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Anisotropia azimutal de elétrons de quarks pesados em colisões p-Pb no ALICE / Azimuthal anisotropy of electrons from heavy quarks in p--Pb collisions with ALICEZanoli, Henrique José Correia 14 February 2019 (has links)
Um novo estado, o Plasma Quark-Gluon (QGP), é formado quando a matéria comum formada por hadrons é submetida a condições extremas de temperatura e/ou densidade. Acredita-se que esse estado esteja presente nos primeiros momentos do universo e que seja relevante para entender propriedades da cromodinâmica quântica. O QGP é criado e caracterizado em aceleradores de partículas por meio de colisões de íons pesados. No entanto, uma estrutura alongada em psedorapidez (\\textit{double ridge}) na distribuição da correlação angular entre duas partículas foi encontrada em sistemas pequenos, como pp e p--Pb. Essa estrutura assemelha-se àquela observada nas colisões com íons pesados, onde sua interpretação está ligada ao comportamento coletivo que gera uma anisotropia azimutal nos produtos finais das colisões. Essa estrutura não era esperada em sistemas pequenos e sua interpretação física ainda está em debate, em particular no que diz respeito ao papel da hidrodinâmica e das condições iniciais. Uma medida para este efeito com partículas provenientes de quarks pesados ainda não haviam sido realizadas no momento em que este trabalho foi iniciado e esta medida poderia esclarecer questões sobre as diferentes interpretações. Os quarks pesados são uma sonda interessante caso o QGP seja formado devido ao seu tempo de formação inicial, reagindo a toda a evolução do meio. Neste trabalho, os quarks pesados são estudados medindo-se os elétrons provenientes dos decaimentos semi-leptônicos de hádrons que contêm quarks \\textit{charm} ou \\textit{beauty} e outros quarks leves (\\textit{open heavy flavor}). Os hadrons não são reconstruídos e usa-se um método de extração de sinal para remover elétrons de outras fontes. As correlações angulares de elétrons de decaimento de hadrons de quarks pesados com partículas carregadas em colisões de p--Pb a $\\sqrt{s_{m NN}}$ = 5,02 TeV medidos com o experimento ALICE em rapidez central ($ | \\eta | <0,8 $) são apresentadas. As distribuições mostram sinais de anisotropias azimutais que são quantificadas pelo coeficiente $ v_2 $. O $ v_2 $ para elétrons provenientes de quarks pesados é positivo com mais de $ 5 \\sigma $ de significância, fornecendo uma forte indicação de anisotropias azimutais similares ao \\textit{double ridge} para partículas contendo quarks pesados em colisões de alta multiplicidade de p--Pb. Esta é a primeira medida do $ v_2 $ para elétrons vindos de quarks pesados em colisões p--Pb. / A new state of mater, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), is formed when the ordinary hadronic matter is put under extreme temperature and/or density conditions. This state is believed to be present in the first moments of the universe and it is relevant to understand properties of the quantum chromodynamics. The QGP is created and characterized in particle accelerators by colliding heavy ions. However, a double-ridge long-range structure in the two-particle azimuthal correlation distribution was found in small systems, such as pp and p--Pb. This structure resembles the one observed in heavy-ion collisions, where its interpretation is linked to collective behavior that generates an azimuthal anisotropy in the final products of the collisions. This structure was not expected in small systems and its physical interpretation is still in debate, in particular regarding the role of hydrodynamics and initial conditions. A measurement for this effect with particles coming from heavy quarks was not done by the time this work started and this measurement could shed light into the different interpretations. Heavy quarks are an interesting probe in case the QGP is formed due to their early formation time, experiencing the whole evolution of the medium. In this work, heavy quarks are examined by measuring electrons originating from the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons that contain a heavy quark (charm or beauty) and other light quarks (open heavy flavor). The hadrons are not reconstructed and a signal extraction method is used to remove electrons from other sources. The azimuthal angular correlations of heavy-flavour hadron decay electrons with charged particles in p--Pb collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{m NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV measured with ALICE detector at mid-rapidity ($|\\eta| < 0.8$) are studied. The distributions show signs of azimuthal anisotropies which are quantified by the $v_2$ coefficient. The $v_2$ for heavy-flavor electrons is found to be positive with more than $5\\sigma$ significance, providing very strong indication of long-range azimuthal anisotropies for heavy-flavour particles in high multiplicity p--Pb collisions. This is the first measurement of the $v_2$ for electrons coming from heavy-flavor hadron decays in p--Pb collisions.
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Mesures de la luminosité absolue à l'expérience LHCb / Absolute luminosity measurements at LHCbHopchev, Plamen 25 November 2011 (has links)
Les mesures de la luminosité intégrée pour les expériences auprés de collisionneur ont un intérêt majeur. Ces mesures participent à la détermination des sections efficaces de production des processus étudiés, elles quantifient également les performances de l'accélérateur et des expériences. Deux méthodes ont été utilisées par l'expérience LHCb pour déterminer la mesure de la luminosité absolue enregistrée durant la campagne 2010 de prise de données des collisions proton-proton à une énergie de 7 TeV dans le centre de masse: outre la méthode classique applelée "Van der Meer scan" une nouvelle technique est développée permettant une détermination directe des paramètres de chaque faisceau en localisant les interactions faisceau-faisceau et les interactions faisceau-gaz résiduel. Cette méthode n'est possible que grace à la résolution du détecteur de vertex de LHCb et sa proximité avec la zone des faisceaux de protons et les paramètres tels la position, les angles et les largeurs des faisceaux peuvent être mesurés. Les deux methodes sont décrites et leurs résultats discutés. De plus les techniques utilisées pour étendre les mesures de luminosité absolue à l'ensemble de la prise de données 2010 sont décrites. / Absolute luminosity measurements are of general interest for colliding-beam experiments at storage rings. These measurements are necessary to determine the absolute cross-sections of reaction processes and are valuable to quantify the performance of the accelerator. LHCb has applied two methods to determine the absolute scale of its luminosity measurements for proton-proton collisions at the 2010 LHC run at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. In addition to the classic ``van der Meer'' scan method a novel technique has been developed which allows a direct imaging of the individual beams to be made by measuring both proton-gas and proton-proton interactions. The beam imaging method is made possible by the high resolution of the LHCb vertex detector and the close proximity of the detector to the beams, and allows beam parameters such as positions, angles and widths to be determined. We describe both methods and compare the two results. In addition, we present the techniques used to transport the absolute luminosity measurement to the full data-taking period.
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Study of Diffraction with the ATLAS detector at the LHC / Etude de la diffraction avec le détecteur ATLAS au LHCStaszewski, Rafal 24 September 2012 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la diffraction en utilisant le détecteur ATLAS auprès du LHC. Après Une courte introduction à la physique diffractive incluant la diffraction « dure » et « molle », nous présentons la production diffractive exclusive qui est particulièrement intéressante pour produire des jets et le boson de Higgs. Le mécanisme décrit par le formalisme de Khoze Martin et Ryskin et celui de CHIDe sont décrits en détail. Les sources d’incertitude dans la description théorique sont encore importantes et une nouvelle mesure de la section efficace de production exclusive de jets au LHC permettra de réduire l’incertitude de la production diffractive de boson de Higgs à un facteur 2 à trois. La mesure de la production exclusive de pions pp ! p_+_−p permet de contraindre les modèles de manière plus précise en utilisant les détecteurs ALFA, qui sont utilisés dans l’expérience ATLAS pour la détection de protons diffusés dans les interactions élastiques et diffractives. Les détecteurs AFP décrits dans la dernière partie de la thèse, mesurant les protons dispersés après interaction diffractive sont présentés. Ils permettent d’étendre le programme de physique d’ATLAS, avec en particulier, la production centrale diffractive de boson W, ce qui rend possible une meilleure compréhension de la nature des échanges diffractifs. / The thesis is devoted to the study of diffractive physics with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. After a short introduction to diffractive physics including soft and hard diffraction, we discuss diffractive exclusive production at the LHC whichis particularly interesting for Higgs and jet production. The QCD mechanism described by the Khoze Martin Ryskin and the CHIDe models are elucidated in detail. The uncertainties on these models are still large and a new possible exclusive jetmeasurement at the LHC will allow to reduce the uncertainty on diffarctive Higgs boson production to a factor 2 to 3. An additional measurement of exclusive pion production pp ! p_+_−p allows to constrain further exclusive model relying on theuse of the ALFA stations, which are used in the ATLAS Experiment for detection of protons scattered in elastic and diffractive interactions. In the last part of the thesis, the AFP detectors, aiming at measuring the protons scattered in diffractive interactions, are presented. They allow to extend substantially the ATLAS physics programme. In particular, the study of the central diffractive W boson production process makes possible a better determination of the nature of diffractive exchanges.
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Precision Measurements of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in the Single Lepton Channel with the ATLAS Experiment / Praezisionsmessungen des Topquark Paarproduktions Wechselwirkungsquerschnittes im Zerfallskanal mit einzelnen Leptonen am ATLAS ExperimentHenrichs, Anna Christine 19 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Discovery Potential of Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons with Decay to Tau Pairs at the ATLAS ExperimentSchaarschmidt, Jana 07 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This work presents a study of the discovery potential for the neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons h/A/H decaying to tau pairs with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The study is based on Monte Carlo samples which are scaled to state-of-the-art cross sections. The analyses are designed assuming an integrated luminosity of 30 1/fb and a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 14 TeV. The results are interpreted in the mmax h benchmark scenario.
Two final states are analyzed: The dileptonic channel where the two tau leptons decay to electrons or muons and the lepton-hadron channel where one tau decays to an electron or muon and the other tau decays to hadrons. The study of the dilepton channel is based completely on the detailed ATLAS simulation, the analysis of the lepton-hadron channel is based on the fast simulation.
The collinear approximation is used to reconstruct the Higgs boson mass and its performance is studied. Cuts are optimized in order to discriminate the signal from background and to maximize the discovery potential given a certain Higgs boson mass hypothesis. In the lepton-hadron channel the selection is split into two analyses depending on the number of identified b-jets. Procedures to estimate the dominant backgrounds from data are studied. The shape and normalization of the Z to tautau background are estimated from Z to leptonlepton control regions. The ttbar contributions to the signal regions are estimated from ttbar control regions.
The individual analyses are combined and sensitivity predictions are made depending on the Higgs boson mass mA and the coupling parameter tanβ. The light neutral MSSM Higgs bosons with mA = 150 GeV can be discovered when at least tanbeta = 11 is realized in nature. The heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons with mA = 800 GeV can be discovered for tanbeta ≥ 44. However, due to the large width of the reconstructed Higgs boson mass and the mass degeneration, only the sum of at least two of the three Higgs boson signals will be visible.
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Interpréter les recherches de nouvelle physique au LHC à l’aide de modèles simplifiés / Understanding LHC searches for new physics with simplified modelsLaa, Ursula 15 September 2017 (has links)
La découverte récente du boson de Higgs complète le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, mais aucun signal de nouvelle physique n’a été observé en dépit des nombreuses recherches effectuées par les expériences du Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Cependant le problème de hiérarchie et la présence de matière noire sont des motivations importantes pour considérer des théories qui prédisent de nouveaux états à l’échelle électro-faible, de fait, de nombreux travaux ont été initiés sur l’interprétation des résultats négatifs et leurs implications pour de tels scénarios. Les modèles simplifiés sont devenus une norme pour l’interprétation des recherches de supersymétrie (SUSY) au LHC, et plus récemment pour les recherches de matière noire. Le succès de cette approche vient d’un petit nombre de paramètres liés aux observables au LHC de façon claire, ce qui permet une optimisation efficace des stratégies de recherche. De plus, les modèles complets peuvent être projetés sur de tels modèles simplifiés ce qui permet une compréhension intuitive des contraintes sur l’espace des paramètres et un test rapide des contraintes du LHC. Puisque les relations entre les paramètres de modèles généraux et les modèles simplifiés ne sont pas en général directes, des outils numériques sophistiqués sont nécessaires pour faciliter cette projection.Cette thèse explore de nombreux aspects de l’interpretation des recherches du LHC par les modèles simplifiés, et de la façon dont ils sont utilisés pour faire le lien entre les observations expérimentales et les descriptions théoriques. En particulier le code SModelS est présenté, il permet la décomposition automatique de modèles généraux en modèles simplifiés inspirés par la SUSY, et de les tester aux contraintes expérimentales incluses dans une base de données. Sous certaines hypothèses SModelS peut être utilisé pour contraindre une grande classe de modèles comprenant un candidat à la matière noire. Ces hypothèses sont discutées en détail et des études de modèles supersymétriques (non-minimaux) utilisant SModelS pour l’évaluation rapide des contraintes expérimentales sont présentées. Ces études soulignent les avantages ainsi que les limitations de l’utilisation de modèles simplifiés. Finalement, concernant les modèles simplifiés pour la recherche de matière noire, des scénarios avec un médiateur de spin-2 sont étudiés en détail. / The recent discovery of the Higgs boson completes the standard model of particle physics, but no compelling signal for physics beyond the standard model has been observed despite the numerous searches performed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Nevertheless, the hierarchy problem and the observation of dark matter are compelling arguments to study theories predicting new states at the weak scale, and a main effort has been directed towards understanding the negative search results and their implications for such weak scale new physics scenarios. Simplified models have become a standard in the interpretation of LHC searches for supersymmetry (SUSY), aiming at maximal model independence. More recently a similar approach was adopted for the interpretation of dark matter searches. The success of this approach is due to the fact that the small set of free parameters relates to the observables in LHC searches in a clear way, allowing an efficient optimisation of search strategies. Moreover, generic models can be projected on a simplified model description giving an intuitive understanding of the constraints on the parameter space, and providing a fast test against LHC constraints. As the relation between generic model parameters and simplified models is generally not straightforward, sophisticated computational tools are required to facilitate such a projection.This thesis explores the various aspects of simplified model interpretations of LHC searches and how they can be used to understand the results and bridge the gap between theoretical descriptions and experimental observations. In particular the software tool SModelS is presented, a tool that automates the mapping of generic models onto SUSY-like simplified model components, and that allows direct tests against corresponding experimental limits in the included database. Under certain assumptions SModelS can be used to constrain a wide class of new physics models with a dark matter candidate. These assumptions and some explicit tests are discussed in detail, followed by studies of (non-minimal) supersymmetric models using SModelS for the fast evaluation of constraints from SUSY searches. These studies highlight the capacity as well as the limitations of using simplified model results to study generic models. Finally regarding simplified models for dark matter searches, scenarios with a spin-2 mediator are studied in detail.
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Mesure de la section efficace de production du single top en voie-t en utilisant des arbres de décision avec ATLAS à sqrt(s)=7TeV / Measurement of the t-channel single top-quark production using boosted decision trees in ATLAS at sqrt(s)=7TeVWang, Jin 29 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une mesure de la section efficace de production du quark-top célibataire en voie t avec 1,04~fb^{-1} de données recueillies par le détecteur ATLAS au LHC à partir de collisions proton-proton d'énergie centre de masse sqrt(s) = 7TeV. Les événements sélectionnés contiennent un lepton, de l'énergie transverse manquante, et deux ou trois jets, l'un d'eux étant étiqueté comme étant issu d'un quark-b. Le modèle pour le bruit de fond se compose des processus multijets, W+jets et production de paires de quarks top ainsi que de contributions moindres venant d'événements Z+jets et diboson. En utilisant une méthode de coupures et de comptage basée sur la distribution d'un discriminant multivarié construit avec des arbres de décision stimulés, la section efficace de production de quark-top célibataire en voie t a été mesurée. La valeur sigma_ {t} = 97,3^{30,7}_{-30,2}~pb a été obtenue. Ce résultat est en bon accord avec la prédiction du Modèle Standard. En supposant que les éléments de la matrice CKM reliee au quark-top obéissent à la relation |Vtb|>>|Vts|, |V_td|, la force du couplage W-t-b est extraite de la section mesurée, |Vtb| = 1,23^{+0,20}_{-0,19}. Si on suppose que |Vtb|<1, une limite inférieure |Vtb|>0.61 est obtenue avec un niveau de confiance de 95%. / This thesis presents a measurement of the cross section of t-channel single top-quark production using 1.04~fb^{-1} data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC with proton-proton collision at center-of-mass sqrt(s)=7TeV. Selected events contain one lepton, missing transverse energy, and two or three jets, one of them b-tagged. The background model consists of multijets, W+jets and top-quark pair events, with smaller contributions from Z+jets and diboson events. By using a cut and count method based on the distribution of a multivariate discriminant constructed with the boosted decision trees, the cross section of t-channel single top-quark production is measured: sigma_{t}= 97.3^{+30.7}_{-30.2}~pb, which is in good agreement with the prediction of the Standard Model. Assuming that the top-quark-related CKM matrix elements obey the relation |Vtb|>>|Vts|, |V_td|, the coupling strength at the W-t-b vertex is extracted from the measured cross section, |Vtb| = 1,23^{+0,20}_{-0,19}. If it is assumed that |Vtb|<1, a lower limit of |Vtb|>0.61 is obtained at the 95% confidence level.
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Performances du calorimètre électromagnétique et recherche de nouveaux bosons de jauge dans le canal diélectron auprès du détecteur ATLAS / ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter performances and search for new gauge bosons in dielectron channel at the LHC.Laisne, Emmanuel 08 October 2012 (has links)
Le XXe siècle a marqué le succès de la construction du modèle standard de la physique des particules. Elaborée entre les années 1930 et 1970, cette théorie des particules élémentaires et des interactions électromagnétique, faible et forte a depuis été abondamment vérifiée auprès des collisionneurs tels que le LEP et le Tevatron. Malgré ce succès, certaines questions laissées en supsens ont nécessité l'élaboration de nouvelles théories permettant de dépasser le cadre du modèle standard. Parmi ces théories nombreuses sont celles prédisant l'existance d'un nouveau boson Z' à l'échelle du TeV. Les données du LHC, recueillies depuis son démarrage à l'automne 2008, offrent une nouvelle fois l'opportunité de confronter le modèle standard à ses prédictions et de rechercher les signatures de l'existence de nouvelle physique jusqu'à des énergies inégalées. Le travail mené au sein de l'expérience ATLAS au cours de ces quatres premières années s'est ainsi orienté autour de la compréhension du détecteur et de l'analyse des premières données. Cette thèse couvre ces deux aspects. La première partie du travail présenté revient ainsi sur la mise en évidence d'une pathologie de l'électronique de lecture du calorimètre à argon liquide d'ATLAS ainsi que sur l'étude de larges déviations cohérentes du bruit observées depuis sa mise en service. La mise en place d'une stratégie de préservation des données collectées y est détaillée. La seconde partie de ce manuscrit se concentre sur la recherche d'un nouveau boson Z'. Si tant est qu'une telle particule existe, sa décroissance en un électron et un positron devrait donner lieu à l'apparition d'une nouvelle résonance massive dans le spectre en masse invariante diélectron. Les performances de reconstruction et d'identification des électrons, particulièrement à haute impulsion transverse, sont étudiées. L'analyse des 4.9 fb-1 de données collectées en 2011 est décrite. En l'absence de déviation significative par rapport aux prédictions du modèle standard, le spectre en masse invariante diélectron est réinterprété afin de dériver les limites sur l'existence de nouveaux bosons issus de théories de grande unification (E6) et sur l'existence d'un boson de type SSM. Ces limites et celles obtenues par l'expérience CMS sont à l'heure actuelle les plus contraignantes quant à l'existence de ces nouveaux bosons. / The Standard Model of particle physics has known a tremendous rise during the twentieth century. Built up, from the early 1930s to the 1970s, this theory describing elementary particles and their interactions (electromagnetic, weak, strong) has now been intensivly tested by LEP and Tevatron colliders. Besides its succes, some problems remain and have lead to new theories attempting to go beyond the standard model. Many of them are predicting the existence of a new gauge boson Z', which is supposed to be observed at the TeV scale. Data recorded by the LHC since automn 2008 are a new opportunity to check the consistency of the Standard Model and to search for new physics evidence. Work that has been done by the ATLAS collaboration during the last four years has focused on understanding detector's behaviour and analysing the very first collected collisions. This thesis is reflecting these two aspects. Therefore, the first part of this thesis describes the caracterisation of a pathology of ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter electronics and of coherent noise bursts that have both been observed since the beginning of ATLAS operation. The policy deployed to preserve data quality is also detailled. The second part is focusing on the search for new Z' gauge boson. In case this particle was to exist, its decay into an electron and a positron would lead to a new massive resonance in the dielectron invariant mass spectrum. Therefore electron reconstruction and identification performances are closely looked at, especially at high transverse momentum. Analysis made on the 4.9 fb-1 of collected data is reported. As no significant excess with respect to Standard Model predictions is observed, the dielectron invariant mass spectrum is interpreted to derive mass limits concerning the existence of new Z' gauge bosons appearing in grand unification theories (E6) and effective sequential standard model (SSM). These limits and those derived by the CMS collaboration are the best ever set on such new bosons.
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Dupla difração no LHC/CMS / Double diffraction at LHC/CMSSheila Mara Silva do Amaral 29 June 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da dupla difração dura nas condições do CMS para baixa luminosidade (5x1032cm-2s-1). O processo foi simulado com o gerador PHOJET v1.12 [27], juntamente com o código de simulação FAMOS [28], versão 1.4.0, do CMS. Com o fundo (background) dominante temos a superposição de eventos não difrativos e difrativos. Para selecionar os eventos difrativos, usamos o corte na separação entre os jatos, isto é, selecionamos os eventos com grande lacuna (gap) de rapidez. Além disso, usamos o método de procura de eventos com lacuna de rapidez usando os calorímetros. Para uma luminosidade integrada de 1fb-1, obtém-se da ordem de 1010 eventos para o fundo, e de 108 eventos de sinal difrativo. / The subject of this dissertation is to study the hard double diffraction for CMS low luminosity running (5x 1032 cm-2s-1). The process was simulated with the generator PHOJET v1.12 [27], to get her with the fast CMS simulation code FAMOS [28], version1.4.0. The dominant background is the overlap of diffractive and non-diffractive events. We use the jet pseudo rapidity separation to tag the diffractive events. Otherwise, we use the calorimeters to tag the events with gap. For an integrated luminosity of 1fb-1 we obtain a number of events of 1010 for the background, while108 for the diffractive signal.
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Estudo sobre a razão de produção difrativa e total de B+→ Ј/Ψ K+ no CMS / Study of the diffractive production ratio of B+→ Ј/Ψ K+ at CMSDilson de Jesus Damião 25 May 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo sobre a razão da produção difrativa e total de B+ decaindo em J=y +K+, no ambiente do experimento CMS do colisor de prótons LHC do
CERN, contribuindo assim com a compreensão geral do Modelo Padrão (SM) como a teoria das interações fundamentais entre as partículas elementares. Inicialmente, é apresentada uma
análise com o intuito de selecionar os eventos que possuem um méson B+, uma vez que o canal de decaimento mencionado: poderá ser a primeira medida da produção exclusiva do méson B à escala de energia do LHC; é um dos principais canais de fundo para outras análises; e possibilita
a utilização de um canal limpo para a calibração do CMS. Em seguida, é apresentada a forma de se identificar eventos difrativos no CMS, utilizando a baixa multiplicidade de torres ativas nos calorímetros CASTOR e HF. Esse estudo foi baseado em simulações computacionais, as quais reproduziram as condições físicas esperadas para o CMS/LHC, à energia de centro de massa de 10 TeV. Utilizou-se na geração de eventos o Monte Carlo POMWIG para as amostras difrativas e o PYTHIA para as demais. / This work concerns the study of the diffractive production ratio of the B+ meson decaying into J=y + K+, in the CMS/LHC environment, thus contributing to an general
understanding of the Standard Model (SM) as the theory of fundamental interactions between elementary particles. To begin with, an analysis is done in order to select the events that have B+, as the study of the mentioned channel could provide the first measurement of the exclusive production of B mesons at the energy scale of the LHC. Also, it is an important channel both for further analysis and to make CMS calibrations. Furthermore, we show how to identify diffractive
events in CMS, using low multiplicity of active cells in the forward calorimeters, HF and CASTOR. This study was based on computer simulations, which reproduce the Physics conditions expected for CMS at 10 TeV. The POMWIG generator was used to produce the diffractive samples and the others were done with PYTHIA.
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