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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

Ajdén, Per, Backlund, Carl January 2010 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>SAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ”Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation”. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient. In this master thesis, new pilot models are developed, where parameters are automatically generated, this will result in that the user doesn’t have to put a lot of work into adjusting the gains for different manoeuvres. This is called gain scheduling.</p><p>To make this possible, simple models of the aircraft were created at different points in the envelope. These models were then used to calculate optimal controllers using LQ-control and pole placement techniques. These models and controllers were then implemented in Simulink. Simulink was then used to test the controllers before they were implemented in ARES.</p><p>Control in all modes except roll attitude and speed by throttle are based on LQ-control in pitch-, roll- and yaw-angular velocity. And through these angular velocities the other angles are controlled by simple controllers, who is generating a reference in angular velocity. The roll attitude controller is based on direct pole placement based upon desired damping and undamped natural frequency, and the speed controller is based upon a model of throttle positions in trimmed states.</p><p>The new pilot models are usable to control:</p><ul><li>Roll rate</li><li>Roll attitude</li><li>Pitch rate</li><li>Pitch attitude</li><li>Angle of attack</li><li>Load factor</li><li>Yaw attitude</li><li>Course angle</li><li>Climb angle</li><li>Mach number</li><li>Climb rate</li></ul><p>These controllers can be combined so that the aircraft can perform desired maneuvers.</p>

Analysis and LQ-optimal control of infinite-dimensional semilinear systems : application to a plug flow reactor

Aksikas, Ilyasse 07 December 2005 (has links)
Tubular reactors cover a large class of processes in chemical and biochemical engineering. They are typically reactors in which the medium is not homogeneous (like fixed-bed reactors, packed-bed reactors, fluidized-bed reactors,...) and possibly involve diferent phases (liquid/solid/gas). The dynamics of nonisothermal axial dispersion or plug flow tubular reactors are described by semilinear partial differential equations (PDE's) derived from mass and energy balances. The main source of nonlinearities in such dynamics is concentrated in the kinetics terms of the model equations. Like tubular reactors many physical phenomena are modelled by partial differential equations (PDE's). Such systems are called distributed parameter systems. Control problems of these systems can be formulated in state-space form in a way analogous to those of lumped parameter systems (those described by ordinary differential equations) if one introduces a suitable infinite-dimensional state-space and suitable operators instead of the usual matrices. This thesis deals with the synthesis of optimal control laws with a view to regulate the temperature and the reactant concentration of a nonisothermal plug flow reactor model. Several tools of linear and semilinear infinite-dimensional system theory are extended and/or developed, and applied to this model. On the one hand, the concept of asymptotic stability is studied for a class of infinite-dimensional semilinear Banach state- space systems. Asymptotic stability criteria are established, which are based on the concept of strictly m-dissipative operator. This theory is applied to a nonisothermal plug flow reactor. On the other hand, the concept of optimal Linear-Quadratic (LQ) feedback is studied for class of infinite-dimensional linear systems. This theory is applied to a linearized plug flow reactor model in order to design an LQ optimal feedback controller. Then the resulting nonlinear closed-loop system performances are analyzed. Finally this control design strategy is extended to a large class of first-order hyperbolic PDE's systems.


Lee, Seungho 16 January 2010 (has links)
Recently, active suspension has been applied to many commercial automobiles. To develop the control algorithm for active suspension, a quarter-car test bed was built by using a direct-drive tubular linear brushless permanent-magnet motor (LBPMM) as a force-generating component. Two accelerometers and a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) are used in this quarter-car test bed. Three pulse-width-modulation (PWM) amplifiers supply the currents in three phases. Simulated road disturbance is generated by a rotating cam. Modified lead-lag control, linear-quadratic (LQ) servo control with a Kalman filter, and the fuzzy control methodologies were implemented for active-suspension control. In the case of fuzzy control, asymmetric membership functions were introduced. This controller could attenuate road disturbance by up to 78%. Additionally, a sliding-mode controller (SMC) is developed with a different approach from the other three control methodologies. While SMC is developed for the position control, the other three controllers are developed for the velocity control. SMC showed inferior performance due to the drawback of the implemented chattering-proof method. Both simulation and experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of these four control methodologies.

Modellering och simulering av hovrande helikopter / Modelling and simulation of an hovering helicpoter

Karlsson, Katrin January 2002 (has links)
At the department of Electronic Warfare Assessments at the Swedish Defence Research Agency in Linköping one of the activities is modelling and simulation of the duel between a robot and a target. The aim with this Master's thesis is to develop a simulation model of an hovering helicopter. First a theoretical description of the forces and moments acting on an helicopter is given. Then the equations of motion are derived. These equations are simplified to be valid only for a hovering helicopter and the result is a mathematical model. The mathematical model is the basis for the design of a regulator, whos task is to bring the helicpoter to equilibrium and keep it hovering. Two different regulators are implemented and tested for several cases when different disturbances are acting on the helicopter. The matemathical model and one of the regulators are implemented in a simulation program and the results of the simulations are visualized in a graphical interface.

En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter / An indirect approach to adaptive control of a helicopter

Jägerback, Peter January 2009 (has links)
When a helicopter is flying, the dynamics vary depending on, for example, speed and position. Hence, a time-invariant linear model cannot describe its properties under all flight conditions. It is therefore desirable to update the linear helicopter model continuously during the flight. In this thesis, two different recursive estimation methods are presented, LMS (Least Mean Square) and adaptation with a Kalman filter. The main purpose of the system estimation is to get a model which can be used for feedback control. In this report, the estimated model will be used to create a LQ controller with the task of keeping the output signal as close to the reference signal as possible.Simulations in this report show that adaptive feedback control can be used to control a helicopter's angular velocities and that the possibility to use an adaptive control algorithm in a real future helicopter is good.

Investigation of rotor downwash effects using CFD

Johansson, Helena January 2009 (has links)
This paper is the result of a master thesis project on helicopter rotor downwash effects using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The work was performed at the department of Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics at Saab AB, Linköping in 2008. It completes the author’s studies for a M.Sc degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Linköping institute of technology (LiTH), Linköping, Sweden.   The aim of the project was to study the rotor downwash effects and its influence on the helicopter fuselage. To fulfil this purpose, several CFD calculations were carried out and the aerodynamic forces and moments resulting from the calculations were implemented in an existing simulation model, developed in-house at Saab. The original (existing) model was compared to the updated model by studying step responses in MATLAB, Simulink. For some step commands, the comparisions indicated that the updated model was more damped in yaw compared to the original model for the hovering helicopter. When the helicopter was trimmed for a steady turn, the states in the updated model diverged much faster than the states in the original model for any given step command.     In order to investigate the differences between the original helicopter model and the updated model from a controlling perspective, a linear quadratic (LQ) state feedback controller was synthesized to stabilize the vehicle in a steady turn. The LQ method was chosen as it is a modern design technique with good robustness and sensitivity properties and since it is easily implemented in MATLAB.  Before synthesising, a simplification of the helicopter model was made by reducing states and splitting them into lateral and longitudinal ones. Step responses from simulations with the original and the updated model were studied, showing an almost identical behavior.   It can be concluded that the aerodynamic coefficients obtained from the CFD calculations can be used for determining the aerodynamic characteristics of the helicopter. Some further validation is needed though, for example by comparing the results with flight test data. In order to build an aerodynamic data base that covers the whole flight envelop, additional CFD calculations are required.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

Ajdén, Per, Backlund, Carl January 2010 (has links)
Abstract SAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ”Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation”. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient. In this master thesis, new pilot models are developed, where parameters are automatically generated, this will result in that the user doesn’t have to put a lot of work into adjusting the gains for different manoeuvres. This is called gain scheduling. To make this possible, simple models of the aircraft were created at different points in the envelope. These models were then used to calculate optimal controllers using LQ-control and pole placement techniques. These models and controllers were then implemented in Simulink. Simulink was then used to test the controllers before they were implemented in ARES. Control in all modes except roll attitude and speed by throttle are based on LQ-control in pitch-, roll- and yaw-angular velocity. And through these angular velocities the other angles are controlled by simple controllers, who is generating a reference in angular velocity. The roll attitude controller is based on direct pole placement based upon desired damping and undamped natural frequency, and the speed controller is based upon a model of throttle positions in trimmed states. The new pilot models are usable to control: Roll rate Roll attitude Pitch rate Pitch attitude Angle of attack Load factor Yaw attitude Course angle Climb angle Mach number Climb rate These controllers can be combined so that the aircraft can perform desired maneuvers.

Design och implementering av styrlagar för generisk flygplansmodell / Design and implementation of control laws for a generic aircraft model

Lindh, Anders, Tofte, Johan January 2002 (has links)
For research purposes Saab has developed a generic mathematical model denoted VEGAS of an aircraft with a configuration similar to JAS 39 Gripen. Today parts of Gripen backup control system are used also for VEGAS making the system subject to both corporate and defense secrecy. The main objective of this master thesis is to design, verify and implement public pitch axis flight control system for VEGAS. Furthermore, simplifications regarding the design process is to be examined. Design of pitch axis flight control system for the entire flight envelope has been carried out. Linearization of the dynamic model and programming design environment are used as development tools. The control system has been tested and verified in real-time simulator. Linear quadratic optimization (LQ) and gain-scheduling are often used when designing aircraft control system. This method tends to require extensive design effort. This thesis suggests an alternative method combining LQ and scaling of parameters.

Styrlagar för en höghastighetsrobot

Söderberg, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
För att en målsökande robot skall träffa sitt mål behövs det som på engelska kallas guidance. På svenska brukar det kallas styrlagar. Styrlagarna är referenssignaler till styrautomaten i form av accelerationskrav i girled och tippled. I detta examensarbete har fyra olika styrlagar härletts teoretiskt och implementerats i en simuleringsmodell bestående av robot och mål i en omgivning. Rapportens huvudsyfte är att utreda vilken styrlag som passar bäst till en höghastighetsrobot. De styrlagar som studerats kräver olika mycket information om målets tillstånd och en central storhet visar sig vara målets acceleration. Den enklaste styrlagen kräver ingen information om målets acceleration. Det gör däremot de övriga styrlagarna. Ett av delmålen var att göra en genomgång av hur närmandehastigheten påverkar robotens acceleration i förhållande till målets. Styrlagarnas egenskaper analyseras och jämförs med hänsyn till målets beteende, skjutområden och träffprestanda. En analys av hur styrlagarna påverkas av fel vid avståndsskattningen genomförs. Det visar sig att den allra enklaste styrlagen, syftbäringsstyrning, fungerar bra i förhållande till hur lite information om målets tillstånd som krävs. Dock kan bättre prestanda uppnås om en styrlag som tar hänsyn till målaccelerationen används. Målaccelerationen skattas då med en observatör. Den observatör som togs fram visar sig vara känslig för störningar på positionsmätningen. Detta leder till att relativt små förstärkningar måste användas vilket i sin tur leder till att skattningsfelet blir större. Accelerationsskattningen är ändå tillräckligt bra för att en styrlag som tar hänsyn till målaccelerationen ska vara värd att implementera.

Tidsvariabla system och robust styrning / Time-varying systems and robust control

Hellman, Daniel January 2004 (has links)
Dynamiken för en starkt accelerande robot har modellerats. Modellen linjäriseras så att roboten beskrivs som ett linjärt tidsvariabelt system. Denna representation beskriver roboten väl då robotens anblåsningsvinkel, vilket är vinkeln mellan robotkroppen och robotens hastighet, är liten. Eftersom det ej är möjligt att mäta alla robotens tillstånd har en observatör tagits fram i form av ett Kalmanfilter. Problematik vid framtagandet av observatören diskuteras i rapporten. Den linjära tidsvariabla modellen har använts till att ta fram två regulatorer. En LQ-regulator och en H∞-regulator. Hur dessa tas fram och vilka problem som finns diskuteras i rapporten. För att kunna se fördelar och nackdelar beträffande prestanda och robusthet har en mängd tester gjort. Testerna visar på olika fördelar hos de olika reglersystemen. Till exempel är det lättare att få bra prestanda med LQ-regulatorn än H∞-regulatorn om systemet som styrs stämmer bra överens med systemet som använts vid reglerdesignen. H∞-regulatorn har bättre förmåga att anpassa sig till modellförändringar givet att observatören gör bra skattningar. Det är dock svårt att utnämna en generell vinnare.

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