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Oberlausitzer Rundbrief: Termine & Projekte: Naturschutz, Umweltschutz, Regionalentwicklung09 December 2015 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer RundbriefGrüne Liga Sachsen, Regionalvereinigung Oberlausitz e.V. 22 February 2016 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer RundbriefGrüne Liga Sachsen, Regionalvereinigung Oberlausitz e.V. 15 March 2016 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer RundbriefGrüne Liga Sachsen, Regionalvereinigung Oberlausitz e.V. 15 March 2016 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer Rundbrief20 May 2016 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer Rundbrief20 May 2016 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer RundbriefGrüne Liga Sachsen, Regionalvereinigung Oberlausitz e.V. 06 June 2016 (has links)
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Oberlausitzer Rundbrief: Termine & Projekte: Naturschutz, Umweltschutz, Regionalentwicklung25 June 2015 (has links)
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Socialinė rizika: samprata ir ryšys su socialinės apsaugos išmokomis / Social risk: the concept and the link with social security benefitsZajankauskas, Mindaugas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Socialinės rizikos sąvoka atskleidžiama per socialinės rizikos rūšis: senatvę, neįgalumą, maitintojo netekimą, ligą, motinystę, nedarbą, sužalojimą darbe, skurdą, šeimos problemas ir medicininės priežiūros būtinumą. Socialinės rizikos rūšys glaudžiai susijusios su socialinės apsaugos išmokomis. Socialinės apsaugos išmokos padeda asmenims išvengti finansinių problemų susidūrus su įvairiomis socialinės rizikos rūšimis. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos socialinės apsaugos sistema, kuri susideda iš dviejų dalių – socialinio draudimo ir socialinės paramos. Socialinės apsaugos išmokos sugrupuotos pagal tai, kuriai socialinės apsaugos sistemos daliai jos priklauso – socialiniam draudimui ar socialinei paramai. Darbe aptariami socialinio draudimo ir socialinės paramos panašumai bei skirtumai. Pagrindinis socialinio draudimo sistemos tikslas yra garantuoti pajamas socialiniu draudimu apsidraudusiems asmenims, kurie negali dirbti dėl ligos, motinystės, senatvės, neįgalumo ir kt., kaip numatyta valstybinio socialinio draudimo įstatyme. Darbe analizuojama, kokie subjektai turi teisę gauti socialinio draudimo išmokas. Nurodomi socialinio draudimo išmokų dydžiai, skyrimo sąlygos bei jų mokėjimo trukmė. Socialinė parama susideda iš socialinės paramos išmokų bei socialinių paslaugų. Didesnis dėmesys skiriamas socialinės paramos išmokoms, nes jos yra vienos iš pagrindinių priemonių mažinti skurdo socialinę riziką. / The conception of social risk described by kinds of social risks: old age, disability, sickness, death, maternity, unemployment, family responsibilities, work injury, poverty. Social risks are closely related with social security benefits. They protect people against the financial consequences of social risks. In this work is analysed the social security system of Lithuania, which is consisted of two parts – social insurance and social assistance. Social security benefits ascribed to social insurance or social assistance. In this work is discussed resemblances and differences of social insurance and social assistance. The key goal of the social insurance system is to guarantee income of the insured in cases of incapacity for work due to disease, maternity, old-age, disability, etc. as provided for in the Law on State Social Insurance. In this work is analysed, which subjects have a right to receive social insurance benefits. Point out the size of social insurance benefits, conditions and duration of payment. Social assistance system is consisted of social assistance benefits and social services. Greater attention is ascribed to social assistance benefits, because they are one of the main measures to reduce poverty social risk.
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Marketingový výzkum vnímání značek tradičních účastníků fotbalové Ligy Mistrů / Marketing research of brand equity of traditional participants of Champions LeagueMizera, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
Title: Marketing research on perception of brands of traditional participants of football Champions League Objectives: The objective of the thesis is a description of problems associated with the concept of brand and based on the collected data to make a marketing research of respondents' awareness of brand of selected football clubs taking regular part in Champions League. Methods: The research is making by a questionnaire economization focused on brand awareness and its specific features. In connection with the acquisition of the primary data was used method by online survey. To collect and storage data was used internet application Google Docs. Results: Results of the research showed that awareness of selected football clubs in Czech sports spectators is at a very good level. Furthermore, respondents expressed their opinions, knowledge and attitudes to individual characteristics of the brand of football clubs. Keywords: Brand, brand awareness. Champions League, marketing research, questionnaire
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