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Rozumné potřeby versus konzumní životní styl / Reasonable consumption against consumer life styleReitmaierová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of two opposing present-day life styles. The first one is so called reasonable consumption or voluntary simplicity, which is nowadays often realized in an environmental life style with the focus on its actual forms in a common life. The second one is a consumer life style. The work focuses on characteristics of influences which form these two contrasting attitudes and tries to reveal the biggest number of reasons why the consumer life style in rich and quickly developing societies wins while the environmental life style spreads very slowly and the voluntary simplicity is a marginal phenomenon regardless the well known warnings of experts about the critical state of the planet caused by the consumer life style. The thesis also outlines several possible solutions and changes in the whole society required to suppress the consumer life style with their supposed impacts. KEY WORDS: reasonable consumption, environmental life style, consumer life style
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Kreativita v managementu osobního rozvoje / The Creativity of SelfmanagementAndrejsková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this Thesis is to show ways of the selfmanagement and to include them into daily life. Using several publications I suggest possibilities of personal progress and its benefit for our life. I research the awareness about the selfmanagement and its principles. I lead the respondents to deeper thinking about their life attitude and self-respect. It is focused on purpose of living, life goals and principles, time management, self-control, a creativity and alternative ways to personal progress. I would like to explain connections between personal and working life. Well-balanced and creative person, who is cultivating himself, has better potencial for satisfied working life. The process of writing Master's Thesis was enriching and I hope it was also an inspiration for the respondents. I find it very important to focuse not only on outside world, but first of all on inside world. I wish the selfmanagement would come closer to more people and help them to build a happy life.
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Qualidade de vida em pacientes adultos e pediátricos com vitiligo : estudo baseado em questionários de qualidade de vida genéricos e específicosBoza, Juliana Catucci January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O vitiligo é uma doença da pele frequente que afeta cerca de 1% da população em todo o mundo. Ocorre em pessoas de qualquer idade ou etnia, e mais da metade dos pacientes desenvolvem a doença antes dos 20 anos de idade. O vitiligo pode afetar negativamente a qualidade de vida (QoL) do paciente. Um questionário de qualidade de vida específico para vitiligo foi desenvolvido e validado na língua inglesa: the vitiligo-specific quality-of-life instrument (VitiQoL). Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a QoL em pacientes adultos com o VitiQoL e o DLQI e pediátricos com o CDLQI em uma amostra de pacientes com vitiligo no sul do Brasil. Métodos: Na primeira etapa, o instrumento foi traduzido, adaptado culturalmente e validado para o português falado no Brasil (VitiQoL-PB). Após, foram incluídos pacientes selecionados no Ambulatório de Dermatologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre e numa clínica privada de Porto Alegre. Foi realizada amostragem de conveniência de casos consecutivos. A qualidade de vida de pacientes pediátricos foi avaliada com o questionário CDLQI. Em pacientes adultos foram aplicados o VitiQoL – PB e o DLQI. Resultados: Observou-se uma forte correlação entre os escores do total de VitiQoL e o DLQI (r = 0,81; p <0,001). O fator que mais contribuiu para a pontuação final do VitiQoL foi estigma. Em nossa amostra, as mulheres apresentaram escores mais elevados do que os homens (p <0,05). Problemas psiquiátricos foram associados com uma pior qualidade de vida. Na população pediátrica, a mediana do escore do CDLQI foi 3 (intervalo interquartil 1,3-7,3). Houve uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a idade da criança e o escore no CDLQI (rs = 0,41, p = 0,044). Não houve diferença entre meninos e meninas (p = 0,219). Conclusão: Este estudo confirma não só que o VitiQoL é fácil de administrar, como também, acrescenta informações importantes sobre o impacto do vitiligo na América do Sul. Instrumentos genéricos são úteis e permitem comparações com outras dermatoses, mas não são suficientemente específicos para detectar nuances na maneira como os pacientes lidam com o vitiligo. A autoestima dos pacientes é muito afetada e a estigmatização está bastante presente. Há grupos de pacientes que são mais vulneráveis ao impacto da doença, como as mulheres, os adolescentes e os pacientes com doenças psiquiátricas. / Background: Vitiligo is a common skin disease that has been reported to affect approximately 1 % of the population worldwide. It affects people of any age or ethnicity, more than half of who develop it before the age of 20 years. Vitiligo can negatively affect patient’s quality of life (QoL). A specific questionnaire for vitiligo has been developed and validated in the English language: the vitiligo-specific quality-of-life instrument (VitiQoL). Objective: The aim of this study was to access the QoL in adult patients through VitiQoL and DLQI and pediatric patients through CDLQI in a sample of patients with vitiligo in Southern Brazil. Methods: In the first phase of the study the instrument was translated, cultural adapted and validated into Brazilian Portuguese (VitiQoL-PB). Then patients were selected from a Dermatological Outpatient Clinic from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre and from a Private Practice in Porto Alegre. In this study, we used convenience sampling of consecutive cases. The QoL of pediatric patients was performed using the CDLQI questionnaire. In adult patients we applied the VitiQoL – PB and the DLQI. Results: A strong correlation between the scores of the total VitiQoL and DLQI was observed (r = 0.81; p <0.001). The factor that most contributed to the final score of VitiQoL was stigma. In our sample, women had higher scores than men (p<0,05). Psychiatric problems were associated with lower QoL. In the pediatric population, the median score of CDLQI was 3 (interquartile range 1.3 to 7.3). There was a statistically significant correlation between the child's age and the score on CDLQI (rs = 0.41, p = 0.044). There was no difference between boys and girls (p = 0.219). Conclusion: This study confirms that VitiQoL is easy to administer and adds important information about the impact of vitiligo on a South American population. Generic instruments are useful and allow comparisons with other dermatoses, but are not specific enough to detect nuances in how patients deal with the overall vitiligo burden. Self-esteem of patients is greatly affected and stigmatization is very present in the disease. There are groups of patients that are more vulnerable to the impact of the disease, like women, patients with psychiatric diseases and adolescents.
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AcurÃcia das caracterÃsticas definidoras do diagnÃstico de enfermagem âestilo de vida sedentÃrioâ em portadores de hipertensÃo arterial / Accuracy of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis âsedentary lifestyleâ in patients with arterial hypertensionNirla Gomes Guedes 12 December 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / RESUMO
Diante da crescente preocupaÃÃo global, em relaÃÃo à inatividade fÃsica, a taxonomia da NANDA publicou, em 2006, o diagnÃstico de enfermagem âEstilo de vida sedentÃrioâ (EVS). A identificaÃÃo de indicadores clÃnicos (caracterÃsticas definidoras), com boa prediÃÃo, contribuirà para uma maior acurÃcia, melhorando a confiabilidade da inferÃncia diagnÃstica. Colocada a questÃo sob a Ãtica da relaÃÃo direta entre o estilo de vida sedentÃrio e os nÃveis de pressÃo arterial, o estudo se propÃs a: identificar a prevalÃncia do diagnÃstico EVS em pacientes portadores de hipertensÃo arterial (HA), bem como das caracterÃsticas definidoras (CD) e dos fatores relacionados (FR); verificar a reprodutibilidade das CD e FR, para o estabelecimento do diagnÃstico EVS; determinar a sensibilidade, a especificidade e o valor preditivo das CD do diagnÃstico EVS. Estudo transversal, realizado com 310 indivÃduos acompanhados em um centro de atendimento ambulatorial, em Fortaleza-CE. A coleta de dados ocorreu no perÃodo de novembro/2007 a marÃo/2008. Os critÃrios de inclusÃo foram: ter o diagnÃstico mÃdico de HA; estar cadastrado no programa; e ter idade entre 18 e 69 anos. Os dados foram coletados a partir de um formulÃrio submetido a um prÃ-teste, por meio de entrevista. Os instrumentos preenchidos foram submetidos a trÃs avaliadores que decidiram quanto à presenÃa ou ausÃncia do diagnÃstico EVS e de seus indicadores clÃnicos. Os dados foram compilados no software Excel e analisados pelo programa SPSS versÃo 15.0. O nÃvel de significÃncia adotado no estudo foi 5%. Todas as recomendaÃÃes Ãticas foram cumpridas. A populaÃÃo mostrou-se predominantemente feminina, aposentada, procedente da capital, de religiÃo catÃlica, vivendo com companheiro, apresentando excesso de peso e diabetes mellitus. Metade da amostra tinha atà 56 anos, freqÃentou a escola nÃo alÃm do ensino fundamental completo, possuÃa renda per capita de atà R$ 253,33 e com diagnÃstico de hipertensÃo arterial hà mais de 10 anos. Na amostra, segundo classificaÃÃo do IPAQ, 40% exibiam nÃvel baixo de atividade fÃsica. ApÃs o julgamento dos avaliadores, a CD mais frequente entre os pacientes portadores de HA foi âdemonstra falta de condicionamento fÃsicoâ. Os FRs de maior e menor prevalÃncia foram âfalta de treino para fazer o exercÃcioâ e âconhecimento deficiente sobre os benefÃcios que a atividade fÃsica traz à saÃdeâ, respectivamente. A prevalÃncia do EVS foi de 60%, em associaÃÃo à idade, à presenÃa de diabetes e com todas as CD e FR, à exceÃÃo do âconhecimento deficiente sobre os benefÃcios que a atividade fÃsica traz à saÃdeâ. A CD mais sensÃvel e com maior valor preditivo negativo foi âdemonstra falta de condicionamento fÃsicoâ, enquanto âescolhe rotina diÃria sem exercÃcio fÃsicoâ e âverbaliza preferÃncia por atividade com pouco exercÃcio fÃsicoâ apresentaram-se mais especÃficas e com maiores valores preditivos positivos. As variÃveis âdemonstra falta de condicionamento fÃsicoâ, âverbaliza preferÃncia por atividade com pouco exercÃcio fÃsicoâ e âfalta de treino para fazer exercÃciosâ, em conjunto, foram identificadas como preditores com poder de identificaÃÃo do EVS de 85,2%. O estudo forneceu uma direÃÃo para a eficiÃncia diagnÃstica de indicadores clÃnicos para o âestilo de vida sedentÃrioâ. Faz-se necessÃrio que os enfermeiros se apropriem desse diagnÃstico em diferentes contextos, facilitando a promoÃÃo de intervenÃÃes mais efetivas e, consequentemente, diminuindo o desenvolvimento de complicaÃÃes advindas dessa resposta humana em portadores de HA. / ABSTRACT
Accuracy of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis âsedentary lifestyleâ in patients with arterial hypertension
Facing the increasing global concern related to the physical inactivity, the NANDA taxonomy published in 2006 the nursing diagnosis âSedentary lifestyleâ (SL). The identification of clinical indicators (defining characteristics), with good predition, will contribute to a better accuracy, improving the reliability on the diagnostic inference. Having seen the question from the view of the direct relation between the sedentary lifestyle and the pressoric levels, the study aimed to: identify the prevalence of the SL diagnosis in patients with arterial hypertension (AH), as well as the defining characteristics (DC) and the related factors (RF); verify the reproductibility of the DC and RF, to the establishment of the SL diagnosis in patients with AH; determine the sensitivity, the specificity and the preditive value of the DC in the SL diagnosis in patients with the AH. A transversal study done amongst 310 individuals accompanied in one of the ambulatory and practice centers in Fortaleza- CE. The data collection occured within the period of November, 2007 and March, 2008. The including criteria were: have the AH medical diagnosis; be registered in the program; and be aged between 18 and 69. The data were taken from a form, which had been subjected to a pre-test, through interview. Three evaluators have taken part in the study, they have also decided whether the SL diagnosis and their clinical indicators should be absent or not. The data were compiled in the Excel software and analised through the SPSS program 15.0 version. The level of significance adopted in the study was of 5%. All ethical recommendations were fulfilled. The population showed it was mostly feminine, retired, proceeded from the capital city, catholic, living with a partner, presented excess of diabetes mellitus. Half of the sample had been up to 56 years old, had attended school no more than the primary school years, had had per capita income up to R$ 253.33 and had also been presenting the arterial hypertension diagnosis for more than 10 years. The sample showed, according to the IPAQ classification, 40% showed low level of physical activity. After the evaluators judgement, the DC that was most frequent amongst the patients with AH was âone presents lack of physical conditionâ. The FRs with most and least prevalence were âlack of practice in order to do exercisesâ and âthe impaired awareness about the benefits that the physical activity brings to healthâ, respectively. The prevalence of the SL was of 60% associated to the age, to the presence of diabetes and all the DCs and RFs, apart from the âimpaired awareness about the benefits that the physical activity brings to healthâ. The most sensitive DC and the one with the greatest preditive negative values was âone presents lack of physical conditionâ, whereas âone chooses daily routine without physical exerciseâ and âone verbalises preference for activity with little physical activityâ were more specified and with the most preditive positive values. The variables âone presents lack of physical conditionâ, âone verbalise preference for activity with little physical activityâ and âlack of practice in order to do exercisesâ, as a whole, were identified as preditors with the SL identifying power of 85.2%. The study gave us a direction towards the diagnostic efficiency for the clinical indicators for the âsedentary lifestyleâ. It is necessary that nurses take this diagnosis into account, in different contexts, in order to facilitate the promotion of more effective interventions and, consequently, having less complications derived from this response in people with AH.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av hälsorådgivning vid ohälsosam livsstilKleveholt, Tomas, Strömmer, Cecilia January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskors upplever hälsorådgivning vid ohälsosam livsstil samt om de upplever sig ha tillräcklig kunskap i hur man utför hälsorådgivning. Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes med hjälp av relevanta sökord i tre sökmotorer. Tio artiklar stämde mot syftet. Huvudresultat visade på återkommande faktorer där, sjuksköterskans roll, tidsbrist, följsamhet och kunskap, upplevdes viktiga av sjuksköterskor i deras hälsorådgivning. Majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna upplevde att tidsbrist var en stor bidragande orsak till att individbaserad hälsorådgivning fick lägre prioritet än övrigt omvårdnadsarbete, trots att de visste att detta behövdes. Flera sjuksköterskor upplevde svårigheter i att förändra patientens inställning till livsstilsförändringar. Många sjuksköterskor ansåg det viktigt att skapa en relation med patienten för att då kunna förstärka dennes självförtroende och därigenom få patienten motiverad. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att patienternas följsamhet ökade då de använde sig av uppmuntran, utförlig information, gav förslag på förändringsstrategier samt involverade närstående. På grund av bristande kunskap i samtalsmetodik upplevde många sjuksköterskor obehag vid hälsorådgivning. Utbildning i olika samtalsmetoder och kommunikation efterfrågades av sjuksköterskorna för att kunna ge förtroendeingivande rådgivning. Slutsatsen av föreliggande studie visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde hälsorådgivning svårt då ständig tidsbrist, bristande kunskap och patienternas inställning till livsstilsförändring påverkade sjuksköterskorna negativt. / The aim of this literature study was to describe how nurses experience health counselling at an unhealthy lifestyle and if nurses think they have sufficient knowledge in how to perform health counselling. Scientific articles were searched using relevant keywords in three search engines. Ten articles answered to the aim. Main results showed recurrent factors where, the nurse's role, lack of time, compliance and knowledge, were perceived as important by nurses in their health counselling. The majority of nurses thought that lack of time were a major contributing factor to why individual-based health counselling had lower priority than other nursing work, even though they knew that this was needed. Several nurses experienced difficulty in changing the patient's attitude toward lifestyle changes. In order to reinforce the patient's self-confidence and get the patient motivated many nurses considered it important to create a relationship with him/her. The nurses experienced that patients' compliance increased when they used encouragement, detailed information, gave suggestions in different approaches to change, and involved family/relatives. Many nurses experienced discomfort in performing health counselling due to a lack of knowledge in interviewing methods. In order to provide trustworthy advice the nurses requested training in different interviewing methods and communication. The conclusion of this study showed that nurses experienced health counselling difficult as constant lack of time, lack of knowledge and patients' attitudes to lifestyle change affect nurses negatively.
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Shopping Mall and Department Store Consumers¡¦ Life Style and Consumer Behavior in KaohsiungHsieh, Chia-en 07 March 2012 (has links)
In recent years, population inflow and population in Kaohsiung has constantly increased. Besides, every shopping mall and department store has discovered that the consumption in Kaohsiung has improved as well. As a result, density of shopping mall and department store in Kaohsiung appears to be high and competitive.
This study indicates that it is important to analyze the consumers in order to find and understand consumer insight. Includes where are the consumers are located, how the consumers¡¦ demographic variables distributed , consumers¡¦ needs ,buying behavior of consumers and what factors influence the way they choose shopping mall and department store.This study aims at the consumers of shopping mall and department store. By using questionnaire to describe different living style and using living style variables to segment the market. Then to further depict demographic variables and consumer behavior features in every living style segment in order to further understanding the shopping mall and department store consumers.
This questionnaire survey has analyzed 338 copies. It shows that the majority of the shopping mall and department store consumers in Kaohsiung are age around 20-29, single female, occupations as students or in service industry. And by using cluster analysis, living style as a fundamental factors, to divide the consumers of shopping mall and department store into four group, home-valued type, information-gathering, price-calculated type and impulse shopping. Finally, the study discussed the similarity and difference between these groups.
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Segmentation analysis for eating oil market- by health functions eating oil productsChang, Chih-Yue 11 August 2004 (has links)
By improved manufacturing skill, daily used oil has become more health to use and good for people. Every company increasing kind of health functions for oil product in order to become popular oil in the market. So every company engage in founding their major completive niche in the daily eating oil market.
To achieve these objectives, the study was investigated by questionnaire survey with random sampling and conducted focus group approach to understand implicit important items when customer purchased daily eating oil behavior. And used these data analysis with Spss11.0, then extracted seven factors from life-style variable and three factors from product benefit variables by factor analysis.
In addition, using four consumer groups were separated out by clustering analysis. Furthermore, the study analyzed consumer¡¦s characteristic according to significant variables of demographic variables. Lastly, we examined four-cluster customer into four-character target market. And expression each kind of target marketing strategic approach and manufacture can develop related field in the future.
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The Study of Relationship Between Life Style and Consumer Decision Making of Generation X in the purchasing of SedansTung, Chien-hua 06 February 2006 (has links)
Generation Xers are latchkey kids. They are used to eat microwave food, and grow up with TV ¡V games. As the leading edge of the baby boomer creeps inexorably toward retirement and tighter spending habits, every company with something to sell is starting to focus on younger demographics Gen X'ers in their mid-20s to 40.
The purpose of the study is to study Generation X life styles in the purchasing of sedans. More particularly, the purpose is to study the relationship of life style and decision making process, EKB model, of Generation X in the purchasing of sedans. The study aims to examine and identify applicable life styles segments of Generation X, and identify their differences between decision making process in the purchasing of sedans.
This study method is questionnaire and 600 questionnaires are released, and the retrieved valid questionnaires are 404 copies. This study utilizes using SPSS for Windows as the tool to conduct statistical analysis, including descriptive analysis, reliability test, factor analysis, cluster analysis, Pearson¡¦s Chi ¡V Square and ANOVA test.
Four types of life styles are generalized. There are ACTIVE life style, INFORMATION ¡V ORIENTATION life style, STABLE life style, and INDEPENDENT life style.
The finding results as follow.
1. In the purchasing of sedans, there are partial significant differences on demographics with respect of Generation X life styles.
2. In the purchasing of sedans, there are no significant differences on problem recognition with respect of Generation X life styles.
3. In the purchasing of sedans, there are no significant differences on information search with respect of Generation X life styles.
4. In the purchasing of sedans, there are partial significant differences on elevation of alternatives with respect of Generation X life styles.
5. In the purchasing of sedans, there are partial significant differences on purchase with respect of Generation X life styles.
In the end of the study, some suggestions for further research are made. Given the study results, the marketer and policymakers of manufacturer sedan brands can find the needs of Generation X life styles in the purchasing of sedans. The study results for marketers and policymakers may provide strategy for sedans with Generation X life styles different of degree of demographics, problem recognition, information search, elevation of alternatives, and purchase.
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The Study on the Influence of the Consumer Behavior in Taiwan Traditional Tea¡ÐA Case Study of KaohsiungLin, Yung-Ching 26 June 2007 (has links)
By using the E.B.M model, this research sets the traditional tea consumer behavior for dependent variable, demographics and life style variables for independent variable to form the research structure. We ran a statistic analysis for the data that is proceeding purposive sampling to the traditional tea drinkers and examed it.
The research mainly discusses the concern with the life style and tea consumer behavior in Kaohsiung area. The results show that the life style factors of Kaohsiung tea drinkers consist of ¡§strict budgeting¡¨¡B¡§traditional home¡¨¡B¡§fashion & extrovert¡¨¡B¡§health & leisure¡¨. By the result of factor analysis, we devided the Kaohsiung tea drinkers to four groups: ¡§canny & balance ¡¨¡B¡§conservative & traditional¡¨¡B¡§sensitive ¡¨¡B¡§casual ¡¨. Each cluster has a significant difference between marriage status¡Bsex¡Bage¡Baveragely monthly income¡Beducation and occupation.
According to those five parts of consumer behavior, the business can adjust its marketing strategies by aiming at what the consumers are most interested in. For example, the business can supply different tastes of tea for different groups and satisfy a large number of consumers to increase the sales volume. The promotion of ¡§ tea art¡¨ attracts consumers and creates higher consumer demand. Business can take advantage of mass media to reinforce marketing channel and make the business go up.
According to the analysis result, there are some suggestions for different groups. Consumers who are married, over 30 years old, income of 10 to 50 thousand dollars, education under collage, most of them belong to a group which has more sensitive and higher willing for bargaining and the firm should always focus on the pricing strategy.
Consumers who are unmarried, under 30 years old, income under 10 thousand dollars, education of collage and above, belong to the group which named casual. Consumers of this group care about to have good interpersonal relationship and healthy lives more than other groups.
Consumers who are 21 to 30 years old, income over 80 thousand dollars, education of collage, occupation of self-employment, sex of male, belong to the group which named ¡§canny & balance ¡¨. Consumers of this group care about all the items equally.
Consumers who are unmarried, 21 to 30 years old, income of 30 to 50 thousand dollars or under 10 thousand dollars, education of collage, sex of female, belong to the group which named ¡§conservative & traditional¡¨. Consumers of this group are used to go to the same store for purchasing and they have higher brand loyalty than other groups.
To sum up, the business should make different marketing strategies for different clusters.
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Life Style and Behavior of Internet Radio AudienceWu, Fen-Man 03 July 2000 (has links)
Life Style and Behavior of Internet Radio Audience
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