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Circulation Methods in Unsteady and Three-dimensional FlowsYuan, Jiankun 02 May 2002 (has links)
The largely unstudied extension of ultrasonic circulation measurement techniques (UCMT) to determine instantaneous lift in unsteady and three-dimensional flows has been addressed in this work. A combined analytical-numerical-experimental approach was undertaken with the goal of developing methods to properly convert the measurable time-dependent bound circulation to instantaneous lift force in unsteady flows. The measurement of mean sectional lift distribution along structure spans in three-dimensional flows was also studied. An unsteady correction method for thin airfoils was developed analytically and validated numerically (with finite element solutions) to properly convert bound circulation to instantaneous lift based on unsteady potential flow theory. Results show that the unsteady correction method can provide increased accuracy for unsteady lift prediction over the Kutta-Joukowski method used in previous unsteady flow studies. The unsteady correction model generally should be included for instantaneous lift prediction as long as the bound circulation is time-dependent. Using the same framework, we also studied determination of instantaneous lift forces on stationary bluff bodies (circular cylinders) at low Reynolds number (Re=100). Various force models, including an approximate vortex force model, were studied. A new unsteady model, similar to that developed for the thin airfoils, using instantaneous bound circulation values, was proposed. Another important issue studied in this thesis is the effect of acoustic path sensitivity on bound circulation determination, which we found to be crucial for accurately predicting the instantaneous lift in both unsteady flat plate and cylinder flows. Proper path selection should take into account the location of boundary layers, attached and shed vortices. These findings will be useful in future experimental design of UCMT, PIV and LDV methods. Finally, we used the UCMT method to experimentally study the mean spatial lift distribution along structures. Low Reynolds number low aspect ratio (AR) wings that have application in micro-aerial-vehicles (MAV) were studied. The spanwise circulation (lift) distribution along the MAV wings exhibits a peak (maximum), and deviates from predictions of Prandtl's lifting line theory. Although only 'linear' lift (due to bound circulation) was measured, comparison with force balance results showed that reasonable integrated lift values on low Re, low AR wings can be obtained using UCMT.
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Productivity and greenhouse gas emissions from longterm stockpiled soils treated with organic amendmentsLaskosky, Jorden 28 September 2015 (has links)
Reclamation success is highly dependent upon final soil quality of stockpiled soils, such as those found Cold Lake Oil Sands Region. Stockpiled soils, however, are generally poor in quality. Soils were amended with, biochar (BC), humalite (HU), a sub-bituminous coal; and peat (PT), as well as 50:50 blends of biochar:humalite (BCH) and biochar:peat (BCP). These amendments were applied at rates of 0, 6.55, 13.1 and 26.2 g C kg-1 each. Biochar, PT, and BCP applied at the rate of 26.2 g C kg-1 were found to reduce N2O emissions by 34, 54, and 70%, respectively, relative to the control. Within the bioassay, BC and PT amendment resulted in a 38 and 40% increase in dry matter yield (DMY) respectively. Finally, amendment typically resulted in significant net decreases in Olsen P values, while nitrate and ammonium concentrations were high in PT amended soils. In general, PT had the best overall performance. / October 2015
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Elaboration et étude du comportement de micro / nanoparticules antiferromagnétiques synthétiques pour applications biotechnologiques / Development and study of the behavior of synthetic antiferromagnetic micro/nanoparticles for biotechnological applicationsBalint, Paul 24 May 2011 (has links)
Dans les biotechnologies, les particules magnétiques sont de plus en plus utilisées dans diverses applications, de thérapies ou de diagnostics : « Drug delivery », traitements de cancers, IRM, etc. Inscrit dans le démarrage d'un nouvel axe de recherche du laboratoire SPINTEC, le travail de thèse a mis en œuvre des particules élaborées par une approche de type «top-down». Les matériaux utilisés sont antiferromagnétiques synthétiques (SAF). L'intérêt des nanoparticules magnétiques dans les domaines biomédicaux a été présenté en introduction. L'étude réalisée à SPINTEC a tout d'abord consisté à caractériser et modéliser différents matériaux SAF, et développer les procédés technologiques permettant la fabrication des particules. Ensuite le travail a été consacré à l'observation et la modélisation du comportement des particules en suspension dans un champ magnétique appliqué. Un modèle des phénomènes d'autopolarisation et d'agglomération des particules SAF a permis de déterminer une susceptibilité seuil en dessous de laquelle les particules restent dispersées en solution, évitant les phénomènes d'agglomération. / In the biotechnologies, the magnetic particles are more and more used in different applications, therapy or diagnostics such as: drug-delivery, cancer treatments, MRI …This thesis, which marks the beginnings of a new research area at SPINTEC laboratory, implemented particles made by an approach top-down. The used materials are synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF). The interest for the magnetic nanoparticles was shown in the introduction. The study made at SPINTEC was first of all the characterization and modeling of different SAF materials, and the development of the technological processes for making the particles. Then the work was devoted to observation and modeling of the behavior of the particles in suspension in the applied magnetic field. A model of self-bias and agglomeration of SAF particles allowed to determine a susceptibility threshold below which the particles remain dispersed in solution, avoiding the agglomeration phenomena.
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Avaliação de metodos de elevação artificial de petroleo utilizando conjuntos nebulosos / Evaluation of artificial lift methods using the fuzzy set theoryBezerra, Murilo Valença 11 November 2002 (has links)
Orientador : Sergio Nascimento Bordalo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T22:23:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bezerra_MuriloValenca_M.pdf: 5666584 bytes, checksum: 4e3ea2021ba8f915134ec420233a656f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2002 / Resumo: A avaliação do método de elevação para determinada aplicação representa um passo importante no gerenciamento da produção de petróleo. Cada uma das tecnologias existentes apresenta vantagens e desvantagens específicas em termos de projeto e configuração dos equipamentos, custos de aquisição, confiabilidade, procedimentos de operação, intervenção e reparos. As atividades de análise e seleção de um método de elevação envolvem a pesquisa e organização de várias informações relativas ao reservatório, ao projeto do poço e às características dos fluidos que serão produzidos, além das considerações de especialistas envolvidos com a produção dos poços. O presente trabalho procura reunir estas informações e sistematizar os diferentes parâmetros envolvidos na análise e seleção de métodos de elevação, e propõe uma metodologia utilizando conceitos da lógica nebulosa, que possa simular o processo de avaliação realizado por especialistas ao considerar o contexto de produção existente / Abstract: The evaluation of artificial lift methods for a given field application represents an important step in the oil production management. There are some advantages and disadvantages for each of the technology applied, covering a number of different attributes such as well design, equipment installation and reability, capital costs, operation and maintenance practices. The activities of evaluation and selection demands research and organization in order to identify the necessary information from the reservoir, fluids and well design which will help the experts to decide. This work aims to set a artificial lift evaluation methodology which can be able to simulate the expert knowledge using fuzzy set and fuzzy logic theory / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo
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Produção de petroleo por elevação a gas intermitente : simulação e analise dos metodos convencional e invertido / Petroleum production by intermittent gas lift: simulation and analysis of conventional and inverted methodsCarvalho Filho, Clodoaldo de Oliveira 09 September 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Nascimento Bordalo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T09:03:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CarvalhoFilho_ClodoaldodeOliveira_D.pdf: 11155676 bytes, checksum: 1cc462d182c41677707cebc202d69d93 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: A elevação a gás (gas lift) intermitente é empregada na indústria do petróleo para manter a produção viável nos reservatórios em depleção ou nos poços de baixa produtividade. O padrão cíclico do gas lift intermitente torna complexo o comportamento dinâmico do poço, dificultando o projeto e a operação deste sistema. Dentre as versões existentes, os métodos convencional (GLI) e invertido (GLI-I)- este último não abordado na literatura - são tomados como objetos de estudo. Evoluindo a partir dos modelos pré-existentes, nos quais os ciclos de gas lift são tratados como uma seqüência de etapas estanques, o comportamento do poço é modelado no presente trabalho, considerando a ocorrência de etapas simultâneas e acopladas ao longo dos ciclos. As interações no poço e suas conexões com o reservatório e a superfície, e.g., escoamentos de líquido e gás, são representadas por um conjunto completo de equações algébricas e diferenciais ordinárias temporais não-lineares, válidas para todas as etapas do ciclo. A simulação dinâmica do sistema é efetuada com a solução numérica de subconjuntos de equações do modelo, estabelecidos interativamente a cada etapa, para cada intervalo de tempo. Os resultados de simulação do GLI foram comparados com medições experimentais realizadas por outros autores, apresentando boa concordância. A análise dos ciclos de GLI e GLI-I em diversas condições operacionais possibilitou delinear faixas com ciclos e produção estáveis. O ganho econômico da produção foi avaliado para ambos os métodos, determinando o melhor compromisso entre a ciclagem do poço e o seu desempenho operacional a cada ciclo. A modelagem e o algoritmo de simulação desenvolvidos podem ser estendidos às demais versões de gas lift, constituindo uma ferramenta única e de grande valor para os engenheiros envolvidos com estes sistemas / Abstract: The intermittent gas lift is used in the oil industry to keep up a viable production from depleting reservoirs or low productivity wells. The cyclical pattern of the intermittent gas lift causes the dynamic behavior of the well to become complex, making it difficult to design and operate of such systems. Amongst the existing versions, the conventional (IGL) and the inverted (I-IGL) methods - the last one not covered in literature - are taken as objects of study. Evolving from the preexisting models, in which the gas lift cycles are treated as a sequence of self-contained stages, the behavior of the well, in the present work, takes into account the occurrence of simultaneous and coupled stages throughout the cycles. The interactions of the well and its connections with the reservoir and the surface, e.g., liquid and gas flows, are represented by a complete set of non-linear algebraic and time dependent ordinary differential equations, valid for alI the stages of the cycle. The dynamic simulation of the system is carried out with the numerical solution of the equation subsets of the model, interactively established for each stage, at each time step. The results of the simulations of the IGL were compared with experimental measurements carried through by other authors, presenting good agreement. The analysis of the IGL and I-IGL cycles under various operational conditions made it possible to delineate ranges of steady cycles and production. The production economic profit was evaluated for both versions, detennining the best compromise between the well cycling and its operational performance at each cycle. The developed modeling and the simulation algorithm can be extended to other gas lift versions, constituting a unique tool of great value for the engineers involved with these systems / Doutorado / Explotação / Doutor em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo
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Étude expérimentale de procédés de bioimpression assistés par laser femtoseconde / Experimental study of bioprinting processes assisted by femtosecond laserDesrus, Helene 17 May 2016 (has links)
Ce mémoire est consacré à l’étude expérimentale de deux procédés de bioimpression assistée par laser femtoseconde, fonctionnant à 1030 nm. En effet, les lasers femtosecondes constituent un choix intéressant pour la bioimpression: la versatilité des matériaux qui peuvent être déposés et la zone affectée thermiquement négligeable sont des atouts pour l’impression de structures biologiques complexes, sans compromettre la viabilité et la fonctionnalité des matériaux biologiques transférés. Tout d’abord, la bioimpression assistée par laser femtoseconde avec couche absorbante métallique a été étudiée sur une bioimprimante adaptée au transfert de cellules (MODULAB®). Une étude expérimentale a été menée par observation du jet induit par laser grâce à un système d’imagerie résolue en temps (TRI) et par impression sur receveur (puits de culture). La rhéologie de la bioencre, certains paramètres laser, ainsi que la position de focalisation laser ont été variés lors des expériences. Des tests de viabilité cellulaire après l’impression ont permis d’identifier une énergie optimale de 3 μJ. L’étude de la variation de la position de focalisation a permis de prédire la plage de tolérance de la position de focalisation du laser : pour une énergie de 3,5 μJ et une ON équivalente de 0,125, la tolérance maximale dans la direction « z » était de 60 μm pour pouvoir imprimer.Dans un second temps, la bioimpression assistée par laser femtoseconde sans couche absorbante a été étudiée sur un montage expérimental comprenant un réservoir de bioencre via des paramètres opératoires clés (position de focalisation, ouverture numérique de l’objectif de focalisation, diamètre de goutte imprimé, la hauteur du jet de l’impression par TRI, la distance de transfert limite pour imprimer). L’impression était reproductible pour une distance d’impression de 75 % hmax à 100 % hmax, hmax étant la hauteur maximale du jet d’impression pour une condition expérimentale. L’utilisation du réservoir de bioencre a permis de trouver une position de focalisation z tolérante: Δz a été calculée (Zernike et l’aberration sphérique) et mesurée. Expérimentalement, Δz valait de 0 à 60 μm selon la bioencre et l’ON. Elle était maximale à l’ON 0,4. Cette tolérance est grande devant la profondeur de champs dans l’air (4 μm à l’ON 0,4) mais faible au regard de la tolérance sur la position du receveur qui peut subir une variation de 25% hmax, d’après la plage de reproductibilité. / This manuscript deals with the experimental study of two bioprinting processes assisted by femtosecond laser at a wavelength of 1030 nm. Indeed, femtosecond lasers are an interesting choice for bioprinting: the high versatility of materials which can be deposited and the negligible heat affected zone are advantages to print complex biological structures without compromising viability and functionality of the transferred biological materials. Firstly, femtosecond laser assisted bioprinting with a metallic absorbing layer was studied on a bioprinter adapted for cell printing (MODULAB®). An experimental study was conducted, observing the laser induced jet of liquid with a time-resolved imaging system (TRI) and printing on receiver substrates (cell culture well plate). The bioink rheology, some laser parameters, and the laser focus position were changed during the experiments. Cell viability assays after the printing enabled to identify an optimal energy of 3 μJ. The study of the laser focus position variation allowed predicting the tolerance range of the laser focus position: for 3.5 μJ and an equivalent numerical aperture (NA) of 0.125, the maximum tolerance in the “z” direction was of 60 μm in order to print. Secondly, femtosecond laser assisted bioprinting without an absorbing layer was studied on an experimental set-up comprising a reservoir of bioink. Some key operating parameters were studied (focalization position, NA of the focalization objective, printed drop diameter, printing jet height by TRI, maximum transfer distance for printing). The printing was reproducible for a printing distance from 75 % hmax to 100 % hmax, with hmax corresponding to the maximum printing jet height for a given experimental condition. Using the reservoir of bioink enabled to find a tolerant focalization position z: Δz was calculated (Zernike polynomial and the spherical aberration) and measured. Experimentally, Δz ranged from 0 to 60 μm depending on the bioink and the NA. It was maximal at NA 0.4. This tolerance is high compared to the depth of field in the air (4 μm at NA 0.4) but low compared to the tolerance of the receiver substrate position which can vary to 25 % hmax according to the reproducibility range.
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Řízení modelu výtahu / Control of lift modelŽůrek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
My graduation theses is focused on project of algorithm proceedings laboratorial model of a lift and visualization in computer program Factory Talk View Studio. In introduction is written about industrial comunication network AS-Interface and in practise used algorithm proceedings of a lift. In following capitol is described system and several parts of laboratorial model of a lift. Not least is solved also comunication among floors of a lift, cabin and master AS-Interface and project of functional block in computer program RSLogix 5000. General purpose of master’s theses is project algorithm proceedings of a lift which use double-sided collecting proceedings. In last chapter is noticed project of visualization, which control a lift.
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Klec výtahu / Elevator cageMatoušek, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of a frame of a lift, whose roading capacity is 400 kg (5 people) and it olso deals with calculation of maximum distance between armatures of quides. Nominal speed is 1 m.s -1. This diploma thesis also includes final element analysis of the frame. The frame structure is analysed by software I – DEAS.
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Integral Traces of Weak Maass Forms of Genus Zero Odd Prime LevelGreen, Nathan Eric 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Duke and Jenkins defined a family of linear maps from spaces of weakly holomorphic modular forms of negative integral weight and level 1 into spaces of weakly holomorphic modular forms of half integral weight and level 4 and showed that these lifts preserve the integrality of Fourier coefficients. We show that the generalization of these lifts to modular forms of genus 0 odd prime level also preserves the integrality of Fourier coefficients.
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Utredning av säker och användarvänlig lyftanordning för dataskåp / Study towards safe and user-friendly lift device for cabinetPrins, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
Ericsson AB har byggt en anläggning för test av 3G, 4G och 5G i Rosersberg utanför Stockholm i Sverige. Testutrustningen är monterad i standardiserade dataskåp byggda för att klara tuffare miljöer som exempelvis jordbävningar. Detta tillsammans med faktumet att dataskåpen är placerade tätt gör det svårt att flytta när de är placerade, vilket Ericsson ibland har behov av att göra. En lyftanordning som spänns fast inuti skåpet utvecklades därför, den lösta de problem Ericsson upplevde. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utreda eventuell föreskrift som måste följas för att CE-märka lyftanordningen, och om några förbättringar eller andra lösningar kunde genomföras för att öka säkerheten och användarvänligheten. Förutom att vara konstruerad utifrån tillämpbara krav i AFS 2008:3 Maskiner resulterade examensarbetet i förbättringsförlag på några av de viktigaste upplevda problemen vid användningen av lyftanordningen. Med hjälp av en lösning som synkroniserade fyra av de gängstänger som använts för att lyfta med en rullkedja så lyfter lyftanordningen alltid skåpet i en jämn nivå. Skåpet är även lättare att transportera och styra med den föreslagna lyftanordningen. Detta är tack vare ett par kulrullar som är föreslaget istället för hjul som används på den befintliga lyftanordningen. Förutom att möjliggöra förflyttning i alla riktningar så är friktionen även mindre i kulrullarna, vilket kommer minska den kraft som krävs för att flytta skåpet och öka stabiliteten något. Då den befintliga lyftanordningen upplevdes som för tung har ett materialbyte från stål till aluminium nästan halverat vikten, trots att nya komponenter lagts till. / Ericsson AB has constructed a test facility for 3g, 4g and 5g in Rosersberg outside of Stockholm in Sweden. The equipment is mounted in standardized cabinets built for use at rougher environmental conditions such as earthquakes. This and the fact that the cabinets are placed in tight formations results in the cabinets being difficult to move them when placed, which is sometimes needed. A lift device that is mounted inside of the cabinets was therefore developed; this solved some major problems Ericsson was experiencing. The purpose of this thesis project was therefore to investigate possible regulations to follow to gain CE marking, and if any improvements or other solutions could be made to increase safety and usability. Aside from being constructed with regards to applicable requirements in AFS 2008:3 Maskiner the thesis project resulted in suggestions for improving some of the important problems experienced when using the lift device. By using a solution which synchronizes four of the threaded rods used for lifting with a roller chain, the lifting is always leveled. The cabinet is also easier to transport and steer with the proposed lift device. This is because of the use of ball transfer units instead of castors previously used. Besides providing movement in any direction, the ball transfer units friction is lower decreasing the force needed to push the cabinet and increasing some stability. Since there was a need for a weight reduction, it’s proposed to switch from use of steel for the majority of the lift to aluminum which almost halved the weight despite adding more components.
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