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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從「清議」到「默修」: 清初東林書院研究. / Autonomy and authority: the Tung-lin Academy in the early Qing period / 從清議到默修: 清初東林書院研究 / Cong "qing yi" dao "mo xiu": Qing chu Dong lin shu yuan yan jiu. / Cong qing yi dao mo xiu: Qing chu Dong lin shu yuan yan jiu

January 2012 (has links)
有明末造,顧憲成、高攀龍諸君講學東林,風動天下,以致黨禍連結,與國運相始終。「東林」遂為政治史與思想史之一大關目,匪特同世之人,褒貶迭出,自近代以降,學人研究亦稱夥矣。然前人關注之重心,主要為「明末」在朝之「東林黨」;於「東林書院」之活動,尤其是書院在清初的發展演變,尚鮮有及之。本研究擬以順治、康熙兩朝為主要時段,從遺民與當道互動的角度考察東林書院之興復及其講學活動,對學界少有關注的書院祀典之爭加以考述和分析,並探討清初東林學者如何就「氣節」「學統」等議題對明代東林傳統作出反省與建構,希望繇此對東林書院由明入清之歷史變化作一勾勒。 / 本文將清初東林書院之史事置於「道」「勢」相對的框架之中展開分析,相對於前人用「以道抗勢」分析士權與君權的對峙,本文則更關注士人階層内部在「道」「勢」兩重身份之間的張力。儒家士人既要守「道」傳學,又當以「勢」經世,兩者之閒本須權衡調和。而在明清易代之際,「民間學者」與「地方官員」兩種士人身份之殊途,實質上形成了「道」與「勢」的分離。書院作爲一地方性的學術組織,既是在野學者力量之代表,又不能不受制於官方之權力,在此時遂成爲一個「道」與「勢」折衝的空間。然而,「道」「勢」二者之關係在調和之中亦悄然變化。如果說明代的東林運動有一種「以道馭勢」的理想與實踐;那麽在清初書院的發展中,學者本身「政治」一面弱化,「學術」也退守於中行默修,於是「道」乃反為「勢」所羈縻。而在理學委頓、樸學代興這一學術本身的轉折中,「道」「勢」關係之遷變亦可為一機緣。緣乎是,對清初東林書院的研究,不但可以在一個點上展現士人文化與社會風氣的變遷,更能為我們理解傳統中國「政治」與「學術」之互動提供助益。 / The anti-eunuch struggle of the ‘Tung-lin Party’ (東林黨) which was succeeded by continuous partisan disputes in the late Ming Period has long been considered of great significance to understand its contemporary politics and even the collapse of the dynasty. However, the other aspect of this movement, namely the scholarly practice of the Tung-lin academy (東林書院) has not been given equivalent attention. Therefore, the development of the academy after the so-called ‘partisan disaster’ (黨禍) has been, not surprisingly, seldom discussed by existing studies. This thesis aims at providing a historical account of the Tung-lin academy in early Qing period (1644-1722), focusing on four main topics: the organization of public conferences or lectures(講會), the debates over the academy’s pantheon , the discourse on moral integrity(氣節) and the increasing concerns for academic orthodoxy among intellectuals. / Scholars in the academy were by definition involved in the tension between Confucian values(道) and the political authority(勢) since they were supposed to be both academic and political elites. What complicated the issue was the defiant attitude of Ming-loyalists towards the newly established Manchu regime. Although being regarded as shelters for scholars who refused to serve the Qing government, academies could hardly be insulated from those ambitious local officials who were playing the role of patron as well as regulator. By exploring closely the case of Tung-lin academy, this thesis attempts to indicate that, the conflict and compromise between intellectuals and political authorities, alongside with the retrospection upon the cultural crisis of late Ming, had gradually shaped the interest of Qing scholars who inclined to restrain their work purely academic in contrast with their late-Ming predecessors who were enthusiastic about pursuing the political implications of their learning. This very transition could also be reasonably one of the many contributors to the declination of Li-hsüeh(理學,the study of principle). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 胡琦. / "2012年8月". / "2012 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 206-218). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Hu Qi. / Chapter 緒論 --- 道勢之間:「東林」的多重面向 --- p.7 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「以道抗勢」和「以道馭勢」:儒家士人的内在規定性 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「黨」或「書院」:研究史的回顧 --- p.14 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清議與講學:明代之「東林」傳統 --- p.22 / Chapter 第四節 --- 由明到清:「道」「勢」分合與風氣代變 --- p.39 / Chapter 附論 --- :東林志乘述略 --- p.44 / Chapter 第一章 --- 遯世與應世:清初東林書院的講學活動 --- p.48 / Chapter 第一節 --- 種得星火:黨禍後東林學脈之承續 --- p.49 / Chapter 第二節 --- 此日再得:清初東林書院之興復 --- p.54 / Chapter 第三節 --- 以故老為師儒:陸世儀之講學 --- p.64 / Chapter 第四節 --- 教化斯民:李顒之南行 --- p.79 / Chapter 第五節 --- 出處之間:關於「講學」的掙扎 --- p.100 / Chapter 第六節 --- 「書院」之外的「東林」 --- p.138 / Chapter 第二章 --- 釐正「東林」:祀典中的權力與歷史 --- p.152 / Chapter 第一節 --- 公私之辨與「官祭」的興起 --- p.156 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「祀典」與「有司」之涉入 --- p.162 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「黨人與書院無與」:湯斌與左周諸公入祀之爭 --- p.170 / Chapter 第四節 --- 「祗慎重於將來,毋更張於已往」:宋犖對東林祀典的釐正 --- p.182 / Chapter 第五節 --- 由「典」到「史」 --- p.188 / Chapter 附錄1 --- :清初東林書院道南祠入祀記錄簡表 --- p.191 / Chapter 附錄2 --- :東林書院道南祠全圖 --- p.192 / Chapter 第三章 --- 從「氣節」到「道脈」:清初「東林」觀念的漸變 --- p.193 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引:「東林」概念之衍生 --- p.193 / Chapter 第二節 --- 氣節本於理學:明代東林之氣節論 --- p.198 / Chapter 第三節 --- 殉國之忠:明清之際的「氣節」 --- p.214 / Chapter 第四節 --- 反思講學:「道脈」論的生長 --- p.219 / Chapter 第五節 --- 篤行默修:士風之轉向 --- p.233 / Chapter 第四章 --- 「宗朱」學統之建成:東林書院與官方朱學思潮 --- p.238 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「尊朱」立場下的調和:明代東林學者對王學的態度 --- p.239 / Chapter 第二節 --- 建構學統:清初東林論學的一個特點 --- p.249 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「官方朱學」與「民間朱學」:一個闡釋框架的再檢討 --- p.259 / Chapter 結論 --- 失「勢」之「道」:清初政治與學術轉向 --- p.281 / 參考書目 --- p.286


AMMIGAN, RAVICHANDRAN 08 November 2018 (has links)
Negli ultimi dieci anni, il numero di studenti internazionali è aumentato drasticamente presso istituzioni universitarie di tutto il mondo. Questo aumento della presenza di studenti internazionali nei campus universitari ha portato nuove responsabilità e sfide nel fornire servizi di supporto efficaci per la comunità internazionale. Mentre molte istituzioni hanno sviluppato programmi curriculari ed extra-curriculari per supportare gli studenti in modo generico, non tutti i servizi vengono pianificati per soddisfare specificamente le esigenze degli studenti internazionali. Questa tesi valuta il grado in cui gli studenti internazionali sono soddisfatti con i servizi di supporto ed altri aspetti della loro esperienza universitaria, in particolare nel loro arrivo, nell’apprendimento e negli ambienti di vita. Contemporanemente, la tesi produce una ricerca sulla relazione tra le aspettative degli studenti e i consigli e raccomandazioni delle loro università. Utilizzando i dati dell’ International Student Barometer di i-graduate, i metodi di ricerca valutativa e quantitativa hanno esaminato l'esperienza di oltre 45.000 studenti universitari internazionali in 96 diverse università e istituzioni in Australia, nel Regno Unito (UK) e negli Stati Uniti (USA). I risultati di numerose analisi statistiche hanno dimostrato che tutti i quattro parametri della soddisfazione sono stati positivamente associati all'esperienza universitaria complessiva degli studenti e ai consigli della loro attuale università. Ulteriori analisi hanno confermato quali variabili di soddisfazione sono risultate negli aspetti più significativi dell'esperienza universitaria di studenti internazionali e quali variabili hanno influenzato maggiormente i consigli universitari. Questo studio empirico fornisce considerazioni chiave per amministratori universitari, professionisti e ricercatori su come allocare al meglio le risorse per sostenere e, allo stesso tempo, migliorare l'esperienza degli studenti internazionali, facendo in modo di sviluppare strategie di iscrizioni e mantenimento sempre più efficaci. / The number of international students has increased dramatically over the last decade at institutions of higher education around the world. This added presence of international students on university campuses has evidently brought a whole new set of responsibilities and challenges for providing effective support services to that community. While many institutions have developed curricular and extracurricular programs to support students in general, not all services are designed to specifically cover the needs of international students. This study evaluates the degree to which international students are satisfied with support services as well as other aspects of their university experience, namely in their arrival, learning, and living environments, while also investigating the relationship between student satisfaction and institutional recommendation for prospective applicants. Using data from i-graduate’s International Student Barometer, quantitative survey research methods evaluated the experience of over 45,000 degree-seeking, undergraduate international students at 96 different institutions in Australia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US). Multiple regression analyses indicated that all four dimensions of satisfaction were positively associated with students' overall university experience and the recommendation of their current institution. Further analyses revealed which satisfaction variables were the most significant aspects of the international student experience, and which ones influenced institutional recommendation the most. This empirical study provides key considerations for university administrators, practitioners, and researchers on how resources might best be allocated to support and enhance the experience of international students, leading to more effective institutional recruitment and retention strategies.

林雲銘及其文學. / Lin Yunming ji qi wen xue.

January 2000 (has links)
陳煒舜. / "二〇〇〇年八月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (leaves 393-404) / 附中英文摘要. / "Er ling ling ling nian ba yue" / Chen Weishun. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 393-404) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 提要 --- p.i. / 目錄 --- p.iii. / 緒論 --- p.1. / 上篇 / Chapter 第一章: --- 生平與著作 --- p.13. / Chapter 一. --- 生平 / Chapter (一) --- 行跡 / Chapter (二) --- 家世 / Chapter 二. --- 著作 / Chapter 第二章: --- 交游 --- p.32. / Chapter 一. --- 師長 / Chapter 二. --- 同ˇёإ友 / Chapter 三. --- 同年友 / Chapter 四. --- 任官時友 / Chapter 五. --- 隱居時友 / Chapter 第三章: --- 交學思想槪沭 --- p.95. / Chapter 一. --- 論創作 / Chapter 二. --- 論鑑賞 / Chapter 三. --- 論載道 / Chapter 四. --- 論神理 / 下編 / Chapter 第一章: --- 《莊子因》初探 --- p.126. / Chapter 一. --- 《莊子因》的寫作背景 / Chapter (一) --- 《莊子因》的成書經過 / Chapter (二) --- 《莊子因》的寫作動機 / Chapter 二. --- 《莊子因》析論 / Chapter (一) --- 《莊子因》知人論世的辨析 / Chapter 1. --- 時代、生平、師承 / Chapter 2. --- 《莊子》的文字與篇章 / Chapter 3. --- 辨僞 / Chapter (二) --- 從「重教化」析論《莊子因》 / Chapter 1. --- 《莊子因》對於莊、孔、老關係的爬梳 / Chapter 2. --- 《莊子因》對孔子形象的處理 / Chapter 三. --- 小結 / Chapter 第二章: --- 《韓文起》初探 --- p.158. / Chapter 一. --- 《韓文起》的寫作背景 / Chapter (一) --- 《韓文起》的成書經過 / Chapter (二) --- 《韓文起》的寫作動機 / Chapter 二. --- 《韓文起》析論 ´ح / Chapter (一) --- 《韓文起》知人論世的辨析 / Chapter 1. --- 〈韓文公年譜〉的編寫 / Chapter 2. --- 禮俗制度的考證 / Chapter 3. --- 史實的運用 / Chapter (二) --- 從「重教化」析論《韓文起》 / Chapter 1. --- 《韓文起》編選評註的原則 / Chapter 2. --- 《韓文起》對韓愈思想的析論 / Chapter 三. --- 小結 / Chapter 第三章: --- 《楚辭燈》初探 --- p.187. / Chapter 一. --- 《楚辭燈》的寫作背景 / Chapter (一) --- 《楚辭燈》的成書經過 / Chapter (二) --- 《楚辭燈》的寫作動機 / Chapter 二. --- 《楚辭燈》析論 / Chapter (一) --- 《楚辭燈》知人論世的辨析 / Chapter 1. --- 〈屈原列傳〉 / Chapter 2. --- 〈楚懷襄二王在位事蹟考〉的編寫 / Chapter 3. --- 篇章的體例 / Chapter 4. --- 篇章評點與知人論世 / Chapter (二) --- 從「重教化」析論《楚辭燈》 / Chapter 三. --- 小結 / 結論 --- p.220. / 附錄 / 附錄一:林雲銘年譜 --- p.224. / 附錄二:林雲銘生平資料 / 附錄三:林雲銘著作知見錄 / 附錄四:林雲銘交遊一覽 / 參考書目 --- p.393.

Procédés de Modification des Fibres naturelles (PROMOF) / Natural fibers modification processes

Hajj, Raymond 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les fibres naturelles telles que le coton et le lin sont utilisées depuis longtemps dans l'industrie textile. De plus, elles prennent de plus en plus d'importance dans l'industrie des composites comme substituants des fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide. Cependant, les fibres naturelles doivent être modifiées pour surmonter certains inconvénients tels que l'inflammabilité, l'hydrophilie et l'oléophilie. Dans ce travail, les retardateurs de flamme (RF) phosphorés et fluoro-phosphorés sont greffés par bombardement électronique et par modification chimique sur des tissus de lin afin d’améliorer leur comportement au feu, l’hydrophobicité et l’oléophobie. L'effet de la composition chimique sur le greffage a été également évalué en utilisant des fibres de miscanthus comparativement aux tissus de lin. La réactivité de la double liaison C = C des monomères phosphorés est étudiée pour contrôler l’efficacité de greffage de différents RF. Les étapes du radiogreffage sont étudiées et contrôlées. L'efficacité de greffage a été évaluée par fluorescence X et analyse par rayons X à dispersion d'énergie (EDS) / microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM). La résonance magnétique nucléaire du proton est utilisée pour analyser l'effet de l'irradiation sur les différents monomères. Le comportement au feu des tissus modifiés est étudié en utilisant l’analyse thermogravimétrique, la microcalorimétrie de combustion, cône calorimètre et un test au feu préliminaire. Des tissus ignifuges et oléophobes ont été développés avec succès. / Many natural fibers have been used for a long time in textile industry as cotton and flax. Moreover, natural fibers are getting more importance in composites industry as a substitute for glass, carbon, or aramid fibers. However, they must be modified to overcome some disadvantages such as flammability, hydrophilicity and oleophilicity. In this work, phosphorus and fluoro-phosphorus flame retardants were grafted by e-beam radiation and chemical modification on flax fabrics to improve their flame retardancy, hydrophobicity and oleophobicity. The effect of chemical composition on grafting were also evaluated using miscanthus fibers in comparison to flax fabrics. The reactivity of the double bond C=C of the P-monomers was studied to control the grafting yield of various FRs. Radiation grafting steps were studied and controlled carefully. Grafting efficiency was assessed by X-ray fluorescence and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) / Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Proton nuclear magnetic resonance was used to analyze the effect of irradiation on different monomers. Fire behavior of the modified fabrics was studied using thermogravimetric analysis, pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry, cone calorimetry and a preliminary fire test. Flame retardant and oleophobic fabrics were successfully developed.

Redazioni e varianti del poema Uljalaevščina di Il’ja Sel’vinskij / REDAZIONI E VARIANTI DEL POEMA “ULJALAEVŠČINA” DI IL’JA SEL’VINSKIJ / Textual variations of the poem Uljalaevščina by Ilya Selvinsky

KRASNIKOVA, ANNA 15 April 2019 (has links)
La tesi ricostruisce la complessa vicenda della scrittura e pubblicazione del celebre poema Uljalaevščina di Il’ja Sel’vinskij. La stesura dell’opera, le sue riscritture e pubblicazioni non sono mai state oggetto di indagine, perciò il lavoro della dott.ssa Krasnikova, basato su fonti sia d’archivio sia a stampa, costituisce il primo studio sistematico della storia del poema che analizza tutte le fonti pubblicate e d’archivio conosciute attualmente (la maggior parte delle quali non è mai stata studiata prima) e utilizza sia i metodi tradizionali della critica del testo sia gli strumenti digitali. Con il suo lavoro di ricerca la dott.ssa Krasnikova ha individuato e stabilito tutte le versioni del testo del poema, e anche gli altri materiali che possono far luce sulla storia del poema; successivamente, ha descritto e analizzato le versioni, definito il tipo e il grado delle differenze tra le varianti, cercando di capire i motivi dei mutamenti. Tra i risultati della ricerca spiccano la creazione dell’elenco di tutte le versioni del poema e dei suoi frammenti (38 testi in totale) e la costruzione di un corpus digitale delle versioni di Uljalaevščina. / The thesis reconstructs the complex story of the creation and publication of the famous Uljalaevščina, a poem by Ilya Selvinsky. The issue has never been studied, so the work of Anna Krasnikova, based on archival and published sources, constitutes the first systematic study of the history of the poem. The author analyzes all the published and archival sources currently known (most of which have never been studied before) and uses traditional methods of text criticism and digital tools. The author has identified and established all the versions of the text of the poem, as well as other materials that can be useful for the reconstruction of the history of the poem; she has described and analyzed all he versions, defined the type and degree of differences between the variants, trying to understand the reasons for the changes. Among the research results are the creation of a list of all the versions of the poem and its fragments (38 texts in total) and the construction of a digital corpus of the versions of Uljalaevščina.

Mécanismes de dégradation sous sollicitations hydrothermomécaniques de biocomposites et renforts en fibres végétales : application au développement de mobiliers urbains ultralégers et mobiles / Degradation mechanisms under hydro-thermo-mechanical loads of natural fibers-reinforced biocomposites : application to the development of lightweight and movable urban furnitures

Berges, Michael 10 December 2018 (has links)
Avec les préoccupations environnementales actuelles, la recherche se tourne vers des solutions alternatives à l’utilisation de fibres synthétiques. Les fibres végétales apparaissent comme de bonnes candidates, avec de bonnes propriétés spécifiques. Cependant, leur faible durabilité constitue une problématique majeure, notamment lorsque les composites sont soumis à des sollicitations hygro(hygro)thermiques.L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’analyser et de comprendre les mécanismes de dégradation au cours de sollicitations hydro-thermo-mécaniques, afin de réaliser un modèle prédictif de la durabilité de ces composites.Pour cela, le procédé de fabrication a été étudié et optimisé afin d’obtenir des composites robustes et répétables. Deux matériaux ont ainsi été fabriqués, différenciés par leurs taux volumiques de fibres, de 37.7 % et 51.1 %.Des campagnes expérimentales avaient pour but la caractérisation du comportement mécanique des matériaux sous différentes sollicitations. Un vieillissement hydrothermique a été étudié via des essais sous chargement monotone et des essais sous chargement cyclique (fatigue) en immersion in situ. Aussi, un vieillissement hygrothermique cyclique a été étudié afin de se rapprocher des conditions de service visées.Ces différentes campagnes expérimentales ont mis en évidence le fait que les composites étudiés présentent une forte chute de propriétés mécaniques en fonction du vieillissement, avec une influence finalement peu significative du taux volumique de fibres sur les propriétés après vieillissement, ce qui permet de questionner l’utilité industrielle d’atteindre ces taux volumiques de fibres.Les propriétés mécaniques élastiques sous chargement monotone après des cycles de sollicitations hygrothermiques sont stables après le premier cycle, ce qui peut être rassurant pour une utilisation de ces matériaux. En revanche, des endommagements semblent s’accumuler jusqu’à environ 4 cycles avant de se stabiliser.Les résultats en fatigue montrent également que la saturation peut améliorer la résistance en fatigue en dessous d’une certaine contrainte maximale appliquée, ce qui est particulièrement intéressant pour l’utilisation industrielle visée.Un modèle a pu être implémenté, intégrant l’évolution des propriétés mécaniques au cours de la diffusion, étudiée sur une surface. Ce modèle a permis non seulement de montrer que le matériau est globalement en compression, ce qui est cohérent avec le gonflement contraint des fibres dans la résine, notamment, mais également de mettre en évidence des développements qui seraient nécessaires afin d’aboutir à un modèle prédictif robuste, dont notamment des couplages forts en intégrant une modification de la diffusion en fonction de l’état de contraintes et de déformations des constituants.De nombreuses perspectives ont été discutées, notamment sur des campagnes expérimentales lors de sollicitations mécaniques multiaxiales ou avec des modes de rupture différents (choc, fluage). De plus, le modèle prédictif n’est pas encore atteint et des développements nécessaires ont été identifiés. / With the current environmental concerns, research turns to alternative solutions to synthetic fibres. Vegetal fibers appears as good candidates, with good mechanical properties. However, their low durability is a major issue, especially when the composites are exposed to hydro(hygro)thermal loadings.The purpore of this thesis is to analyse and understand the degradation mechanisms when hydro-thermo-mechanical loadings are applied, in order to implement a predictive modelisation of the composite durability.The manufacturing process wasstudied and optimised to produce reproducible and strong composites. Two materials were produced. Their only difference is their volumetric fiber contents (37.7 % and 51.1 %).Experimental campaigns were led to characterize the composite mechanical behavior under different loadings. A hydrothermal ageing was studied through monotonic mechanical testing and cyclic mechanical testing (fatigue) with in situ immersion. A hydrothermal ageing was also studied in order to be closer to the aimed service conditions.These differents test campaigns showed an important loss of mechanical properties with the ageing processes. The volumetric fiber contents also showed almost no difference after the hydrothermal ageing. The industrial use of a high fiber content can then be questionned.After the first hygrothermal cycle, the composite mechanical elastic properties were found constant, which is reassuring for an industrial use. However, damages accumulated throughout the first 4 cycles before stabilizing.Fatigue results showed that the saturation can enhance the fatigue resistance below a certain maximal loading, which is very interesting for the aimed industrial use.A surfacic numeric modelisation was implemented with the evolution of the mechanical properties thoughout the diffusion process. This modelisation showed that the composite is mostly in compression, which is expected from the constrained swelling of the fibers within the resin, but also showed some developpement ideas which would be necessary to achieve an accurate predictive modelisation. Among these ideas, strong coupling between the diffusion process and the internal strains/stresses of the components.Numerous perspectives were discussed. Multiaxial loadings or breakage mode with impact or creep tests were mentionned. Moreover, the predictive modelisation that was aimed was not achieved yet, but amelioration axes were identified.

Influence de la physico-chimie des eaux de ruissellement sur la vulnérabilité des ouvrages de rétention / Influence of the physico-chemistry of runoff waters on the vulnerability of retention structures

Abbar, Bouamama 11 January 2018 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse on a examiné expérimentalement l’efficacité épuratoire d’un dispositif de filtration, constitué de sable concassé et de nappes de géotextile en fibre de lin, à l’échelle de laboratoire afin d’installer en conditions locales (Agglomération Havraise) un site expérimental en vraie grandeur. Deux types d’essais ont été utilisés : (1) Des essais batch pour quantifier le potentiel de sorption des ions plomb, cuivre et zinc par les étoupes de fibres de lin à partir d'une solution aqueuse. (2) Des essais de filtration de longue durée dans des colonnes en laboratoire remplie de sable concassé avec et sans strates de géotextile en fibres de lin pour étudier l'influence de la présence de géotextiles sur le transfert et la rétention (i) des particules en suspension non polluées (particules de kaolinite) (ii) des métaux lourds solubles dans l'eau (iii) des métaux lourds sous forme particulaire (ions métalliques adsorbés sur les particules de kaolinite en suspension) et métaux lourds et solubles dans l'eau. Les essais de sorption ont montré que l'adsorption des ions métalliques par les fibres de lin est favorable avec une capacité d'adsorption maximale de 9,9 ; 10,7 et 8,4 mg g-1 respectivement pour le cuivre, le plomb et le zinc. Les essais de filtration ont montré que la présence des géotextiles dans le sable influence le transfert des métaux lourds, sous les deux formes soluble et particulaire. La rétention des métaux dans le sable est favorisée et les profils de rétention sont modifiés. De plus, et contrairement aux géotextiles synthétiques, les géotextiles en fibres de lin contribuent eux-mêmes à la rétention d’une fraction non négligeable de polluants métalliques sous forme soluble et particulaire dans leur propre structure. L’efficacité globale de rétention des métaux par le dispositif de filtration est améliorée. Ces résultats sont de bons indicateurs pour envisager l'utilisation de matériaux à base de fibre de lin dans la conception de systèmes de traitement local des eaux de ruissellement et l'élimination de polluants métalliques. / In this thesis work, the purification efficiency of a filtration device, consisting of crushed sand and flax fiber geotextile layers, was investigated experimentally at the laboratory scale in order to install in local conditions (Havre agglomeration) an experimental site in full size. Two types of tests were used: (1) Batch tests to quantify the sorption potential of lead, copper and zinc ions by flax fiber tows from an aqueous solution , (2) Long-term filtration tests in laboratory columns filled with crushed sand with and without flax fiber geotextile layers to study the influence of the presence of geotextiles on the transfer and retention of (i) particles in unpolluted suspension (kaolinite particles) (ii) water-soluble heavy metals (iii) heavy metals in particulate form (metal ions adsorbed on suspended kaolinite particles) and heavy and water-soluble metals. Sorption tests have shown that the adsorption of metal ions by flax fibers is favorable with a maximum adsorption capacity of 9.9; 10.7 and 8.4 mg g-1 respectively for copper, lead and zinc. Filtration tests have shown that the presence of geotextiles in sand influences the transfer of heavy metals, in both soluble and particulate forms. The retention of metals in the sand is favored and the retention profiles are modified. In addition, and unlike synthetic geotextiles, flax fiber geotextiles themselves contribute to the retention of a significant fraction of metal pollutants in soluble and particulate form in their own structure. The overall metal retention efficiency of the filtration device is improved. These results are good indicators for considering the use of flax fiber materials in the design of local stormwater treatment systems and the removal of metal pollutants.


ANDREOLETTI, CHIARA 05 May 2017 (has links)
La ricerca nasce con l’obiettivo di approfondire, da un punto di vista teorico e operativo, il tema della scoperta della diversità linguistica attraverso l’approccio intercomprensivo. In ambito glottodidattico il concetto di intercomprensione tra lingue affini (d’ora in avanti, IC) si trova attualmente al centro degli approcci plurali che propongono una didattica orientata allo sviluppo della competenza plurilingue e interculturale. Lo studio si articola in quattro capitoli tra loro interrelati. Nel primo capitolo, si presenta una ricostruzione storica dei progetti chiave che, in senso al Consiglio d’Europa, hanno gettato le fondamenta dell’attuale formulazione della politica linguistico educativa comunitaria. Il secondo capitolo offre una sintesi dei documenti e degli strumenti più recenti prodotti dall’Unità delle Politiche Linguistiche del Consiglio d’Europa per la promozione del plurilinguismo. Il terzo capitolo fornisce un’introduzione al concetto di intercomprensione da più punti di vista: come oggetto dell’apprendimento, come strategia di apprendimento, come approccio didattico e come strumento di politica linguistica. Nel quarto e ultimo capitolo si dà voce alla natura, agli obiettivi, alla metodologia e ai materiali utilizzati nell’ambito della sperimentazione in IC, condotta nell’anno scolastico 2014/15 con gli alunni di due classi quinte di una scuola primaria di Varese. / The aim of the research is to investigate, from both a theoretical and a practical point of view, the discovery of linguistic diversity through intercomprehension. In the field of ​​language teaching the concept of intercomprehension between related languages is currently at the heart of pluralistic approaches which promote plurilingual education. The study is divided into four chapters. The first chapter offers an historical reconstruction of the key projects which the Council of Europe developed for the foundation of its educational language policy. The second chapter provides a summary of the most recent documents and instruments produced by the the Council of Europe's Language Policy Unit for the promotion of multilingualism. The third chapter gives an introduction to the concept of intercomprehension from several points of view: as a learning object, as a learning strategy, as a teaching approach and as a language policy instrument. The fourth and final chapter introduces to the aims, the methodology and the materials used in the research conducted during the school year 2014/15 with Year 5 pupils of a primary school in Varese.


RUBAGOTTI, CHIARA 05 May 2017 (has links)
Nell’ambito della linguistica storica inglese si è assistito solo negli ultimi anni all’emergere di un nuovo interesse accademico e al conseguente sviluppo di un nuovo campo di ricerca: il Late(r) Modern English (LModE). Lo studio diacronico della lingua inglese, tradizionalmente spintosi fino a includere il periodo dell’Early Modern English, ha infatti solo recentemente accolto nel suo raggio d’indagine lo studio dei secoli a noi più vicini, il XVIII e il XIX, precedentemente soprannominati “the Cinderellas of English historical linguistic study” (Jones 1989). Il presente lavoro propone un’analisi storica e sociolinguistica del periodo che considera l’evoluzione linguistica del British English, l’importante fenomeno del prescrittivismo linguistico e lo sviluppo della grammatografia inglese nel XVIII secolo. Il primo capitolo propone una collocazione temporale del LModE tra il 1660 e il 1945, ne traccia i principali sviluppi storici e sociali, e presenta lo stato dell’arte sulla variazione linguistica del periodo. Il secondo capitolo presenta un’analisi approfondita delle diverse ideologie che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo del prescrittivismo quale fenomeno linguisticamente e culturalmente pervasivo. Il terzo capitolo, infine, traccia lo sviluppo settecentesco della grammatica come genere normativo e presenta l’analisi dettagliata di un'opera finora poco osservata: “Grammatical Observations on the English Language” (1766) del reverendo Caleb Fleming (1698-1779). / A growing amount of scholarly attention has been paid to Late(r) Modern English since Jones (1989) famously dubbed the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries “the Cinderellas of English historical linguistic study”. The present work aims to contribute to such process of “De-Cinderellisation” (Rodriguez-Alvarez & Rodriguez-Gil 2011) through a historical and sociolinguistic account that links the evolution of British English in modern times to the rise of linguistic normativism and the development of grammars. The first chapter frames the period between 1660 and 1945, reports on the major socio-historical developments of the time, and tracks the linguistic variation through a state-of-the-art survey. The second chapter offers a lengthy and thorough examination of the different ideologies which brought about the all-pervasive linguistic and cultural phenomenon of prescriptivism. Finally the third chapter details the eighteenth-century development of English grammars as a normative genre and focuses on the micro-level analysis of the under-researched work by Rev. Caleb Fleming (1698-1779): “Grammatical Observations on the English Language” (1766).


Pečený, Luboš January 2006 (has links)
Protože existuje poměrně značné časové zpoždění mezi koncem referenčního období a prvním zveřejněním čtvrtletních národních účtů (včetně čtvrtletních odhadů hrubého domácího produktu), je v současné době hledána možnost sestavování rychlejších odhadů hlavních účetních agregátů. Proto jsem se ve své práci zaměřil na možnost sestavování tzv. ?bleskových odhadů?. Jsou zde zmíněna metodologická východiska tohoto přístupu a následně rozebrány matematicko-statistické metody využívané pro jejich sestavování, především extrapolační metody a metody časové disagregace (Denton, Chow a Lin). Nedílnou součástí této práce je pak aplikace těchto metod na současná česká data.

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