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Cathode Erosion and Propellant Injection System of a Low-Voltage, Liquid-Fed Pulsed Plasma ThrusterBrian Francis Jeffers (15410255) 04 May 2023 (has links)
<p>Prior to the mid-20th century, the idea of electric propulsion had been all but a foreign one that manifested itself in the topic of science fiction. It was around this time when companies and agencies like NASA began to take interest in the topic of space propulsion, as most famously seen in the landing of the Apollo 11 mission on the moon. It was not until the early-1960s where the idea of a pulsed plasma thruster was first realized, with its first test being in 1964 aboard the Russian Zond-2 satellite which contained 6 ablative Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, or “Teflon”) pulsed plasma thrusters.</p>
<p>In this paper, a new low-voltage, liquid-fed pulsed plasma thruster was developed, tested, and characterized. This project took influence from the previous low-voltage, liquid-fed pulsed plasma thruster in Purdue’s EPPL and desired to transition it from a current gas-fed system to its intended liquid-fed system. The two main objectives for this project included conducting direct studies of the cathode’s erosion rate using a simple weighing method after simulating a lifetime of discharging the thruster, and completing the initial design of the liquid-fed pulsed plasma thruster using AF-M315E as its propellant while gathering data on its required breakdown voltage, exhaust velocity, and specific impulse.</p>
<p>Both objectives were successfully completed, with the following parameters being measured or calculated. The required breakdown voltage was seen to be less than 26kV to keep the ignition spark inside the chamber. For the subsequent results measured however, the breakdown voltage was kept between 10-16kV for all successive tests. The peak current measured for all discharges was an average of 11kA, far exceeding similar geometries such as MPD thrusters. The operational voltage was less than 200V, although an operational voltage closer to 100V is expected after further optimization of the system is completed. The erosion rate of the tungsten cathode at this operational setting was found to be 15.4046 +/- 0.592 microgram/Coulomb which is much less than the cathode spot erosion rate reported for tungsten in literature of about 60 microgram/Coulomb and is beneficial for extending system lifetime. The exhaust velocity was calculated to be 30.6 +/- 4.8km/s which is typical of state-of-the-art PPT electric propulsion devices. The specific impulse was also extrapolated from the ion’s exhaust velocity, calculating to be 3,119 +/- 489 seconds. Future work would require optimization of the propellant injection mechanism to minimize propellant loss.</p>
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Entwicklung des perifokalen Hirnödems und Therapie mit dem selektiven Bradykinin-B 2-Rezeptor-Antagonisten LF 16.0687 Ms. / Beurteilung anhand magnetresonanztomographischer und gravimetrischer MethodenDohse, Nils-Kristian 20 January 2005 (has links)
Das posttraumatische Hirnödem trägt zur erhöhten Morbidität und Mortalität Schädel-Hirn-traumatisierter Patienten bei. Das vasodilatierende Bradykinin führt als ein Bestandteil des Kallikrein-Kinin-Systems über Bradykinin-2 (B2)-Rezeptoren zu einer Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke und trägt damit zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung des vasogenen bzw. zytotoxischen Hirnödems bei. Eine selektive Hemmung der B2-Rezeptoren konnte bereits die Ausbreitung des posttraumatischen vasogenen Hirnödems erfolgreich vermindern. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst die Entwicklung des vasogenen Hirnödems, der hemisphäralen Schwellung und der Integrität der Blut-Hirn-Schranke im zeitlichen Verlauf bis 7 Tage nach Controlled Cortical Impact Injury (CCII) an Ratten anhand T2- und T1-gewichteter MRT-Bildgebung charakterisiert. Im zweiten Teil wurde eine mögliche therapeutische Wirkung des spezifischen B2-Antagonisten LF 16.0687 Ms auf das posttraumatische Ödem und der Blut-Hirn-Schrankenöffnung durch Anwendung von MRT- und gravimetrischer Methoden untersucht. In den T2-gewichteten Sequenzen kam es innerhalb von 90 Minuten nach CCII zum prozentual stärksten Anstieg der hemisphäralen Schwellung, ein Maximum lag zwischen 24 und 48 Stunden vor gefolgt von einer Abnahme bis 7 Tage danach. T1-gewichtete Aufnahmen zeigten ein durch die Extravasation von Gadolinium-DTPA erzeugtes Maximum der Kontrastverstärkung innerhalb des Läsionszentrums bereits 6 Stunden nach CCII, während die Kontrastverstärkung in der Ödemperipherie erst nach 48 Stunden Maximalwerte erreichte. Bei einer frühzeitigen Gabe des Kontrastmittels 90 Minuten nach CCII kam es im Verlauf zu einer signifikant höheren Kontrastverstärkung innerhalb der traumatisierten Hemisphäre, vermutlich durch eine Retention des extravasierten Kontrastmittels. Dies könnte für eine frühe Restitution der Blut-Hirn-Schranken Integrität innerhalb der Kontusion sprechen, während der Verschluß perikontusionell erst später erfolgt. LF 16.0687 Ms führte bei frühzeitiger Gabe nach CCII zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der gravimetrisch bestimmten posttraumatischen hemisphäralen Schwellung um 27%. Hierbei korrelierte die im MRT ermittelte hemisphärale Schwellung signifkant mit den gravimetrisch gemessenen Werten. / Posttraumatic brain edema contributes to a higher morbidity and mortality in severe head-injured patients. Vasodilatating bradykinin, part of the kallikrein-kinin-system, mediates over bradykinin 2 (B2) receptors an blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disfunction and causes the formation and maintenance of vasogenic and cytotoxic brain edema. A selective blocking of the B2 receptors has been shown to successfully reduce brain edema formation. One objective of this study was to analize the development of vasogenic brain edema, lesion-size, hemispheric swelling and BBB-integrity after controlled cortical impact injury (CCII) in rats over a period of 7 days using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques (T2- and T1-weighted MRI, Gadolinium-DTPA (Gd-DTPA)). The other purpose was to investigate the protective effect of the novel nonpeptide B2 receptor antagonist LF 16-0687 Ms on posttraumatic edema and BBB-opening using MRI- and gravimetric methods. T2-weighted imaging showed the highest percentual increase of hemispheric swelling during the first 90 minutes after CCII, a maximum between 24 and 48 hours after CCII and and a decrease after 7 days. T1-weighted imaging revealed a maximum of contrast enhancement caused by extravasation of Gd-DTPA in the lesion-center 6 hours after CCII, while contrast enhancement in the lesion periphery reached its maximum at 48 hours.After an early administration of Gd-DTPA (90 minutes after CCII) contrast enhancement in the traumatized hemisphere was significantly higher compared to the non-traumatized hemisphere. This could be explained by a retention of Gd-DTPA caused by an early closure of the BBB in the lesion-center, while BBB-integrity in the lesion-periphery re-establishes later. The novel nonpeptide B2 receptor antagonist LF 16-0687Ms significantly reduced brain swelling by 27% after single administration measured by gravimetric wet-dry-weighting. Gravimetric and T2-weighted MRI-measurements of hemispheric swelling correlated significantly.
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The Impact of the Lexile Framework on Standardized Literacy Proficiency ScoresGaines, Julia L 24 April 2016 (has links)
Upon entering middle school, students within the study district in southeastern Tennessee had low literacy proficiency scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) for 3 consecutive years. Middle school administrators implemented a program called Lexile Framework (LF) into the literacy curriculum in 2011 to improve TCAP scores. However, the change in literacy scores had not been examined following the implementation of LF. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research study was to examine the differences in literacy scores on TCAP of students across the years of pre- and post-LF implementation into the curriculum (2009-2011 and 2012-2014). The theoretical framework for this research study was Vygotsky’s social development theory used within the LF to create student-centered learning in order for students to construct new knowledge by making connections with their literacy experiences. With a convenience sample of 225 students, a repeated-measure analysis of variance determined if there was a significant change in the archived matched literacy TCAP scores before and after the implementation of LF. The multivariate tests indicated a significant (Wilk’s Λ = .21, F (3, 222) = 276.85, p < .01) and linear effect (F (1, 224) = 709.75, p < .01) with partial eta squared (η2 = .76) of LF on literacy TCAP scores of students across the years of pre- and post-LF implementation. Positive social change implications include providing school administrators with research findings to inform district-wide decisions regarding the use of LF in the curricula in their middle schools. Increasing students’ literacy TCAP scores may ultimately improve graduation rates for students.
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Atrial Fibrillation Detection Algorithm Evaluation and Implementation in Java / Utvärdering av algoritmer för detektion av förmaksflimmer samt implementation i JavaDizon, Lucas, Johansson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation is a common heart arrhythmia which is characterized by a missing or irregular contraction of the atria. The disease is a risk factor for other more serious diseases and the total medical costs in society are extensive. Therefore it would be beneficial to improve and optimize the prevention and detection of the disease. Pulse palpation and heart auscultation can facilitate the detection of atrial fibrillation clinically, but the diagnosis is generally confirmed by an ECG examination. Today there are several algorithms that detect atrial fibrillation by analysing an ECG. A common method is to study the heart rate variability (HRV) and by different types of statistical calculations find episodes of atrial fibrillation which deviates from normal sinus rhythm. Two algorithms for detection of atrial fibrillation have been evaluated in Matlab. One is based on the coefficient of variation and the other uses a logistic regression model. Training and testing of the algorithms were done with data from the Physionet MIT database. Several steps of signal processing were used to remove different types of noise and artefacts before the data could be used. When testing the algorithms, the CV algorithm performed with a sensitivity of 91,38%, a specificity of 93,93% and accuracy of 92,92%, and the results of the logistic regression algorithm was a sensitivity of 97,23%, specificity of 93,79% and accuracy of 95,39%. The logistic regression algorithm performed better and was chosen for implementation in Java, where it achieved a sensitivity of 97,31%, specificity of 93,47% and accuracy of 95,25%. / Förmaksflimmer är en vanlig hjärtrytmrubbning som kännetecknas av en avsaknad eller oregelbunden kontraktion av förmaken. Sjukdomen är en riskfaktor för andra allvarligare sjukdomar och de totala kostnaderna för samhället är betydande. Det skulle därför vara fördelaktigt att effektivisera och förbättra prevention samt diagnostisering av förmaksflimmer. Kliniskt diagnostiseras förmaksflimmer med hjälp av till exempel pulspalpation och auskultation av hjärtat, men diagnosen brukar fastställas med en EKG-undersökning. Det finns idag flertalet algoritmer för att detektera arytmin genom att analysera ett EKG. En av de vanligaste metoderna är att undersöka variabiliteten av hjärtrytmen (HRV) och utföra olika sorters statistiska beräkningar som kan upptäcka episoder av förmaksflimmer som avviker från en normal sinusrytm. I detta projekt har två metoder för att detektera förmaksflimmer utvärderats i Matlab, en baseras på beräkningar av variationskoefficienten och den andra använder sig av logistisk regression. EKG som kommer från databasen Physionet MIT används för att träna och testa modeller av algoritmerna. Innan EKG-signalen kan användas måste den behandlas för att ta bort olika typer av brus och artefakter. Vid test av algoritmen med variationskoefficienten blev resultatet en sensitivitet på 91,38%, en specificitet på 93,93% och en noggrannhet på 92,92%. För logistisk regression blev sensitiviteten 97,23%, specificiteten 93,79% och noggrannheten 95,39%. Algoritmen med logistisk regression presterade bättre och valdes därför för att implementeras i Java, där uppnåddes en sensitivitet på 91,31%, en specificitet på 93,47% och en noggrannhet på 95,25%.
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