexiconSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 17 July 2014 (has links)
Das 'Universal-Lexicon', das ab 1732 von Johann Heinrich Zedler herausgegeben wurde und bis 1754 auf 68 Folianten und damit zum größten Lexikon des 18. Jahrhunderts anwuchs, ist ein Lexikon ohne Programm. Das macht moderne Leser ratlos im Hinblick auf die verfolgten Ziele. Man sucht ergebnislos eine Ideologie wie bei der französischen 'Encyclopedie', ein Bekenntnis zum Wie und Warum,
das im bürgerlichen 18. Jahrhundert ein Datum darstellte. Das 'Universal-Lexicon' wirkt ohne Programm schwach und scheint verteidigt werden zu müssen, etwa wie ein Zedler-Forscher 1969 formulierte: „Das Universallexikon blieb allein ein alphabetisches Nachschlagewerk. Aber auch so wurde es dem Anspruch, der Wissenschaft zu dienen, gerecht.' Welcher Wissenschaft hat das
'Universal-Lexicon' gedient? Und vor allem: wie eigentlich? Das sind bis heute offene Fragen.
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Rußland' in Zedlers 'Universal-LexiconSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 18 July 2014 (has links)
Das 'Universal-Lexicon' ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Umwandlung von Wissen, das in Reiseberichten, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften verfügbar war, in eine Lexikongestalt. Es kann als Beispiel für eine bürgerliche Lesekultur verstanden werden, die sehr verschiedene Gegenstände konsumiert und sowohl nach Informationen wie nach deren Zusammenfassung verlangt. Das 'Universal-Lexicon' ist schon aus
Gründen des enormen Umfangs dem 'allgemeinen Wissen' verpflichtet, wobei 'Rußland' ein Element des Wissens unter vielen ist: über 288.000 Artikel besetzen etwa 68.000 Folioseiten.
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