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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The structural chemistry of Linus Pauling

Paradowski, Robert J. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin, 1972. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Fonologi hos svenska förskolebarn i åldersgruppen 4–5 år : Referensdata till kortversionen av ett fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial / Phonology of Swedish Preschool Children aged 4–5 years : Reference Data for the Short Version of a Phonological Assessment Material

Netin, Rebecka, Pehrson, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka fonologisk förmåga samt samla referensdata till kortversionen av det fonologiska bedömningsmaterialet Linköpingsundersökningen (LINUS) för svenska barn i åldersgruppen 4–5 år. Totalt medverkade 70 barn, 43 flickor och 27 pojkar (medelålder 54 månader). Barnen rekryterades på förskolor i områden som låg nära det socioekonomiska medelvärdet för riket. I studien bedömdes vilka fonem och konsonantförbindelser som fanns etablerade hos barnen. Percentage Phonemes Correct (PPC) och Percentage Words Correct (PWC) beräknades och förekomst av strukturavvikelser analyserades. Barnen delades upp i två halvårsgrupper (4;0–4;6 och 4;6–5;0). Vid jämförelse mellan de två grupperna visades att de fonem och konsonantförbindelser som etablerats var mycket lika. Det fanns statistiskt signifikanta skillnader mellan halvårsgrupperna gällande PPC och PWC, där den äldre halvårsgruppen hade en större andel korrekta fonem (p=0,02) samt ord (p=0,02). Den yngre halvårsgruppen hade en större förekomst av interdentalisering (s→θ) (p=0,03) och palatalisering av /s/ (s→ɕ) (p=0,003). Skillnaden mellan halvårsgrupperna var statistiskt signifikant. Materialet kan användas av svenska logopeder för bedömning av barns fonologi. / The study objective was to investigate phonological ability in children aged 4–5 years and to assemble reference data for the short version of the Swedish phonological assessment material, Linköpingsundersökningen (LINUS). In total, 70 children participated in the study, 43 girls and 27 boys (average age 54 months). The children were recruited at preschools in areas that were socioeconomically close to the national average. An assessment was made of the children’s phonology using the short version of the new phonological material. Percentage Phonemes Correct (PPC) and Percentage Words Correct (PWC) were calculated and word structure deviations were analyzed. The children were divided into two half-year groups (4;0–4;6 and 4;6–5;0). When comparing the results of the two age groups similarities regarding acquired phonemes and consonant clusters were found. Significant differences in PPC (p=0,02) and PWC (p=0,02) were found between the two half-year groups where the older group had a higher proportion of correct phonemes (94,2 %) and words (76,1 %). Interdentalization (s→θ) (p =0,03), and palatalization of /s/ (s→ɕ) (p =0,003) were more present in the younger age group and there was a significant difference between the two half-year groups. This material can be used by Speech-Language Pathologists in Sweden for phonological screening.

It's in the blood : the varieties of Linus Pauling's work on hemoglobin and sickle cell anemia

Gormlet, Melinda (Melinda Brooke) 22 October 2003 (has links)
Linus Pauling incorporated hemoglobin and a disease of the blood, sickle cell anemia, into many of his researches between the mid-1930s and mid-1970s. In the early 1930s Pauling became interested in organic chemistry and named hemoglobin as one of the first biochemical substances that he planned to analyze. In 1935 he published his first paper on hemoglobin, which determined the structure of the four hemes in hemoglobin. Pauling continued to study the structure of hemoglobin until the early 1950s when he proposed that it was an alpha-helix. In 1945 Pauling learned about sickle cell anemia and published an important paper in 1949 with Harvey A. Itano, S.J. Singer, and Ibert C. Wells titled "Sickle Cell Anemia, a Molecular Disease." Pauling investigated hemoglobin into the mid-1970s when he tried to find an orthomolecular therapy for sickle cell anemia. From the mid-1950s to early 1970s, Pauling also used sickle cell anemia to promote negative eugenics, point out the possible mutagenic effects caused by nuclear weapons testing, and propose an evolutionary theory. Additionally, in the final year of his life, Pauling wrote two forewords for books on sickle cell anemia, which were published in 1994, the year he died. Hemoglobin and sickle cell anemia can be considered a theme within Pauling's work. He often returned to normal and abnormal hemoglobin as his primary substance for examination, and his familiarity with hemoglobin and sickle cell anemia inspired new research. / Graduation date: 2004

Fonologi hos femåriga barn med svenska som modersmål : Referensmaterial till bedömningsmaterialet LINUS kortversion

Nilsson, Anna, Sirén, Ellen January 2014 (has links)
När språkliga svårigheter uppträder hos barn är kontakt med logoped aktuell för att kunna identifiera vilken typ av svårighet som föreligger hos barnet och för att kunna planera interventionen. En språklig aspekt som bör undersökas är den fonologiska förmågan som vanligen undersöks med hjälp av ett test. LINUS är ett sådant test som nyutvecklat och används i föreliggande studie för att undersöka fonologin hos barn i åldrarna 5-6 år med typisk utveckling. Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka fonologin hos barn med typisk utveckling och ta fram referensdata för kortversionen av LINUS för barn i åldrarna 5-6 år. Av intresse var även att undersöka om det förelåg skillnader i resultat mellan pojkar och flickor och mellan åldrarna 5-5;6 och 5;6-6. De barn som deltog i studien hade alla svenska som modersmål, ingen hade känd hörselnedsättning eller någon tidigare eller pågående kontakt med logoped/talpedagog. Hela gruppen bestod av 70 barn; 35 pojkar och 35 flickor. Halvårsintervallen bestod av 32 yngre barn och 38 äldre barn. Resultatet visar att barn i 5-årsåldern har god fonologisk förmåga och har etablerat samtliga fonem bortsett från /s/ och /r/. En statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan könen avseende etablering av fonemet /r/ framkom, där fonemet föreföll svårare bland pojkarna.

Expressiv fonologisk förmåga hos barn i åldrarna 3;5 – 4;9 år som har konstaterade uttalssvårigheter : En icke-linjär fonologisk analys

Jern Isacsson, Agnes, Malmgren Johansson, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka expressiv fonologisk förmåga hos barn i åldrarna 3;5-4;9 år som följer en atypisk tal- och språkutveckling och jämföra den med en åldersmatchad kontrollgrupp.  Ytterligare ett syfte är att undersöka huruvida det föreligger ett samband mellan expressiv fonologisk förmåga och impressiv lexikal förmåga. Elva barn med konstaterade uttalssvårigheter rekryterades från logopedmottagningar och språkförskolor i Stockholm och i Östergötland. Barnen testades i en för dem välkänd miljö med bedömningsmaterialet LINUS. Barnens svar audioinspelades och transkriberades och utifrån transkriptionerna gjordes en analys med utgångspunkt från icke-linjär fonologi samt beräkning av Percentage Phonemes Correct och Word Complexity Measure. Resultatet jämfördes sedan med kontrollgruppen. Åtta av barnen i studiegruppen testades även med PPVT-IV för att undersöka eventuella samband mellan expressiv fonologisk förmåga och impressiv lexikal förmåga. Resultatet visade att barnen i de båda grupperna uppvisade uttalsavvikelser från vuxet målordsuttal på ord-, stavelse och segmentnivå, stavelsenivån var den nivå där flest avvikelser förekom i båda grupperna, men att avvikelserna förekom i högre grad hos barnen i studiegruppen. På stavelse- och segmentnivå kunde signifikanta skillnader ses men inte på ordnivå mellan grupperna. På stavelsenivå förekom klusterreduktioner i större utsträckning än uteslutning av enskilda segment för båda grupperna. På segmentnivå uppvisade barnen i studiegruppen problem med samtliga särdrag (sätt, plats och ton), till skillnad från barnen i kontrollgruppen som endast uppvisade problem med särdraget plats. Barnen i studiegruppen fick lägre värden på såväl PPC och WCM. En signifikant skillnad sågs mellan PPC och WCM i studiegruppen men inte i kontrollgruppen. Inget samband mellan expressiv fonologisk förmåga och impressiv lexikal förmåga kunde påvisas i följande studie. Studiens resultat indikerar att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till alla fonologiska nivåer vid en bedömning och resultatet motiverar att ett icke-linjärt perspektiv kan vara till fördel vid planering av intervention. Då stavelsenivån ger upphov till störst svårigheter är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till detta vid fonologisk intervention. Studiens resultat kan ligga till grund för hur en icke-linjär analys kan användas inom klinisk verksamhet. / The aim of the study is to investigate the expressive phonological ability in children aged 3;5-4;9 following an atypical speech and language development and make a comparison to an age-matched control group following a typical speech and language development. A further purpose is to investigate whether there is a relation between expressive phonological ability and receptive lexical ability. Eleven children with speech sound difficulties were recruited from Speech-Language Pathology clinics and preschool language units in Stockholm and Östergötland. The children were tested in a familiar environment, with the swedish phonological assessment material LINUS. The children's responses were audio-recorded and transcribed and based on the transcriptions, a non-linear phonology analysis and calculations of Percentage Phonemes Correct and Word Complexity Measure were made. The results were then compared to the control group. Eight of the children were also tested with PPVT-IV to investigate a possible correlation between expressive phonological ability and receptive lexical ability. The results showed that the children in both groups had deviations at word-, syllable- and segmental levels, the syllable level appeared to be the most affected level in both groups, but that the deviations were more frequent in the study group. The differences on syllable- and segmental levels were significant, whereas the difference at word level was not significant between the groups. At the level of syllable, cluster reductions occurred to a greater extent than the exclusion of individual segments for both groups. At the segmental level, the study group showed problems with all features (manner, place and tone), whereas the children in the control group only had problems with the feature place. The study group had lower PPC and WCM than the control group. A significant difference was seen between PPC and WCM in the study group but not in the control group. No correlation between expressive phonological ability and receptive lexical ability was found. The results of the study indicate that it’s important to address all phonological levels in assessment and motivate that a non-linear approach could be beneficial as basis for planning of treatment. Since the syllable-level is the most affected it is important to address it in intervention. The report could serve as a guide for clinicians when applying a non-linear analysis.

Remote sensing of sulfur dioxide (SO2) using the Lineate Imaging Near-Ultraviolet Spectrometer (LINUS)

Khoo, Sing Soong 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The Lineate Image Near Ultraviolet Spectrometer (LINUS) is a spectral imager developed to operate in the 0.3-0.4 micron spectral region. The 2-D imager operates with a scan mirror, forming image scenes over time intervals of 10-20 minutes. Sensor calibration was conducted in the laboratory, and the system response to Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) gas was determined. The absorption profile for SO2 was measured, and curves of growth were constructed as a function of gas concentration. Test measurements were performed at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), from the roof of Spanagel Hall. Field observations were conducted at a coal-burning factory site at Concord, CA with the purpose of quantifying the presence of SO2. The Concord field measurement showed traces of SO2, with further analysis still required. / Civilian, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore

The Physico-chemical Nature of the Chemical Bond: Valence Bonding and the Path of Physico-chemical Emergence

Harris, Martha Lynn 31 July 2008 (has links)
Through the development of physical chemistry and chemical physics over the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, the relationship between physics and chemistry changed to create a broad interdisciplinary framework in which chemists and physicists could make contributions to problems of common value. It is here argued that evolving disciplinary factors such as physical and chemical responses to the atomic hypothesis, the nature of disciplinary formation in Germany and the United States, the reception of quantum mechanics within physics and chemistry, and the application of quantum mechanics to the problem of chemical bonding by physicists and chemists, formed the chemical bond into a physico-chemical theory. In the late nineteenth-century context of early physical chemistry, the chemical bond was known as a physical link between atoms, which could not be studied by chemical means because of the lack of an adequate atomistic framework. Both chemists and physicists broadly accepted the atomistic hypothesis following the discovery of the electron at the turn of the twentieth century, which afforded theoretical study of chemical bonding. Between 1916 and 1919, Gilbert N. Lewis and Irving Langmuir proposed the valence bond to be a pair of electrons shared between two atoms, within the context of a cubic model of the atom. However, the lack of a physical mechanism for the shared electron pair prevented the formation of a fully physico-chemical view of bonding. In 1927, physicists Walter Heitler and Fritz London showed the stability of the valence bond was caused by the wave mechanical phenomenon of resonance. Chemist Linus Pauling extended their treatment of the valence bond to a theory of structural chemistry in The Nature of the Chemical Bond. His synthesis of the physical and chemical views, his value as a physico-chemical researcher during the 1930s, and the research of his contemporaries John Slater and Robert Mulliken show that a true physico-chemical blend was only realized within the amorphous discipline of chemical physics. Finally, it is seen that this interdisciplinarity of chemical bonding and its supporting framework force a reevaluation of the reductionist criteria, and a re-definition of the chemical bond as a physico-chemical work.

The Physico-chemical Nature of the Chemical Bond: Valence Bonding and the Path of Physico-chemical Emergence

Harris, Martha Lynn 31 July 2008 (has links)
Through the development of physical chemistry and chemical physics over the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, the relationship between physics and chemistry changed to create a broad interdisciplinary framework in which chemists and physicists could make contributions to problems of common value. It is here argued that evolving disciplinary factors such as physical and chemical responses to the atomic hypothesis, the nature of disciplinary formation in Germany and the United States, the reception of quantum mechanics within physics and chemistry, and the application of quantum mechanics to the problem of chemical bonding by physicists and chemists, formed the chemical bond into a physico-chemical theory. In the late nineteenth-century context of early physical chemistry, the chemical bond was known as a physical link between atoms, which could not be studied by chemical means because of the lack of an adequate atomistic framework. Both chemists and physicists broadly accepted the atomistic hypothesis following the discovery of the electron at the turn of the twentieth century, which afforded theoretical study of chemical bonding. Between 1916 and 1919, Gilbert N. Lewis and Irving Langmuir proposed the valence bond to be a pair of electrons shared between two atoms, within the context of a cubic model of the atom. However, the lack of a physical mechanism for the shared electron pair prevented the formation of a fully physico-chemical view of bonding. In 1927, physicists Walter Heitler and Fritz London showed the stability of the valence bond was caused by the wave mechanical phenomenon of resonance. Chemist Linus Pauling extended their treatment of the valence bond to a theory of structural chemistry in The Nature of the Chemical Bond. His synthesis of the physical and chemical views, his value as a physico-chemical researcher during the 1930s, and the research of his contemporaries John Slater and Robert Mulliken show that a true physico-chemical blend was only realized within the amorphous discipline of chemical physics. Finally, it is seen that this interdisciplinarity of chemical bonding and its supporting framework force a reevaluation of the reductionist criteria, and a re-definition of the chemical bond as a physico-chemical work.

Επαγωγικός λογικός προγραμματισμός : μια διδακτική προσέγγιση

Καραμουτζογιάννη, Ζωή 31 May 2012 (has links)
Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός (Inductive Logic Programming ή, σε συντομογραφία ILP) είναι ο ερευνητικός τομέας της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης (Artificial Intelligence) που δραστηριοποιείται στη τομή των γνωστικών περιοχών της Μάθησης Μηχανής (Machine Learning) και του Λογικού Προγραμματισμού (Logic Programming).Ο όρος επαγωγικός εκφράζει την ιδέα του συλλογισμού από το επί μέρους στο γενικό. Μέσω της επαγωγικής μάθησης μηχανής ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός επιτυγχάνει το στόχο του που είναι η δημιουργία εργαλείων και η ανάπτυξη τεχνικών για την εξαγωγή υποθέσεων από παρατηρήσεις (παραδείγματα) και η σύνθεση-απόκτηση νέας γνώσης από εμπειρικές παρατηρήσεις. Σε αντίθεση με της περισσότερες άλλες προσεγγίσεις της επαγωγικής μάθησης ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός ενδιαφέρεται για της ιδιότητες του συμπερασμού με κανόνες για την σύγκλιση αλγορίθμων και για την υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα των διαδικασιών. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός ασχολείται με την ανάπτυξη τεχνικών και εργαλείων για την σχεσιακή ανάλυση δεδομένων. Εφαρμόζεται απευθείας σε δεδομένα πολλαπλών συσχετισμών για την ανακάλυψη προτύπων. Τα πρότυπα που ανακαλύπτονται από τα συστήματα στον Επαγωγικό Λογικό Προγραμματισμό προκύπτουν από κάποιο γνωστό θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο και θετικά και αρνητικά παραδείγματα και εκφράζονται ως λογικά προγράμματα. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί εκτεταμένα σε προβλήματα που αφορούν τη μοριακή βιολογία, την βιοχημεία και την χημεία. Ο Επαγωγικός Λογικός Προγραμματισμός διαφοροποιείται από τις άλλες μορφές Μάθησης Μηχανής, αφ’ ενός μεν λόγω της χρήσης μιας εκφραστικής γλώσσας αναπαράστασης και αφ’ ετέρου από τη δυνατότητά του να χρησιμοποιεί τη γνώση υποβάθρου. Έχουν αναπτυχθεί διάφορες μηχανισμούς υλοποίησης του ILP, εκ των οποίων η πιο πρόσφατη είναι η Progol, που βασίζεται σε ένα διερμηνέα της Prolog ο οποίος συνοδεύεται από έναν αλγόριθμο Αντίστροφης Συνεπαγωγής (Inverse Entailment). Η Progol κατασκευάζει νέες προτάσεις με τη γενίκευση των παραδειγμάτων που περιέχονται στη βάση δεδομένων που της δίνεται. Η θεωρία του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού εγγυάται ότι η Progol θα διεξάγει μια αποδεκτή αναζήτηση στο διάστημα των γενικεύσεων, βρίσκοντας το ελάχιστο σύνολο προτάσεων, από το οποίο όλα τα παραδείγματα μπορούν να προκύψουν. Σε αυτή την εργασία θα αναπτυχθούν αναλυτικά η θεωρία και οι κανόνες του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, τα είδη των προβλημάτων που επιλύονται μέσω του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, οι μέθοδοι που ακολουθούνται καθώς και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο αναπτύσσονται οι εφαρμογές του Επαγωγικού Λογικού Προγραμματισμού. Θα δοθούν επίσης παραδείγματα κατάλληλα για την κατανόηση των γνώσεων αυτών από ένα ακροατήριο που διαθέτει βασικές γνώσεις Λογικής και Λογικού Προγραμματισμού. / Inductive Logic Programming is a research area of Artificial Intelligence that operates in the intersection of cognitive areas of Machine Learning and Logic Programming. Through inductive machine learning, Inductive Logic Programming‟s objective is creating tools and developing techniques to extract new knowledge composing a background one and empirical observations (examples). Some methods are employed, the best known of which is the reverse implication, the reverse resolution and the inverse implication. Based on Inductive Logic Programming, some systems have been developed for knowledge production. The most widely used system is Progol, which uses an input of examples and background knowledge, whichε is stated in a kind of grammar compatible to that the programming language Prolog, and generates procedures in the same language that illustrate these examples. Other systems are FOIL, MOBAL, GOLEM and LINUS. There is also Cigol which is a programming language based on the theory of Inductive Logic Programming. These systems are used in many applications. The most important is the area of pharmacology, such as predictive toxicology, the provision of rheumatic disease and the design of drugs for Alzheimer's. Applications can also be found in programming, linguistics and games like chess.

En jämförelse av expressiv fonologisk förmåga hos barn remitterade till logoped och en åldersmatchad kontrollgrupp

Lindskog, Alma, Renström, Frida January 2018 (has links)
The phonological system can be described and analyzed on three levels; word, syllable and segment. The non-linear nature of the system enables an analysis from different viewpoints on phonology. LINköpingsUnderSökningen (LINUS) is a phonological test for children between the ages of 3 to 6 years which enables a non-linear analysis. Previous studies at  Linköping University have shown that children with phonological language impairment have phonological deviations on all three levels. Even though there is research involving Swedish-speaking children with expressive phonological impairment, further research is needed due to lacking in sample size and age span of participants. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the expressive phonological ability of children between the ages of 3 to 5 years who have been referred to a speech and language pathologist (SLP) for suspected phonological difficulties with a control group consisting of peers without known difficulties. In the study 10 children participated who were recruited from a speech and language pathologist clinic in a big city in Sweden, and raw data was also used from a previous study on an additional 11 children. Children with language impairment were matched with a control group with children of the same age. The age interval of participating children was between 3 years and 2 months and 4 years and 11 months.  The LINUS test was issued at a speech and language pathologist clinic together with a SLP.  The results showed similar deviations on word, syllable and segment level for both the study group and the control group. However the results of the study group contained a higher amount of deviations. The word and syllable level caused the greatest challenge for both groups. Additionally, both the study group and the control group exhibited deviations in terms of word structure where the most frequent shortcoming was reduction of consonant clusters. To conclude, similar types of deviations occurred in both groups, although the study group had a higher amount of deviations on all levels. For stronger conclusions, a larger sample size and younger participants are needed.

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