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Estudo da monitorização contínua de glicose e das respostas de pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e de outros parâmetros fisiológicos antes e após treinamento físico em diabéticos tipo II / Study of continuos glucose monitoring and responses in blood pressure, heart rate and others physiological parameters before and after physical training in type II diabeticsPinheiro, Daniele Albano 19 March 2014 (has links)
Há muitas alterações nos sistemas fisiológicos de indivíduos com diabetes melittus em função dos constantes momentos de hiperglicemia, principalmente alterações relacionadas ao aumento dos riscos cardiovasculares. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as respostas do controle glicêmico pelo monitor contínuo de glicose e da pressão arterial (PA), frequência cardíaca (FC) e sua variabilidade expressa pelos valores de RMSSD em diabéticos tipo II submetidos a testes de avaliação antes e após a realização de treinamento aeróbio e resistido. Participaram desse estudo 9 voluntários diabéticos tipo II do sexo masculino (45 a 65 anos) divididos em 3 grupos: DTA (n=7), diabéticos submetidos a seis semanas de treinamento aeróbio; DTR (n=5), diabéticos submetidos a treinamento resistido e GDC (n=5), diabéticos sem qualquer treinamento regular. Os voluntários realizaram testes laboratoriais, ergoespirometria e teste de fadiga em leg press antes e após o treinamento físico. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste t de Student e pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis. Os voluntários tiveram a cinética da concentração de glicose mensurada pelo monitor contínuo e analisada qualitativamente antes, durante e após a realização da ergoespirometria e do teste de fadiga por 60 minutos. Como resultados o grupo DTA apresentou menores valores de concentração de glicose pela monitorização contínua e o grupo DTR a melhor resposta na cinética dessa curva, apresentando expressivo decaimento na mesma. Em relação à resposta pressórica, somente a PA diastólica (PAD) foi menor estatisticamente para o grupo DTA pós treinamento aeróbio no repouso. Não houve diferenças entre os valores pré e pós treinamentos em relação à FC e os voluntários do grupo DTA apresentaram maiores valores de RMSSD em repouso e o do grupo DTR incrementos desses valores na recuperação dos testes, mostrando maior ação parassimpática no controle autonômico cardíaco dos diabéticos submetidos a treinamentos. Os indivíduos do grupo GDC apresentaram decremento nesse valor, sugerindo piora no controle autonômico cardíaco. Como conclusão geral, este estudo sugere que indivíduos diabéticos tipo II que realizaram treinamento aeróbio e resistido apresentaram benefícios complementares no controle glicêmico registrado pelo monitor contínuo em repouso e no período de recuperação de exercício, respectivamente, adaptações que parecem estar associadas à melhora da ação parassimpática/vagal no controle autonômico cardíaco e, sugere, também, ser o treinamento físico aeróbio o que permite melhor organização hemodinâmica nas respostas de PAD. / There are many changes in physiological systems of people with diabetes melittus due to the constant moments of hyperglycemia, mainly related to increasing of cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was evaluate the responses of glycemic control by continuos glucose monitoring and blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and its variability expressed by the values of RMSSD in type II diabetics undergoing evaluation tests before and after performing aerobic and resistance training. Participants were 9 volunteers type II diabetic male (45-64 years) divided in 3 groups: DTA (n=7), diabetics undergoing six weeks of aerobic training; DTR (n=5), diabetics undergoing resistance training and GDC (n=5), diabetics without any regular training. The volunteers underwent laboratory tests, spirometry and fatigue tests on leg press before and after physical training. The results were statistically analyzed by Students t and Kruskal Wallis tests. The volunteers had the kinetics of glucose concentration measured by the continuos monitor and qualitatively analyzed before, during and after the spirometry and the fatigue tests for 60 minutes. As a result the DTA group had lower glucose concentration by continuos monitoring and DTR the best response in the kinetic curve, showing important decrease in it. In relation to the BP response, only diastolic BP (DBP) was statistically lower for the DTA group after aerobic training. There were no differences between pre and post training in HR and the DTA group showed higher RMSSD at rest and the DTR group showed increments of these values in the tests recovery showing higher parasympathetic action on cardiac autonomic control in diabetics patients with training. Individuals in the GDC group showed decrement this value, suggesting deterioration in cardiac autonomic control. As a general conclusion, this study suggests that type II diabetic individuals who performed aerobic and resistance training showed additional benefits in glycemic control by continuos monitor recorded at rest and during exercise recovery, respectively, adaptations that seem to be associated with improvement in parasympathetic action in cardiac autonomic control, and also suggests that aerobic exercise training has better organization hemodynamic in responses of DBP.
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Estudo da monitorização contínua de glicose e das respostas de pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e de outros parâmetros fisiológicos antes e após treinamento físico em diabéticos tipo II / Study of continuos glucose monitoring and responses in blood pressure, heart rate and others physiological parameters before and after physical training in type II diabeticsDaniele Albano Pinheiro 19 March 2014 (has links)
Há muitas alterações nos sistemas fisiológicos de indivíduos com diabetes melittus em função dos constantes momentos de hiperglicemia, principalmente alterações relacionadas ao aumento dos riscos cardiovasculares. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as respostas do controle glicêmico pelo monitor contínuo de glicose e da pressão arterial (PA), frequência cardíaca (FC) e sua variabilidade expressa pelos valores de RMSSD em diabéticos tipo II submetidos a testes de avaliação antes e após a realização de treinamento aeróbio e resistido. Participaram desse estudo 9 voluntários diabéticos tipo II do sexo masculino (45 a 65 anos) divididos em 3 grupos: DTA (n=7), diabéticos submetidos a seis semanas de treinamento aeróbio; DTR (n=5), diabéticos submetidos a treinamento resistido e GDC (n=5), diabéticos sem qualquer treinamento regular. Os voluntários realizaram testes laboratoriais, ergoespirometria e teste de fadiga em leg press antes e após o treinamento físico. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste t de Student e pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis. Os voluntários tiveram a cinética da concentração de glicose mensurada pelo monitor contínuo e analisada qualitativamente antes, durante e após a realização da ergoespirometria e do teste de fadiga por 60 minutos. Como resultados o grupo DTA apresentou menores valores de concentração de glicose pela monitorização contínua e o grupo DTR a melhor resposta na cinética dessa curva, apresentando expressivo decaimento na mesma. Em relação à resposta pressórica, somente a PA diastólica (PAD) foi menor estatisticamente para o grupo DTA pós treinamento aeróbio no repouso. Não houve diferenças entre os valores pré e pós treinamentos em relação à FC e os voluntários do grupo DTA apresentaram maiores valores de RMSSD em repouso e o do grupo DTR incrementos desses valores na recuperação dos testes, mostrando maior ação parassimpática no controle autonômico cardíaco dos diabéticos submetidos a treinamentos. Os indivíduos do grupo GDC apresentaram decremento nesse valor, sugerindo piora no controle autonômico cardíaco. Como conclusão geral, este estudo sugere que indivíduos diabéticos tipo II que realizaram treinamento aeróbio e resistido apresentaram benefícios complementares no controle glicêmico registrado pelo monitor contínuo em repouso e no período de recuperação de exercício, respectivamente, adaptações que parecem estar associadas à melhora da ação parassimpática/vagal no controle autonômico cardíaco e, sugere, também, ser o treinamento físico aeróbio o que permite melhor organização hemodinâmica nas respostas de PAD. / There are many changes in physiological systems of people with diabetes melittus due to the constant moments of hyperglycemia, mainly related to increasing of cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was evaluate the responses of glycemic control by continuos glucose monitoring and blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and its variability expressed by the values of RMSSD in type II diabetics undergoing evaluation tests before and after performing aerobic and resistance training. Participants were 9 volunteers type II diabetic male (45-64 years) divided in 3 groups: DTA (n=7), diabetics undergoing six weeks of aerobic training; DTR (n=5), diabetics undergoing resistance training and GDC (n=5), diabetics without any regular training. The volunteers underwent laboratory tests, spirometry and fatigue tests on leg press before and after physical training. The results were statistically analyzed by Students t and Kruskal Wallis tests. The volunteers had the kinetics of glucose concentration measured by the continuos monitor and qualitatively analyzed before, during and after the spirometry and the fatigue tests for 60 minutes. As a result the DTA group had lower glucose concentration by continuos monitoring and DTR the best response in the kinetic curve, showing important decrease in it. In relation to the BP response, only diastolic BP (DBP) was statistically lower for the DTA group after aerobic training. There were no differences between pre and post training in HR and the DTA group showed higher RMSSD at rest and the DTR group showed increments of these values in the tests recovery showing higher parasympathetic action on cardiac autonomic control in diabetics patients with training. Individuals in the GDC group showed decrement this value, suggesting deterioration in cardiac autonomic control. As a general conclusion, this study suggests that type II diabetic individuals who performed aerobic and resistance training showed additional benefits in glycemic control by continuos monitor recorded at rest and during exercise recovery, respectively, adaptations that seem to be associated with improvement in parasympathetic action in cardiac autonomic control, and also suggests that aerobic exercise training has better organization hemodynamic in responses of DBP.
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Type-D Personality in Unemployed Subjects: Prevalence, Self-Efficacy and Heart Rate Variability/Autonomic ResponsePetrowski, Katja, Wendt, Katharina, Wichmann, Susann, Siepmann, Martin 09 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Unemployment may impair mental and physical health. The influencing factors causing such negative effects are relevant from an individual and public health perspective. The personality as one possible influencing factor was discussed. This study investigated the prevalence of the type-D personality in an unemployed population and its connections to socio-demographic, psychological and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters.
Methods: A questionnaire set including socio-demographics, type-D scale (DS14), Complaint list (BL), Beck-Depression-Inventory II (BDI-II) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) was handed out to 203 unemployed individuals [126 females, mean age ± SD: 42.36 ± 11.08]. For HRV assessment (RMSSD), a subsample of 83 participants [50 females, median age ± IQR: 47.00 ± 17.00] passed the “stress-tests” (timed breathing, d2-attention-stress-test, math test) while heart frequency (HF) was acquired via the Stressball software (BioSign GmbH, Ottenhofen, Germany).
Results: 53% of the unemployed had a type-D personality. Compared to non-type-D individuals, type-D individuals had rarely children and by trend a lower educational level; they showed significantly higher scores in the BDI-II and lower scores in the GSE and BL. No differences were observed in mean HF or RMSSD during all the stress-tests.
Conclusion: The HRV of individuals with a type-D personality is no worse than that of individuals without a type-D personality. Type-D personality was significantly associated with negative health effects regarding depressiveness, self-efficacy and physical complaints. Our main findings implicate that the DS14 could serve as a short and reliable screening instrument to select concerned unemployed individuals who might be at risk for negative health effects for adequate intervention.
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Evaluation de l’adaptation à l’entraînement du footballeur professionnel par la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque : intérêt de la position debout / Assessment of professional soccer players training adaptation by means of heart rate variability : interest of standing positionRavé, Guillaume 08 December 2016 (has links)
Méthode simple et non invasive permettant d’évaluer l’influence du système nerveux autonome (SNA) sur la fonction cardiaque. Le SNA est constitué de deux branches aux actions antagonistes. Celle dite sympathique est cardio-activatrice et celle dite parasympathique cardio-modératrice. Très étudié dans les sports d’endurance, les indicateurs parasympathiques de la VFC issus de l’analyse spectrale (Hautes fréquences, HF) et temporelle (RootMean Square of the Successive Differences, RMSSD) s’y avèrent pertinents pour le suivi d’entraînement. Dans un sport comme le football, le grand nombre de matchs durant la saison rend essentiel l’équilibre entre entraînement et récupération. Dans ce contexte,l’utilisation de la VFC peut aider les entraîneurs à optimiser l’entraînement et donc la performance physique des joueurs. Beaucoup de clubs Européens utilisent le marqueur recommandé dans les sports d’endurance (RMSSD). Or le football, sport intermittent,implique théoriquement plus des mécanismes sympathiques (réactivité) que parasympathiques.Effectivement, nos travaux, chez des footballeurs professionnels, montrent que RMSSD n’est pas l’indicateur le plus pertinent, que ce soit pour le suivi d’entraînement lors d’une pré-saison, que pour prédire la perception de la forme physique en compétition.L’analyse spectrale lors d’enregistrements dans la position debout se révèle logiquement plus adaptée puisque cette position met en oeuvre le système sympathique. Cependant, cette analyse ne permet pas d’identifier clairement les influences du SNA. De plus,nos résultats remettent en question l’attribution à l’influence parasympathique de RMSSD. En conclusion,la VFC en position debout est un outil pertinent dans la pratique d’un sport intermittent à haut niveau. / Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a simple and noninvasive tool to assess autonomic nervous system(ANS) influences to the heart. ANS is made of twoopposing effect branches. The sympathetic oneactivates the heart while the parasympathetic one slowsit down. Parasympathetic indicators derived from HRVare well studied in the context of endurance sports.They could be determined by means of time or spectralanalysis (Root mean Square of the Successive Difference, RMSSD, and High Frequency, HF, respectively). They provide key information to monitor training adaptation. In the case of soccer, a balance between training charge and recovery is necessary because of the numerous games during a whole season. HRV is supposed to assist coaches in order tooptimize training and thus players’ physical performance. Many European soccer clubs use the indicator recommended for endurance sports (RMSSD). However, soccer is an intermittent sport that involves theoretically more the sympathetic nervous system(reactivity) than the parasympathetic one. Our studies on professional soccer players show that RMSSD is not the most relevant indicator, neither to monitor training during a pre-season nor to predict fitness perception during competition. We demonstrated that HRV spectralanalysis performed while players are standing is more appropriate since this position involved the sympathetic nervous system. However, spectral analysis failed toidentify sympathetic nervous system as the key determinant of soccer training adaptation. In addition, our results challenged the link between RMSSD and the parasympathetic nervous system. In conclusion,spectral analysis of HRV performed in the standing position is a useful tool in the case of intermittent highlevel sports.
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Type-D Personality in Unemployed Subjects: Prevalence, Self-Efficacy and Heart Rate Variability/Autonomic ResponsePetrowski, Katja, Wendt, Katharina, Wichmann, Susann, Siepmann, Martin 09 November 2017 (has links)
Background: Unemployment may impair mental and physical health. The influencing factors causing such negative effects are relevant from an individual and public health perspective. The personality as one possible influencing factor was discussed. This study investigated the prevalence of the type-D personality in an unemployed population and its connections to socio-demographic, psychological and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters.
Methods: A questionnaire set including socio-demographics, type-D scale (DS14), Complaint list (BL), Beck-Depression-Inventory II (BDI-II) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) was handed out to 203 unemployed individuals [126 females, mean age ± SD: 42.36 ± 11.08]. For HRV assessment (RMSSD), a subsample of 83 participants [50 females, median age ± IQR: 47.00 ± 17.00] passed the “stress-tests” (timed breathing, d2-attention-stress-test, math test) while heart frequency (HF) was acquired via the Stressball software (BioSign GmbH, Ottenhofen, Germany).
Results: 53% of the unemployed had a type-D personality. Compared to non-type-D individuals, type-D individuals had rarely children and by trend a lower educational level; they showed significantly higher scores in the BDI-II and lower scores in the GSE and BL. No differences were observed in mean HF or RMSSD during all the stress-tests.
Conclusion: The HRV of individuals with a type-D personality is no worse than that of individuals without a type-D personality. Type-D personality was significantly associated with negative health effects regarding depressiveness, self-efficacy and physical complaints. Our main findings implicate that the DS14 could serve as a short and reliable screening instrument to select concerned unemployed individuals who might be at risk for negative health effects for adequate intervention.
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Atrial Fibrillation Detection Algorithm Evaluation and Implementation in Java / Utvärdering av algoritmer för detektion av förmaksflimmer samt implementation i JavaDizon, Lucas, Johansson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation is a common heart arrhythmia which is characterized by a missing or irregular contraction of the atria. The disease is a risk factor for other more serious diseases and the total medical costs in society are extensive. Therefore it would be beneficial to improve and optimize the prevention and detection of the disease. Pulse palpation and heart auscultation can facilitate the detection of atrial fibrillation clinically, but the diagnosis is generally confirmed by an ECG examination. Today there are several algorithms that detect atrial fibrillation by analysing an ECG. A common method is to study the heart rate variability (HRV) and by different types of statistical calculations find episodes of atrial fibrillation which deviates from normal sinus rhythm. Two algorithms for detection of atrial fibrillation have been evaluated in Matlab. One is based on the coefficient of variation and the other uses a logistic regression model. Training and testing of the algorithms were done with data from the Physionet MIT database. Several steps of signal processing were used to remove different types of noise and artefacts before the data could be used. When testing the algorithms, the CV algorithm performed with a sensitivity of 91,38%, a specificity of 93,93% and accuracy of 92,92%, and the results of the logistic regression algorithm was a sensitivity of 97,23%, specificity of 93,79% and accuracy of 95,39%. The logistic regression algorithm performed better and was chosen for implementation in Java, where it achieved a sensitivity of 97,31%, specificity of 93,47% and accuracy of 95,25%. / Förmaksflimmer är en vanlig hjärtrytmrubbning som kännetecknas av en avsaknad eller oregelbunden kontraktion av förmaken. Sjukdomen är en riskfaktor för andra allvarligare sjukdomar och de totala kostnaderna för samhället är betydande. Det skulle därför vara fördelaktigt att effektivisera och förbättra prevention samt diagnostisering av förmaksflimmer. Kliniskt diagnostiseras förmaksflimmer med hjälp av till exempel pulspalpation och auskultation av hjärtat, men diagnosen brukar fastställas med en EKG-undersökning. Det finns idag flertalet algoritmer för att detektera arytmin genom att analysera ett EKG. En av de vanligaste metoderna är att undersöka variabiliteten av hjärtrytmen (HRV) och utföra olika sorters statistiska beräkningar som kan upptäcka episoder av förmaksflimmer som avviker från en normal sinusrytm. I detta projekt har två metoder för att detektera förmaksflimmer utvärderats i Matlab, en baseras på beräkningar av variationskoefficienten och den andra använder sig av logistisk regression. EKG som kommer från databasen Physionet MIT används för att träna och testa modeller av algoritmerna. Innan EKG-signalen kan användas måste den behandlas för att ta bort olika typer av brus och artefakter. Vid test av algoritmen med variationskoefficienten blev resultatet en sensitivitet på 91,38%, en specificitet på 93,93% och en noggrannhet på 92,92%. För logistisk regression blev sensitiviteten 97,23%, specificiteten 93,79% och noggrannheten 95,39%. Algoritmen med logistisk regression presterade bättre och valdes därför för att implementeras i Java, där uppnåddes en sensitivitet på 91,31%, en specificitet på 93,47% och en noggrannhet på 95,25%.
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