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Effective estimation of battery state-of-health by virtual experiments via transfer- and meta-learningSchmitt, Jakob, Horstkötter, Ivo, Bäker, Bernard 15 March 2024 (has links)
The continuous monitoring of the state-of-health (SOH) of electric vehicles (EV) represents a problem with great research relevance due to the time-consuming battery cycling and capacity measurements that are usually required to create a SOH estimation model. Instead of the widely used approach of modelling the battery’s degradation behaviour with as little cycling effort as possible, the applied SOH monitoring approach is the first of its kind that is solely based on commonly logged battery management system (BMS) signals and does not rely on tedious capacity measurements. These are used to train the digital battery twins, which are subsequently subjected to virtual capacity tests to estimate the SOH. In this work, transfer-learning is applied to increase the data and computational efficiency of the digital battery twins training process to facilitate a real-world
application as it enables SOH estimation for unknown ageing states due to the selective parameter initialisation at less than a tenth of the common training time. However, the successful SOH estimation with a mean SOH deviation of 0.05% using transfer-learning still requires the presence of pauses in the dataset. Meta-learning extends the idea of transfer-learning as the baseline model simultaneously takes several ageing states into account. Learning the basic battery-electric behaviour it is forced to preserve a certain level of uncertainty at the same time, which seems crucial for the successful fine-tuning of the model parameters based on three pause-free load profiles resulting in a mean SOH deviation of 0.85%. This optimised virtual SOH experiment framework provides the cornerstone for a scalable and robust estimation of the remaining battery capacity on
a pure data basis.
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Parallel block preconditioning of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with weakly imposed boundary conditionsWhite, Raymon January 2016 (has links)
This project is concerned with the development and implementation of a novel preconditioning method for the iterative solution of linear systems that arise in the finite element discretisation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with weakly imposed boundary conditions. In this context we studied an augmented approach where the Schur complement associated with the momentum block of the Navier-Stokes equations has special sparse structure. We follow the standard inf-sup stable method of discretising the Navier-Stokes equations by the Taylor-Hood elements with the Lagrange multiplier constraints discretised using the same order approximation on matching grids. The resulting system of nonlinear equations is solved iteratively by Newton's method. The spectrum of the linearised Oseen's problem, preconditioned by the exact augmentation preconditioner was analysed. Then we developed inexact versions of the preconditioner aimed at achieving optimal scaling of the algorithm in terms of computational resources and wall-clock times. The experimental evaluation of the methodology involve a number of benchmark problems in two and three spatial dimensions. The obtained results demonstrate efficiency, robustness and almost optimal scaling of the solution algorithm with respect to the discrete problem size. We used OOMPH-LIB as a testbed for our experiments. The preconditioning strategies were implemented using OOMPH-LIB's Parallel Block Preconditioning Framework. The initial version of the software was significantly upgraded during the course of this project with newly implemented functionalities to facilitate the rapid development of sophisticated hierarchical design of parallel block preconditioners. Parallel performance analysis of the newly introduced functionalities demonstrate negligible overhead in terms of wall-clock time and the framework demonstrate good weak and strong parallel scaling.
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Εφαρμογή της βιβλιοθήκης υποστήριξης πρωτοκόλλων ελλειπτικών καμπυλών ECC-LIB σε ενσύρματα (802.3) και ασύρματα σημεία πρόσβασης (802.11)Παπαϊωάννου, Παναγιώτης 17 March 2009 (has links)
Με την αύξηση της χρήσης του διαδικτύου σε εφαρμογές από απλή μεταφορά δεδομένων μέχρι ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο, υπάρχει ανάγκη για ασφάλεια, η οποία έχει δώσει ώθηση στην έρευνα για κρυπτογραφικά πρωτόκολλα. Σήμερα είναι απαραίτητα πλέον τα πρωτόκολλα ασφαλείας σε όλες σχεδόν τις σημαντικές συναλλαγές, είτε είναι πρόσβαση σε κάποιο δίκτυο είτε για ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο ή επικοινωνίες.
Η κρυπτογραφία ελλειπτικών καμπυλών προσφέρει μια εναλλακτική λύση με εμφανή πλεονεκτήματα έναντι των παραδοσιακών συστημάτων ασφαλείας. Το βασικό τους πλεονέκτημα είναι ότι απαιτούν μικρότερο μήκος κλειδιού για επίτευξη ίδιου επιπέδου ασφαλείας με πιο παραδοσιακά κρυπτογραφικά συστήματα (όπως το RSA).
Αυτή ακριβώς η ιδιότητα καθιστά τα κρυπτογραφικά συστήματα ελλειπτικών καμπυλών ιδιαίτερα ελκυστικά για εφαρμογή σε ενσωματωμένα συστήματα τα οποία εξορισμού έχουν περιορισμένους πόρους.
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία παρουσιάζει την μεταφορά μιας βιβλιοθήκης ελλειπτικών καμπυλών σε ένα ενσωματωμένο σύστημα. Ιδιαίτερο βάρος δόθηκε στην δημιουργία ελλειπτικών καμπυλών κατάλληλων για χρήση σε κρυπτογραφικά συστήματα. Η κατασκευή των ελλειπτικών καμπυλών οι οποίες θεωρούνται ασφαλείς γίνονται με την μέθοδο του μιγαδικού πολλαπλασιασμού, Παρουσιάζεται η διαδικασία μεταφοράς, τα προβλήματα καθώς και τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα.
Επίσης παρουσιάζεται μια εφαρμογή η οποία επιδεικνύει τις δυνατότητες δημιουργίας ασφαλούς ελλειπτικής καμπύλης καθώς και την χρήση της καμπύλης αυτής για ασφαλή μετάδοση δεδομένων.
Έτσι έχουμε ένα ενσωματωμένο σύστημα, με περιορισμένες δυνατότητες, το οποίο όχι μόνο υλοποιεί τα κατάλληλα πρωτόκολλα ελλειπτικών καμπυλών, αλλά έχει την δυνατότητα να δημιουργεί ασφαλείς ελλειπτικές καμπύλες κατάλληλες για χρήση από άλλες συσκευές. / Over the last years there has been a rapid growth in Internet use and its benefits. Applications depending on connectivity range from simple networks to e-commerce and e-banking.
Furthermore the nature of the hardware used in these transactions has been altered significally. Instead of high-end desktop computers laptops, PDAs and cell phones are widely used both in wired and wireless networks. In an environment as open as the Internet users may be in danger and their transactions may be compromised.
There is an immediate need for safe cryptographic systems even for devices that meet hardware restrictions (i.e. processing power or memory and space limitations) without compromising the security levels required.
Elliptic curve cryptography offers an interesting alternative in this direction instead of more traditional public key cryptosystem such as RSA. The main reason for this is the mathematical problems on which Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is based. ECC is based on the elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). ECDLP is the ECC equivalent to DLP which is used in most public key cryptosystems and was introduced by Koblitz and Miller in 1985.
So far the best algorithms for attacking the ECDLP take exponential time while for the DLP the time required is sub-exponential. This means that an ECC system can use smaller key size than traditional cryptosystems to achieve the same results. As an example, an ECC system with a key size of 160 bits is roughly equivalent to an RSA system with a key size of 1024 bits. Since the key size is significally smaller, so are requirements in space and memory, making ECC an excellent candidate for implementation in devices with limited resources.
In this thesis we present an ECC library (ECC-LIB) in an embedded device with hardware limitations. ECC-LIB was developed by Elisavet Konstantinou, Yiannis Stamatiou, and Christos Zaroliagis as a tool to provide users with a modular library that allows development of various cryptographic protocols. We decided to use this library not on a desktop computer but on an embedded device to try and address any problems that might occur in such a limited environment.
The device we selected is the AT76C520 chip, which can be used either as a wireless Access Point or as a network processor, with a microprocessor capable of running ucLinux, which is a Linux distribution for embedded devices. Our effort was focused on importing the library without changing the source code to ensure portability.
We focused on the implementation of Complex Multiplication method for generating secure elliptic curves, which is not supported by most of the other implementations in embedded systems. Our experimental results demonstrate such an implementation is feasible and can produce efficiently elliptic curves suitable for use in cryptographic systems.
Also, our implementation is highly portable. It can be used as is, or with minor changes, on practically any embedded system, since it is written exclusively in standard ANSI C, and there are no device specific optimizations (like assembly).
We also implemented an application to support a working scenario. In this scenario our device is used as server from which other devices (wired or wireless, embedded or high end systems) can request an elliptic curve to use in order to achieve security in their communication. The client can request an elliptic curve of specific security level and our application can generate a suitable curve (using the Complex Multiplication method) and distribute it. This means that in a suitable environment plethora of devices can communicate safely, with devices types ranging from desktop computers to mobile phones and PDAs.
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Mod??lisation d'un syst??me de lib??ration d'un peptide d??riv?? de la BMP-9 et ??tude m??canistique comparative entre la BMP-9 et la BMP-2Lauzon, Marc-Antoine January 2014 (has links)
Le vieillissement croissant de la population canadienne aura une incidence, dans les ann??es ?? venir, sur les risques de fractures ost??oporotiques et autres pathologies de l'os. Parmi ces risques, les fractures avec pertes osseuses pr??sentent des d??fis consid??rables et causent un lourd fardeau ??conomique. La soci??t?? Ost??oporose Canada estime que plus de 30 milliards de dollars seront d??pens??s pour le traitement de l???ost??oporose et de leurs fractures associ??es d???ici 2018. La m??thode de comblement des pertes osseuses standard actuelle, soit l'autogreffe, est limit??e et pr??sente des risques pour le patient. ?? titre d'alternative, deux strat??gies ont ??t?? jusqu'?? maintenant ??tudi??es: les syst??mes de lib??ration de facteurs de croissance (?? growth factor delivery systems ??, GFDS) et le d??veloppement de mat??riaux biomim??tiques. Ces deux strat??gies ont comme point commun l'utilisation de facteurs de croissance ost??og??niques comme les prot??ines morphog??n??tiques osseuses (BMPs), telles la BMP-2 (r??f??rence commerciale) et la BMP-9. Malgr?? leur effet important, les BMPs restent couteuses ?? produire. Le laboratoire de N. Faucheux a d??velopp?? un peptide (pBMP-9) d??riv?? de la BMP-9 qui poss??de un effet ost??og??nique d??montr??, mais dont les m??canismes d???action et le comportement en syst??me de lib??ration restent ?? ??tre ??tudi??s. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche ont donc port?? sur l?????tude du comportement de cellules osseuses pr??ost??oblastes murins (MC3T3-E1) face ?? ces facteurs de croissance ainsi que sur le suivi et la mod??lisation des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???une matrice de collag??ne, utilis??e actuellement en clinique. Le m??moire poss??de ainsi trois volets.
Le premier volet de ces travaux a consist?? ?? faire une revue de la litt??rature sur le processus de r??g??n??ration osseuse endochondrale afin de bien comprendre le r??le jou?? par les facteurs de croissance et cerner les d??fis de conception d???un GFDS utilis?? en r??g??n??ration osseuse. Les nouvelles approches de GFDS ont ??t?? revues en d??tail ainsi que les principaux mod??les math??matiques d??velopp??s et appliqu??s aux mol??cules th??rapeutiques. Cette revue de la litt??rature a ??t?? publi??e dans Journal of Controlled Release.
Le second volet de ces travaux s???est pench?? sur l?????tude et la mod??lisation math??matique des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???hydrogels de collag??ne. Les r??sultats exp??rimentaux ont men?? ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Journal of Controlled Release. Cette ??tude consistait ?? ??valuer les m??canismes de transfert de masse impliqu??s dans la lib??ration pour diff??rentes concentrations de pBMP-9 ?? partir d'hydrogels de collag??ne. Les cin??tiques de lib??ration ont ??t?? mod??lis??es et ont montr?? la pr??sence d'interactions importantes entre le pBMP-9 et les fibres de collag??ne.
Le troisi??me volet a consist?? ?? d??terminer l'effet dose de la BMP-9 et de la BMP-2 sur la capacit?? des MC3T3-E1 ?? se diff??rencier en pr??sence ou en absence de s??rum de veau foetal (?? foetal bovine serum ??, FBS). Ces travaux ont conduit ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Tissue Engineering Part A. La BMP-9 ??tant jusqu'alors mal comprise, l'??tude s'est pench??e sur cette prot??ine tout en ayant comme objectif de transposer les connaissances au pBMP-9. Les r??sultats ont d??montr?? que les m??canismes d'action de la BMP-9 ??taient tr??s diff??rents de ceux de la BMP-2 en pr??sence de FBS. Les r??sultats ont ??galement permis d'??tablir que, ?? l'instar de la BMP-2, la pr??sence de FBS potentialise fortement l'effet ost??og??nique de la BMP-9. Cet effet a d???ailleurs pu ??tre r??cr???? par l???IGF-2. Les conclusions de ce travail favoriseront le d??veloppement de syst??mes de lib??ration ost??og??niques plus efficaces.
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Mod??lisation d'un syst??me de lib??ration d'un peptide d??riv?? de la BMP-9 et ??tude m??canistique comparative entre la BMP-9 et la BMP-2Lauzon, Marc-Antoine January 2014 (has links)
Le vieillissement croissant de la population canadienne aura une incidence, dans les ann??es ?? venir, sur les risques de fractures ost??oporotiques et autres pathologies de l'os. Parmi ces risques, les fractures avec pertes osseuses pr??sentent des d??fis consid??rables et causent un lourd fardeau ??conomique. La soci??t?? Ost??oporose Canada estime que plus de 30 milliards de dollars seront d??pens??s pour le traitement de l???ost??oporose et de leurs fractures associ??es d???ici 2018. La m??thode de comblement des pertes osseuses standard actuelle, soit l'autogreffe, est limit??e et pr??sente des risques pour le patient. ?? titre d'alternative, deux strat??gies ont ??t?? jusqu'?? maintenant ??tudi??es: les syst??mes de lib??ration de facteurs de croissance (?? growth factor delivery systems ??, GFDS) et le d??veloppement de mat??riaux biomim??tiques. Ces deux strat??gies ont comme point commun l'utilisation de facteurs de croissance ost??og??niques comme les prot??ines morphog??n??tiques osseuses (BMPs), telles la BMP-2 (r??f??rence commerciale) et la BMP-9. Malgr?? leur effet important, les BMPs restent couteuses ?? produire. Le laboratoire de N. Faucheux a d??velopp?? un peptide (pBMP-9) d??riv?? de la BMP-9 qui poss??de un effet ost??og??nique d??montr??, mais dont les m??canismes d???action et le comportement en syst??me de lib??ration restent ?? ??tre ??tudi??s. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche ont donc port?? sur l?????tude du comportement de cellules osseuses pr??ost??oblastes murins (MC3T3-E1) face ?? ces facteurs de croissance ainsi que sur le suivi et la mod??lisation des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???une matrice de collag??ne, utilis??e actuellement en clinique. Le m??moire poss??de ainsi trois volets.
Le premier volet de ces travaux a consist?? ?? faire une revue de la litt??rature sur le processus de r??g??n??ration osseuse endochondrale afin de bien comprendre le r??le jou?? par les facteurs de croissance et cerner les d??fis de conception d???un GFDS utilis?? en r??g??n??ration osseuse. Les nouvelles approches de GFDS ont ??t?? revues en d??tail ainsi que les principaux mod??les math??matiques d??velopp??s et appliqu??s aux mol??cules th??rapeutiques. Cette revue de la litt??rature a ??t?? publi??e dans Journal of Controlled Release.
Le second volet de ces travaux s???est pench?? sur l?????tude et la mod??lisation math??matique des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???hydrogels de collag??ne. Les r??sultats exp??rimentaux ont men?? ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Journal of Controlled Release. Cette ??tude consistait ?? ??valuer les m??canismes de transfert de masse impliqu??s dans la lib??ration pour diff??rentes concentrations de pBMP-9 ?? partir d'hydrogels de collag??ne. Les cin??tiques de lib??ration ont ??t?? mod??lis??es et ont montr?? la pr??sence d'interactions importantes entre le pBMP-9 et les fibres de collag??ne.
Le troisi??me volet a consist?? ?? d??terminer l'effet dose de la BMP-9 et de la BMP-2 sur la capacit?? des MC3T3-E1 ?? se diff??rencier en pr??sence ou en absence de s??rum de veau foetal (?? foetal bovine serum ??, FBS). Ces travaux ont conduit ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Tissue Engineering Part A. La BMP-9 ??tant jusqu'alors mal comprise, l'??tude s'est pench??e sur cette prot??ine tout en ayant comme objectif de transposer les connaissances au pBMP-9. Les r??sultats ont d??montr?? que les m??canismes d'action de la BMP-9 ??taient tr??s diff??rents de ceux de la BMP-2 en pr??sence de FBS. Les r??sultats ont ??galement permis d'??tablir que, ?? l'instar de la BMP-2, la pr??sence de FBS potentialise fortement l'effet ost??og??nique de la BMP-9. Cet effet a d???ailleurs pu ??tre r??cr???? par l???IGF-2. Les conclusions de ce travail favoriseront le d??veloppement de syst??mes de lib??ration ost??og??niques plus efficaces.
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Controle do mofo branco (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) do feijoeiro com o fungicida procimidone aplicado em pulverização e fungigaçãoVenegas, Fábio [UNESP] 04 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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venegas_f_dr_botfca.pdf: 1153063 bytes, checksum: 9f832b2c549da2249defccb8d2f58d82 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O presente estudo objetivou determinar a severidade da doença mofo branco (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary) e os componentes de produção do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), var. Pérola, submetido a aplicação do fungicida procimidone, via fungigação (pivô central) e pulverizador automotriz (Uniport). O estudo foi realizado sob condições de produção comercial em campo, no Município de Primavera do Leste - MT. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento de blocos casualizados com 5 tratamentos: volumes de calda de 55.000 e 110.000 L ha1 via fungigação, e 120 e 200 L ha1 no pulverizador automotriz, com 4 repetições de 4 ha cada, sendo 4 deles envolvendo duas aplicações de procimidone (1,2 kg ha -1 cada aplicação), aos 42 dias e aos 52 dias após a semeadura (DAS), e um deles sem aplicação deste produto. O critério adotado em todas as avaliações da severidade da doença foi o da porcentagem das plantas lesionadas utilizando escala diagramática de severidade da doença mofo branco. Os valores foram usados para calcular a área abaixo da curva de progresso de doença (AACPD). Foram analisados também, o número dos apotécios do fungo durante o ciclo da cultura e o peso dos escleródios residuais do patógeno na colheita. Nesta ocasião foram avaliados os seguintes componentes da produção da cultura: número de plantas por metro linear, número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem, peso médio de 200 grãos e produtividade. Os valores da AACPD, apotécios aos 42, 49 e 56 DAS, escleródios em 2 kg de solo e os parâmetros de produtividade da cultura foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de comparação de médias de Tukey no nível de 5 % de significância, utilizando o programa computacional STAT. Não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre as diferentes técnicas de aplicação estudadas em relação ao 2 parâmetros de... / The aim of this research was to evaluate the white mold severity (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) of Bary), bean crop production components and yield (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), variety Perola, according to the application of procimidone fungicide, through fungigation (center pivot) and automotive sprayer (Uniport). The study was carried under field production commercial conditions, in Primavera do Leste MT - Brazil. The experiment consisted of 5 treatments (with 4 repetitions of 4 ha each), all with two procimidone applications (1.2 kg ha-1 each application, same as, 0.6 kg a.i. per hectare) to the 42 and 52 days after seeding. The water depths of 5.5 and 11.0 mm were tested in the application through central pivot, providing volumes of 55.000 and 110.000 L ha-1, respectively, and the volumes of 120 and 200 L ha-1 in the automotive sprayer. The severity of disease was evaluated by the percentage of the area affected by plant damage using diagramatic grade scale of white mold severity, as described by Azevedo (1998). The values were used to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). They were also analyzed, the number of the fungus apothecia during the crop cycle and the residual sclerotias weight in harvest. On this occasion, it was also evaluated the crop yield parameters: number of plants per plot (final estande), pods per plant, grains per pod, medium weight of 200 grains and productivity of grains. The AUDPC values, apothecia to 42, 49 and 56 days after seeding, sclerotias in 2 soil kg and the crop productivity parameters were submitted to the variance analysis and Tukey Test at 0.05 of probability. This test was also applied in the comparison among the different fungicide application methods, independent of spray volumes in each one. The statistical processing was accomplished by STAT program. The results showed that weren't differences among 4 application techniques... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below).
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Spectroelectrochemical analysis of the Li-ion battery solid electrolyte interphase using simulated Raman spectra / Analys av anodens gränsskikt i litiumjonbatterier med spektroelektrokemi och simulerade RamanspektraAndersson, Edvin January 2020 (has links)
Lithium Ion Batteries (LIBs) are important in today's society, powering cars and mobile devices. LIBs consist of a negative anode commonly made of graphite, and a positive cathode commonly made from transition metal oxides. Between these electrodes are separators and organic solvent based electrolyte. Due to the high potential of LIBs the electrolyte is reduced at the anode. The electrolyte reduction results in the formation of a layer called the Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI), which prohibits the further breakdown of the electrolyte. Despite being researched for over50 years, the composition formation of the SEI is still poorly understood. The aim of this project is to develop strategies for efficient identification and classification of various active and intermediate components in the SEI, to, in turn, gain an understanding of the reactions taking place, which will help find routes to stabilize and tailor the composition of the SEI layer for long-term stability and optimal battery performance. For a model gold/li-ion battery electrolyte system, Raman spectra will be obtained using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in a spectroelectrochemical application where the voltage of the working gold electrode is swept from high to low potentials. Spectra of common components of the SEI as well as similar compounds will be simulated using Density Functional Theory (DFT). The DFT data is also used to calculate the spontaneity of reactions speculated to form the SEI. The simulated data will be validated by comparing it to experimental spectra from pure substances. The spectroelectrochemical SERS results show a clear formation of Li-carbonate at the SERS substrate, as well as the decomposition of the electrolyte into other species, according to the simulated data. It is however shown that there are several issues when modelling spectra, that makes it harder to correlate the simulated spectra with the spectroelectrochemical spectra. These issues include limited knowledge of the structure of the compounds thought to form on the anode surface, and incorrect choices in simulational parameters. To solve these issues, more work is needed in these areas, and the spectroelectrochemical methods used in this thesis needs to be combined with other experimental methods to narrow down the amount of compounds to be modelled. More work is also needed to avoid impurities in the electrolyte. Impurities leads to a thick inorganic layer which prohibits the observation of species in the organic layer.
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Hildegard von Bingens 'Physica'. Untersuchungen zu den mutmaßlichen Quellen am Beispiel der Heilanwendungen exotischer und ausgewählter heimischer Gewürzpflanzen. / Hildegard of Bingen's "Physica". Analysis of the supposed sources using the example of exotic spices and selected local spicesGraz, Alina January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der Arbeit war es die Quellenlage Hildegard von Bingens ‚Physica‘ zu beleuchten. Dazu werden die Kapitel der exotischen Gewürze (Kap. I,13-21 und I,26-27), der Duftpflanzen (Kap. I,22-25), und der heimischen Gewürze (Kap. I,63-70) mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln aus ‚Macer floridus‘ (Odo Magdunensis), ‚Circa instans‘ (Matthaeus Platearius), ‚Liber graduum‘ (Constantinus Africanus), ‚Naturalis historia‘ (Plinius der Ältere) und ‚Materia medica‘ (Pedanius Dioskurides) verglichen. Es konnten verschiedenartige Bezüge zur Tradition hergestellt werden, jedoch ist hervorzuheben, dass Hildegard dennoch in den Anwendungen eine ausgeprägte Originalität aufweist. / The object of the thesis was to clarify the sources of the Hildegard von Bingen‘s “Physica”. Chapters of the exotic spices (I,13-21 und I,26-27), plants with perfume (I,22-25) and local spices (I,63-70) were compared with correspondent chapters in “Macer floridus” (Odo Magdunensis), “Circa instans” (Matthaeus Platearius), “Liber graduum” (Constantinus Africanus), “Naturalis historia” (Pliny the Elder) and “Materia medica” (Pedanius Dioscorides). Various references to the tradition were depicted but it must be emphasized Physica’s distinct originality.
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Reestrutura??o produtiva na Petrobr?s e a??o sindical dos petroleiros do RNSilva, Francisca Tavares da 14 November 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-11-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Ce travail a l objectif d analyser la question de la restructuration productive dans la Petrobr?s/ RN et les implications possibles sur l action syndicale du Sindipetro/RN pendant la p?riode 1995 2003. La restructuration productive dans la Petrobr?s/RN commence dans la d?cennie 1990 quand l entreprise, au niveau national, d?cide d adh?rer au Programa Brasileiro de Qualidade e Produtividade PBQP lanc? par le gouvernement Collor comme motivation et priorit? pour que les entreprises s adaptent ? l ouverture de l ?conomie br?silienne au march? ext?rieur. De ce fait, la Petrobr?s/RN afin de se maintenir dans le march? comp?titif et mondialis? , adopte des techniques administratives bas?es sur la philosophie de la qualit? totate, met au point des inovations technologiques et organisationnelles, tout en alt?rant sa base technique et adopte, encore, la tertiairisation de quelques activit?s visant ? la reduction des co?ts. De telles mesures ont atteint de fa?on remarquable l action du Sindipetro/RN qui commence alors ? agir selon la logique de la politique n?o-lib?rale du gouvernement de conduite anti-syndicale. Face ? ces faits le syndicat a r?d?fini ses actions dans le but de trouver des mani?res de poursuivre les luttes syndicales dans cette conjoncture de difficult?s dans les relations de travail. Celui-ci s engage donc ? entamer les n?gociations comme strat?gie afin de pr?server les privil?ges de la cat?gorie et d ?viter la perte des droits acquis / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade analisar a quest?o da reestrutura??o produtiva na Petrobr?s/RN e as poss?veis implica??es sobre a a??o sindical do Sindipetro/RN, no per?odo de 1995 a 2003. A reestrutura??o produtiva na Petrobr?s/RN inicia-se nos anos 90, quando a empresa, em n?vel nacional, resolve aderir ao Programa Brasileiro de Qualidade e Produtividade - PBQP lan?ado pelo governo Collor como incentivo e prioridade para que as empresas se adequassem ? abertura da economia brasileira ao mercado externo. Desse modo, a Petrobr?s/RN, como forma de manter-se no mercado competitivo e globalizado, lan?a m?o de t?cnicas administrativas pautadas na filosofia da qualidade total, implementa inova??es tecnol?gicas e organizacionais, alterando sua base t?cnica, e adota a terceiriza??o de algumas atividades com vistas ? redu??o de custos. Tais medidas atingiram de modo contundente a a??o do Sindipetro/RN, que passou a lidar com a l?gica da pol?tica neoliberal do governo, que tem uma postura anti-sindical. Diante de tais fatos o sindicato redefiniu suas a??es, tendo em vista encontrar formas de sobreviv?ncia das lutas sindicais nessa conjuntura de dificuldades nas rela??es de trabalho. Este assumiu uma postura que prioriza a banca de negocia??es como estrat?gia para preservar os benef?cios da categoria e evitar perdas de direitos conquistados
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Controle do mofo branco (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) do feijoeiro com o fungicida procimidone aplicado em pulverização e fungigação /Venegas, Fábio, 1976- January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: João Carlos Cury Saad / Banca: Raimundo Leite Cruz / Banca: Carlos Gilberto Raetano / Banca: Cleber Daniel de Goes Maciel / Banca: Tarlei Arriel Botrel / Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou determinar a severidade da doença mofo branco (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary) e os componentes de produção do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), var. Pérola, submetido a aplicação do fungicida procimidone, via fungigação (pivô central) e pulverizador automotriz (Uniport). O estudo foi realizado sob condições de produção comercial em campo, no Município de Primavera do Leste - MT. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento de blocos casualizados com 5 tratamentos: volumes de calda de 55.000 e 110.000 L ha1 via fungigação, e 120 e 200 L ha1 no pulverizador automotriz, com 4 repetições de 4 ha cada, sendo 4 deles envolvendo duas aplicações de procimidone (1,2 kg ha -1 cada aplicação), aos 42 dias e aos 52 dias após a semeadura (DAS), e um deles sem aplicação deste produto. O critério adotado em todas as avaliações da severidade da doença foi o da porcentagem das plantas lesionadas utilizando escala diagramática de severidade da doença mofo branco. Os valores foram usados para calcular a área abaixo da curva de progresso de doença (AACPD). Foram analisados também, o número dos apotécios do fungo durante o ciclo da cultura e o peso dos escleródios residuais do patógeno na colheita. Nesta ocasião foram avaliados os seguintes componentes da produção da cultura: número de plantas por metro linear, número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem, peso médio de 200 grãos e produtividade. Os valores da AACPD, apotécios aos 42, 49 e 56 DAS, escleródios em 2 kg de solo e os parâmetros de produtividade da cultura foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de comparação de médias de Tukey no nível de 5 % de significância, utilizando o programa computacional STAT. Não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre as diferentes técnicas de aplicação estudadas em relação ao 2 parâmetros de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this research was to evaluate the white mold severity (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) of Bary), bean crop production components and yield (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), variety Perola, according to the application of procimidone fungicide, through fungigation (center pivot) and automotive sprayer (Uniport). The study was carried under field production commercial conditions, in Primavera do Leste MT - Brazil. The experiment consisted of 5 treatments (with 4 repetitions of 4 ha each), all with two procimidone applications (1.2 kg ha-1 each application, same as, 0.6 kg a.i. per hectare) to the 42 and 52 days after seeding. The water depths of 5.5 and 11.0 mm were tested in the application through central pivot, providing volumes of 55.000 and 110.000 L ha-1, respectively, and the volumes of 120 and 200 L ha-1 in the automotive sprayer. The severity of disease was evaluated by the percentage of the area affected by plant damage using diagramatic grade scale of white mold severity, as described by Azevedo (1998). The values were used to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). They were also analyzed, the number of the fungus apothecia during the crop cycle and the residual sclerotias weight in harvest. On this occasion, it was also evaluated the crop yield parameters: number of plants per plot (final estande), pods per plant, grains per pod, medium weight of 200 grains and productivity of grains. The AUDPC values, apothecia to 42, 49 and 56 days after seeding, sclerotias in 2 soil kg and the crop productivity parameters were submitted to the variance analysis and Tukey Test at 0.05 of probability. This test was also applied in the comparison among the different fungicide application methods, independent of spray volumes in each one. The statistical processing was accomplished by STAT program. The results showed that weren't differences among 4 application techniques... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below). / Doutor
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